i t, v. j. W I jV ' u.'r "'if - (Jut"!1 ;.).,-, , MKDFOUIJ MAID TR1 BUNK - MKDFOUl), ORKHOK. MOXDA V. FliRIiCAIfV 2 V.ri VM1V TUItKK TREE PLANTING May Robson at Page Tuesday Night row i our n EXPENSE, ASHLAND etables TO CUT OVERHEAD Ow CAMPAIGN NOW A HUGE SUCCESS FRUIT GROWERS Thn Tree liuntliiK campaign has been a huge success. To dull tho Fair iiHKiM intinti has enough money on huii'l in Jibuti Stufj trees, and they urge ttnit others desiring to porrhaan I rows send lu i In-1 r money wl( limit delay. Tlio following have purchased Ireea Mure Haturduy: W. T. Mllcix, Medford, three Irix'H In t planted In t li names of Ititih W. Mll. F.llen II, Wagner ami Jessie .W, Miles. Mr. Clifford Uunil, Talent, requested Hint on tree Ik tlniiti m Hi" name of llin lkml lumlly. Bert M. Sullivan, Medford, purchased iin" fur. the (lusher Cafe Mf and Mr- J F. Ilitison. Medford, purchased three, tree for Carincht INtUon,. Mr. ;h(l Mm. J. F. HIHm'Mi ahd lu memory uf Jan Hlausberry. Mrs, fltellit H. Omio, Mdford, bought two tree for Hal' lKb Mi (latum anil Su-ll H." (iatton. Ir. J. I). Illrkert. Ml&ird, ,wo ire for Ir, and Mr. J l.-Illrkert uml Helen Irene Hchoen'l. I'Kih'uU high school desired one plant ed IA thi Oftiii1 of Ihn'lr school. Mm, Mly Illnnkwmid, ,1'hiK'nli. llrri no pliui(nd for tr. Mthw Cii.lwt.l. M. A. Hwu-n, PlMMnli, ordi-rnil two trorn rvf NMD . Hwr i rOX I signIHan TO ADDRESS FORUM X! CP' T fc 4TT' it ,. 4i v x 1 1 J. V' MA LWVtb l Him Mtm aittil i kil u m u Ui m prkiiM rfu rumi'dy uml tl cal l (I;1' Ih Mm Hn'mon it a favoril m itti j Mi'dford moU and Ilm hjtu ultuuld li rrowdiM. Th ( JiarurtT which MIhh . Holimin ItuixTn-muicn In thut ol u qnuliit New Kiilainl ninipr. anil ln-r , rlmrnrift ItiitlnD of It Id n of l!u? I.i-hi kIu him pvit don". ARIM-ANI), ivi). KllmiffaiinR j Hoinfl of th ovi ihoad pn. and lit tho HHiiii) tlni" 1'iwf-rinK tiin '"tit of i Miii)ll'M to It4 ;.ii'ron;i, an; im aHiiri-H which, havo liii-ly tn-fn Iniilltuti'd by ! thu AMhland Kmli iTodurn HH'j'la-' tion. A dlMf-onn' of fvi mt rMil, tin' 11 fiirthnr nolle', win !) allowed mi'in- bra on all l and upray tuatf rial, ! t(iilis a coniii - i-n wh'ii It fa iak'n Into coitMl'I'-ro i ion thu amount, of lnl- j iii'NH ItivolvH Th roiiiilMlon on , handling. charri aviilyintc lo fruit ; and-VdWitatV'". Iih alo Iiwii ri'diuwd I from-f'lKht uiio-thlrd to . alx iit. ri-rit, a. rotifii' liiui'ui whl;h workH both waya, f;)r hil' It dlrwifly favora flin .producsr.r'it alo Ipbki-ihi the rt-v- xniiHg.of the an x'iation an a corjiora- t loo. t Dank illn" torn are not the only MHmnt rwlvuiK ro'ni-nHatlou for at- ti'iidlnn rtTtli'lal iin'i'iinKH, aif bpnftT thort1rirl(ra f tlu, Krult, AHw':lation will ri-cHvif', M'riiilHiton -acrordinisly. th Hum ha'vlnn Ji-i-nJ fixedi at,. thrpc iollam p ' nivtinK. Thln',new.dpar fnr Ih uitxf"'l u a"l.aM(a'n incwntivi" la Lkji Way of Hvft'iiAg the List of Registrars Jackson County, 1922 Tlii' 'iifiiiif k-' ii- rl iiiuiiiiK r uf thi l-'i'Mi'.r. und Kli-liM-r i'iniiiiny. V. i l'-Tlmliwn. n..ti'- ilic tmiii- ' Url"f lt M"lfiril I'liuml'T of ,fiiinrr'" at llitlr fi.runi in-xt Wnl n'lay. . t Tin- Fm it mid Kl' lurr rmnpiiny i I. Anlilund MoiiU'Vurd, ti. )'. and II. Itllli ivc. AhIiIuihI, i.lri'xciii 2 Anhlrttnl K. "f( nt nil, (J. K. ami i. II. Illlllniiii, Aahland. f)r"K'n. 3. Anhln ml W. l'i-iiiil. Ci. y. and d II. IIIIIIIIKH, Anhliind. Or.-K'in. i AKliland Oak. li. K. and C II r.nll.' ihnl thr (inn- Iiiii roini. thilt MlHInga. Anlllnnd, Ori'KOli Uw iirlu ril I'UlUI.- la up In iii mik ' 6. North Anliluud, (i. K. and (i II i.K iiii'i liulli-iln li'mnlH lu iin placed ' MltlltiK". Anlilaiid. On-Kuli. on IUalii at pilm uio Birn.iy c KunI Anhlaiid, li K. and ! 11 1m iriKrrrd by tlirm and tliia rompany l lh" (lrt mi that ll luktruc iitrpa in navanne of any powalblu, li tinlniin thrm out of vawtanrr. Tlf auhvi't,u( the luldrtu whlrh la r,fmd l. not known, hut th Mfdfcinl rrmdi'iiti who have had thn opporiiiiiitv to know tlm npitikir, rili" lhal hl talk will l.o nlmiK ronnli ui'HV Unv. . ' f Mi'ilfonl N. (YliUal Mi'dforiL. On-. .Miilford S. (Vntrnl. I Mi'dljrit. Oii't I.. II. Cum- II i'.iiu- .1.. 11. Af rs. Songster Can Go and (i II and a II ami V. II It Minntl. 3D. i-ron 31 I'lofl U. Mi'dford ". Hiviid.', t'nim-roH. M' drurd, On. 3.1 Mtdtnrd Oiik-iU1. ti. II. M.'llford. ()nv MCilford Nvwton. .. 11 Mi'illonl. On-. Kaxt Mt-dford, 1.. II. Canu'ron, MiHlford, On- 36. H. K. Mud ford itiih, 31 rcn, 3i i'otii- Caiii' C Kant Anltlamt. li K. lUlllnni, Atihland, Oregon 7. H. K. hlnd. (i. F. HllllnHH, Anlilund. On-con It N. W. Anhland. ti K HIIIIoieh, Aitbiand. Orrt; n t. Wral Anhland. ti. K. lllllliUK, Aahland. On-Kim. Id , AulKh. Mta. W. tVntral J'Oinl. . AppU'ituii'.' John. Ivinoll. Applr Knt", tdf. IS. Harrou, ti. F. and t! II. lillllnK. ; Point. On'. 41. tin ha id iioiui ll I- and li. II U. It. Cameron M ai7 tft a a, Mt wltk g tjmim'M um wijafc m ar.-Wve contitkni:' U uial Hiat !2W)Q' In afock 'doijH not; fairly, repre-Hi-nt thfl Hcojie of lh .aitaociati'in in' a; flnanrial way, and In Juxticf to Hit Inrn-ani'd Bntiiln-r of patronK opixir-, tunitii'H aho'uld ! affurdi-il to allow a. 'i icn-utpr Krrpnta of them to becoim? ; htorkhoMem outright.' In this fonlii'P tion a Htockholdec ralla attention to, Arllcl" 11 of th by-lawa of the asaoria-l tion. w hich reads an follown: "If at the ; mil of any ai'aKon there Khali ri-main a ; MirpliiK over and above the expens"! and loitxea. atu h aurpluii or 'ho tu'U-'h thereof as the board of .dlrm uors jiay deem exx?dient. nhall U( dinLrUtiitejil iiniunK the stcK-kluilili-m as . loUtm. ' not to rtrettd a ten per cent"dirl- (lend on the capital stock of ihe'axnoci- allon, and the renldue. if auy, pro liortloned atuoiiK the shippers of that MtMUon, In proportion to tbe net amount of the receipts of tbe respec tive Rtockholderi for such season." Ttils critic admits that tho tun per ' I ! t to japan it oiienri Ashiami, d,r , . . . i ii. 13, IL'll.-Ui'w TO KH1, Feb. :u. The Instruction , Ittll I hkm. Aalilamt. (n of the Japuuusa offtiiN of the Jap j . Ilultr Kalln. N 11 St uldnrd. a now roimiilati. in Han FranclHCt) that lluito Fall. Ore. It ri'fum. to vp tlm iusM)rt of Mr. I 15. N. C'riitral Point. I.. Hatfield, Mariiuri'i KanKHler, bi-nd of the birth I IVntral Point, tire, control ' b'SKue, wero on thn cmiind! C: s. ntinl Point. I.. Halfii-ld, that priannda aloliK the line It was ' Central point, (Ire. understood nhe piMxmed a ItleKnl In. l.y fit oi'fo!a Oduy, f.d mil ii.oii4 tl,M I l.v ilry, ;.if rKti r wou4 ooaicd k4wl j Kki lolm. 1.7 CUiiiiu, Japan and an Improper suhjert for ( point, Ore. puhljo dculo&. IC. T'hv, Prunv Tbe 4otlgu. howovqr. it uied'Or-. i'olui, I Ol aloo to, Japan Hiau-niut tUat. she would lwi r llillted Ui land to Japan were Incorrect un declunvl. On the contrary, nhe would undoubtixlly receive wtrmlHnton to enter-the 'country ion the condl t kin that she would not nttenipt promt-panda; 1 strike! J Koy Asbpole, Kaitlr U Vl, It lUick, James Medford, Ore, 37. K W. M.'df.int I. It f'Aiiif.r.in 'cent dividend has been paid, but thai Med ford. Ore, I" absorbed nnly one twenty-fifth parti 3.i West Medfonl. 1.. II. Cameron, of ' ",c 1"r,' aurplua on hand at the Medford. Ore, close of 1S21. and forcibly argues that 311. N W. Medfurd. I. 11 Cameron.' i,"1" disposition should tie made of. Medford, Oie. ' I'be balance, inasmuch as ll all repre- 4i. Mound, I. Hal field. Central 'n,!' lho frull?rowers earninK. More over, this stockholder also contends thut the founders of the association In tended it to he a strictly cooiwrutive concern, rcKulatiiiK the iH-rcentnKe of profits, and stipulating for a sharing of the same among shipiM-rs, Instead of carrying so much excess profits to surplus account. s The present directors of the associa tion are S. A. Peters. Sr.. S. J. Kvans. Joseph Sander, F. L. Nutter, and Thornton Wiley. Peter's Is president; Wller, rw prns11in; Vte Fec- fary. ' " '. . J. T. Smith. Cold 20.' Houncs Prospect. Ore. 21. Fonts Creek. C.rnnt Matthews IM4 Hill. Ore. . 22. (told Hill. A. J. T Hill, Oni. I,. II. Cameron. Medford. Oie. 42. Peirydale, I,. II. Cameron. Med ford. Ore. j 11 Cast Phoenix. A. II. Fisher, j Phoenix. Ore. , 41. West Phoenix. A. H. ' Fisher I Phoenix. Ore. ) 4.Y I! )'k Point. A I hll. Ore. I 4ii. llogiiu Uivi r. Mia. lUtua Wblp- I-w.rl.y, I pin, RnKU9 H'er, r. .. U'i.y Aim. I. li. i ' .lueriin, Jl-xi-j u-'i!. '.tij'u. t r i. I 4S. Sailin 'aiiey, i.'. K. Wiiiilte, Grieve, Sams Valley, Ore. 4'J. Sterling, caiinty clerk. Jackson ville, Ore. 110. Kast Talent, E. 11. Adntuson. Smith. Cold Talent, Ore. ! 51. West Talent, --"a-- 23. (irlffln Crek. 1.. II, Cameron, j Talent, Ore. Medford. Ore.' ' 62. Trail, Mrs. K. II. Adnmson, county cininty 21. North Jacksonville, cb'rk, Jackaonvillu, Ore. 2.1. South Jacksonville, clerk, Jacksonville, Ore 2i. Lake Creek, Mrs. .1. W. Anile, Lake Creek, Ore. ' ' '27. Meadows, Lane Wyland. Ileagle Ore. . J8. Medford N. Main. L. 11. Cam eron, Medford, Oro. 2H. Medford S. Main. L. 11. Conieion Medford, Ore. ... '. M. TV :c I IIQIH IU LCI UU II you want your break fast, and your train I I A lucky strike for you this morning. LUCKY When we discovered the toast ins process six year ago, it was a Lucky Strike for u. Why? Because now millions Of smokers prefer 5 the special flavor of the Lucky, i Strike; Cigarette ' htcuuse i , It's: Toasted , i which in ff ! dtliaioui Burlmjr iltvor cohnly clerk. Jackson- EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Trail. Ore. R3. I'nlin Hie, Ore. .11. Watklns, coumy clerk, Jackson ville. Ore. ' fi.1. Willow Springs, L. Hatfield, Central Point. Ore. fill; Wittier, Mrs. Kena. Whipple, llogue River, Ore. Registration books are open to and Including April IS.. 1922. " ' CHAl'NCKY FI.ORKY. Clerk. Mr. .lack Kiuiiy, who came in from I isurvey mid location of our irrigation (project to bring water from above lllutte Fulls through tho Derby dis trict to Kagle Point and vicinity, miased thrmmh hero Wednesday on ihiH way to Oerby to try to secure a (few hundred acres of land, so as to have uii abundance to lie sure to sat U'h... k. k.J I .1... " " "UU....-IO v.- Vr:" , " ' ZMy buyers. "Ho seemed to think that he could secure four or flvo hundred acres with very little but 1 have not heard the re sult of his undertaking n yet. horses of Mr. Charley lelln. on his contract for grading a logging rail-1 ... A ' 11......1. ....! ,i nun i linn, im.'ki'ii m " 1 I Kl. i nim'i'ni r iv . n rurn a i.n.ii,, 11. 11.111 ' engaged a month's board at the Sun- nyslde Peeiimber SI,' led us last Weilnesday, going to Spokane, Wash., to meet .Mr. Walt Hurst, who will bo remembered as one ,of our Kagle Point raised boys by many of our old settlers, who has u contract to put up 11 large power lino fur an electric Frank Lewis, our confeHtlonnry and billiard and pool man, appears to be doing n lively business, ns he has Just installed nnother billiard table, making two billiard and two pool tahloH In the upper part of his con- jfectlunnry store. power company in llrlllsh Columbia ( barley lirown, salesman for C. K. and Mr, Kerby, hiivlim had five years' lOates, Ford cars and Kordson farm- experience In that line of work, will ;l"g Implements, was here for dinner assist In the work, Mr. Kerby leaves a number of warm friends In this section of the country, Wednesday ami so was Dale Shelly. Wo have had a wondetfu trans formation In our postofflce here, Henry Morgan, a man w ho lives llast Wednesday our popular and ac alone on his hnmcHtcnd on the head commoilnting post office clerk, Miss waters of Klk Creek, was taken out to Nellie Coy, tendered her resignation the Sacred Heart Hospital some time to our postmaster. W. C. Clements, And also because it's Ouaiua IfV ago by IiIh neighbors, came (11 on .tho Medfnrd-Kagio Point singe and spent the night on his way home. He has grontly Improved In health, but is far from being In a condition to llve'lilone In the wlldM of the Klk creek hills. Mrs. J. Mnula and son of llrowns boro,.came In Wednesilay, and Mrs. Monla. went ' on up to Multe FnJIs on tho regular stage uml her son return ed homo In his car, , Mr. Hluart MiiCessle, Iho civil engi neer who linv been employed on tit although she had given nim notice some time before of her Intention to resign, nnil too resignation was ac cepted nnd sue retired from the ser vice and our townsman, S. Hv (Oov.) illolipen was employed to fill the va cancy. Mr,, lllmes has haft ensldcr iibU. experience In that line, and Is eortsldered fully competent us he Is a lhoroiiK.h accountant and no doubt will fill tho pluco nnd serve 1 lie pat rons of thn off loo satisfactorily. O, Adams', formerly of Medford, but now of Bum' Kalis, where he has llvt-d for several years, went up to Butte Falls on the stnge and I heard today, Saturdaf. that he lad secured a business position there. V. L. CoiUireto'a blacksmith shoo has been closed most of the time the past week, owing to thy prevalence of the flu. but I nm clml to he .'ible to K. Miildlebuslier. w,r that, so far as 1 can learn. In most ef the eases, they are improving and r.iuny of the patients are able to he out in town, although there Is scarcely any one from the country comes In. owiiiK to the sickness Iri the country, ami fenr of taking the disease while here in town. , Wni. Nicoll of ltke. Creek, was' a pnssclfiKcr. on the .Lake. Creek stage coining here cn'huainosa. : lMr. and' Mrs. Vyant cAthe in'Thtirs day night from , Kpgcne' City, a'tfrt apOnt the riiKbt and the iiex? hiornlng was 'met here hy his hroiher-Jn-lavJ, Kugene Ilcllowa, Mr, Wyant bejng h brother to Mra. 'Bellows,: and was taken to the Bellows home. Mr. Wyant expects to go to work on the .1. M. Wllfley orchard, but I did not learn If he vn to act as foreman or not. D. V5. Patrick, who has been work ing for months, f not years for the F. L. C. company, came in for dinner Thursday and so did a stranger from Butte Falls. Mr. Patrick found. a Job here at the Sunnyside In his line car pentering, ami was kept busy until noon the next day, and Mr. Sam Courtney is still busy paper hanging and painting on the interior of the hotel, up to this, hour, 4 o'clock p. m Saturday. . ' Mrs. Nettle Urover of Medford, has been visiting Mr. und Mrs. V, O. Knighton and helping to care for Mrs. Knighton, who has been on the sick list for years. Sum II. Oescr, who hns been work ing on the P. A E. railroad, came In Thursday evening with his eye ban daged up and on Inquiry learned that when he was cranking his car, the crank flew back and struck hlrn Just below the eye on the nose, Inflicting a painful wound. He had Just re ceived a telegram from 'Berkeley, Cal., announcing the serious illness of bis sister- and was on his way to bo with her, but Infer In the evening, received another' telegram telling nt her death,- notice already In the Dally Mall Tribune of tho 17th. Mr. I?ien, now of Butte Falls, ca mo lri on the stage Friday evening, nnd spent the night, lie has a, num ber of horses at work on tho P. & Ui railroad In Butte Falls, '4f. ... -3W r-vu IS2I8 I, lJayrpBya) J Mim - rTT mi mi pi i 9& k l rmr you - i . m. ?. - - "Ta Plan now to have a sue cettion of vegetables in your garden all lummer where you can gather them fresh and criap vrhen want them. Many varieties can be own every ten days espe cially beans, pean. radith, lettuce, beets, spinach, etc' All the desired varieties may be easily selected from the convenient up right Sterling Seed Case. Full cultural directions on the back of each packet. All Standard Slje Vegetable Packets-The Finest Seed Obtainable At Local Dealers QJJ NORTHRUP.KlNG &CoS mramoi yi i mi CONCRETE grips your tires and holds them SAFE. It is non-skid winter and summer, rain or shine. Motorists want it; heavy traffic demands it; the tax payer profits by its long life. Wherever Oregon lays paving it should be non-skid CONCRETE. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Casco Building. Portland, Oregon A National Organization to Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrets Offices in 23 Other Cities For CountryRoads - For City Streets DRY WOOD 2.75 to $4.25 Per Tier In shed zX 111 N. Fir CUT RATE WOOD YARD !, Phone 551 f'-Srt CHAS. MILLER , Auto Itaillator, Fender, Kiinninu Board anil I tody Repairing. Sol dering. Opposlto Dcimt Phono l t.l-f WOOD! All kinds of wood nt rlnht prices; dry mill blocks. Orders Promptly I'll led MEDFORD FUEL CO. Cor. l'ir and Third Pbono 212 30x3! NON-SKID TIRES $9.95 Busy Corner Motor Co. Main at Hivcrslde . " v.