MKDFOUD MATTi TRIBUNE. MKDFORD. OKEdOX. WFPXFSPAV, MAKTU '22. 11)22 MCE STANDS FOR BIG MM. NABBED IN PLOT CHIDES AMERICA TO DEFRAUD U. S. Three Men to Germany's One When Zero Hour Strikes I Again L. of N. Don't Real- iie U. S. Refuses to Cross I Threshold Note to Pay. for Rhine Troops Arrives. i 'c' c 'V' -i ' ; i PARIS, Mar. 21. (By ?hc Asso ciated r-ess)' "France must have three men to one man for Germany; jui a atandtns army when the tour sounds again," said. General iPt'Castolnau, chairman of the army fcommiHslon In chanibtr of deputies today in advocating the IS month'! .. .... . . . aeroco mil, as aponsorea oy me com tnliwlon. ... "The League of Nations has not yet realised militarily that the great American! nation absolutely refuses to. cross lt threshold.' Wo are a LOSAN I Greenburg Boys and Ben Sugarman Arrested for Con spiracy to Secure War De partment Supplies Rus sian General Alleged to Have Fleeced Fur Firm- LOS ANGELES. Mar. 22. A govern ment inUe which it is declared hy investigators is expected to reveal a gftfQ , UIU .UUStKV,l J UIIUUM tin government iu obtaining war depart ment surplus supplies worth hundreds of thousands of dollars at nominal fig ures by manipulation of auctions, in its initial stace today has resulted in .three arrests and a fourth impending. Denjamiu B. Sugarman. Daniel Greenberg and John ll. Greenberg ot Los Angeles are out on bail after ar rest yesterday on federal warrants. great pacifist nation, but wo cannot and Isaac Greenberg of San Francisco .vouch for others, thus wo must re-,1a expected to be taken into custody rnain attached to the people of an ; today, federal officers announce. armed nation." Issunnrn f warrants urnilnst these FATttS, Mar. 2i. (By 4he Asso ciated Press) The conditions under Vhlch the reparations commission will grant. Germany a partial morato rium were announced today. They in clude perfect autonomy for the Reichsbank and new legislation to prevent evasion of German capital, the legislation to be ready for appli cation upon a fixed date. 1 four men, heads of department stores and army Roods firms, was decided upon suddenly late yesterday while the federal grand jury has in its hands investigation of the army auction sale at Camp Kearney last month. Federal officials asserted that oth ers are Involved in the case, which will be resumed before the grand jury March 81. ,, ' TAKIS. Mar. 22. (By the Asso ciated Press) The American note regarding the payment of the costs of the" army of occupation in German addressed to the European allies reached the American embassy here yesterday and will be presented to the allies this afternoon. The note sets forth the American attitude in clear and forcible terms. ' ? A' number of reforms in German flnamiut methods are stipulated. These muFt. go' into effect at fixed Bates, beginning May 31. New re- turccs. for reparations money must ' found and the funds collected finder the control of the allied com tnittee on guarantees which will pass tipon their effectiveness and probably ( yield- If they are found insufficient fete reparations commission will con sider a number of other measures, in- , eluding a foreign loan. . j It .is stipulated that if reparations' payments in kind to the value of l.gOO.OOO.OOO cold marks yearly are Sot "entirely delivered the balance! fnay be required in cosh. -v With Mud ford tsade is Medford made $250,000 FIRE SUCCEEDS 75 THOUSAND DOLLAR BEAUTY DIRECT AXATON I INSTEAD TARIFF t HURTS NOUSTRY Jack Pots Miller. Now manager of tho Sun Francisco ball team, formerly a big leaguer, will play first base for his team. He replaces Jimmy O'Con nell who will be shifted to tho outfield In preparation for his career as a Giant. GOLD HI L POKER AM L E HOLD UP WASHINGTON, Mur. 22. The change from Indirect tariff to direct 'taxation of the Individual has lossomM government protection of agriculture, oommorco and uiauufacture, and hus I resulted In the Imperilling of private Initiative, HepresentutlVe McKudden, chairman of tho house committed on banking and currency told delegates to the thirtieth annual meeting of tho National Wholesale Lumber Dealer ussiM'lation. An increase or decrease In the tariff no longer Insures the same protection to Industry us formar ly. ho declared, since direct taxation has become tho question of first im portance. J. W. XleUure, presUleut of the as sociation. In opening the convention demanded rcal of the Adumson eight hour law which ho chnraclerided us "vlcknm," and predicted for 19U2 a prosperous year lu business, , Several hundred lumbermen from all parts of the country are attending tho meeting, which will conclude tomorrow. TRIAL IS BEGUN FREE LECTURE on Christian Science by Mrs. Blanche K. Corby, C. S. B. Of Los Angeles, Calif. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. PAGE THEATRE, Medford Friday, March 24 At 8.00 P.M. All Are Cordially Invited PORTLAND PLAN T THAT BAD BACK J t)o you have a dull, steady ache in $he small 'of the back, sharp, stab king twinges when stooping or lift Inff diHtresslnff urinary . disorders? For bad back and ewakened kidneys jdedford residents recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Head this Medford Statement. Jl Mrs. W. K. Lane. 217 S. Holly St.. ays' "I have used Doan's Kidney J'llls for attacks of kidney complaint. My back was weak and lame, and I .felt dull and run. down and my kid jieya acted irregularly. Doan's Kid ney Pills soon relieved these troubles, strengthening my back and kidneys. J gladly recommend Doan's to any one needing a kidney remedy." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's- Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Lane had. Foster-Milburn Co., Wrs.. Iluffalo. X. Y. Adv. PCRTLAND, Ore.. March 22. Lc-3S estimated from 2?s.nno to 8250,000 was caused by a fire which today swept the upper floors ot tue Olympic cereal mill here. The fire, which started on the fifth floor in a pi'e cf dust, did $"5,000 damage to buUding and more than 8150.000 to machinery and contents, according to representatives cf Crey Rosenbaum company of Chicago, who have an op t6n on the property of the Portland Flouring Mills company, including tho Olympic cereal mill. No One Needs to Be Poor in Australia LONDON. No man is unemployed in Victoria. Australia, and no man need be poor there, declared John McWhac, the new agent-general or Victoria who has arrived here to start an eml gration campaign. He says that Victoria is opening up its irrigable land and has about 1,000, 000 acres of rrown lands suitable for wheat growing. In IS months or so, he announced, the government will be ready with a big schema to provide work for many men on one of tho largest electrical undertakings In the world. A deposit of brown coal of enormous extent Ik being developed and C.000,000 pouniH are being spent ona plan to produce cheap electric power for the whole state. r, " BKAXD NEW SHOW TODAY (I i) M, 1 I . II I "AT THE STAGK DOOH" I The jur- for the case of the state against Mose Hall, accused ot holding np a poker game in tho bunkhouse nt the Gold Hill lime quarry, was in the process of selection this morning. District Attorney Kawles Mooro is the state representative in the case while Attorney Gus Newbury Is the attorney for the defense. The selectkm of Jurors stopped shortly before II o'clock because of a lack of enough prosective jurors to select from, the jury on the Miller case still being out. A large number of spectators and interested parties in addition to wit nesses in the Hall case were present In the court room this morning. The robbery or holdup which Hall Is ac cused of occurred last fall at the bunkhouse at the Gold Hill lime quarry while a poker game was in progress. A large amount of the money on the game tables and In the room at the time was not secured by the highwaymen, the foreman of the crew, Gus I-arsen, escaping from the room with the money belonging to his men and saving it from confiscation by the robbers. The Jury was finally selected by noon and the lint it as follows: Mrs. Katherine Lindley, H. Egbert. Ken- nein ueeoe. l. n. loro, .miss ishic: McCulty. C. C. Beale. Ches U McKim- niey. Charles N. Fraley, Ernest AppP. gate. L. C. Charley. II. C. Mackey and Ges. W. Herriott. The Jury in the case of the stale against William Miller who is accused of the robbery of Huber's tailor shop; began its deliberations shortly after 9 o'clock ibis morning. A verdict of guilty was brought in after about two hours of deliberation. Judge F. M. Calkins announced that sentence would be passed Saturday morning. Attorney 11. F. Lindas was counsel for the defense and District Attorney Rawles Moore represented the state. Articles stolen from the tailor shop according to the testimony of F. J. Hubcr, owner, Included an overcoat land several bolts of cloth. ORCHARD FOREMAN SHOOK L YAKIMA, Mar. 21. When ' W. V Ritchardsun, foreman of tho Congdon Orchards company, recently at tempted to discharge J. W. Frakes, la borer, on the score that he was "too particular" about his tools, Frakes ad' vanced toward him. Ititchardson re treated to the house, and emerged with a .22 rifle which he fired five times at Krakes, two of the shots Ruing in the man's thigh and ankle. Frukes was able to report In person at the office of the county prosecutor who announc. ed that he would servo a warrant charging assault with a deadly wea pon. RitchardHon's attorneys say he will plead not guilty and say the shoot ing was done jn s;lf defense. . , NEW RESERVOIR PROPOSED (Continued from Page One) &7i lfiiT MB COMING Sl'XDAY TIU'LY I5IG TTCTIKK "AT THF. STAGK DOOH" not only to tsiw all the citizens plenty of water, but for fire protection. The people will eventually pay out the cost of tho projected Improvements In Increased fire insurance rates, un- i less this is done, it is argued. Tile mutter will probubly be ! threshed out at tho next council meet lpg, at which time the estimates will I be ready. I'lans were tnuuc lor the building of a reservoir several years ago by Former City Water Engi neer Olen Arnsplger, and the coun ell lust night ItiKtrueted District Water MaHter Cummlngs who has been helping the council out in try ing to adjust the water problem, to go over these plans with Mr, Arns plger and report ut tho next council meeting. , This office has wall Diaps of Jackson county, tinned at top and bottom, for MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price No Matter What the Price MANN'S OPPORTUNITY DAY 1- Tomorrow We Are Going to Surprise You .With the Wonderful Values in Every Department OPPORTUNITY DAY BARGAINS IN READY-TO-WEAR Women's All Wool .Torsov Suits in a fine line of colors, alt sizes. This suit sold nt 18.00. $Q AO Opportunity Day, suit tftfO Women's All Wool Homespun Tweed Suits in new Spring shades. SUk lined. 13.00 i Q QO values. Opportunity Day, each vlUrfO Women's Polo Coats in a tfuod range of colors and sizes. All wool, up to $12.50 values. $Q 00 Opportunity Day, ea. h V&OV Women's All Wool Tuxedo Jersey Sport Qfi Coats, values. Opjortiunty Day, eaeh 0 Woman's $1.25 House Dresses, now $1.00 Women's $3.00 Silk Waists, now $3.00 Children's Ciingliam Dresses, all sizes, each $1.25 OPPORTUNITY DAY IN UNDERWEAR DEPT. 1 ease Women's KibWed Vests, good quality. Sold at .25.-. Op portunity Day, each fl2' Women's Knit Vests, fuic grade 7Ca $1.25 value; how, cik-Ii 1 ax Women's Knit Petti-liloomers, $2.00 values. Kxtfa Special, g(J OPPORTUNITY DAY BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS AND SILKS 'M iueh Crepe (1 Cheue, all good colors, heavy quality,-1.75 value. Opportunity 41 1Q Dav, vard .'. ...,vltr 10 inch Poulards, in heautiful designs. Aall silk. A regular $2.50 grade. OpjortU tfl OA nity Day, yard vOi7 10 inch Pigured Crepe de Chene, ne,w jntteniH. All silk. $2.50 value. Opportunity 49 10 Dav, vard .' 1U1I 5j inch All Wool Twt etl for the new Suits and Coats, $1.50 value. Opportunity ffQ HC 5(i inch Cheeked Wool Patiue, in different fcl 40 Day, van I 5(iinrh Ch eolors. $5 value. Opportunity Dav, vard M inch All Wool Serge in a fine line of colors. QQp $1.25 value. Opiortu)iity Day, yard OC 51 inch Uotonv Pi(ad loth in the new eolors. Q QO $5.00 value. OppoHunity Day, yard..... VvO Women's Handker'fs. All Linen, with fancy colored lordcrs. ' Up to 5fM values. Opportunity Day price 2j Pmbroidery Insertion, nar row width. Uptol5: Oa value. Special, yard vl OPPORTUNITY DAY IN HOSIERY DEPARTMENT 1 case Women's Kxtra Pine Super Lish: Host! in hlaek ajul all eolors. Sold at H5. Opportunity lOl Day price, pair awi I case Wniciifs Silk Hose, nil eolors, fine grade. Up to $1.50 value, ffl AA Opportunity Day, pair OPPORTUNITY DAY IN DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT P.Ginch colored border Curtain Scrim. Sold at 25c This sale, yd 19c 'M inch colored Cre tonnes, new spring pat terns, 45c value. This sale, yard .....35 72x90 Seamed Sheets, good quality, real $1.25 value. This sale, eaeh, 0 inch .Mercerized Ta ble Dninask. Sold at HOe. This sale, yard......69 .10 inch' Pigured Silka liue", new patterns. I15i! value. This sale, vard, .25 18 inch Unbleached Crash Toweling, 20t val ue. This sale, yard 15 Heavy Kibbcd Turkish Hath Towels, 50c value. This Sale, each 39 72x81 Bed Spreads, ex tra fine grade, $2.00 val ues. This sale,' each, $1.69 OPPORTUNITY DAY IN WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT Win. Anderson's Im ported Scotch (linghaiiis in a choice selection of new pat terns. 85c, value now, yard G5 ?,() inch Colored Swisses, inf ported cloth for dresses, $1.73 value. This sale, yard $f.48 1 30 inch Figured Flaxon, new patterns, cheap at :15c. Tli is sale, yd 25 CORSET BARGAINS 100 new Jorscts in all sizes. Special Spring model, fine grade, all sizes, at $2.00 value. 1 OC This sale, pair Bleached Sheeting 2V4 yards wide Bleached and Unbleached, 63c vajue, now, yard ..50 $2.50 Kid Gloves $1.25 Women's fine French Kid Gloves in black, white and eolors. Sold at $2.50 a pair. While tf OC they last Thursday, pair..1 JUiineh Percale, in a fine , line of new patterns, 25e. value. This big salYv yard ..19 :?0 in. Underwear Crepe in plain colors and fancy patterns, 50e value. This sale, yard 39 Dress Voiles, 40 inches wide, fine grade, 73e, values. This sale vard 59 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR I Women's Night Clowns, Bloomers,' Skirts, Teddy Bears and Corset covers. Made of Crepes and Liu gere Cloth. Up to $1.75 AOn values. This sale each.,; Mann's Department Store The Store for Everybody Entrances E. Main and N. Central Medford, Oregon PillowSlips 42 and 45 ' iueh Bleached Pillow Slips, 45c, grade,1 now, each 35 Mail Orders Promptly Filled Postage Prepaid Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns