Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 03, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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MEDFoftt) MAIL TRtlitt, Mfcfrtfoftt), 6KE06 FRIDAY. MAliislt n.
i i.
i i
m nniT nniiT1
iu uuu nun i
MCliKRl.KV, falif., Mar. IVtrrlng
accidents. th I'nivomlty of California
Famous Painting That Soldfor Highest Price Ever Paid
this spring will , have tho Rrcutcst
8 AN' . FHANCUH'O.- .Mitreh The
mnn.tcroinrnt of the l'aiiflo Co-oner
ulvo leaRue, operating Roneral P"""" w in its history. according
inerehnndiao stores in California, Ore
gon, Nevada, Arizona nml New Mex
lii) anil doing ;l business of
oiW.OOO nnnutiUy. p.-titkined for a re
volver recently In tho I'nitod States
dint riot vourt,
"Tho lenRB'W perfectly lveti,H
nocordlnur to' ft formul sts'.tement by
Ernest O.K. Amex of Sun Francisco.
It president', "hut is forced to this
lift I'fiM 7'inili).li iiirolHK.rtrl.'h
Ten veteran art on tho buaebnll
sound and are being 'pressed by a
large numhT of men who have yet
to earn, their block letter on the diamond.
Four flrsM-ftle pitcher! Mike
Monon. Hid Mcllonry, Paul Morse and
Paul- O'Nell.- Folro'tho hurling que'
tlon foe Knmlork. llehlnd tho bt
notion bceo.use of internal dlsoord." i Thompson and Kte ft re working out
At isoiiio of the stores, 1im1 minority .The recent retirement of Catcher
interests havo 'interfered with the 1 "Crln" Toonief ' as a. blow to tho
operation' it business to tin alarming 'team but Kanhdck thlittt ' Rbei or
degree. Turn has prevented me Tnnmpson wur be ame to nanaie tne
lireslder.t nnd dlrK-tor from securing lob. '
proper Control of the business, j In the infield. Charley Erb, captain-
' The leaituo Imsi been id... operation cbtt of the Ift'footbaiy team;-U oh
since 1913 und has paid out very largo mwnil !.,; tl-irsnv Wakib In lit
Hums in dividend. ' third and Captain Makln plays short.
During tho year J 92 1, however. iPjHeniler will be on first. ,
met with business reverses so that j "Itiiek" Mul'er. California's nll
dlvldends had to be suspended. This American football end. Is leading a
caused iteneral (UsMUM'uiIlon and in- miuad of candidates for outfield pol-
terferente With the management of tions; Ilodcbaugh is tho only veteran
the" busfness by disgruntled stock- trying out far outer garden work,
holder.' I m .I i 1 .i i i 1
"Attorn-pta or the' pre'RjJenl to clone
out Rtorea that" weh unprofitable
hAVe Ijen"-Msited by; UUiiatiori. in
timidation V.Tii otliej" rnenns."'
VnwUrrnritvid and' dostrut-UW in
terfercne," hv endanRered tho bus
inesji and rendered It inenpr.ble of
tntlnK its 'pMwnt obligations nnd n
re-elver therefor nevtswry. Ames
concluded;1 ; ,
The difticillUeS Mv'eTm' Ral.t to bo
. The umi tU,, 'ff.Hnd.Hl on the ' DRONSVlU JS. TeAs. Illabkot
'noachdale ulnn" beivbv tho rcsi- Indlctmont:! charrfntt tnunlpr and
dents" of vthw ton peiootcd f.r tijo 'and consplraty to' 'inbrdsr 10 connoc
Moren should txs, subscribers for tho i tlon with the shootlntT Of Manuel
work nnd Kt In return investment Duarte. Mwlcan rltiten. rbruary 3,
of from . JS td $13000 by upproxl-1 Tetllrnod by the grand Jury
niately I00 li(tu members. I . ,
n-k . iff'iwt 20 Commerce county real-
thf n-t of all e are' said to' Th"p wltld.
total- ttirtro tiinf-ft the nubilities.
Orejron'' towiM 'in whleh stores arc
operated arc ltiker. Huntington and
IUI1U u..
pndlns arrests. Duarte was, fore
man t f a farm near h?rf and accord
ing to officers, bad ba warned to
leave. '.' t
Pear me-n' called at the farm house
at night and- shct him. Otficers
charge the' killing was planned at a
secret meeting of about 25fmen .
She', mixed Sulphur, with it to
- Restore Ccdor, Gloss,
t'-f.i YoUthfahwss.'! "" "uf'
' tITS f(fl! )t: .j; tut 1
fT t'.n .: an .wfst 5-r.r-CAtnmon,
irardea sage brewed Into a
heVii tti with sulphur audea. , will
turT?TeToy-"fitryikefJ imil fadrd "liair
beautifully dark land "luxuriant ' J'Jsf
a few applications will prove a revels-
ii'j ."i"n:.ilTii ' ivfV f'j
iv.XttZ. Wash.. M"ar. ll A
a tew appiiraxfOBs win prove a peveia- . . . ' . . ' ' ' .
tlon iQoiw fikr tsffadlnV, atraKeor1 retifion hwbeen fjlotl iir ?FUper)or
rray.' Tkfliirlff Till! gage. Tea and Sut-! colift here asking thata receiver be
I.hur recipe ut hem, though, is trou- appointed forthe Mantwn Prait Grow
bottle of. V)'5 -Sage, and. Suiphur.vrHa cooperative organization.. 11 is
Comp6ufrSarirdruretore!) reidy !alk?ged In the oturl&Iot ,thjit an at
tor use. Thia 19 the old-time recipe tempt was nnade in February. 1920 to
SSlelJjlJ?,.!f!?a,li"IcMe the by-lawp an4. increase the
?nile wiepV, grayfaded hair la not 'capjlal stock without authority or no
alnful. we all desire to retain Ar tic being grret tho plaitf?NT dat
youthful appearance and atoacUve. haa been net for hearing of tha.pi'UUon
aeaa. By darkening your hair with . r .. . .
Wrth" s&M and Rulnhur Comnound. the tourvaa thin. Mt not an emer-
t one can tell; because' It does it m , geney cane
naturally, so evenly. You Just dampen I
aponpe or son brush with it and
lrw-thts through- your hair, taking
one small strand at a. time; by morning
all gray-hairs have disappeared, anil,
iter another application or two, your
hair becomes beautifully dark; glossy,
oft and luxuriant -
This preparation is a, delightful toilet
requisite and- is not- Intended for the
cure, mitigation or prevention of di-
' ' ir5ItbXSilJ, - 1
-.If a- -vfih 'r-Ti'
f ' " I'M .. I
Tho Puko of Westinlnister'a famous Gainsborough painting ''blue Itoy" wblih wns sold at a e-ord prli of
S6C3.000 to Sir Joxepli Uuveen. was in turn noid to Henry K. liutilliiittou AnietHoun iiilllioualio, for n sum
said to be the highest ever paid for a painting. The picture occupied it st.tlrioom on tho steamship (tavnlo and
Is now stored for safekeeping In the 1. S. Custom Appraiser' stores In New York City. It will bo pla.-od on
exhibition nnd then' go to the famous private collection of Mr. Huntington.'
LEA VEN WO RTII, Kansas IiocUr
ing sho would go to Xiarion. Ohio,
if she had to ride "every foot of the
way on rods." Mrs. Margaret Anderson
left here thla" morning for President
Harding's home town, where she de
clared Bhe would "camp" on the presi
dent's rotative until her san, Joseph
Anderson,' is released from tho federal
prison at Kort Ieavenworth. ,
Mrs. Anderson gained an audience
with the president a month ago after
she hl walked from Sioux Falls, S. U.
to Washington. President Harding,
&ne said, pnomued to pardon her son.
She then .came to Ieavenworth to
await his release.
Joseph Anderson is nerving a two
year sentence for forging a poKtofftee
money, order at Fort I. A. rtusselt.
Wyoming;.; ;(,;:.; y-j- .
ATHEN3. Mar. !. Oreoco has re
leased I be steamnhlp Kspolr, which
was captured by a Greek torjedo boat
destroyer off the coast of Asia-Minor
on February 12. The Espolr sailed
from the iort of Piraeus after her
cargo had been discharged.
LONHUW Tho lllnliii of Urn ham
says ih.T t.'hurch of Kimlnnd t nnnot
flnrt ministers enough ti fill Ui iml
plIH, The uumlier of men iwmu.illy of.
ililinod Hlneit tho wur ha4 linen less
than' one-third of llnise nnnunlly or
dallied iK-funi tho wur,
llnrnusn of tlm povirty to which so
many of the clergy havn lit-cu umIih ihI
by the r. many pai-enttt hvo censed
ti reiturd tho church n provldluK
illralilo careerti for their sunn,
There nre sono fewer clerky working
in tho iwrlshc of Knglund than In
If ths) church were in inx-t Its re
quirements, the blslion sHiil, it would
have to make way for domneriioy, Tho
last veslltn of cnslo inn I elites it'tttlno.
liou should disappear vhn mluls
try tnd ordinal ion should ho us ois-n
to tlm suns of the in-tlmui im f tlir)
Great For Bad
Coughs and Colds
Make Your Own MihIIcIiio and!
Hava tho Bent Tliore Is,
You'll Kay li s .hs WIicii Ml Mucus
liUnpiMMtrs unit tlcnn llillby
Meiiihrmio Is Your Iteuwrd.
Here Im nit liK'tpcnslVK home made
reinedMhat yon can't- bent nnd one
thai will tiulcMy brliiK ' up that
iii-hiii, Htop lb.' Miiuffllng retleVn lh)
tilotiKiul n.iHtrlls inn k breathing easy
and emiMi) stubborn nnd pcrsls-
jtent coughs la vn. .ilc- luiiny llmmi
m-r niwlii. ' '
I Tiy II ruin iiwiiv If ymi suffer from
t'ntturli t li.-Ht t'ul.u or any Irritating
ii i .hi. (,r Ih roiii i roubles and you'll be
Hluil, run iu'IOns Ibis llltln bit
of lidvlcn. '
bt fioin any iliuutil'i, onri ounce
of I'lirinliit i.louble "(r.'iiktih l iv.l.l to
It little suHnf and etiiiuuli water in
i make one bMf pint, You c i ini.ko
It In tw'u inliiut. s and win ft It U iiilned
you can pride yourself nn Imvltig n
medli-tnn Hint acts illriKlly on the
iiii-tii!runo nf the tuise niid tbrimt and
Ails 'so i-ff.S'tlvcly Ihdl Ml plileuui,
.til tli Kiln and intliiiniititiUiti spciMlilv
iliiuiiipi'iii's. Adv.
Harmlsss to fluah Kidneys and tisatral
Is Irritatljif aeidt 8plondid
for syitsm.
SeUure of the Kxpolr was tho sub
ject of two notes to Greeco frura the
Kr'neh government, the first demand
ing release of the vessel and cargo and
the second threatening retaliatory
measures if the request was not
HEKUX. lily tho . Asaocluted
Pre.) .v. provisional i agreement
reached between tho allied 'countries'
reparations commission and tho Ger
man government provides for the an
nual puyment by Germany of 720,-
Mo.uou gold murks in rash 'and l.-J
45Diog1).Oyu gold marks lit kind, it
was anooimci'd iccently, . I
Shculd the deliveries: In kind not
reach tho total fixed the cash pay
ment will net bo increased under
this agrement. Thus, it U pointed
out, the entente should have consld
erablo Interest in keciug.that the
stlpulttted Uelivcrlee cf products were
duly niudtt.
Anto Radiator, Fender,
Kunnlng Board . aad
Dody KepaJrtag. Sol
. derlnc.
Ovoostto Depot
'.';.-.' Phone
i oLXUl'IA Waah. FU. S. Gens-
ral George' W. OoethaU, urrluod in
Olytnpla this morning to confer with
officials and engineers of the depart
ment" of consen'atlon nnd develop
ment on final details preparatory to
his report on the feasibility of the
proposed Columbia and Pend'Orellle
river diversions of tho Columbia basin
The engineer said he would release
the report some tlmo In March after
his return-to New York City.
SALEM,-Ore.', Mar, A The world
war. veterans' state' aid commission to
which is entrusted the 'administration
of the Oregon soldier bonus law, has
decided to oph "a" branch' office to re-
teiv6 applications for loans lh Port
land. Three employes will be assigned
to tho Portland office. ,. . ,
that's the Reason
hs- jLA
for tfiiTever growing
popularity of Albers
Flapjack Flour. '
Makes light, tasty hot
cakes. Order a Package
Your Grocer
Albers quality
Cmhtlly sh4 trllnirlctt con
, . Xtdnet insurti abeoluit itnimion,
... . .... ., ... ,, . -,i V. ,
SALEM. Ore.( . March 3. Investi
gation of the ."cabimH'' form of gov
ernment now In oKratbn In Wash
ington' and certalnt other state has
teen ordered by Hen W. Oleolt who
td.luy snnouni-ed appointment of a
committee to make, the study.. If the
Inquiry reveals It U bo superior and
more economical thau , th present
Oregon system, Governor Olcott said
he would use lil.i. Influence for Its
PHILADEt.PHIA. Mnrrh rm.
Ion Aerlcultursl colleen linji rntoro.1
a four-mile relay team In the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania relay car
nival in ADrll. Word also wna re.
eelVed from Coach Hayward. of -the
Oregon university,' George Ortort.
manager of the game said, 'that he
would aehd a nole Vnulter In the meet
and possibly a two-mllo relay team.
Can't H6ld Pullman L
Car As Bootlegger
WASHINGTON', D. C.- Attorney
ney General Daugherty has Instructed
federal authorities at Uolse, Idaho,
to release a Pullman car seized there
by prohibition enforcement officers.
Tho case, which is the first Involv
ing the seizure of a railway car for
violation of the national prohibition
act, officials said, resulted from dis
covery by prohlbiton authorities of
a quantity of liquor on board In pos
session of the porter. It was held
however, officials said, that the pos
sesion of liquor by an individual ori
a railway car was not sufficient cause
to warrant seizure of the vehicle, as
such procedure carried to any consid
erable extent might result la serious
ly, impeding transportation facilities
throughout the country. . ,
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 23. The
John Day irrigation district bus aiitu
oilty lo levy an assessment of fifty
cents an acre on the lands held by the
Northwestern Improvement company,
according to an opinion by Federal
Judge lv-an today dismissing tho case
of the Northwestern Improvement
company agalnut tho John Day Irriga
tlon district and Morrow county. The
improvement company sought to r
strain the district from levying tho
asscBsincnt. .
F. Ar buckle After
S New Witnesses
OIlEGON CITY, Ore Mar. 3.i-Sher
iff Pace wss Investigating today the
discovery recently' at Hedland of the
skeleton of a man with a rope around
the neck, tho other end of the rolled
rope being tied to a branr-h of a tree.
From a watch nnd sftmo other Mrsonal
affects found on tho spei the remain
jwcre identified as those of a .mas
'named Larson who disapix-ared two
lyeais ago.
j He had been living with a friend In
me vicinity oner navina sold bis pro
perty noar Gladstone, Ore., for about
SAX FRAXC18CO. Mflr. 3. CotintH
for Roseo C. (Fatty) Arbuckle, ac
cused of manslaughter In connection
with the death of Miss Virginia Itnppe,
petitioned Superior Judge Harold Ixm-
derback today for the Tight to take the
depositions of five Chicago witnesses
for Arhucklt's third trklal, scheduled
to begin March 13. ; The district attor
ney was given three days In which to
answer tbo petition.
The proposed witnesses are Doctors
Samuel F. Graves.' George W. Miller
and Frederick Van Arsdale, nnd Ed
ward F. Jlyrne and T. W. . Teeters.
They are alleged to have been familiar
with certain supposed physical defects
of Miss Rappe which have a direct
bearing on the case.
2 Little Texas Girls
Are Murdered in Bed
KUnfT tnd Plodder woakBe rnuU
from urto svriJ. says a noted authority,
'ITit kidneys ftltor tM arid fr.u tM
hlnod and past It on to ths bladder,
It often remain U IrritnU and lmlaAia,
rauahtg a burning, seatdlnit sensation, or
settln up an irritation at the neck of
the bladder, obllgtaii yoti to seek relief
two or thro times during tlia tuttU
IT suTervr is In uatant dread, Dm
water pawwa auowtlmts with a soalding
aenaatlcn and ia very ptofu-) ajjiUu,
tti.ta is difficulty la sveldlng Ik
illaddcr weakneaa, most fulks eU It,
Ineauas th'V can't control urinarVm.
Wtll it is extrenwly aimoylnf and iw
tlaMn vwry painful, this is willy ana of
tit moat simple ailswnU tj evrreume.
tlet about four ounces of Jixl latts
from your pharmacist and taks a talila
aptKmtnl ia a glass ef water UIur
breakfsuit, continue this for tiro or three
dtyt. This will nautndtin the acid In
th urine so it no Irmiwr is a source of
trrKatUm to the blailder and nrinarv or
gan which tha act normally ' again.
.U'l rialt is InrxpeiMiva, harrulot,
and is made from tlia awUI of grapra and
Irmon juice, er.nil.lnej with litbu, aud
U natd by thotrMiMa -of fonts' win ' are prtdary, dlsertlera caawd r-Jf
uria aid tmUtttru. ,M Calbs ttha
dul lor klduvs and cauwa, to bad
rftolil Whatrtar. ;.l. ' .IM .
Hit you have a plvanant. effervescent
illlhia water dtiuk, which auliil rvUave
HdUr troubi
for .-
of Quality
Yours while
they last
at only
I: i '. ,.,i ii' , f.
t t '
i. - ' - -
2 , .!,!
f. irv ;
AMARILLO, Texas. Gladys Solo
Dion. 15, and Noll Cuiberson, 13, were
shot and instantly killed while sleep
ing nt the I'mberson home In tho Sun
set community, 15 miles northeast of
Ijockw)', Floyd county, re?ently, ,
A short time later Houston I'pton,
19, a member of a well known fam
ily in the Homo commuulLy, attempt
ed suicide, officers report, by shoot
ing himself noar tho heart, when In
a schoolhoiisn about a mlln from the
I'mberson home.
"f!eV that there Is a loaf Yn yor ls
ket every tlmo it i-uiueK from the
There I nothing else In that basket i
that contains tho an mo amount of !
nourishment as bread.
Place a standing order for Hread '
twice ns ninny loaves as you ore now 1
ordering. j
It will well repay you.
llread Is your Met Food Eat more
of It.
Kut. ;
"Tlio Hrcod That Uullds"
Ask your Otsttrcr for MT MtOWNi
The Assbcliitlon that pays dIVl-i
dends and hits no defaulted loans.
Cover entlro territory of Juckson i
county. , ' , !
You' can make' loans to; payoff!
mortsage or' for agricultural pur-;
. Dcpoilts recolved drawing 4 per !
cent, convertible Into 5 per cent farm
lean bonds.
E. H. III! ID, Socy-Trons.
. 411 Mcdford Bldg
I ' I. !' M . "t. S . 6J I f u' I ,
The Corner
Book Store
' "Service"
In Palmer Piano House
Phono 882-H
WAn!i'!NGj;; Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.)
I'niess you see the name "Bayer", on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 21 years anJ proved safe by. millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism ':
- - Toothache - Neuralgia Neuritis
Karache, Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bdyer" package wlilclv contains proper directions.
fTandy "Itayor" Iwscs of 12 UWei4-J-A-4 Hollies of 21'irid 10()-fnni)fgliU,
A'!rli la Hie trii.h. uiii-.l; of Uajc-r MunuCeclutv of ll'iuwu'tlcaclilcjli'r it Kiticllcsclil
Two Tier 12 indi Pino, One
Tier 12 inch Oak and Laurel,
all for $2.75 a Tier.
Phono 551 ,
' Oldimobile Fotir u
Touring Car 1
lit Meilford.
Busy Corner. Motor Co.
Main nt Itlveralde
t'l It. M ..-L.I
. l.ik.
H-K. t . S. I'M. UO.
Starts, grows and matures
the chick properly and
Guard against
failure by feeding
cmr. clean, pure,
high-grade Chick
Feeds and Mashes
Phono 200 317 E. Main
The Fanners' Service
. Htntlon
'ML. m cj'
agLVafM .air t-y