Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 03, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    AtEPTOHD qtAttl" TRttttrNTj MEfttttftt), ."ftRErtftK. FHTDAY, MARCH
t 1
Focal and
lyi Personal
II. O. Sharp and T. II. Npr of th
Cnlifornlft-OrrRiin Power oomiMiny, loft
ypstirlny for Hhrmio whor thoy will
j roninln for spvomI weeks on business
jroiwected with tho extension of the
A.tnitLiinv'a lin.t t& ftiilf -lll-
building I . r--i. r..i... ts... t... j n I l''llro:m f.irniiir ntt nir tit Die KtaUoit.
IVineo Kaclrt Potnt. Sat.. Mar. 4.
Evoryl.rMy ft, a l,lB Um at J ' " i " .1 1 i J
Tho flair on th .Filorftl
will Jjf nt half-mast tomornv! nfi
tionn diiritirf ihrt fiinornl ftprvtct - of
. . Hill U'ltv lhiA. nri.l asm
Kenter llonry Jfteotm. inl 1 nn I . west of tho nervica station. Charles
ospwlal mark of reRpeet nnihorit-d lr I The annual jnieetlns of the- Christina Henselinan has roslanwt his p'fUkn
lha rejeraj jrovernmetit for tho funer-jcliuroh will be held this evenln. Ajwi,h tlw, jlamftrj oil wnipnny and
nlt of men who lout their live in thHprwam will b rendered after th (.lk(,n R posiUton witn l!l0 M,.,jfurd
world war, and ia carried out upon theibasKet dinner (it T p. m. It Is the de jscrvle1 Rta(on j. t0atli anii Rver
written requestor Urn Medford post of Uiroiot the board nnd r stor that all'r
llrnvturi nt-n vnttniv rnn. will nliVi
th AfnrteAa tioa. AH ur will Mho mmr hn iMy orb should on,lWa nt tho sUul m
. . . . , . . . . . ..i .i .....I I...'... ....h rill.. I .
ruw tneir oor unnir me passage oi .. um, ...,.-u --. - d n Moek(, 'jH,t
v.. v. n.u ... A.....i.u. .r.VMi cftU valley Fuel company. rhon. 70.
left for home today nfter a visit wild, (ir ,,,,,, urown White.
Tho Associated Oil company which Mystic Shrlnors from Medford nnd
this week took over tho Med font aer' other parts of tho valley will intend
vlv station will erect a new fabricated doings of HSIIiih touiplo at Ashland to
stol station In the near future and night.
will Install all modern equipment nnd $2.19 shoo h.iIo for hoys nnd cirls
iiiwi. iirivow.ivA. MrlVin.iM nnd Saturday nt one price. $3 19. The Hub.
the funeral procession.
HouRht woolnnn at afttonisiiinKly law
prices, tho nvln is yours.' suits $.15
Mr. nnd Mrs. .T: Krank W'ortmnn. He;
American l.nni'm members retort in
uniform Snimday. 2:;!0 p. m. at Perl's
to 60:' Klein the Tailor,' 12S K. Main. ;iaB brother of Mr. Wortmnn.
. ' ..... ' ' ,K chnwl to attend tuuerut Lester 11.
Dresden ehina boudoir lamps mado,and better jttvxls for the money thnftj jocob3 ., ; , . . 293
n uroT in ui) Miunp i i.mrm. ftnijou can pel eisewnere ur L. a. Army i, Vnn, h.a w.,irti.l fi-Am a
snmplo in Vanity Shop wiudow. IS 4
tn our' ehoe dept. special prices In
1ys' end pirls' school shoes tor Satur
day, ono'prloA, $2.M for pairThe Hub.
The publl.
reel moving
school auditor!
Qoods More, ss Central Ave. so. businM aRl, r,r,lMiro ,rlp tl
nen in eci oi au na frYanoiseo nnd IS Angles,
call Wsllncc Wo.m1s. 108 or com to Whi!iU:. Ch noyi ,wwr.r prle now
til R. Main tret. mim C.r.inUi l-m-lmn,! nil iwla
Sprlnif miltlnefy otenin(; Sat.. Marsh Cft. v,..-..., noorinir Just In. Trv
Melford Lumber Co.
nnd reliability is our motto.
produce the In all ladies' hats
. sprinit tniinnery otieninc sat , Marsn
c is invited to oe the six j 4-Vhen it comes t? style nd value 'soma
st picture ihow nt the hiKhjwo h:Ve a tINtinetive lino, finest in! Variety
orlum this eveplnft at T:39j Menlford. Miss Taylor, at lVuelV 293 JVVe ,ro,iut
anc numn "M tteorRo .v .oi(iins leaves ionium lor 8l inWfst prUs See them Saturday,
Fdmpoit. " A notninnr charge of ten:Port!nnd to attend a mectinc of thejjj tn tjg rByior' at leues.
cents ud mission is charged. At 1 ! executive committee of the state Amor-
o'clock this afternoon this photo mas
terplece was Riven before Xhe hih
school students, and again at 2:30
p. ni, before the students of the grade
schools. The six reels are furnished
by the extension division of the Cni
versity of Orepoiu .
Ulsb cost of" living down again;
sodas are eellins for S cents no.w.
lean Legion, of which he is the' mem
ber from Medford.
Coed news. Cold Hill. Mar. 4th. 294
Onyx Pointex hosiery, silk and lisle.
In colors,' nt Deuel'." 316
Tweed suits at the Colonial. 293
Mrs. Geo. !!. Morrttt arrived here
Wednesday from her old home in Bos
ton, hftvlnfr stopped off for a visit with
Wanted To borrow $1200 on good (relatives in Omaha. Her husband,
security. Will pay highest rate of
Interest. Phone 6S-M. :. 24
Dance tonlKht in Ashland at Memor
ial hall after basketball jrame. Admis
sion COc. - 2:i
ine city treamirer's and city recor
dVs offices wre Iwlnit moved ' this
ufternoott from their old quarters in
the tjity 'hall to the new offices on the
ground floor of the city h&Il annex.
The tnorliuT Job will be completed to
morro. -. : ' ' -'"i ' : " '
: Chimney Sweep John K". Iluekley,
Medford a own.' Phone S286. ! ' 288
Dance Eagle Potnt, Sat, Mar. 4. 23
. The Medford Velle Co. moved today
to 29 South Front atreet, the Nordwlck
liuildlng, and ill he open ' evenings
and 8undaya. - - 'J ' 215
Mrs. Ooonce O. nancroft of Grants
Pass returned home today after a busi
ness "visit here since .Thursday after
noon. " :
Sonrftthlnjr new! Houdoir lamns
who is a nephew of Miss Lisle McCully
came out here in September and has
been employed as accountant in the
courthouse. He expects to spend the
summer here-lOokfnK after his '40 acre
tract near Central Point Jacksonville
Vest1 ,.'! Ui J ' i- J
rtinee Eagle Point. Rat. Mar. i. 293
V?e have &snecte4 the reclaJmed
Tula lands at Klamath FaHa. We
recommend theM land aa an biTeat
ihent ' Pare-DreSaler Co. - It
Jtoyg' on girls' darnless hoejery at
the Colonial., ' - v 293
Guesta k the Hotel M .Mi ford include
T. R. Campbell of San Francisco. J. .M.
Davidson or Seattle. V. P. Stater of
Eugene. E. M. E1dride of 8t Louis. B.
H. isnsey Jr., of Fort Worth, Tex..
E. W.; narr of Spokane' and A." E.
lleioier of Minneapolis.
Donee Eojrle Point, SaL,'llar. 4. 293
.Dancimr! Take warning! Don't fail
to hear the new dance hits. Snyder's
mode to order in any color. Sample! orchestra. Gold JU1L -294
Ualp'on diwUy t:Vanlty:Shbpif , Sale on hoya and. Kirla School shoes
Hi? JancjGoM iint. fbt-'nltai 'Oh jaoin on sale Saturday all at ono price
v it!ii"i. " iti i .: "t4 ;it0. ' The iiuh."-L :J 293
KAflng ftHlineryil-Ouf'rifiit' ahowln'aV' Mordoff and 'Wooif received a car
Saldrday. March 4th.' Miss Taylor, at; load of furniture this week including a
r-iH'B, 293: UtK Shipment of dlnlnit room, tables
Cich Hollis Huntington of Medford
fci? fiChoJ.wjilJie. offered, .the posj: Hal .sale im. the aame. .See their adL ;.
t iolwiHtwretBrftH!?Mi pint TOhteli9stety wei,a.'si
year, according to action taken by th
SiJenTTSiXIIcscrKHiI Tioarifln "the" aos
eion at thn ifth. ehopl ?!it-, nUtht.
H4nUnjrton'f WastdtmeHy ;a Vooibah
ami ehaim ntt tie? hre'haVtak's spec-
A-,Cmpleto. line .at M(3uay.Norrt
piston rings in 6 and "31 thousandths
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon I-anee are
down from the mine on Foots creel? to
see about their h me that was burglar
ized Weduesday evening. Mr. Ijinee
says they have plenty of water now!
and are operutitiK the mine.
Turner, Wachnlrk A Seatuon. build- j
Ins: contractors. Estimates furnished.
Office Juckfn County Hunk DldK.
Room 2T. Phone JO-W. " . 293
Dr. Frank Roberta, dentist Deuel
Did.1 Telephone 503-R. tf
Talent's plve the service and quality
in bakery Roods. Pbone us a trial
order and bo convinced. 293
The Truax Urocery will put on a
"Red Tas sale" commencing tomorrow
morning. A price list of part of their
special prices appears in this paper
this evening. , '
Hoys' ami girls' shoe sale at The
Hub. Saturday. Special lots all at one
price. $2.49. The Huh. 293
Hard times made easy, tiny ranches
without money, pay with share of crop,
like rent; Gold Ray Realty Company.
Everywhere yon look yoa tee a
Chevrolet s U
C. E. lilee, Paul B. McKee, I. B.
Walther and R. K. Waldron of the
California-Oregon Power company left
yesterday on a brief business trip to
Copeo, Calif. -
- Ex-serviee men are requested to re
port In uniform to attend funeral ser
vices of Lester 11 Jarolwt Saturday.
2! JO ji "iu.f : rl. Chapel.: J u 'i3
Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co.
Shakes, shingles. Medford Lbr. Co.
Among the Medford visitors In
raois,; Pas? :yesterdaT;f,ern.; J.;::?f.
James and A. It. Hansen. : '
All klnJa of roujh and resed
lumber. Wallace Woods, l 10S.
711 Knt Main street
When better nhtomobtle are built.
Bulck will hulld them. tf
Loc-nl weather conditions are stir
rins the baseball, tennis and trial;
enthusiasts Into thought and among
ft lie youiivter metnboi s f the 'itopulallon
Into action. Tho wnnderlust Is iittnck
ins motorists and already the tourist
traffic from Washington nnd Caltr
nla is noticeable. . ,
Kor all kinds of flshiole repaliiOK
see Eaton. 320 X. Holly. 29
Vulcan auto aprlngs. rviaranteed.
Billings Shop, S- Riverside, tf
This week only, taimnde aults,
values $r.O to $d. at $12.50. Klein the
Tailor, 12S K Mnln. 2l
The Medford lkimestie Laundry U
renrranglng nnd enlarging the build
ing just north of the Sparta building
aud will move tho laundry thereto
about April 1st Tho Kxchnngo Tire
company's place of business will also
remain in the same building.
Itemember to call G0T fur bread and
pastries. Free delivery to any part of
city. Talent's. 293
laundry work done. Phone 4.5-Y.
3 is
Lime and sulphur, do' or liquid.
Conuer'a Warehouse. 2:!,
A ma or operation was performed on
John llrleve Wednesday nt Sacrnd
Heart hospital and he U getting along well for a man M .veurs of
age. llo hn- oM ,if nerve and h:ivk
"H a hard to kill n Kcatehiunii," Mr.
and Mrs, Jim tiiievo of 1'iospett and
Mr. nnd Mrs, T. W, Harriott were with
Summer evcuri.loii fnreii from points
In southern California 1" l111' noitlivisi
will become offeiilve April 2;i, nnd will
itintluiie mi sale until Scpinnilini' ;pi
wiili a final return limit t i Oiiolmi- ;il
HtoiHivers will he iillowe, nt nil poim .,
and Hi" ticket Wilt liol lv,iilio Mllhla
their fntb(i' when the iipcinOoii was' New dresaes I iC nor Women's Wear
performed. jHepl., specially priced for Katunluv.
The regular dance of th IV O. K. K. See wlnUiws, The Hub. . '.i;t
brigands Saturday eveniirt, March 4th, Don't watt until warm went her mid
has been changed to Saturday evening, long drives lire on ta break In thn new
March Ilth.' 291 j ear, but break it In carefully whltn (lie
Lath, lime. Medford Lumber Co. weather Is cool nnd Ihe trips nro short
When In need of shlugles and roof- tiny eaily nnd I'uy a l.lln ily nnd you'll
In call Wallace Woods. 108. 711 F.I not be -sorry. I. F. Close, ttlverslJe
Main. loantge. . Vt
Mr. and MY, Ralph poutelle left
yesterday for Hunta lurbara. Cultf..
wher they will visit Mr. BoutelleV
parents who reside In that city.
' DrcssntttklitK nnd nlterntlona. Reli
able. H South Holly St. Mrs. Wooding.
Invest your savings in Ihe Jackson
Comity llmidlnic and Ionn saoclatlon.
Phone or call our office tor Informa
tion Klamath Falls Tula lands. Page
Dresaler Co. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Perk left last
night for Marysvllle. Calif. ' Mr. lsek
has been malinger of the local Wool
worth, store In this city for some time
and Ims been promoted to the man
agership of tho Marysvllle store. '
Sportsmen, attention! Kn't forget
Ihe hhr Rhoot at ljtmport's. Mar. 6. 291
Millinery at reasonable prices, 40:1
North Fir. ;t
, Tlotdlnit. ' '
f e tier yd.
Rutfons covered.
Kandlcrutt Shop. tf
Anions kh'U nt the Hotel )l.illuml
are W, I., fiord, in nnd UiuIm lleeyerof
Seattle, i. Rydman of i'ol.-.l.i. O., Mr
and Mrs, W. J. Morgan of ISiiilahd.
J. U Snyder of lis Angeles, nnd
George M. Parker and family and Mr.
and Mrs. E. T. O'Xeil of Healtlo,
Central IV'Int Hotel for sal", i
rooiiiH; Would cost $:lu,niii to lailld.
Price tmluy $l.fiOt. Might tr.tde. Price
will bo reduced $100 every day until
sold, Gold Kny ltealty ('ompaliy
Phone 72S U or 13I Y. 29 1
New shipment of wire lamp sluide
frames. Jk iiel's Art Dept.
Pvr business opportunities In S. Ore
gon consult tho Four-Site Sales Ar ncy
room i Medford bid., phone 900 tf
- Ladier of "Sledford and vlctotty "arc1
Oordiallr lnrf(et tn mip t!ri'
Arartitvft. . PivaraljU HflMni 1 .. . .... 1. ' ' I
n JL n-i 1 5. 1. , ,. ,,"it sprurffiwiiJintrya Eaatef. 'oix-rilns
later. V u Tavlnnl riaiu.l'a r,M
jue Mm station 01 ivirKpsiricK c i :r , ;
Salem SUtesmiui ! tit r vi L- o -jcompietio awl will be opened about
BoyVand girla' 6hoe sale Saturday. March 10. They will carry tires and
special lot, all at ine price, $2.49 per accessories in addition to gasoline and
pair, i The Hnb, 3.'!- 'i . zii
nigh'-cest? of living down " again;
sodas ere sellintc for S cents now. !
Everywhere you look yon see a
Chevrolet " tf
" Sidney S. ' Smith left Wednesday
night for a month's business visit to
UIs old home in Washington, la.
Get ready for spring; Great variety
of 'gray and brown suitings at $42.50.
Klein the Tailor, 128 E. Main. 294
A Brunswick phonograph ht a bar
pain. 11 North Central. - ' 293
NuBone. Phona BiJ. t .
Jf H's insorance we wrlto It'
Holmes, The Insurance' Van. '
, tf
R. A.
oils.. , Messrs. Kirkpatrick 4 Jones
have moved their families here.
Please remember that classified ads.
locals and small ads are cash ta ad- q . j j
ranee. Brine in yoar ads and do sot OitlUrClaV 811(1 MOndaV
Special Sale
use telephone. J ' ' - v - -:" -' tf
Frooen automobile, tractor and track
cylinders welded. " re-laforced and
guaranteed." Only the finest p re-heating
, fuels an 8 metals ased. Vulcan
Welding Works. 89 S. Front street tf ', money.
' Bee the new ginghams at the rMTKD ARMT STORES
Colonial. ' 293' ' ' Xt Central Ave. '
' March 4 and 6 Heavy Blue Denim
Hit) Overalls and Jumpers, full cut
sizes up to 42, for Js9c. The store
that girea you better goods for lees
duni Kerah Htarted all the tronbte. - if s .
;.- "'m f;-'4-;- '. W w : K t 4 . v
Slio UUIJetaied to Father that Dotty rolled her etockings at the
kneics, roughed her lips, was addicted to chocolate and liked a
good tiiue. . I
Then Father luid down tm law. He told Ucty tliat nnlees 'she be
haved, he'd he'd Well, It was something terrible, anyway
lut Betty Mdn'
And ttiat's the reason for this whole story, l' '
Standard Pictorial
t i. . W V. f
y- -;"
IMn't A
f Adujta Jc III Jean Howard ! '
Kiddies 10c at the Mighty
Include War Tav WurlitZer
imm groc
The Home of Bread tike Mother Made
National Canned Goods
. . .- i . .
' '' ' ' ' ..' ? 1 ' 'i -, ... -v ... M - ,
. . ; ; I ' : i i . . . ' . ,
Thousands of cans of Fruits, Vegetables and Fish offered at prices
that mean a great saving to you. The canned goods market is
itrong and some prices are what we ,will pay to replace . our
Stocks. :- ','. '. ') ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "'
, . ' . ' ' . ; -.i i - i i ... i! i i, , 1 1
' . " - 1 ' ' 1 ;.. . mi. ... .i i -i
, , i
..',. I.?- I .sin. f.,.. I i '.. . ' '
5. , !U ; u t . . e :.:-; i . , ... ' " ' r
, . . '. . . . . ' . . ' . i I '. i
.:..;"-' 3 for 6 for PerDoz.
Minnesota Sweet Corn ... , $ .40 $ .79 $1 .56
Extra Fancy Maine Corn .. . . . .65 1.28 ,2.55
Minnesota Sweet Wrinkled Peas .53 1.05 2.08
Alaska Sugar Peas (very good) , .59 1.16 2.29
Extra Fancy Stringier Beans 55 1.08 2.15
Preferred Stock Red Kidney Beans . .59 1.16 2.30
No. 2 Solid Pack Tomatoes, Red
Ribbon, Del Monte, or the Home pack .57 1.13 2.25
No. 21 Tomato Puree ........ ..... .37 .74 1.48
No. 1 can Ripe Olives 50 .97 1.9Q
Mushroom Gravy 43 .85 1.68
Imported Fancy Mushrooms 1.75 3.45 6.80
Van Camps Hominy, No. 2 cans ... . .50 .98 1.90
No. 1 Large Sardines . .... ...... .41 .80 ' 1.60
Sunkist Sliced Apricots 70 1.38 2.75
No. ,2 Sunkist Peaches 1.03 2.05 . 4.08
Del Monte Hot Sauce 25 .49 .97
Hillsdale Asparagras Tips .73 1.45 2.87
Preferred stock Asp. Salad Tips No.
leans..;..:.:.... ...... .73 1.45 2.87
Oysters . ... ...V. . . I .50 .98 1.95
Dunbar Shrimp .55 1.08 2.15
Finnan Haddie, No. 1 cans ... .29 .58 1.15
Alaska Pink Salmon .38 .75 1 .45
Kippered Herring, large oval .44 ' .87 1.72
Van Camp's Tomato oup .2d .57 1.12
Phez Fruit Jams, 14 oz. can 40 .78 1.55
Green Chile Peppers 35 .69 1.35
Van Camp V Beans, No. 2 .50 .98 1.95
More of those ocoanut fvlacarpom, while 300 dozen Jast.
2 dozen for 25c
Ghined t C Pounds
and Br'tnfitl
Of New Life and
Energy, Thanhs to
. j Tito. J, O'Don
mil, 15S Sfafa St.,
Itochttr, N. Y. . Tun
Uti, ly il action on tho
digetiii ar.J tstmia '
tlvn organs, luilJt up
tht rfifuo tytem,'
Irlnyi busk tf vlvu) to your
thtichi, Bpri'ri(f to ynur
tlp onJ jAe- j fon'otis failing
tf buoyant htaltk fa tvery
fibre cf your body, t At ot
good tru$&ist.
Dress Sox, all colors,
1 tfoz. SI
Woik Sox, 3 pr. 25c
Work Shirts 59c
Blue Bib Overalls 98c
Blue Jumpers 98c
Canvas Gloves l()c
Leather Faced 25c
All-Leather Gloves 35c
Ladies $6 Shoes
' "' S3.75 i : (
The Best Shoes
in Town for Men
All-leather Shoes,
and You Can Save
from S2 to $5 on
a Pair of Shoes.
AlUWool Suits,
latest styles, tailor
made by some of
the best tailors in
the country, and
you can save from
$5 to $15 on your
suit. Better save
that money; you
may need it.
Hundreds of other
bargain. Every
thing for less.
Thafs all Today
Modern 4-room
house and 3 lots,
cor. of Newtown
; Owner
i' .i , .......
Gates & Lydiard