PACK FOUR MKDKOim M.tll. VianVXl-:." MKDKOIM)." PK'Ki'iOX, KliiiVAV,' mUU'AUV 'U'2'2 Mkhford Mail tumunq AN INIH'-.l'KN'UKNT KKWSIMKI! t'L'UI.ISIlKK KVKHY Al TKUNOON KXIA'PT KTNHAV HV TIIK MKUIOIll) I'lUNTINli CO. Tlie Me.lfnnl Sunday Still la f urnls'ici uln(Tll'i H ili-nlrlng u avcn day dally T THE THIRD PARTY FALLACfY. for ii Third lirlv. Office Mall Tribune HiiIMIiik, 25-2 North 1'lr htr.'.t. l'hone t... A rnnxnliilallnn of the linioorllo TliiioK, th MiMlfdnl Mail, lli .Ve.lfur.l Trlhunn, tlio Southern liriKoiilan. The Aoliluiiil Tllliimc. ltOHKUT V. Ht'ltl., Editor. BUMPTEU 8. SMITH. IT. fin I , 7 o e 50 SUBSCRIPTION TEHMSl BV MAll In AJvnni-p: Pally, with Sun.lny !-'un. ynr Pally, with Suniliiy Sun, month IintU'. wllhoiit Sumliiv Sun. var ... Dally, without Minitny sun, montn . Weekly Mall Triliuiie. one your S.00 Suinlav t'un. on v-ar 2.00 DY CAIUUKU In Me.Unrd, Aslilniiil. .Inrksniivillu, Central I'otnt, rhoenix, Tnlent: lally, with Sunday fun. month. .TS Pally, without Siimlay Sun. month .5 Pally, without Sunday Sun, year.. T.R fially. with Sutiilny Sim, one year 8.50 All teriiia by carrier, cash 111 advance. UK OKKiiONlAN mi oio is nothing unusual v. this. The Oivviuiiiaii mid tinned ;i'.-tt Tin theiv is no th;inet Kusretie timir.l savs there is. Inuil us fro.pu nt 1- us I'Utor tin. I South livhind. j Hut tin1 unusual fen Hire of tliis dispute is that both 'puper-. ;'iv; wroii','. It is fair to assuiuo tlio Oivirntiiun opposes a, third p.:rl , m-cniise it figures Mioli a party wotil.l aid tlo lMnocr-itic part v. ;;ni: tlio Guard favors .such a party for the miiiio ivsisou. Hut would it Mark Sullivan, who is rather a slucw-.l political " , server, doesn't think so, and wo liclievo Mark is ritiht. hi the next federal election the I o'nio.'rati.' party will lie the p.vv i .f protest and discontent. If there is a .dear out fijrht l tvecn Kcpulilicans and lVniocruts. the latter will receive the m til id vote . the so-called left winy:. With so many eontplox prohlenis awaiting S( lution this vote will certainly bo a formidable one. A third party, however, would inevitably split this Auto,. The I lailieals and 110 per cent Diseontenters would rally around tlio now. standard, rather than the deinocratie opposition. In fact, there have .veil been rumors in Washington, that certain Republican supporters i nr.' not inactive in orsiauiini; a Third Tarty movement. It was different in li.TJ. Koosevclt took W hv cent of liis support 1 from tho Ivopubliean party and only ten percent from the I Vmocrat ie. I MEMUEUS OK THK ASSOCIATED A Thvd ,,ar,y ,. .0j.,y wou,j m.orM, , ..1( J Official paper of the City of Me.lford Official ijuir of J.ickson County. Enttred 0 Berime o..i matter at Me.lford, Oregon, under Hie act ot March 8, The Asnelat,.,t l' la e'CcluaiVfl V nllWn to the use for repuhUcntion of all news .llmoitohea credited to It, or j rot oilurw ise credited in this paper, and j altfo the'tocal newa published lierein. , AU mhla of republiciiiion of special fllppatehea herein are also reserve!. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Quill Points Man: habits. A small particle of intellkence entirely surrounded bv : - w a.T 9 w DOING GOOD. 1 .IOYKIIK. .IttVK'lUK even .hy, and sup. rlieiM thinkers sa. I'm Wi'stiny; tuee ami eash: hut oil. the lasliinr e-ud I do ! II' tiny would hold thai fact in view the see their tall, is A thousand nu n l,ae belter fare because I ehoo ehoo every w here, they bless me as 1 pass; and worthy tiieli like Henry Kurd neon Ululate a humble lio.ud because I burn thesis. ). is aide to uplu'ild Kesear.-h l-'oundal ions, amply filled with scientists v. re. wl.o find the i;.-rm that causes inuiups, 'and make the blamed thiin: luimp the bumps, wink out and disappear. And skilled mo HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? 'I'N V limy he 1 1 ' I lulu liy a 1 1 lillllel Wllluilll exiiliilllllU. I In wliut t- iiinlry Im (Ki n. I mil ve- sl '.' " Wllill pill t:( of u ellleliell m e (tile lets? M Wil't Ki.OMItlltl l llixlll u- a I'.'lll 1-el .1.111',' I I lew List In ,i l,n it '.' " - VV hl h 1 1 ;i vein In il ce. hIkUI or .1 : ,'l aiiies iii their luui i s spend ha 'in. n..('i' e i.i tin;-! rea.inii; puine aiu pi:i in-.' it. nullities, heeaiiso m, Wat. in knows no rest, but i tt rn- s north : tul oast and test. where'er the lonu' road -oes Ami town, like Akron shed tl.e blues, and ii.mnv daily in the news upmi the throI'lMiiir w ires, because I soak my Sunday hat and fountain pen buy some rubber tires. I burn up all the e.eiii ple look from tln-ir abodi s ami say 1 am a wastiuv; j;, a, i j,!,,,,,!,! t(1,.y,. ihe savin-.'s Imiik. lint oh. my fi-i.-mls. the ri.l siuuil.l ti.-s me as 1 eliiio and elm i iniiiisu ies sue. n lieeaus loin; da v ! and Maltese cat, t. tr roads, and p. crank; I'm alwa.t honest toil, and In uiiio.l I do ! The u o my way ; a liuiidr.-,! speed t,l ;e merry hv oil a i on-,' m ant" peliMi ill liuiiala JIl'O- Most of the time-killinjr is done bv seconds loaf. Kirst-class men don't -In. the discussions o tile soldier' .bouus 'bill. one hears much about the "exempteJ man." He is an tinsnns hero, who escaied the horrors of war sad 2nd loots, only to be forced to stay home, and have a wage of nine times their actual value inflicted upon the:u. Snow . . . The rattle-brained weather, man has fooled the bluejays again. YO-HOt BRING FORTH THE ROYAL TAPE MEASURE (AP. Dispatch) . The ladies are going to send a personal appeal to the royal bride. All American ladies whose seat-. Jng requirements are over the sixecn-ineh limit w ill view the re- . suit with heartfelt, perhaps even with prayerful; sympathy. ' . PuriOcation of politics by an injec ; tion of reltf ious prejudices continues ! .throughout ,tho land. . Get-votes-quick i gilckers' are losing sleep practicing (.yelling '"Amen" through their npsss. Point to Ireland as shining example i f j intolerance and bigatry. lilood only a ; foot deeu in their streets, and many t bhot ih the back enroute to worship. Rumors of religious war all around. 1 All born and raised a Methodist won't go if the commanding officer is a Bap I list, with a ISL'O model Ford. i Baby boys asleep, in their cribs, and I awakened by the hellish toots of Kspee engines, will grow up to be hind-end brakeuien. . Anyway Miss MathilJe McCormick, rich, giddy, and 16, with her livery I stable romance, disgusted the public 1 ps much as the movie queen, who maintained in a letter that the murder mystery, victim was a he-angel, and the police had mistook his wings for i horns. ; THEY MIX WELL . (Roscburg News Review) The husbands and (sweethearts of the Merry Workers club of Looking Glass were given a moist enjoyable time by that society Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Geo. liacon, its president. The liacon home is ideal for such an , entertainment, with its large rooms and all the . conveniences electricity can give. "COME EARLY, BE PREPARED TO BE ASTOUNDED AT THE PRICES OFFERED, AS WE HAVE CUT AND SLASHED EVERY ARTI CLE ON THE SHELVES" (Ad Coos Hay Times). Frank, candid, and ruth essly destructive. .Things have come to a pretty pass, when a struggling young bootlegger ian't operate In spitting distance of he police station without being mo-ested. ' Some plowing is beiug indulged in tereabouts, but the mornings ure still oo cold to sit down on a cast Iron plow eat, without a hot water bottle. " WHAT HAPPNED? . (Corvallis Gazette-Times) ' , The Hawley brothers have not gone to raising skunks, but they killed ten on their place the other day. . ' The Albany Democrat, repji ting :iat rarity in daily life an auto accl ent notes that the human menace ta peedlng was 'within a stone's throw f his home" when he slovenly messed l the engine howl with his own blood. stone's throw" is an old fashioned xpressicn for distance, and is abjul j" far as a gas idiot can knock a Jtlestrlan, if he ain't looking. Otto Itelclmian, manager of the xnmt Shasta Milling Co., was over t Scott Valley last week, conseiiiient : Hour has advanced 20 cents a barrel. tYieka Journal). Cuiise mid effect jnde plain. f ' . . Tho Curlew law! The curfew law, It saves our son and daughter; jAnd neither one will mind their pn, .ID lililli'.le ilh wilier, f -. - . As:e thinks it has ae.iuired will power when it has merely lost its! iippttite. ISOLDIERS'BONUS ! mi arrr m i rt V mmuuv A urn: s i iii i itn hi n i l VllllllilOIV I li.VI Ikl It fretjuently hapivns that when a man takes unto himself a mate he gets a checkmate. OAI CO TAV nrA!'1'""'1 b" l''",l"1 fliert thM p.r ; AH I 111 IMA I) It" W tl"1 "f l!"' '' ""'s 1 ' h "Vl'alizaium and' UPULU in iULf I rehal.l'ltatioii t n liio uli-k and u.i.iml Few people can stand prosperity, and when a man gets u fl'iwcr lie usually shakes his old friends. cd, thereby ile lor that pureos I A cartoonist shows a radical sowing discontent and labelK ,it '"The ' WASMINti n.. KeU ..-The .nl-1' tilers brniis (Uit-stlon tv:i.s Mlowe.l t i dimmer t lay. the sj)i c.'Uiinittee ileahni; with th ? .tuestnu of ways of taining fi;nds tleierriim further sen-! siens until t u;o row. Tliero was no! iliilit'atinn when a det i-i -n would Ii rt aehe.l but soac cuiu ai'tefaieii said the bill would pr.iluli!.v n it U, report. out of the co::uu;tte. this w ek or next. ; It was s.iid there was a urawiius sen i timenl among It Jilse uiiiiicrs to p.i.-it-! HAll.i !i(.i.,ti until ..I..,. ',., l.,l,t ... . j funding negotiations between the We can t.:j litHli uiu-s an. I the p. inetpal iilll-iij nations mx put under va-. j At this tinn -entiau-iil iu the special Cfl-lllllilf Mfl UkX'tf- 'J I. -.,f t,,t l,l I i bill Tarrying a i.i.tni''a.'tiu'rs' I land whnlesalers' tax similar to that, j fn force in C.ii-a U '-it with lower ihe nations shmilil trmt ; ..e i .i. . . rates. " , "i. ..-viii ; inn uiev w on i far on the way to peace until they be-in to trust another. i. 'ii Ii I in i ihe g iM ltlllU'lit rieil'eilei.ite lautt'.' ", W lieu wiiii ihe id, ir of iitiSitsniiuileil '' S 1 1 i w rili.i'ild l'ii 1 1 1 t lei liiiiiilee.l ' ;i h the name nf Hie prliiel- pill . .mi 'f j.tpuu iiiid t'biii.r' III Wllele ill. I III.' lll.ll'il i'i!,rll III Mes ten hi iKiniite',' A n u rtn a to YcntcrtUy'i Queitlonti I Im lliii'lii the Hi -t li lelwi tiiiiuil f.i. lure.l in .u;eina .' Aim. Tie Vir ginia e-'l init-l. U II -w iiin -li iiwreii l tln-ie In the liiaii.ui im I ,' Aiim. TO i: per rent. II What i it vol. aiilut'.' Ann. line w Ii i i.i 'nlie.1 ulean e.t I W was Ihe Iiml iiiiiulier dntttii 111 the ;-eleltie illltlt,' VllK. :'.'iS. ." Ittiw far Is It, le, Ii mi, fi.iiu New Y " t U t,i b'an I'rauel-ieii by ay of the I'liiiiuim .,111111'." Aim. e'.'an miles. I. V, li.U In Vei;a ' Alls, It in u ,u.. wlut" t-lar wlili-lt In l.'.iiiui i.iiiri will le 111. i liilKliiest 111 Ihe lii'llheill lieav- im. 7 heie Is ItiMitci, elt ilaiu? Aim ill A I .',"iia. s Wt-al is tubei .-nlluT Aim. Il It a i.i'iiiii piee-U'el fmai m'iui'. which i aut o tilH'iealuii:i. '. V hat U Hie t an a of Ihe lai llr.' Aim. t''i'..'.' lii.tmn n pi.u e mile. l- What i-i a tuiidrn? Aim. A r-'ll 111.. tl vl b-H , .!ail in Sllx l I I. I'tMnUl i'lid N.e.'th Aiuf'i iean i.,L-l,i'iti mi'iu: ,-,, ..,.., ,.,.,.,, UI,, Mtlni ,in,, t liniea are M iy in ibn and luaisliy. Remove Corns Easily, Quickly not by tminful, iIiimiumoom irutiuitm r rutllitit, iiol hv hnttuiitf hul lnlMlv nluifily iy irlv'iitf Ilium up u Jri ou pvi'l l hn in mi In im pi'fo. lnu GETS-IT" Demnn.l the .'iiiiln. Vutir iitonnylMrk It il lulu, lli'iith', iKitliinii. nlio.iluii ly liiti mien to Itv mli. A l nil .Iruim-iu, 'iila Imt n Irllle, U, Iaiwi.-iuo 4 l'u., Mir., I'liKuno, piib'iie.iil. New .nk, nnt;;.!iieit a ' sole-tlvo tielliiK" ter slek mid the needy. "There :aire said ie main evMui-licr,-.." Mr who ! tt I nee l the biuum liind .hin t waul It. iiiid in tti.i ,ies til . .'ll-llll in ul .nil- finance we nlmui l n I ! r.'.; tl lit-, n t'.'li. auiiie ANNOUNCEMENTS Sower.'' "Win- not "The Sore?" When a man loses anythini: else, he advertises or it. l e loses his head, he stops advertising. In the old days, a man was crowned liy divine riirlit : more frciuently dune with.. a dangerous left lut when now it is j '.'What does a blush slow?" asks a beauty specials answer ott-liand, but lt'seldom shows through. ISt. The Senate still concedes: however, that the peopl i resilient without its advice and consent. e can select a Gob'dby 0 OOilSa COUNTY COMMISSIONER ThoH. II. HlnipHnn. nf Axhluii'l. l.'B his inmi'iilli elllelll no u i mi illdiite fur the imiulnatle! fur tin of l ur I'.iilllty I'.uiiltU.-rl'iner of Jneke'll CiilllllV, HHlieel to the derliil ill nf lb" liepiililleiin viler of iiiilil eoiuiljr nl the I'rliiuiry IMeellnii, May PMti, Adv. Cherro Hard Wheat Flour Guaranteed At "Vour G rovers Day or Night WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors S. 5. S. Will Rid You of BoiU, rimpl... rllackhra.U and bl ii t rupticn. .'t ' In an opvn lvttfi tolay t Chairman1 ; Konn'y, Koprrsf !it.iti p Aim i rk A I oil In a wtuAhu vour M.mhI ! n rluirk f:) tit t"lM'tirt (Ih.M trim "IkjiI out llitu T hry II ' li'iiiiiitf M(t" utiltt )''! tlrIrtiy liicitt enmplrtrW y U Mnn tif t 1 . tr of lhr mi ml tHinrtful lt!ntl rnnr kfmri to n -Wtit H. ,H. S t.''ul thu !( t t tiiHf Tt ' ,i"r of I'm tnttt-'Mieiit U rtfhn l) ttuth- ilfr to I'o .u:r!v r c r U d I t, kX atlit tiff. If rlc-ar-i thn kktn if l.ltn. K'MitM rttnh uit.1 t.itirr n'.ln rrui'tl itn. V7l1 Tor tt thotul.!it It drhw otil 3 iir.i'Mtmrv mm ll I'lilKl (.rufluina wwtn, nia.- imp i iimmj tun 1 I'Utt tutll'lft tll it r. t ftt-nft. Il t'l Arf yon -up to tl. nV U bl ,m! Im. l rlta - m-vt'j arlli.? H. H. H. W on. of iUm trl-. ttU u, lK ftUlr.t , lw mUt.n TUq jj. blaaU-purlUrr known. Try It, cr bUm la Uio U.wi cuiivukl. OIM CHUNG China Herb St,oro T1' 14 I" I ll.fl ti'. I '1 111 f'-vlliS "f M. ,irnr.l I'M-. I'"" "il-l In- "Hi" nil. t "i.'llnu li lli.i'l'l. H M ."l.(llt. .,"1 J , lil,ltl l'ii4. I ,1-4 1., I. I I . I l,Kl U-l-.l ' I -II'B "f,.r.!. I'i l-.i itll.-l l:- nf tiH'iui' ur r..tsi ion.' nl.' ihiiiik I 1 lhiiiit. Ill h l . lir iltl. I'rts, .'I m. ,ir..,.t. .". k-. hi .) 1. l"K 'riii in e,-il!r l!.. it I II nti.Jnr lKi'.,-l, li'i-l v,'l. H,r uliiiuai li litnibti-f.H-1 1'H, I lu-fll I". 111. 1.-. I f"l ..t-,.l i-i ,u-l inti Atiiicii let I-:'.. "I I" I. - ,ii, Ii, 'il iiik 'f .llill I'tiU'iif .! ,.- II. 1 1, la ,,l '.'II fiiiiiii Kim "If". I M. .iii.i -i i. I ,i. ,i.. .i ii, m i ti. 4j f.M iii, ,1 II Ii In. i, ii. I I nlnlL.t to l.'.ll'ifc- i'. l.-l 1.4 tut. I ,m I li-.l lie in ami liMlnv him a A. II limn unit r;.n l-pi'll-. r- e.itn In, e,l, .iffilt li.l .4.1 I " in 1't 4 si linn t'l.und iii'. I ii I'll M.ilpi IMxn.tll U.I! Jull N ' t.N, Wllli,.4.i4- w i.. I ni.- puint I., .!. tlniii.. I'uiiil. ,M A Aii. I. i ...ii. .VI. 'limit. K 1 I I, .11, I. .. I ,1,-lu I lll'll i I ; M I k : rmi i .1 V li Inlvic I ... e I'ulnt !.-. V. .Ii .1.1- lli li'M. I,.ll" I'otl.l t,.. I S .'!-. I .... I'nll.l The Bat Seat Sale I The sale of seats fur the coming j presentation of "The Bat" at the Page! theatre next Monday niqht opens to-1 morrow at '12 o'clock. Manager Hunt' of the Page theatre declared yestuiday . that there Is greater interest being1 manifested in the forthcoming of! "The Bat" than he has ever seen be-j fore la advance of a theatrical event. '. This is the play that broke ail theatri- j cal records for the .inioiint of business j transacted during the first year of its' run in .New York it is still being pre-1 sented there as well as establishing: new marks, both for the amount of! business done and for the length of' its run in Chicago where it played one j solid year. "The Bat" comes here, staged exact-! ly as it was presented in New York and Chicago and played by an excep tionally fine company. MANN'S THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE 7s ?av u ma THREE BIG DOLLAR DAYS Saturday, Feb. 25th; Monday, Feb. 27th; Tuesday, Feb. 28th MANN'S Sport Flashes MOSCOW Idaho 31, Whitman 16. KOKK3T fJROVK Pacific Univer sity 19; Xevada 17. I-OS AXUELKS Arizona 2S; Southern California 2 7. LOS ANGKLKS Frank Troeh, Vancouver, Wash., continues to lead VernoGun club annual mid-winter trap shcot tournament. ST. LOL'IS Body of Wijilam Dil hoefer, catcher for the local Na tionals, who died with typhoid fever, sent to Mobile for burial. BOSTON' Rube Maruuard and I.arry Kopf, former Cincinnati play-1 era, sign ctntracts ' with Boston I Braves. ST. PKTKKSIit Rt-Charles Clyde' -avis or i i-luml.ia wins national horseslK'S pitching championship, .Ip-fr-atlng field of 22 pitchers. INDIGESTI(JGAS OR BAD STOMACH TAKE "DIAPEPSIN" "l'lipe'g JJlapejisin' iiaa 'proven Itself the surest relief for Indigestion, (i.-iseB Flatulence, I en rt burn, Sour ness, I'Yrinentiillon or Ktimiaeli UIk tress caused liy aridity. A few tub lets give almost iinmedinto stomiicli relief and shortly the stomnch is cor rected so you can eat favorite foods without fear. Largo case-costs only few cents nt driir; store. Millions lieljii-il iiiiniiillj, ijv, i ' UNDERWEAR .Men's 'iilliii'."'iiii I'liinii Suits. I i !-1 1 1 ' weixht. value .00 Atliletk I'liion Suits. .1.-J." v.ilij'. "ii SI. 00 lioys' I'iiIiiu Suitx, iiu'diniii wei'jht. Kaeh S 1 .00 NIGHTWEAR .Men's Outirif.' Night Shirts. 1 .J" viilii". Kaeli 81.00 o.k' Oufiiiir Nioht Shirts. All sizes. V,iU-h '. $1,00 Hoys' Outiiiff I'.'ljiiniHH. Sizes Ii to VI. Each Boys.' Muslin i'lijum-is. Sizes 12. Kiieli ; J SOX Men'i (.'lislllliere SoX. !." n Three pair Wool Mixed Sox, 2c n ji 1 in, pair .- Lilit Wool Sox, (')'( value, pair Durham ('(ittou Sox. Seven pnir Jleavy ('niton Sox. In-own rive piiir Lihh Sox. nil coloi-s. Four jmir I i Imt Silk Sox. li.'ic fi to $1.00 $1.00 piur. Two All valin value. Two pair J'hoeiiix Silk Sox. ifl.'J,") vnllle pair $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 SHIRTS Men's Soft ('..Ihii'-il I)i'i-ns Slnrls. !fl.2.". ami . 1..VI viilues. Kneli $1.00 Men's Nek l.iiinl style Shirts, A new lot, .-fl. :.'." vhIiu-s. Km-li ... $1.00 Men's !!lin (iiiiy ami Kluikj work K-i-h $1.00 Moys' liloiises. All siziS. All colors. Km'h ' $!.(:. Hoys' Shirts, dark mid liht colors. All ifl.'J") viilues EXTRA GOOD VALUER Men's hlim, Hili Overalls. 1.2-"' v ih" A pair Hoys' weight Hliie I'cilini Ov,'; nils. All sizes Hoys' Khaki Ki I'nni-i, !.'.". , lies. A pnir ' -Men h Suspi-ndersi ( ii, I 'resident 's. Two )' n i lis. "!. Mlllii'M JF1.00 t .00 r or Men's Hells. for , Silk Soft Col for Slidewell Linen Collors, Km mieh or l';'i.'li for $1.00 J61.00 ir.:. .'.")( viiluc, $1.00 V. Illie, $1.00 A Mann's Department Store MEDFORD, OREGON $ 1 .00 Mail Orders Promptly Filled, ; Postage Prepaid - HANDKERCHIEFS M'li's Wliiie 11.,1,,11,,'i'eh'.' ,1. il" c;ich 1)1,,. .Ii..i-ii Im $1 .00 Men's i'iiie !l.i;id!:.ji ,i !'s, .'"n en. h, . r'iv- I'm' $1.00 .Men's Linen I laipl' i-l'-'iMi'l'l, ("n Vlilil.-. ThiV, for $1.00 TIES Si!!; I low Ties, li'ie value, Tw .if 1.00 Ul: Knit Ties, 7-"i-? Milne. 'J'wo 1'"' $1.00 i ('ul Silk Kniir-in l l.iini, H'' viilue. Th re for .;. ';. . 1 .00 Cut. Silk l''oiir-iii-!I,iii 1 1, i!.'.'ri viilue. ' K'H'li - $1.00 CAPS Men's Caps, 1. '.") Viilue $1,00 Hoys' Clips, $l.:i.") 'viillK'.. .. $1.00 Hoys' Knil Cups, two for . $1.00 Small Hoys' lints, two for $1.00 GLOVES llylil WeiyliL Ciinvns (Jlovi'S. Twelvi' ('''' $1.00 Jersey Knit (iloves. l-'ivc pnir for $1.00 Li'lllliei Fiieed Cunviis (Jloves, :l.e ' ' Viiliii', Four pnir $1.00 I, ('III her Work Jlloves, (i."ic viilue. Two piiir $1.00 Lciilhi'i' Work (iloves. if'l.'J.") vnlue, ' ... I'uii'.- :-: ,..r.4, $1.00 ,