Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 24, 1922, Page 10, Image 10

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Norman H. Harrison, Bible evnuge-,
lint from Seattle, will begin n series of jin
ciuvini meotinim nt the Phoenix
(limcli with a sermon Sunday morning
at. it, on "Cod's Method of Making
Men Cootl," seeing the whole story at
a gliinco, a keynote message for the
nies. .At 6:30 p. m., Sunday, ho will
speak ft the young teoplc, and at the
7:P0 service his subject w ill be, "How
to Ho Kight With Ooi ."
Vntil a year ago, Mr. Harrison was
past or for ton years of the University
1'rcshytorinn church of Seattle, when
ho resigned to take up tho work of
llihle evangelism in the churches of
tho northwest, including several en
gagements in Seattle, where he has
been working for the past month. He
was very successful as a pastor, and
has been so as an evangelist who
ppraks drrccily from the Bible as the
word of Hod, and deiiends on Rod's
l ower in answer to prayer by God's
lfople, and not on sensational nieth
oils or excitement.
Monday evening at T:30 his subject
will be "How to Live the Christian
Life"; and Tuesday evening. "The
Secrets of a Satisfied Life." Tuesday
Values That Can't Be
Compare These Prices and Our Stock With Any and You Will
Appreciate the Values We Offer
Imitation Leather Overstuffed Rockers, $20 values .....$15.75
Craft Leather Overstuffed Rockers $25 values ... . . ... . .$17.50
Genuine Leather, Overstuffed Rockers, $40.00 values .. . .$26.30
Trade in Your Odd Pieces of Furniture On Your Purchase
Mordof f & Woolf
217 W. Main Complete House Furnishers
'uftoi-inwn ftt 2:30 he will present
j"lMtde Pictures of rrnyer."
There will bo nil afternoon meeting
i every day next week except Monday
jand Saturday. M. P. Sheets will' Bin;
ia tenor solo nt tho meet in it on Sunday
j morning; end tho help of ll who c:in
assist in tho music 1a iu Itcd it's tho
mooting! progruntm. , '
MortluiM full of interest, eutluidaVm
and helpfulness to everybody, iul free
from objectionable methods, liuttt been
the goal sought for over ft year tj" the
Phoenix church pastor nnd ofiievrs,
m)(, now th(l pui,ue ls invited to (these
full confidence that in Mr. l am
son's coining to Phwni
is we ludVe n
ivory rare opportunity, ana win n;iv u
series of meetings with, tbe
cooperation of tho people of the cliuftn
and community.
Splendid Condition of
Pine Belt Banking Co.
The Pine Pelt Honking Co. of Hut to
Falls, recently re-elocted its old direc-
t tors and the officers who have so effic
iently conducted tho affairs tho -past
year, as follows: George W. Barker,
president and cashier, and Wm. H.
Darker, vice president. One of the
excellvnt testimonials of the bank's
condition was a letter from Bupt of
Banks Bramwell, read at tho meeting,
which compliments the officers for the
splendid way in which it has passed
through the period of depression with
out embarrassment and their excellent
financial showing at the last examina
tion. the Reason
for the ever growing
popularity c Albers
Flapjack Flour.
Makes light, tasty hot
cakes. '
Order a Package
Your Grocer
Albers quality
Flapjack Flour
Carefully seated cylindrical coo
t Miner insures tbseluic uaittuoo.
. Mr. and .Mrs. .1. M. Miller have re
turned homo i after a Ion visit to
Medford where their daughter re
sides. (
I Mlsa France llri'b, teacher ot Per
sist school district SO, and Miss lues
Willits, teacher of F.Ik Creek school
district Tl, attended tho O. S. T. A.
-which was held at Trail. There will
.be a field meet In April.
h. .. "Whitley and his step sons
have novn leveling tho field ho In
tomls o plant this spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvlu Flame have
been 111 with the flu. Also Wayne
and Jrtha Ash have; beeu stricken.
They claim they have a "dickens of a
headarhe," but are recovering.
Clutido Moore Is sawing ,ood for
P. Sandos with his gasoline draw
Pbo attendance tf the Klk Creek
school has beeu very good for this
Howard A&K hauled a load ot hay
1 Jim Mj'iler made a trip to Terslst.
The roads arc very muddy up this
Way. It is like nlowlnir thmnrli
roal river to cot throuch. It hum
tn mild nl mining fxinontlv Thi"' that almost every on of the
sriow has mostly all melted along the
ower part of the creek. But up at
r,. , " ! 1
Persist it ia pretty deep.
George Hall has built a very good
locking; shed for his horses. He is
also interested in the Mall Tribune.
P. K. Sandoz has caught quite a
number of varmluts in his traps.
"Miss Inez visited Mrs. Dcliah Wag
ner overnight. Tuesday H.
A few pupils have enrolled In club
work of District 74.
. Ed Leonard and Marlon Bingham
tnotored to Med ford one day last
Fremont Jordon was at F. P.
Groves on Wednesday ot last week
Ed Schaffer of Applegate tame
I on Thompson Creek last Thursday
with his wood saw. and expect to
saw wood for several of Thompson
Creek farmers wile here.
F. F. Grove and Fremont Jordon
went to Fred Offenbacher's on busi
ness one day last week.
Mrs. U-k Hock of Steamboat Is
TjiBitiuK "Mrs. Marion Bingham.
Mr. r. F. Grove vlsitod Mrs. Ma
rloa ttingham last Wednesday af-
1 f remont Jordon went to Hun berg
business on Friday of last week, re
turned toils home on Saturday.
Miss Alicfl Ulngham called on Mrs.
Anderson Men last Saturday after
noon. .
l-U Leonard returned to his home
i... ... . :
, J" "U"""J- several weeKS
visit in California. His cousin, Mrs
A. H. Soders, and niece, MTSs Lets
Connel, both of Santa Cruz, Cal., re-
turned with him for a few days' visit
with relatives.
; Misses Alice and Erlnl nin.m
Alice and Eriol Bingham
Vi-a v v ,-,.. 0
Mrs. F. F. Grove s Sunday
called at
List Saturday Just after noon Prof.
Chester L. Ward, athletlo coach of
Itutto KulU UiMketlxill. mid teacher
of the nixUi and seventh grade In the
lUitto Fulls scliool, chiiio in oi tho
regular vtago frutn Uutt Fulls and
took dinner and went en out to Mod
ford on his way to Portland to lie
Koihn for a week, nml I have heard
since that ho- had gone to receive
medical treatment by nervo spec
ialists. Millard KoblnsoN, tho young man
mentioned as huvhig cut hU hand
ouito seriously, wan liei for supper
the same day. Ho miys that his hand
Is very sore yet. but thinks that ho
will bo n Ho to use It again in the
course of a few weeks.
Mr. P. P. Lnibo, who left tho hotel
some time ago and started In to batch,
has returned to his room In tho Sun
nysido. Last Saturday night there was the
regular tin lire hero iid there was
only a very few In iitteiiduuco and
thuio was. according to reports, one
of the most disgraceful affairs wo
have hud hero for smo time. 1
heard ono of our prominent buslnc.
men, in speaking ot the cotmuct more
i young men and largt-r
boya Were
I1""'," "a thut w"
In abundant and another re
us there
that one of tho Itoys put a l'ttlo of
inoonshlno In the rvnter of tho room
and commenced to dunce around It.
but finally ono ot them kicked it
over spilling it over the flor. The
conduct has reached tho point Where
many ot our young piotilo treat our
laws as n burlcsquo and defy our
officers nnd make sport ot tho idea
of enforcing any of the prohibiting
statutes. For instance. I saw a small
group of young men busily engaged
at something on tho sidewalk and I
heard them laughing after the gath
ering dlsperd, and ono of them re
marked, "well, I skinned him out of
six dollars, nut who the man was
who spoke or who ho referred to ns
having ln-en skinned I do 'not know.
But what else can we expect of our
youths, when men are arrested and
brought to trial for violation of the
law and m-n are selected to sit as
Jurors to try a case and will hang
Jury and then admit that they wore
satisfied thnt the man was guilty, but
that tho principal . wUiiCmh for tho
state. In a bootlegging case, aligned
as a reason that the witness was
drunk himself. It Is a common, thing
to hear men and In some Instances,
women express their approval of the
fact that certain ones are acquitted
of a charge of crime simply bwause
they object to certain laws that have
been enacted by our representatives
In the law making bodies ' of our
country. '
I-ast Sunday was rather a disagree
able duy for people who have boon
troubled with or exponed to tho flu
or grippe und thu result was thut our
minister, Itev. II. G. Adams, reports
small attendance, and there was not
tho usual number of guests for din-
n,-r nt the Kunnyside. although, while
I there Is consldirablo sickness, many
'of those who huvo been afflicted with
I', there seems to be some Improve
i nit'nt' but the universal complaint
I seems to be a general weakened con-
(ditlon. But we had Lyle Van Seoy
faulon - I,ut e hal L'le Van
;and Thomas F. M.-hols, George
arry anJ c Natwli.h
Carlylo Natwick as
diners and Into in the afturnoon. Mr.
It. B., I'arkham, head railway clerk.
O. V. It. & N. Co.. Portland and F.
C. Drew, chief timekeeper. O. W 11.
& N'., I'ortland, came in to remain
until this Wednesday afternoon. They
have been In llm habit of spending
Wa.Mhlngton'8 birthday, Feb. 21, with
us, this being the fourth year. They
come oown nero to gather agates ami
huvo them cut and polished, nnd
through exchange with friends lu dif
ferent parts of the country, thus se
curing a fine selection uf stones of
all kinds.
Vi'. V. Holhrook, who owns a small
farm and orchard west of town, about
a rouplo of mlb'S, bus returned from
Oakland, California, and was hero
Last Monday morning when I went
to the postofflce, us I passed tho
Childreth blacksmith shop, I found
that It was open again, although the
proprietor, V. L. Childreth, was able
to bo out again, he wns very weak
and did not attempt to do any work,
but it luSked good to see him around
I also noticed that there seemed to
be (Uite a demand for wood, ns our
town Is being filled up, and there
seems to be no empty nouses,
although there has been several
chunges In 'the lino of moving. A. M.
Ouy and Ed Hpencer, who have been
living in a houso belonging to Mrs.
il. 8. Woods, have moved out and
are going to Butte Falls. They have
leased a tract of Bcavcrdam land
from Mr. Htanley (or three years and
intend to clear It and turn tholr at
tentlon to raining garden truck and
Mr. Groves vacated tho house recently
purchuscd by Mrs. George Holmes
and moved Into the house, and Mr.
Holmes Is putting in a water system
so as to have plenty of good, pure
water, both hot and cold in their
house, and also have water to irri
gate a garden and Mr. J. Itlgsby,
mentioned in a former letter as hav
ing moved into tho upper part of the
T. E. Nli-hols store, hus moved to
Butto Falls, where ho expects to
work on the C. H. Katwlek contrai-t
on tho extension of the P. & E, rail
road. '
Among tho guests ut tho Bunny
fildo (Hotel Monday, were C. J I. Nat
wick and son, Carlylo, Everlo l)a
hack, Oeorgo Holmes and wife and
Ed Bpencer.
J. H. Carlton of Wellcn was
among tho few business callers Mon
Rev. II. O, Adams expects to preach
here both morning and evening, next
Sunday, the ZCth.
Dutiful' children of Zloh, 111.,
'taught that the earth Is flut,
A sufficient number of slguutures
have boon seemed on the bonds' for
tho advancement of money to unsure
the county's portion of tho cost ot the
Medford armory.
The Craters have had charge of this
Slid cooperated with tho boys of the
local company.
With but the arrangement of the
final details, the armory will bo con
structed during l:'i as the City of
Medford and State of Oregon have
their proportionate share ot tho cost
All who have copies of the houd In
their possession are naked to leave
?tr: "-' VU Mn..
'n . .
""MriJi ,1.
fha. ...
'nirsu.i."'" than "ri
"uprn . sue?
Meat Fish Oysters
of the highest quality. Our service includes
free delivery. Just
Phone 273
217 E. Main St.
Wo run Help on Both 1YomsIoiin KoikI for Cutulog.
Conipk'te hUh U. for C'oniiiHrrcljiS und llomis OitIiuimIh
Extra choice Bartletta, Anjoua, and Commercial Applo
1 year. 4-C.
J. B. PILKINGT0N, Nurseryman
Li t UCTIVK Hill. 1, 123
Bally Except Sunday
LV. JUiBI'OBD 10 A. M. , LV. ItOSKIiLKG 1.00 1. M.
Bully und Sunday
Leavn Medford
10.00 A. HI.
1.00 I. M.
4.30 r. M.
Medford-Granls Vans,
h.uiio Immediately lit tho oftico of the
Alodford Clmuibei' ot Comnivrce,
Tim now 'Medford Cufolorlu which Is
equipped lit thu Medford build-
ItiK tinder tho Economy Groceteria,
will open next Wednesday, March 1st.
under the management of Mrs, I.. M,
Mow el. a well. I now it cook und pastry
baker of this city, Tho very fact that
Mrs. Ilowol Is in charge should Insure
tin- success of Die new establishment.
Tho electric oven will bo Installed
Sunday. Everything will bo done elms
trlciilly In the careterln and thu latest
city methods will bo employed. Homo
cooking will lie featured which should
attract many patron. At Wednes
day ' opening n special dinner will bo
4 fd
r. " IflA Pi.
m a m m mm m mtw mm
"U Will h.. -"WIT ffA ..
coun,. ""ve On fc-t" T" t
'."?P0l.r ' . -"Oay
h"i.mV W ess
'"my. i v. u .m n ,
i L
' lea,
1 ' ' '
Medford, Ore
I'ortlaud, Oregon
Lvuvn firunls I'iins
10.00 A. M.
i.oo rM.
4.45 V.i.
$1,13; Grants Puss-ltoseburg, $3.00 1
Mudiord-lloseburg $4.13. '
l'P your light, (tilling ilienl, &top
llic uitn . Hi cuk up the conitenioii. I crl
n lad cold Ioujcii up in jut a short
"Hid lYpmf Rub'' i the rold rem
edy thut briiiL itukkot relief. It can
not hurt you anil it certainly scrim b)
end the ligbtni'ti nml drive the congci
lion and aoreurin right out.
Nothing hu such comcutral'd, rcn
t'tratinfi hcut rrd peppcri, and when
heal penetrate tight down into coliK
I'ongotton, Milling muiclct and tore,
Hill joints relief cotiiri nt once. 1
The moment you apply Krd Pepper
Kiih you feel the tingling heat. In three
nuniitcj the congrtrd spot in warmed '
through and through, VVheti you arc
Millrimg (rem a cold, ilicunmtiim,
liaikaihe, Hilt neck or sore nnnclci,
iift get a Jur of Kowlm Ked 1'rpper
Kuh, made from red pcpicr, at any
drug Mote. You will have the qunkctt
relief known.
Plus What?
Many an uusophUtleated grower
ot tree, or many a man who wants
to produeo trees at tbn least rust
lake tho soil and climuto which a
kind provlileiuti lias proildod for
lain, pays for the water whleh tho
n laiiutlou servb o delivers to
him and turns It loowi eiidi'svor
luK to itrow trH with tho least
Mtiiuunt ot labor.
Visit our nurseries any time dur
ing thu urowliiK sessmi and you
wilt find roiistsnt rulttvation go
ItiK on. There Is Just one way to
produce well looted, welt finished
iiunM'ry stoek, and that Is to koop
vverlastlucly t t, applying s leu
title methods tbst prsitlisl farm
ers have prm tired (or generations,
namely constant earn and eultl
vat Ion.
It rout money to grow gmd
trees. It takes eAperteure to learn
the fundamentals of prupnesiln;;
nursery stork: Klrxt In the mot
tor of Helm ting good rtHits, the
prix urliig of cuod buds and scions,
ami tho combining of the two at
th light lime and in tbe right way
and tinder proper conditions lu
give the oleetHl varieties. very
rlianen to produce tbe bt trooa
for the orchard planter.
Our field superintendent has
spent it yesrs doing nothing else
than field work In uuiwry stwk.
lie knows the bow and why of beat
nursery practice during sfl thoa
ears. our trws are grown n
selected eleuu soil mi the Yakima
Hesematlon, We have a long
growing sessoit and we liae mols
tarn under atmoltita control for 7
months In the year. N ure welt
wiulpped with the latest and lest
tools und plenty of horses, and we
cultivate our stock remilurly and
IncMKuotly. The result Is found
In the clean, healthy, well rooted,
fully mstursd tree whuh we de
liver to our customers and back
of which we stake our reputation
for genuineness qimltty and
siiiarn deal.
1'or 19 years wo have served our
customer, old and new. We have
no side lines. "We are nurserymen
exclusively. You can't buy trw-s
of u If we do not think wo can
sstlsfy you. We apprclatn the
loyal and coutluued palroiuiKn of
our thousands of customers, and
are this year filling more orders
than over lo our history. Write
u, giving u list of your wauls, ur
see our nearest sulesmuii. ,
Washington Nursery Co.
TpM'nili, WumIi.
II . H. SPERLING, Salesman
Hot 'iO, Medford
Auto lladlator, Fender,
tunning Hoard Mil
IkKly llepairlniJ. Hol
der! nff.
Opposlto Itopot
Itiona 14H-I
Do not bo deceived by so-called speo
lal, cut rate, or right prices, but go
up to tho
where you find us 363 days In Uio
your, with tho beat and cheapest wood
on tho market.
liccouHo wo sell mora than half the
fuel handled In Modord, treat our
customer right, und (lo not go on
tho thoory thut wo cun do" tho pub
He, and uro positively tho only yard
thut has utrtctlf dry wood. 1
Susy Corner,
Motor Co,
Muln at Ilivorsldo