I Kl)xVtv,lVA,..U1m?fK.lF.rov 'oi.k.ox; tiutod'av. ym 2. life PAOK FOUH wrword Mail Tribune Af tNHKrKNKFNT NKWSPAI'l U pt'"l.1X!M;i) KVKUV AITKItN,' fcXl-rl'T Sl'NKAY nV TMK I .Mfrl'lUUli fHINTtNq CO N Vhe MiHlforrt Sunday Sun I furnlnhe. .iltxicriuHH ilcalrtng a mvhi y ' :nvstmMr. " rttWf Mnit Tribune IlulMtng, !5-!T-I9 North Fir street. I'hon "!. A consolidation of the Democratic Tlmca, tlio Medfnr.l Mall, the Medford Tribune, II Hindhem Oresoiilan. The Aahland Tribune. , RORKHT W. Ilt'HU Editor. ;. BITMI'TEU . SMITH. Manager VRCR.rrrio Tiimi BT MAll- In Ailmn: ' lmllv, ulth Sunday Kun. yesr I'ltlly, with Sunday 8un. month . riiiu. uithmit Sundnv Sun. year.... "9 Pallv. without Sunday Suit, month . Weekly Mall Tribune, one y'r I. no ' uivIhv tin, one year.. , BY r'AllKIKU in Merfford. AIilnd. nckH..nlllM, Central Point, Phoenix, Talent: , , Dally, with Sunday Run, month..- tally, without Sunday Sun. nimttb -s Daily, without Sunday bun, rar i.5 jiallv, with Sumlay tSun, one year S S . All terms by etrrir. cash In advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. (.iffloml paper of Jackson County. Entered ai aecono eisa matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March .1. is:. MKMnEUS OP THK ASSOCIATED ' T'HKSS. . . , , , i, The Associated 1Yi la exiiinlvelv Willed lo tho use for renuMientton or all news dispatches credited lo It, or not otherwise credited In thia paper, and also the looiU newa published herein. All rlRlila of republication f special dantchea herein are' also rva.-rved. Yc Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Tho are a 1000 American "cxnertal ana work ore" In the famine districts) In Russia. No wonder the Kusaiacsj re starving. j "GEN'TLEJIAN SHOOTS LADY IN HACK (Hilline Pemlleton Tribune). And; a perfect one. A BITING WIND (Eugene Guard) Spring must hare Hpped up , vhen e - ere not looking and bit- tetr us in the back of tbe necX. The workers at Klamath Falls are on a strike. In the heyday of the silk shirt era, this was the town of 4 bit shaves and dollar haircuts. . " foreland .ministers have hoppou" from agitation t the dance evil to angry dlsciisslons of th Darwinian theory. Very few people knef any thinK abont the Darwinian ilicorr, and enre leas, Irot this is just as good as 'nyttih to ccp a cn;an2nity in a wr- poiC, J',. i.'.,:r ' ' " rr , r .. . . : .... ! Cn-iliarl.nH Of -Max Oser. are 47, who Is slated to marry a tain'.on American dollars hav; arriviud.j .Mr. Osor is a blue-blood od Atrtior of n' livery stable, and the photos indicate he parts his hiiir witti a curry comb.; " ' ' - -- JUSTICE, AT LAST - - -,:r - (Roseburfl News-Review) ; ' i;f,f pdwerer, there is stin a possi .blllty. judging .from the remarks tjcontained in a brief issued in be- half of the appeal in tUa Brumfield murder trial, that the noose will be slipped over the head of a coterie of local newspapermen rather than around the neck of the defendant. j . Hon. Jim Grieve of Prospect, was down Wed. Mr. tlrieve has a contract on the Orater L.ke Highway, and is a first class highwayman. 4 A number of citizens are acting sheepish, like they were going to run for the legislature. s A loving tup lias been presented tha Portland chamber of commerce by local folks "in appreciation of the loyal support accorded southern Oregon community problems, and particularly ia making available to all people the ueatiries of Crater Lake." It should be filled with forget-me-nots. ! Women will never chew tobacco, but when they do, they will bit a spittoon now and then.. , . .The weather yesterday was com posed mostly of agitation of the stuff used extensively in lungs and tires. A candidate f jr governor a Mr. Bean, or Euftene, was in this vicinity Wed. Mr. Bean has tbe kitchen gar den vote, fur he says he Is the Btrlng less 'variety.' . . , i'he 3rd parly idea haa died. They realized they couldn't excel the moss left by the two political outfits, now and recently In control. : . . , A congregation Of citizens, who think the world rotates on a fishinK pole, assembled at Kmo Mobr'g la.st nlKht, - About 250 speeches wore pres clit ' The Sat. Eve. Post Is losing Us ori iuality. It baa been two weeks. since it printed tho pictui of a girl 011 the cover. j Daylight was admitted into the sys tems of 3 gay souls at Portland Tue. They wore loaded with washlioiler extract, and toado a game but futile ottompt to derail a steel flat cnr. A speed imbecllo can hit nothing but a human with safety. .,; Mrs. l'rady I'asses Away. MIAMI, Fla., March 2. Mrs. Ed gar C. Fiudy of Chicago, sister of John H. Thompson, Chicago restaur ant magnate, who was shot here Bun day by her husband, who later at tempted sitkldo, died horo todn?,. F01,CET A iXOKKDIM.K! According t reports from Portland tiny nrc 1 tnlkinu; 1ut ii xtato tux for th There is about' s much chance Portland, as of passing a state tax for .au oil well in (.'rater Lake. Tho idea is preposterous. The Vnry possible way, nnd tho' only proper way to finance n world's fair, in r.2," is ly popular subsiip lion. If thero are enough people i:i (ht'sron. willing to pay for a fair, well mid god. the fair should ln hell, if there are not, t !tV fair should not ho held. ' ' ' The only way to find out is to try. A stock selling scheme lias hern suggested, ntid.this lnethotl is probably as 'pood as any., Let the people who want n fair pay for it. lift those jVoplo who illdi't waif a fair be relieved from any financial obligation. , ' " Tine, if the fair is a success, tU tnture is too much of a gamble, is too critical, to justify making such The tax levy in Oregon for all was 18.313,4t;S; in 11)20 it was 1921 approximately sMUXhMW. - ' ' . j Uonds, in other wtrds. public debts voted by the people of Oregon and its political subdivisions, total tli vast sum of sflSiviWC This sum is equivalent to l'J ;er cent of the assessed valuation of the slate. The interest charges annually upon this debt amounts to about c(i.2lKl.lHHl. " The ineronse in the state's valuation in the last ten veais has been 17 per cent, the increase in population at.uit 'J per cent, but the in crease iu taxes 244 WAX CENT.. " , Vith such a situation in this state and with the coVnomie coiidi- tiiiite in tin .a,iiiiit.' mi. i til,. iMitit.. iiv...-. 1.1 ....-i v. .,..,. ...... ,..v ....... 'a uiHlerstautl now nnv sane person ca.rseriously consider tackiim' fom ' tax Piivrrs or Oregon, to construct 1025 which will be thrown oh the ash Quill All good industrial projects go Yc spend oue-third of our lives in bad. On the matrimonial sea, the hand that rocks the cradle very sel dom rocks the boat. There is always a brighter side. poetry it inspires. '"Cabinet rasps the nerves of the nature of a filing cabinet. v , ... . i; Well, it may be that the sun never rsets on the British fla?j but Uncle Sam has a monopoly of moonsHtji?. " ' , ' ,' 1 ' 1 . ' l at ! ' - ' 11 '' " : In a small tonit, a social leader y one who doesn't sewediuner in the kitchen, even when there is no coyipany. - They hnve. to introduce a bills; tliat come" Ui our Jiouso ii,re ' .Europe may dream of America as a.'place'to settle donu ; but let her not forget that it is also a place to. setttVhp; 'English celebrities who visit us eai testify that Barauni's contri bution to vital statistics was singular' free from error. ' One way to limit the influence of wicked movies would be to pro vide a matron to keep the children wdiiji: parents see the picture. Tbe reason there were fewer T.-reeks in the old horse-and-buuy oays was because the driver didn't depend wholly on his own iiitelli-pencc. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? 1. How many new dullurs were issued ? 2. How many men are employed in the Pullman con.pany optratlng depart ment? 3. Ih Iceland a purt of Xorth America or Europe? 4. How does the population of Holland comparo with the United ritntes? G. WTiHt Is carotin? 6. Will steel wool bum? 1. What sort of a hwf has a k' raffe? 8. Wlmt ftMtes were formed out of the territory originally Ineluded under the mime of Virginia? 9. Where uie tho Windward Islands? 10. What is niesmerinm? Aiihith u, YewO-nlny'M (juottions: 1. Who dewiened tl new dollar? fy Walt STILL WHEN" I paid up my income tax, a ftrw'.brief days uf,', noiikj wild alases jjnd ulaeks I uttered in my Woe. I had to pay u frightful sum, a tribute much too. vast; for I have to earn my scanty rocks by long and patient toil, by packing sonnets in a box aud burning midnight oil. And'So it jars me when I find hovV great a goat I am; the -product of my weary grind must go to Uncle Sam. I aid, "I'll seek solne other laud, some quiet place abroad, where tax collectors do no stand and rob man of hia wad." I tried to locate such a Khore there's ho Mich place of bliss; in other lands they, tax men more than we are taxed in this. A poet on a foreign Ktrand who earns three bucks a day, would find 1111 officer nt hand to take two bucks away. However, great our griefs may be, however fierce they seem, they're twice as bad aerosa the Bea, where eagles do not ncream. Ho let u bear our trifling load and cenwe to tear our hair, and gambol up aud down the road, our cohttailH in the nil1.- FAIR TAX. Mil' l!2r txj)is"niin. . " ; I of passing a state tax ftiv n Mi" in entire state will li'enoflu but thei.n i4nd the tax sitiKituhi tu this state I a veutuiv a public ofclftration. ' tr purposes and iu all distri' ts u 191:1: 1 apioxiinalely ij3-W,l.Hl and in:liolH u'iii i lie Ti,i ;iei. tr ic iiimniiii., i nnivh less any gooii busiuesn man. i or five, more millions upon thoj,HTaT;. . I,r,v,,,clH- '"",ml, 7 . ' iiexUluo left in o: !eelnUy ai(ihul- some pirpior inaclie buildiitgs in turn and erica of oi' lieaiviu lJ'i. Points to Ford when they die. iu bed, and at least another third Spring is seldom as slushy, as the Europe," Probably something in."", o" to 4 hours and ao minutes with , ' . :nother. Nolo that with the small i , 1 hunters tho heavy iA Ilka the Plan bill in the house, but some of the old aequaiutaiict's. I A iik. Anthony di Yancisei. '1. How ninny nrtlirt were Invited to submit deait-ns? r.na. Klght. 3. " How many men are employed at the Kurd faetorj ? Ann. T5.00U. 4. tVhen a hum in India loses custu noes he dweiid in the rasti: Im-Iow him? Ans. No, h an outcast. ,,,,.,,., 5. tf what is the term "foolscap" ' however, was not very material in case a tsirruption? Ann. From the Itnl- of onu of the li' avy oilH. Ian. farllo capo, meaning a full sized I juSf,)K ilnMiv frfm the Miniiarm sheet of paper. ,jve nHltA ,)f (hu ,,.Bt , t1(.Re two 6. is there a notieenbW; tide in the . , , , ,, ,, Ort Iki? Ans. There Is a barely l' of "ters tho Indications are perceptible tide in the Grt Lakes. ,ha wniIu ,h(! r"',, "r heavier oils 7. lin nu-lalx contrrnt 'or expand ; '",rn Conslaembly longer than some when exposed to the light? Ans. jot tbo lighter oils In tbo lard pall They expand. ' I heaters the totitj amount uf heat Riven K. What part of a chicken is af-'off is no Kreaajr, and in some cases fectca iiy tne pip : ms. The tonxue. . o oat ineiiinriui coin was strucK at the time of the ri!(;rliii Tcnoen tcnnlal? VhS. A stiver iialf dollar. 10. Wow many cubic feet of stor age space should lie ullowcd for one ton of Ice? Ans. Fiftv. gRhumos Mason, .'-X lit WORSE. r - Result of Tests of Smudge Oils and Orchard Heaters Dy F. C. Helmer, Ruperlmant Station, Talent. OrQon, t;rU internl la twin iiinnilcNtoil In er.'ltnr.l liehdnn thh staltu, fihil tttor,. 4'JiuitW Huitite thia 'er ihiitt ever lioiuie. ttnot-iilly atni.lca r oil ro. .tohiu,t he.itlnn w,.f,. nlititlti.., h-m v.i; tun a oil commutes ami lenleil in ih S uitlicrn vnKn Kxpprlltient Station. Th' feuilia i-r this t'sl h.Avc lie.-a tiitiulutoil unit iu. i-i';'t)tet la the tKl'owllH i.iiuc: tir-'r"'- -...-a- t -i, ..-. r ., ..i...'- . Uionltr; Tl tie 2 V i r C W S ii . a s 1 in ;if h J hn :Ui:m. hra. I.Outa. X.mo N,.n. apui!!. no a; in. .11)1!.. tiltlH. 1 None Vll)0 :(l uit:i. 10 m In. 4lmt. 6 lira. va " oo 2 ;l l.t. thick 3D mln. iSintn. Kl-,!UH Branm nhra. hn. 1 w Trilw SI mlti. Smln. gnuu. Stirs. 5ht. tt Nono Tl.l(.(, ::i miu. - 43 mln, 4 Ms. 5hr. jv, Sl7 i4la.tl,UK I'D mla. 05 mln. ,.ranm ooginma Jhra. 5Urs. 2.3 Trai:o Tl.,u.() miu. C 15 SnunlKe. Shell Stove at stamlitrj I'aion -T.5 Smtultw AasiK'iate! 3-' ?tt!l (itt'itm ItntUmi. sooi:ite:l IS .m rook Ass-icinteJ 81.5 Slop IHntillnte w.,.- ... . . . . - .1 1- .. .. . 1 nr iKsciiinu HMma m c.'niiui'r in i"ttnt 01 iHtmuiK time . Tlio fh-Kt olamn la the male kWps the Kra ity lest cf th variants oils. ! The so vnry froat 19 to 3i teatime. The 'two nils leslliiK 10 nJ i3 elltlulo ar ' connlderv.1 heavy oilt that la r mora like rniito oils tuffn tha othets. In orchanl lieutlng the bcaumc teit Is of lunrtsaee vut l;i !uiwitn; which oil are heavy oc Moarewl t the crmie oils and wtilchi ontiiln ihc hlyheHt perevn tnKij oCthe lighter oils. Burning Time The length of b.unlatt time of the various oils was tox'eil In two style of.orcltard heater; the five qtiait Inn rail tyi. nnd the net five italloi 'Scheti heater, one gallon f eueli o tne ttrimu oils .m tiKCii in ni! laru pall heatvrs. The hurnin llm o( these oiU vai led fro'ii 3 hoars with "ted spa-aircclt tmiMd cansldrubly jiner 't!n tUo'llsUtr? oC:,;Tl' t liAO IniiMirtitnt Item wiiern tho BMiall beater is Med. Mom evor, Jl iiiuol lie noted that these- hnT oils leave a thick lnyvr of hspbaltmn In tho '-H. and it is. -a. C:niulviallo Job tt born nr.il W:in II w cml at the end of tho 'sejuon. Furthermore, these heavy. Blow Iniriiini; oils Kivc off en heiit per lioftf in" thi hfdter than the factor hiirnlns lKht oil. In the Seheu heuldrs we burned four Ballons of oil. ' Irrth?e he ronibu'th'n is math timre complete than in the lrd yail cater... and the tompftrative burnlnii tiimvof tbe various oils i notihavo a.iown In this tent. They giftdiy the same as In he small healers. H will lie noted thn the bnrnln? ti"ne of tho various, oils vajiel from 5 hours and 43 minutes with one oil to 6 hours and Go minutes with another kind. In some rcxpects this test in the Schcu , heaters is probably the best Indication of the amount of bout actually Riven off by tho various oils. Tho draft of llui heaters was regulated so that tbo lower half of tbe utacka on them wore Kcpl red hot. Tho play was to give off tbe samo aaiimni of heat from the various oils alid then delcrniitie the It b'Ah of time four gsllons of each kind would burn. Nolo that the heavy oils which burned longest In tbe lard pail heaters did nut burn iiilte as Ioiik as some of the lighter oils when tested in the Srhnii lieateni. This dilferencu, ' ,lot Uit Krta The KTcatcr biuninK jtiniq apparently Is due to the poorer comU,iiKtl;n of these heavier oils in the lard i!ill heaters. Tbls means that it will be necessary to use a larKcr num ber if these small boaters pen acre where tltcso slow burning heavy oils are used. . Columns five nnd six show the amount o'f soot nnd clinkers and scale left In each of tlio Seheu heaters. This material was very easily dumited out of the heaters as s-on as the pts were cool. . The lliKt column shows the amount of asphalt um left In tho liiril pail boat ers by the various oils. This is ex pressed in thickness of tho layer of hHphalfiiio, aiid also fn wclt;bt. Only I two of the oli:t left a heavy layer of this material in this Htyle of (ait. Thin lasphaltuin la dlffictilt to . remove frotnj the bottom of tho ikiIs at the end of ft , ft 1 A 5fc ; lllo nnOIW II ml for tlila ITilsnU la qilllp tiij. ctt'rtuhlt. It is Importnul that aone of the oils left a layer of asplutltuui in tlto Hchuu Ivatets. In tttesv pots the ivnl lue roiiHlHicil of baiBO cllnliiirs. seal, nml siKit where the heavier oils wen tt.i. Ttt3 aiMwer may obtain the price oi tho rnilotis oils frm the oil cotnpnn !e. and then by takir. into considera tion the fa-ts linniitht out in this tiwt he can deiermlun tho kind of oil bert oillnt tu his pots and needi. ' Heaters Nitt that each of the Seheu five gallon heatei-s ronstimed aiiirxliuate y twice as much oil per hour as the nrd pail lie.iturs tiurlmc this tett his difference would hnve br4-n atlil treaier if tho ilrnft of the Hrheii heat rs hsd been openei t- fall capacity 'his mean thnt a uitieh smaller ntim er of henti-rs of this type wl to neod etl er acri'. Ono Krent advantaKo of the Seheu heater is that, due to better comlm lion of oi!,. it piutiu-o far K-km smoke or 'BirtulKu" than tlio coiumon lard pall heater. Another Bdvaulam Is that by rrKttlatlngthe t'rnft ns. much boat ran !' broihirt-d' when 'the oil U (ret- tins few. in the pot n when it u full. As Is j!l know tt. one ef tbo mreut dis nh'Mitages of the bull (mil lie(..r Is the frt thnt tho oil, It conuimil lowly nml Tit tet ln.n xiven off when thi oil h low ln llui pot thuu w.hn full. I'hii.illy at this at:tu r the nixht I tl teni-runirt ra;loet nud tit"! ::tv'est antcunt of haat Is neiied. The tests mad will be supplement' d with t-xi'!nslvi toNts of beiilors on I oils ul tho Kxperiiuent ttntlon darteK the ityvibM', fr ,t, season. . . Tho.' writer wishes t thunk the vhi j lous oil comitanles far the Intenmt thry supplied nanipli;s of I heir oils aud three of them , had represantativcH present durlnc tbo entire tei-t. News Summary of Last Night I V'Afilll.VtJTOV ntutleslilp West Vli'Kinla and battle cruisers U xlimlon and Karatoga probably will bo tbioe capital ships now biitlditiK which with tbe Colorado will bo retained under Uaval limitation treaty. Dt'HMN Numerous cIahIihs orcnr In Hail Klresnn. Keeling runnlns hUh. Iv-Valera coiitlmied to priMH for ro'iK- nltion of I Jail's supromacy but minis ters of provisional Koverunicnl held firmly they only wore rosiontiUile to Irish people Hlirtl.JN' lUf'i'cert -ctossitiK -Oiuin-ter from RttSHia lat Itiinmnla Ijeint; sent back across fnrzen river by C.en oral 1'opovlch. Itiimanlan reruijen con troller, then sliot by RiiHsbm Chekn as soon as they s'jl foot on Husiian Hull, nccordliw to story tobl by German ar rlvitiK from VolKa dlMtrb t. ALTON". III. CtlticliiiK financial leaders of country whom bo chai'Kul with bolnx rcspjusiblc to opposition to soldier bonus, Htinfonl MueNidi-r, nil tionai commander of American IkIom, confidently predicted passage of bill which ho termed ro-adjusted cjito or. satton bill. Call Candidates U. cf . . KCGKXK, Ore., Mar. 2. A call f r candidates for vuitilty nml f,i H?niicn jiltchers and cal'Miers h'.w bwn Issued by Coach fb.-orKa Hohler, l!o l bat tery miiterjnl Is s'i.'ir.'-e 'hi 1 j'.'a;-, '.spec. Lilly pltchern, and I'llib r wjuti tf set llw men in swipe mi (pti :'.;ly 113 pos Hn,0i , , A.Am, i,l.i-o:;iy,)i,i,.M been solved. it a vu never T The sphit to ccrve (effi ciently, quickly and to the utmost of. our ability characterizes tho Service that our organization of., fcrs, I Liii ' IERSIIYOF DAHO CLOSES SEASON FRIDAY 8AS r'UANOIHOt). Mar. a, t'nlvoi--1 ally of liluho, t lt t nly iniilofenteil tenia In the I'lO'liie cuant ciinCereiictt bmiliot- hall tucv, clitaea It" Hcliivlnln wltli Biinii'H n!itlltat WtiHhlliKtoll Ptrtln ! leue loiiiiM!tv nntl HitttMililV nlKtit. I I ill. 1 nnul win I111? nn.i if llui 111 ' ititmoH to hoM lin ptneo nt the top or tho ovovitaK ii.luam. The VitlutitlH, liiiwcvcr. PxjM'et little trouble wtnnliiK. for I'Hily In the Mtmsoit they tlefeattHl AnlllnKton Slate twice. Allh'iiinli Idaho has n peireiilane of 1 noil; havlnt; win alx K"uics and lost tu ne, the OrcKOlt AKrlenllilral cullowe, with percentaue of ,k;i:i, from ton Vlcpirlei nnd l'o defeats, claim tho confer tiro champlonsblii. Tho Axr.leu miy the Vandals played a short Hehed tile In which iiiohI f the unities were on the Idaho court. StamliiiK of the conference teams follows: Won, Lost Main 6 0 Oron Acifles 10 . 9 It .. .. t . 0 , a California ..... Washtustttit ttauroid Washington Ktute Pn. California ....,;.,.. Oreifon . ,, ,. J f. t iy 10 liKNVICll Formal transfer of Jo( lin fiuuelilsu iu WrHtein LeutiQ to lienscr effected. HOT SI'ltlMKH-Cnil Mats ltn contract with New York Amorlcnns I I'alm KutU tentatvly afciri s t i con irsit. MllAYACKKK Johnny I.n too re tiiins wui Id tlin-eiinlilun billiard rliiii'i lulii.lilii by il:e.!tliiK Alfrixl le t)r.. i tialleimcM in final blttrk of thriHs blo.k U.ateh by ai-ore of 60 t H it,0 nt.M 1HV ity Fli:i store; Ijiylmi JH0; lVOro U5 in ' Two prviier. in tho rant. Nova iios Inn nn-i, , . H- uil'i nml Ontario, will lute one H'K'Iit'r.V Jai;k Hurman, munnir"r j ' ii-her r.n h. Umtiaa t other rant SDUii -Uiim Jibynrko, slfttd he Would ' o-iOlu. r r. ninm un bniiHe. hut PoM feiuo any tlmo for a mtvtd In-ut W-vl..c.a will mak. tin . . ' . L-a Hid W lib Jack Oei:i,iw . I f 1-1 I, ... .. .. .. . r, ,.., ,r,M'. -ratauwy. ... imr- i)oiu, pre,iijfin. ifciuiUAwMein P'amie. ;.tiui)unc.il a siieebtl mt-i ilan of rJuJi ; owners pell Monday lo Uiscitus -pistis " "" " , '. 1 foa tutfrKvr. Willi Wostern j it inllnii. , Good for That "flu'1 Couah , ,, IW ANtiKl.i;.S-;i;oiiHt4fitiii..,. Ro- , foe nttU-k relief from tbo wenrluj; loau'i'f. i'neifir v.mmt heav welKbt I cuuKhs thnt "hnnK on" (tor tb ii lpjs ieihns- clmiiipiifiirfiiln cbJinsni le or .lnflueuji. cake Foley's Honey and feate.t f ) Cody, Idled us nll iound Tar Mrs. K. l. lira, Chllda, Md.. wroHtliim rhamplon of Hawaii, in five writes: "After an attack of tbe flu that ryoml v rot!in bout, I left inn wih n s v-- c mirU notbmr ,N'iV YORK Johnny Mjers of. Chi Iset-me,) to relieve mo till J ' tried .!( , clalmmt of ti. iiddlelii! Foley's Honey an I Tar., wbicb' I ran nijtullng cji)s and HriutQ fc-nsnl cfbu:b!y iec (unmen I." It 'Is nls.i ool Dubmiiio, Is., wlil met-t here MniRht In 1 for rrotip, hiplni cjugli and colds, a iwnlvo toiiud wr-ntllnie innt h. Th j It puts a Suoibltia. hcallnii ttutttrnH uvor rounds will each lc of ten- minute, the Inflamed surfaces, cuts lh phiegin, dmalion with tw lutoiite rest periods, easos lioarmmeas, tiers the atr ( i STANDARD OIL . , arm tp a nnnriT fluraiioftrRur filK-AUo, Mar. :.--Th.- Ulsn.liud 'Ml company uf Indiana, indj net euinliiKS of K'l.SMi.JU iluiinu IUSI, .'ocuidltiK to tint unnu.il atati'tiieiit. made puhlli; afti r 11 lni- linft of I lie tioiird of directors Onlay. The Kroj.it earnltiKH were nppriiAlniiitelvl Ji'.oori.. Ooo M-ufitu-, tlto (lllfcri 11, e Iwin.j 1:. i d for feiU-rul laxis nnd slmltrir item. The siirpltm t-arnluKN In h- ynin pany's iiMiiie fund now amount to '-'. :27.!iii; iilniut. $ .-'. 2 ', I ItoliiK added to the fund tlilu jar, Tlio 1ul. anee of the famines ,,til ont in ensli dlNldi-llds In Steele n,iu iMjii Ibe year, theuo rtK nl.-n,:( tuialltur ap pioxliiiatily tl.'.BMI.r.'S. , 1 iii-tTH H tut ij HimtP: RHEUMATISM Z COUNTY COMMISSIONER CANNOT EXIST Th"H B,,nl,". of Ashland, , 1 . , - ,. authorizes his announcement as it Can- m the hi man la dy u you will uo dldate for tlio noiiilnatlim for th oflici n 1 .'' 1 e n ! ipiioii r.,r Kheumallsm f c011nly CommlfHloner of Jaeklm an. '..en. it Ih ridiculous, abhind County, subject to thu tleclslort of tho and pif.ii.rien,,,,, n fll,.ti lt iH tt ,,,ty ,Ul,mbll,un volt,rM of Hal(J cmmt. ft i.ii.i a ..name to talk ubout Hhoutnn- th0 Primury Klectlon, May PJth. l'.Ci 'Trunk's' Prescription' for Jthuinna- A'IV' '"to rind flout sells for t."B. This I'r. scrliitb.n IjoKH Nt)T, ruin the DaV Or Ntottt rtrti.iiK-h. It HOKH OT depress the ' ., , hi nit. Kst nil the meat and good lXPPsfC rlKtfy Pn food yoti wish while laklna Trunk's v" "VWlltjtllrv J Piisciiptlon. U IJOKH NOT contain A - -r f it , uny Mercury, Kullcylste of Koda, Oil Funeral Diroof rival' of 1Vint.;rKro.m or narcotics of any l-'lreCl0' kind, bill, lt abuiiliiUly and positively 1 - oviiconiid any lind of lihiiiiiustlsni r t U j 1111 h t C.ouf. on i.;tb. WHAT MORE Do CrtCffO riftta W t6Clt VOtT WANT? 'Tbm o in notlilnir Just ICf -..., ' '-''' 11H tfond, and It Is itupnsslbbi to Ret . flOUr,. snniuthlui; bnttor. Jt In lilsu an excel- lfi"" 'a '1 ' ' J tt J'u lent Itvnr Medicine. Kor hub at Has- liUaranteea kin's Urutf Htoru. Medford. Adv. j t OUT QrQVetS ' DR. RICKERT sensational Oldsmobile Four Ssismsmg - ; " Tcurine Car. . , Eyes Scientifically Tested $1385 and Glasses Properly Fitted t Medford. " , ,k .NO OHOPH IKKlt llrnlieii TnsiM. Aecmately Vlnpllcalotl BUBy UOmer MotOT Co. la. 1 'aLAa .Mill Lovely C1oi- Tonljht Mla l.tiitlm linfl,v, seriMili atrr. NVli( la niiriuitK :el"o ht lln l'!0' with Itt'i null fn?iiiiiiiy In Iter vaitl vlllo art mid tier laU'at pMilie, "l.lfe'H liivateitl tjiliintlnn." w lit lu lnn lu'i' Miiill'ortt fnHiiKtMint to- a rloittt wlt'i IuiiIkIiI'h irortiiiiii('i . MM l.mi'ly (lurlitK )i''f Htay here, turn nimlit tmniv (iliiitiU who will Uiok forwiirl Willi irtnitt iihwiiurn for Iht nw goreen I'll till (.'. I Tim tilt tiir- tani'.rt tlorlnK Miat j t.ovely'H eiiKimeiiu'lit lit tliu I'um this j 'pU will Im nhown on tlto keroon el tbo I'uau tin aire "M WC' U. rays TomorroM Iiorls May's second HUrrliiK produe (Ion, "Kdeii mid Itotinn." Is aninmuteii n tho IcadltiK nltrftrllon at Hie l'a theater, bcKlnulnii toiimrrow matinee. Yotl loved the itiliiiltulde Miss May In her first how Hint sucees.i, "Th Foolish Ape," You'll adoio Injr as lh fullofpep I'.!-'.' (.Ill In "Kilen aud lie. turn." The sitpportlnii cunt l.i notutde, liu'luilluu Kiui Meiralre. Margaret MvlnRston, Frank KlnHtley. Knimett KlnK and others. At tho Rlslto Hiipetliitlves ate JiiHlltled in any tie scrlptloli of "The l.tire of Jiole," star rlto: Paulino Fiodeiltk and flrri-iil for tlu flrnt time yesterday at the Hlalto ttu aire, wheio li will P'triiiln for an i'tiKiitiiiint of thte ibo . Not .only does Mls Fiederlek Ktvo a bHI llaitt pei'foriiiunco Iu thli iihimuHl pie 1 1 tire, but tlio rli li tropk atiiionpher' of tbe South Hens, where ninth of the action lilketl Idurn U a feature of the 'picture. Hupportlnn Mhs Frederick U a cunt of the blKlifiit merit. Ineludlni: Thoiims ItotdlnR. Arthur Itnnkln. ln llary. Harden Kirklaiid, 1 C. Hhiiinwiiy and Toko Yiniuoiuito. ! f.N.tl N l'ltllMI NT TO li At i: Hiit: mi;mii:hi OTTAWA, tnr. I.-.nada' t'X parliament will liiiv leu Miiilo luein Im in than the Mi, nt leitlv na n to null of the heiv ii itxua. u nlllt of lili-h hueti ti..iii Atiiiitlitit'eil. The ... ......iia,, v,. ;ii menit i. r ' ' J"'" H..lt..l .. I - t. f lo ti Alls rtn jtaskatthewan front I to Sli (C, 12 , ami lirl'lult Columbia Item 13 to 11, ' ;, n.ihi e very where . 1 ":...'," . I .. i.j .! M COLD IN CHE.ST He the Mubt thing nd bt ur e of tperdy rtllcl. Often rhett colili and lore throat Co over night tf you um MUSTAR1NE Itrtter than a mustard phltr. doe Hit woili and does II laMcr will not blutti 3ot-00c yi llcrw bos. Keep Bowels Onen A 'rethly brrwtd OlO el Ctry hlng vm ntahl drne.mil poiKm.Ktii.uu. Tenrui'llvei hrluhtcn.liillfvebnlihllw (kin. cii pk . Utrvv ioiim lo niiiht lot tlw whtilt family CELERY KING Iff-