PA OK STX MF.nroiin mail tuihunk.'oint iuk;o. wkdnksd.vv. kkhumt.m'V 1 BASEBALL; MOVIE 11 ill Bathing Suit Parade Arouses Purity Feud St.: Petersburg, Fla. DEMPSEY WILLING S1ARS NOT SO POM 'SEW YORK, Fob. 'I'.. SuUt.o,llv j nntiWl heroe! of the ill:ininnil. Hie ; Bi-lcilron. nnd the silver Mieet do noi dtnnd bo hlph ns miKht le supposoU ; with the hlRh school and eulleue .itu- dontB. Thin was learned today when tho Institute for public FervU-e made public some results of a national cur rent history tcsl taken by more than 200,OO( pupils. ' Twenty thousand of the student nvernped, only -10 per cent on ten ; question) about baseball fimthull and ; lig movie. tf 500 seniors, more of ( them knew about IVValera. I.loyd i George or l'rland. and General Leon- aid Wood than about which team won tho world's series or what shin- lug H.cht of the screen is starred In a current 'popular picture. A ma jority tit 500 girl seniors knew more about Sinn Kners than about Mile. Ijpnglen and Huth Ijiwv , , One of th.niost interesting results ht'lnft ' qha'yzed are the answers of 6VXcv "Yot-k seniors. - Forty-three of them cmild ' not Identify Charles rs. Pawes, national budget director; 3S had na Idea as to Myron T. .Merrick's Identity; twenty were all at sea' as concerns the identity of Secretary of tlje Treasure Mellon; ten were unable to Identify a photograph ,of EUhu Ijjoot and 21 missed Henry Ford. After declaring It has cost between $J.000,000 and -i3.00O.O0O In money and time. to educate 1.000 high school seniors, the report laments that "630 of them did not know the meaning of "open shop;' C90 of them cou'.d not recognize n picture of Kliliii Hoot: )9 did ntt know anythiog about H. a. Wells." V''' N r "gsifc IV: K"- rih t ft A Vk.! ) ' ' . I ' 10 FIGHT WILLS OR ANYONE ELSE V ','v a-,----1 T ,1 cliU'Aiio, Wb. 15.. -.1... I. in-mp. m y, woiUI's cliiiinpliMi pi'Ue llnbrei', 1 'U til noun f. r New York In riBionie l,i wIvjiI lie Mil itl vas mi urgent men- ago ftom hl:i miimiKcr, Jack Kearnx. Hint lio v, in cbout to sign the i haul pi, 'ii for a mad h Im London or 1'urK l 'itiuial !y ullh i'corgen t'lirpeiitler. ". 'ciupKcy lea. hid lure flom the 'a i illi' ihi-i limiiilng and (old of Hie Kcarni incHwige luiwecn trains. liempscy talked ficly on many IHlbJci'lH Willi the flock of tieWspapcl men who met hlui at the train to tik 'UihIIoIis clmcel illng report Unit lie ! Wax I'ligagcil to Hebe l.nle. "Of course MIsh liinlcN and 1 are nut going to git married." be said. "She'll pick muneiino better than I." j Keplylng to a hiickiIoii, lie said lie CMM'cted to get mallicd "lite fliHt." "What (Irtii ?" was the query, "I'll si ! chain c." 1 t eiieil the champion. Iiempsey hiLI he was "Itching for U right." - rye -Ji'iHt bought a home mid I'll have to take n tot of socks on lhi chin Ml IH tmil (ill WIS .SH ASII,.M HI, AM MM l AI.I Hrj ' BUSINESS MEN'S CLEAHINO HOUSE .. .. L , , Wo-will sell our linsliicao banillo tmr ' leiisoKociii-w , foil u partner, cic. Nti tlmrgo forj MbIIiibs TrnnsncUnint I'miflilciiilal ,.' ! WE LOCATE BUYERS FOUR SITE SALES AGENCY Asiii.wn llctiM-r llliick riuiiio i OREGON m i nroitn Mcillonl llldg. riuiiio 01111 4-Mtvr TOWNS Mil 1IW lt (lltCI.IIN .b. H. ST rKTi;USl RO, FU.. F &t. Petersburg batriinsf suit factions have clashe-l over tho propriety of holilius a bathing suit parade as a tea- ture of giila. weok next ni.ntli. Threa fisures. womcu's ors.uiizations hnvo (ilo.l p'ru-' The I'lirlty Uu-Me ivcontly iiikh-I the tosU with Mayor I'ulvor dcc!aflii! ' mayor to app.lm a btUhlms suit Inspec such a ili.i;Iny of bathing nppeul will 'tor, -"to iri?tuct tmir:leil mem frim tlin ha indecent uctcss cxhiblte l on hit1 ile.t of iho sen tfii'ui'ire." No action hfis bcc:i takl-ii to pay for l," he sat. I. whether It Is VU or gives me thuiio socks.' "An lioly th- public lue." "1 don't cni-c Oeorges' thai wants milts WOMEN POLICE OF 01 LONDON GET SACK invite Aginauldo to 24th Convention Of Spanish Vets Ml iSTENT1 I t hliiiiut Tint iii l.eiucs Tbun. , I'llll'Alill. "i-.. I. This W gel-aWav-Wielt l"i I'bieugo's ttvo majoi i-utile baseball clubs. The Nationals' first iiiad Is due lo l-iivc for its training camp on the Pacific coast Thuisday while the American bngU" buttery men will depart for M.iitin Springs. Texas. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE I'l'i- i:tivi i i:h. i. tuTi MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGES llnlljr Kxcept Suiubiy , , I , Ml HI tilill It) A. M. I V. IttlNl llt'lM) 1.(1(1 I'. M. (ill w is r Hs.Mi:ni m sTAtiix I billy ninl Sunday l-nvn ('mnls I'iish HI.OII A. M. l.(o I'. M, 1 11 I. M. I.cnvti li'ilrinl IO.imi A, M, I.IHI . M. 4.;u r. m. i l'nrc: .Medforil-tJriiiits I'lins, (irnnU rs-lliwcliili g, $:.(M Mrilfonl-llniw'buru 91.11. ' ' V. of O. to Shoot This Week. EUGENE, Oro.. Feb. 15. The i""''.ei",tH t-t Ore g ob - rst-rve -oii i cere' training corps will enter three rifle teams in the 90th corps at a ga'-j lery competition which wlli be fired j from February 12 to 2 S. W PI AWAY in LCNnON". Feb. 13. lHv tho Aaso ciated Press. London women po- j lice are "not a necessity and are lo) , costly i maintain as a luxury." Sir' William Horwood, commissioner tf, the metropolitan police, has found' and as a result the women's patrol ' win oe flisDanded at the earl'est pos sible moment, according to the lal'v Mail. London ha3 ono hundred police wf men and maintenance t this ferfe costs .10.000 pounds sterlini annual ly. ..The government's special econ- j LOS ANtiEI.KS. Feb. ' U.-E'.iillio ARitiauldo. lea.U-r of the Philippine: , insurrecti m. will be invited to attend ithe 24th annual c)nvo;ur.-n of the j I'nited Spanish War Veterans t i lw held in Los Angeles next Auku-A. us a guest or honor, according to tib: u.xe?u live roniniittee in charse of iiir.anK"- nionts for the conveuti in. Others to bo invited include Secretary of War Weeks. Secivtary of the. Navy Ik-nby Secretary of the Interior Fail, who are members of the oranizatii n. I'nit'.'u" fa""- TACO.M.V. leii. act Is iucoiistst.-iit and ainbiKUOUs in 15. The VolHteld I'l its provisions Its worilinit. Ail said In a decl.sluii drew W. Cuslunaa rendered in the I'niied State3 district court here tailay folloviinK arKument oil a motion by O. It. Kini. who ask ed thut the government be forbidden to .use as vyideiice sixty uuuru of whiskey soiled In his home. .ludce t'ushniaii held thut the Vol- ricn.t I'mso Itiix)' t'orner! UKI-: 1'i.vriu, n. v.. tvii. i:..- I'Hiiaila. 8v liset wiTii. Norway anil Sweden, In addition to the I'nited Staleii, will be represent rd at the mi nimi International Wi Junii lo re Feb ruary "1 under the UUsplccK of the Xno I'lrds club. K. Ile llalllels. i lub ilii'eitor. unnoiirit-eil lotlay. r States Senatsrs Sh iruidae and John.-- stead law clearly providci that the ....St Jacob's Oil stops any pain, so when your back is sore and lame, or lumba?o, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honc-t St Jacobs Oil at any drug store, rour a little in year hand, and rub it right on '.your aching bacU; and by the time you omy committee, under Sir Eric Ged- des, which reported its findings last week also declared the utility of the women pol'ce. "negligible." son and Gjvernur Stephens, of t'alifor inia. and "Youti? Teddy" Iliosevell, i assistant secretary of the navy. , possession of lid'-ior In a private I dwelllnK Is not a crime when it in not sold or Hi vtm away Illegally. i Flour Advances i MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. U. Fhrtlr nl i j vanced 05 cents a bane! at one, of the: largest mills today, as a result of the n Daughtery Orders ... , . . . : strong wheat market. Uanjie vfl'rl"'e!i Woman S Examination today for family patent Ri-adr-s Was iu '..ui' a uarrei soiu in car lots. 'Tl.rt ...;i ....i i.i.. it- in iij i .ii inn iiuiH.iiiuii tins w PORTLAND. Ore.. Fe'.i. 15. Exa:u count htty Uie soreness ana umciios is j inati-n of . Mrs. Alma Louise urtz- i $r. 75 a barrel in effect January 4 gone. , ' barger by tw3 physicians was ordered I . uuni oiv. v tctfay by Attorney Centtal Dauahertvj FRKELVNl) Pftfjl ?L "1 telegram to I'nited States District FREELAND l livt u.v a... . 1 ,,r,rric.,- U,,,,,h, -vi.. ll-...... UeVt-tu 1-aiU Itoulcn.. . CHU'Afio. F-b. I l. Domini Veto of l"nii :m i was In .irsi place at the npcnliiK of today's rol inn In the world's classic i lianiiion. hiy bowl inK tournanuiit here. The meet Is Iwlim- scored i n n point basis. Frank ICafurais second with 111 points und Harry T. Tliemas of Unul dock. I'.'i., is a close third. MOTHER, QUICK! GIVE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP FOR CHILD'S BOWELS PARK. In l.. Feb. JJ PARK. Ir..i.. Fob. 13 A. tb mirv Tt it. mat? cal. net ab- '"""i11"; - uritw i r.e rreeiann fnrk basketnail .team lutely harmless, and doesn't burn the Ser- ssntenced to three years for.mur-. composed of five brstheits wKli a si.sth kin. ' . - aer ot ner uusoanu at the themawa! brother artinK as time-keeper.' all b- Nothine else stops lumbago, sciatica, Indian reservation is fishtinsr the i tween the ai?Ht of 1 i snil l'. ti,il:i- .lull. ackache or rheumatism so promptly, order eoninnttlng her ti the C.olorad ) i lensed anv team nhfrh ran'nlav on b r state penitentiary. i the same coalitions. It never disappoint 1 Mm. A-ipiiili Meets llitr.linic. WASlIIN'iTtlN. Feb. li. Mis. .Maiot Asiiuuh. 'life of the former Hritish prime inlulster, -ailed '.od.iy ;.t the While Holts.-, and on h-.nvInK s.iid she h.ol a d UkIiI f ul talk with the pri'vldent. havlm: disctiswd the arms i-oiifer.-nc- and politic. I n ii a sn-k clul.l lovi l!ie "(ruitv" tiinte .if "California I'i' Sjrnji." II de little tnimue i in:(led. or ll vour cluld 1 i li.sib-ii, cri, (i-irriii, lull of cold, or lull colli-. II l.'.lMft-ttl !l li. M-r (.III to open tlie bomlp, I u a few liiiurt I j oil rnn we f ir Miar.i'U ho'.v timriuiglilr it ivmi.1 all t'f- roiwt.atton poomn, notir I.I" an. I a-i. lioin t'u- little 1 bmveU und juri vuu a vi !1, panful ' tliild a.M ti. , Mjlliiii- i f mnllu r I ei p ' Califnrnia 1 I'ik Syrup" linmly. Tlify know n ten MHinftil to !uv invi- a si t-'nl-l to i iiiicri)... A-k your drup-ril for ifi-nuine I "California Fij; Svrtiii" nlileli b.i ilirec ; tioiit for balms slid rliiblren of a! I ni;i t pr iib I m li-.tiD.!nr' Vmi n.ii 1 sii- "C-il'f'iTrr;." or vn-l ti.ttv eet mi i.'in- i .....I...,, I I ' - w- " "' " tatmli I D ROAD WAV AT 5TARK Portland, Ore. While it's convenient locution in the hciiit i.f 1'iiftliunl's liiminesH, hhi-iiiiLT iiiul nintivineiil in; tivil icH is mi iiiiuiftaiit iishcI - it is the at luuHjilicre of comfort, ciiiirtenus service ntpl Kj'irit f wcl conic wliicti iiinKcs this uipulitr ntnl fuinmiH Ipn. tdry. I Up, I ! ( Arthur H. Me YERS Managcw. 1 IPISEIAME ME USINESS ESlBLISHMEiTS "Were not Satisfied Unless tjpu Aie ' , CITY CLEANING & DYING CO. t - iOl South Riverside Phone 474 1 Mason j Ehrman & Co. Wholesale Grocers Cigar Importers Medford, Klamath Falls, Eugene, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, Spokane, Lewiston ASK FOR THE FAMOUS Bert's Brand TAMA LE5 MADE OF THE FINECT CORN HUSKS "FAMOUS THE VALLEY OVER" . Manufactured for Vhole3ale and Retail THE GUSHER CAFE 5 QUALITY, WORK, QUICK SERVICE The Model Boot Shop 21 S. Central Shoes Repaired Yhile You Wait. '' E. N. BIDEN. 'Prop. ; These "Live Wire" business firms are prepared to make 1922 the' biggest year in! A j rt t.TiA Tn'st.nrv nf Mprlfnrrl - TThv Hocorvo trniir nafrnnaorft nnrl vnu ran Vip surf t.hat. wViah M vl I VIllV ll - - j - ww..wv.. t"ui ""d j - w . they have to offer you is of the best. Pweftiember the slogan . .. .. ,:. VWith Medford Tirade Is Medford Made." r 4 .... 1 7 . iM le Springs. , u. : VULCAN AUTO SPRINGS Coin-ilt-le htock of thest- l'unious Ni'lnij foi'all iiu on Imiiil. J'iIcch i-cu- '" "- . .'' Minahle. I" ' ,? BEST SPRINGS ON THE MARKET , ... We make (ruck ImilicH, anil do all kind of liliK'knniithjiig. : ; Billings Carriage and Auto Works 40 to 4H South Ilivpi-hiilc - Medford Mcrriman's Blacksmith Shop medford Lee Watkins Co. BLACKSMITH SHOP Repairs and builds springs AH new springs guaranteed. ' i j; . r ti i ' t FEED STORE MEDFORD VULCANIZING WORKS ' t. . X ( THOMAS T. MERRIMAN, Proprietor. ! ' ' " ' ! 20 South Riverside Phone 279-J Choice Grade Craiihed BarleyJ ' Carl Fichtner, Prop "j VlIlllO tUlCl H&tfflOliy.. T lOUr r,.t' 1)1.,. i.-u. Flour. Bran and Mtddlintra. Hav. . . : ', ' ' ''''...' r -i.' -tt v-.m-.a n.dU( .,id.hUH..n Grain md Poultry Feeds i and vciVrUn, in- Only ..Spring Furnas Gram and Fouf v Fced8' ; . Iinc m.l(.ut ,.!.; in Southern OrcRonr ;;. . ""' ',i":'i"llll1;:.u ,wl,,n 0 . Diamond Trr .i t 118 S. Bartlett: Phone 183-J RTPTflTLY OnARANTEED. Ask your doaler for one of these brands, , ROGUE VALLEY MILLING CO. I . 397 South Front St. Busy Season Ahead ! , Let Us Line You Up C. L. WOLFF Painter and Decorator . No Job Too Large No Job Too Small Phope 370-X 345 N. Riverside HEDFORDTENTANDj' Vet-rinarv mm-mm . Hosoitai JL AM) f - Sfile Stable M. X I TAC Tl V. I 'JS' ' ' Awninp, Tent3. Auto Top3laE(l Cushion works; Tourist Supplies, Anything made of Canvas. J Phone 451-J. 'H' Fir Sfc.'j i 'i Wlicn you sii.Vi-Miiir.lIouse- r.nvcu . j ! Choose ii I'fliahle firm. ! .. . . ...... . .. '.. '. ... , ' I : EADS When your Duds ii. .i , Are in our Suds 1'. K. HC KKK. I'UOI'. I'lxine Opn. H. I". IicimiI DR. 0. A. OITZEN t-ou o.ixn bet, you'll got r- I1IH.T AVO KK- iJi dry Tyuily Transfer and Storaae is ,V.h' -.'Cinher Ave sp" . . .. ;cialize on roudi ( Mi I 111 N. Fir St- Phone 5.51 1 . 22 North Front St. NATIONAL PAY-UP WEEK . '" '.' ' ' i . z '' ; . ': - , I'll pay you you pay him He'll PAY ME, We all profit thereby. i wash. t ' ' American I Laundry Co. )21f. (3, Riverside. Phone 873 The Old Reliable SHOE SHOP ' " No. 7 N. Fir Street ' Best Shoes for Less Money We handle Weyenberg Shoes Hig Class' ' Shoe Repairing HERBERT TILLEY NASH BARBER SHOP Up-to-date' Service.' ; Bowman & Noe( Pr opu.