Mebford Mail Tribune The Weather Maximum yesterday 4-1 Minimum today ... it Snow 1 l"Ch Prediction! Fair. ruin .on iinlly flUl.ntd Trnr. Vnkly lifiy-l lMt Vrr. MEDFOttD, OUKdOX, SATl'IfDAY, MAKCH 11, 1022 NO. 1500 T AFRICA REVOLUTIOM BoEAKS eu S. AFRICA IN REVOLT, RED WAR FEARED , . Sirikp DpvcIoos Into Attack On Govarnmcnt Martial Law j Declared Scores Killed I and Wounded Bolsheviki Uprising Feared Armed Boer Farmers Join Strikers. MiMHlV, Urh II l tlw ,MrU- l'r-Mi.) I lm Irn'fc-H un ion hull nl lu-mtul, immi- Jidiiuiiici- ' bum, iniwiUil wllli SimiiIi African gold in I no Hirlki-r wat IhhiiImiI Ii an iUlir IimI, it tVntrwl V-wi dUfuttiti from Jilwnni-lHiiic. The majority ( tlnwo NweniMl were killed ami I In building Mat leiri) td. I.IimiN. Mur. It. -Tin iii-rniiil Ml Ike cnlti-d by llm nilin'i ti'inlrrn nl JiiiiiniiiliiiiK l In rrullty n ri-vo-lull. mni y ninVi'iiiriil. ui-iorilltiK lo Urn Capetown ttirrt'iinti'M of Hi" lnlly T.h'Kmph. TIk- strike U itIIpim-iI l.y tlnfaiK uifainal Hi" aialr. h wiva. Thi i win fi'iiin' ii'vuliiU"ii iMr ' l'rrmlor Hiiiuih' iMiiy In irii lniiiiln inn rt Hi I l.iw. Imt II In imili-mtoiMl li n iii'liirtliil ! tear ihdt hui-Ii a lrn hiiuIiI mi li'iiul" a i.'iidiil lit will. Ii llw Kirlkrin, Mho rf ninlnly ulrli, mlklit Im ri'lnlun-xil from I heir Vi'litt. Tlio Joiiiinn'iihurir rnrrHir',iil''ti' n( the timi nniiiinMT ri'iwn ihni niiml.iT of I'lilih fntiititra In ih li.kluii K nn.l I'.i nnnt illdl I lei linvn j.ilni'il i hi' (itrlKor" n"t forml li, i. null i1 i ..minnmU llli ll altni knl lu-noni. Tin' Tlmf JoliiiiitU'tiii -orri,-.miii nl mi thr ilhT IiiiihI nai rllii'ii llm iintil.lK In n ii'irniul biilittunlm plot mid ny llin Koritntiuric i-mn-mnml.i rr-KitrOM llm lf if It toil Kimril. II.. ii, 1. 1 i hni ftiihnna: U In iiriiuri'mi llironuhiiut llio Hand. Hi" In'lh-vi.a llin in. Ui will kiii.m iinln Iho iiino-r ' hiintl In Jiiliunn-iiliiirif ami H-thuii. i Imt iiilinllH Ihni oIhk i ini iri'Miii Inn iiii ii in viiy diffliMiit to MTiry llu vni iik i i'nn U. lriil.ini' Slim I'd" ii. JtiUANM'.nmitll. Mm. II. Va-rt i r.lH wi rn allll In llin atroM nt til I into IhU ilr'il,'li u na flli'rt ( 'rmiiu ulily iilii-r inuriliil Imv liuil ln-i'it ill' r:iri'il, ii h irioiinii'il In a nrcvUuia ini'MinK.. iiml firlnu la lifiird rvrry fi'w mi nut i'i. it 1h rrimi'tfit rrom 1 1 n -ti t that nn iili'l'lnni' Iiml limn allot ilnwn, tho pilot liillllt killi'il. CiikiiiiIiIi'm Mrfto. .t 1 1 1 1 A N N l)H I SI' ltd. Mar. 1(1. Cnn uiilili'K l.i'lwi'in tlit aliiklim mlni'ia iiml iiill,'i' hail li'iirln tl 33 killi'il nml wiiiiiuli il hy five n'rlm k tonlKht iKiiilay) whin tho flrlna wiim hIIII rnnllnulnit. Of llin 32 killi'il, 1ft wrre liufli nui'll. Ily It o'rlmk. howcviT, llin Kl it'l l h Iiml 1 mill' il. Mi i li'il nml Ihn town mm iinriinnlly nulnt. Tim imlilli' va fnrhlilili'ii nan of llin ttlri'i'la. , Tim wnrknra' liall nl Ui nonl In rn imiti'il tn luivn Imnn hit hy n himib 1 rri pi'il from nn nlrplani'. Tim linav li'Ht iiiHiiiillliH In tin (llHlrlrl ni'o lm llnvnil In havn Imi'ti Kiiffi'inil In Ihn I'XUi'inn MiMti'in ani'tlon of llm Haiul. Mo far iii'WH lina linen l'lvi'tveil frmn Ihn wi'rttnrn Itiiinl. (ii'iinrnl llnnvna, I'dimnanillnK thn Wit wati-ia Hand Iiiih nnl.Ti'il ihn puhlln to rnmnln Inilnnia Irnm 7 p. in., until 0 n. in. Jfppn, n aiilmi'li iiiljulnliiir Jnliiin iirHlnirR, waa ai'i'thlnir wlili Htrlknra llila iifini'iiiMHi. Moat of thn nu n wnrn ni ninil anil amun rari'li'd , IiuiiiUh, Tlinv me eri'illted Willi iilnnnlni! tn hold up 1lm polli'O In that aren o na to prevent thPiu from rnlnforclnir PROHIS, WME RAN PIIANCISCO, Mnr. II (Jcnorul I'rohlliltlon Atcout A. 1?. Btxoiip liiHt nlnlit look ft luinil In the nrruliH of thn cull ot Holy Hoalcrucln nml cut off llm Hiipply iirwHHlhW to ttinni from thn collars of thn California Wlno nHwirlu lion, Ho Htnloil lit h action wbb promiitml liy a iloHlro to find out whether tho JtoHloriicInns Htand biu:k to buck fur rnllKlotm frnoilom or wlinihor tlmlr worHhlp luirka hunk to liurchim. llo would like to dotormliio why thoy tmin tliciiiHclvoH tho "lllunilniitl" nml Jtmt ii i - (Cintlntind on Tona alx.1 I (CniiUtmwl on pano Bit.) Ily ROSofiiiNs too rosy for " " Actors Oppose Radio Phone Craze, Want to Charge for Stunts NEW VOUK, Mun-h 1J. Ai- iiri'ilmlvi', liut iniii iniiiK wire- 4- khm aiiialcunt tthn Iiiivk been 14- bIIMik; lit homo HhlKlilllX Id 1 world famnilM i nd'i IuIihtk, faro mi edict of iii. Actors' Kuuliy 1 4- Aimmlatliiii Unit nut Ii perform- i inn in miihi Im t tn l . 1 fur tln'lr work. AllllOlllllftlll.Ilt In in, ulii Hull "uii.-h f u... m.riHitin t im ruM'ii iiihi in- i mi ii (iiifiiiv in t 4 rnniii'iliiK wliU l tin Hunters umt I hut those who talk or sing In 4 4- t hi- truimiiiltilur. apparatus I iniml tin inn ! li Mil ti tl 4- In tin' hint (w liiimthi llii'in havn been niiinlMTli'Mt f if con- 4 tells, frin l.u'e n'i fm nuunm, 4- fri'i lfiiirc Hint other features 4- supplied In t .'111 I i ( )) )1 1 llVtlUTM 4- TUi eiber wave run In it llii'ni' 4- j 'tilrluln mt-iilM bine l-ii pli k- 4 ij II i t tin ii in li tin (.; lulliii ill- 4-4- laiit liy receiving im'I. whbh are 4- 4- an rfiinmm us brum brew nut- 4- 4- FRANCE By D. S. FOB PAYMENT Paris, Declares .Action. Tends to Destroy Whole System of Reparations What Utility Is U. S. Army On Rhine Which Doesn't Co-operate? I'.MUS. Mun-li II. - Illy tho Asao rlatfit I'ri'RH.) Ut-Hl Inforntutluii in Kriunii ami Hrlt lah ofllflnl rlri li'H Id ,inv wnH , -tfM-t ttiut tlto Ami'rl run rlulm fur rnlininirHi-nii'iils of 211 .ooo.luiO for I'XiH'iiacti ot llm Aiiii ilian fori'na In Ihn Ithlnfluiid It' ft re any rnparatlnna aro pit Id will lm lift in tlin ro partition ii roiiimli"in w 1 1 limit apnrlfti' ri-oomtiH'iul.itloim. Alllnil nffhlalH tproiiaot tlm l llif Ihni Ihcrn war III tin rliuiii-o Unit llin Aiiuit liaii haro tif t ho cxpi'iiaca of iM'i'iipalloii ion lil m (iuIiI out of tlm flrat lillllon cold marka of (iiTtnan in pnrn i Ion, almn tho illatrlliiitinn of llila amount hud Imnn aniilnil aflnr lain rioiia illm uasioii wliirh wmilil luivn to I'O lii'Kiin over ;ikhIi If Amnri 1'ii'a i'vpniiM' wnrn to lm pnlil mil of iIiIh iiiiiount. 1'AIMS. Mar. II. Thn hnml-nffU-lal IIiimin iiKrlli'y tiulny Miiil: li.-lli vliiK ihni llm . Amrrl'-nn 111 I' 11 1 1 , I'll II ll 11 111 IHl l I 1 1 Kill H lll'W IlltlT- pri'l.'itiou of llm treaty of Vnmiilllea, wlili'li iloi-unii'iit Iiiih nut hecii ratified hy thn 1'nlti'il Htatea, in ullleil ft lianrn liilnlalnra luivn ileilileil In in fer the liieninramlnm tn their KOV erninelila. An UKreeineiil, however, will lm renrluM anil hlKlied late tmlay with iiHervatlniiH iih in the Ainei'lean rlnhlH. l'AKIS, Mar. II, (Ily the Ahkiv rlateil 1'reNM) The ili'iiiiimt hy tho rolled Mtati'H lor relniliui'Menii'iil. to tin. extent nf 2 1 1 ,000,(100 for thn peiiBi'H of Iih forena In thn Khlneland lieforn any I'l'pariitloiiH nro paid haa piovnkeil MirprlHo nml perplexity In Krom h official clrclcn. Tlicro Ih bIho Honm polntcil coiiimnnt in Hcveral limrnlnK new-Hpupera. A l'rencli aenil-offlnlul Htalnmcnt SUPPLY IS CUT OFF whnt Hort of tlliimlnntlou thoy neck to ohlnln. Tho wlno mipply will ho out off, ho Kiild, until ho (loteinilm'8 wholhcr thn UohIi'iiicJiiiih linvo. a ro cent thli'Ht for u now rnllKlou or mnroly a now rclUJon for an old thlrat. Thn KoHlcriiriana cumd, ho sliitod ninkca tho iiho of wlno obligatory, na por nrtlclo flvo of tho cou8t.itutlnn of tho oiilt, which says: "Tho iiho of wll t'ornmntcil wlno Is ohllKiilnry upon ovory pcraon ph.VHlcal ly and othnrwlati nhlo raniuiicully to koop and observe tho ruW." PIQUED DEMAND UNDERWOOD STRONG FOR PEACE PACT Democratic Senate Leader Has No Fear of Alliance Based On Arbitration In stead of Force Declares Opponents Out of Date Defends League of Nations. WASHINGTON. Mur. 1 1. Ix-Bfrih-ln llm four jaiwer 1'arlflc tmuiy bk the ' real treaty of wac" of thn flrilia rotifemlico, Heltntor I'mlerwiKid of Maliaiiia. llm tlciiiocratlr hi oale leader and a nmnilier of llm Alimrlran ilnleKa lion Pi tho conferi'nci' told thn annate Inilay that lm would vote fur t tin pai't'a ratification In thn Hunm Hplnt' which acluuted hliil In aupport thn treuiy of VnrHnlllea nud tho li'iiKim of Naliona. Thn rnal Isaun, llm dennx-rntU' leader declarfd, a whether the t'nltnd Ktatt'H wan ready In Kive ltd annctton to an BiranKenmnt for jmar by "inulnal airnt-nmnt" or dealmd to con llnun Ihn condition that haa nxlatnd for llm pimt two dcradna. No Fear of Alliance Mr. ftiilerwrnid nanprtil that be did not n'Kard llm trenty aa an alliance Imt fl.i'd that even if It were, and wn fiiiindiit on arlillratlon rather than piroi, wfiuld mipftott It. To argun on the oilier hand, that hocauHe 11 w.ia not bused on form H wna vabm lea wna dnchird by thn Alaliani.i aen mnr tn lm rrvertllin to tho pant aKna Heconnl Ini: how ho had Kiipimrtod ihn U'ukui" of NatioiiH, lm aald tm had approachnd llm work of the arms con ference ready to welcome any imw ffort to oaiabllah pnaco hy Interna tional iinihrntaiidinKH rntlmr than by llm Kiwnr of lb aword. Thn four power treaty," he contin ued, "repreannta a illlleal aettlpiimut which undouliicdly was iioneMKiiry In form tho trnity provldini; for thn limi tation of armament' wa;i aUneil; that Ik, if the BKreeninnt tn limit nrmamenls waa inleudnil to mean morn than n mern aavlni; of mouey to tho nntiona who had eno'iiKed in thn wild race of ulbtiiiK battleships. "Tho tnrnia of tho treaty clearly call for n conforenco to consider difficul ties that may arise, just aa tho confer- ciice on limitation of armnmenla was railed In Wnshlnnton aumo months ii Ko. No Armed Force Thn I'nited Htatea understands tho statement in tho pronniMo under tho terms of tho treaty thorp is no com mitment to nrmod force, no alliance, no I'I'liK.illou to join In any defense. "When tho treaty la ratified with this understanding on tho part of otir K.ovninnient what Kround la left to those w ho contend thn treaty Is an of fmislve and defensive alliance to stand upon? Nnno that I can boo. On tho other hand. It Is assorted thai, as tho treaty does not hind the IiIkIi K-onlrnctliiK parties to use force in rnrryiiif; out Its terms, and because they cannot In tho future bo bound to tiny notion until their froo cousent Is obtained, it means nothing: that it Is worsn than uselosa to alpi 11, and therrforo it should bo dofoalnd. To luy in I ml, this aiRumcnt la tho last stand of thn meu of tho old school, tho school of IhoiiKht that has been dominant 1n tho Kovornmont of thlti world for tho fast bViO yonra; tho philosophy that believes tho world can and must bo Kovomod only by force, and that agroo inents to bo bindlliK. must havn the power of foiro behind thoni. "If this were true It would destroy all tho faith of tho christian nations of tho world In their efforts to obtain ponce, by mutual understand!!!!?. 'you may call tho WrsntUes tronty an iilllanco. I voted for It becauso 1 neiicvcii It tins a slneero effort to Hoeuro tho poaco of tho world by niu tiial understanding. The present treaty is not nn ulllnnco hut If it were an alii unco Intended to koop tho poaco thru iiibltnitlon rather than through forco I should support tt. Tho dunirers of past alliances have not been duo to tho fact thill, they worn bliidlun niiroonmiits ho tweeii tho powers that sinned them but born use thoy contompluled tho use of forco for tlm, benefit of tho slsna mry powers, an alliance wised on vlKht and justice bntweou nations, In tended to nld in sociu Ihk tho poaco of tho world would not bo offensive to mo. Tho first stop In nny effort to (Continued on Tngo six.) This Dog Earns His Collecting Eggs, if) X a -V i - '-'4 "I'llilc," an Alnljim Terrier, cams his kfp hy hunting and bring ingjn the t-KU-t on tlm litf ben rniicli run by his malcr. Have AmlerMin, r-tluiii, t'nlif. Mr doesn't Imllirr the newtn hut only looks for the hidden rugs U-nenlh the chicken Iioum- jind In l he fielib.. S40.0DO STOLEN CHICiTS GHOST TWO ROBBERIES THROWS BRICKS IN PENNSYLVANIA' IN THE DAYTIME riTTSHCRU. March 11. Kour armed men held up nnd robbed J. V. I l'ihliop and It. K. Malone, pay mas-1 ters for Mm Bernurd Oloekler com- i pany at i ennsyivanla avenue and 1 slapping and starting fires, lfs tar Elghlh streets and escaped with tho '.Ret is a warehouse, and, according company pay roll of $10,000, LUOWNSV1LLE. Ta.. March 11. Albert Klemming, manager of the W. I. Kaliiey and company store at Al lison. 1'a , and C. O. Evans, chief clerk, were robbed of approximately ISo.duO, the company's mine pay roll by six bandits who held up a trolley car near bore today. Elmer Hill. who accompanied I'lemniiug nnd Evana ns guard was shot but not seriously wounded. The bandits escaped in an automobile. Tho trolley car had stopped at a lonely spot when tho men, each arm ed with a pistol got aboard. Two covered tho motorman and the oth ers opened fire en tho party with the money. Seizing the bag they jumped Into an automobile which had boon drawn up beside the trolley car. Negro Goes to Chair Singing; 12 Charges Before He Expires LITTLE HOCK, Ark., Mar. 10. James Well, is, negro murderer, was electrocuted at the state iienltentiary after eleven unsuccessful attempts hud been made by nn inexperienced elec trician to electrocute him. Tho twelfth attempt, according to witnesses was successful. Going to the chair singing, ho con tinued to sing until tho first charge of electricity was sent through his body. Wells was examined by the state phy sicians who pronounced him still alive. Fully twenty minutes were consumed in putting him to death. Wells was convicted of killing Peter Tron, a farmer near Montello. He was one of those who escaped with Tom Slaughter. Only One Assistant Coach U. of O. F. Ball El'UKNE, Hie., Mar. 11. Shy Huntington, head coach of varsity football at Oregon, will not request thn appointment of . two assistant coacbea for the varsity .squad ne.xt fall, ho has announced Huntington believes that, wilh tho assistance, of Hurt Spellmaii, recently elected assist ant coach, as much can be accom plished as last fall with two assistants, Keep by Never Breaks 'Em 1 CH1CO. Cal., March 1 l.Chico has a rival of the ghost of Antigonish, only thu lot-al wraith operates in the day time and throws rocks instead of to a statement by the police today, It randy misses, although located more, than a block away. The school boy explanation Is that some outfit in the Spook league has opened spring training here. Yesterday the superintendent Of the warehouse sent a workman up to sweep the rocks off the roof. The workman had no sooner gotten under way than a big red brick whizzed by his ear. He ducked, but a barrage of smaller bricks and rocks routed him out. He said ho had no idea where the missiles came from. ' Watches have beeu set to "lay" the ghojt, who has been operating al most dally for more than three weeks, but have found no trace of It. A reward of $20 goes to anyone who (en solve the mystery. MAIL AIRPLANE SALT LAKE CITY, March 11. On foot nnd horseback, searching parties from Cobar, Cobre and 'We-ndover'are scouring the eastern Nevada desert for trace of Paul 1'. Scott, mall air plane pilot, who loft Elko for Salt Lake City at 4:22 p. m. yesterday and has failed to report his whereabouts. Mrs. Obenchain Rests Next Session Monday LOS ANGELES, Mar. 11. Mflda lynno Obeiichaiu, In her cell in the county jail rested today from the ordeal of two successive days on the witness stand In her trial for the mur der of J. Bolton Kennedy, her sweet heart. , No session of her trial was held, court having adjourned yesterday until Monday morning when she will return to the stand and the prosecution will .resume its cross-examination. Another Hooker Drops, NEW YORK, Mar. 11. An invol untary petition In bankruptcy Was filed today agnlnst tho Russell Se curities corporation, stockbrokers, petition made no mention of assets or liabilities, PILOT 1 IN California Covered With Snow Blanket, Cold Record Broken SAN KHANCT8CO, Mar. 11. The hills within night of San 4 J'rancis'.ij were covnred with 4; snow today. Tho snow followed a , ralu that fell flurlri!? most of the 4 niKbt. Tho tcmiwrature at mid- ; nlKht In Han Kranclsco was 20 ; fr iilmvo, thi? lowest ever rocordd ' 4- so late In March. 4- . 4- (.n A3H VAU.KV. Cal Mar. 11. 4" On of the s--fr-st. snow 4 storms of the winter was ex-rl- 4 fni-fil In this repion of tho Sierra 4 j Nevada mountain last night More, than a foot of anow fell j 4 hern. A strons wind accompanied ! the snow. 4,! 4- MERCED, Cat., Mar. It. Mer- l "nd residents awoke txlay to 4 view with surprise the unusual sjK-clacIo of a thin blanket of 4i 4-. snow covering the lawns and 4! semi tropical shrubbery of this ' "7- "" ii-ttj t inniKii v ''j senator Underwood, democratic senate provide children material for an j1(,an. am, arm8 conference doleRale. impromptu winter carnival, was 'took to chanuteriM Intlma- 4 the first seen here since 1S15. A 4- light snow began falling again 4- this morning. FOR jEDITION Non-resident Agitator of Bom bay Jailed By British Au thorites Secy. Montagu Retired Indian Secretary, Flays Lord Curzon. BOMBAY, March 11. (By the As sociated Tress.) Followers of Mo handas K. Gandhi, non-cooperatlonist leader, who is under arrest, today re called a recent article In his newspa per In which he asked them to carry out "the whole constructive program with clockwork regularity and speed like the Punjab express." if he should be arrested. He was taken'into cus today at Ahmedabad charged with se dition. LONDON, March 11. iBy the As sociated Press.) Explaining the cir cumstances surrounding the publica tion of the Indian government's tele gram setting forth the Indian Mos lem attitude toward Turkey, Mr. Mon tagu said he had submitted the tele gram to members of the cabinet last Friday week. On Monday last, he continued, there had been a cabinet meeting at which he told Lord Cur zon, the secretary for foreign affairs, that on Saturday he (Montagu) had authorized the publication of the tel egram. If Ixird Curzon had desired, Mr. Montagu declared, he could have re sumed his seat in tho cabinet, which was still In session, and could have urged his colleagues to object to the publication. There was ample time to send a telegram stopping publica tion, he said, hut instead of doing this Lord Curzon maintained sllcnco end that evening wrote him "one of those plaiutive, hectoring, bullying, complaining letters" which were so familiar to Lord Curzou's colleagues and friends. Mr. .Montagu said he was convinced his policy for the de velopmetn of India was "the right nnd only policy." T ARREST GANDHI II INDIAN LEADER ITALIAN ROOPS ARE SURROUNDED IN TRIPOLI, FOOD DROPPED BY AIRPLANES HOME, Mar. 11. (By Associated! rress.) A revolution on a large scale . , . . , .. 1 has broken out in Tripoli, says a dis-; pau-li to tno newspaper llniond rrom Its 'correspondent in the capital.' The rebels have cut the railway in muny places, nnd attacked the Italian gurrl sdn. At Azlzia two companies of Italian soldiers surrounded by rebels are re ceiving food dropped from uirplanes. ii i PACT" SAYS IR. HUGHES Secy, of State Answers Senate Queries Straight From the . Shoulder Nothing to Hide If Treaty Not Ratified Result Will Be Calamitous U. S. Ideals Attained in Pact WASHINGTON, Mar. 11. Secretary )t 8uto HKneg ln a ieUer to tions that the American delegates were induced to accept some plana for the four power Pacific treaty "cunning ly contrived by others opposed ' to American Interests," as "a very poor , and erroneous conception of the work in connection with the conference." The secretary added that the ameni ties of international Intercourse pre clude revealing the informants confi dential suggestions and conversation , Incident to the negotiations, but he as- , sured the senate that a full disclosure of everything said or done would re-' veal nothing derogatory to the part taken by the American delegates. He assorted he would not consider or ac cept any position not entirely consis tent with the traditional policies ot the American government. . . i i Requires No Commentary . The four power Pacific treaty itself requires no commentary, the secretary said, adding that no ingenuity in argu ment or hostile criticism can add to it , or make its engagements greater thas i "its unequivocal language sets forth." There aro no secret notes or under standings he asserted. ' ' "There is not the slightest mystery about the treaty or basis for suspicion regarding it," the secretary said. ."It is a straightforward document which attains one of the most Important ob jects the American government . has had in view and is of the highest im- : portance to the maintenance of friend-' ly relations in the far east upon a sound basis." . . . ; , Failure of the senate to ratify the treaty Mr. Hughes declared, "would be nothing short of a national calamity." Hughes Wrote It Discussing the genesis of the treaty, which has been the subject of ques tions in the senate from its opponents, Mr. Hughes said that whilo the "ques tion of authorship Is unimportant," after assent had been given by Great Britain and Japan, that France should be a party, he himself, prepared a draft of the treaty "based on the various suggestions which had been exchanged between the delegates." -' Goal From Touchdown Is Done Away With NEW YORK. Mar. 11. The free trial tor a goal after a touchdown was abolished today by tho football rulen committee. Henceforth a team scor ing a touchdown may put the ball In play on or back of the opiwuents' five yard line and from scrimmage terri tory may make a single point by any legal scoring play. . .. , , OeciiMMlonal llulns. WASHINGTON, Mur, 11. Weath er predictions for the week beginning Monday, are: , : " Pacific states Considerable cloud iness, occasional rains; normal tern pernture. " , ' The Italians have evacuated Chatcr Zvla. The latter Is on the coast about 123 miles east of the city ot Tril)0n A Tripoli dispatch by way of Rome ' on February 13 told of fighting be tween rebels and the Italian forces at Misumuta, near Aclzla. It was an nounced that the Italian government pronounced the trouble ns an Isolated demonstration.