V BRINGING PHONt r4nsi"- Allls-Chalinet American lt.et HiiKtir American ("ui , , Amr. Cur Fouml.y , .. American Hido tt I.omIht pfd Auier, International Corp American locomotive . Amer. Unletting ft R..fg American Hutfor American T. & T American Woolen Anaconda Copper , Atchison All., Oulf & W. Indie , Baldwin locomotive . 41.2 . ai.i . :s M.-..u . i;o . a c . I .." . 4I . co.rt .1 U.H , 2.K . 47.7 . S7 . 2d .UK. 7 . a; . 62. ,129 2 . 3l.fi ..6 2... . r.H . SO . 34.7 . Sfi.l , 2 . 10. . CO. j . 9..1 . 10.6 .150 . S.fi . 37.2 Baltimore & Ohm llcthlolieill SlH Canadian Pacific ii- Central lumber Chandler Motor ClHapak & Ohio Chicago. Mil and Ht Chicago. It. 1. & V Chlno Cop pi-r .... Colorado Fuel & Iron Corn Product , Crucible Steel Culm Cmte Sugar ,. Krlo General Electric Cencral Motor Goodrich Co. Great Northern. pM Gnat Norttifrn Ore Ctfs ... , tltlnol Central Inspiration Copper Int. Mor. Marina ptd I ii ti'rnwt lun nl Paper Kennorott Copimr Ioulsvlh) N'iinlivlllo Stcxlcan Petroleum Ml ml Copper Middle Slate Oil Mldvaln Steel Missouri 1'arlflt! : Nnw York Cent ml N. Y X. M. una lliirtford .. Norfolk &. Wwiti'rn Northnrn Poclflo Okluhonm 1'roU. & IUf l'n Aincrlmn ri'troluiitu rmiilvmil , I'ooplo'n C.ft I'lltiiliurir mid V. V Hny Consolidated Copptr ItnndlnK ; Ui'p. Iron A. Stcwd Itoynl Dutch. X. Y filifll Trim. & Trad Hlmlulr Con. Oil ttauthcrn I'nt-lf In Bouthcrn Hullwny Ktumlard Oil of X. J Kturiftiakcr Corporntlon .... Tciinonnco Copprr T.XH Co Tt'xnH & Taclflc Toliacco I'rodurU Trunarontliimital Oil Cnton rnclflc t'. rt. 1'ood I'roducU I!. 8. Kclnll Stoics V. 8. Ind. Atcoliol I'ulti'd Htati'ii Jtuhbar fnlted Staloii Strhl . 3 . . 9 . 37.7 . 71 . 47 2 7 .us.:. ,119.". . so. :. . 132 . 29.7 iSi . 70. . . t" .:. .100 . 79.2 . 2.1 . 53 . 34. C . 75,3 , 23.7 .. 17.S . 74 7 ,. ul.7 . r.0.7 . 7S.S . 19 83.7 . 19 .115.1 . 94 . 10.3 ,. 45.1 . 30 . r.2.7 . S .130.11 . 3.5 . 53. S . 41 ,. 64.fi . 0. .ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Automobile Bargains USED CARS Ono Ford touring enr In good condition, isood mbbur, reudy to run. THICK fISO.OO Olio OvtM'Innil Coutili'V Cluh Mddi'l. with wire wlimda and KikmI tlri'N. TlioroiiKlily over- liaulud, ('ullfornla top. I'ltlCIO ))I47."V.4M Ono SUidi'lmkor l-ryllndcr tour. liiK cur with wit Muiior, An tiiiiisiml liiu-jtiilii. I'ltlCDIjlOO.OO Ono worm ilrlvo I'ord Truck w ith lui'ico pint form Imdy hdiI rub, nnd KMlll tllVN, I'ltK'M 9:1110.00 Ono Ovcrliin.l Unlit Vow tour liiK cue, cord tires, nil in good condition. PRICK 175.00 Other nxeil cur bin 211 1 us on hand In Oakland, Htudebakei', Clnil mom, l'i-imkllii ami (lievrolct "'""EASY PAYMENTS BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Main at Riverside UP FATHER OiNTX CUT I ...... i wiim HEM. ' t'tiili Copper 8l.fi Vi'tlnt!liinm Klin'tilv 53 5 Willy Ovfrluml r. Am.irl. an YAtu; N ud mid Kinfl ... 13 Hullo utnl Superior 25.8 Culii. IVtrol.'Uiti ii Monlium 'wr , ,, 07 5 Klmtturk ArUoim 8 Turn Oil Invtnclldn till H .otMrl Ak lta It 62 JACK BRIT ION MEETS D. T NKW YORK. Fob. 17. Jack llrltlon. vilni w whlpiilni; flmt rato piiglliMt lifforp lvn Hliudc. of California, ever lii nid of a lMln Rlovfl will d-f.'iid lila M'urtd'n KidtorwrlKlit tltlo nK"l t tlio ynuncHt. r In u flfti'cn round dcclhli.n iniitcli hern tonllthL llrltlon In 37 yiMiin old nnd Htuid In 19. Jack in. 'I liuvld In rmtlnn l ulxnit a yr hko nnd mnn fl'Ktred onc In tUo arly nenNlonii Imt hmh to fli'ht IiIh way tliroiik'li l!i. rciualiiUir of tlio ten r;itiniln, Tim conuiit wan declared draw, b'hadi.'a aSKrejiilveiiesa ha car tle.l him ti victory lu a majority of Ills bont. Hiilton htm not been very nctivo In Hie lut yei.r, i'ci'ptli'K In a aerleg of lioiltH Willi 1 nni' Hc!it4. ' I! - ' . ..L. LADIES! LOOK YOUNG. GRAY HI Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will know. Orny hair, however handsome, de Troici aitvancinff ao. W all knuw th advnntacea of a youthful appear nr. Your hair la your charm. It makes or mara.tho fac. When It fadra, turns urny and look Mrvaked, Just n few applications of S-iito Tea and Pull. bur enhances its appearance hundred-fold. Iion't tuy rrayt Iok youns;! Klther prepare the recipe at home or ret from any drug at ore a bottle of "Wyeih's Sane and Btitphur Com pound," which Is merely the. old-time recipe Improved by the addition of other tntrredlenta. Thousands of folka recommend this rnaily-to-use prepara tion, bocauMe. It darkens the hair beau tifully, hxalde, no ono can possibly tell, as It darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten aimnao or soft brush with tt. drawlnc this throui;h the hair, taklnir one small atran.l at a time. Ity morning tho gray hair disappears; after another application or two. its natural color is restored and It becomes thick, nlossy and lus trnua, and you appear yeara younger Wyeth's PuRe and Hotphur Coin round Is a (JuilKhtful toilet requlsllo It Is not Intended for the cure, mlU ration or prevention of dlsoase. . Notice of Sale of Government Timber lleuoiftl Land Officii, Washington, D. C. January 14, 1922. Xotlce Is hereby Klven thut subject to the conditions nnd limitations of tho Ada of Juno 9, 19UI (39 Stat. 218), and June 4, 1920 (41 Stut. 75S). nnd tho Instructions of the Secretary of tho Interior of September 15. 1917 (4 L. I). 417), nnd Juno 22. 1920 (47 L. 1). 411). the timber on the following lands will be sold March 0, 1922, at 10 o clock a. in., at public miction nt tho United States Land Office nt Rosobnrs. Ore gon, to tho hlKhoHt bidder at not loss than tho appralmnl value as shown by 1 lila notice, snlo to bo subject to the approval of tho Secretary of tho Inter ior, Tho purchase price, with nn addi tional sum of one-fifth of one percent thereof, beliiK commissions allowed, must bo dnpoxltcd at time of salo, money to bo returned If sale la not approved, otherwise, patent will Inane for Ilia timber which mtint bo removed within ton years. Rids will be received from citizens of the I'nlted Stntos, associations of such citizens nnd cor iMirutloiiH oi'Kuul.ed under the laws of the United fctutos or any state, terri tory or district thoroof only. Upon application of it qualified purchaser, tho timber on any lei-riil HiibdlvlBion will bo offered aopurately boforo bcliiR Highest Prices Paid for Hides Second hand goodi, Machinery, Tooli, Flpe, Sacki, Mctali, etc MEDFORD HIDE & JUNK CO. SHADE T0N1GH MFPFOfU) MATIi TftmiTXR I'VC OT A SCHEME. I HOPt 'iHE. DOM'V WAKE. UP- t ' Included In any offer of larxor unit, i T. aa 8.. It. 1 K., Bee. 1, SK'.i HWVi, I'fim 10 M., red fir 43o M wlilta fir 2n M . noni) of the iilne timber to bo ild for letm tlmn $2.25 wr M., nno of thii reil fir Umber to bo sold for limn tlmn IX0 pur M., nono of the white fir to bo mld for le than fl.oo lu-r. M.. T. 21 8.. It. 2 V B:. 27. IM . fir 750 M heiiilix k 30 V, cedar 20 M.; Ix.t 10, fir lloo M liemliMk 20 M., cn.lur 140 M., nme of tho fir tlml'r t' b o( for leu than ll.f.O x'f M and none of tho hemlock and cedar timber to b n'lid lor Iokh than Sl.oo jn r M.. Ut 15, fir fioo M , hemi.Kk 75 ' M., redar 150 M. I-t 16. fir 900 M, bntnlock 50 M , cudar 125 M., n'ine of tho fir tiiiitxT to bn wild for Ie than $1.25 tr M., and none of the hemlock and cedar timber to bo aold for loa than $1.00 per M, T. 15 8., R. 2 V. V.ec. 25. NE'A NVVV. yellow fir 250 M., rd fir Io0 !., cedar 30 M.. XW; NVVii. red fir 1700 M., SVVVi NW '4 . yellow fir 200 M red fir 1450 SI., SKU NW'A. yellow fir 200 M rod fir 10"0 M., nn of the fir and cellar limber to b aold for lean than $l .f.o piT M T. 21 8., R. 3 V.. 800. 13. NV4 KU. ft"" fo M.. none of the fir timber to bo cold for !et. than $1.50 per M. tSUncd) WILLIAM SPRY, Commlanloner, Ceneral Imd Office. WANTKIi KITI'ATIOXS WANTEH Hpiiding or any kind of sairdcn or lawn work. A. W. Martin, 207 W. Main. 2S3 j WANTED Situation by HtenoRrupher and bookkeeper. Cull 971 J a f ter- noona. HS WANTED Odd Job, gurdeu and lawn work. I'hone 779-Y, evotilnKs. 2s3 W A NT ICl DreHBma k i n s lan Crump 97S I1. Phone Vlv 2S1 HELP W.NTI'J MAI.K WANTED Salesmen for your city and ndjacent territory by tlia larKcst iniiniifacturer on the Pacific Coast Advertising Culendars. A nioitt com idcto lino of over ono hundred sub jects. Wo want a man capable of cnllinir on the largest and best trade. Lucrative coniensatton paid week ly. State bko, business references nnd sales experience. V. S. Walsh, bfiy Mission St., Sun Frauclsco. KHtablished 1300. 2 SI W A XT U) HKIJ' V KM A I,K WANTED Cilrl for general houtsework nna to assist In care of children. Phone S9I-U. Mrs. R. II. McCurdy. W.XTi:i) XHSCKMASEOCS WANTED To trado 20 acres improved ranch near Medford for dairy ranch In or near Rouo River Vulley, J. F. M . Mail Tribune. 2S4 WANTED Ford touring body and top, or top only. Phone 5M-L. 2Sl WANTED Two secondhand three thousand gallon oil storui;o tanks nnd one wagon oil tank. Court Hall. WAXTKD Small house and lot which 1 enn buy like rent. Box 23, Tribune. WANTED To rent two lots to one ncro for ono year, preferably on N. Central, half way trom town tJ rily limits. State terms nnd locution. Box 642, care Mall Trtbuno. 2S3 WANTED 475 lawn mowers to shar pen or repair. Liberty Repulr Shop. Y 294 WANTED Good business, merchan dise, town or country property in exchange for clear ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-U or 134-Y. tf WANTED House mornii and re pairing. Phone 4S8-M or 488-X. tf WANTED A small cash register. What have you to offer. Address Register. Mail Tribune. tf FOR IUCXT HOUSKKEEK1XCI -ItOOMS FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Git S. Central- FOR RENT Housekeeping and Bleep, ing rooms. 15 N. Grape. 281 FOR RUNT Two furnished house . hooping rooms. Upstulrs, 345 X. Hurtlctt. ' tf ATTRACTIVE EAST SIDE HOME Full two story ami basement ; Inigo living room nnd dining room; kitchen with huiltlns; large hall; three largo bedroom.; sleeping, porch; largo hath room.two toilets, a dandy fireplaces hardwood floors in Hvlnjt room, ilinlnjr room And hull; wired tor electric cook ing nnd heat; piped for gas; bouse lias been newly pnlntcd und All walls Imve been tinted; good RarnKe; on paved street; lot 00 by 120. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. 113 West Mala Street Ileal folate Insnrwnee , Notary PaMlo MttDFOW). OinXlOK, FfUDAV, VVVAWMlX 17, 1022 ) FOIt UK.VT IIOCKUH ltlt RKNT Kour room modern bounp I'hoiio 647-W. 282 IXJR RKNT Five rom furaiiihed lioime, garage, cIoks In, $26.50. I'hone. S20-J. Mi FOR II EXT Six room liouo, $25 i-r month. FUono fcti2-Y bufore 2 p. m. 2M FOR RENT ! Ionics. Rrown & White. tf I'OR Ri:NT I-TR.NIMIK.I ItOOMS FOR RENT I furnished rooms. Fine. C41 282 FOR Rf,NT -Sleeping bath, I'hone 901 J. with 2S1 FIRST ClS3 HOARD and room $:!5 per month. 1025 Curt St. 283 FOR RKNT IUxin and board In pri vate family. 204 X. Iry. 282 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath any time, garage in connection: dead and live storage. 121 King St W F)H It t:T-APARTMENTS IXJR R'ENT Furnihhed apartment for two. no children, newly tinted and painted, uteain heal, hot and cold water, ready for Immediate occu pancy. AddrcHS A A, care Mall Tribune. If MONEY TO LOAN DONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD Money loaned and good ranches for sale by J. H. Andrews, Investment Proker. 31 X. Qrafie St. Phone 53-M. WE HAVE MONEY to loan on Im proved dwelling and mercantile pro lrty in Medford only. McCurdy Insurance Agency. tf FARM MORTGAGES Medford Farm Loon Association. F. P. Farrell, Seoy .-Treas., 220 W. Main 8L 1OST LOST Wheel flungo ot casting be tween Alnvlsta Orchard and Sled ford. Finder please leave at Gates Auto Co. 20 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION -WANTED regarding business pmierty in Ashland or Medford. or ranch proiorty. thut is for sale or trade. Address Box 45, It. D. 1, Kminett, Idaho. 2S1 CHIMNEY SWEEP John F. Buckley, SIedfotd'8 own. Phone 6fio-Y. 270 I SEWING SIAC1I1NES repaired. 10 s. Fir. Phono 215-R. FOR FAtTIANGE FOR EXCHANGE For Rogue River valley properties, ranches, resi dences, business properties, hotels, flats and apartments in nearly all towns and ttates west of the Slls sisslppi river. If interested write lligglns & Verdin. Ill S. Sixth St.. Grants Pass. Ore. Phone 69. 303 FOR KALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1916 Ford delivery, $160. 234 E. Ninth St., Medford. 2S1 FOR SALE Ford bug. 1920 model, starter nnd lights. 411 King St. 2S1 FOR 8ALK ' condition. Inc. -1920 Dodge roadster, fino See Patton and Robinson FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT Home in Jack sonville, 1U acres. Phone 362 or see W. H. Venable, Jacksonville. 282 FOR SALE Houses and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. Butter field. Sledford National Bank BIdg. Phono S89. FOR SALl-nKAIi FSTATK FOR SALE Central Point Hotel. 40 rooms; would cost $30,000 to build. Price today $5,900. Might trade. Price will bo reduced $100 every day until sold. Gold Ray Realty Com liany. Phono 728-R or 134-Y. 281 FOR SALE Leasa ot exchange real I estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. CVCTMIN O.K. IF I Kits JOT 4tT "THli UOCR aMOT- ! T'L Featurc Scnvice," Inc. i on kai.f-i:i:al jstatk iXR 8A L1C 1150 canh will give you KjRsntnion of 4 room house with bath complete. I'.nlanfe liko rent. Will take Medford home as first IKiyment on &0 acre Rear Creek bottom land. A real bargain. C. S. BUTTKttFIEMJ, rtoom 3, .Medford Xat'l Bank Bids?. 281 FOR SALE 80 acres under the new Irrigation projwt," In Lone Pine flat. Stood deep soil, no rock, nice and les-el. For particulars write Kox 115. Terrebonn';. Ore. 281 FOR SALE Alfalfa, grain and itoc ranches from $5.00 per acre up: lotifr time, easy payment. Gold Ray Realty Co. tf FOR SALE Pest value for the money; see display Ad on this page. Bennett Investment Co. - tt' FOR SALE Attention. ex-Soldiers: Ranches sold under Soldiers' Bonus Plan or can be iaid for with share of crop, like rent. Gold Ray Realty Company. tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALESix beautiful fresh tniich! Am ll'itlcli'a 1 reO VL-- r.t ' x7. .7- .-I.... V FOR SALE Fresh cow. Price Phone l-F-2, M. I. Mincar. $5. 23 FOR SALE Two Rood milk cows and a new separator. Phone 31-F-3. Jacksonville. 2Sii FOR SALE Two thoroughbred pups. one Airedale, one Colde, exception ally good. Phono 591-R-l. 2S2! LIVESTOCK IXSlltAXCE. WE KEPRESEXT the only livestock 1 insurance company doing business j in uregon. wevuray insurance Asency. tr iHin sif t,' enriTnv ivn vtiem FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching! eggs from O. A. C. best laying strain. I 201-J. 305' IXJR SALE Black .Minorca rooster and pullets. Phone 132-L. 285 FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from thoroughbred White Plymouth Rock, Fisue! and Halbach strain, $1.50 tr setting. $S.OO per 100. Also a few settings of my selected O. A. C. hens with Tompgon Ringlet mating. $2.50 per setting. Mrs. C. S. Lammey, Cen tral Point, Oregon, R. 2. 304 FOR SALE Puro bred Barred Rock eggs one dollar setting of fifteen, delivered. Jas. Campbell. Phone 17-F21. 2S3 FOR SALE Hatching eggs from high producing White Oregons. SI. U. Slerriman. Gold Hill, Oregon. 2S2 FOR SALE White l'ghorn hatching eggs. O. A. C. and Tancred strain. $1 setting. Sirs. J. W. Jacobs, phone ... Central Point. 2S3 FOR SU.E Setting eggs, Hollywood and Tancred strain White Leghorns, utility White Wyandottes and Barred nocks. t setting, special price by the hundred. J. Cornutf, on Bursell Ranch. Phone 231 Central Point. 281 FOR SALE Commercial hatching. Now booking orders for commercial hutching. No order too small or too large for us to handle. Charges based on percentage of hatch deliv. ered. Standard Incubator Slfg. Co. Tel. m-R. FOR SALE SUSCV.LLANEOUS FOR SALE Victor phonograph. 10 1 W. Sixth St. Phone 72S-R or 134-Y. tf FOR SALE Saw for cutting agate, suiull water motor, motorcycle en gine. F. E. Jenkins Machine Shop, o X. Front St. 283 FOR SALE All or any purt of 2200 smudge pots 6o- each J. G. Ixve, Snowy Butte Orchard, Central Point. 281 FOR SALE Packard piano. 517 S. Grape St. Inquire 2S4 FOR SALE One Slack truck equipped with dump body for gravel or log ging. Ono Federal truck equipped for logging. Slust move quickly. Guy Conner. Phone 64. FOR SALE A Xo. 1 Yellow Globe Danver. Crimson Globe and Prize taker onion seeds. Cuthbert rasp berry, and Perfection currant plants. Light buggy, Li J. Doinmer, 609 W. Jackson St. Phone SIC J. 2S3 Aud'tin.3 ' Accourvrtt4 OfSTETIAERVICElO; 1 lr.3urajcc. fi7 Irwestirw.tfa rf M. T. fid niTTT, Mgr. Phone r.H I l iberty Ttl1&! ; Tf 1922 "by- By Georg'e ) HELLO HCA. TALK FOR HA LK l ISCKLLA X KOU8 VUll 8ALE Six burner Reliable itas T'.i fl f IhN.A .iVl.ntt riA om a.A 282 FOR SALE Wrect Imported Jap crepe, ail colors, 25c and 35c per yd. Jap Art Store. 2S4 FOR SALE Wicker baby sulkey, al most new. Phone 452-U 284 FOR SALE Duplet Spray rig. two and half horse power, truck, refiller. 200 gallon tank. Good mechanical condition. $250, less than half price of new rig. Time if desired. Phone evenings. Grants Pass, COO-F-2 or address Itax 24, Merlin, Ore. 28 FOR SALE Corona typewriter with case and small accefisories. Fine condition, price $35. M. E. Wright Central Point. 2S1 FOR SAJ.B Fordaon tractor, with ex tension rims. Have two Fordsons. only need one. Sell newest one with rims. $550. Part time. If desired. Phcne evenings. Grants Pass. Xo. 600F-2, or address Rox 24, Slerlin. Ore. 283 FOR SALE Apples, 60c a b, Con- ner a w arehonse. ' SALE Fresh 1 .una green bone try Farm. Phone 201-W. 2S1 FOR SALE Cheap, dandy horse, har ness, busgy and hack. Walsh's place. 1 mile NE of Sledford on Crater Ijike road. 296 Fot SALE Canary birds at DeVoe'a. rOR SALE Used sewing machines from $5.00 tip. Yuur terms are ours. 10 S. Fir. Phone 215-R. 2S2 FOR S VLE $3.00 down $3.00 per mo no interest, buys a 1922 Singer. Why worry with that old one? Singer Sewing Slarchine Co., 10 S. Fir, Phone 215-R. 292 ,tun sAi.t nest or nay on nignway near Phoenix. Phone C Carey, 16-F-ll. FOR SALE Sand, gravel, sediment and dirL Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 912 J, Samuel Bate nin, 302 Maple St. FOR SALE A 13 norsepower steam boiler, good as new. for less than half price. Phone 203. Salder Dairy & Produce Co.. Sledford. tf BUSINESS DIRKCTORY Abstractors MURRAY BROS. & VAX VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, Xo. 22 North Central Ave., up stairs. , Jackson County ABSTRACT CO., Tlie only complete Ti 5lo System in Jucksou County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. Attorneys O. C. BOtlGS Lawyer. Specializes in Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. PORTER J. XEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REASIES Lawyer, office in Liberty Building. C. SI. THOMAS Lawyer, Rooms 1-2-3. Jackson Co. Bank BIdg., Med ford. Oregon. Phone 43-J. Auctioneer GEO. L.. NEALE Auctioneer, has been crying successful sales in Jack sou county for 14 years. Central Point. Oregon. Phono 87. 292 Architect FRANK C. CLARK- -219 W. Main St Phone S41-J. Carpenters, Builders and Contractors CARPENTERS. BUILDERS & CON TRACTORS Let us figure your job; reasonable and reliable. Built In features a specialty. Bashore & Jones. 201S. Riverside. Phone 4 57-.I. vt? rERL'Fl'XERAlj HOS1E Cor. 6th and Oakdale -1 Block West ot Pivitofrico. Ajubuluuco Servico Phone 47 ; j f ' Jl ' Jini . . 7 PACK NTT, McManus I OtNTf. KIM "0O HE - WE OT TO . LOW ILL MEET w at O0AN'- AT EX5HT OCLOCK- HCSIXF.SH DIRFXTT ORV Rulhling Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products. Cor. i IT and Tenth Streets. Chiropractic Fhjrtdclan DRS. BRAY & HOFFMAN Straight Chiropractic, rooms 40S-9-10 Med ford Rids. 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. daily except Thursday. Phone &tso. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 42 ?- 2S Sledford Bldg. Phone 965. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Xeo-Krlectll Physician. DR. LOUISB E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro- practlr. Mechano-Thcrapy, Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chiro practic. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Slain St. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. Chiropractor DR. A. BURKLL'ND Chiropractor. Special attention to GaEtro-lntes-tinal Diseases Chronic Indiges tion, and constipation. These con ditions respond readily to the art. science and philospohy of chiro practic. No drugs no surgery, to osteopath. Suit 3, 4 and 5 Sparta BIdg., office phone 285. IVnUnt DR. VICTOR R. KAUFMAN Dent ist. Teeth cleaned, ethically and thoroughly without charge. Special attention to children's teeth and pyorrhea treatment. Emergency calls answered at all times. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., evening 7 to 8. Phone Office 2S5; re. 331-R. Sparta BIdg. cor. River side and Slain, Medford. Kipert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son. O. P: A. Attention given to anything in Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look Inta our simplified accounting method. Liberty BIdg., Medford. Phonl 157-R. Osteopath. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINE CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 416-418 Liberty BIdg. Phone 901-J-2. Residence 26 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 303 Liberty building. Phone 496. Physicians aad Surgeons T. G. HEINE. SI. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty, Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat. Glasses scientifically fitted and properly adjusted. Office 314-315 Liberty BIdg., cor. Grape and Main Sts. DR. J. J. E.MSIONS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses, sup plied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R. Co., Sledford BIdg. Phone 567. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford BIdg. Phone 163. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 163-J-2. DR. H. SI. SHAW Physician and Surgeon. Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. Office hours 10 a. m. to 12:30 a. m. and 1:30 to 5 p. m. Room 402 Sledford Building. Phone 744-R. tf DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Sledford Bids. Entrance 35 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. Piano Instructions FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of piano and harmony. Classical and popular courses. Studio 818 Liberty Bldg., Sledford, Ore. Phone 72. Printers and Publishers . MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped pilaliiig ofi'ice is Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf lodgers, hilling systems, etc. Portland prices, 2 7 N. Fir St. ltog Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets und rugs. Phone B10-SI. 706 Pino St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. ServicO guar anteed. 1 DAVIS TRANSFER AND STOHACK CO. Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed. 29 & Grapn. Phone: or;i. e nil, or res. 0 47-lt or 800, 31-33 N.lcU St. noW fffgOOOOOOQOOOOOWQOOOff l i h i . . j. 1 k ,i 1, n 1 1 $ 'i .1 i i v ;