Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 04, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Market News
PORTLAND, March 4. -steady;
no receipts.
I Inks stoudy, receipts ION.
Sheep ifti'inl)'! receipt 5,
Harry Hi k Iiiih rutuinixl
from New Vol k ami ChliaKo, wlime
studied fruit roiulltiiiiitf, and uUo
Vuri'hiiMixl ii radiophone, railed the
most miii'voluu (f modern lliveii
tluiin, )it'ti Im wl! Initiull In his
room ul Din Modturd Hotel, My
iiikuii of the radiophone which In n
IiIkIiIv developed wlrelc, )m Will be
able in lnxir distinctly Im lures, con
certs, iip.'cehi-s, and vaudeville, tho
niiiKii of tin' Instrument liii'luilltiK
territory from Mexico to ('inmilii und
im fni' cast an tlm lliiikv Mountains
Tim performance of thn ChliaKo
(mint Opera ut J'oiiluinl thn latter
part of iIiIh month, will t limird
. through h radiophone, Kvory wok
itny nliiht, Dm dance nnii'dlrii of St.
Frauds Hotel, Han Frnni'liwo. tlv-i
ii n m ml rr tli radiophone. On
other n Ik Iiin nliiKliirt ond tu'WIim num
ber of Orphcum vaudeville iito sent
PORTLAND, Ore ., March 4. Dul
ler steady; intra cube 3.1; tiiiilor-
Krmli'H :t ; cartons Mr; print 3Ke. )
llutitirful No. I, I'tiuruliiK iTimui !tr.4l j
Ilii't. ii. h. I'urtliiiid; underKrudc 33 j
i :i if.
Portland Wheal
POIITLAND, rii Msrch 4.
Wheat , Hard wlilm $1.30; soft
while, white dull, hunt winter It iff;
northern spring $1.26: red Wtillu
St. Mark's Episcopal
Corner North Oiikdalo arid Ktflh 8t.
H a. in. Holy communion.
Hominy school.
Holy ciiiiiiiiiiiiluii.
Win. II. lliirillt'.ii, vli'tir.
10 n.
11 a.
Catholic Church
South Oilkdiiln Ave.
First iiuiHH Sunday at X a. in.
H. conil mass ut 10: 3U a. in.
ieiidlctlon ii Tut seixmd muss.
Rev. John Powers, r ctor.
Hun Francisco Market
. I'ltAM'l'!!, Murch 4.- Kkk
extra 2lc; extra pullet 2lV4c; un
derstood No, I, tH'ic Poultry ttn
i liun l!
l.llx-rly IViiikIm.
NT WKHIK, Miir. 4,!Jliity
Imiiili rhwutit: 3'' :i7.oo; firm 4'
U7.U'l I. lil, I 4 H IU7.U4 hlil: flrot
U7.4(I; mi. ml 1','h 1 117.20:
iluiil 44h '.'i. S'i; round 44'h
IH7.4N; Vi. i,ry 1'h 1 1 00.02 ; Vh-lur
rim milliipliimo hnn lakrn lb Hint U'm llfto.jx.
hy utoriii. unit tlwy Imvn lnxn pur-
rhniii'd n iuhI u timtitirVliirml. I li
n bun nil l hy Mr. HomuhurK U now
i-ii rout'', and In hi'lli'Vd ti ho the
llrm oiio to Ixi iimtolliul in nuuilmru
Or. ii. In tliU windi' l.lti-mry Ul
Knl thir In it dni rlMI'ili of thn tu
ilh phi ni, and limp hu'liiK Ilia 'm
lliiim in'rV'd, For InHuhco, lbi ltuiuit
ivif alta-y ullt li fthlo to har the
l.(m AiiK'li and Ht'Mltln aiatlonu, unit
u4 rnr uh lii-iin-r, fdu., It lr rondl
ilnim ur rliilit.
N. Y. Stocks
I KI.KAST. Mur. 4 (Hy tho Amu
ti'iiol l'r-iMi) Ma H. (Iiitii, rlinlr
nmn of the Jrtnh irlnn iMiftrd, wn
hluit nml kllli-il In I'uhlin yrnlrduy, a
I'uhlln in'KwiKo iniiiin't'H. II"
it Kiin-lnluw i'( thn Into Juhll 11
im. ml, ihn Irlxh iiutlniiulliil li iuli r.
Th lini.ln 6f M4. Oik-vii ihii'p4
Iim'Iiik a i-hi'v' t.t.i li.ji m Jl.i r ?
i lorm rurr ln n .iiliV r;it.l kuiii nf
miiiH-y nVliJ tip hy niniiit mnt
w lw Mi'k fiiii,hli;V...l.'i'A.r,i"JMltii
1.00 1...1IH.U nil liiij( ,i.ivJ. 1 1U
W((."-'tU'i pi.lii-.. ituvd i him
4'i"ili'r of ilm rtri'lna: men flr.l
.iljhu iiimiifi-H nn.l II won Ihfiiv lhfK
il. ii wn Biiin k ly u luill' t ami
kiij'il. Aiwiilii r nmn wif xuntil.
NKW YOHK, Mar. 4 Aiitouiohll
dluirin suit their Nuclultlca wero the
f.'tiliT of an nrtlVK aidllUK iiiivrnii'til
limine tuduy'a Hlmrl Hliwk ninrkft
Hd'M, thn ixRi-tUin i xti-niliiiK to uIIa ntiil
.iillillii't)ti4. Hlikli'l.ttkir hht l
miiii, Chunilli'i- and 1 nll'-l Htutia
llulilirr I to l'-. .Mi-nhaii I-t rx.l.Mim.
I'Iitoo Oil, Ihirw Oil. AiiiitIouii Ioc.
nintlvv, lialdwln UMnnottv, lU'puhllr
Iron, Ainorlcan Hide and Uathcr pro
fnrrwd, Aimrlrnn HiiKar, lnlMrnafunal
Paper and I' Krult Iko falllnK 1
to l'i KilntH.
Junior ralla, pHpwUlly Mlaaourt
rifle nun nw n and prffprrml nod Kan
aaa ("Hy KoiiUhtii, iro doprfaaid, but
Ann ArUir nnnmon gnlnod thrH
HlnU. Kovprat ot thn local utllltina.
aa wrll a Iwii-lodu Gum and Jewel Toa
ntfvrriHl, wre atniOK. Tho rloBln
wa hoary. Holm approximate! li.
0M almrpn.
Alllixl Cb.-iul'-al & !.....
Ailt l'hlBirr j u.m;...-.:v. .
Vmirioul ,iililHa(5r !...'.!
A morlfau Vnh - !..:...'.....;......:
Ainril.iin t'nr k Foundry.. 5
Cvang. Luth. Zlon'a Church
rourtli rlt. hidow OiikduUt Av.
Iiv. Dr. W, U. Mun'nx-Owr, 1'aiitor.
Iti'H. 51 H Wftit Fourth Ht.
HiimUy hi ImhiI to n. in.
Dlvlnn hitMii' 11 a. tit.
Cutochi-tlnil Ii 'inirdon for confir
mation i-vcry Kir.i-iliiy ufti-rn'Min.
First Christian Church
Cor. Ninth mid Oakdulo.
I H.ll Kly Mllluril, MIiiIhH r.
Itihln whool B:4r n. in. Hfrbort Hr
rlim, niipt.
I'lwi'hlnis It n. in. Hpftlul muHlc
AdiIumii hy th rliolr and nolo hy II:irry
C:3' ChrlMltiiii Kndiiavor iwrvlP".
YoniiK I'o'ipln i-hjhh lnlly ln Uml.
7:3o p. in. Kvi-nlnit annlcs auhject.
Mo a Typo of t'hrlHt." Hpwln.1
uinulo hy th hlK orvhwutra. A hearty
widromn to nil. "Thn
PretbyUHan Church
Main and Holly.
II v. K. I. !Jwr-nr. Mlnlatr.
25 K. Ornniffl.
9:45 n. m. lilhln aoluMil. Children at
ti'mllnu nowhfrn fv nro Invited to
niilln with our at-hool. Carl J. ltixun
iwr, aupt.
11 a. til. MornlnK worship. 8 rnion.
Trlnclplea or Giving." For simtUI
muslo th quartet with iJr. W. W.
Howard as Iishh will sing "Heboid, God
Is Mluhty." hy Wtwilor. A molo trio
will nlito alng ITuImo V" from Vordl.
6:30 . lu. ChrlHllun Kndeavor toplr,
"llittr Homo l-lfe."
7:30 n m. "Biereopllcon pictures on
"Alajtkn" with brief descriptive mes
sage." i
j J HM.M al music hy the young K-ople.
CHANTS I'ASS, f)r.. Mar. 4. Ex
perimental work of 0 "dry land" dred.
ing method In Ixdng carried out on an
exlenslvo sculn a quaiti-r of a mile eaiit
of Ihm town of Rogitn Illver, nine inllen
east or (irnnta rs. 1'rlnciplea here
tofore atuiched only to dredKlni? hnvo
hei n adapt'-d hy J. H. Taylor, In rlinrge
of thn wofk, and ari? hidng put Into
pratlcul line lis rapidly as jiOHSlhle
Homo niaehlnory Is M bund, and linn-'
her Is being rnc!lved every tay for
construction imi'xM"-
l.'nder Mr. Toylor's-plan the land
will receive practically the sun.'!
treatment accorded under dredxlng. A
long drag lino, attached to an electri
cally i;'illpw. hoist, HO feet high, will
carry a bucket of one year capacity to
all points within a 600 font radius. The
sand nod gravel then will be screened,
and thn coarser nrnteriul sent through
a hopiier, reducing It to a sum!. All
mugnetic. proertles In the sand will he
removed. It Is estimated (but n 40
per cent wasto of tn-tt gold, under
dredging and placer iii'-tliiMts, will he
Tltlo to &-'! acres, lying (n a strip
four and one-hulf miles long, with a
width of hut a few hundred yard at
the widest places, has been obtained.
The tract lies between the main line
of the Houthern ralfc railway and
the KoKiie river, and Is believed to Ik)
an ancient channel of the river. The
cost of acquiring the land is said to be
It 00.01111.
01 S
41 f.
: i i
i Maim Street; M. Church, South
' Cur. Malu and Oakdnle Ave.
W, J. Kenton, I'ajiior.
Sunday school l:4.iv. tu. Dr. Frank
ci ts. Upt.' .t'lassvs fur 'all.
a. joi. ".StUjJw-t,
American lllile ft Ix-ather pM C9 i i,.rhinii 11
iJiim.1 n"TinMmiii torii.-.r.:.'.T-i.wsf,ii it. ('ui-n.'"! 1 s.l!
t'V (American liemiKhrr .v.iu:iiti:i:.6- orih- Ugie.;a4
to ronilnue the trana-contlnetitul air
mall s.Tvlce ar to he provided In the
annual postofflce appropriation bill
tinder agreements reiiclted by senate
committee members In charge of the
measure. In pusalng the hill the
house refused to provide for the air
mall service and former Postmaster
General Hays recently appr-nreiMie-foiTi
the senate committee In Its be
half. , .
."..'.'.'"AUuiirUiua ttuwliiagi .IteCRuetaMHTt-Vi)lfrj Jinslileoi;
American miKur .s..-i pn'achlnpmSO rf-'l". JiTttngellstlc
AWrrlfan Htiuistra Totrnem '".& "t)r -s, 'i ! v.,
Aihhrlcan T. & T H 0 , ! fcrayrr meeting Wtilnesday ,,7:3o
Anierlrnji T.iUenro 136.3 i,. " k- i -s
mcrnn Vf Object hf this church: not-1 -enter
4V& j,ut u'nia60 hetier conditions t
J. 63.K
... 35.2
... 73 "
.... Mi
Ainic(.i4i Copter
Atchison ..
Alt , Gulf 6 W. ludles
Unlit In IK-oumtlvn .
llalliiuore & Ohio Steer ,' U.
anailliin 1'acifio .
Central leather ....i.
j Chandler Motors
4. I'utnls'Chesaiieuk Ohio
Chicago. Mil. and Bu I'oul 22.7
Chicago. It. I. & rac.... 39.3
Chlno Copiwr i 2G
Colorado Fuel & Iron 2rt.5
Corn I'niducts : 104
Crucible Hteel E7
trie 10.6
Bfe, Thn Puaihiy arhool lia been r
oiganlzo., hew' teachers" added, anil a
lnrcer iirogrom outlined. The Junior
Cpworth loague has been organized,
aud will meet at 2:3d Hiimluyl ufter
niHin. A live ujhI giuwiug church. In
vites you to all Its services.
JXv General Opposes
" Reduction of Army
Pokio, l--li. 1 1 Correspondence
of the Associated Press) Armies nf
vn'ti rii nutloiis are so far ahead of
that of Japan In the mutter of mili
tary equipment that the Mikado's
uoveriiiiient cannot nt present at
, tempt any raitlcul reduction of land
irces. according to a recent slut
luent by General Yumannshl, minister
of nr,
"If our mllltnry efficiency Is to bo
Impaired at all It Is not time yet to
begin this movement," the general
.... n
.. 62.6
i j
Portland Man Leads
Wheat Debate in East
LlCXlNCITONVNcb.. Jdar. 4. Largo
numbers of furmera are expected to
attend a dehnte here tonight between
Unlph J. I'lckell, Chicago, editor of
tho Hound t'p. a trade paper, and
George C. Jewltt, of Torilnnd. Ore,,
president of tho Northwest Whoat
Growers, Associated, on tho subject,
"resolved, that speculation, commonly
called gambling, is a menace to tho
mnrketlng of grain." .
Mr. I'lckell will defend grain spec
ulation, wiilto Air. Jewltt will opposo
Cut Thla Out It la Worth Money
Cut out thlH slip, enclose with Bo and
mall it to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, III., writing your nemo
nnd address clearly. You will receive
in . return a trial pnekago containing
Foley's Honey und Tar Compound for
couyhs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney
.U'llls for pains In aides and bunk; rhou.
'mntlRtii, backache, kidney nml bladder
niumonig; ana Foley Catliartlo Tab
lets, a whnloMonio nnd thoroughly
clounalng cutlinrtlo for constipation,
biliousness, headaches, nnd rIukrIhIi
Jjowcls. Sold everywhere.
Famous I'lnyers Losky ......
General As.halt -
General Electric
General Motors .
Goodrich Co
Grout Northern, pfd
Illinois Central .....100
Inspiration Copsr 39.2
International Harvester 90.6
Int. Mer. Murine pfd . 70.6
International Taper .47.2
Invluclble Oil ; 16.5
Kelly Springfield Tire 43
Ketinecott Copist 2S.2
Louisville & Nashville 113.1
Mexican Petroleum UM
Miami Copper 27.1
Middle States Oil 13.5
Mid vale Steel .. 29.7
Missouri 1'aciflc 21.7
New York Central 78.5
X. V., N. H. and Hartford... 16.8
Norfolk & Western 99.5
Northern Pacific 79.6
Oklahoma Prod. & Hef.... 2.6
Piwlflo Oil 48.3
Pan American Petroleum 56.3
Pennsylvania 35
People's gas . 75
Pure Oil 33.7
Ruy Consolidated Copper 14.1
Reading , 73.2
Rep, Iron & 8teel 48.6
Royal Duten. N. Y 62.S
Sears llouhurlc H8.1
Blnelulr Con. Oil 22.2
Southern Pacific 84.1
Southern Railway 20.2
Standard Oil of X. J, 179
Studehnker Corporation 97.8
Tennessee Copper 10.1
Texas Co. 45.3
Texas & Pacific 31.2
Tohuceo Products C8.1
Transcontinental Oil 9.1
Union Pacirio . 131.1
United Rotall Btorea 44
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol 44.5
United StutOB Rubber DS.3
United Stutos Steel 94
Utah Copper 7
WestlnghoiiHo Electric C5.6
Willys Overlimd ; 55
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Authorised branch of The Mother
Church. The First Church of Christ.
Scientist, In lloston, Mass.
Services are held every Sunday at 11
o'clock. Subject for Sunday, March 5:
Sunday school at 9:45. All under
I4ie age of twenty are welcome.
Wednesday evening meetings, which
Include testimonies of Christian Sci
ence houllngs, ut 7:45, church edifice,
212 North Oakdale.
The Reading Room, which is lu the
Medford Hldg., Is oKn daily from 1 to
5, except Sundays and holidays. All
autliorliej Christian Science literature
may he read, borrowed or purchased.
The public is cordially Invited to at
ntunlly that more booze is being con
sumed now than before the days of
prohibition, let us find out if It is true.
On Wednesday evening, in tho pas
tor's study from 7 to 8, teachers meet
ing. In tho auditorium from 8 to 9
Itlble study. Outline study of Old Tes
tament scripture.
The Epworlh League, and Interme
diate League, will hold their regular
services for prayer and Illble study at
6:30 on Sunday evcnLw;.., Il'lp aiake
inee 'nie'ii ojt9 jwinpv ., ( .
! :i ': - Hi'
1 First Methorfist! Epitcbpaf
Fourth and Hartlett.
J. itandolph Sasnett, office Jackson
1 Co. Hank Hldg. Phone 26.
9:45 ii. lit.. I'llile school,' ciasses tor
all um;hi l'rof, N. Ht I rsskltn, supt
U a. m. Morniug warship. .Sermon,
"Mr. Kingdom Conie.Vr Thlrrt of the
series. . 1 ..... . ..1 . is -, - -
0:30. Epworth fragile. Topic, :tSfy
Debt to Inspiring" Friendship." '
' 7:30 p. m. Fenlng s-irvle. ' Sermon
T"ho Thrfll of a Great IHscovery.
Fourth of the aeries. The following
question will lie discussed also: "Has
the press been fair in' fts account bf
the Portland dance controversy." ' '
i Morning Anthem, Christian, the
Morn Hreaks Sweetly O'er Thee.
(Shelley). Soloists, Mrs. Van Scoyoc,
Mrs. Pierre, Mr. MacDonough, Mr. Vrd
tuan. Quartet. My Faith Ijooka t'p to
Thee. (Lorenx). Mrs. Van Scoyoc.
Mrs. Pierce, Mr. MacDonough. Mr. Vro
mnn. Evening Anthem. Softly the Silent
Night. (Winn). Soloists, Mrs. Bliton,
Mr. Pierce. Solo, Like as tho Heart
Deslreth, (West). Mrs. Pierce.
Miss Matie Vronian. pianist; Mr.
Uernard Roberts, organist; Mrs. May
Jordan MacDonough, director.
The Place to
Low Priced
Tractor Implements
We carry in stock a large
selection of the very best im
plements for use behind all
kinds of tractors. This stock
includes plows of all sizes, disc,
spring tooth and spike tooth
We are prepared to meet all
competitive prices on each im
plement, weight and quality
Will Pay: You to See Us Before: Buying
f .'. ':: -z..ii . .ii ,..vv'- t .11. rei i"!tf.i- ! :;- I- ii AS
. ! II II 1U M iv II : '
and Jtuuuisuii inc.
r. :! .. -,'.T .'.
1 j
1 1. 1 1 1 1
t V. -inr ,t '.a 1 11; ij ' .- -. .r-.-'f.-i - "l fit tu'- M.JJ .- ii J i, 11. v- 1.
Tel; 150 " -.' u :,u ?,; : :n2 So, Riverside:
.."1 r-:;t f itn al: ttc?'ia v-.. j 1
Rewrapped, Reulrel ..and 'Rem ,
nlnhel. - File ' tied to patten s.
' " . f - n'-
E. W.i 30tU
M7 R. N'ewtoww Rt. Mrdforo
Missionary Christian
Church Is Murdered
ST. LOCIS, Mar. 4. The Rev. Dr.
A. L. Hhelton, medical missionary of
tho Disciples of Christ (Christian In, U..IA' I.V
...-.1 . .... -....i . ii. .ji...r ' "
-m r. .... '"" rnblM. none Itiitane- KVhrunrv 17
First Baptist church
"The Friendly Church"
North Central and Firth Sts.
9:45 a. ni. llihle school, F. W. Mears,
supt. A large attendance desired Sun
day. 11 a. ni. "Chrlsfs Scales ot Value."
Anthem, "Sun of My Soul."
6:30 p. ni. Senior and Intermediate
B. Y. P. IT. "Hetter Home Life," Mur
iel Alberts, loader.
7:30 n. m. "How to Re Saved." Uan-
tlmn at close of service. Anthem,
Wooler, "Thou Art My All." Gospel
solo, "My Wouderful Dream," Mrs.
Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet
ing. 8tudy ot "The Now Christian
Thursday 7:30 p. m. Choir rehearsal.
Populur concert given by the choir aud
others March 21st. Reserve the date.
Make Sunday different hy going to
church. A cordial invitation to you
and every'HxIy.
Frederick R. Leach, Pastor.
More 1 tains Predicted.
WASHINGTON. Mar. 4. Weather
predictions for the week beginning
Monday, are: Taclflo states, consid
erable cloudiness; occasional ruins,
Normal tompertituros,
cording to a cablegram received by
the United Christian Missionary so
ciety here today. In-. Shelton escaped
from a brigand ramp In China in
June. 18!0 after having been kid
naped and held for ransom for sixty
The cablegram came from tho Rev.
Dr. William M. Hardy, also a medi
cal missionary In China and read:
"Itobbers killed Shelton near Ratang,
rebruavy 17. Notify girls."
Tho gills referred to avo Dr. Shcl
tons dausbtei-s, Dorothy, 17, and
Doris, 15, who nro attending school In
I'oinonn, Cat
' Talent M. E. Church
niblo school meets at 9; 45. You gave
us a good attendance last Sabbath,
keep the good work going. A live llible
school for people with live brains.
Send your children If you cannot come
we will do our best by them, but bet
ter romo nnd bring them along.
Preiichlug at 11 a. in. nnd 7:30 p. ni.
At the morning service we will con
duct a baptismal service. It you do-
sire to have your babies baptized, or to
be baptized yourself this Is your oppor
At tho evening sorvlco the pastor
will speak from the subject: "Whnt
has the 181 h Amendment done for
America?" wo rend and hoar con
Kiddies' Colds Can
Be Eased Quickly
Dr. King's New Discovery will do
that very thing, easily and quickly.
Don't say, "Poor little kiddie, 1 wish
I knew what to do for you!" When
the cough first comes, give a little Dr.
King's New Discovery as directed, ant!
it will soon lie cased.
It's a good family cough und colJ
remedy, too. Loosens up the phlegm,
clears up the cough, relieves the con
gestion. No harmful drugs. For fifty
years a standard remedy for colds,'
coughs, Rrippe. At your druggist;,
60c. a bottle.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
For Colds and Coughs
Constipated? Ilcre'sRcliencieanse
the system, with Dr. King's Pills.
Tlicv prompt free bile flow, stir up
the lazy liver nnd pet at the root of this
trouble. All druggists, 25c.
. r. Kins Pills.
Oldsmobile Four .
Touring Car
at Medford.
Busy Corner Motor Co.
slain at RJveririV
; .j - r.j v 4 EFFECTIVE FEB.; U 1022
Pally Except Sunday
Dally and Sunday
Leave Medford. Leave Grant
10.00 A. M. 10.00 A. M.
1.00 P. M. 1.00 P. M.
i.3 P. Mu 4.4S P. M.
Fare: Medford-Granu Pass, $1.13; Grants Pass-Roeeburg. $5.00;
Medford-RoneburK $4.15.
Free Wiring Plans
by Experts
Any cloctri(?al contvaotor-doalor can be of decided assistance to
the owner in helping him plan, to use electricity in his home. The
place, for switches, for lighting outlets, for base plugs, floor plugs,
etc, may make i real difference and the sizo of the wire which
should be used is a technical matter which few home owners un
(Jerstand. ; ;
This technical service is free, fior the asking. It adds to the value
of your house to have it pi"opcrly wired, and the work of wiring it
will be materially lessened if the man who does tbe work has intel
ligent and unmistakable plans to follow.
The California Oregon Power Company
Phone 168
Medford, Oregon
21S West Main Srteet