MATT. I'm j i ui.. TTUBTTN"rc, medfotiu onvxios. vuutw. MArtnr'i7. 1022 FLU LEFT HIM HELPLESS SAYS PORTLAND MAN Could Hardin Eat Enough to ! ' Keep Soul and Body To- ,, J J4,.l, tir.. gether and Strength Was All Gone, Says Avery - Friends' Advice Saved Day for Him. "Il Uiiu mi I'M f 1 1, nil who lulil mm In th Timlnc iiihI Itii wiih never it In (in r tt it I tbiiii win n bit mlvheil in" In I iv II." mill T. I!. Avery, till? laul Ttti nlli'lli Hi, HhIIIIi, Piu'lluml, I H O, "My linuliin two yitiiH nun hen nil n 1 1 hi ll (if llil Irft me iilmoKl llllll NH. My Hllillllli ll !IIVi inn nil liilnht of Uiiiililn, my iii.itllii wax mo poor I mi' liiinllv f ii 1 1: h in ki'ip l.i.tlv inn) mini inKi llii r. "II i i rliiliilv nit u hiu nml ii'im iinl urn in -Inn In inn III" w n v 'I nnlm' r 1 1 i li li i .m il ii i mi my t rml.i. f r. i I Jum liku n hi w mini nml lmv life nml iiuinv llian In yearn." Tanlne nml ThiIm" Vi"i'tbln I'llla mn Mild by a tin Wi-wl Hbln Pharmacy, ml by leiidlim drO:l' everywhere. Ay. Dr. Johnson Says Sinji i inu'. Ii'ii't ilinji'iir itriw,' with ymip leiili, Your Exetnes Probably Arj: 'iIh lull iiiip-li. Hurl l lllllrll, llllil ll' I Hilly I'lllllil snii-it iho time, An examination nnt run. hiilfutinii woiiM com ince ymi nf iiiitny iIhiiuh. Dr. O. J. Johnson DENTIST 228 East Main St. Phone 6C9 MEDFORD CAFETERIA Waif On Yourself Get What You Want Pay for What You Get Our Mi als hit nil I Ionic Conltoil We Make a Specialty of Private Dinner Parties Coini mul Hit filxmt yutir innni. HVMI.MKNT !' Mi:ioHI UI.IM). " MRS. L. M. HOWELL, Prop. SENSATIONAL Oldsmobile Four Touring Car $1385 nt Modfiird. Busy Corner Motor Co. Main at Itlvrrililo FRESH VEGETABLES As the season advances, fresh vegetables are getting a little, more plentiful. We have a good assortment for tomorrow. Head Lettuce Leaf Lettuce Green Onions Radishes Parsley FRESH FRUITS Oranges Florida Grape Fruit 'I Eating Apples , Bananas Calif, Grape Fruit ' Cooking Apples Telephone orders receive the same careful attention as if called at the store in person. Personal Attention Phone 252 PLEA FOR TRUCKS MADE AT SALEM BY GUS NEWBURY H.M.K.M, Ore., Mnr. IT. Application of lt iii'itnr V'f'tlc!(! law piunmd by tint " "M Hll SI'HIIIOII 111 HHIl'l !' i ,,.,, lm lf,Klill((i()l fl(.((r(lltlK t ! rncoiiiineiiilHllonH of u I'dliililttC'fl hp- !i"im'i ' ciminnuM i-nut a. wnnanm of the public imi'vU'd I'liiiiiiilHMlun, fol lowing n Iii'hiIiik yoiiiiiriluy In whl'ii M lilrln opeiatum from nil put t nf lh Ntntii Hired linnlMtilprt iimlnr provlnlotm ol I In' Inw. Co operation ut ull roncern"d J il lllilklllK (tin bent of din Inw until til" next i'bniiM (if tin liKlrtlnluifl tit which n n I'ffurt will In. mud" In obtain MinilirlriiilfiiiH was ilin imimrul cunciii. slllll Iflll'lll'll. (inn Newbury of Almlfniil wanted In bti'iw Vk ti y nil 1 1 n Ii u nut ioitiielliig with rnilromlx could mil lm i.i imiK iI frniii Irid'-ni ii H y bond reiiulietiienlK. E U AHIIINCTiiN Mar. 1 7. "I'nlli M ii i iillnii" Willi tin' Aliii'ililill IKlxn In H "fiiiinyiiiiiit d.iy" .dm' nisi Mmiiliiy In IiihI Jnlm for 7 (ill, iiMit iiiii' it MliialiM of III. uiiilit u.ii- m in ki iI in ii Mni. mi nt Inxiii i IihIii) bv Hi-iii iniy of l.alior ll.lMH. "Inulnif our Mini Ki-iuy," lm ai.l. ilii.y wrii'il im, i.fl.'iliiK 1 lu-lr nil, mul I lm i ll till' linllolllil Inlrn nl litmvn t ! own. II Ik ol. w llii. if uly of nil ri I Aim rt' mi i ltli'im In m i. tlinl tin y m i" in . Ii ! .1 for. TlH-y nk no .hully. Inn only ,i 1I11111..1 til linib r IiiiiIh i- n i vl.i. in boiH'Ht rulin tnrlit. "Wink iiinKm Hi.. (Inn fly, lulil thn Ami il. an l nlmi hmiK II nil IiIkIi In pi in - ii In w nr." CLUBS FOR STATE M(. IIN VI I.I. 17, Or'., Murrh IT. I'Iuiih for a alati-wil nnviiillon nf ri iri''iilulivi'ii of tax ri'durtioii rlu! nf cirpuon, utartlnx In 1'i.rtlanil, Murh '4r announri'il linrp ln ilay tiy J. f'oiM.;. ,,f Mi-Mlnnvllli, liri'ulili nt of t tti oi unnliutlou. Knlmtlon i f -Ji p.r mil In i-x-lipiiHo of alati. county ami imiulrlpul KuU'riMiH'iitn wan clm laroil by t'oopor to lu t ! oliji'i t of I lie i i KduUutlon. TUroo jiropimcil Inroiim inx uwamirpi nro cvpi'i tfil to b n nnlilcri'il Best Cough Mixture Is Home, Made Acts With 6peed Looent th Phlegm Stop the Irritation and Coughing Ceasei Fine for Chest ColcU Too and Cheaply Mode at Home Is Whi-it you run in;iki In two mln llti'H ll Mm .l bi'iitiliu Ii llU'Jy tll:it in (4 ilirri tly 4n Un iiii'iiibinnn mul often ovi rnliilit i nmii'H Mubborn niikb to ilihiiiii'nr, why trlflu with thliuiM thai will iiiobnbly illHniiuiiit ? j Ibiwkiiiu; ami nuf flltuj nml ulxo Hnriim'HH of tin iiiui-oiiM iik-n i In .1 n l' ko nnd you win fwi finu In iiliiiimt no itimo. Jnut Ki't iiiif Hum f of I'nrmlnt (itiiiililo Hiiiiuiilil mlil to i n lltilii xiiKnt- nml I'miiiKh lint w.iti-r to mnkn ii hntf pint nml ynn'vo uot nn Inrx ipiiiHlVK ri'iniMly bi'tti-r thnn yon i'iiii buy rinily niixi'd. lm Kinililiii,', b i'ii Him: nit ion on the mi'iiibi iino In tin. roiiHiiti no many propli' tiMn it for t'ntiirih nnd niuto iiiih'iI robin. Adv. GOVERNMENT AID FOR LEGION DR V TAX REDUCTION Cucumbers Bell Peppers Onions Tomatoes 'Celery Carrots Artichokes Cauliflower Parsnips Sweet Potatoes Spinach Turnips Cabbage Beets; Garlic Prompt Service E. Marsh' GROCER EX-AMBASSADOR WALLACE'S NIECE I'Alllrt. Mar. IT. (Ily Associated Press.) IIiiMh ('miiplii'll WuIIiiki, for. I HUT AiniMlrllll lllllllllHHIIltor til I'VllIIW, mill Mm. U'iiIIiitm today announced tho iH'.iiKi'iiu-nt of their lilini, Mlim Hally Ulim Iii'i' to Count Ji'iin i lei 1 1 n ml de l.llplK', Mlh Heeiiier In thn daughter of til'" hit Thitoilorii lliTilinr nf New York ml a grand ditughter of fnrlimr Clilf JumIIi'i) Fuller of tin' Pnllm! KtiitKH supremo i-ii i r. MIhh licmher JiuH made lii'i- Imihiii wlih t!i Wallace ninco the ib'iiili of luir piin-nlM. Hlii' met Count il luippi' lilli- Mr. Wulliii'ii wim mn. buHKiulur to Kimiii4'. iii.f flnnii', lio Im I! I yenm obi :nnl h iihtiiIiit of Ull olil 1'ii'inh fiimll), h,ih n M'lmtitron 10m niuiiilcr In l In- I'i-iii-Ii nviuliorj corpH luiliiK tlit war. II" ri"'-lvn llm or inn l"i:lnn or linnor nml lb" wnr crotiM, anil wan rlti-il tliifp t iin h for rniiHplcuoiiH Kiillnntry. ll U not known wIh-iIut tlm winlillnt: will taL.' plan' in I'nrlH or In Aini'iii ii iik ilin W'nl I a (en plan (n return t'l thi-lr li'iinii in Tiiroitnu, WiiiiIi., In July. Two I nilii tmriifit iiuninHi l7rii'Ht K 1 1 'ml i Woimimoit, iliiirKliiii him with pukN. n-iliij. tlitoxi) lllillK llillo- wi rii in mil Tliiirmlay nlii rnoi'ii l.y the Kinml Jury. Hall on nlio Him flxi il nt IIOtiD, ntiil tlio iithiT, ii r. -Hiiliiiillli'il Inill. lmi lit. ii inalim nt lh. huiih blillll, l A nut 1 1 in' bill wh n limn 'I .'if-nliiMl A. I'nUali. i haiKiil Willi a ski nil. 1'ow- nii wiih l.iniii:lil bmk finiii Vr'kii t'nl., In nimwi'i- lo On. imil:iliit. Sli- Wim nib Ki ll in bnvii bit Al '! llli lll ovi r tin" ulili a floor n-Tapm ililiiliK u fiKht nt the Miilfmil Cult iji'tn "oniti'iutlon Co., on North ltlVlll... Tl Krnml Jur' i-xpoita to rom-ludi Km Wink thlii ivinlim nml file n re port. The oiinnii of thi pi'tlt Jury will tircln nrxt .Mmiilay, unit the ti-rm l vxikh ti'il to lat u wwk or tn day. I'litiMim and dlriTtort ot alt or 4vm m bool iliNtili l of ApplrRatc valli-y mot ut lituh yi-Ktcrday to dla ruKK it union hlKh mlml. Htato Supt Ohurrhlll wnii pxporfd but did not arrive. 1'innllillitlcii for onn contral hinli ncIiuoI, ui) it lot; all UlHtikl vnluatlnni iiml amountlnK to nearly a million. win dUrtiKHod. DlHtanoM nnd roads work nealOHt thin plan. Hut cur.sollil.i tion both for rural dtHtrirts and for lilltlt Bi linol piirixisi'B rniuo under (lis riiHhlon, and thn atir for aonii'thlni; bet- tr yi't In AppliKnti valley pnipltPKiea luiiueillalo ihniiKi'ii lu bcIuhiI roudl tli'UH. Pi'tlt ion h toward a vote on a union IiIkU school wilt doubtless be forthromlnK. L Anionic lhn new buildings to be erei'ted this Hiring In Medfoi'd Is n Itulld hall for St. .Marks Protectant Kplscopal ihnri-h at a cost of $5,000. The structure will lm ;UxT.'t feet lu il'tni'iiBloiiN. and will bn used for no dal imi'tlngK, the newinK rlrolo, etc. The work of const ruction will he Ktarted Just n.s aoon as llisliop Sum ner of 1'ortlund approves the plans The huildiiiK will he lumber veneer ed with lirlrk. you Phone 252 TO MARRY COUNT DUD 1LGAM0TT INDICTED AGAIN SCHOOL MASS MEETING. RUCH ST. MARKS T BUILD 5000 GUILD HAL YoftiJTday ww "Kodak Iiay" at tlii liluli aidiiiol and a iiuinlmr of ood plc- Itiri'H were taken of IiIkIi ncliool atu-l ili'iitw by tlinlr (lammnti'K for uxe In t tin yyii nw- t tlie "Crnler," tlie IiIkIi achool nnnmil, Tim Crnti-r will bn piibllalied by tlie entire atudent body t)ii yijnr Itmteiui of by Km nenlor rlnna iih lieretofore, Hiiliiiday mioiliil -innollne a Having of 2c p4ir r.all'in. Wo aeeept Hcrlpt and eouporiH. Valley (iaiiiK". 3')6 I'erry O. Crawford, 11. I.. Waklier, I'niil II. McKnnl W. M. Hliepard left l liiirmJay inorninK by inotor for tlie California-Oregon i'owur i.otiipany'M (ilant ut (,'opeo, Ciillf. Vou rivpalnt your limine, why not re. Iinrdwarp? KHtimaten fiirnlHlieil by Hie .Medford Furn. A Ildw. (. VM K. ('. Kaber of Central l'olnt and CiihIi Vo4mI, 4-retnry of thn county W. ,f. ', A., will attend the Northern! California Older I toy lonferenen bo- ln held at Vr'-ka over thn week end. Men' nulla thoroughly rleannd and preKKed tlm I'antorlnni way for tl.M. 1'hono 211. Jon Under rf I'hrx.nix waa a IhikI- neH vlHltor in tli city Thiimd.-ty after noon. Katurday ap'r -lal (i.-iHrdine Sti'ie, a aavlni; of i!r, i-r rullon. We aeeept aeripl and roiionH. Valley Caruce. :M' Carl Y. Tenawald Inm ri eelved a let- tor from Honolulu xain tliat Mr. and Mrn. John A. Wi-Rterlnnd would not lie able to aall from that, jiort until March ;!9tu iiwiitK to Mr. Wi'Mleiliiriil not. be- Inc roinpletely recovered from u akk Hpell. If yon liavo n av ond hand garden wlirelburrow In giit u1iiiki to sell, call 39i I,. L'r. and Mr. Cliariea Sweeney and daughter IMilh li lt thia morning by auto for 1'ortlund where they will vtalt with frienilH nnd rilutivea and attend the grand opera m-.iKon which opens next Weiliiemluy. Id'nuty U the fimt Klft that nature Kiv- t. womanand the firHt ghe take nway. Mifiiri Ileauty Hhop, rtxini 2i Med ford lllil. 3uS Westerrnan Whllloek, Wilbur Ilartz 'ell and Adrian Ioflaml, atudeiits at O. A. l, returned tliln morning from Corvaltia and will spend the sprlni; vacation her. The third term of the! Hchool year at O. A. C. ben I mi Monday' March 'J7. Thla all iwa ten days vaca tion. Other students ar expected to return this eveninu and tomorrow. Lath, lime. Mod fori) Lumber Co. Mr. and Mrs. Paul n. McKee left yesterday for Ban KranclHro. Mr. Me Kee niade the trip to Coixxi, Calif., by inotor car In the tnotnlnu and boarded the train at Thrall, Calif., In the even inc. Invest your savings in the Jackson County Duildlss and I-oan association .Mrs. ii. j. TtowtiriilB' returned yes leruny trom fortiand where nho ar-t conipnnlod Mr. Trowbridse who is nt lllA lVkf-llmrt Htlrfflnnl llnulillnl Xf. TrowbrldBes condition la Improving' but it lit Ktlll indefinite aa to how long he will remain In Portland. Mm. Paul Hansen, coreetlero for Nultone. Phono GS5J. tf An automobile collision took ldace on the corner of fifth nnd Central Wednesday niKht which resulted in smashing thn running board and one fender on the car of Deputy Sheriff L. D. Korncrook. A Chevrolet driven by a traveling man collided with the deputy's car. No one was injured. New and second hand pianos bought and sold. If. O. Launspach, phone Gt6-R. Have no overhead expense, see me before buying or 'soiling. 31'T J. W. Judy, local Standard Oil man utartt'd on his annual two weeks vaca tion yeaterday by flivverlng to his father s ranch on Crlffln crock where he will kimmhI the rest of this week building fence. Kverywhero you look you seo a Cltevrolet. tf C. U Uvans and It. A. Sklnuer plead ed utility yesterday In Justice Taylor's court to speeding charges and both were fiued 115. IVputy State Traffic Inspector McMahon made the arrests. .Mrs. i.. u tiruves who was injured,1" "" aw-miion. ai taa-a iimh proven day after day. and in your mo ursi ot ttte week as a result of a full in reported as improving. Tho High School Dramatic club pre sented two plays at tho high school building lust night. It is tho general opinion of those who attended that they were very well done. A largo number of purents nnd students at tended. The local Klks mltiRtrel show will resume their one night stands tour tonight by playing in the Vining thea ter at Ashland. Quite a number of local Klks will drive over and take in the performance. The minstrels oliiv tomorrow night at Areka. Indications ore for a very large audience tit Ash land tonight. Tho condition of John Grieve, tho SI year old pioneer citizen of Prospect, who underwent a serious operation here yesterday, continues favorable. and it is reported that he was able to sit up in bed this forenoon for a short time. Mr. Grieve has a remarkably Rlroug constitution for his ago nnd has mnlutalned stoutly in late years that if only his hotel keeping son Jim would mend his ways ho would live over hundred years. nave Cronemiller, of Jacksonville, who caused a disturbance in tho Hotel Medford lobby last Sunday night and vho was fined $50 Monday for having liquor in his possession, pleaded guilty yesterday before Justice Taylor to n ruargo of unlawfully carrying con cealed weapons uuil was fined 1100 which Is, aceordiug to Doputy District Attorney George Codding, tho max! I mum fine for tho offense. Mr. Coddin I Plates that nn effort will be made to pittco Cronemiller undor bond to nro Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Price of Iros- poct left for home today following a two days shopping stay in the city. Gus Newbury arrived homo from Saiom ,ai t "nere yoaterday he attended the meeting of the state public service commission aa the legal representative of the interurbau pas nenKer and freight truck companies and Jitneys of this vicinity. The meet ing with the auto men of the state was called for the purpos ot securing a better all around understanding of the law placing jitneys and trucks under the Jurisdiction of too public service commission. About 400 auto iasseu Ker and freight truck owners and their attorneys attended the gathering. Ask ,W omen to Wire For Coast Meeting The officers of the Medford chamber of commerce ask that Medford mem bers of the Woman's Benefit Associa tion telegraph Miss ltina M. Wont, the presideut that it is their wish that the national convention of this association be hold in one of tho cities of the Pa cific coast states next year. Miss West will be at the St. Francis jPinkham. did then, and does now, ro-hoU-1. San Francisco on the ISth of this ' Ueve th0 peculiar to women, month In conference with the coast of-lu J" n vegetable compound and of mo convention poiui win db seiuea. As the Woman's Benefit association A can of G. Washington's Coffee is equivalent to ten times its weight in roasted bean coffee. G. Washington's is the absolutely pure coffee with all its goodness, delicious-, ness and strength. Not a substitute. 111 ""Xy i, MAotiNTMeetm TTn rtnwnin Watch This Space Next Week JONES' (of course) The Leading Grocer has a membership of nearly three- hundred thousand, and with the con vention being-bold in the west, there t , 3 riIY&ICIA.YS AXD GIRLS KID.V.UTE1) AND KOBBED CHICACO. March 17. Fouri youthful bandits kidnaped three phys- icians, members of the staff of the i AugiiKtana hospital, and two young women early today In an automobile and robbed them of furs, jewelry and money aggregating $3,400. WOMEN AND MEDICINE lit Europe, years ago. a woman named Hildegardo wroto a notable book on medicinal plants. In those days tho men wore too buny bother ing about dogmas ot religion and medicine, and the study of herbs waa thought beneath their notice. It was the women, however, who mostly conducted the honpitaU and cared for tho Hick, and thus they learned much of grvnt value. They let tho men fight out the questions of theories. Lydla K. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound, prepared almost fifty yenm ago by a woman. Lydia K. owu IUiKhborhood. by uratcful worn- !,.n who hnve used it. Adv. Measure, the cost by the cup Not by the size of the can TiY Mi. Washington's refining process all the bulky, woody fibre, chaff and by-product matter, which make the coffee grounds have been removed. It is 100 pure coffee. . G. Washington's Coffee never disturbs you. ' Dissolves instantly when water is added. No coffee pot or percolator needed. For greatest economy the larger size cans are recommended. . Every can is guaranteed to give satis faction. No waste. , Booklet free. Send 10c for special trial size. .Washington coffec mfininc comfanv. hi na Aw, n rt Many a Large Woman Who Looks 81sder. Is Wearing Stylish Stout Corsets These corsets actually give you the appearance of tea to twenty pounds lighter weight, all with utmost comfort. The way It confine achieree) straighter line" The Colonial Phone 2 Liberty Dlilg. i ? ft ft ' i 4 . t '4 . a ' ' ti i.i . JJ servo tho pence.