Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 22, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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pao.: four
wnFORD Mail Tribunf
1'M.VPT I NIiH HV Till
The Medford Htinday fun m fiirtustu
foilmcrilici d.-slrlns seven day dail
office Msll Tribune nulMlng, M-S'-l"
Norlh Kir street. Phone S.
" A cunsolldnttnn f t tie ivmocrsti
Times, the Medford Mall, the Medfnr
Tribune, the Southern Ore mm I a it. Th
Ashland Trll une.
IIOHKUT W. Hl'lIU Kdltor.
tfUMPTEIl S. SMITH. Manager.
BT MAIL. In Advance:
Pally, til Sunday !iin, year T.!
lmHy, with Sulidsv Run, month ."i
Pally, without Sunday Sun. year... t $
pally, without Sunday Sun, month .
weekly Mall Tribune, one year i.Ot
Smutuv fun, one yesr 2.0c
BV twhttlKU In Medfi.rd, Ashland
.tnrksnnvllle, Central Point, Vtioenl
Pnllv, with Sunday Sun. month .. ..'
p I "ally, without Sunday Kun, month .61
'mily. without Sunday bun, yeiti i.
'ally, with Sunday Sun, one year S.R'
All ierma by carrier, cash In advanc
rifflclsl paper of the "liv of Me-tfoe.
Official paper of Jackson County.
Entered aa et-c-,i matter at
Medford. Oregon, under the ci of Marci
. 1871.
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the u for republication ol
all news dispatches credited to It, d
not otherwise credited In this paper, and
also the local news published herein.
All rlKli's of republication of special
dlvpatohea here In Wf also reserved.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Parry!
Tlie 57 year old geoxer who runs a
Jivery stable la Switzerland, and
talked 16 year old Mathilde XlcCor
lrjieic into a funny-page weddincr, has
noble blood In his veins, and if the
maiden's men folks had as much Rump
tkm as money, some of It would run
out the end of his nose. As for
Mathilde, she should make her vtlebut
in the woodshed.
T WOll.l) lie iiitnvsiitisj if WHshuijjton. who oonMn't tell 11 lie
wore here t inlaw to id! tin" truth alnu-l his Farewell AiMivss,
In recent vonrs tlero lias licen a vcncrnl i f fort to mai o Wii.shini;
ton appear a liartl Imilovl opponent of all peaceful nuTocmonts with
I'ortiiiii powers. This extract from his final aihlicss. "li is ur true
policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the
forcivMi world, so far I mean, as we are al liberty to do it," has fonnVil,
wo suppose, the main hasis for thisnssiimption.
Washington's further i liiciilatiou of his foreign policy, in the,!
same message, however, lips hceii jjenerally overlooked : '
"The tinluocnii pts of interest for observing that conduct, will best
lie refeir.d to your own reflections nrut experience. With inu : pre- (
dominant motive has lien to endeavor to until time to nuv country o '
settle and mature its yet leocnt Institutions, nnd to pronrcss without
interruption to that derive of strength nnd consistency which is neccs-
wu-y to Klvu it. humanly speaking, the eommttnd of it own fortunex." ;
Isn't this rather an important qualification? The Tinted States
I. rs done just that, it i today not only in Moinmnud of its own for
tunes; it is, in a sense, in eoinninnil oi the fortunes of the world.
Would Washington, win of all men had n deep faith ami pride
in the ultimate glory and influence of his country, were he here today,
join with the hermit haransiucrs, and urge America to play a lone
l and, and let the rot of the world, and the hope of world peace, go
We doubt it. There is good reason to suppose Washington would
t"day no more expect his foreign policy to endure than he would ex
pect his ideas of inedical practice or transportation to endure. Wash
ington was an advocate of "'bleeding." which killed him. and he was
r,n advocate of four-horse coaches, which nearly accomplished the
same thing, hut were he alive today, he would no doubt consult with
medical specialists ami vide on the "Twentieth Century Limited."
Washington was a conservative, no doubt, 'hut he was never a
"lias been." Those who say he would today favor American world
leadership for peace, have more hisforieal basis for their belief, tha.i
tiiose who maintain the eontrarw
Fatcoe Arbuckle is renovating the
feathers on his angel wings, for his
third martyrdom.
. MAN DROWNS (Hdline Chico
Enterprise!. A rolli?kin; combination.
A German ioliee dog has arrive! at
the home of Frank Preston, w here he
will maintain law and order. His
grandpa was a wolf in the mountains
of Bavaria, and his grandma is a sister
of the wolf that peaole have been try-
ins t'j keei from their back door for so
lcntf. .
There is nothiuK in the Pacific
treaties that prohibits a Jap laundry
man fnmt shrinking up father's collar
so they won t fit Willy. The ancient
custom of sticking a package of pins
in the tail of every shirt has been re
UOl'K to live a hundred years." I heard .lames liriiistcad
sav ; " philcsnpht l s and does and wet's have pointed nut the
way. We eat po much and what we cat is what we should
eschew; we fill ourselves with pit's and meat, and snet puddings,
too. We drink too much of sweetened suds ami .tannin poisoned
teas; my diet now is leaves and buds, iiiuT Imvk of banyan tree."
I said. "1 think I'll stick to pic, and to the Vodfish ball; there are
so many ways to die. we cannot dmlgo them all," I bought ine
then a gorgeous steak, and ate it down el'tsoons and tinishcd with
a noble cake all stuffed with nuts and prunes, .lames (irinstcad
watched me while I ate. and gnashed his beard and said, "ily eat
ing thus you Ye tempting fate ; met h inks you'll soon he dead. h,
listen to the sa-e remarks of learned men, great and wise and
eat three pounds of roots ami barks, ami cut out all those pics." I
told him all he had to say to me was Hounding brass, and wearily
he went his way. to eat Some twigs ami grass. Then from a roof
a furlong hi eh a ragged brickbat fell; his forehead caught it u
ihe tly; l:e died without a yell. And still I eat the i;aiidy pie. nor
care what, may befall ;, there are so many ways to die, we i"inn!
dudge them till
Meat Was Like Poison to
His System and Hardly
Anything Elso Agreed
with Him Declare Oak-
. land Citlten.
'I Just'Seomed to Get Bet
ter with Every Dose of
Tanlac and I Now Eat
Anything," He Says in
Public Statement.
Stage and Screen
1. Is the pepuiuU"!! of Al,idui In
. Tt.istni: or decrctMiik: "
2. What town in Africa Wits om '
lUpluicd by the I'. S. NiivyV
3. In what state ato the
1. What Is the leadi st meat t.. dl
The Whispering Forum met in the
alley yesterday, and launched a cam
paign to take religious views out of
the soul, and place it in the hands of
the self-sanctified. As soon as etery
body believes the same, and a commis
sion is appointed to regulate worship
ping, as telephone rates are adjusted,
war will be waged on the vertical
system of handwriting. It is about
time the legislature took steps to see
that people had their Christianity
rammed down their throats with a
potato masher.
1IK ama.iug thiiisr about Washington is the precedent he estab-
i.shcd. has never hovn broken. Not about the tlurd term bill
about himself. This was in brief, the lVesideut can't go wrong.
W; s' ington didn't, lie filled out ty terms and heartily detested
them both, but he made good. Kvery President since then has math'
good. not excepting Johnson. In not a solitary instance has a liinii
unworthy of the White House occupied it.- It's n marvellous record.
It shows what, in a free country, responsibility and self-forgetful pa
ll iotism can do. when united to plain determination to do one's
For Washington was hot particularly fitted for the l'residt'iiey.
He had been a military mail most of his life, and military men while
they make very good husbands, as a rule, make very poor adminis
trators, lie had none of the arts of the orator or politician.
Adams Called hilll an "old wooden betid " n lm f,i..l..,l tb.. ....',,.!..
. , it II jluni tremens i a f"im of acute In-
'I- a hundred years. He wysn t that. lie was slow, deliberate, sanity due to ni. -ohou-.- pois.mints.
paintaking, and rather lion-matnntie. lint he proved himself n .hi.' rnn w"""''' retained in th-
postal sevvb e after they murry .' Ans.
15. What Is Martini's Vineyard nnd
where la It locnt.d? Ans. It is an
island hi the AUnntle ihomii four miles
from the mainland of Massachusetts.
ability the country afforded.-a precedent which Hardin (who hy!, ZTL C'i
the way, with silk knee breeches and a powdered wig would look!'"'' 'lao-tunc peninsula in Mamiui-
iinifh lik-p him i lin 1.-W..1,- r,.u......i ' I'l'i
Katharine MflcDonald, RiJlto
For Ihe first time la I lui career (
ill her s'nr, Wesley Many tins tu'cn
rust In a product! in with K.itheiltic
j MaclHumld, in her Manias vehleUi,
Kver- '"Stranser Than Klctl m." wliirti will
i be shown at the Ulallo theatre coin.
meiicln teiLiy. It U rto.n mi original
uf',-V T.. f't...,.!.. !.!..!.... - . ,
, '. ... i.-n iv ii-ii ii i j anil ,, fl. i.e
How many bushels of pntat.H h i Vino. Kir InUht coaieiix ilntnui thai
docs it rcouire to an acre?
r.. In what'H are the rtill
ipplne Islands from Japan?
T. 'lli'W lone does it t.iKe to tame
an elephant?
. Il.iw much lirishur la the stin
than the l.riKhtest spot of the elec
tric arc'.'
f. Who Ke.-ps ti. ihe roads in the
National forests'."
Hi. llow lunar Is Lake Superior?
Answers to Yesterday's tOistl(iii:
1. What Is the only milieu! that
has to he tauKht to swim? Ans. Man.
2. What country riinka next to the
I'nited States in proportion of tele
phones to pooulatii.ii? Ans. Canada.
3. Is a person uf fcriit!f"froni de
lirium liemens insane? Ans. llellr-
Iut he proved himself a,bi.'
man. and he suceeeded in a big way.
This was din, first, imt so much to what he did, as what hi; didn't
tie. And second, to hiswisdoni in siirroundiiiL' hiinseir with th.. I., vt
sparkle, wltlt o' Ulnality and clever sl(
nations this Is declined to he one ol
Miss Mad maid s beat plrturus.
Wesley llauy tukes the purl o(
"Freckles," a r.!e that is ao what
reminiscent of "iMiuy" In that It places
Mini In the par! of n mr Utile ut phalli
1oiii Kale lias place. I .iiiiunn ci.iolisj
nnd In u shun miuesplicro. 'I'lic little
fellow tittrucu the iittentii.a of lilaim
llexcl. siielety ijlrl, jdavcl l.v .Miss
Mai l vm.i., ilui lun line of her visit Ij
Ihe slums. fth tuUes him Into lor
(ashloniih'e hotne. Sonm splendid
comedy situailoiis ariss ns a icstilt of
Ihe fac t that l.'l ) car-oM Freckles falls
in live with his beautiful pr it'-rio.-.
'It's ii fact, I have iiaiiod luoiitv
pounds In M'IkM Hllicu Tan lac toned
up toy stomach tout I am f"elit Just
like it ill f f .ev n t maii now," Maid Wal
ter H, Tin ker, lusi nui ..iHltt Ht.,
ii il. land, t'allf.
' I bad stotiiai li tiouhli' for lifti . u
yens In a bad form. I rtuullV not to
wiicie mint wipi almost uko poison
in me and iliere was Imidiv iiiiytlilmi
that did uh tv" with foe. This trouble
1. 1 1. ke dow i) mv ih'I w h iiiul llliulle 1
irot so weak nnd run down I ftu-
liiciillv had to lav off from work.
"It omiMiily nus sin prlslmt the
ua 'I nline leached lay i as". It
lieiiefittad me In i ver) , w.i anit t
lust seellled t Kl'l ltw llfo Blid Clieruy
with 1 1 cisy d,.e. 'lien ii i unit's to
l.ulldlni; a in ni up titul makliiK b)m
f.ei fine. T.inite i Ip a elum by
'la nine and Tanlac Vea'etnl.Ia VlIU
ara sold by the Wst Hlda I'harnifcy,
nd by lenditiK dnxslsta ever)'Whrt.
(Salem Statesman)
wants kind husband. Club, l!os
55, Oxfora, Flo.
Some citizens profess to believe that
the country will go crazy and Demo
cratic again next fall.
- The city council Is fully awake V
everything but Ihe hellish tooting of
the Espee engines.
Most everyone will agree with Henry
Ford that the "stability of the dollar"
should be increased. Vnder the pres
tnt' system, thej do not stay long
enough for the host to find out the
year. of their birth.
This is the birthday of George
Washington. He never tcld a lie, and
saved his country. For this reason all
good barbers refuse to shave1 it.
(Two Years of Volstead)
, Early in the morning the work
man goes to his daily Job. He
carries with him in his dinner pail
a sandwich or two for his lunch.
The chances are that this simple
aoontldo repast was put up the
night before, by his wife
By the time thn noon whistle
blows or the twelve o'clock gmg
strikes, the sandwiches are dry
as sandpaper. Think what a boon
it would be to the workman, if lie
were permitted to wash them
down, as he used to, by a glass of
Portland is fostering the writing of
IKietry anion?? school pupils. This is
the same burg that had a fit because
they danced.
according to years of H'-rvloo, $K'0
after one year's service down 1o I'I'l
after eleven years of service.
1. What in. , flowers siiiell
fWi'.'l? Ans. KiairraVieo of flowers
is due to a special csi nec or oil.
which the plant pnduccH.
! r uh. i it,..
In spite of popular clamour he didn't lose his head over Franee or'Thousand Kmok.s?
the French revolution, in spite of strong pressure, he refused to carry
uie war reeling against Kngland into peace, and in spite of Jefferson
md .Madison he didn t knock Alexander Hamilton into a cocked hat.
And Hamilton paid back this loyalty with compound interest. The
Most important thing in Washington's administration, was m.t is
Democracy right or wrong, practical, or impractical, but can it
be made to pay? Hamilton made it pay. Hamilton worshippers
are pretty nearly correct when tliey say "Had there been no Hamilton
there would have been no 1'nitcil Smi.-s "
In spite of his prestige and high Mandiiur, however. Washing
ton Was sllhieeteil In tli- omit i.i.l !.,. i ..i .'. , ,
i......ii.ini. J '.. i .soi mi iiniise iiui nig ins
second term. And in suite of his
vote, and before there were two upswing parties, he was in a fhort
time the victim of the most bitter and vindictive partisaushin
In' fact of all Presidents, Washington was lu-rhiips the most bitterly
opposed to the political partisan. No better analysis "of partisanship
dangers has ever been made than Washington made in his Farewell
"I have ulready intimated to you the danger of parlies l:i Hie. state.
lA-t nn- now take a more comprehensive view and warn you
. in the most solemn manner, against the baleful effects of the spirit
of party generally."
"This feeling, unfuituiiuU-iy, is inseparable from our nature having '
its root in the strongeKt passions of the human mind. It exiMts und. r
different shapes in all governments j,ut ln those r,f IM(. popu
lar form i neon in its greatest rankness and is truly their worst
"There is an opinion that parties in free couiilrie are useful checks
upon the inlmiiiietiali.jn of the government, and serve to keep alive
the spirit of lll.crty. Tro., within certain limiits is probably true, and
in governments of u inonarehial cast patriotism may look with indul
gence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. Hut In those of a
popular character it Ih a spirit not to be encouraged. From
their natural tendency it is certain there will always be enough of that
spirit, for every alutaiy purpose, and there being constant danger of
excess, the effort ought to be by force of public opinion, to mitigate and
losuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands n uniform vigilance
to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest instead of warminir i. h..n
Chat. ny at Page
Tln ittiesi em will have an npin.ititul.
ty to son CliaileH Kay In the screen
version of Sot Smith Russell's st.tge
biici esB. "Peaceful Valley." at the I'alte
theatre, beginning indny. In this veh
Icle Mr. flay reverted to the role which J
hai madi. him one of llv s.-reen's 1
greatest favorites that or n ruin-. Tin
nb.ry wm adapted to the srreen by
IsalM'i Johnston from K. Kid
valley of Ten j iter's nieinnralili stage plaw
An. The Viilley . n tm. Ending feminine rote oan .Mil
lies at the base of the Alaskan pe- ny inn .,v
n"j"U-K . . t. iJ A" ,,,""H ' " sirttggllnr? sunnv
S. What Is a sneeze? Ans. It Is ',,,., - . , .
,, ., , . i . . ii .hearted farnior lad with n w iwed
a sudden, violent and spasmodic ex-
hnlatlon of breath throuh the nose. I "'"her and young sister to supis.rt.
It Is caused by Irritation i.r nasal j( harles Kay Is deelnied to have d.'line
brandies of the fifth pair of cranial au"l 11 ATium eharncler that wilt live
nerves. as one of the outstanding n-llutlr ac
!). How mui h does a soldier's ills- compllshments of the silent dl'aliill
hnr!e cost? Ans. The price of ni Charles Hay uncorks sereral of his
discharge In the I nlted States varies
Dr. Johnson
Flint in' believe in good
work at a icasouahb.' profit.
In other words we try and
so how much work we can
give for a dollar spent, in
stead of how little.
Try us and see. It may
mean money saved.
Dr. O. J. Johnson
l'honc CCD K. Main St.
Plus What?
Many mi unsopblslii alcd grovvei
Of trees, IT Din fi V a him a who wains
to produi'ii lises ul the least umi
pikes the soil ami i itnuit" which
kind ruv(teuct tins )irn hied P'i
him, luiyi) f"f ltd- wuler which Urn
recUmiillin aIVh'i deliver to
him unit larus II lod'"' etnleavi r
lalL tu grow IreeK Nvitli the b ust
stnoiint of labor.
Visit 'Our tUtrseiles liny limn dur
ing Ihe gi'tiw-lng sensoii and you
will rind nuistaiii cultivation uo
Inu on. Tluil'i Is lust Olio way lo
produce Well moled, well fllllsbeil
mirsery stork, ami iui is m
everliistlngly at it. upplMHK cen
t If It- nietliiids that priulU'id fftl in-
nrs huve piiietteiid for Hitntton.
iiuiiiely coliKliiiil ciirn and itllll-
It costs ii'tiey lo grow gi ml
trwlt. H Ukes epeiliiiice to lent ll
tin) imidainetititls ot piiipiuiitl'U'.
nursery stock: r'lmt In Ibn null-
tni' of sebicllng goi d rools. tin
proi Ui tliK of gouil buds and scions,
and tbo iniiiblnliiK of Ho two ni
the llahl Hum and in the right way
And under proper condition to
KlVfl Ihe (clocled Viilli'lles evcrv
iliaiire In proiluce lln best treei
for th" onliurd planter.
Cur field ailpel llilelldciil ha
Spent IT years doimt luthlPK else
ttittil field work In iiunery slink
He know l!n how uud why of beat
jiursery pructlce iluriug All llmae
jeurs, our inet are jtrown
e1ectil i lean slt on Hie Vs. Mm
HcscrvaUon We Imvo a It ng
KrowliiK Reason and we huvV iiiliis
tare under absoluln Coiitiol for
mrnth Tn ih yer. We ie well
IxMiltipeil with tint lklll nhd bea
tools (ind iHeittv rf horse, and
cultivate our st.M k r.-uulurlv and
lucesKAiilly Tim reaull I found
la the clean, lieallhv, well rioted.
fullv matured trees which" we de
liver lo our rustomers and back
of which we sinke our rcpuiaiion
for Kctniliieinvis, ipiuiuv nnd
soiiaic deal.
Knr I H years we have served mil
rustomers. old and new, l' have
no side lines, We are hiirserynieii
exclusively. You lull l Inty trees
t f ua If we do not think we t ail
satisfy nu. Wo appreciate tin
loyal and continued patroiiag" i f
our thousand, of customer, and
are (bis year flllttiK more order
I linn ever In our history. Write
us, kIvIuk a list of your wants, or
see our itoaf'tit salesman
Washington Nursery Co.
Toiieiilsli, Wh.
II. H. 8PERLIN0, Salesman
Hot Ojo, Mcilloi.l
Safe 7MU
jjrtZL a I Avoid Imitations
rTf and Su A Hi tt . .
ft.Itn,IrwandJ,t?'GrW'ne'Chndren Ricl""nk.'n-'fd grain .xtr.ctin Powd.f
Ti. Original Food-Drink For AU Age No Caking - Nouri.hiog - Digeotibia
O. A. C. Selects Team
For Pa. Relay Races
rOKTI.AMi, Otc, Feb., 22. I'lvo
Oregon A.cuU'lral rollciw men will
rompete in the (our mile relay cham
pionship of America at the Utfth anuuul
intercollegiate track meet to be held at
the University i.f Pennsylvania, April
ZS-M. IlodKe, Kims, Graves', Walker
and Swan ore the men who nre 'expect
ed to ko east, neconllnK to Track
Coach Hut le r. . .
The t'nivernliy of Oi'fK.m nlhletie
authorities have announced a lea in
may bo sent from thet'e if material de-
elops In the all-state relay meet and
the relay at Seattle.
Thos. II. Simnsiin, of Ashland,
authorizes his announcement as a Can
didate for the n'lmlnatiirJi for the oflea
of County CoiumlzKloncr of Jackson
County, subject to the decision of the
Ilepiilillcan voters of said county ut
the I'riniary Ulectioti, May 1tli, tf22.
well known lolls and rlnhtn In rhauic
teiistlc fashion.
llow Hoslab s ibn,', "Whiskers" ptays
ti prominent purl us, an IrTformeiMjiry
for Cupid eonsliliites on.. (,f the In r-.tit
est fealiir.' of this unusually clever
photoplay, accoi'ilInK lo preview re
port u. '
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
mot water
Sure RedVf
25t n(J 75(t Pock- Cv,rr-h,ro
rn-- i
Do not ! deceived ly so-inllcd pcc
lul, cut ruU', or rlxht prices, but o
up lo the
wlicre )ou find us 3U. days lu Uie
year, with the best niul cheniHt uood
on llii; market.
Because we sell more than half Ihe
fuel handled hi Mislonl, treat our
(rustomers rlKlrt, oiul do not on
tbo theory that we can "do" the pub
lic, umi uro (Hislllvcly I bo only jnrii
that lias strictly dry vvismI.
' PHONE 76
Itevvrnppisl, llcpalcisl nnd He&r
ulahed. Hies tied to potter a
k. w. (ioci.n
SI7.K. Xewlovvn St. Medford
China Herb Store ?'
Tills Im lt C'Tllfv thl.t f)ll.l ('toll. IT ..f
! Mi lift. 1. 1, Ith , liiia cttr.d I...' of
I n.,,1 t.,m.t, i, in, ni, l, H M,
r.e'i J hi , llrdtttn I'as.
Tlls la tu inul tluii illiu I li.u.s of
! Mill'. II. I. lire, lina tilled ill" of r o 1. 1 0 1 V
"I Ion y.ur at;. n. lout I. il
l H Ml . lit, nit I'aaa, nip, ,
.VI. .tf.,,,1. iir. it. .a, j.ui in. in:
This la t,i i. i life 1 1 1 it I I. Ilin un.ler.
siilii-d, lintl vtl y N.'Vere Hliinmelt tioithlti
and Iih.I hen iMdlu t-ed f'.r . vviitl v.-ai
lOid last Aaitnl tta lint eMCle! la
live, ai.'l lie.OlltU Of Ullll I'lOIIlK tHli.fMV
1 1" 1 1, store la ni J Hoolli I'tonl lr..t, il I, I il, rlll'd to Ket h.ll.s f'.r tli)''
slnlimcb trnlll'l... and I slmlt d l fm llniC
I.. It. i its N....M ua I tiaed Hi. in end t'elaV
ui.i a well until ii a. I tan licit lllv r. emu.
tie lid elivotle itfrilet.-d as I vt as lo s. a
lilm I'liniiit nnd ti'lr Ids l.l.
ilslKli -.ll W', ft, Ji'llNHlj.N.
ltlletH s-
Wm. Jovl. I'i'tfl.. f'lillit.
W I,. III. RnBl.. I'ulnl.
M ,. . i n.. ii, Me,for.l.
H. Ii ll. 'Inns, Kasic. I'.'inli
i ', K. M...'1'e. Kitsle Vfilnl
.1 V. MiliiDie, iaiule I'l.lnl
il.-o ..ii .Mr ll.ll.ii, I),, si.' Point ,'
Tims. K Nicleds, Kasle rolni i
Busy Corner
'Motor Co. '
' " Muin ut Itiverslde
"TTi ut6 Kadiator, Fender,
lioily llcpaii'ilig.
It 'i?f-
l.-i-, Ai Opposlto Depot
I'hone I1.V4
Tha hornswoKglinK of America at
the Genoa ecunomic conference has
been isistponed until, after Princess
Mary is hitched to Viscount of Mon
ocles. Congress is undecided whether
to Kive .Mary the Panama Canal, or
the U. S. mints for a wedding Kilt.
Why not stop buyinK cust-off Kuro
leaii nirlKlbleg tintil someone on this
tilde ol' ih wapr leftrnt lo run them
We will sell your business handle your lease-Secure
you a partner, etc. ' .
No Charge lor " listings Transactions Confidential
Asm.AD OREGON medford
Beaver lllock Medford Bldg.
T'lione 4 . , ' Phono UOu
vm r , . .jm.
DRY t3
i .. .
2.75 to $4.25 Per Tier
In shed at 111 N.; Fir .
. Phonal '
mi. iii mi'Vaariffrnfrr
Cherro Hard Wheat
At Your Grovers j
COMIC IN NOW Is the appeal we!
malm to our clients. Yom will!
inns avoid the r'inti o' the fltiu'
days of the period when nur time
Is taken up day and nijiiu in
gi;t mcTiritNs i.v o timi.:. '
Our Ffflcii'iii Ken b'e
aves money for other ani It will
do so for you. . .
Liberty ItiiiMliiu. Medford
The Association nmt pays divi
dends' and has no clafaultnd loims.
Covers enltro ierillnry of Jackson
county. '
You efni muko loaiis to puy off
mortsafreg or for aBilculturul pur-
"'oslls received drawing 4 per
cent; conVertlblo into per cent furm
Irnrl bonds
. F H. II iritn, Secy-Treas.
- . ,'J 1 1 Moi foitj Jl,K.
M e can Help pn Ibrth Viiiposll Ions , Suutl (or dilalou.
( omplcio slock for C'oiimi'erclnl nml llonir) Oicharils
E::tr;i choice Bartlctts, Anjous and Commercial Applo
1 year, 4-6.
J. B. PILKINOT0N, Nurseryman I'ordami, Oicon
ia rwrivic i, 1022 ' ' 1
Dally i:.ccpt Sunday
tV. MI'JH (HID 10 A, M. LV. UOHKIII IUJ 1,00 I'. M.
i , ..
Dally and Htittday ". j '
Leave Modioli!
10.00 A. M.
1.00 I'. M.
,4.30 P. M.
Ixnvn fJt'iinls Pass -'
; '10.00 A. l.
, . ' 1.00 P. M.
Fares:, Medfora-Grlinls Pass, $1.15 Oihnt Pass-Itoscfmi g, L iil.oot ,
. , Meilford-RnseliiirK 91.13.