Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 16, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    Medford Mail Imbune
The Weather
Maximum yeatarday ... ,
Minimum today
t Mtllv Bludrtilll Year.
WiM.Uly ! ifiy-Mrm l'rur.
M KDFOI'I), ()!WJ()N Till KsDAY, FKISilirAltV 1!, lfrj-J
NO. 280
President Writes Letter Hold
ing It Feasible Plan, Though
Once Discarded By House
Accept Or Delay Legislation,
Edict Asks Public for
Support. '
W KHINUTOV, Feb. li! Senator
'nior nf Now Y 'r., a r-t'iilillmu
in in 1 1' r uf llw mniili fliiiiiH-i' rum j
inltli'li iHKIII'll 11 Hlilll'tlM'Ilt I I Mllni'tlll j
Inn President lint iIUik' ma tul iiml ill-
luring nil iriii''ol fi r a imili!
Initui should Im uhntidoiind
In th iin'iit state of t hi- nn-1
tlon'ii flnancea." said Senator ' tlf. j
' It woiil.l tin ii MiUtiiki' to pay it rush i
bonus " i
ilt jit Harding Infc riiH'il r UKri'HN h
lay Iik roimlili'ii'il ii general tux
thn only fi'imlhln method uf inNIng
fund fur a soldiers' bonus.
TIii president's lt tT was regarded
goimrul y nt tin1 capital at leaving the
botum all Hal loll vnil More rouiill
rated than ever before. Senate it 11 I
huUKn mih-rolllllllllcon lr to meet
Into til tln ilnv tu receive and roiinlilcr
111" Whit" llllllKK ti in in ii n l ut to n .
TIih executive In u letter addressed
tu Chairman l-'i rillly nf the homo
wars nml tiiKuim roiuinllteo. iiml
Chairman MfCuttlber of the w-uuli'
flliHlirliit commute" suggested Hint
little coll g unit miw fit tu film I'll
Rule la, pannage if bonus logmal
llnil should U tempt rarlly pout pun
nt. 1
"I Iwlleve." til" pioiuilotil mriilr,
"the American I Ouplu will rit tin
levy (f u gem'tal sales lax to meet
tho proposed hull ii a payiimiti Hint
should rt iitrlbute no added il.'fulii
to tln iiroaruM of rratljUHtiiK'tit If
ronri'N will nit ailcpt autii n plan,
II wimlil hi' Winn in h t tin- li'KtitlntiiMi
go over until I lure Ii a turn wlilrli
will JUHiIfy tin' lam" outlay.
IH'ilnrlnn tlml thi ftitt hu-1 nn-
d'-r rnllMhliTllllnll thO llihpi nit loll li:'
anrpliia wnr proTtl' mxt othi't
traiimirlloiiK which ahoti'.il lilni!
"rn-at ri'lli't" to tho-trranurt . tin1
proittiti'tit huIiI It woulil In- wIm' to h i
tli li'Klnlnttnil ko over If ci-iirHaa illil
not ili'i'in It wlvlaul'l to ml.ip-, t!n
aulra tnx.
W'lii'il tho alnti-a tax waa i.lm ui il
In tin' mih ruiiuiiiti.'f hmt Mit k. It
wait iniiloralooil l hut ai'tiutma won'
Infornii'il thai Iohh than li) n-puhll-ran
voIkh In the hntian rmilil Im niua-ti-r'i
fur n anlca tux a a a if
flnaiii'liiK tin' mljtiatot) rniupi'tiaiitloii.
Smh n tX Iiml hi-i-n diiialilrifil hy
hound li'nilcra ua a puiMllilllty hut vir
tually llllit tll'i'll lIlNtHI'fll'll.
The ti-xt of tin- preslilrnt H ott"r
whlrh miih inhlri'fui'il to Clmiriniiii
Konlnpy jf tlu liuiir waya ami nn'iuiH
r mi in 1 1 1-. fnllowH:
"In Hicorilanrn with I ho iioiiiIhi
iiunlii to youiHi'ir nml your naanrluioH
nn l lif Hcnnto nml hntiHO coininittnoK,
chnrKo with rcapotiHllilllty of foriuuliit
ItiK propoHoil huniia lonlnliillnn, I luivo
rincfiilly liMikcil Into tllf pioniuin or
tiixiitlnii, whlrli him hi'cn kiikki'hIoiI.
In mlillllon thori'tti I linvo uiiiilo fur
Hut liupilry Into the fcanlhlllly of In
' biiIiih clllii'i' uliiirt tlniK ti'i'iiHiiry nnti'H
or lonit Hum ImiihIh to tlioct tho fluim
t in I olillKiitlona which tin- proixiHoil
Ii'kIhIiiIIiiii will liiipoao. Il Ih not pos
allilo to couiiiii'iiil to you cither of tin1
pinna aiiKKCMtoil.
"It routlniioH to lie my lont Jmltf
mi nt tlml nny rmnM'DHiitlon Ii'kIhIu
lion onnrtoil at llila tlmo ought to
nirry with It tho provlHlona for nilln
lh uopiloil ifvoiiiu'H nnd I find iiiyai'lf
tiniililo to aunm'Kt iihy ciinnuondiililn
lan ollior tliiin that of o Ki'innil hoUi
tContinnod on TnKa nix.)
I'lIlliADHLl'UIA, Knl.' 18. Knke
tolcKvnniH and lellcta aont to rrcHldont
HiirilinK from I'ennHylviuila today
eitiiMotl W. I lurry HitUot', aoci t'litry of
tho repnhllcnn alnte runtnilttoo to i'ok
a rodnrul InvoatlKiillon.
, Mr. Uulior rovciiled today Unit fraud
nlont toliiKrnina had boon aent to I ho
pit'Hldont purporting to ondorao the
Oiiiulldncy nf .1. C, Overtoil, liuKio lioiid
waiter nt a WuhI I'lillndolphla, hotnl.
for niipolntiiiont iih roRlHlor of. the
Vnitcd BlalcH treumtry, The ivlouriuim
Noted Scientist Ate
No Meat 60 Years;
Faits to Live Century
LOS ANUKI.KH. Feb. lfi.--'i:ii
wish of Dr. John Martin l'f IjUk,
I 1 1 r I ' 1 1 1 1 1 , Hi'lcllllnl mill author,
Hint hi live iiiilll -M n I'll T-, In
order to round oiil nn hundred
yoillR of life fulled griillflciltWn,
ll( iltml lit IiIm liiniii' Ihmc yvster
In y .
I if. Peebles wlin wn In tli''
iHliloiiiiil li; M'lVliK In Turkey, It
Iihik time, wiuiM a lingo number
of hunks, mining which was ntiit
entitled "how in live ii century
iiml grow ulil guil efully "
Tin- hint hlxtv M'iil'M uf 111 M life
lie Iiml I'lili'll li i meat.
III! IH III'VVIm (,y slitter. .Mix.
(', ". Ileach of lliillli' Creek
Ghosts Slap Detective and Re
porter, Raps and Cuts Up j
Also Firebug Reward for,
Capture Investigators Are j
Scared By Uncanny Events.'
IIALITAX. IVh. K. Tli.' flint pr
boii who ran plow thut inipii li.itorni
i iium-i. tun not ri'HpiiiiHlhlc for inn iiiiin
Itltppl'llillKK lit Ml'XllllillM' Mi l Klllilhl ,
Inrin in t'liliihmhi .MIIU will roi-lvri
ti"" If nn offi-r iiiiuh' hy I xM-tlvo '
1'iiiroll of the provincial pulri unit
llilt Whl'lilt-n. a Halifax fwior.
llol'ln k'Nt,l.
A Ii it Kpi'iiilmi; two ilny Tin't tUioc
niKlitH In Hit- h iimn with lilililcn, I'
tiTtlm Carroll tfixnti'il to hia atifr
Ion IiIh hi-llof that iii IiIht flri'H nor
otlmr niruiiKo Imppi'tilliKit thfio Wcr"
I In- wini. nf Ii ii inn ll IwiihIh
Wiillo hiinllnn lur tln apiKik nllii;'l
liy Mi I :.i.ilil (i In hiiuntiuK ti Ih fiinn
hlilili-ii nnd t'linoll wimo ulappod
itivcti'iioiiKiy, thry any.
i Uiiililcii rcporli'it that ho nnd tin'
' ihi'ti'it lv Vfiv lytnn on ii hi'il on one
Hii1 of tho IIvIiik mum and Mclamald
Ion a ot on tin- opiohlt kIiIi- wlion
atiddcnly Khoxtly riippliiKa wi-ro hen id.
Then Dm m rlhi' felt a hIii on hla
tutu titiil axkeil thi ihtiTtlve what ho
wna ilolni: Tho dftm'tlvo ili'iiiiroil hi'
hiul tint inovi'il. I'rracntly t'ltnull felt
a alap anil tolil tho Nciil tu keep x ( III.
VVhlililen ihiinri'il i Iiml nut uiovtxl.
The tn storlotiH alapa ori reM'iitfil
ami iletfi'tlvo mill aerthe nuwn and
Htliri'il up Miihiunld who dmiatt'd he
hiul heen iixlffp. Tho hikmA liunterK
Kpftit the rent of tho nUht lnnhlle.1 In
front of a romtiiK flro.
Mctiouiilil left hla liDiue In inlil
winli'i' hern ii so ho aald uimeeu hnnda
plnyeil liuviie with hla niitle and
Htarti'il flifa In IllH hoine. Kilenilx
who apenl a nlKht with Illm mrnihornt
fil hla Htorv.
W ANIIINOTON. Keh. Ifi. Vhe hi II
a I e tnil.iy took up the hill hy Senator
Konyon, I'epllhllenn, Iowa, deHlKiieil
to lellrve llllelllplnyillelll hy preHMillK
politic workM duiiiiK Hlack tlmeM anil
retnnlluK jl ilmiiiK pelloilM of prim
polity, iih lei'oiiiniendeit hy the unein
ployuieut I'oiiferi'tieo,
Senator Kleteher, denioeiat, Flur
Ida, nnd .otlieiH aald they tlnmuhl 1 ho
hill Would router too jji-ont povein on
the pi'OHlilont.
bore tho namcH of Mra. OoorRo Whiir
ton roppcr, wKo of Honntur I'cpiici'.
MfH. John Wnnuninkor III., Mth. linUor
nnd othora, Ilukor said nono oJ thoao
pofHona knew anything about tho tido
KrnniH. Mi-H. Wanauiiikcr rocolvod n letter
from (IcofRo H, t'hiiHtliin, aocretnry to
l'roaldent HanllnK, ticUnowiodnlnn the
Similar toloKrnniH wore nont. to tlio
pri'Hldont nnd Hcnator l'oppor nakluM
that, nppolntmont.' of ti. aiuto iirohthl
tlim director bo deferred, u '
iW rawnnra
Provides for President Harding
to Present Senate With Pa
cific Treaties and All Infor
mation First Open Discus
sion of Four Power Pact
To Press Action.
'liitpm itxHiiti; ProHhl.'iit ll.inlliu; for
full liifm million i ikhi iIiiik tlii ni K-
tiUllHIlN of Ihn fl'tll'-MlW'l'l' pi-io
Iniily w.m luIoi!iil hy Ih" i'linl t,o'
il.iv ufu r a ih lint.' In whh Ii the nriiiN
ioiif'1-i nn- poll. l.-K wit'1 . illm UMiM il
Kiioinlly for tho firm tlinn on th-Mi-unit'
U ASIIIN'lTii.S'. IVh. 16 Tim four
power 1'in Ifie treaty which wna in
Kotiiili it nt the VV.ihliliiKton iiiiifi r
i in c, uk.'iIii anxiiiiieil toil.iy .1 prntiil-o.-iit
pliici. In Mettato affali'H hotli on
llii'l cliuto tloi.r atl'l hcfoie the for-
IKO lehlthltlH I OM1IOIU. ',
I'endlUK hefi'tii the wniilo waa the
r'ttoluiioit of Settutor Hitchcock, N"
hniiKa, to .'mk l'retient HuriliiiK to
tratiNinit to- tin. KouutM uddltloiial In
tiiriniiilon and d'tcuiinnta relating to
I In treaty 'a nenotiutlnii. !! foro tho
iennie convened todny tin- forelan re
lation coiniolt tee wan cnlh-d to re
xiinie eoiiHldcrnt Ion of the treaty,
hh h hcKan I. il Hatunlay.
The return from Mawui-huHrtta to
day of Senator IhIkc, cominltteo
i hull iiuiii and one nf the American
diiccaieH to the nriitH confi-rence. waa
rxpieii-d to n-Hult In ih-fiiulte action
on the llilrheock reaolut Ion. Tim re
piihliiau hiul. in nlfii were ihuinlnc
lo prvHK conilnlltee action on the four
poMi r and other conference treatlen.
VS AtillXUTuN. . K-l. . 1. -- Tim
I 'nlteil 8ratos,"l'tr't laitatn. Jupun
.nut I'lance, iih partita to thf foul
pow. r i'lielflo 'lr-ty. have foruiully
n.iilflid I'oittiffat and The Nethet-
hindii that they are firmly rolved
lo renpect tliu rlchta llf theue two na
ilona III the I'mifle In the minic way
that the rlKlda 'f the four primioal
powera ure to tie renpecteil under tho
A ropy of tho note which wan Knt
to The NetheiinndM and J"oi tiiitueHo
UoverniiieiitH on February 4. waa put
into the Donate record Into today by
Senator trf-do. republlc-in. Miiaaaehu
nctt. who waa n nietnber of tin
Anierhau deb aation to tho nruiH con
ference. T
I'OltTI.ANII, Ore, Kel). 16. Kiah
lni; for trout over ten Inches lone i!
uuthorUed In riackaniaa during tho
months of December antl Jaminry
each year 111 au order issued hy the
Htato name commlHslon yeserday.
Tho rnmmlsaion at tho samo tlmo
made a rule that tiahttiK by any
melius whatsoever should ho prohlb
Uod In Klamath county between Jan
uary .'11 and May l." of each year.
State (lame Warden A. K. UurKh
duff mudo tho auKBcatlon that tho
atnto employ paid htinter to cxter
mlntn predatory animals, and that
tho present system of bounties ho
done nwny with. This would cllm
Into animal sUtn bootleniters who
sent pelts ot nnlmals killed In Ne
vada and other nelRhhoriiiK suites
and rolloctod unearned bounty, he
"! y,'-: : ); i - ,
WKNATCHEE." Wash.; Keb. 16.
SoliHiltloniil1 disclosures regarding tho
narcotic traffic' in' Wenatohoo were
mudo this morning ut a healing ho
foro Vnitod States Commissioner
Ltidington. Morris II. Hyatt, son of
!.... I' 11 11.... it t 1 ....
"U"1U l" ""Miiwiig nut.
Owl drug store together with Uert.
Williams, proprietpr ot u locul hotel,
and taking u lurgo quantity of drugs.
Commisslonor l.mllngten decided
that there was enough evidence
Hgnlnat Mr, and Mrs. Wtlliums, to
hold thorn both for trial In United
States district court. Hall was fixed
. . .... . .
nt'l-oiOO for each . They entered
Chicago's Girl Bootlegger Is Taken
MihH Lillian
lint iltHin-naod
lieafdsley of Chicatjo.w ho conducted a novelty candy shop,
iiilxd" drink aa a"Kld' lino." The shop attracted much
intention bocnuw! of Its lavihh dwoia-tlotia and the navel coHtunipa adopted
hy ita owner. Kedotal Insin-ctora on-tiTf-d the ahop to purchase "candy
dropa." nnd caaually inquired for "(!fl drink." I-iut-iiini? Lillian sup
plied both and waa then Hiipplied witha suniiiions.
Census Shows Cupid Busy
between id ana cu Tears
SmCe 1910 14,834 GirlS
of 15 Have Husbands
Most Susceptible at 19.
WASHINGTON. Feb. lfi. Sixteen
hundred boys and H.831 girls 13 years
of atso in the I'nlted States were listed
as married in lf.o, the census bureau
announced today in a statement pre
senting a special analysis of marital
statistics. Kinhty two boys and IN
Klrls of the same age were recorded
as widowed or divorced.
The analysis revealed a distinct in
crease since the I'Mrt census in the
percentage of married persons for each
year of age from l!'d esixvially among
tho younger members of, this croup..
In 19JU tho figures show boys
of Id years were married, while those
17 years of age married numbered
The number of married' ISveais
. , , .-
of age increased in WH.
to H.lHt; the minihor martioU at 1
years of ago Increased from Xl.i'tl to
RS.HOS; the number 20 yeais of age
Increased from TT.tTiS to 105,3;i!t, nnd
. . ! m . .
the number L'l years of age Increased
from Uii'.L'its to ii::.i;ti3. . ,,
Tho number of married "girls at lti
years of age increased from 3I.S2K In
1lt) to H.fiL't; Iii litl'O; the nmnlier
married at 17 vears of age increased
from Tti.tisa to 90.930; tho number is
years of nge increased fmni It? 6, ISO to
lSl?,t?45 and tho number 19 years of ago
increased from 21N.976 to 2tl,fii7.. v
Tho statistic showed the nuinher ot
single persons more than fifty years of
ago wna l.-liO.fiH, including S04,to
men and 63B.10S women. " '
UIH'AliU, Feh. !. Today wa
Ket-awn-day for the advance guard
f tho Chicago Nationals who 'left
this morning for the training camp at
Ontiiltna islmitl on tho - I'atitio const
The party Is scheduled to arrive therm
'"'"t Sunday. six players l.oanivd
1,18 trull ohargo ot-Manager KiKl
V'U'X' "d seven others will , j,.ii tho,
l.'IVf L ".TfJ ' 1 1
""I'll lll II' 'I'll ii..iiiu join lie.v a
,,. . ,h .,.,.,.i u,,,i ...,i . i.......
I'OKTL.AND, On?.. Keb. 16. The
:talt tlAnk nf PnrtL'imi rrwlnv w In
Uii; hands of O. B. Robertson, state
liank examiner, following conclusion
lust niBiu not t oien today.
.. i it cn ...... l,.4 i..,,
dent of tho bank. Febmary 1. announc-
fil the decision to close-was duo to
malicious rumors."
. He. declared he anticipated no loss
to depositors hut had taken action to
prevent a run on the hank which might
result (n loss lo lute comers as well as
to the stockholders. ' -
"Our affairs are in good shape,"
Olson said. .
"Our dfosits are $.'.70rt,ort0 and our
loans Our reserves are in
Bood shape. . Wo expect to ro-open
uKaiii in a short titno.
VI KN'NA, Feb. 1 i.-lUy the Also
tinted lTossi An attempt was
,,, pn ,,, lifo of A(Imirn, Mrholns
1i1thy, the Hungarian regent. Inst
week, ncoording to reports published
in Vienna today. A volley of shots
was fired through the windows of a
....t.i.l.. 1'......... .K.,..A ...
I 111.111' lll.'l.- I'l J tllll ..-rtV . 11 1IVID V
wa attending a hunt dinner.
Tho attackers were pursued
several of them were wounded.
W'.VSlllNCTON, FVb. IS. The welg
nation of William S. Konyon aa I'nlted
Slates senator .from Iowa, to tike ef-
Ijfoct' jryjiruar!-, today was enV9utO,to
tiovnior Ncfitiuiijot lowii. 1
, .' Senator Kenyoiu who is resigning to
take the t'odcral court judgeship to
which ho recently was apHinted by
President Harding, mailed his resigna
tion to the Iowa governor late yester
day it was learned today..
' irrigation llontls Approved.
SALICM, Ore., Feb. 16. A
bond' Isauu. of $260,000 of the.
Medford Irrigation district, com-
, . prising- approximately 10,000
tt0re8, hus been approved by tho
state Irrigation and drainage ao-
ctirltle. commission.- : : .
i ' .
. t- '-'n i
Claim Dougherty Jab
At Retail Merchants
"Mail Order" Stuff
CHlCAfJO. Teli. 1-!. II. K. Hart
of Iintc li ilrb , Minn.. apeaHni?
4 lx-foro the Inter . Statu Merchanta
council here today said that there
aeerned to he only ono clnH of
merehandlH" diatrlhutor that hast
had a "K'Kii KtandinK with Pithor
tho democrntic or repnliliean ad
mlnlatratlon and those aro tho
mall order house."
If tho accusation of tho nttor
nes Keneral against the retail
inetrliantg were not inspired by
the' mail order interests," he
aHket,-"by whom were they In-
"If !oii are coin to bo success-
ful in'l'J2i you must meet this
vicious (propaganda, you must an-
awer t!' question In your adver-
tialnfr tr your own oonininnity.
You statv! convicted without a
trial by one of our national offlc-
"Who Is; this man Daugherty?
WhfTO Hlttyho romo from lie
must havo Wen readinic a back
number of til' paper published In
his old honiV town during tho
war. He thitf.s the game prices
aro in effect."
10 'GAD DDI'
17 Solons Ask for Jteunt to
Look Over Swamp Henry
: Ford Wants Audit Com
mittee May Set Down On
' v.
WASHINGTON, Feb. The inn
ate agricultural committee toiiay
asked the seuate in a resolution, for
authority to visit the Muscle Shoalil
power and nitrate project In connec
tion with the committee's considera
tion of Henry Ford's offer to lease
the properties. The resolution,
which proposed that the whole com
mittee of 17 make the trio was re
ferred tothe auditing committee be -
cause of the expenditures that would
e entailed.
, The resolution was submitted to
the senate by Chairman Norirs, who
said it was not his intention to ask
Immediate action but that he delsred
th senate to know what the commit
tee) contemplated in the nature of au
investigation of the projects and of
thel,Ford offer to take them over. He
addd that memliers of the commit
te believed they should know per-
nno. e nw.i...i .,...
nronovtieti i officers. IMtrick and Michael Murney,
P ' . have boon arreste.1 at Xewry by l'l-
Merahers of the house military af- ter special constables. , .
fairs ftimmittee earlier in the day Tlio officers were proceeding from
expressed the. view that should tho Kilkeet. rounty Down, in the dire
senate committed decide to go to i'" of KUlowen when captured. They.
Alabama the house committee also ,wero taken to tho Newry military bur-
should make an investigation of ihoira, hs under heavy escort.
OAKLAND, Cal.. Feb.l. An ex-
press wagon load of silver, half dollars .with unlawful assemblage.
$2,000 Worth- of tein y- was
brought to the Oakland police station I BELFAST, Feb. 16. The authorl
by Oeorge Bruno, inanageAof an Ital- ties today commandeered lister hall,
ian bank, to provide bail money for tho commodious structure on Bed
Loreiuo tluissi, under arrest today on ford street ordinarily used for con
H charge of failing to rendyr assist- celts and assemblages, for the Use o
anco to a woman who had been run tho troops now engaged In combatting
down by his automobile. IVuno, in the disorders here. L'p to ten o'clock
explaining the half-dollars, Yiid all this morning thn casualties, had
other money in'the'bank WnsUocked reached a. total of 114, with ttho
In a tinio vault.
HOMER, X. Y Feb. lti. The Duviifii
Haruni hotel here, where the originulW P friendship with the hotel
.. . ,i flieeper and were shown around the
ot tho character In the famous novol I , 1 , ., ,
made many of his ."boss" trades, ha
been raided by lzzy Fnsteln and Mori an tine." He and Moo said they wero
Smith, federal prohibition aifeuts withhold not to go In because there was a
headquarters; in. New- York City whoWietit with Influenza inside, but hV
have gained much newspaper attention ; tev went' nevertheless, and airestud
by their disguises. ' ' ! itlW proprietor tor having lliiuoi'. : "
ill 10 GO
Winston Churchill Predicts
That Coup d'Etat Would
Mean Soviet Republic
Mike Collins Is Dissatisfied
With Results of Conference
in London.
LONDON', Feb. 16. (Hy tho A
aoclated Pregg.) Prediction that a
coup de'etat in Ireland which would
result In tho netting up of a aovlet
republic would ruin Ireland' cauao
for a century, waa made by Wlnaton
S. Churchill, secretary for tho colo
nies In moving In tho noune cf com
mons today the second reading of the
Irlah free state bill. Such an occur
renco was not at all likely, however.
In the opinion of tho Dritlah govern
ment, he said.
LONDON, Feb. 16 (Ily Associated
Press.) Michael Collins' return to
Dublin after only twelve hours in Lon
don and hia admission that he waa
dissatisfied with the results of his con
ference with government officials here
are taken to mean that the British
evacuatkm of South Ireland will be re
sumed forthwith and continued unin
terrupted. This will relieve the situation of one
of its most serious features. No offic
ial explanation of the assurances given
Mr. Collins, however, , has yet been
No troops have been moved from tho
south since Monday except 400 car
alryruen who embarked at Dublin for
Liverpool last night.
Notwithstanding declarations ' that
several kidnaped unionists were re
leased yesterday only three hare
reached their homes, according to lat
est dispatches from Belfast, where
there is no relief In tension, pending
arrival of the others.
The house of commons was again to
take up today the bill establishing the
Irish free state, Mr. Churchill moving.
Second reading.
1 Strength of conservative opposition
to the measure which Is stated to bo
growing owing to recent event In
lJre,and' fannot yet be satisfactorily
,l;ailPod and probably will depend upon
developments between now and tho
vote as well as upon the statements of
the government ministers.
Best informed opinion now is, how
ever, that the dissidents will not prove
powerful enough to prevent passage ot
the bill.
BELFAST. Feb. 16. (fly the As
sot inted Press) Seumas Monaghan
, l0"1manll'nt of the Irish repub
111 '11 n n rnil. unit wn n Vw. ...... k. i :
mu" ana two otner republican
i The Murneys are brothers of 1'.
Murney. chairman of the Kilkeet
iKiard of guardians. - - - .
It is stated th;it an automatic pis
tol was found in the possession . of
Monaghan. and seditious literature in
the pockets of ot the two Murneys.
Subsequently John McDowell and
Kichard Doran were arrested by other
special constables.
Five men, urrostetl ut. Hilltown
Friday after the funeral of u Sinn
Fein commandant, will bo tried at
KathfryUuid, one ot them charged
with carrying a rifle and tho others
deaths numbering 34. ; ,'
I'oaing as cigar salesmen they
llace and then, on the door of a rear
toom lazy says he spied a algtl "quar-
plon of m bAii)T ., jhf,0 wwk JuU.,., , ; . K t f t
I . . .