r P333E !FOUK ' jM"EDFORD' MAITi TRIBUNE, rRDFOBD. OKKOOK. "WEDNESDAY, WATJCTT 22. 1022 tlEDFORD Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER rUULlNHKD KY'KHY AKTKRNOON rfKXlvOI'T KCNDAT PY IliK klKDKORD P1UNT1NO CO. The) Medford Sunday Sun li furnlaheo; ubrlM-r drulrlng t aeven day dally lirwapAjxr. OTfW Mall Tribune. Bulhllnf, 25-J7-H North Kir itrM-L. 1'none 76. A oruioUdatlon of the) Democratic ?lme, th Mrnlford Mall, tho Medford ribunA, the Southern Oretronlaa. The Aanlanil Trlbunn. HOHERT W. mmi.. Editor. SDMHTKK B. 8.M1TH. Manairnr. miaoBurTiOM mmi rTT MAIU-In Advanc: Pal. llv. with Hunday r-un. yar.l7.0 ja.lly, wild Hunday Run, month.. .$ Ially, without Sunday Sun, year ... I.io I hilly, without Sunday Sun, month .th Wklu Mnll Trthurw mui vAr 2 00 1 Sunday Hun, ona yr. 1.00 BY CARHIKR In Mmlford. AMilaml. JnrkfKinvilln, Central loint, l'hoemt. Talont: InUJy, with Sunday Sun, month 75 Iatly, without Sunday Sun, month .tt ' ally, without Sunday un, yr.. 7. SO Ially, with Sunday Sun. on yar l.to AU trxnui by carrier, cash in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. mmim Aalltr mv&mwa circulation for mix months endlna Oat., t2t. SJ!5 Knfored aa epona nana matter at iffdford, Oregon, undnr the act of March I, JS7. MEMBERS OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. " Thv Amoctated rress la exclusively mtUId.ta the u for republication of all news dlapatrhea credited to it, or BOt othejrwlae credited In this paper, and MO-tha local na published herein. AU rlnhta of republication of special tlapatchea herein are aiao rejierveo, Ye Smudge Pot '.By Arthur Perry. "FREE AS AIR" NO MORE. 1 -i-irajWjjrsj,"" MinRAXTIC CHAOS" is not tho sort of phrase to be expected from JF that calm and competent philosopher, Mr. Hoover. Doubtless, however, it is no more thau sufficient as forecasting the condition of the terrene atmosphere should the, miraculously flex-eloping science of radio-telephony be thrown open to all ivud sundry. Where, a year ago, there were only 30,000 wireless telephone re ceivers operating jn the I'nitd States, that number has been lmilti plied by twelve. If an unlimited number of voices undertake to hail each other across the uncharted paees, the circumambient ether will resemble a New York, subway at the peak of the rush hour, 1 fence Mr. Hoover proposes that "broadcasting" bo confined to matters of determinate public interest, educational, entertainment and news; and for onee nil experts agree. Control of the "vast innane"! So passes another of the standard similes, "Free as the air." The present generation may still use the atmosphere to breathe, and even to shout and look through. Who shall say that the next will be per mitted to project oral waves of communication without a special li cense of the government, or gaze nt the pitying stars except upon payment of an ethereal fee? Icslic's AVeekly. Quill Points HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? Hnsiness is doubtless sound, as the experts say, but the sound is little mournful. ' Among other things, Hollywood will have to answer for n great number of atrocious puns. The farmer could always hold the balance of power if he had the money to hold his crops. 1. What nie the na'cptvit prtiuuii uliitlim of the Went fln-lk'.' 5, Wlieiv t th first iltvtdlim Of the ui'tii.v now , 3. What Is mount by eomnunvliil pi'iusriiphy? 4. W'luit fity in tht I'liiled Slates hast the most imvcd hIi'vcIn? 6, H liny hitve thunder nnil liRhtniiiK III l.os AnNeltvt? ti. I law many flint elan poMof flees nro thcrt in tlm I'nitcil Minton? ". Iluw ninny aecund rlm ot of (leva lire there? S. How Miiii h of n J 10 Mil liniHt bo urcseiited, if it is iluuuiRrd, new bin or full vniuc? . How nuirh of the Mil imiftt ho preserved in order to iset half vulue. 10. Una thei-t" been tut elephant in thin country Kiin-o Juiulxi that w:i.i iim blic us J umbo? Answers l Ycettwiluy' QueMhuLs: 1. What city In the iaillal of lira ill? An. Kin tie Jamil i. S. When should u watch be wound? Ans. In the- luoriilnit bo eatise n taut liinlnipiini; xlnndM the u:iy a jai i ini; l'ttet xli:in n loose one. 3. How many cubic mile tuo there in the Blolio? Aiis. 2110,000,- 000. 4. What is it bonspiil? Ana. A tourney between curllui; team. 5. How many Chinese tind Japan ese are ineludetl In the iupiiiituii of the I'nited States? Ann. 1,71.61!!. G. Where is the volcanic mountain Popocatepetl? Ans. Near Mexico City. BISHOP PREDICTS REVOLUTION HI EAST INDIA Yoliva's beliefs may be scorned by a callous world, but' they are 1 1 great benefit to paragraphers. ; The Oregon City high school has won the wrestling championship for high schools in Oregon, and it ought to b.a great help in the battle tor pancakes. "STUDENTS IN' ARMS AGAINST JAZZ" (Hdllne Lit. Digest). The cor rect position. Citizens continue to wander aim lessly over to the .county seat, and have money for taxes extracted pain fully. The foothills to the west rever berate with agoniced squeals Intermin gled with deep bass groans, and the sturdy oaks in the yard have been loosened around the main roots by the downtrodden peasants butting them with their heads in their righteous wrath. , These are the days when candidates for office get religious, and talk about having the church vote corralled. This is the oldest trick known to politic ians: to yell Amen! reverently at the wrong .time, and ask the' little chll dren.iwhen their parents am present, if th remember the Sunday school lessoa. Strange to say, some are fooled every two years, by this deceit. - ftUEL AND UN-AMERICAN (Gazelle, CaU News) ' Amos Whittaker met with a peculiar accident Tuesday, while plowing A mule he was driving kicked him near the lower end of ' tho'old waterspout. The: Irish are fighting as vigorously as ifjt amounted to something, and they jjossessed knowledge as to what It was all about Democratic papers throughout the land 'are making themselves believe that the people will go crazy and democratic this fall. 'Rata in falling again over the valley. This makes the mean rainfall .03 in, meaner than It was in 1919. It is rather unfair to expect connubial bliss in Ireland until they decide which is the better half. Ye judge by his willingness to be stung that the accent of the Russian muzhik is placed on the "hik." Only those people who work their chins overmuch rest them in their hands when having photographs made. German currency couldn't be more worthless if it bore a promise to respect the neutrality of something. It will be a sad day for America, however, when the farmer turns her attention from pork to the pork barrel. You mustn't believe all that is written about the wicked movies, So many writers have had scenarios rejected. The reason a raving beauty is universally popular is because she does all her raving in the privacy of her home. Having devoted several years to digging itself in, the world can now devote a few centuries to digging itself out. Sports and Spoils Editorial Salem Capital Journal TYKONK. Pa. There will he no Kcncrul revolution In India. Utomsli KIKtnttllo trouble tuny continue, tieconb IliK lo an opinion cxpressi'it by IUhIiop L I ......... I.. II.. i-.. 1.1'biit ruiiitu, iitiHsionui y to in'ini to act. frop,, (u Motho.llHt Knlscoiml eliuirli. In nn address here tonle.lit before ilic central IVtuisylviinlii nnnuul cntiCcr cneo of thut ilcnotiilnutlnn. Iilnlmp Smith also voiced "roiil mltiilrntloii tor the sincerity" of Mutuitmu illiandl, In dian nationalist imitator, "u a man, oven thoiiKli I ciinnot iippi-mc of IiIh actions and methods." "I believe i lint liullii will itccept the reforms offered by Kimlutwl." sit I.I I ho Hpeiiker, "and will nrnko tremendously rapid progress toward real self-Kovorn iiicnt. Political unity In India today In only possible under the Hrltlsh flac Over TOO native states, over 13il Inn fctMCeK, nil Infinite variety of caste distinctions nntt all kinds t rellr.imis views cannot ho hroimlit Into Ininnoiiy iiiuler any Indran mil hot it y at present If unnreliy Is to be avol.lcil KiikIisIi control must bo continued until n .What nation controls llio Cape isnatcr ineiiNuit of fusion of Indian nationalities lias Im cii iiccurcd." "I biiso my Judgment flrwt upon th" wny I have been I rented. I have expor ietiecd no opposition of n ills-viii'tcons sort. Thefts by vl.ileiieo are nmre common In America t tin it in India." erde Islands? Ans. I'orltiKul. S. When Is Hunker Hilt d;iy? Ann. June IT. 9. How did President Wuslilnir ton submit his inctwaKis to coiiKress? Ann They were till spoken. 10. What are the five l.irKcst cities In the world ?i Ans. tendon is still the biriiest. New York Is nest. Then follows Paris. I'IiIcuko and Toklo. A Word to the Wise, Sufficient Heed the Danger Signals! If we are not "fit us a fiddle' In the morning; If we don't fool better than when we wont to bed; If our breath is offensive ami we have that bud taste In the mouth, Nature has sot tho danger signals for us and wo cannot n-f ford to neglect tho warning1 that sh? Gives. Probably eighty per cent of all dissascs originate in the digestive organs, so it is evident that ifwe have stomach troublo, however Blight, wo are foolish Indeed if we do not take prompt steps to correct It. Stomach troublo in almost always followod by a com plication of dli'.oiLses. One of tho first being an over worked liver, with all the symptoms of bilioiunoas, followed in turn by headaches, coated tongue, dixiy rpolls, pain in tho back, palpitation of the heart and other distressing symptoms. Sooner or later the kidneys will become Involved and that is just why these danger signals should be heeded in time, A wise man puts out the lire before thcro is too much destruction. hTo same theory should apply to stomach trouble, The American peoplo have learned that Tanlac probably provides the surest, saf est and quickest remedy for all such troubles, and millions upon millions have taken it with tho most astonishing and gratifying results. That h the reason for, the phenomenal success of Tanlac and that is why it is pro claimed the world's Greatest Tonic. Tanlac and Tanlac Vegetable Pills are sold by the West j3ido Pharmacy, and by leading druggists every where. Adv. Franco ta bellyaching again, and tells 4he world that "America will not crosses her own throBhold" with her armband her navy. In the plaint is hidden the news that the L of N does not tindrstand this. France never has reoovered from the shock of learn ing that America was not going to punish all her (France's) enemies. It was wo years ago that America quit fighting Kurope's battles. Under the present reign of horsesense, she is showing signs of being about ready to quit feeding Europe. It no longer "breaks the heart of the world," it a bullcon oration is not accompanied by 20 million dollars worth of grub. YOU NEVER HEARD OF HIM , ; . (Prineville News) Rev. Harden held the congrega tion, spellbound, while Satan trem- bled." His inspired voice . was heard in Paradise, and the sermon - that poured from his lips was the . peer of any message ever delivered by DeWItt Talmadge, and better than any ever delivered by Henry Ward Beecher. Many New York . 1 churches have asked him to honor . their pulpits, but he is In love with the west. Threats that they would have to go to work, have been received by a no. of people, and they are prepared to die before they do it. , The department of justice in a re port admits a decrease in bootleggers but notes an increase In drug ped-dlersi There was organized at Portland this week the Oregon Sportsmens' as sociation by delegates from local and county game, bait, spoon, hot-dog and salmon-egg clubs created for the pur pose. Some of the organizers, like some of the present game commis sioners, wouldn't know a pheasant from a crow or a trout from a carp, but this does not keep them from be ing sports some short and some good. The president of the newly organ ized . association is a politician, who never hunts except for votes, or fishes except for suckers, yet his enthusiasm in behalf of nimroiU and anglers is only limited 6y the number of their ballots. For many years the dome of the capitol has echoed and reverberat ed to his impassioned pleas for the doctrine of the divine right of sports men, as he forced all legislation of the commonwealth to pay tribute to the sacred fish of Rogue river. Though the state game warden in spired the organization, and the state game commission aided and abetted it, and the local game wardens earned their salaries by rounding-up sports instead of poachers, there is of course no suspicion that the new organiza tion is a political machine to perpetu ate the present game administration or advance the political fortunes of its organizers. Not at all. That is prob ably farthest from the intent of the hunters that do not hunt and the fish ers that do not fish, yet find sports manship profitable. Tho sole object of course is to protect wild life In a wicked world. The individual who does not claim to be a sportsman but likes to com mune with nature and .fish or hunt, not for the pot. but for health, relaxa tion and pleasure, has good cause to view with dismay tho new sportsmen's organization. Like all other tax-eaters. trie game commission wants more money and the only way to raise the money is to soak the hunters and fish ers by raising the price of licenses, Mrs. Welsenhclnier. (looking out of the window) "What on earth? Am 1 havtjiK a surprise party? Hero comes Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Iiobinstm and Mrs. Johnson Well, well, come In. romo rlnht in. I om so glad to see you." Mrs. Johnson "We've lcen com paring noles itud have decided that we will find out what thin Is that you are always boIiik to tell ua to morrow. Where cn 1 send my slightly worn shoes?" Mrs. Jones "Where ran I learn to sew?" Mrs. Smith "Where can I buy good material to niuke over?" Mrs. Robinson "Where. enn I send thoso good1 tilings from my nttie?" ' . - Mrs. Wcisr-nhcjmcr "Why, bless your hearts, I can t,ll yuu exactly the place It's the Hid Cross Thrift Shop." t Mrs. J. "Where?? Mrs. W. "Why. righFhere In Med ford in the Kparta- Duilding." Mrs. S. "When?, Are they open now?" , .4.. Mrs. , -W. "They wir have their opening on Monday afternoon. March 2;th." Mrs. J. "But wouldn't you be afraid to get things there when you don't know where they came from?" Mr. W". "Not nt nil, for they nro all fumiuntr-d, und nil the clothing laundered." Mrs. H. "Hut I thought the lied Closs gave clothing-away Instead of selling It?" Mrs. W. "Well, you sec thcro are so many people In town who do not want things given to them, and yet who can not pay full price for new things. This will help them. Then the lied Cronu will turn over what it receives irom them Into a fund to nf n n flu a n n .. v ..... i ..... i . . . . i"""' iu " noM.iiai.uu , help themselves. The verv nocriv win the new organization is to pave the way for higher licenses to provide bet ter picking for Kliticians. I'nder the new dispensation of a year ago, brought about by the old Sportsmen's league, the cost of II- li cared for Just as they alwayH are. Airs. j. "is clothing all that they sell?" Mrs. W. "No, they plan to handle an sorts of things. Toys, books, fur niture, everything that Is donated them. Their motto Is 'W., ffikn it n v. censes has been raised 100 percent, thing.'" . trom i.i)U to i.j ana another raise by Mrs. 8. "Well, lat'n all attend that another league will make them $5 a opening. Then w cun seo for our rich man's luxury in hard times. The worst of it is, that the size of the bag decreases as the cost of the license increases. Ily the time licenses get to S10 there won't be any hunting or fish ing left. Tint we will still have, our wardens and our '"sports" and last but not least, our politicians, posing as sports for bikiIIs. selves Just what they nro doing." All together "Ves, let'M do." With Meili'm d trade Is Medford made VANCOUVER, B. C, Mar. 22. A writ thargtng that General Gregorleff Semenoff, Siberian anti-bolBbevist leader, now In Vancouver, wrongfully deprived the firm of C. B. Richard and eoinpiiny, 29 Broadway, New York, of furs.:vsklng and hides in transit thru Siberia and consigned to the company, was1 Issued against General Semenoff in the) British Columbia supreme court hWrModay.- The writ claims 1150,000 RipplingRhi)mos m w rx? wttr- mm r THE BROOK. I AM the brook to which the bards a thousand odes have chant ed, and I am loaded to the guards with health, it must bo granted; I slip along by church and school, you hear my merry laughter; and gents who drink my waters cool will have no morn ing after. I come from clear and crystal springs where Nature did her brewing; a beverage for queens and kings, my course I am pursuing; yet some refuse my waters chaste, my healthful billows scorning, and they're the ones who have a taste unholy in the morning. I chatter, chatter as I flow lo join the brimming river; I do not make men's noses glow, or set their nerves a-quivcr. I do not gather deadly drugs while winding through the valleys; I am not sold in gallon jugs in dark and dirty alleys. I journey through the pleasant vale, through meadows clover scented; I haven't sent a man to jail since I was first invented. Through bosky dells my waters purr, in shade that makes them chilly; and yet some delegates prefer a drink that knocks them silly. I chatter, chatter, as I flow, a brooklet blithe and frisky, and yet misguided sports will go' nnd buy assassin whiskey. ' CORE THROAT Gargle with warm salt wares ""then bddIv over thmaf Ow 1 7 Million Jan Und Ytarly ANNOUNCEMENTS 8TATE REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for repre sentative in the state legislature at the May primary. JOHN. 11. CAUICIN, COUNTY COMMISSIONER Tbos. H. Simpson, of Ashlnnd authorizes bis announcement an a Can dldate for the nomination for the office of County Commissioner of Jackson County, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of said county at the Primary Election. May 19th, 1922 Adv, I am a candidate for this nomination for County Commissioner of Jackson t county, on the Republican ticket, sub ject to the decision of the voters at the primary to be held May 19th, 1922, UEUKGK AL.KOKD. Wioenlx. Cherro Hard Wheat Flour Guaranteed At Your Grovers fill r miii m Sift mmi V . ' i-4 i 11 '"V How To Really Save On. Cost of Painting FIRST, find" out what fjooJ paint is, or that is where you start to save on paint. Wc prnd more to make paint for your economy a follows: We use only the best material's in Fuller's Specification House Paints 1' I O N K K R WHITE LEAD, pure linsccJ oil, zinc and finest colors. We super-purify the lead in a special purifier. Then we make the lead so fine-that it will pavt through a silk screen with 40,000 meshes to the square inch. The "whiter" lead means clearer-toned colors. The extreme fineness means better mixing quality, greater covering capacity, more case in spreading a paint that's always uniform and smooth. Such paints when applied form a beautiful clastic, tough, protective coat that stays. They are known 33 "Fuller's Specification House Paints." Where "Cheap" Paints Fail Don't Figure Paint Economy as "Cost per Gallon." "Cheap" paints can't compete with good paints in economy. "Cheap" paint covers less you buy more gallons. It is harder to spread, requires more work no yon pay mor labor cost. Your "saving" in lcs cost per gallon is very iuiikly catrn up. Cheap paint starts to rrack in twelve month. Good paint remains good five or more years. Ic is really the cheap paint that is expensive. Don't allow surfaces to rot it costs Itsi to paint them. Thrrc is no real cost in painting with the best paint. Depreciation of an unpaintcd building far exceed the cost of paint. Free Advice on Painting ASK our agrnt for nur free ad- ire. 1 1 r will tliow you a color rard uliirh iliuwi J2 nhudct of this dctirabl paint. We have a Fuller Specification Department which will tell you all about i lie mint deiirabli color hemc, color harmony and thoe other detail you want to know. Take advantage of Fuller Home Taint, l ake aiepi to paint now. Don't let weather depreciate your Investment.' U SPECIFICATION SAVE THIS SPECIFICATION HofJGO Paint Phoenlu Pure Paint . Pure Prepared Point MTd. by W. P. Fuller & Co. "Pure Prrpured" nil "Phnnlx" are Fuller Rpedfiraiiom for limit IiiinliriK. Gt nhtr and you havi tht bi.t that anyom cm maka onf service paints. VHCRK TO BUY THEM : That palnta are Important lo you. art It'a Important to no to tha rlnht alora to net them. Actum' name anil addreuea are prinleil in Ihe memo coupon to tha rbjhi. Cut it out and put it in your pocket. W. P. Fuller & Co. I fijiiEp r INI-' 72ve lfc..oJ? AIM makera of Rubber-Cement Vloor Paint, .tADEn:iir All-nurnot Vamlnhea. Bilkenwhiia Knamel. ZlJ Villeen-lor-Ploom, Waivable Wall Tlnlih, Auto V Knamel, Barn anil Root I'nint, I'orcli and Bten aT p.int and PlONlitK WHITE LEAD. For All Exterior Jobs of Palatini. It U Advlnnble to Secure th Sorvlcoe of Muter Painter Di-pt. 22, San Franrlscn. Pioneer Manufacturer of fntntn, Varnifihee, Knamel!, Stain and PIONKKK WH1T1C LliAU tor 72 Yeara Branches in 10 Citica In tha Writ Dealer) Everywhere EUdbli.licil 1849 (Cut tlila out and pute It In your not book aa a memo) My home nenln palntlni. Fuller') Speel ficailnn iloune I'ainu are loll by Ihe follow ing merchant i Thompson The Painter 126 N. Front St! Phone 464 damages.- -