Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 03, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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    TAG?, FOUR
( lfel A;
J 1 VXVi II ,
Ccrns Vanish
When Tcuchsd
. fP"1 stworbt wnier. so do
wta-It,f M.aorb and draw c ut f any
Wader eoro. blir er Ituif. nil pain
ann-uess. It nivrr latin. "Ovls-h" U the
ortfttnnl i-otn mid i-h,i'i rx-l. i He sure
tit ftlt fi.r it liy mime no'l rvfusn
lul" Wnni'y kwrk if nut oiwni
V" " '"'I' 'vi.r,.-vihiTi. K. Lawrence
iV . Wfr.. Chlco-O.
A Cowan
granc: Jury
was brand over to the
yesterday afternoon In
Justice Taylor's court, aftor p. prelim
inary heurtiig on a charge ct assault
jwlth, a dartRerous weapon on the per
.son of .U Clement. .
! Several of the men employed In the
j Med ford Ctacrete Construction plant
In drunk In public plueo.
State vs. Rrnont S. Wolgnmott. Sell
ing; intoxicating liquor., ; '
Statu vs. Nova I'htnUp.' co
habitation. Stato vs. Gecrgn tirlgsby, t'nlnw
f wl possessim of lnloxlctnt liquor.
Louise CummlnKB tadmlnlsirnlrto
vs. Cloud O. Wutmdvy. et al. To
tml'H. , , , v. .
;Ida KN Drcler y. Pacific Record
Publishing Co. Tt) quiet.
fecond Northwestern - Klnanoo
Corp., vs. J. H. Wheoler et al. Ho-,
fault. Decree. Cost bill. '
. Lee a McMlcoaol vs. Olive Me-
Micuaci. Summons. i
Prank t. Clark vs. Oregon Grower
racking Corp. Summon. v j
H. T. Holmes et al vs. Edgnrd Gillette
et al. Summons.
Pearl ,M. Goodwin v. lluay Corner
Motor Co. Summons.
K. n. Ilecwn vs. C. A. Borgen et al.
It. B. lleescu vs. Norman C. Keatcv
et al. Summons.
R. It. Hcason vs. Lexington Realty
Co. Summons.
R. D. DeoBOn va. John 11
N, V Society Woman
At Slicker Hearing
Becomes Hysterical
lout .lVfi.0.0
In her tlvulliiBS with
Tlirre Kilted I jp" HloW.
I.ONIlONi Mr. 2,-Mlly the Aana
rliitvd I'rena Tliinfl pnr-urna wir
kjllml unJ i4 "hlhiTH liijiii'iil. aoinn k
limiMly In u dlHtut'liit'in ' thlit iii'i'i tilmt
nl Tiiiitit, j;Vil, 5 iill,x-1nirili t
(.'iilro. fiti 1'i'HHftl N dlinli'li
from Cnlixi. Unlive a.lii'rs
Hie illMiiirVanee nml rniui'il ntic
apreareit as witnesses, but none
them saw Cowcn strike Clouient.
It is alleged that Cowan struck
Clement with a heavy metal floor
wraper while Clement -as not look
ing. Ccwan contends that he struck
In self defense. He alleges that after
he was discharged he went up to
Clement aud said, "Think you've done
something smart. don"t you, you blKj ,
sucker?', He allege hnt Clement . IVobate Court
Struck, at him and then picked up a! John V. Davldion, estate. Return
plive of iron with which to strike ct sale.
nain. ; He eavs that he then seliedl Joiephtne Houston, estate. VoucU
the. scrater and struck Clemeut with era.
H .in Fdf defense. He declared that1 MeXorrls M. IVw, V. Tt. Hamilton,
ha did not run' after the fight but:n. F. UudoR. luccrporate a "Mod-
could not explain his failure to re-
Pciut to
)Vhen you are suffering; with rhcu
matUm so. you can hardly pet around
just try Red pepper Rub and you will
Wis the quickest relief known.
Nothing has such concentrated, pen
eirating heat as red peppers. Instant
relief: Just as soon as you' apply Red
Perpes: Rub you feel the tinglini heat.
If . k mT w K VfT- 1 f1, tor- 'o Wa uornt In Ceutral
through and .throucn.' 1-rce the blood . .L .
cirtoUtion. hrcakj up the CnKeStion . u ,
an Ult bid rheumatism-tortur ivcone. The court "sidered the evidence
, Rwles Red Pepper Rub, wade from sufficient to warrant the binding on'
redpeppers, costs little' at any druft -of the defendant to the grand jury cn
store. Get, a jar at once Ue it for $200 lwttds. . - - -
lumoagtk, neuritis, backache, stitt neck,
sorfe; muscles, cold in Almost
instant relief awaits you. Be sure to
pet the genuine, wiih the name Row Its
cn-each package." j
livui,ttliin nio n w in pnivitH f r
the WetUin of el;ht direct wn of the
Milford chiimlitr of eoiiuneroij whoso
term expire with lite wmut.l tnoetlng
In April., , .
The one w hone term of offlee expire
mre 1'opj. r. l.lnJi!. U. U. A'.cnilellor,'
V. If. . Vawter. DiMigo T. C-illlns.
Cioixo A. Mnnsflel 1, H. I.. AVnl titer,
Hon. C. Sheldon and X. L. Hill.
The luddovwr tnembcM tt th board
are C. E. CiaJes, J.l:u C. Mann, Karl C.
CadJlH, tlturiw U Tirlchler, Win. 0.
Tait and Prank 4 . Par roll.
The iniuiiiry election win be held
soon alter tn truth of tma month.
The sixteen ineiniwrs r'c1vlu5 the
InrKest number of votea w 111 luwe their
imniea placed cn Iho ballot f,r the
final etoctiou, . which wltl be held as
soon after tlie primary ai lkisibie.
The member who have uot paid
tl'.eir.-du1 tt April Jflrnt will not be
qualified to vote. i
NEW YORIC At the enl 'f
duimutlc sonhIou In whli h 11 wltiU'HH,
r.H. liorolby Atwind, New York hoi I-
ty wotiiun, horuiim Uyxterlenl nud In
liTi upti d the priienedliiitrt, the itnintl
Jury to.liiy lotumod nu iuillctiiiont
cinrj;liii; flmt ilrei Hi'imd Inrcenv
nKnliiHt Alfred Llnduy, it slocklimke.'.
Lttiil.iay'w uporutlunti jimunn wimlthv
men and women are tillov;'d to have
netted him ITOO.ottu.
li wa.i Indk'to.l oil the rharfio of
(Mr. W. It. Arnold, wh testified ah"
Knvo htm 1 17,000 on IV.-ombur 1
whli lt wild to have been Invesltd In n
sttiioned pool to bay stock.
Mrs. I.llliun Duke, divorced wife of
the "tobneco Mutt" tistli'lo.l that she
For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache,
Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver
Court News
(Furnished ty the Jackson .
County Atwtract Co.)
ford Hospital.'
Charles Renard. Edna Itenard, n.
P. Lindas. .. Incorporate as "Renard
Ut'letrlc compauv."
L. l. Joneti, Ethel J. .tones. 11. P.
Lindus. Incorporate as "Aletlford
Tiro company.'
William Mahtney, estate. Order.
Krauk It, Penne(ou (iui-ompetunl)
estate. Admitted to probat.
Marringe Licenses
Ira Dun Childers and Eva Malonc.
Jo?e-h W. Williams and Grace
Walter .
I fit
snail. .4 .,.. -',.4 .. - J "
w WAIi '.'
R . H :-- ,i. - . , : "
... .- .f - . . . - . -
Sprmg .jsotjtpfoaclting. almost
with e ;Kpcil;f ,tlie witiil
...iiigi and fKweTs blominsr You
"do'ftot 'Intend to vait Tuit'iV it nr
j rives to-:get the lighter clothing
' readv. - 'V "' : " " .
Circuit Court
Frank Randlev vs. J. C. Cass et al.
State vs. Arthur Bon. Transcript
from justice court.
State vs. E. A. Morris. Transcript
frcai court.
State ,v. L. Zygila. Transcfipl
from Ju-tice court.
Slate vs. S. V. ifcClendon. Tran-
;;?crpt f rem justice court. . . '"
State vs. "Wililatu Miller. Tran
seript frcm Justice ceurL i
. 11. II. Leazer vs. J. W. Hotcliea et
si: Answer.'- '' j
State vs. Magnus Halt. Order on
han., . ' y: ; :. .;
. .State. vs. Emeat S. Wolgamoll. Or
der o-u plea.' . .. ,-;.. , , ,
Stale vs. CeorKe Grlcsbv. Ordor on
plea. n T--t . -v . ...
Sitate vs. H, O. Merrlmarl. Oder.
State vs. Xova Dunlap. . Order; on
p'ea. ' " ' ' .
Mt. Vernon ".'. National bank vs.
Gccrge A. Morse. Motion. Order.
Reply Memorandum. Verdict.
': American Sen! a Fountain Co., va.
Medford Grocery Co.. Answer. ,
J. I. bchuler et al vs. J. B. Browm.
idea. -
R. H Leazer vs J W Hatcher et al.
Reply .. . . w.
j State vs. Ernest 3. Wolgamott. Un-jdertaking.-f
Motion. Order.
State vs. Ernest S. Wolgamott. Be-
I' Ral Eaiat Trnm9m
J. W. Smylie et x to D. Selman.
lot :. blk. I, Roanoke Add. to
Med ford . ,
D. Selman to J. W. Smylie et ux.
land In D. L. C. 39. tp. ST. a R.
2 West
M. E. Duugherty t K. E. Mln
n!ck. land in se:. 1. tp. 37. S.
K. 2 West
J. J Smith to Mabel 0. Vinson.
lot 8, blk. 4, Pace Add. to Mid
ford 1
Mabel I. Kober et vlr to Annie D.
Hall, V!4 of NW. NW of SV
sc, 20, tp. SS, S. It. 2 W
Abb in L. Hoke to George C. T.
Peart, lot 13, Grand Yi.w Orch
ard Tract ,1.'....:.."
lrav B, lloko to .George C. .
Peart . lot 13. Grand. View Orci j
ard Tract .
P. A. Palmer ct us WGm. C 'T.
Peart, lot 10, and 3' screw fn
lot 1,' Grand View Orcliard ',
Geo. C T. Peart to J. A. BUbon..'
. lot 10, Grand View Or. Tract,;
B. (J. Peart et iu to J. A. Bishop,
lot 9. Grand View Orch. Tract..
B. G. Peart et ux. to Geo. C. T
'. eart. lot 12. Grand View Orch.
Tract . ,
John S. Norwood et ux to J. A.
Blshop, lots 4-5, Grand View
Orch. Tracts :.........;.:...
J. A. Bishop to B. G. Peart et ux.
' lot 4-6, Grand View Orch.
Tracts, lots 4-5. Grand VJew
Orch. Tracts
W. G. Mayrield et ux to Gold Ray
Realty Co.. ErS of NE, 8V of
NE. sec. 14. tp. 35. S R. 1 E
Master Cleaners and Dyers.
Dr. Johnson
: ; Says
Ask- yotirself these ques ta your , gunm bleed , easily?-
Are your teeth sore to
bit on f Does hettt or cold
cause them -to ache? How
many, 'old snags are J eft in
your, inouth? IIow many
teeth need fillings?
AVhat do yeni thiuk you
-.'should do? We know.
Dr. O. J. Johnson
228 East Main St.
r- ' Phone 669
NT.W YORK. Mir. 3-. The list of
Wall utiwt brukirrnce hou falluiA
climtH'il ti'WiirU ih fifty mark tcntny.
ikett ontl :;tut"l. n i-onnotlilntrQ rx
rhanKe huiise. went Into liinknitrj'
shortly afier the niarkit opennd. nuil
j nlioit time ir.or Alhuiirin 1hk
rhanipH, t Priejinan,
M:i: ki l.-n , nml o iiiimny, annium U
an nwl reiniMit.
Frle-lman. MnrWi l.on nnd com
imny ni-ntly supenitd eiemtlonx
and the three pnrtnoi-s wrre nrreatisl
en chnr- of Ri-ttnd I'Ux'eny preferred
t.y IV.-h!ints ho nlno in.itltuct.l
pMI aitten to reH)Vr im.Pde.
An lnviiluntrry pi-tltiiwi in bnnlt-niit.-y
tvltluitit nn, tuttmnie of lln-MUtl"-
or ami'd ra fil.l ntrnlnm M.
K nnd. J. W. ,JeAsu io. ll.-i4wny
st(x k broker. '
Aa mfiiAJ
The nloent cidluiitlMaxnUve In tho
nu.M In physic your liver nnd bowels
Mini you have DUy Hendnrho, Colds,
Ullloumx'SH, liidlKODtluu, or l;pn t. Acid
Ktonmvh In Cttitilyllke "Cuwcurets."
uiie or two tunlrjht will inotv your
bowels completely by liwrnlnK, imd
you will feel Hplmxlld. "They work
while you Hleop." Ctihwirels never wlr
you up or arlixi like Halts, PlllM, Cul'
uml, or Oil nnd I hey tout ouly tiin
cents a box. Children love Cusvarets
loo. Ail.
Bad Colds
WET, ftormy' weat"hcr, ex power,
sniffles, and the heavy col l is on.
Dr. King's New Discovery breaks it up
quickly and pleasantly. Head cleaned
up, cougli relieved ami you feci better.
At your druggists, 60c
Bk King's
New Discovery
For Colds and Coufjfis
JJowcl Begging for Ilalp? Dr.
King's Pills will brinj yen the
happiness of regular, ni.rmj l bowel"
and liver functioning. Mild but al
ways rc!ia1)le. Atill dn:ggpst, 25c.
. i; Kins Pills
Adjustable Dish Drainers at $1.50
Makes Dish Washing a Pleasurei ' :
Modern Plumbing & Heating Co.
Sparta Bldg.
Phone 620
, uarts Jliy. wtio made, such a favor'
able. IrupreoMiuilii "The Foolinh A?","
in, which, she eyriiented a modern
Khi of Ideas, roniea forward in her In'.,
est relenso entttud "tVin nnd Retnnt''
which appears nf the Paso thentve t
dny. tomorrow'' and Kimdar. The role
Iftujtntne,! S thm f,.M...nt .tl In mt
a younjr, Boclct'girf who Is determined
to have her own way tn mutters of
romiincv. She has a bevy of suitors,
but the ideal lover does not come Into
ber life until Hlie lmpixm to read of a
very jaded yomifr Juan who has burled
New Ycrk.
In on escape from his creditors ho
enters her life. And the love spark Is
caught Immediately. The youth ' Is
financially embarraHiwl nnd her father
wilt not encourage blni until ho proves
that he can tnnke a huux fintuno with
in a Btipulated time. This be does by
taklnK the tijs which bis father wrote
upon his shirt citfs and jdayinH the
maricet for hi? gains.
At the Rialto '
A fascinating rom:uitlc drama which
travels over two bomlnplieres and
which armlt the emotional stir. Pan
line Frederick, an omwtunlty to re'
veariier tah-nt at l biichest develop
ment Is "TIm- Lure of Jade," now play
ins at the Rjfdto theatre. This story
of unrequited love, of hope destroyed,
of gosHlpy tonitueB which wreck char
acter, of atmosphere and dramatic
events is said to be one of tho b'st
vehicles in which Miss Frederick Las
ever appeared. The spectator follows
her adventures with the keenest atten
tion, for It is a story which carries suf
ficient elements for popular appeul.
Wo are glad to see a little chance In
tho weather aftor a great deal of snow.
are glad to see Henry Morgan
with us again. ''''"
AVey the pupils of the! Persist school
are proud to aay we have had 100 per
rent aUenclaueo Bince chool has start
ed, end we Intend to keen that reenrd
In spit of the bad weather.
We have been having reifular hotel
meaK at scboor, a variety of victuals
every noon.
Our teacher, jhs- Greb, cooks our
dinners for us and 'o certainly appro-
ctate Jt.
As noon as the snow melts off the
ground we are going to prepare ground
for a school Burden.
Most of the pupils of our school are
going to take up club work. The club
work mat has been signed, by the
pupils are gardening, , camp cookery
ana poultry. ' , -
t . '
vur Bcnooi nas oeen cloHed for a
week. Miss Creb went to EaBle Point
to take care of her mother, Mrs. Jdhn
Hreb. At last reports Mrs. Greb was n
little better.,
Anton Ring went to llodfoid Wed
nesday and returned Sunday.
ruiH ranees Greb tind Miss Inez
W illits attended tho O. S. T. A. at Trull
eaturaay, Teb: nth. - -
Clarence hltley is spendlntr a few
;aays at on Ulrlch s.
Mrs. Arthur Moore spent Sunday at
Un, fl,lll..-2 '
Miss Edna Peterson returned to Per
am isHUweek from Trail.
. V. E. Peterson bag been very fit with! K"ir,;y, hardiest M
the flu. but at laat reports he is lirlly "jj
imjrrvv lUR.
H:irey Morgan came from CoqUllIe,
Oregon, Monday to stay with bin uncle,
Henry Morgan, who lit living in tho
PerslHt district.
We hd a valentine box at our school
and everyone received a lot of voleti
tlnes. Mrs. Mllliir returned to hor home on
Elk creek after a couple months viwit
In Medford..
Western Railroads
Ask Higher Rates
WASHINGTON, Mar. 2. Itallronds
operating in California, Oregon. Idaho,
New Mexico nnd Arizona, applied to
day to the inter-stato commerce com
mission for a withdrawal of tho hay
and grain reductions ordered lent fall,
Insofar n thi-y affect barley and other
coarse grains, j
all cereals, is
Finds Someihing to. Do
the Business
"I tried t-verythiiiK tlmt I beard, of
for the nnd bowel trouble
nnd bloalin;;, but koL no iMirmiinent
liulp until I hi ruck .Mnyr's Wonderful
llonii'dy, ami thnt did tho buslnH.
My H911 in Cayadn him nlso taken It
end wrltUH It has doiie iilm a lot of
School Fire. Portland - ttood'It Is a slninle. Iiurhtlism rei-
PORTLAND, Ore, Mar. 2 Firo frpm arat,on thr,t romoves . th, ..catarrhal
Rparks br0"0 Out a the roof of the' mw;u from. the Intostlnol traut-and
(kliwood schrol buildlnit here todnv uluy" th" '"fhimmutlon -A;hli:h caiiBna
and S30 children marched out An n l"'-10"'"'1' " stomach, liver and In
minntfl nnd an n ? f. t"ff,lnul -Hmitn inrludlnu appundl
niinnte nnd 20 seconds. Tho Janitor ,iiH. r,nn a,wn ronvinre or nmm-y
L. .-J -
Good News for Farmers!
The Du Pont Company announces
a new farm dynamite
per dollar ,
U PONT CHEMICAL ENGINEERS have developed a new
dynamite," "Pccific Stumping"--and it will save you a lot
of money. It will blow out $ more stumps per dollar Diast
Y more boulders per dollar plant J i more trees per dollar.
Standard stumping powders are packed 85 sticks to the case.
For SO cents more, you can buy a case containing 130 sticks of
Pacific Stumping each stick of which will do equal work with
any other stumping powder. This means that Pacific Stumping
costs you 2 2 cent (or 30) less per stick. ,
This new dynamite makes Etump blasting in the Northwest
a far less expensive operation and will undoubtedly make pos- ' (( ;
sible a great increase iu land-clearing activities in this district..! ;;. .
Com In th next tfrne you srs near ernr stor srwl Ut ua Imata tK' cost ' '
f your bUatlng work. V.'s can show )ot the way to cut your dynamite cests ' '
naarly one-half . ,J , J f (, j , ., .....
;., .-. i ' , . ., ' ' -
Med ford Fu r in i t u re &1 1 Har j war eCo.
't :
It' 1
E. I. tJ PONT PE NCMOURBfti CO., Inc., PORTLAND, ORE. . .. .
.ii." i i 11 fassssBssisassssai I i .,
No. 7, two bottom 12-incn
No. 3, one-bottom lG-inch ........ ... ......
No. 72 Disc piow . ; .;. . . : . . , . . T.v :', .
No. 272 Orchard Plov, two-bottom; 12-inch
., $90.00
i' : . i
No. fc83 Orchard Plow, three-bottom, 10-inch $150.00
. $40.00
. $52-00
Dic Harrow, 6-ft. 16-inch Disc
Disc Harrow 7-ft. 16-inch Disc . .
Spike Toclh Harrow, 3-section, 90 teeth
Spring Tooth Harrow, 3 section, 25 teeth . .,
Everything Carried in Stock ... .
Place ycur order for a tractor and implements now.
' 1 , ,- 1! ' . 1
- . . - U . ' 1 ' v .. , a ;
C. E. Gates Aiito Go.
. .T.i. iir( osunHiiiHrinu nut fre, (refunded
At nil di'irgxiiti,