Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 10, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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jebforb Mail Tribune
The Weather
Minimum yesterday 64
Minimum today 20
Ruin Trace
Snow Truce
Occasional rain.
Imlly CUti.riilh Yar.
.ikly l tliy-t lint Vur.
NO. 2
Only Physician in
Jail, Citizens Ask
la. Governor to Act
Chicago Woman Killed By Husband
c mm
18 SEN! TO
Pay U S. A. for Expenses in
Occupation of Rhineland
Before Any Other Repara
tions Arc Paid, Says Hughes
Disposition to Disregard
United States Claimed.
PARIS. Marrlt 10 (By th..Aiwo
dated l'n )-A demand from the.
I ii II ml Hi a ten I hut lit I.OMO.tiiio fur
Its rxpcnion III collodion with occu
pation of I ho lUilliclatld bo paid I"-,
furo any reparation worn puM wnii
lui'M iiiiul iii the allied finance, mini
Iiti ut Ihi'lr meeting iIiIh morning
Tito ilimi liiuiioii ir thin year's Ger
n. aii payment, II In learned on good
aulhorllv. ulrt-U'ly u pinrth Ily de
rided upon In (ore llm American nolo
w received. Tin1 IoIbI U nut to -ici-it
Mm. oiiu kuIiI mark mill (tin r.t
ili'ii of uliarlng I lil amount In prac
tically Hi., naiim a wii decided upon
ut I In1 rwvnt iivj tIIiik or ihf supreme
n iiiirll nt t'diiiiin whtth w n alight
tmdlf teat Ion of tho pcrri-nlnae work
it mil at the Spit eoiifcrenre.
According to thin schedule. Fruliro
iuld ri'u-lvn 52 percent of the pay
riettt ami linul llrituln 21 per cent.
Th HpprliM il vulu" of, the 8uur vl
I. y runt inlii.-, mtlmalcit at 3"o.oon,.
imiii col'l tiiarka, U (harped against
I'r jik ' rwi'lpl".
l i In t'viiuilll(i
A IhkIi allli-tl authority aalt! tbl
aftcriK-uu Hint tli AinnrUaii claim
lor tint t-xprjiM' of tint Amci'limi
furc In tii-rinuiiy waa a matlur for
tlui cuimlili rni Inn of tliii rfpuratlonn
cuinuiliuiliin wliirli U iltittrtly cliurR
ml Hli tli rulliTlluii und ill.tiUni
foil of (lirinany'a paymenia.
Tliun far llio roniinlanlon linn ur
rfpti HHxIlf nultoiu of the tcrma of
pit Mil i'ii in ui;i'"ti'(t dy I Iio nlllnl pow
ra ami It It coiiairil a fori'itmii'
rniirluitloii tlmt It will ncri-pt thu 1
iP.lniiH of thu fiiiKiirlul mlnlhli-m in
i hlii hitIoh of ai-nHlium, 'I'll" nn'rl
ran r In I in, Iimhi'Iit. iiiiiv modify tin
lliilrlliu(un of UiIn Vfiir'H pnvnii'iihi.
Tim cin'tliin of cvli'iiilliiK Hi"
Hropi' of tlio Wli'nlittdcit npnr.itloiii'
BKri't'imtiil Ih'Iwimhi rruinf mid tii-r-iii
any mi un to uiako tii niiiny'H pay
iiiiiiiIh In kind appllraMo to all tin'
nlllra, won iK'fuio today'a ni'mlon of
tlll fllUltll'l' lllllllhlVI'K.
Tim point ut Icmiio In tin' amount of
l'llvcri'!i tioriiuiny ulimild inuKfl to
l-'raui' for llu dv4iilntod roKloim,
Home of tlio n I lion dunlrliiK t limit
Urn amount to !niu,iiiiii,(ion Kud
mark worth if inaliTliil, no iih to
luvo part of (lerinaiiy'H oapiirity for
piiMiitniU In lil ml iiviillubli' for the
ether nllliiH, lt;lt:liiiii, Itnly iiiul Cirut
HukIioh Siijt Nothing
WASIllXtlTON', March 10. (Hy,
tlio AHNoclnted I'roNg.) Hoeretniyi
IIiikIii'H refiiHod today lo rommciit on i
tho new from Purla that ropreKen-;
liitlvea of tho I'nllod StatoH hud pre
sented a (lemutid to tlio ullled fl
nnneo mlnlKlorri Ihut OKpntiaeH uttre
ciitlnit I l,i)oii,t)i)i) Huatulitud hy tho
I'tiltiid ButoH in Ihu occupation of tho
Hhtneland. ho pitld hoforo nny repura
IIoiih. Thoro waa notliinn that could
ho wild on tho Mibjuct Ut thin time,
.Mr. Hiighoa dni'lurod.
I'roHH dlHputihoa from I'arla ro
renlly Indlcutod that tho allluil for
t ln mlnlHtoi'H went prr-parlnn to up-
(Continued on l'nuo alx.)
10. Nothlnu; even fiilntly like n Klt
wna seen or hoard lual nluht In tho
llttlo vulley homo from which Alex
ander MnclJonuld und hia family
were driven by prank und iioIhum ulid
uttcunny ooourruncea, Hut today 'ho
apnrlt of hoio at III venialnoil wit h Dr.
Walter Franklin Prince, tlio Now
York HdontlHt who him boon on tho
watchnut for (lie phivful pui-Hon or
Kliiiok, Nincu liiHt Tutiadity.
"On nn exoedlllon like thin. It la n
vntiv of pot luck," lie auld, "The flfli
1 3j .' 7 sT -
Minn Myitis Bute. 22. who
bullied the police f Stracuan ;i ml
ncurhy luwnithtpit w lilIu arini-d Willi a
repealing rlflo mill H revolver. .Miw
lluti'n Mini a liiuli' companion who ca
mped rilllilllllllllrl'tiMl a IllXl. lllllM! til
n lll'li' It ii imlnliti; uf HyiarUM) and
hi'lJ up (Iio pr prli-tor uf a Knxvry,
who r'iiiii"il Hint wan rliit.
SKATTI.i:. Mun h I - - lohnny
D l.tkuo, former Canadian champion
l'Rhtwjlhl limr, waa thot and In
Maiitl' lillli'd lici" thm inornliiK by
K. t'runk l'ulii'. a ulilp woikr. who
IfctiT Hiirrindri'i lo pollre.
1-i'i.llo told offli rrtt 0'i.tiui'y uud no
otlii i i n ii n hud nun i k'-d him, o'U-nry
with u ploof of plpo and th other
Man with an vent I laruo rot-ka.
Tlio other nmn illaappouretl
The utt.u k took pliir, arrordltiK to
I'dIIi', while he wiin rriinnlii a va
ra tit lot on l.ln way to wrok nt the
plant of the (Ii-neral I'etioleiiiu cor on llarhor Inland win-re he
lit I'lnpliiM'd. lie ha Id O l.eury' and
oiIhtn hud l"'i'ii aunoyltiK him he
rtllIHe he worked nt the petroleum
plant, wheie ii Hirlke .4 In pruKrean.
(.'file wiiii hold on an open t hltltfi'.
O'l.iiiry fu.t iiiini Into protnln
enro tin n hotter here In lltll. Later
he Mont to Hun I'iiiIuIh'-o, where ho
nut unit defeated Kotnti uf the hert
IlKhlwelKht lioMM-H on lh Purlflc
i-otiM. 1 he next year he went ennt.
In U'inulpt'K, Mun., he fotiKht u ten
roiiinl draw with Kreddle WcIkH, then
IlKhiwnlMhl liiHiuplou of the world
In lltitfii'.o a few week later ho
fimnht to u draw with .lohnny Kll
lnitie, hiiiituiuwc IkIiI rhamiilon.
ti'l.enry'a hmt fight wim In Souttle
lit l'.Ki, when he wua knnched out hy
Lddie ritikhiim In the third lunnd.
The Daily
Bank Robbery
MAIMSOS. Win.. March lu.--Three
iirniod hundltH hold up the UhikIuH
Siute hunk hero ut thia iiioinliig
und after uttemplliiK to lock the tin
ployoH in the vault, oaciiped with Jl,
'l ou In tush.
HAN ANTONIO, Texna. Mur. 10.
Twenty thutiNiinil iIoIIiii-h In sold, all
vet', und currency und 150,0110 lit ntntu
und county IioiuIh, to;ether with Jew
elry with tin mint filial cHtlmutu vuluo
ut aeverul thoUMiiul dolliux. viih
Hluh n when live ImiidltH roblnd the
New r.i'iinnfrlM Htuto bunk, UO nilh'it
liorlli uf here, thia afternoon and
iHi'liied In mi Iiillontotille,
may bite or they muy nut, To chiiiiKo
the tuetii)hur, the paychlo fluid, la
not nlwava on tan,"
Llttlo Mury KMon MucUnnulil, who
Home of the AntiKonlah Mkeptlca have
lilnteit nilKht hnvo hoen reaiionHlhU
for tho HtrunKo nolaea uud fitiia that
Hcni'ed the Miit'lJonnldH uwiiy, cume
buck limt nlalit und alopt in tho hotiao.
Tonlyht Mra. MucDonuld who udopt-
ed tho llttlo 1,'lvl. will Join her him
huiul mid Mury Kllon, ao that ooiwll
IIoiih oh iieiuiy Himllur ua poaulblo to
thime obtnltilnp when innnlfcetut Ioiih
Mcctiri'i'il, mil y he reproduced.
Cyril Woodward Clublcy, Who
Sold Newspapers for Living
Prefers Title of American
Citizen to Any Foreign Coro
netCertain of Identity
Gives History of Life.
rHIA'iii. Jlur. 10. tlly the Anno
liutid I'ii-h) fyril WuiMlwurd t'lub
iy AriiiKtruiiir. mif mib'Id fhlcaau
luwyir, wliun truKki fur a IIvIiib
Ihih hern wnly moderately rueceimful.
t'Hluy wuj Infiirmed that Iio la atdo
lielr to an Lnnlluli earldom, tut the
u na hud little t,ffct on liln), fur lie
i nliuly Infoi nii'd to wHpaper ruportera
ihut In' itlrendy powwaiti'd tho grcul
. -t nilu In tho world; thut of un
A iih'I Iciiii titlzen, and dealicd no
Mr. AiiiiKtruni; reeevei a cotiimu
till ittloii wlili h had Int-n t iit to
triendit of hU hy tho t'otiaiilur depart
ment in WukIiIiikIuii In reBtioium to
iiu-rli'M of ttiuthiH III India, imkliii;
thut he he located, llv produced
many letter mid ilwuimntH to prove
thut he wan the itian aoUKht, ' but
iiild he Knew nothitiK of tho title he
in MuppoHed to have Inherited, fur ho
liri'nuii' ken rated from la family
when a tiilld, and hud worked hia
wny Mp to oicititiernhlp In the bur
through nlBltt athnxla.
I'n t p.iixly ho Mild newkpaper oub
nei iptiuiiK for u llvlnir, worked on t'u
naillmi fariui and fluully ttucume a
i-epvi ti r ou the Wulm y, 111.. Whig
"I knotr tiothlni; of the title," mild
Mr. Ariimlionc tcihiy, but I do know
thut I urn the Ariimtroin; aoucht. If
the npi.rtH of u title rove correet.
well I'll croas that tirldue when I
come to it, I lunte to thia country,
ln-niiue an Amcilcun Itlxen, fouKht
my way up to a ptmltlun of j-eapeet In
thia rouiinunlty, and It will alwayi te
fureinoM In toy mind that I hold the
Ki'iiit'Ht title In the world. thut of
merU-un ltl'i.
"This In u had day fur any other
tllle and I Imie no diclre to ihuiiire,
"My tullier'H nunie Una, I think,
William livfet'KO ArmatrotiK. He died
w hen 1 wua ao youni; that I ilon't re
member It. 1 hud two youneyr
brotheia, W illiuui laiwrencu und
i'uituin t. John Hlulverton. My
mother re-iiuirrlcd and Ut. John took
hlH Mep-fnther'a nunie.
'When I wna about nine ycura old.
my iniiic. Ijiwrence flub
h y AniLttrotiu, a noted civil enKhiecr,
took me to ICiiKlund from India,
where I wna horn iibout 1S80. I went
to Ki hool nt Ht, Murk'K. Wliidstir. Knic
hind und Vueriiniore houne nt llrom
ley. I didn't make much pruKrvaa In
my atudlea, ao my inn le went m to
t'unitdii when I wan 10. 1 worked on
a farm rioiir Norwich, Out., for two
ycum and later boeninti aubmniption
Nollcitur for x iK'WHpaper. 1 eame to
the l nltcd Htutea then, Rolnjf to work
tH n cull reporter in Qulncy when I
wna ulieiit 21.
"I dcterniliind . to do hotter and
went to iiiuht school, finally htlnR
admitted to the hur in 10K. I came
to ( hlcujro In 1!M3 and have been
pructliinif law here alnce,"
Mr. ArnmtroiiH learned of hia aee-
utid brothcr'a death In Krunco tn the
war tluoiiKli the coiiiinunleiitlonH re
ceived today'. ' Mr, ArmstroiiK tried
tttlce to enllKt in tho Anierleun urmy
durlnir tho war and once tho funu
dlun urmy, but waa ivjoetod.
Klamath County Court
Wants D. Atty. Fired
HAI.ICM. Ore., Mur. 10. Incompe
tency H ehnfgetl UKiiliiNt C, C. Itrower,
illHtrlct attorney for Jvluiuiith county
in i letter received by Oovernor tl-
cult, from li. 11. lluiinull, county Judge
of thut eoiinly, nnd the two county
eommiiiHiouura, Hurrtll Short und Asn
ltrower recently wrote a letter to
the governor, complaining- that the
young people of his community were
in (lunger of being led nstruy throuc'
negligence of tho properly constituted
officer lo enforce tlio luw, Thu gov
ernor, In it reply, reminded tho dis
trict nttorncy that tho responsibility
of luw- enforcement whs hugely on hia
own Hhoudors.
The letter reoetved from tho county
Judge nnd tho commissioners auya
Unit any tisslslunco tho governor can
give in on using tho office of district
attorney ut Klamath Fulls to bo vu
culed without obliging tho taxpayers
to go to the expense of a vocull will
ho nppi'oiidted,
Lduur O. Pr.idy. a C'hicuiro automobile talci-nian and hi wife, a sifter
of John K. ThotnpMoti, wtil known Chicago retnurant nii'ilioniiire Slio
was killed by her huxhuud :it Miami.
iuuhc. Her hunhaiid tlicn uttempti-d
n i .
PORTLAND. Mar. 10. For damages
to his reputation when be way search
ed for liquor near Medfortl last August
by 8. B. Kamlcfcr. GeorKe F. Jones
was allowed fr.50 by the foderal Jury
h4iring the caw Wednesday. Jones
sued Sandefer ftr 110.000 daningca.
Jones, who la a Seattle ninn, was In
Medford laf attmmer at the time the
Mazamas were ready to leave Crater
lake. Hearing that conveyances were
nuodod to britig them out, ho secured
employment to bring out a carload.
Near tho edge of the natkmul forest
boundary he was HtopMd and warrhed
by Sandefer, who waa then acting as
special prohibition agent, coininlHslon
ed by tho governor.
Jonea Mild nt first he thought it cus
tomary for everyone to bo t-earchi'd
w ho crossed the nutionul forest boun
dary line, but when ho saw other cat's
puns, he became suspicious. Ho ulleged
that the search was made without war
Sandofer, who Is now employed by
Klumath county, did not npiiear in
PORTLAND, Ore., Mur. 10. The
epidemic, of rabies reported yesterday
from Harney county to tho Vnlted
States biological Btirvey, predatory
animal service, wus today said to have
spread from Harney into Grant county
and to lie gaining considerable head
way, according to Information received
by Stanley K. Jewell, chief of the pro-
dutory unlmal service.
Rabid coyotes were roHrted to have
been aeon tn various parts of Grant
county. Muny huvo grown bo suvago,
tho comniunlcatioti said, that they are
entering houses and camps. Many
sheep have been roixirtod killed.
Floating Palace of'
Booze Beyond 3-Mile
Limit Is N. V. Idea
NICW YORK, Mar. 10. Ralph
A. Day, prohibition enforcement
director for New York, bus gone
to Washington to confer with Pro-
hibltion Commissioner Hnynes tn
regard to preventing tho estab-
llHluuent of a floating liquor "pal-
nee" outside tlio tlireo tuilo limit,
with a lorry service to New York.
' ' '' M
Fla.,- JeiiloUHy Itttng given aa the
to out Mm throat with a penknife.
F ....
LONDON", March 10. tUy iho As
sociated Prens.) The Karl of Derby
former secretary of war, has been of
fered the secretaryship for India In
succession to Edwin S. Montagus
who resigned yesterday, according to
reports In the parliamentary lobby to
day. In the event of Lord Derby's
refusal the Duke of Devonshire Is
mentioned as the likely appointee.
LONDON. March 10. (By the As
sociated Press.) Removal of Lord
Reading as viceroy of India, it Is be
lieved In some quarters, will lie the
dctioiinient to the publication of the
Indian government's note. There Is
nothing tangible on which to base this
belief, but it Ik not improbable as (
si'titicl to the virtual dismissal of Ed
win S. Montagu as secretary for In
The probable effect in India of Mr.
Montagu's resignation in the subject
of much curiosity and there are some
misgivings lost the removal of the
champion of Indian political reform
have a daugerous repercussion there
Kiiually momoutous from the dem
ocratic political point of view is tbe
effect Iho whole affair may havo on
the fortunes of thu government, es-
nucinUy us to the position of Prime
Minister Lloyd George. Some believe
the chances that the premier will
make good his tbreatened resignation
have considerably increased, and that
it ho also takes tbe view that Amer
ican a'ostentatlon from the Geona
conference lessens the prospect of
success there, the country may soon
learn of his definite retirement.
Tim successor to Secretary Mon
tagu must bo appointed booh, In view
of the dangerous' situation in India
The opinion iu tho lobbies over night
was that Winston Spencer Churchill
who was first mentioned. Is too.Intl
mutely concerned in tbe Irish settle'
incut to allow his removal from hi:
present office an secretary of tho eolO'
Talk Is mostly centering about th
Duke of Dovonshle. former governor
general of Canada, ulthough other
names ure mentioned. The duke Is a
conservative and should he bo chosen
it would make the third replacement
(f a liberal minister by a conserva
live within ten days.
Prltwix.i Off for Italy.
PARIS. Mur. 10. Princess Mary
and her husband. Viscount Ijiseellea,
who oiuvm to Paris yesterday and
were overnight eueatB of Lord dlar-
dingo, Rritish unilinssndor to France
left for Florence this morning. They
will spend nn extended honeymoon in
Miutlul Xmw S. Africa.
JOHANNEHP.UnG. Union of South
Africa, Mar. 10. (liy the Associated
Press) Martial law wua proclaimed
here toduy. Fighting between bands
of strikers und tho polioo has broken
out In the extreme euatern section of
the Rnrnl.
OTTLMWA. Iowa, March 10.
With their only physician In
jail and a prevalence of disease
In the rllalge, resident of Lock
ridge, Iowa, have stormed Jef
ferson county officials for a re
prieve. The physician, P. J. Shorlock.
Is serving four weeks at Fair
field after having been found
guilty of Intoxication.
Dr. Shorlock's case probably
will be lxfore Governor Kendall
In a day or two. The sheriff
called tbe governor on the long
distance telephone anil was told
the governor will act quickly if
four county officials joined In
the petition for the physician's
for a speedy trial for Walter A.
nger, former assistant treasurer of
the Dr. Thomas W.. Evans Dental In
stitute and museum fund of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, charged with
having embezzled securities of the
fund valued at approximately U9,-
0M0 were announced today by Assist
ant District Attorney J. O. Gordon.
Jr.i- who said that Cnger had eon-
fefweU his guilt. ,
An alleged companion of Lnger,
who was arrested on a charge of hav-
Inic received stolen goods also was to
be given a hearing today. He gave
the name of Charles Logan, but the
police said he was known under seve
ral aliases. According to the authori
ties Cnger had given him more than
When taken into custody last night
I'nger told the detectives that he had
not been out of his room for two days
and had been without food for 36
More then 10.000 in cash was
found in his possession. This, the de
tectives said, was part of the $12,000
he had withdrawn the day prior to
his disappearance on tho pretext it
was to pay salaries of instructors in
the dental school.
Secure Negro Nurse
As Arhuckle Witness
CkNCINNATI. March 10. Cincin
nati has added a chapter to the case
o Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle. film
comedian, who has twice been tried
iu San Francisco on a charge of man
slaughter iu consequence of the death
of Virginia Rappe, photo-play ac
tress. At the request of a representative
of Arbuckle, Estelle Wyatt, negress
of this city, loft here last night for
Chicago to give her deposition. It
is alleged that she made a statement
that twelve years ago she nursed Miss
Rappe in a hospital on the south side
In Chicago.
SANTA BARBARA. Cal.. March 10.
A perceptible earth tremor was
felt In Santa Barbara at 3:23 this
morning. Tho shock appeared more
pronounced In tho lower part of the
city near tho ocean, where more
clocks are reported to havo been stop
ped than In the "hill" district. No
damage was done.
. BAKERSF1ELD, Cal., March 10.
Ono of tho heaviest oarth tremors
here in years was felt at 3:13 this
morning. Several business houses re
ported that their clocks, operated by
telegraph, stopped neur the 3:30
FRESNO, Calif., March 10. An
earthquake shock was felt hero at
3:2 5 this morning, but no damage
was done.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. March 10.
A light earthquake shock was felt
bore at 3:27, The tremor lasted but
SI 90.000 DENTAL
Woman Defendant Nervous
Under Cross Examination,
Speaks Frankly of Relations
With Murdered , Man ; -
Admits She Loved, Kennedy
When She Was; Married.':!
IXS ANGELES, March 10. Mrs.
Madalynne Conner Obenchaln, pale
ai:d somewhat nervous, took, the stand
today to face cross examination by
the state upon her story of yesterday
of her love for J. Belton Kennedy and
his death by shooting In her trial ou
a charge of murdering him. She a
tnmed a position In the witness chair
so that she could face the jury.
That It was in the case of Kennedy
love at first sight Was indicated by
Mrs. Obenchaln in her responses to
the initial questtoos of the cross ex
aminatlon by Asa Keys, deputy dis
trict attorney. : Bhe testified she first
met Kennedy at her niother home
here In 191? when he was showing
property to a relative.' They met sev
eral times thereafter and the second
end third time he mentioned love to
her, she testified. , , : i . ... ;
"Bel ton said that he cared for tne,
bnt was" under obligations to another ;
girl," she testified. It was the anni-.
mer ot I sis mat ivenneuy nrst ass
ed her to marry him, she said. She'
gave her consent on August 31, 191.'
The engagement continued flvtj
months, she said. Ralph Obenchaln.'
former school chum, arrived tn Los
Angeles on December 24, 1918.. The ;
day following Christmas, she tele-'
phoned to Kennedy and broke the en-;
gagement. a week before her mar
riage to Obenchaln. '
Broke Engagement
The reason for breaking the en
gagement with Ktnnedy, she said was
that in her opinion her home condi
tions made marriage with Kennedy
impossible. She said during the en
gagements the relations between her
family and the family of Kennedy
were friendly.
Phrases of two love letters from
Mrs. Obenchaln to Kennedy were
read by the deputy district attorney.,
These letters were dated February 1
and 13, 1919.
"My love, my love Is yours
It won't be long before I can come
to you, waa read as one ot nor
phrases In the letters.
"I nieant that Belton had induced
me to leave Kalph." Mrs. Obenchaln
In response to questions she satd
that sne nau oeen tn iove wnn
nedy at the time she married Oben
Discussion of marrlago with Ken
nedy were held with Kennedy short
ly after her marriage to Olienchaln.
she testified. In June, 1919, Ken
nedy suggested that she obtain an
annulment. ,
(Continued on Page Five)
a few seconds
been reported.
i a. i,.
PORTERVILLE, Cal., March 10.-
uosiaenis nore were awuauoua auuut
3:30 o'clock this morning by an
earthquake! which rattled windows,
moved doors off their hinges and
threw furniture about. People rush
ed Into the streets but no dumugo wus
TAFT. Cut., Mar. 10. Houses bervi
were rocked at 3:23 this morning by
tin earthquake. It wus the severest
shock felt here in years.
Clocks were stopped at the weather
bureau lit Los Angeles and other
points down town but no damage was
reported. The tremors were observed
ul ho at Pasadena by a light rattling of
windows and glassware.
Roports were received by the Wes
tern 1'niun that the tremors wero folt
at Guadalupe, near Sun Luis Oblsi")
and at Delano, north of Bttkersflold. i