MKhKOUl) MAIL TIM1U1NK M KlrmiM). OWtflO.V. vVKI)NKSI)AY, MAUCM 22. 1 ! mm.' Tnnra 1 50 CENTS PER DAY, PROFESSOR LEWIS , 1 00AY LIMIT FOR RESIGNS TO TAKE lM' J 'i' .S' Thn ttiimt omslruetlvn slop toward BALKlW.t Mw. 0, . Lewis who TfS """"""T"'', f-iiC3iAA 1 1. A . iLT' i'Wlfa Its Medford getiln a first class aitrimo. '" MHKHM with the Jiortlmil- . I I 1 I 'lift f fx l5lfiTl" K "hrtok. t.iu ,..,.wi turn of Oregon for sixteen years, ha " .'A'WC '.ft. Iifclta& ill 07 todays grocery list w Include rover's GoKIcn Gate GoiTee in your next firocery ordrr. Tell your you want the cof.1 fee with that pleasingly did'crent flavor. Find out for yourself thatit iV'diflcrcntintastc' from other coffee and! better. i J. A. FOLGCR a: CO.. Son ftarndtcm Kanui City . Dtlai 1st Anniversary Sale of Quality Electrical Merchandise for This Week Only Krrutlnic these prices carefully. I( will juty you ti buy now. Two nnif .'Might fUttirc, complete Full 10 inch M-mt-inilircct bowl iHtptcx Fixture 1-Uht lmln Ihroj O-fool K illusion rrl Vacuum Cleaner , t , KIiH'tric Heater fueling Irons,.. a.M, $1.30 nnd u.oo $ ...o.m .' WHs HV, H ft, K.V, III ft. Wc 23.00 $3.00, Hll.l f H.OO :.,VJ RENARD ELECTRIC CO., INC. KM K. Central, intone. KMX) ' Wiring - Appliances ltatllo .Siipplm Repair One Thousand Dollars And 65 Other Prizes for naming the Michelin Tire Man .... . . . A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYBODY COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU ABOUT IT We will give you fin envelope containing the sim ple rules governing this contest, together with help ful suggestions and also a contest card which you may use in submitting names. Medford Vulcanizing Works 15 N. Fir ' Carl Fichtner, Prop Phone 451 J Tli most constructive stop towafd Medford getting a flint class automo bile ciini) ground u taki u Uy (lie i lly rounclj l thnlr wnrttm lunl i'Vii- lllK. A iioMiHlH'.n wuh inailo to tlio McJ ford iliiHiilicr nf cdiiiiiHtr'M) wlnr'iy tln-y tuk! over tlm khiuuiIk with ih uiiili-mtutnlinK thut tln-y tlnaBcc Hip Vtoii'ct nnl niMnilurdlj llu- lotul MiDnrnU w ihi n Ik now lutlnit dm "t AhIiIuiiiI iirul (JtuhIk I'hnm. Tlin coimiion couiicU will irnilt ihu -(l)vtitlltiir r,f on., lliminauil U-ilur wlil h wim liirliiilnd in lb IiUJk1 for IHTiiuincot liiiprovetncnU. To tit Ih un iiiliJItinniiJ amount of ithout Dune ttiuu- mind ilulliirx will huvc to ! uiii'iit to hccuKi tlin Klunilanlli-'l (iulinn nl. wlili.h if tim iroioHltlon In mwiiO'd tlin i'liiitnbi?r of nuutnu'riw will have to l ink no. An "un ii h n Kliin'lnrill.i'il iauii in oxIiiIjHhIk"! a tlmrKH nf fifty cmitd a fitr nr duy, Hh Un day limit of oiny. will h! iiunUt uml HiIh will my l Im njiratliiK ik iiwh nl r- liiiijurnc tlm (IiiuuImt of I'linuiifrce fur the -x- M-ndliur tliuy make. I'nl'r the I'ttio Ui rhamiicr of cum morcc will tum iw management of tin' tiainn Kroiiudg until ail oMU'.u- llonn ty them urc iiald. afur whic h th around will i tunwi) ovtr to the city to niwtraip. Tlin atan-dnnlln-il ramp will be Kilf miHCtininii unit will nl nem-NHinuti Hip ticndl tur of any furlhpr tux motu'v. Tho illn-i;t4irii of the rliitmlicr arc im'i-tlim thlM nftfriioon ti :onHldir lhi uoioHltlon rna'h- to thi'tn. Tin pntin iruosltiim hinaca in th unnnniv iiii-liu wtilill ciiti lie mailt' with till own-r of llu lnndn lii-lni; um-.l ! iuihi urmmj piirixjhi'K, HEAVY VOTE CAST IN DIRECTOR ELECTION On liundr1!! und flvr vutiH have ! rant in tli final eli-rtlon for dl nitntn of the Medford C'hiimlxT of oiiiiiwrti-. wlilt ti in n gri-utcr nuiu ihuii were voted at the tuiitmry. With two dny renmliiliiK before the pulU cloo, tliore lu every pijHi- htllty thai n Inrae or lurger vote will Ijh reKlwt'reil ii a IuhI yunr. Th iiiemlicm who hav not already done no nre urtied to exerelne the lrlvllee of the tnlot It Id only ihrouah thin meiiriK Hint the major ity voleea their wntlim-nt In th limn .iKWiient of the orant.liuitloiiit' iirf.uii" The poll etoito nt neven-tlility on the evenlnit of l-Yldny. Mtin-h 24 nnd tinllotii helm; nenl In Hhnuld he ilneed In the mull tomorrow. The nowest radio "A", battery cently placed uimn the mnrket is Bald to Qvertxmio the bothersome noises caused by electrical leakage nnd con sequently kIvph a fur more aatiafao lory performance. accordltiK to Mr. C, l. Hrown of the Klectrlc Shop. Kledtrieal poakage la overcome in thin new buttery by the tiae of a spec ial one-piece case which Is molded from new rubber. Cell partitions are lined with the aidewnlla and bottom no that tho construction la truly "monobloc." There is not a single fitted Joint anywhere In this contain er. To make doubly Rtiro that no flaws or air bubbles might have escaped de tection, each ono is tested with an electrical current of 18,000 volts which would pass through and spark across tho moat minute opening that could IxiBslbly be present. Duuger of leak age of battery solutions is also eliniln ated at the sonic time. This now radio buttery is tho pro duct of Wlllard Battery company of Cleveland, 6hlo. This company, a pioneer and for a long time the largest builder of automobile starting nnd lighting batteries lias been doing con sideranio experimental work in the radio battery field. This new "A battery Is the latest addition to thoir lino and is carried by tho Electric Shop in this city. HEALING GREAM STOPS CATARRH Clogged Air Passages Open at OnceNostrils Cleared If yotir nostrils are clogped and your head stuffed because of catarrh or a cold, get Kly's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this pure, anti septic, germ destroying cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate ' through every air passage of your head and membranes. Instant relief. , How good it feds. .' Vow, head is clear. Your nostrils arc open. You breathe freely. No more hawking or snuffling, llcnd wilds and catarrh yield iike magic. Don't stay stuffed up, choked up and miserable. Kelicf is sure, . KAI.lCM.i Mw. O, I, u wis who has boen lilwitliied with tho hortlirul turn of Oregon tor Klxtoen years, ban relgnd as aHiHi!inl general manager of the Oregon I i rowers Cooporatlvi as sociation effective yiuy Jat, nnd will take up now duties in t'hlMii;o. l-'or thirteen years -Mr. U.wj waa thief. of ihf division tf hoiticuitura at the Or icon Agrkulturul : iU-t, unit ve il- n!Ur of the 'oerinient stall m. Dur ing his administration there It was generally recognized that on of the HlrongeHt deiiartmi.nis of liori ieiilture In tho I'nltcd Ktmes was built up at Hint Institution. Mr. J wls lulfied th; Oregon Orowers ( wiK.ratlvw aas'H-la-tioft from the first day they siarted. imring June and July, 1919, Im tmirwl the state In tho interests of tho Ore gon Orowers. August 1, i&i he was chosen organization manager and car ried on the preliminary work and built the organization up U it present membership of 2w and 32.000 acres. A year ago he was made assistant gen eral manager of the organtattlon. Mr. Iewls ha national recognition as one of the committee of twenty otie apMiint(Hl by the American farm bur eau to work on fruit marketing prob lems. Ho is n!s- a director of the American I'omoiogicol s iclety and ; was one of fire men from Oregon to represent the stale at the agricultural! conference. During the past year Mr. Lewis Iims had many offers but has finally ac cepted a position with the IntMtiatioti- nl I'ress comjinny of Chii-ago, who now contri tho American Km It Orower, the lurgest fruit paper In America. He will bo uianngirig editor of "Tils publi cation. MOVIE STARS READY TO FILM PICTURE JKfl-8Al.f;.I. Mar.' It. Twenty slurs of the American flint wortit arrived In Jerbs.ilem recently to pre pare for the filming of the Old Tes tiimcnt story of King David. About moo persons sre ti be em ployed in Ih filming of the play, five thousand slucp, 1000 caniuls and 2M'0 uxiti are also to be uwd. This is the first lime e produrtion of this magnitude Jiutt Ik en filmed in the Holy Ijind. METHODISTS ADOP T FILMS FOR CHURCH l.OXO JJKACH, Mar. St. t-Motion Piexures will' le oijkw h pet'manent part of the religious activities Of the Kirsl Methodist church beginning April 21, it is announced by the pas tor, the T.ev. Irf-wis Thurber Guild. The educational committee of the vlmi-cli, which U one of the largest in tho city will select the productions to be shown. At the rirsl showing, the mechanUal eu.uipm.ent will lie dedi cated to religious work. PORTRAITS OF APOSTLES UOMB, Mar. 2S. What arc be lieved to be contemporary portraits of ft. J'eter and St. Paul have been discovered in a hypogeum, or under ground structure of the Itonutn epoch. The belief In their authen ticity is shared by the widely known archaeologist, Professor Iinitani. The liyiogeum Was found In exca vations for the building of a huge garage. It comprises a number of rooms and gallcric crynt and a chris tian church with marvelous fea coes of a very early date. The pro fessor believes the portraits were painted from life., - ikKMifM...iMl,.. . " , ' I Everyone who sees; The New Chevrolet "490" Expresses surprise that such a wonderful i car can be sold at such a low price. $675 In Medford ' The World's Greatest Automobile Value ratton and Robinson Jnc Tel. -1 50 112 So. Riverside How a Clever Camera If"3 to be allowed inside of i saint Peter s on the day of the corona- Man Shot St Peter's tlOR "oft()le "I'lua '.""the '"eleventh,"' was .broken at least once. The r-taff photographer of an English ROME. The hard and fot rule ots- ."ins a top hat and bear- , , , , iing a beautiful leather valise, present- Cardiiul XJasparri. inflexiUly enforced ;wl bimwM at the jsroie tietes when by the Swiss Guards, thut no photo-i the crush was at its height. ""No cameras allowed in,'' tho huge Swisa Guard informed him, in a tone of finality;'' - - " . 4 , .-v. ; ' Camera, nothing," responded the photographer haughtily, "this is a med icine case, please let me pass that 1 may render aid to the injured inaide." " Pass right in, doctor," the Swiss Guard said, humbly. ' : 1 ( 5 H i JJP ' DALLAS, Texas,. Mar.. 22,-Cily anil county officials today continued their efforts to identify and loc'ato the five unmasked men who took K H. Kther oiigo, lumber dealer, front his home here Mommy night and flogged liitn. The mayor has ottered $500 reward for advance information ' regarding floggings about to be adniinisteriHi. He also offered $500 for tho arrest of the Kthercdge "whipping party. Re wards In the Etheredge case total $2000. ,, DIES AT AGE OF 107 ST. o'C'lk Mar. 12, (rs. Nancy M. Lyons," St. Louis' oldest resident, is dead today at the age of 107. She was born at Knsknskm, 111., In" 1816 and hast been living here since 1844. She is survived by a son RT.yenvs old, and twenty grand children, and four ti-cutyiaiHiiliilUicn, TICKETS NOW SELLING AGE TOMORROW NIGHT 8:30 CURTAIN 'ALBERT ' .,,;-.::'"'''""''',. 'BEVUBftB DE COUaVILlES-"' REVUES m . 4.1 I ffl' KM mi k 11 Jf:' fc 1 . " DIRECT FROM fc": ''' -r -'!'' M, , : : ii LONDON, UIITIf rilTt nmU 1 1 inincnuLAWd GREATEST COMEDIAN - f, ORIGINAL It PRODUCTION If BTld :! COMPAKY II of I SEVENTY to (HIUSELFT) i and : !7HIRTW 'PEERLESS: EAUTWS A SHIPLOAD Of C0STUMES.5CF.MFRVH PFFcrrc THEFHKTiKfif 10ND0H REVUE TO TOR THE US; uiiii rpU-KBs.. rioor, sst J 4. rows $2.73; last 4 rowt Sjia.Ctl. Jlalcony, 1st 1 $2.20; "next 1 rows. l.3; t i r ''aiunce o- Jtncimles 'War Tav. ; 1 i'k ' ' if. I .