vxan six MEDFORD MATL TRTT51TXR MT,DFORT 01K('iON'. SATURDAY. PREFERS Hflffil I0ENT 0. A. C. GAINS THREE GAMES BUT IDAHO LEADS THE LEAGUE SE BY BIG SCORE, AT- FORCES FIGHTING A. B. CVS TO IRLSLi PAGE THEATRE IT E HELL ANO LATIN i ASHLAND wins FIFTH ANNUAL ASKS CRET FOREIGN CRETA WEEKS SHOW $5010 TO COVER ND ISSUES WARNING BUT G RADIO NCREASE MARIN mm UPON ARM T The Medford hlnh school live was defeated lant night at Ashland on the Ashland high school gym floor by the Ashland qitlutct by a score of 4o-lS. Mom of tho Medford boys played a liard game, fighting from start to tlnlan. The Medford baskntshootin was both inaccurate and unlucky, and but for tho defense and tho Rood work of tho guards the score would have gono much higher. , Tho Ashland team had tho advan tage of the floor and It seemed that no maifer from what position the 111 V thrown, with one hand or t, it fell through the basket. A number of one-handed baskets were mado by tho Ashland meu and sev eral times the ball was merely bat ter Into tho air and fell through the hoop. Few teams have defeated Ashland on the homo floor tn the memory of tnany basketball fans. Even when Modford had the. best team in the state some rive or six years apo that team was defeated cn the Ashland floor. Ashland supporters them selves honestly admit that tho floor is a decided advautago to the Red and White quintet. The Medford team has gained a little confidence in Itself and seems to bo waking up. Tonight's contest at the Nat premises to be a battle royal. Tho Medford girls defeated Ihe Ashland girls last night by a score of 21-20 in or.o of the hardest fought and most interesting girls' games ever seen in this vicinity. The Ash land girls gave the locals a real fight from start tn finish and the out come was doubtful till tho end. The game became slightly rough for a girls' game, but few fouls were called. Both boys and girls will play again this eveniug at tho Nat. The girla game will begin promptly at 7:30. Reserved seats are on sale at Crowson's. Lineup: Medford -. .-i Ashland Beeney ;.. F Hcer Johnston .:' F '.. i.flothrle Itudy Singler C Ramsey Payue .... CI "Weisenberger Preacott U Young Substations? a AsJHarodnwod team for first. Lnll first for sdcond. yckld-fDUVf Slrtglei' " Cor Ttescitt, Kiddle for 'fteene'vl The fifth annual minstrel show of the Medford Klks lodge will lie held at the Pace theater next Monday and Tuesday nights, Feb. ISth and Hth.l and solemn warning has boon issued to the theatergoing public to buy their tickets at the theater box office early aa there will be great demand, and the show will positively apiear hero only on the two nights mentioned. A change has boon mado from the WASHINGTON. March Presl- WASHINGTON, Mar. IS. IVolur. cation laws. Aocotiiiuinvluir meinou nseu mereioiore in selling ui qUest wa3 a letter iicKei. .new iters oi me touge win noi soil any. They will bo sold only at the box office. The annual Klks show is so well established in public favor as an vntertainmeut of excelleut merit dent Harding tod.tv sent a request to Ine that s.-crvt. nml Insidious for,- an lutlm-ncs by propaganda are hvckIiik tho senate for a supplemental appro- ( (K!lIroy Ami,rl0JI-s c(jrt to build prlation of JiO.OOU to deal with an j(u ml,lt:,in a merchant marine, emergency caused by a rapid decrease t0iiimisinr lleotuo riminberlnln of in radio broadcasting. Tho appro- tu, shipping board, spoiiklnit Uefmu priation. In addition to the $S0,00rt tho National Merchant Marine amui already authouUed, would bo ti r en- elation, sold that such Influence fin-ement of the wireless connnuul- 'Wen rejoice in uu- on-jmrnv ..... American people atfiunxi ninunn CHICAGO, Mar. .-A piety that American educational' ItiNttutiona plnco greater sties on", tlu id ftiHh loned virtue of honcy, Justice nnd dix-ency," a ml less on tla subjects gen erally termed "htghbri" was, imide today by John J. Tlgert.. I'nlteil States commissioner of edtuuta-n, In nn nd dress before the couveiitlion of the do- ft- parlim-nt of superintendent;" vonven ,,-.,.,;.,,. r. nanciai suppni'i 10 our r..n - u-m oi uiq .National r.UUCIltloii associ the president s re .i,..,,iiHi i civvn .i.. III. ....... ............ - .- - Hllll, ... in,., i-aii Mil uiiinur. lie kxki. our Hoover statins that tho department lmm,,H0 n.-.-t coimtiuct.-d duriiut and of commerce's force was entirely In- att,,t W;ir. mlRlit as well t m-rup-sufficicut to copo w ith the cmersemy ,., ai.iiig with uur bntth-shlp iuo Oi radio broadcast iug. gram of l'Mii and our ...mpctitms "Tlio tiitoiforonce caused I'V those nlneed 111 umllsput.-d poMcswlon of that it is figured by the minstrol mau- bnmdcastins stations with each other our fordKii cohhtw.' ascuient tho ieoi)lo will try to over-inn.! with n. r..,..ii..- .. nf m.lio Senator KU-tclu-r if crowd the house on both ninhts. Tho -nn,n,,.ni...i hith d. mniwiiM that direct sulmidy seat sale will bo announced in a day or so. After these two nights the minstrel company of from SO to S5 members PUuid:t said never In all his tory had built up : ureal merchant n.ercial purposes," the secretary said. nllon!, ,1)!(t .uiuiiavU Gic mot. ac- "Pas neen loiiowoa uy ucuianu iroiu cl,ml,ishiHl the least. all sections of tho country that lm- win go on tour, playing at tue orauis mediate steps be taken to remedy a Pass theater on the night of Feb. IK. j condition which U rendering this at Ashland on the night of the ITtb. popular and Important use of wire- lets Impossible.' YEAST COMPANY L A HO SEIZED Little Girl Recovers After 14 Operations and at Yreka the night of tho ISth. The advertisements of tho show state it will bo bigKer and better than ever. Of course we know, that anyhow, but when the management was asked for particulars all they would say was that "this year the elephants will all be pink ones." From other sources it has been learned the show will be different from auy heretofore given in Medford by either amateur or pro fessional organizations, aud of a wider variety of entertainment of genuine merit, and will positively be only two aours .eng. iroui w iu:ju p. ni. WASHINGTON, Mar. 4-ProhiMtkm r.very panicjocns. on tue ma win ue pfllclals.ln New York and ten other an amateur, and there will be a nura- cities wh branch agncle3 of ,ho: oer or niga class specialty acts. There nelschaiaon Yeast campaoy are local will be a brilliant array of comedians. cd werc ,irci)arlng to,,ay l0Oxecuto the auu iiiu ruurus hub uwu careiuii at- I un-1 Hut." said tho m-imtor, "I am In thorcugh accord with nil stcpa that have lio.-n taken to cs.tat.Ush a suit able inert hant marine. If I thought f:5,0l0.000 or J3O.OOO.0U0 would ac . oiiu.Ush wh;it we need I would hcsitntuiKly approve such an uppro prlalion." Chaili-a If. Potter, president of thu United StaV' Mliip peratom' aaouclu lion, a.-uH-rti-d thnt tho government - i owned cartco fleet fit for eivnonilcal j operation nhould be sold as s.mui ns i poMMLic at low in u eji wan terms. . , "If wo cannot tench teso vlitui along with modern thuugtt. then wo hud Utter dlsnutntlo out' Hplendldly oqnlPI'd Institutions und nvnu to tho old log school hous'." said Mr. TlgerU "lu tho words of a fauiuuH t-vaimeltMl, 'I would rather have, ttiy Iniy In Heaven learning his A, H, i" tluni In hull readinK Ittin and Gr.k.' Wo had better havo citlteiiM who havo charac ter and little erudition Qia'n cltUeti whuso kuowlmlgo U a ktII tit society.'' 1 " i Oakland Bachelor Is Found Dead in Roam SI'OKANK, Wash., March i. ihw spite a gain of thine mimes dining tho week by Oregon Agi k nltural col lege, the I'nlveislty of Idaho nddoil another win to Its credit und only tine loss, and maintain Its leadership of tho iiorltiyost eolli-ghite conference 1-usWi-t bull race. Standing of tho teams follows: Won. Lout. Idaho 10 Oregon Aggies 12 Washington) , W Vhltmun '. N Montana .1 WJlauietto 3 Washington Htato I Osegon 3 1 1. r. K n LIQUOR VIOLATOR BY DRY FORCES REPUBLICAN TO OAKUND, Oil.. Mar. 4- Imu rence JoiKeiison, CI. weullby Uieho lor. wait found d.uul in a ans-fllled loom in his apai'tiuent hciti lunt ! in III. A lioto i.lnnol to Ihii tloor HU-rnl ;l, , mi (.d,,, -,,on--i tl by J-lnek- nmil.-K" und uskeOitla' police ! noi 't iiltt two men whom It named, I The police ami.AiiH-vd lu-y Would rj- to find the tw. nun mente.1 to learn if llu-y could throw ny light on . I hi- mailer. s 1 " A FEATHERED MIAMI, Flu.. Mar. i -lleduclloil of from $.'.o,0iM),ul In Mti.Ouo.iHiO of tho wnr di'iMirtinenl's hudKet for the miw fiscal lear. ri"'l"d to be the plana of tho hniiHi) iipproiuiatloiia siilt-iMimtiili-too, will moan n decreaso of at least one third In 'J.'O army forts, ih.hIs, fly ing fields, and training ramps of this country, Becn-iary of Wur Weeks suld today. It would ho Impossible, with a furre of only ltMi.ooO men to uiAn tlu-n forts. ruiiipM and fields, even with a sufficient number of lueti "to drill a sijiiad," Mr, Weeks declurod. "The member of congress who vote to make tho cut beyond what wn think It ought to bn should not complain If tlio department finds It necessary to abandon a fort or pusl of field or ramp which happens to bo In his district," said Mr. Weeks. "It Is not my i my; It belongs t thn is-ople, and If they want lo makn tho cut, they have tho right to do so." HHKKVKPoliT, 1m., Mar. 3. Tar and leathern tteio aeuerously upplle.l lat night on Hrotvit llaker. S!, of Vivian. Ii. . nml Wlllliiiii (lititiy, c;, of (Viini drove, iiri-nnlint; to reporu to n Pvtil ni-wnp.in r today. Hoiim time ago, lUker. It whs rr. Iiorted had bin warned t" l.-ave Viv ian, o.tliig .i niif-iil.li.il tigiilnsl lillu r. urn .Unit IHiuor nw tlulatluns. Ilelilry m net'Unetl of an o(fl.lK which lm il.'iili-it. FREE SEED ITEM IS LOPPED OFF WArtlliiMiToN, Maith 4 Tim J3OD.00O free seed Item, carrlod for tears lit the agricultural bill has bn lopped off by the appropriations com mittee. It wu learned today, 1 I'H In be ciders of Prohibitum Commissioner Haynes to seize all supplies of inilus- selected from first class vocalists. iac no uisuncuve icaiures win no irii 9i.i,i in n.. ,.i,.nu Th cr.l.-n. the singing and orchestra work, which werc ,SMK,( ,.,, nif;ht folI)WinB . it is claimed will be the best ever revocation of tbe -oniuny' InatiHtrial heard in Medford, including tho first laictml permits apiwars.o? the. Antlers yoea puartetj As KTOund Xor thi!t a(;t,un wbJi;h tiu aud the largest and finest orchestra (.),(, .i,,,, n...,.,iti..n..r i.f h rP. IKE RAGE NEWBERRY ISSUE WAS!UMiTONvMiii 4, WitI: n tran tliut liiomy hh.iW nt lv u iU'trr I (Km hv tho timhfltttfnn hurpinr Mr. i.. t,A ..i.,.- .i.-.-iu.it ir. -t.w. ine scenery, which has U-en pro- Havnes. in a Klatcment cnnr'ed the ...,.tiv., l-.i.-t.-k u.-iu- of the lth oared nnder tho clirt'cfinit of Tnm ".. .. 'j..' !.; :. ...... i ; .1. ........ ... ..1 ever heard iu Medford in an amateur entertainment.' jgarded as "one of the biggest things Swcm ' geQusi Also- coincident wfth the coming of 0f f on bteii-iK ako-fiU prt foretl per- u, W ' ' tl"i- the: fifth annual Elks ndnstref -snow 4Ct Wit;t (fndU. purchase." ;n nmi-l.e,,. tvhe it la uml wlU be the flrst appearance of the t t. .0 .1 J..'; 1, t " eundHute for rv-vU " DALLAS, 'Tevas, Mar. 4 Dorothy Cannon, six years old, who has undergone- 14 serious operations and 45 skin graft f nR applications, will be discharg ed from a hospital here within another! month a well child doctors declared today. Dorothy was found lying on a live , wire in a puddle of water last June, her clothing having been burned away and her body black. She will be dismissed with very few visible signs of her experience. Of ToDt rnii,:irit.ufiih 'illwvijnn iif twirl jrj Mlchlffun fliKfri,-!. f.-rlltultv uunolini-rtl is pronounced rich and 'got-;., avM; for jbe?fa$H'Mr'flit"t twiy tnat h -Mld .a repuld.-un - ' ' ''" .'.' .' - ' ' inH iim'nnir nihoJ t'lilnira i'ii."iliVkini' cnntlUluto fur the senate, Hn will B-ek iit-IMi-y iH'jinu'i i.iwn.-r ijerniood, eel tun. In a vtoteiiient announiiiit: bis riiins Mr. Kelly opreswd confidence that republicans t 'Michigan would 'ti-l.-imlim th-i'. lUe primary in hep. temlM-r sheuld I .'; free from abuse of every cburut-it-r. and conducted en kiirti a. high plium'that there ho eliminated from iho ilectlou In No- veiutx r ail traces, nf tho unhnppy is-Min-n growing out of t-Xct suite Ueu tit money." . ... . tlks lodge band, which will give a half : hour's -concert In: front' of the theater before each performance. -. The Elks minstrels have been re hearsing diligently for a month past, and rehearsals will lie continued up until almost tho last minut to In.-iure a finished jierformance. ftlALTO TOMORROW A Thrill a Minute! Fun antf Laughter Galore! Airplanes, Racing Autos, ' Six Shooters and Wild Horses! TOM MIX NOW COX EY WANTS TO LEAD ARMY ON BOUNDING B IL W "AFTER YOUR OWN HEART" ' suiHrled by OKA C.l UK WE WASHINGTON, Mar. 4 Accom panied by a dozen jobless men, "Gen eral" Jacob S. Coxey, who years ago led an "army of unemployed" from Ohio on a march to Washington, ap- rOKTLAXD. Ore.. March 4. Two more suspect were taken into custo dy today by the police investigating the shooting Thursday night of Miss WiPamena Fuller, choir girl at St. Stephens pro-cathedral. Lather Shields. 20, and B. Tl. Martin, 21, who were picked np by detectives for ques tioning admitted knowing Elmer W. Wcatberford, who Is being held be cause he is alleged to bate made a remark Indicating He knew who did tho tfbooiing. Mits Fuller was reported resting well at a hospital nml her early re covery was expected unless complica tions devidop. HUME GOVERNMENT DRIVEN OUT (Continued from Page One) a national guard of honor, so as to lie ready for any attack. One account , places tho losses of the Zanelli forces , at three killed and fifty wounded. I THE IRRIGATION SEASON WILL SOON BE HERE .pi: 1; UoU ni .iiodCoL'ivlri'l'i!: iou win wane tnat pump and motor initaUed 'sooh. lWi carry a complete line of Centrifugal Pumps and Elec tric Motors; alaa. Automatic Pressure systems for your home. See us before placing your Ptfjcrf Al jnstalt laiiqns guaranieea.11 01 1, !. : vt. 1, ft v c ou I; :.j j, i iritc i.'li f.ufi.jj fills j j (nil; f av PEOPLE'S ELECTRIC STORE 212 W. Main, Medford, Oregon A. B, Cunningham Phone 12 O.O. Alenderfer 1 1 u v 1 1 , Siill-. for Home. llA.MIIro.V. , IU riuuda. Mar. 4. Kv.-iiih lliili-s, Ain-ri-!in st-i-ri-tary of latc. an4 Mrs. Iliiwh.-H xaiti-il today fur Nrw York on (he ti-.iiiiHhli K'.rt pcared today before tho house mer- d;y the . Associated Press) Chai ln chant marine committee asking auth ority to take over nnd operate 112 gov. ernment vessels now idle. Unfolding a plan which calls for the "af'ilion, Tiny are dm- n arrive In issue of 10,00O,O)0 in treasury notes "rk '""'' "1,J iniinc to pay for reconditioning of the ships,, dm.lc y to M ,, , , , ... . " 1 'I A large nnd rcprc-p.-ntativ gather Mr. toxey declared he iiroiwsed trf ap- ns w,.nt to the Mt.alJ1,,r t0 hui K,x. peal to tho people to subscribe $50,- bye to the visitor. OUO.000 to be used as a fund to keep .. ; tne vessels in operation as "tramps" on the high seas. If the plan was carried out, the com mittee was told, it would greatly re lievo unemployment. Mother Dies Ignorant Son Is a Murderer SPOKANE, Mar. 4. Ignorant of the fact that her son, Maurice Codd, faces a charge of first decree murder Mrs. William Codd, a pioneer resident of this city, died at her home here today after an illness of several years, i It was because of his mother's ser ious condition that Codd, a student In Northwestern university medical col luge, returned borne several weeks ago. His trial on a chargo of murder In con nection with the death of Frank lirin ton, a soldier from New York city, Is set for March 17 in si)M;rlor court here. Codd is alleged to have thrown Crln ton over a third-floor railing during an ultercutlon. Going Tonight 1MILIXK FUKDBUICK as tho mystery woman In ."THU Ll'IIK OK JAUK" Employ Radiophone to Catch Diamond Yeggs LoriSVlLU-:, Ky Mar. 4. Tilt radiophone was employed early today to broadcast descriptions of four rob bers who last nlifht bound and gagffed James T. Clark, his wife and two negro servants, and escaped with dia monds valued ut $10,000 nnd ap proximately $350. WOMAN COULD HOT WORK Made Strong and Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound St. Paul, Minn. "I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for a tired, worn-out feel- tneand painful tcri- ods. 1 used to et up wild a pain ut my head and pains in my lower parts and back. Often I was not able to do my work. 1 read in your little book about Lydia E. Pinkham's vege table Compound and 1 nave taken it. I feel so well and strong and can do every bit of my work and not a pain in my back now. I rec ommend your medicine and you can use this letter as a testimonial." Mrs. Pmu Maser, 801 Winalow St., St. Paul, Minn. just anotner case wnere a woman found relief by taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Many times these tired, worn-out feelings and pains about the body are from troubles only women nave, ine vegetable uom iiiiitiitn7!TTTTiimTTi I UJUUUUU 'w' In pound is especially adapted for just this condition. The pood results are noted by the disagreeable symptoms pasting Lydia E- Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is a Woman's Medicine for Wo men's Ailments, Always reliable. Two Nights City and out of Town Mail Orders Received Now Orders will be filed In tho order of their receipt and filled beft-ro the r-KUliir box office tialo opens, Friday March lvtli at ii o'clock. . Address letters, make' chucks', pontofflco money orders to Pane Theater. Include It-addressed stamped envelope to Insure sale return. Two Nights PAGE Monday and Tirsday March 13th and 14th I'ndcr Direction of Vernon Vawtcr MEDFORD'S 5th ANNUAL ELK'S MINSTRELS BIGGER, BETTER-GREATER THAN EVER AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA Wilson Waite, Conductor PltlCI S: Moor, 1.(1.1; I'abony, 1st I rows, l.i.T; lust M rows, 91,10, Includes uur Uiv. CAST or OVER 50 REMEMBER: The Early Bird Gets the Best Seat