BRINGING i: O'OH! WHEN I THINK OF" CjOMC OF THE MCN COULD HAVE MARRIED! Order In tint County Court of the Htiito of Oregon. fr tho County of Jackaon. lu Hit) Matter of tho Ailoi'tlon of Hum Prance Shlrlda. o Minor, l.y Hon K. Moller una Aiiiiit K. Mullur, husband nd wife. , Upon the petition of the above named pelltlouiir for leave to adopt lima Franco Shield, n minor child. It I liemby ordered tliut Citation to Joseph Harold Shield, father of aald rhild. lo ahow cause before till Court At tho Court House in Jacksonville. Oregon, on May llh. 1922. ut 10 o'clock a. iu. why tlx proKHuit adoption ahull not bo tniultt bo taniiutl out of the Bbove named Court, anil that the luiriin be served upon, him by publishing once each week 'for three aurccaalvn wm-ka In MeJfoid Imily Mull Trl Uunn, newspaper primml, published and tl wm-rul circulation In aalil County. ropy of null -tit Ion. of thla Order, and of Una Citation, the last publication to b not Inter than tour week prior to tint (lute of aald hearing. iHitcd March 21. 1922 (i. A. t; A It UN Ell. Judge. Citation In thn County Court of tlin Htata of ()rKon. far Jnckaoit County. In tho Matter or th Adoption of lima KranHi Hhlidda, a Minor, by Hin K. Mollor and Anna K. Mollur, liuabaiid and wlfo. To JOHcph IlitinlJ HhlctdH: You ar liiTiliy cltixl to appenr In the abovo rntlilnd Court and Cauav Ix-forn tan Court at the Comt lloum In Jai-Jtaonvlllv. on Mny (, 1922. at 10 o'clock a. in. to abow rauau why the propoMit adoption of lima Krancca Hhlrlda by tha above gauind iM-tltlon era. lien K. Mollur and Anna K. Mollcr ahall not bo inndo. Wltnvaa tlm llonorablo (1. A. Card nr. JudRo of tho County Court of Hip Htata of OrKon for the County of Jarkaon Uila Slat day of March. 1922 AtU-at: CMACNCKY KIHKY. Clerk of County Court of Jackaoa tiunty, OrcKtui. Pttllion In the County Court of th Hlulo of Oregon, rr the County of Juckaon. In tho Matter of the Adoption of Hum rrancca Hhlclda. a Minor, by Men K. Mollcr and Aona K. Mollvr, hutband and wife. Coma now in K. Mollnr and Anna K. Moller, huaband and w ife, roaldenta nnd tnhabrtanta of jarkaon County, Urviton, and hereby Mtttion the altove named Court for louro to adopt Ilimi Krancca Shield, a minor femalo child 8 year of aKe, auld child belna: now In tho cuaUdy nnd cme of your peti tioner. That tho mother of ald minor child. Ktella BhleldN. U (loud. That the father of auld minor child! Joaeph Harold Bhlelda, Im, iih your rx'tltloiii rii nro Informed and believe, Inaano, and that he has wilfully diverted and noRloctud to provide iroH-r cure and malntenanco for auld child for more than, one your prtieedinK ho Hhio of thn flllUK of thla ietltlu. Thut prior to her death, aald Htella Hhlelda waa duly divorced from auld JoHeph Harold 8hlald by Judgment and ltecrt'o of thn Huporlor Court of Iho Htata of WnahlnRton, u and for the County of Walla Walla, aald Court beltiK a court of general Jurladlctlon eatabllahed by the conHlltutton and lawa of auld Ktato. hnvInK Juiladlotlon of thn premium, and that auld Court by I La anlj decree duly awarded to aald Ktella Hhlelda the exchmlve care and cuHtody of aald minor child. Thnt aald Joaeph Harold Rhlelitn la I'KIUi FINKRAIi IIOMH A( Your Service liny or NlKlit Information Cordially fllvon, , Tho Undortuklng profcaaton has madu notablo- proxreaa along higher lines, In Itn aelenee end art, It tech pique and In tho peraonul equation of Its members. Th lending pstabllidimonta In cities ond towns are found In suitable loca tions, iinilit attractive auiroundlnK and with appointments and furnish Iiirh that give them rank among the higher 1-Iiins offices and buslnuss places, ' The FUNK HAL JIOME Is not only ono of the newer liiHtltutlons of thla city, but Ita erection wan In lino with modurn thought and modern ideas In tho enro and dlspoaltlon ot the human dead. UocIIoh coming from distant points muy be Kent to tho homo and pending arrangements for funeral or burial will bo cared for by competent dl rectors. . . Information1 regarding transporta tion and Intermonts will be furnished at any time, day or talght. , CorflthnnilOnlidiiln UP FATHER wmc or 'em: IT'S ENOUGH TO MR'ANY. 51 not a resident or tint Hul of Orun und caiinot Im foimil thrn'ln, but thut h ri'xIiliK Hoiucwht-ro within llm Htutn ot Cullfornlii, I ho partlculur lila' of audi r(?Hlilunct bi lnK un known to your H'tiiiont-ra. That Htulla HIiMiU. inothnr of aalil minor, waa a uliiti-r of your putllluncr. Anna r.. .Mullcr. unit aulu Anna i;. Mollur la not of kin of anlil minor. HK.N K. MOM. Kit ANNA K. MUI.I.KH. Blato of ()r'Kon. County of Jui kiton, ra Wi, Hen P. Mollt-r anl Anna K Mollor, bcliiK f Irnt duly a worn on onth any, that w huvo r-ad thn forPKlnK M-i!tlon In tha nbovn i-ntitlfd mutivr and know iho cnntcnta thror, and that tho aaiiitt la wholly true a 1 vcrlly bellovc. 11KN K. MOI.l.Kll. ANNA K. MOI.l.Kll. HubaorlUiU and inuro to bi'foru mo thla 1'lat duy of Miinh. 19:2. K1.HIK M. OI.8IX. Notary Public for Orv(ion. My roniiuluttlou ctplrca November 12. 1924. WANTW) IirU' FKMAI.K WANTKI-ColorfU work by the day. woman want I'hoito &&2 L 310 WANTKI) Ml.l.lloaKod liidy to cook on ranch. Write Ikix 92, Mall Tri bune. 312 WANTKI) Woman for liouao 1'hone Mi l.. work. 310 W A NTK1 MlfHTCLIANEOCB WANTKU To l"l eimtrnct to purty to load two million feet of timber on train. 8. T. King, Hutte Falla, Ore. 311 W A N T ICO -Good 861-Y. . II. Ilk cow. Phone 310 WANTED OtH) men to set llielr lawn mower nlai-Hui'd. Liberty Repair Shop. 333 1 WANTKU City lot in town. 462-L. Phone 309' WANTED HiiiulJ sawmill outfit; also ahlngle mill. Address Dux lib, Rogue lliver, Ore. 310 WANTED Team of mules, 4 to 6 year old, lound. weight 1200 to 1100 lbs. Klatn price. 11. A. 11a) wood, Hutte Falls, Oregon. 310 WANTED Collin or euepucrd pup. male. Plume 17CJ. WANTED Auto radiator, fender, run ning iKMiru and body repairing. First claaa aolilerlng of all kind. Lowest price, quick aorvlce. 142 N. I-nt St., opposite a 1'. DupoL C. D. Miller. tf WANTED llouae morrng and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. U IXIR j:.V(1l (rK Foil KXCHANOK A nino-riKim mod ern homo, on a sood paved street, neur the bualnesa center of Modrord, In excluiOKO for improved or unim proved real 4-btatn on the Pacific Highway hulwecn Central Point and Talent. Address Hox 13, Mall Trl bune. :t0S One Overland touring car lih Nelf ktiii-trr, irood tires, riiot , $150.00 Ono (lievrolrt touring car, with demountable rims nnd good tires, Price $275.00 One worm driven Ford truck with liu-go platform body mid Rood tire. Price $390.00 Car mild on easy monthly payment pln. v. , BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Main at Riverslda I Automobile Bargains 1 USED CARS ij t)ne Into Hudson Smmt-SI Q f touring, uhihI Icnn thnii a year. X Q A wonderful hitrguln. Prlctv Q 8' , $1250.00 x Q One gmiil Overluml, Countrv Q X (lull Model, four cylinder, vliv Q Q whirls, Callfoi-nlu top. Price X 8 Sj375.00 5 0CXOCX50000OOO00OOOO00OOOC MEDFORT) MATT, TUTTHTNE, VOL) Old IW.UTE, TO THINK I'VG LIVED ALL THUbE EMb WITH TOU IIKI.I WANTKO Male and Ketnale WANTKI) Younx nien, womro, ovor 17, dealrinK Kovernment poaltlona. $130 nxintlily, write for free Hat of poaltlon now open, J. lonard, (for mer Civil Hervice exuminer). IM Kipiituble Hldg., WaahlnKton, l. C. 311 FOIl IUCNT AI'AItTMKNTH FOIl HKNT Very dnalrubln fiimlnlied 1 aimrtmunt. April lat; refereni-n re-, quired. Iterbun Apia. Phoiio 3fo. i ' 3n FOIl HKNT Modern i room aiiart- mi nt with two bedroom and aloep InK iiorcli In CarRlll Court 309 VX)H RENT Furnlahea 3 room apart ment with kitchen, aleeplnR porch, bath and abnwer bath. 104 W. Sixth 81. Phone 728 R or 134-Y. FOR HKNT nOVHES FOR HKNT Five room modern fur nlshed bunRalow, $25. 221 Vancou-1 ver or phone 6T2 113. 311 J FOR HKNT House & rooms, modern, (19. Tel. 42. 309 FDR HKNT J room furnlahod house, CM Pine, on Jackson between Bart lett and Riverside. Also housekeep ing rooms. 310 FOIt HKNT 5 room house. 027 Austin St. 311 FOR RENT noCSEKEEKIXa ROOMS FOR HKNT Modern housekeeping mom. Phone 7&3-M. 315 N. Dart lett. FOIl HKNT Housekeeping rooms. 219 Talent Court. 311 FOR RENT-FARMS FOR HKNT Ten acre. Irrigated gar den tract. Phone &K9 K -2. tf FOR RENT Hearing apple and pear orchard, grain and garden land, on shares, with option to buy; easy terms. Gold Ray Realty Co. tf FOR KENT OFFICES FOR HKNT Desirable two-room suite. every modern convenience. Apply 416 Medford llldg. tf FOR RKNTFl UNISSUED ROOMS FOR HKNT In private family, room with board, home privileges. Men pluco for two who can use same room. Phono 815 II. 310 FOR HKNT Two furnished rooms. 309 435 S. Fir. FOR RENT 8leeptna rooms, bath any time, garage in connection; dead and live storage. 121 King 8t Ill'KINKSS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Harbor abop. 15611. after Hix 69 2-Y. Phono 314 FOR SALK Small grocery store, new stock, good location. Owner must leave state. 437 S. Central Ave. 311 MONEY TO LOAN UONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD Money loaned and good ranches for sale by J. H. Andrews, Investment Broker. 31 N. Grapfc St Phone 53-M. WE HAVE MONEY to loan on Im proved dwelling and mercantile pro perty In Med fold only, McCurdy Insurance Ageuy. tf rnu.u muniuAU&a-nieniora rirm Loan Association. F. P. FarrelLj Secy .-Troaa..' 220 W. Main St v ... 100 ACRES IRRIGATED ALFALFA LAND WORTH $200 AN ACREPRICE $100 This land is in Talent Irrigation District, near tho Highway. Partly in alfalfa. There is positively no better alfalfa or fruit land in Jacksou couuty. ' OWNERS WIRE SELL : "Subdivide. Givo terms. Trade for income property. We are too far away to farm it. Oct action.- Will sell one 40 for $75.00 an acre." J. O. BARNES Phone 7HI.L MKDFOHD GRANTS PASS WHY NOT GO INTO BUSINESS Well Established and Good located Stores and - Business of Every Kind . . FOR SALE Buyers anil Sellers Meet Here. FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY ASIILAND " nRttflfVN ' MEDFORD Beaver Block Phone 4 4-MOST TOWNS mi i ii.iii Ul.l Mil MTWFOm). ORISON', WKDNKSDAV, MAl.rif 22, DO OU REALIZE I'VE JUVT LIVED alwe: FOR NOU? 1922 iy Intl HKLI WANTED MALE WANTKU Man with car to aell Kon ouiy tire. !wcitt pricea with lll erul dlac(mnla. 1120 p-r week and loiiimlBHloiiH. The C. L. Bmlth Co . South liend, Ind. 309 WANTKI) SITUATIONS WANTKU Man and wife with exper ience wlnli poiltion aa cooks; orch ard. mlBiDK or loiuInK camp. Phone C22W. - 312 FOR HALK HOi.fc ,FOH BALK ttpven room houee, all modern convenience, and one acre of land In Centra) Point. Price very reaaonable. Inquire of li. II. Lamp man, Central Point, Oregon. 3o9 FOIl SALE by owner, aeven room Kant Main bouae, large baaement, sleep ing porchea, garaRe, hardwood floors, newly reflniHhed. See Mr. Berrlan at Med ford Natl Hank or phone 275-J. 310 FOIl HALK G room house In Jackson ville, f&jjO. Inquire at Jacksonville Cash Store. 310 FOR SALS Houses and bungalow. furnished or unfurnished; also Acreage. Insurance. C. 8. Butter field. Medford National Bank Bldg. Phone 389. FOR SALK LIVESTOCK hXJR SALE Hravy farm blocks, gen eral purpose and saddle horses. COT Pine St. . ... 312 FOR SALK Two freh cows. Jas. CamplMjll. , Phone 17-F-21. 311 FOR SALE OR TRADE Three work horses for (lock cattle or dairy cat tle. Plume lll-J 1. 311 FOR SALK Togcenburg milk goat. Inquire 113 S. Holly. ill FOR SALE Registered Hampshire brood sows, and also males old enough for service, imported stock. Ford and McDonald. KT ranch on Klk Creek. Trail P. O. 312 FOR SALS 13 -milch cows, exception ally arood. Walsh's place, 1 mile NE of Medford on Crater Lake road. ' V 317 FOR SALE POCLTRY AND EGGS FOR S.uE Tancred leghorn engs. I5.H0 ier hundred; chicks. 115. R. I. Red eggs $1 00. Square Deal Hatch ery, phone 951-L 331 FOR SALK imrrod Hock hatching eggs from O. A. C. best laying strain. Phono 201 J. 33b FOR SALE Haby chlx; While. Gol den, Huff and l:rc--An leghorns, Anconas, Black Minorca. Huff Orp ingtons, R. I. Reda. Barred - and White. Rocks every week. E,noch Crews. Seabrlght, California. 309 FOR SALK Hutching eggs, baby chlx from my highly bred Tancred White U'ghorus. R. V. Crum, Phone 097 II I. 316 FOR SALE lllack Minorca - and Hurred Rock pullets. W. Rucker, Kings Highway. 310 FOR SALE A baby chick's first drink should bo liermoaone. Prevent bowel dlsordors and ralso more chicks by using Gerniozone. Sold only by Mon arch Seed Co. FOR SALE 300 of our nreC to lay S. C. W. L. baby chicks, ready now. Rogue lliver Poultry Farm. Phone 201 W. . 309 FOR SALE lrge Hrotue turkey eggs from two year old hens. Phone TJiSl.ll.l k -J11 FOR SALE II. 1. Red eggs for hatch ' ing. DoVoe's. THE ROGUE KIVKR LAND IX). Nash Hotel Corner ASULAND KLAMATH FALLS C Medford Bldg, Phono 00 BOrTRKRN OREGON WELL - MAvc I DON'T WANT TO INCONVENIENCE W : --Am Feature C"ivice. Inc. FOIt SALE ACTOMoniLEfi FOIl 8AL 8tra(?e. -Ford far, l0. KelaurlFOR SALE Alfalfa, pun and itocx 309 FOIt 8AI.K 1916 Ford touring car In good condition, 20o. W. J. HarUell. 310 FOIl BALK Chevrolet car. In good condition, $250. C27 Auatin St. 311 FOR SALE 1920 Docko roadster, fine condition. See Patton and Robinson Inc. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALK Twenty acrea fine soil with modem house and barn,, few acres bearing orchard, balance suit able1 for alfalfa. One mile from Med ford. Price I'iOW. Address ftox 10M, Medford, Oregon. 313 FOR 8 ALE 10 acres good land im Hams Valley. $300 down and 309 terms or trade. Write "Jake", care Mall Tribune. 313 FOR SALE OR RENT 480 acre irri gated alfalfa and stock ranch in Shasta Valley. Five miles cast of Grenada, California. M. R. A., Box 71, Montague, Calif. 309 FOR SALE 1C0 acres of land about 30 acres tillable, balance suitable for pasture, on good road, creek runs through place. Might consider good auto as part payment. Two spriugs on lace. Address Y. J. Messenger. Gold Hill. 311 FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment. Apply 731 W. Fourtet-nth. Phone 925-M. 313 FOR SALE 10 acres, with 5 acre water right, 4 room house, large barn, some fruit. S2750. will give terms to right party. This Is an ideal property for poultry ranch. 5 room plastered house, furnished, paving paid in full. $29u0 for quick saic, in ins. I r S RTTTTFTtPir.I.n J1(l 1 FOR SALE Central Point Hotel. 40 rooms; would cost $30,000 to build. Price today, $2,700. Might trade. Price will be reduced $HM every day until sold. Gold Ray Realty Com pany. Phone 72S-R or 131-Y. 309 FOR SALE OR TRADE 280 acres logged off land blong Pacific ft East-1 ern railroad near Dv.preyj Big Pines I FOR SALE OR RENT ISO acre Irri gated alfalfa and stock ranch in Shasta Valley. Five miles east of Greuada, California. M. R. A., Hox 71. Montague, CaJif. 209 1XR SALE OR EXCHANGE for home In Medford, a splendid little fruit, berry and garden farm, with good house, barn, etc., on paved highway, paid up water right, all in cultiva tion, and close to Medford. Come in - and see us about this if you want to trade or buy. Drown & White, Hol land Hotel Corner. 311 FOR SALE Lease ot exchange real estate. . Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE Lots 1 and 3 in Ttittles First Addition. 118x163 deep with 20 foot alley. Cor. Katheriue and Park. Clear of all Incumbrance. For quick saiu will sacrifice at $400. Inquire Chua. M. Morrison, 622 L St., Grants Pass. Ore. 32 FOR SALK Large lots. 50 by 178 ft.. North Peach, just off Main. Trice $650. Terms $00 cash, $10 a month. All assessments paid. Abstract. No better building lots. Phone 7S4-L. See J. C. Barnes. 309 FOR SALE XloCiern 12 room house with 20 lota, nearly five acres. Host portion ot Medtord. Can divide into 5 apartments with $200 month in come. Will sell at half cost. $3500 will handle, balanco from Income. Live in one apartment, pay for am) live oft of rest. Might take smaller residence as part pavment. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R or 131-Y. tf FOR SALE 160 acres on Elk creek, 00 acres good farming ground, 25 acres in cultivation, good water right, 110 good timber, two work horses and all farming implements; good outside range, V4 mile to school. Price $2000. Inquire Fred Sturgis. Trail, Ore. 319 FOR SALE Splendid home in Central ' Point, seven rooms, newly fiuished, two large lots, modern conveniences. Priced for quick sale. T. J. Noonan, owner. si 5 FOlt eAL.E Attenttoi.. ex-Soidiers; Ranches sold under Soldiers' Domis Plan or cai he paid tor with sharo of crop, like rent. Gold Ray Realty Company. tf AuditiiW "" Accourvttna J iYSTEMERVICElO; iraurarcc4 Irwestmeivfsy M. I 8CHM1TT, Mgr. Minne BSt Liberty Bldg 1022 By George oh: tCHfM FOR gALE ItEAb ESTATE ranc&ea from 5.00 per acre op; loon time, easy payments. Gold Ray Realty Co. tX FOR HALE One, two and three-acre tracts In Derrydale Addition. Rea aonable prices and good terms. Phone 452-L. 310 FOR SALE MISCKLLANEOIS (FOR SALE Clean alfalfa hay; good rottd, scales. Jag. Campbell, phone 17-F-2L 311 FOR SALK Old common deep-rooted alfalfa seed. 99.78 per cent pure; no dodder. Sow home irrown seed for best results. 23c per lb. II. E. Con ger, H. 2. Phone Jacksonville 21 F it 315 FOR SALK Homegrown, long stem aweet violets. Phone 353-J. 20 8. Peach St. 309 FOR SALE Best garden aale. Phone 912-J. loam for FOR SALE Three outside electric chick brooders Including houses and all in good condition. Each 100-chiclc capacity. Price $10 each. O. A. Mack, on the highway at Phoenix. 310 FOR SALE OR TRADE One-ton truck. 1175 w ill buy it or will trade for a Ford car. Inquire 511 E. Main. . Sit) FOR SALE Orchardists! Lime sul phur 8.75 per barrel. Bear Creek On-hards. Phone 8-R-l. FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine. 734 W. Fourteenth St. Phone 825-M. 313 f .'K salc, r ree dirt for lawns or gardens. Call at building site, Minnesota St. H. A. Thterolf. tf L-flR SALE One orchard weeder. Phone 539-R-2. 312 FOR SALE Ford trailer, little used, and two-nozzle hand spray pump, ) ever used. Kirtland Farms, Tel. Central Point 19-X-3. 312 FOR SALE Pruning season ia here; You should have some of that spec July prepared paint to prevent cut -10m bleeding. For sale by Thomp son the Painter, 126 X. Front SL Telephone 4Ci. 311 FOR SALE Irish Collie dog, 15 mo. old. Phone 423-L 238 FOIl SALJ5 Progressive everbearing strawberry plants, $10 per thousand. All previous order filled at the above price, W. T. Jennings, 1023 E. Main St. 326 FOR SALH Dry oak. laurel, fir and pine, $2.50 and up; ' under cover. Phone any time 596-1L 311 FOR SALE Alfalfa nay, haled anl loose; also alfalfa seed from where you know they produce crops. Elinor Hanley Lush, 126 E. Main. Phone 90A 314 SPECIAL SALE dry wood: oak. laurel, fir; under cover. Phone any time 59611. 311 FOR SALE Victor phonograph, 104 W. Sixth St Phone 728-R or 131-Y. tf FOR SALK Apples, 0c ner's Warehouse. box, Con- FOR SaLE Canary birds at DeVoe's, FOR SALE Sane, gravel, aedlment and dirt Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 912-J, Samuel Bate man, 302 Maple St FOR SALE A 12 norsepower steam boiler, good as new, for less than half price. Phone 203. Snider Dairy & Produce Co.. Medford. tf BUSINESS IHRKCTOBY Attorneys 0. C. HOGGS Lawyer. Specializes in Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer. Office in Liberty Building. C. M. THOMAS Lawyer. Rooms 1-2 8. Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., Med- rora, uregon. Phone 43-J. Carpenters, Builders and Contractor CARPENTERS, BUILDERS ft CON l it au rofto Let us figure your job; reasonable and reliable. Built in features a specialty. Bashore & Jones, 201 S. Riverside. Phone 4 5 7-.I. Fat-in Loan ROGUE RIVER FARM LOAN ASS'N IiOans to pay mortgages and for aaxlciiltnrnl. Attorney E. H. Ilnrd. Hoi'y,-TOit,t,t 4J MHfoi'i l!llij. rpo V J McManuo well i WUL COrirs' rl out anwacy: r V tl.T 3-22 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abatrartora MURRAY BROS, ft VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, o. zz,;ortn central Are., np- siaire. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO- t phV y I Tho only complete Tl 'f i9?Vf''' ,Ib Synton la Jackoo &ff$& County. Vv&f' V3 Abstract of TlUe and Abetracta of Title and Title Inanraacev Architect FRANK C. CLARK Pbone 841-J. -219 W. Mala St. Building Material MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS Specialise in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Chiropractic Phyilclaa DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 437- 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 965. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectio Physician. - DR. LOUISE B. HEDGES Naturopathic Chlro practlr. Mechano-Therapy. Spon- dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chiro practic. Office: Stewart Bldf., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. i DeatisU DR. VICTOR R. KAUFMAN Dent ist. Teeth cleaned, ethically and thoroughly without charge. Specia attention to children's teeth an4 pyorrhea - treatment.- Emergency calls answered at all times. Office, hours 9 a. m. to S p. m., evening 7 to 8. Phones Office 285; res 331-R. Sparta Bldg-., cor. River side and Main, Medford. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. W1V son, O. P. A. Attention given te anything in Aeconnting and In come Tax requirements. Look lata our simplified accounting method Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phon 157-R. , -. Osteopatba DR. F. O. CARLO W. DR. EVA MAJNB CARLOW Osteopathic Physician, 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phona 904-J-2. Residence 28 S. Laurel St DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic. Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear. nose and throat 101 Liberty building. Phone 493. Physicians juad Burgeons T. G. HEINE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty. Eye, Ear, Noee and Throat. Glasses scientifically fitted and properly adjusted. C'fice 314-315 Liberty Bidg., cor. Grape and Main Sts. DR. J. J. EMMONS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurlst tor S. P. R. R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 667. DR. W1I. W. P, HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medtord Bldg. Phone 165, Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. II. M. SHAW Physician and Surgeon. Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. Office hours 10 a. m. to 12:30 a. m. and 1:30 to 5 p. m. Room 402 Medford Building. Phone 744-R. tf DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medtord Bldg. Entrance 25 , N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. Piano Instructions FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of piano and harmony. Classical and popular courses. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg., Medtord, Ore. Phone .72. -. Printer and Publishers , MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tha best equipped printiug office la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, hilling system, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St. i-T-rra Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS makes tluft rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phona 610-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EAD8 TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 4 J North Front St. Phona 815. Prices right. Service guar an teed. ' DAVIS TRANSFER AND 8TORA08! CO. Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed. St f flrapa. Phoan: Office C4, or ri, 4T-Hor ... u ' . ; i , , . . , , i . ) v , ; i i 1 i i v i