Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 02, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Tribune
The Weather
Maximum ytrday ......... 58
Minimum today
UiDy WUl'nlh Tear.
NO. 202'
Lady RHondda First j
laty Granted Seat
In Home of Lords
BcrtAnderson and Ralph Bardwell
Buy Liberty Building for $60,000
Jim Jeffries, Former
Heavyweight Champ
To Be Evangelist
Ex-servioe Men, However,
Allowed to Borrow From
Any National Bank 50 Per
Cent of Sum of Adjusted
Service Pay Will Help
Soldiers in Need
WASHINGTON. Mar. " 'nau.
liioun agreement to eliminate iho "teh
(citlurv of the i.ldlr bonus ---l
In III rur of Htm WMiw iiillu.led
Mrvlin pay would hot rol till waa
r,rvl toduy by ttvt Hil sub
oemitimee ot republii an member
lh houae ways and mean commltlM
ti which lliti wtol bonus question
was rrfrf. yesterday
III li.U of cash for the other T
vie nirn It waa ngrvJ U add a nw
provision to the bonus Mil under
which th nun accepting adjusted
wrvle cwlirknte ruld borrow Im
madlatcly oti Mum certificates from
hank u nun huhI in fifty rr rent
of the ttul adjusted sorvlc iy. com
puted at the rat ff ft a day fur do
mottle service and II. SI a day fr fur.
rlnu service,
Thla official statement of thn agree
mnt of Did aub-commttlea wua Issued
by Chairman Kordnry;
"The aub-eominltttni, i corudstlnf of
Ch airman Kordtmy, Meaara. Green.
Inngworth, Hawir-y. Troadway and
Copley, huvti agreed Uxirt
ulid prepared a provision 'to txt etih
miUd which In aubatancs Is " (l-
lows'. . , . ':)'.
"Ths elimination of th rash !
lur of th. bonus lull whero th vt
run uro entitled to rmir than If'
ittliujtd aorvu-4 Buy. but adding
hew .n provision to th adjusted
rM-t rrililwt--Kt-rMnhv.r. will
enable holder nf suh certificate to
borrow from, any national . bank .or
lilt biiH of lordN wtiH RtnuUul
by lh roiniiilltiM' of irlvlliKa
of tlm Iioum f lonlH toduy. If
4 aim Uk tlio M'lit awardl hnr
4- by tlila rulliiK ln will lo Ilia
4 Hint woimuii to alt In ibn upxr 4
In. nt of Oim HrltlHh iiurlliinmnt
11 trfidy Alter won In ihn Inwur 4
4 Iiily HIk mlila la tlm rluunli- 4
4 Iit t.f Vlitrount Khunililu, Ort'ut 4
llrlulo'a war tlmn fm-d ronlrull- 4
4 cr who iIIn In III IN from an III- 4
4 mail lirt'iiKlit on by ov-rwrk, 4
4 Ilia only iblld wut Dim d.iunh- 4
4 ut, wlftt of Hir Humphrey ! 4
4 Kwirth. 4
4 Toduy'a iIitInIoii, It W pra- 4
4 Niinii'il, affwtn utl thn iieoreimwit 4
4 lu thflr i wii riKht In lh t'nlU-4 4
4 KliiKdom. Thrn aro 13 of 4
4 tlllMMt.
0 II D
fiB "I!
0 H
ii i i
' 1 , n "! W r j,.
0 rrrfTTZFrf&&.
guy a yMi
1S ANT.KI.KS. Mar. 2-Jnmp 4
J. J!ffilpx, f'irmr Uavywfl!ht 4
rhamjilon of th wnrld, may lo- 4
romn an evnnKllt, if noihini; 4
happens to prt-vt-nt it, arrordln 4
to a Btory thn Loa AnKlna Kxam- 4
4 lnr will print tolay. 4
Jttffrta, now a farronr at Bur- 4
bank near here, had beocmie inter- 4
4 eated in relU'loun affair tbrrxiKb 4
4 a vialt frutii A. T. 8uttrtr, a 4
4 friend of the former piiKlllttl'a 4
4 futhnr, who waa a mlnlHti-r of tbo 4
4 Kopt, accord I dk to tho new- 4
paper. 4
"My iteairA la to bring relicktll 4
4 doner to tba beuru of thti men of 4
4 Utday," Jt;ffrieti la quoted. 4
People of Ollinois Are Much
Aroused Over Hanging of
Auto Murderer Tomorrow;
Claim Sheriff Using Execu
:tion for Its Political Effect.
A deal vu completed yeatt-rday b
whbh the Liberty bulldliiK. one ol
the Urci.Ht and flueat and office
ulrurtuitti In tho rlty and Southern
Oregon. wh pttrchaied by Halph
Itnrdtt'ell and Hert Andoraon, wcl
kn,',, 'f"rd men
The nxltleration wm not riven
out but la undeintoiid to le in the
iiflhht.rhMd of IHil.iiOO. Thn Cur
nett & t'orey rompany built the
Mrurture. In 1912. later aelll&K it to
the I-llwrty Ilulldlim Co., owners, who
made the aaltv
Tlie new owners who bought the
sti ucture for an luveatment, lock poe-
m-Kbl.m ut f ace, will make extensive
improvements and will peraonaliy
raanaxo I;. The building in a four
stcry brick structure with granite
AaatK-ladM t'reaa ) Aliening that the
hatKiDir t Harrvr Church la Cblcajco
Ujiuorrow U b b "pnlillo uptmuoie
Jor whlrh iBvltniiona hv Un U
Mak'f truat tv.mBny IncoriHtratrd nued,'' Attorney FYank J. Tyrell ot Chi
nndW the law f anv adiln fifiv nrira!o. atineared bent today ti "an
at tf th turn 'of th adjuirtiHl acr-
vP pay prior in Hepivmber S. 15.
iiinii i I lumunu
Thla dutat waa flxad b-auar after 1hnt
tlrtta the bill aa orlKtually drnftml by
th Cummlttmt provldaa for a Inrat-r
pfrcAtiiita-K of loan by thj avernirifrt
and ha not bwn rhanvvd by tho eub.
. Chairman Kordney anid thla pinn
wua rapiM'ti'd to nnl with om nil
upprovul alma it enabled the o.l.-i'
who may lt In nid to obtain cnuli
Immediately afti-r tha laNUance of th
rertlflcnti-a; would relievo ho trena
nry of any laian rah payment ilurln
tho ttiarmuui refundln nperatlon.
which mukt Ixi carried out In th next
two- jNMtnt, and would ptoco no adill
tlinal ta burilnn upon tho public.
Ikivarnor llardlnn of lh federal
NEW TOHK.iM(ir.2. Mar Pick-
American rltlieo." to lay lierre Oovor-. c. Wuknln any part of the lion.
nor HmMI another j4ua for clemency : O09 which Mr. wiikcnnin cinima
for lha tndemnel man. ' wua her dtia aa rttnimlaalon for Ki'ttlng
"Tha haoKlnn of Kurrvy Cbtirch."' the film mar . raltw to 'lio.ono a
tho la')r aald. "baa baomiio a uolltl-' weik. Thla waa a verdict of a fedo
ra! bmiie la Cimk county. It l pnrt of rl Jury returned Inat night and un
.I.. ..m...l, r,e aberirf nf Chief eei.e.l toihiy before Kedoral Judice
m in
W la I 1
s cn
Senator Hitchcock Surprised
to Learn President Did Not
Understand Treaty Re
fuses Support Unless Reser
vation Regarding Unpro
voked Aggression Accepted.
W.UlHrS'OTON', Mareh 5.fiBa
tcr Hitchcock of ki'ebraaka, ranking
democrat of tbo ornate foreign rel
t'ona commltt(H declared ia an ftd
dreaa to the aenale today opening do
bate on the four power Pacific trea
ty that be could not aupport l Uft
leaa anteodmenu or rneervationa wern
adopted to meet bla objection.
Senator Hitchcock, opening the d bl
eu aa ton becauae he expects to be ab
sent a few daya later, attacked what,
he described aa the aecrecy with
which the four power treaty waa ne
gotiated. He declared be bad voted
for ratification of the Yap treaty yea-
Dr. Hubert Work of Colorado,
First Assistant P. M., GetSi."i,7ralJ1,apiort
I Ann f ntncMtA vrAallMi
C6veted Place Takes Of
fices Saturday First M. D.
to Sit in Cabinet.
LOS ANGELES, Mar. Th. lx
nun arrejited early Tawday on In for-.
t mat Ion furnished by Mra. JohnKUpp.
WAS1I1NQTOX. Mar. sS. Dtmand their houm-keepor, have no connection
for u coBRreKalon.-U . InvvatiaaUou of with tho murder of William 1. Tay
the acta and conduct tf Ouvrrnor K, jor. motion picture director, here Feb
Mont Itlloy of I'orto l:ioo, looking to ruary 1. U waa anounceJ today by Io
hlH removal from olflci-; wa mado tectiw fterfreont Herman Cllne, In
In tho house today by Delegato Felix jchnrRe of the Invest luatlon. -
lepiity Iiiibcnhelmer."
IH'imrturo of (Jovernor Small for
Kttukfikoe at niton tixluy ahattered the
taut bo' for Church, according to
Judge l 11. Jenklna. of the depart-
Neither Mary or her liuxband,
DoiihIhk rnlibnnka, wna in court when
the verdict waa announced. Her
rounael riinhcd to the telcphono lo
urqimlnt her with the newe at her
inent of public welfare. Tho altitude hotel, rounael for Mra. Wilkennlng
of the governor. It waa iald. U that h f"ed notice of an appeal,
already haa acted and that the law I In h-r hotal aulto where ahe had
.. . ., leen Informed of her victory. th
rotut lake It. courae. I acreen eiar aald aho hnd aiu nt flo.
. , I woo in flkhtlng Mra. Wllkennlnga cf-
HrillOrlM.n, in., .Mar. 4, nnom- f()rt tl, 0,,tt iiog.OOO of her money.
Cordova litvila. reaident conimln
aloner of l'orto I'.ico. j
iAi'larinB the people ho represented
naked that thi etcp be taken "only
after the HardiiiB admlnletration waa
ulven freo opportunity to act." Mr.
Ii iUi. who Ik a member of tho union-
Ho aald examination of Mrs. Rupp
and Inventliratlon convinced the de
tectivea tlmt there was no foundation
to her atatemcnta that they had
threatened the life of Taylor.
The alx men are John Herkey, Wall
ter Kerby, llliam East. George Cab
WASHINGTON. March 2.Ir. Hu
bert Work, preaent flrat aaelstant
postmaster general, will succeed Will
H. Hays aa head of the poatofftce de
partment, it waa announced definitely
today at the White House. .
Dr. Work, whoee home Is in Pue
blo, Colo., will take over the portfo-
io Saturday when the rIgnatloo ot
Mr. t Hay bw:ocno .WectlT The
nomination of Dr. Work W expected
to be sent to the senate shortly. cw
i . '' 9 ii '.ii;) ilt .:(--'.
BENVERi March- 2.-i.Dr,? Hobert
Work of Pueblo, who wrtlt be appoint
ed postmaster general- by President
Harding, -will be the second- Colo-
radoan to hold a place in the cabinet.
Henry M. Teller of Colorado was ap
pointed secretary of the interior by
President Arthur in 18S2. Dr.. Work
will be the first member ot the medi
cal profession to hold a cabinet of
reserve Miri wua hi-fori the aub- cr apical on Mmlf of Harvey Church. The trial her this .week waa the third
committee today dlacUMlntt- tho Inter- rBarhl,j c.nvernor Hmiill a office late In Ihn enan ad It annenre.t nrohnhbt
It waa aug-
thla afternoon from the Housewives that Mlaa 1'lckford would have to
union of Palo Alto. Cnl. They naked: make further disbursement before
eat and other queatlon.
Keett4 that tho Interest rata should
miT n iifc-orw areairr innn mo . ......... -I.., hei.r,l Hi.. I..t f Mr. Villnnln-
Pr rent ahovo tho rediscount rut. ofi Humanity a aaae- mat ma oxer, T' , "," ;" 71
tho realonai reserve Unka. tlon In. Mrbldden. They affiliated, " ' ' ' ,h0 clrrult rourt '
l;nder another tentative provision their message said, with the society ..i f , , .rr.. tor Vr 'itkcnniiL. 1 '"knowingly, or with the least malice
helnir considorod. the title to tho cer- iftir tho prtntjn of legallred crime, .-i-i xjarv "but I havo never aetiie.i toward tho people of Porto Itlco.
tlflrut.Ni could not Ih disposed of by CH1CAOO, Mar. S.-Wblle an altor- ,.ulm whon i wa In tho right and I
the service men. the Ide llng. Mr. IU,V WM nk,ng m ,Bl(, ,Uni, ft-d-nuvor will.
"ivtrkr "" ""'Church, physlcluns made final leits of becaus., 1 know I am just a target."
It. was explained that the lf,o ch the doomed man today and nnuonuce.l . "W"". ; mad about?"
piwyment waa retained In the bill be. that thoy were convinced he was not
oaiut the men entitled to only thla shamming. It had been announced
amount undoubtedly would prefer tho .that Church committed "mental sul-
1st party of tho inland, expressed tho vert. Hay Lynch and Harry Amor-iH-lief
that It Governor Kelly should helm. Whether they will be released
Imi called na a wltnesa before any in- or held on other charges was to be
vcNtigatlng committee, "ho himself determined by tho pollc later today,
will be tho beta evidence of tho Jus- j . police guard over the residence of
tlco of our demand for hla removal." i Mrs. Hupp was removed, following
Preceding a long series bf charges the failure of . detectives to obtain
ni?nlist tho governor. Mr. Davtla told any corroboration of any of her state-
tho house that while ho believed ' , ments, which at first indicated con
President Harding made a mlstako lu netting tho men with the Taylor mur-
appolntine him. ho knew "tlio presi-. dor.
dent waa imposed upon." therefore Volte dotcctivoa and Investigators
tho appointment waa not made from tho sheriff's office and district
canh to a twsnty-yrar certificate.
The Daily
Bank Robbery
broko in her Inmbniid, LHniKlaa Fair
I hi n ks.
"Nothing," replied Mary, "but It ia
all ao Hilly. I haven't had an aucnt
slnco I was elovon years old. When
Justice Orln N. Carter of the state I want a ralso I go nk for It myself
EVKltKTT, Wash., Mar.
ftnk lUrlMr Htnto hank at Oak Har
bor on Whldby island, near here, was
rubbed last nlifht by thieves who cut
through tho vault door with an ncetly torch and obtained 1700 In nick
la and dimes, and somo socuiitles,
ths total amount not yet ascertained.
supremo court yesterday donlcd a net!
tlnu for a writ of mnnduuius to com pel
J ml Kit Kickham Scnulan to grant a
writ of error ho that fin appeal might
he taken to a higher court. The annie
I plea was placed before Federal Judge
2. -The Carpenter today to save Chinch from
hanging at four o'click tomorrow
afternoon. '
Church lies In tho death chamber
and when 1
for one."
want a new Job 1 look
Fire DeDartment Is
Called to Flue Fire ";;'
Intend to Mako 200,tHK.
Mr. Davila charged among other
That Governor Itelty "announced
publicly that ho intends to make
I! 00,000 during tho next four years
in office, whereas the salary aa gov
ernor is 110.000."
That ho has endeavored to Btir up
strife and discord anions tho citizens.
That ho unlawfully Interfered with
the courts of Jusllco and attempted
to intimidate Judges.
That In public speeches he uttered
disregard for the feelings and senti
ment of tho citizens and denounced
tho flag of l'orto ltlco as a "dirty
attorney's staff arc continuing Inquiry
along other possible leads and the
search for Edward F. Bunds, former
butler-secretary of Tuylor continued
Three burglaries were committed In
That he declared to members of the Medford last night and tho police
senato ho would havo tho government warn citizens to see that their win-
. . . , . .tat licit lit p. ti'ii n n m visuiiiv wt ,!.' uiut a vi a no ivtnru PVUUI VII
The flro department was called at .,,. , uh.u nt n.uh, Th.)W , '
MH. ix s.u ,!' aniM.lnim.mta tmlauu tho nini . ft'ttnUnK. K I
of tho.CiMik county Jail, apparently corner of llth and South Newtown nuUoIiH wort, ;.0fl).m0l! whll.h d who failed ta obtain much booty.
amounts to intimidation. .Tho throo places were entered bo
oblivions, to life and to tho foto that tdroots. us a precautionary measure
awaits htm;
for fear that sparks that were flying ,
from un overheated fluo would sot
flro to the roof. No dnmago was
jMinLWA, Kas Mar.. 1,Worklng tho Piedmont State bank nt Piedmont, mmo an,i tho firemen left after tho
Ip a blinding snowstorm and with tho Kas.,- twenty miles southwest of hero danKcr was over.
thermometer nr sero, robbers early and stolo Liberty bonds believed to
Tuesday tunneled Into the vault of total $r0,000 in value.
-..t., ii j ji .1- -t--. -rr-Tr n 1 ..-w-----"m. ... r r
V. "
. .Past Is hhatly. :lween midnight, and morning, and
"I am firmly of tho opinion." said entrance at each was grained by fore-
Mr. Davila, "that an Investigation of ing open a window
Kelly's, past history will show ho was At tho homo of Dr. It. W. Stearns
.in. .tin Vln.t nt n mnn whrt uhnllld tin iltttnoii otMinl lh.iw . . I. , I .1 K
, l ...... .......... u.v hive bp(n a))1,0int0(1 governor of 1.- gold Waltham watch of tho doctors,
a....e over ino common . ...auo ,oo,000 ,)00pl(i j,ls ,,nBt ehadv t0 u purs0 containing 10. the nronerty
by1. Miss Loulso Lovely, tho film act
ress, nt tho chamber of commerco
forum yesterday, nlleglng unnecessary
; DIXON, 111., tfarcU 2. Water
from- gorged Knck rlvor rising slowly
during the night flowed Into tho Tiro
pit ut the city gas plttnt early toduy
uud stopped further manufacture.
VV'Hti less than a day's supply of gas
In tile' holder, the city faces a com
plete. famlno of the fuel. Many bus
III ess' Institutions which are depend
it;(m gai for fuel, including tho
Wty'B uowspsper, may be forced to
Ktikpond operations boforo the day Is
nay tho least." of Mrs. Stearns, and a pair of driving
Charging that Kelly had been re- gloves. It win tho second timo this
niAV, fenm nRMIHtnnt tof mnntci nt hnmA vm nnlnrAH hv h,iral..u ,..liklM
d.iay In tho department getting water Kanmg c,)y nnd lhnt tho postotflce six months, the last visit being in
......... .v...,, department had refused to glvo him October.
t .ear sua waa n lauorunce ot u.o th0 rpcord , tho cns0 Mr Pava Tho bui.glar8 who visited the home said chief Law-ton to- ud(,od. ,lf Frank K 1W, on
.... v.v ....u ,.f no wn8 not g00d Cnough to bo street took awoy nothlriK of valuo.
............. j ."v ..o r... nn assistant postmaster, how can ho The samo burglars who entered
munely possible. Miss Lovely did not (iunlltipd to bo governor of a dls- tho Steam's homo next visited the
know that wo had practically no tant 110tB,,BSin homo of J. C. Karnes on Teach street
...... . ,....v ..o ......... ..-vw Governor Kelly, sir. Davilla said, M tho roar, where they carried awov
" ' , , " , """7 nonsts ot his strong intiuenco with n n watcn and a necktie. This evi
.i.v, woieii nccessiu uou our Uo pro8dont 0f tho Vnlted States, dently so discouraged them that they
laying BOO toot of hose. Thla length .. nm vory inf,UenUal man,'" ho' gave up work for tho night and went
Vl """v -.,.., ... quoted Kolliy as saying. , uonio to rest up from tholr risky and
" 1 1 . I The urlmlnlHtrution ft flovornnr linnri'ifiinhli. liihr. r n.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 2. Katlflca- Kelly has been a succesaion of insults fers a reward of 3 for tho return of
Uiinw oi ilia neiiiy eineeil lim i nu- to the people, when he went to tho ins watch,
cd tales and Colombia whereby tho island ho found a land ot peace and
morning, foil (load from excitement.' ?.m happiness and almost over night he qualification to bo their governor,
Struma annrehnnalnn I- .nr.aed ! " "' u, transformed It into. a notbsfl of dls-, ana I say to you
, . - i . .. .n ""8 ot ll,"Bma w"0 exenangea yes- pension and despair. lean stand no more. The moment has
by rlvor tuen, who fear tho gorge will terdny in llogotn, nccnrdlng to advices . Ho could havo had the everlasting come when our self-respect comnols 0.. i..,,u (i, mo ...o- irarnru ii'uii m,i niv vviuiiiuinu it-Kit-iirionusmn ot l'orto juenna or an us to appeal to vou for rnllef feom
A down more families had hotu
forced to vacate their homoa today,
bringing thq total of those driven
out slnco early Wednesday to over
half a hundred.
One man, Cms Pyfer, routed from
his home by the flood early this
tory of the cltjv
1. . i.'iiMnu.ii i a ........ ia oi all un .11 tititt ui yotj
classes, hnd Uo iosscsvU th least thls -ndiuliilslrator."
WASHINGTON, March 2. Final
announcement ot the designation of
Dr. Work came as no surprise, his
name having been connected with the
office Btnce the prospective retirement
of Mr. Hays was announced several
The four power treaty, Senator
Hitchcock said, was not la the arms
conference call or on the agenda.. . .
"The public never looked for nor
anticipated this treaty: this seems to
me rather significant,' Mid the sett' -ator,
adding that do note or min
utes or memoranda were kept by the ;
delegation and ; tholr meetings Ue I
said, were 'bhlnd closed doors,"
with no eomunlque given out.;
"My first shock wm to learn that
tho president, who ieaued the call for
the conference, did not. nndersuad
tho treaty and bad not leraod of
the secret agreement-between, thf tW
Stftawrs reif arming the lnVfnstd.'fc
tne Jatanese roafnland.""iaJd1the N
ht asli senator, w ho, saja ' that Jthea
had oa'icure4''.by,J
of deflnltrpn-, . it; -. .!
.. Senator Hitchooct eaid that In r
der for the treaty to receiv hi sup
port, an amendmeat : or-" reeerratlon
would have to be adopted ' doclurmg
the oblfgation to deal only wfth ."Un
provoked" aggressions.
Citing Japan's activities in Siberia
and Saghalien. Senator Hitchcock
said that Japan should be prevented
from receiving support of America If
she should provoke action.
Senator Hitchcock said the presi
dent should not he given power to
bind congress "morally' to support
the other powers in case of provoca
tive action.
Senator Borah ot Idaho, Republi
can, irreconclliahle, entered the de
bate to declare that reservation
week ago.
The elevation ot the Coloradoan , foul(1 not roeet tn) bUobUoo
to the postmaster generalship . will
leave the position ot first and second
assistant postmaster generals to be
tilled, E. H. Shaughnessy, who was
tec-end assistant postmaster general
having lost his life jn the Knicker
bocker theater disaster, - . , -
Dr. Work conferred with President
Harding today over the question of
'he two assistants, but it was indicat
ed that no decision had been reach
The promotion of Dr. Work to a
nlace in the cabluet comes as a re
sult ot the organizing ability he dis
olayed as first assistant postmaster
Hon oral and to tho tact that he had
'.he reputation ot being "always on
the Job," according to friends. .,
Is rracUriuK M. D.
Dr. Work was born at Marion, Pa.,
July 30, 1860. Following gradua
tion from the medical school of tho
University of Pennsylvania in 1SS5,
he began practice in Qreely, Colo.
Wter two years he moved to Fort
Morgan, and later to Pueblo, where
he became a specialist in mental and
nervous diseases. In 1896 he found
ed the Wood Croft hospital for men
tal and nervous diseases, of whine he
Is a director. In 1911 Dr. Work was
olected president ot tho American
that amendment would be required.
Senator France of Maryland, another
republican 'rreconclIable,, also serv
ed definite notice of hostility to the
treaty. , , ' . '
Senator Hitchcock said the treaty;
appeared too much like art alllancA
to suit him, and added that Paron
Tchida, Japanese foreign minister Ap
peared to so regard It. ., -.
- "I have been impressed from tho
first that there is little profit to the
United State in thla treaty," aaitf
Senator Hitchcock, stating that Brit
ish interests ia the Pacific were pro
tected and the Japanese mandatories
were assured. . , . ,.
Senator Inroot.' republican, Win
consiu, declared that Senator Hitch
cock had changed the position be had
taken In the Versailles treaty tight
relative to alliances and territorial
guarantees. ill
New Kind of Flu h
Devastating Poland
WARSAW. Mar. 2.A new kind of
influenza with a complication of Jaun
dice has appeared In the land. .The,
disease is virulent along the eastern
Medico-Psychological association, and01"" whereJ P,Urln ta
Z 1 by thousands daily from Russia. The.
(Continued cn Page Two) 'mortality rate is high. ; " ' "
LONDCK. March 2. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Either an early geu
prol election or the resignation of
Prime Miulster Lltyd George will be
the upshtt of the present political
'rials, it is geueraly believed.
. The apparently widening breach In
the conservative party, together
with the consistent gain in strength
of the liberals under fomiur Premier
Asqulth, and the laborites, as evi
denced In the recent 'bye elections,'
have forced these alternatives on tho
premier. ' ... , .
Mr. Lloyd George Is understood tp
have served notice in his letter to J.
Anutoti Chain lu.rli.ln that fUr ClimrirM
Younger, leader of the conservative
secessionists, who recently, attacked
the premier in the house of commons,
must go or he. will step from office,
. t