Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 22, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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JTocal and
ILa Personal
" 1- -J JULMll . JU.L..IL.IU 1 ..
. Floyd Young. head or tho govern
ment frost investigation work in the
northwest arrived in Medford Tues
day afternoim to assume his annual
spring Out ios as frost expert here. The
front warning service to the. orchard
litis will begin Inside of a few days, as
noon as Mr. Young can get his instru
ments and other paraphernalia sot up
and the orchard thermometers are
tested. OrchardisU should bring in
their V ermometers to County Agent
Tate's office for testing as Boon as
possible. Mr: Young has boon sta
tioned at Pomono. Calif., during the
winter season and he conies here from
Yakima, Wash, where ho has just
installed a frost warning system.
Real Texas chile at Talent's, 15c.
The lowest rate of Insurance is
placed upon the Hupmobtle. 312
Auto travel between Medford and
Klamath Falls Is impossible now, and
has been for weeks beiause of the
deop snow on the Green Spring moun
tain, the Topsy grade and the Weed
route via Klamath Hot Springs. The
Interurban freight truck between Med
ford and Klamath Falls has been
stalled in the snow for weeks on the
Green Spring mountain road. -Dancing
Wed. nitel ' Nat! 309
The Alpha Delta class of the Chris
tian 'church "win meet with Mrs. L.
Goft at 421 North Riverside avenue.
Thursday afternoon. Mar. 23.
The public is invited to attend the
Oregon National Guard rally tonight.
which, begins at 7:30 o'clock' in the
I. O. O. F. hall, opposite the telephone
building on Sixth street, at which
Adjutant General White and staff will
be present. ' There will be short ad
dresses, an entertainment and a light
lunch will be served.
Hard times made easy, buy ranches
without money, pay with share of crop,
like rent Gold Ray Realty company, tf
Creamed waffles and coffee at
Talent's 20c. 314
Eight auto parties were encamped
at the city auto camp last night, and
seven of these parties departed north
ward this morning, having come from
California. v
If it's insurance we write It, R. A.
Holmes, The Insurance Man.
32 Beaume lime and sulphur; also
dry. Conner Warehouse.
Dance Eagle Point, Sat Mar. 25. 211
Negative debaters of the Grants
Pas high school will again argue
with Ashland high school at Med
ford tonight, the question, "Resolved.
That the principles of the open shop
be adopted in American industries."
The debate was found necessary to
decide the championship of the south
ern Oregon district Ashland and
Grants Pass were tied in the contest
Saturday night
uin i lorgei iui is ruuuer ui ot
at the Medford Shoe Hospital. Heels
only 35c; with half-soles, 25c. 313
Try our merchants lunch. The
Shasta .
' Central Point Hotel for sale. 40
rooms; would cost $.10,000 to build.
Price today J2.7Q0. Might trade. Price
will lw. muImm, tlfWl avav i1,v until
nil, irc ii VM IVV J UUJ WUVU
sold. Gold Ray Reafty Company.
Phone 728-R or 134-Y. 309
The large London Follies company,
which plays at the Page tomorrow
night, arrives in the city tomorrow
afternoon from Redding, Calif. This
attraction is pronounced by Medford
people who saw it in Los Angles re
cently as a very good one, well worth
seeing and as full of hearty laughs
and novelties from start to finish. The
Los Angeles newspapers all praised it.
Crescent orchestra Eagle Pt. Mar. 25
Dance Applegate Sat. March 25th.
For Sale Baby carriage, 1 round
w icker, rubber tired,' nsed only short
time. 10 Quince St Apt 2. 310
Carl Tengwald created somewliat of
a . sensation yesterday afternoon by
. walking along Main street with a rifle
' on bis shoulder, and much relief was
felt by many when be finally jumped in
bis car and drove away. As near as
can be learned Mr. Tengwald was tak
ing the rifle to his borne on Ross Lane,
- to shoot mice, which have been annoy
ing his wife.
Where are you going Sat. nlte Mar.
25? The loyal crowd of Mar. 11th are
going to Riverside Community Club
dance on 25th. Peerless orchestra
with plenty of pep. Will play what
you want. 309
A millionaire cannot travel in more
comfort than the owner of a Hup
mobile. - - 312
'' Children cared for. Mrs. i W. N,
Campbell, 104 Newtown. ' 311
The O, . C. Madrigal club which
gives a concert hero tomorrow night
will arrive in the city Thursday mor
ning; on train 1:1 from Grants Pass,
where they give a concert tonight.
Tho party numbers twenty-seven.
It you. gave double tho money you
couldn't get a better car than a Hup
mobile. 312
Ex-servlee man, with local refer
ences of reliable parties, wants yard or
garden work. Reliable party. Phone
Sl-R or call at Horace Evans, SI'S N.
Central.. - - - tt
Tho High School Parent-Teachers
association will meet Wednesday.
March 22 at tho high school at 2:45
p. ni. Special business. All arc urged
to attend.
, Floyd Young, the frost expert who
arrived here yesterday afternoon to
begin his annual sprint; duties, comes
alone this time as Mrs. Youns and
their son will spend the spring with
relatives at San Francisco.
Try some pastry at the. Medford
Cafeteria. Made by Mrs. Howell. 312
Crescent orchestra Eagle Pt. Mar. 25
Launspach's orchestra, newly organ
ized, open now for engagements. Per-
sonal attention to private and club
dances. Go anywhere anytime.' Phone
A Junior V. M. C. A. has recently
been organized at Oak Grove. The
boys meet weekly under the leader
ship of Charles Delamarter. Tho pro
gram embraces all the branches of the
regular senior work. There are the
recreational and social features along
with the edurational. Plble study is
one of the features at each meeting.
The Hoy's Life of Christ is the course
being used at present. Club officers
are, Lester Knips, president; James
Boles, vice president; Darrell Hueson.
secretary; Willie Myers, treasurer.
High grade lime for spraying pur
poses. Big Pines Lumber Co. 313
Meeting of the order of De Molay
Thursday evening. March 23rd, Ma
sonic hall at 7:30. Initiatory degree.
Refreshments. Glen Fabrick, chair
man. 310
A new line of embroidery transfers
of initials and monograms. 15 cents
copy, Deuel's Art Dept
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. W. Ruhl left last
evening for Corvallis where Mr. Ruhl
will attend a meeting of Oregon news
paper men today. Mr. and Mrs. Ruhl
will go from Corvallis to Portland
where they will attend grand opera
performances and return home Sun
Dance Eagle Point Sat Mar. 25. 211
Auto insurance. Brown ft White.
Several thousand dollars to loan on
improved ranch security. O. C. Boggs.
The Ashland chamber of commerce
has organized for the ensuing year by
the election of the following officers:
VY. H. McNair, president: F. C. Homes
vice president and F. S. Engle.
treasurer. J. H. Fuller was elected
for the third time as managing secre
tary. , . ,. t
Just received a new line of stamped
goods for applique and embroidery.
Deuel's Art Dept j
Stamped pillow cases for crochet
and embroidery. Deuel's Art Dept
Attention, ex-Soldiers: Ranches sold
under Soldiers Bonus plaa or pay with
share of crop, like rent Gold Ray
Realty Company. tf
The formation ' of an ex-service
men's political organization is nnder
way in Jackson county and ft is con
tended that this organization will be
a contending factor in future political
issues and campaigns. Veterans of
all wars are eligible to membership.
Action by all ex-service men to put
Into office those who have the Interest
of their community at heart those
who have fought for high ideals-
would certainly be a step towards
eliminating a certain type of politician
who gets Into office by cunning and
deceit, and who repeatedly break their
pledges. , - . -
This office is prepared to print
ledger sheets, bills, etc.; used on the
bookkeeping machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out of Medford. Phone
us and we will call ... tf
cverywnere yon look you see a
Chevrolet tf
Hemstitching, i - 1
"Only One Thirig
THE relief that Dr. King's New
Discovery gives from stubborn old
colds, and onrushing new ones, grippe
anu iiiiuai-tununng cougns nas made
5t the standard remedy it is toflav.
Time-tried for fifty years and never
more popular than toJay. No harmful
drut;s, 1 '''..
You will soon notice the relief in
loosened phlegm and cased cough.
Always reliable, and cood for thi
whole family. , Has a convincing, heal
ing vasie wiin an us good medicinal
I nan uro. , i uii uruRgisis, w cents,
ur. mne's
New Discovery
The Results of CnnstlnaH
6CK ncaaacnes, biliousness, sallow
tkin, waste matter in the intestinal
system. Correct this hcalth-under-mming
condition by taking Dr. King's
Pills.- 2S cents:1 All drueeistii: '
r. Kind's Pills
Pico ting,
8c per yd.
Buttons covered.
Handicraft Shop. ' tf1
W. W. Dillon, state secretary of the
Y. M. C. A., was in town Tuesday and
Wednesday in the interest of the coun
ty work. He spoke at a luncheon at
the Hotel Ashland and addressed the
county and local committee members
in Medford in the evening. The speak
er touched on recent developments In
association work in the worthwest as
well as international!. He said that
the past year had been practically un
precedentejl in the advancement
which the work of the Y. M. C. A. has
shown along nearly all lines. Ar
rangements were made by which it is
expected that state or international
secretaries will more often be avail
able for work in Jackson county. Mr.
Dillon will go on to Grants Pass and
points north
Please remember that classified adi,
locals and small ads are cash in ad
vance. Bring in your ads and do not
use telephone, . . .' .-. . u
When you want dry mill blocks Just
call Valley Fuel Company. Phone 76,
When in need of sash and doors,
call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to
711 E. Main street.
Mrs. O. M. Cornltlus left yesterday
afternoon for Los Angeles where she
will visit for several months with her
daughter, Mrs. Richard Smythe and
other relatives.
Fire insurance. Brown & White.
When In need of shingles and roof
ing call Wallace Woods, 108. 711 E.
Laundry work done. Phone 455-Y.
Orchardlst! Lime sulphur 18.75 per
barrel. Bear Creek Orchards. Phone
S-R-l. t
Tho Rod Cross Thrift Shop Will
open Monday, March 27,
High grade lime for spraying pur
poses. Big Pines Lumber Co, . 318
Frosen automobile, tractor and truck
cylinders welded. ro-Inforced and
guaranteed. Only the finest pre-heat-(
Ing fuels and metals Used. Vulcan
Wedlng Works. 39 S. Front street tf
There win do a meeting or me m ooi
Growers at Medford Public Llbravy
Saturday, March 25th, at 2 p. m. All
wool growers are urged to be present
Mr. R. A. Ward, manager of Pacific
Cooperative association, will discuss
the wool situation. 311
Guests at the Hotel Medford Include
... E. Anderson of Milwaukee. H. J.
Winthrop and W. I Beyer of Eugene,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Anderson of Ta
coma, II. IX Tompkins of Seattle, E.
C. Crystal of VacavlHo. Calif., and C.
W. l.awsou and llessle I.awnoii of
Big danco Applegate Sat., March 2
Launspach's orchestra. Supper served
at midnight. Tickets (1. 10. 312
Repairing on ladles' and men's wear
ing apparel neatly done. Charges rea
sonable. The Pantorium. Phono 244.
Free, dirt for lawns or garden. Call
at building site, Minnesota street H
A. Thierolf. , .
J.- J. M eMail on. state traffic Inspec
tor, spent a busy evening in and
around Grants Pass Monday. Nearly
20 violators or the trarflc, laws were
stopped by the vigilant official, though
no arrests were made. Absence of
tail lights were responsible for the
stopping of a innjority of the automo
bil-sts. A lecture, and an admonition
to repair the light were given to each
victim. Grants Pass Courier.
Wade sewing school helps you to
sew and dress right at small cost. I
Individual or class work by tho hour,
city and out of town. No evening
classes. We will shop for j'oa by mall.
All appointments by phone or . mail
only. M. J. Wade, phone 416. 331
East Main street. 329
If you like a good cup of coffee go
to the Medford Cafeteria. , 312
Telephone 1040 Rogue Valley Floral
Co.. for your cut flowers and plants.
Night phone 149-W. 320
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kaufman and
children will leave the last of the
week for an extended visit with rela
tives in McMinnville. ,
Everywhere you looK you see a
Chevrolet tf
There will be a regular communica
tion of the Reamea chapter, Wednes
day. March 22, at the Masonic hall
Children cared for. 104 Newtown
u. n. swaney ot kciso, wasn., is a
guest at the Hotel Holland, as 'are
Louis beezer of Seattle, Wlllard Hery
ford of Butte Falls. T. J. Johns of St
couis. Mo., Mrs. R. D. Watson of Trail.
Ore., and H. R. Wight and E. Melson
of Portland.
' Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetiere for
NuBone. Phone 686-J. ' A tf
Will pay 25c apiece for hatching
turkey eggs under your setting hens.
Eggs furnished. Phone 2S-J-3. U
Everywhere you look you see
Chevrolet . tf
George T. Collins left this morning
for a business visit at Klamath Falls
which will keep him away until Sunday.
All kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Wallace' Woods, nhone 108
11 East Main street
At last nights city council meeting
Gordon Stout presented a petition to
that body from 22 property owners
asking the council to grade and gravel
Prune street from its Intersection
with Plum street, and to the city lim
its. The petitioners are ready and
willing to pay their share of the im
provement, and the county is also will
ing to pay a share. The petition was
referred to the street committee for
wnen better automobiles are built
Buick will build them. tf
Taxes are now due and payable, at
the office of the sheriff in the court
house at Jacksonville and must be
paid before April 5 to avoid penalty.
invest, your savings In the Jackson
County Building and Loan association
Get busy and call for them at this
office If they .belong to you: Tall-light
with 1922 license tag No. 5138 attach
ed, cog wheel and part of speedometer
for auto, one auto crank, two ladles'
leather driving gloves, one ladies'
brown leather glove, one silk glove, tf
CHICAGO, 111., March-Two-thliiU
of the automobiles xtoleu hero iuo
taken between ":S0 and midnight,
and by fur the Kieuteut iiuiuber ,t 10
o'clock while thvlr owners are at
theaters and other places of uiiiuho
nu'iii, according to tlm commltte on
motor car thefts of tho Clil. iko Crime
coininliiMlon. Three hundred and
twenty-three poixonH were tried hero
In connection with motor car thefts
between January 1 and August IS,
Other observations of tho com
mltteo follow:
A thief bus been known to walk
Into a largo publlu aaruisa at night
and cover tho watchman and other
employes with a gun while -lio drove
iiwuswith tho cur ot bis choice, Tho
thief usually prefers to bold up a
mnn about to put his uutoiuobilo in
u frnrage, rather than to breuk Into
a Raraao after the cur is locked up.
Hy far the greuter number of
stolen automobiles were taken not
because of tho intrinsic value, but to
be used In various forms of law
Tho largo percentage f theft
Kci'tn to bo committed by men or
boys under the ago of twenty-five
years. . , . .
1 . jr, v.5 Sri
:. SI'.-' P - "
V t 4
WASI1INOTON. Mar. 22. l'rovls
lyns worth IX.OOO.OOD.OOO rotiblet will
be sent Into tho droiiKlit stricken pro
vinces of the Ukraine by the Annti
lean MonnonltoH' fauiltio relief nrganl-
ration, under an nKreement JuhI con
cluded, says a Mosihiw dispatch to tho
lliiMHlau tniilo delegation here.
1 jfSv
YOUN08TOWN, Ohio. Mar. 22
Muvor Ovurge L. tiles, who recently
started a lively dlscumilon by ordering
all police to Miiluto Mm. today ended
i.!1.. . ' ' ... I., w .:.m .. ! n
t'llll'Atlil, Mar. S. lixpretinlwiiN
as to the fui urn pulli y of the pitnlliiH
of erups iriMtiiid by tneinbers of Iho
poolliiK of crops produced bV mom.
bi'is of tint Culled Him in ttralil grow,
el'. Ini'iiriHiinti'd, nro e.pi'i'ted at tho
minimi convention of Hint oikiiiiIwi-
tlou late tinluy, ;
t'liiiVinllmi ileli'iiiiteN pli'dli'ted that
Iho poi'llna inillry will lid tho Imiki
when new illrei tins mo eieeted, Tim
present board In n'poitid to b
iihnoxi eiiunlly divided, tuiir fitvurlim
I'otuplrtv poulliiK and lint ullnr half
fllVOl llllf I OIltllltlHllon Of til" lt'tMr-lt
liollcy, wbli Ii yi-i inlt niiii'it Individ
uhMbIIc liniiillliiii of crops.
tint ' tmnpoHt by rcHclndhiK Hut onlitr,
saying that tie was "tlreif of sulutlnii."
"They liavo Itept mw mi busy sultit
Ina 1 Imveu't bad tlino to do anything
else," Iho mayor said.
Ji"HH, 1' i . i 1.1 II i . I
Miss Aluce Young, of Mbtliawnka,
linl., has' been awarded a prUo of
$ 1 .000. of fered for the best sngKCMtlon
of how to innke London tho "Magnet
of tho world." Computing against all
Knglultd, the young American girl, a,
former Indiana, nowspaper reporter.!
based her auggesttons on what Is done
lu America to make towns ami cities ,
more all met I ve. A brighter, cleaner j
liombai, offcrliiK entertulninentn of all '
kimta.' would be tho rwuult of putting
her i' us Into effect. . -
DOW Herman K, Pow. retired
clothing inerehant and father of Dr.
Mc.M. M. lVw of Medford, passed
away In this city yesterday at tho
age of 9 years.
Deceased had been a resident of
Medford for tho pnst four years. Ho'
was born In Kycamore 111.. In 1 8 S3.
When a young man he went to Colo
rado and graduated from the Uni
versity of Colorado, at Colorado
Springs. From there ho went to
Lo.Mars, Iow and engaged in tho
clothing buxiiietui, and later became
interested in tho same business at
Sioux City, Iowa, nlno Kunmis City.
Mr. Dow' has been a member of
the II. P. O. K. for many years, and
during his stay in Medford has made
friends with many of the local mem
bers. He leaves one son and one daugh
ter. Dr. Dow of Medford and Mm.
Huth Pearson of Los Angeles, Calif.,
also one sister, Mnry Mordoff of Med
ford. Funeral services will bo held
at the chapel of Weeks-Conger Co..
at 2:00 P. M., Friday. Be v. W. H.
Hamilton officiating.
Interment in Jacksonville ceme
tery. -
New Minister to Colombia
8EATT1.E, Mar. 22. Samuel II
Piles of Seattle, former United States
senator from Washington and nomin
ated by President Harding to be min
later to Colombia, left today for Wash
ington, D. C, where he exects to
spend ten days or two weeks before
taking up his duties at Bogota.
NEW OltLKANs. Mar. 22 Princess
Ktlzubcth Tscliernltschew, w ho says j
she Is thn American widow of a for
mer Russian prince, and who hit been
detained by Immigration authorities
since her arrival here a month tigo
from Bremen, was granted her
today to enter tho United States.
Tho prlm-rss told tho authorltbw on
her arrival that she was born In this
country of. a family named grhllrh.
but that her parents were dead for
some years. She told of witnessing
the rruclflxtion ot her husband by
revolutionists In Russia and of her
flight across Kussla and Germany to
Bremen. Tho prlmwss said today she
planned to lecture tin conditions In
Russia. """
ink! 111
ol UK Miaalfhl uu
IrmUbunl i l-A
tt pur and
it KAwara
a rr mirnl.
Had la tfea v
fa ol Ik luA V.f
Temorrow H if III
to no roLtisi"
rnaay siifh
Tf I,lnr
Olirisltaa SsiaBos
mi l. ii itr
tn"TIIUKK' '
woitn iium"
Lady Astor Coming'
NEW YORK. Mar. 22 Udy Astor.
who has been given headlines ever
since she got Into the British house of
parliament will arrlvo In New York
April 19. This was tho word received
today by Mary Garrett Hay. chairman'
of the New York City League for
Women Voters. !
Social Dancing Party
given bjr S
Hillah Temple
A u lent Arable Order, Nobles of M Jut if Miriiio
AT Till: NAT
Metlfoid, Ongou, l il.lny eiciilng at ft . in.. Marcli
TUkels Including lillea, i tM
Attention, Car Owners
For the next 30 days we will give 2
per cent discount on all cylinder re-
boring In connection with overhaul
Jobs and a ten per cent discount for
cash on all lailor. We have one of the
best equipped shops in southern Ore
gon and employ only experienced
workmen. All work guaranteed.
Riverside Garage. tf
i.jj ii. ;i: tj
!.,l,;ii;'i;i.. iiiyv;
-. .- fir ,,,,;,,,,-, .,.., .- , ;fcj--4fcMJMM i'
You Can Get Quality
WANTED To buy fifty boxes good
apples. Phone 314-W, C. J. Cardner.
WANTED To trade ranch near Med
ford on highway for city home. H.
care Mail Tribune. 312
lots to low.
rOK SALE One Chalmers six tour
ing car, one self-starter Ford with
large closed delivery body suitable
for laundry or bakery. Riverside
Oarage. tf
FOR SALE Spray rig in good condi
tion, with 3 hoi so power 4 engine.
Phono Ml i. 315
FOR SALE Leghorn hens, good lay
ers, 75c and fl.00 each. Phone 931-L.
FOR SALE -Progressive everbearing
strawberry plauts. F. H, Dressier,
phone 951-L. ;ui
FOR SALE A bargain in oak exton
slon dining table and chairs. Phone
7!7X, .111
t .
There is bo much quality in these new Hart, Schaffner
& Marx Spring Suits, so much style in their patterns
and modeling, that you will be greatly pleased the mo
ment you put them on. And with all their goodness,
they are so favorably priced.
Some a little less.
Some a little more.
Copyright 1921 JUrt SthalTner He M
Manhattan S flirts
Interwoven Hose
Cooper 8 Underwear
"Always In Earnest"
Van iHeusen Collars
Stetson Hats
J niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilifmii!iiiiii iliiiiiiMMiim ;.J
I ' ' . .. . .'Jar- v