Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 15, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    " -pf ' I.
Mkdford Mail tribune
, KXkCt'T HIjIniiai rtl i fin. .
lAfn-A U ii kiIu if Hun la furnllhwl
subscribers desiring a aeven day dully
newspaper. .
Office Mali Tribune Building, 16-27-2
Nri.h Fir-street. Phone 76.
... i. - Vlail th Vln.lfnrit
Trtbvna, the Southern Oregonlan. Toe
Aauianu nnune.
' HOrtEKT W. nrtlU Editor.
i.SDMl'TKR 8. SMITH, Manager.
MAIL In Advance: '
Illy, with Sunday Kun, year li.JO
IMVly, Willi numwy run, niwmn.
fmHy, without Sunday Sun, year.... t.hv
pally, without tSundny 8un, month .
Weekly Mall Tribune, one year $.00
Br CAHR1KH In Medford, Aahland,
Jacksonville, t-entrai mini, rnwi,
'Talent: ' .
f'n.iy, mi nuii., ............. - ;
)klly, without Sunday Sun, month 5
'Dally, Wlinoul Mummy pun. Jf-r. i v
Iaiiy, will) ciununj ciun. wire j . .. . '
. AU Urms by carrier, caah In advanca.
Official paper Of the City of Medford.
. Official paper ot. Jackaun County.
Sworn dally average Circulation for
IX montha ending uci., j;t.
Vr,trA mrmtmA el una matter at
Medford, Oregon, under the act of March
B, 1111. ' :
, tin i-..
'ti,. innriiixl pV.- la exclusively
entitled to the ue for republication of
11 news dlapatchea credited to It. or
nokotherarlae, credited In thla paper, nd
10 the local newa published hervln.
AH rlghta of republication of Special
dispatches herein are alao reaerved.
'. Vi
Ye Smudge Pot
V By Arthur Prry.
. 4Uira nmmiaea to be ft great BuffiC-
Unv af vatrdidatea tor Bovernor in the
ipflnglprtmao". They are coming forth
wlth'Ujelr tajr comoed, ana ineir
whlakurt trimmed bearing the enaorae-
mtait.of Hhis, that, and 1 the other;--The final resQlt will be tnai
th preaent fMcumbent will show up on
iii' afternoon of Mav 20th with enough
VQtfs.toeoriUnue hi course in aviation
ia Bn'trfficial capacity for row years
mire, weather pernilting.
The amount ' Of, sickness among
mfiTJfv'atars'and luminaries-right after
Uley have been in session with the dis
trait .attorney at Los Angeiea is star
tling. " They; fear the Taylor murder
miitr will nlace them in an unfavor
able light before their Sunday school
classes. ,
. " A sdlPPERV DAY ;
. W tYrehi Journal)
. ?" J.'Charles O Brien was in Etna
-'.Mills the last of the week on his
eak endv .- , " -
The Lincoln Day banquet this year
wan -a guccess.'-&nd nobody had their
Republicanism knocked out of them.
through the medium of a 4-hour sieecn
'. ft' hnr-nmes more apparent every day
thft thev meant what they ylpped
henthey yelled In 1918 "nothing too
good for the ooys. coming, is entire
ly' too much.
Auntie Brooks Is an old pioneer and
has reacted the age of three. (Salem
f faemy Ford waits to be president.
His only qualification is the possession
of -aa. many fool notions as the next
one. He1 would put money on a tin
bagls and labor under the hallucina
tion that he could make a bigger joke
out. of the -job than a self appointed
"premier of the world." "The heart of
the world" jmight'not break during bis
regime.' but ."the hind tire of Creation
would blow ouj."
, (Port Orford Mail)'
' In the execution of the classical
' numbers, the souls of bis hearers
'soared to the mountain os, and
hen' he rendered, "Only a Hoy,"
there was not a dry eye in the
fchurch.v It will be a leng time be
fore Port Orford Is visited again
by such a singer.
v ' '-..
,The young man who 'nicked $4,50.0,
000 out of Chicago folks with injec
ttona of hotair, is the first swindle of
any. Blze, that did not involve at least
one Oregonian, from the Willamette
valley, or the wheat belt; not that all
the suckers are mobilized In one dis
trict.' ,
xTheunsblne was shut off Just in
time to prevent some pneumonia defy
ing, flapper from stepping forth in a
Seeuiore skirt.
i.?: (Klamath Record)
The Presbyterian church social
club will hold its regular monthly
meeting this evening in the church
parlors, Sixth and Pine streets.
' Arrangements for entertainment
" and refreshments are in the hands
of a committee of gentlemen who,.
, although keeping their prepara
tions secret promise a good time
to those who attend.
- Quite a few of the soclul lions are
planning on leaving the bright llKhts
of ' the Mainz lu Stemus for (home
ateads near Butte Falls. Their loss
will be keely felt, ns they expect to
stay up there till Alt. Pitt is wore down
to the size of KoXy .Ann.
BgrXF.VJI.LK. 111.. Feb. lS.-Dr.
ltolrt X. McCracken of East Bt.
I.OU&. prominent southern Illinois
phynlolan,' aurrendered this afternoon
und Vas placed In jail 'following the
return of two murder Indictments
chat-King him With the kllllnir of Mrs.
Clnva lilchwine fund her UKed futher-Irt-law.'Willftni
Itichwinc, January 9,
IN NOTHING 1ms Medford Wen more fortunate ttw past five yours
than in the riiiih character of its city government. (
Mayor lintes and the members of t)u city ooiitieiil. took oxvr city
affairs when virtual bankruptcy wan faced,' and by mieomiiroiiiisinc;
vcononiy, (.'ooil business mnniiireinent. and public kj tinted devotion
to the city's interests, they have not only given tlio t'ity a gotnl clean
administration, but have increased the municipal rvsourees by over
ij;HMt,(MHl and decreased tlie bonded indebtedness by' over SrUKUKH,
a total of over $2:! 1,000 to be exact. . ' " -
Before taking over the city administration,, tio tax levy was '2
mills. Since taking it over the dates
i levy over 1 ".'. mills and for two years if was approximately 12 mills,
J In spite of this economy, there has bcei no niggardly policy pur
sued. City fVrarhaiie jrrounds and eipiipinent havuvbeen provided. n
! aviation field secured, auto tamp grounds mainUtiiu-d. an extension
to the city hall built and the fire departmenl has bei-n improved.
Moreover, this splendid record has been made vit.liout the inayur
or the councilincn receiving a cent of remuneration. We doubt if
there is a city on the coast which can show as good a record.
"Medford has tf 'high grade of citizenship. ' (hie henrs that
wherever one travels on the Pacific coast. It in true Jind an excellent
reputation to enjoy. No better demonstration of its truth could be
conceived than the record of the t!ates administration, as shown in the
recent report of the finance committee of the city council. ,
Love ut first sight: divorce at first slight. " ,
One false step isn't always fatal. Where there's a wil there's
get-away. .
In some instances ainativeness is
by a full purse.
Some men are born rich, some
and call it filthy lucre. .
Nothing is definite yet. The
first trial balance.
The German of "I cau't pay."
thunder if you can make me pay.
Our opinion is that American sympathy ?pr Americans is due in
part to the smell of Turkish cigarettes.
i If business. must subsis on half
wit to fire half the loafers.
Readjustment : The art of keeping prices up until some fool
competitor gets cold feet and cuts prices.
Opportunity knocks but once, and that may be the reason it has
a better reputation than other knockers.
Colleges would be useful if they did no more than teach young
men all those different ways of asking for money.
The cruel spirit that makes war possible will never die while
people laugh at a man who is trying to crank a jitney.
When Dad has a cold he usually makes it hot for other members
of the family. ' , ' . -
Human freedom has made (treat
law against slaying the bore who
The two greatest aids in keeping your temper are pure religion
and the realization that the other
If'a man has every advantage
he i n soothe his vanity by sneering at "self-made men."
It is probably only a question of
sue for absolute separation and custody of the pocketbook. ,
It's a hard worh. Your friends
as you say you do anA the government won't believe you make a
. ...' " .
It may be that gold can be made of a combination of othfr sub
stances. A combination of sweat and elbow grease has always given
good results, j ,
a r I lu u W .kav.
y won
WHEN Fitzjack's auto ran me down, and spoiled my Sunday
hat, up cantered Smith and Jones and Brown and bore me
tij my flat, -and lienplc frHii all over town around, my bedside
sat. They deftly fanned my fevered brow', and fed mc weiner
wurst, and borrowed 7nilk from wniieone's eow'to stay my rising
thirst; when" I recall their kindness now, the salt tears from me
burst. AVe meet iur neighbors day by day, and criticise thebi all ;
we don't upprovu of yonder jay, because he is too tall;unothcr'H
whiskers look like hay, and to his midriff fall. Ve artj not mash
ed on d'affer Jones, because his feet arc splayed, and Smith is but
a group of bones in hand-me-downs arrayed; Iirow talks in harsh
and nasal tones that keep our nerves all frayed. Their pants
arc putched on knee and shin, and ancient hats they wear, their
cheap, red neckties an; a sin, to make an artist swear; the cars
they drive are made of tin and don't et anywhere. But when the
day of doom appears, und autos squash us' flat, and laoerate our
legs and ears, and spoil a priceless hat, our neighbors show that
they are dears at that. They gather round the myrtyr'g bed
and feed him chicken Soup, and they ullay his fear and dread
that lie may loop the loop, and if at last they find he's dead they
plant him with a whoop.
administration has never bad n
inspifetl by u full moon; in others
acquire riches, and some give ui
new balance of power is simply a
means in English: "I doubt like
a loaf, perhaps it will have the
strides, but there is still a silly
takes up your time.
fellow can lick vou.
and yet fails to amount to a dam.
time until the dear creatures will
won't believe you make as much
jy J
aSM as I .
STOCKHOLM. rivmler'bcnlno'a
ton talked, tit aohemo for the electrifi
cation ot Russia appears to be crystal
Using into action ami if the present
plana announced by oiflclals of the
aoytet govoruinent go through, Sweden
Jill be engatfud in tmnlrw out IiIkIi
power turbines and other electrifica
tion materials and machinery for sev
eral yir to come.
In order to flit contracts said to hav(
been entered Into by the llKKeat elec-
trlf works of Sweden, the Swedish
niuuufscturora will have to purchase
enormous quantities of raw inaterlls
from the I nltet! States where they are
already buying a frreat deal or copper
for Sweden a own electrification pro
jects. ProfeJsor Crastto, htsnl of the Rus
sian department of electrification, re
cently arrived at Trollhai'ttan, In cen
tral Ssweden, and began neynlatlons
with Ctiunar W. Andrasin. head ot
the largo Industrial couihln which is
now. delivering locomotives to the
soiet Kovernment, for the purchase
aad delivery of turbine and othei
needed machinery for the Russian
poer stations to bo conatrncted with
In the next few years. Trollhaettan Is
one of Sweden's largesi manufnetnrinu
While the details of the Kusslan
ordor cannot be given at this time, it It
said that three of Sweden's lariat me
chanical works will have tn be pressed
Into serTlce to meet the Russian con
tract. Professor Orastlo said tht Rus
slan electrification plan Involves th
building before 190 of about 10 large
power stations with a t Hal of l.OOo.oo
One of the lurjsest of is)we
stations is to be at Wolrhow
about TO miles south of Petrograd.
Two stations are to be constructed
the Swir river between Oni-Ka and La
'otsa lakes.
The Russian electrlflcaU m plan cot
templates also the erection of a lurpi
number of steam power centrals.
Shoujd this ambitious scheme of th
Russian s vlet g ivernment go tbroiml
as scheduled, it Is likely that Swedls'
electrical and mechanical engineer
will be drafted to Install the macbl
nery in tho Russian power stations.
i.uiiAiA uallw.iy officials of
ureat iirltaln hope that at last they
1. M .
rmYB iounu a means of preventlnn
mriKcs. cianorate machinery Ima
Juat been devised with that end in
mis Includes a series of Joint com
mittees and councils leading up to
central railway councils for each rail
road. It will work in this way. When a
dispute aHses In one locality it wl'.l
be referred to a local committee. If
the committee falls to agree, the
question then muy be referred by
either aide of a central railway coun
cil. If this In turn falls, the dispute
KOob before tho council for the whole
Failure of this council to end the
dispute will Bi-nd It automatically tn
! tho Central Wages board.
ine scheme was adopted nftor lone
negotiations between managers of the
railways and repr.-N. ntautivea of the
thrfc unions of rallwav men.
I.eudera of the unions sav this ma
chinery is aa elaborate as human In
genuity can devise.
Thou. .II. HlmiiHon. of Ashland
authorizes his announcement as fan.
aiaate ror the nomination for the office
of County Jrtmm!sr:oner of Jackson
County, subject to the decision of the
iiepunucan voters of said county at
me i-riruary uiecium, May 19th, 1922
Cherro Hard Wheat
At "Your Grovers
RewraprMvI, lU-palred and It.
nUhed. KHes Und , to pattern v
order. ' .
SI 7 S. Newtown Kt, Medfon
Auto Iladlator, Fender
KunnlnK IWinrd anil
IWxly lU'palrlnK. 8ol
Opposite Uepot
Phone 14riJ
All kinds of wood at rltflit prices; drj
mill blocks.
Orders Promptly Filled
1 '""'Ipy
t How many Americans tiro there
In Argentine?
2 What was tho number of the fliHl
patent iasuvd tills year?
, 3 Is Culm densely populated?
4 Vhn wnh .the pay of American
Nolilier raise ! from tl'i to $l.r month'
R Why Is Ash Weilnendit) so llllUI.lN-TIiw fet tlmt alreet accl
called? . , , 'deilla In Iterllti tin vw Iticrenai-d IUH
6 Who Invented the revolver? I'cr cent since l'Jta. baa led to the
T How many counthfs lias Texaa? 'aumj.M.tlon th.,1 om- f th.. cnuaea may
S-IDw nmny eounllea has IMb!Iw ",.Vu'"Bl ,'f1f",, 1t"."1" A,,"1'"
, lean "pep" Into the elty a everyday
' .... . . . illf". line H.nvnpitper wilier naaerta
-hat country wntrola the tiulf j )Ut Urtt i have- be. -oiue too l.nay tn
of t'ullfomla? 'itreel friends In ihnmIiih that the
10 What liecunie of the Monitor? taplrlt nf bustlo Im illNtorl.InK the Heiie
Answars to Yesterday's Quasttons ral routine, mid that the cllUeiia on
1 How long was Wllllo Uopiiethe whole are iiiolyf uervoua. He
champion billiard player? Ans. Klf- depre.uiea the uttempt to make Her.
tuon venrs ;"" ""'ct life look like KortySecond
have telephones? Ans. Forty P"i
ttt '
3 What iwrt of Ireland la tum and
mountain? Ans. One-fourth.
What doea It coat the govern-f
iiietit to bring tho body of u soldier
Imck to thla eountrv Aim trlil
5-What city Via the San Krnnclsro
....... . . ... ,
o( South Aniorlcli? Ans. aliurulao
,. i,
v bile. 1
wna was me first president to
occupy the wlilt house? Ans. John
7 What Kuropenn countrlea
I'ossesblons In South America?
ilrltuln. Fiance nnd Holland.
S Who controls the hunting and
fishing rlKhls on a river? Ana, The
stales. The Kovernment controls
9 Where la the Red Sen? Ana. lie.
tweeu Africa and Asia.
10 How many Judicial circuits are
there In the t'nited State Ans. Nine.
Market for l-ucal Kgs.
To the. Kdltor:
Juat when the prices of eggs has
gone below the cost of production 1
In thla vallev. we have ftmnd a
market for our -egg production at
different points in Montana.
Ww shipped forty rases today to
one firm In Anaconda, Morttunn.i
wuica is oniy one ot several nip-
nients we have already made to that
state. We have created a d" in a ml
for tho OKKI produced ill tho Itogue
R'ver valley, which should relieve -
overstocked condition In Med'
V think this Is worthy of a
small space In vmr carter.
Yours truly,
Pwultry Prod'ieer Assoclal'tn
Per Fdgar Johnson.
Clogged Air Passages Open at
Once Nostrils Cleared
If your nostrils are clogged and your
head Muffed because ol catarrh or a
cold, get Lly'j Cream Balm at any dm
.. A....I.. i:..i .r .
. 'M'piy nine 'i inn pure, anu-
icptic. Rerm dcv'.rtying cream into your
notri! and let it penetrate throuxli
every air panajte of your head and
tnrmliranM, Instant relief.
How ood it fct-N. Your head it
clear, "lour nostrils are open. You
breathe frcelv. No rraire hawking or
MtufTliriK. Head rr.di and c-itarrh
yield like magic. Don't May stuffed
up, choked up and miserable. Relief
is mre.
Busy Corner
Motor Co.
Main at I'.lveraide
Is Your Business
Get Into One Good
for $6,000 to $12,000
a Year!
-Many men unxioua to cIhiiikc
Into u-Kood profltiihlu hualneaa
luivo found their opportunity
tlu-oiiKh KI.eti-ik Muld Itiikn
HhopK. Today they own proa
peroua IjumIiichhch without lmv
InK known a ' thing -About the
bakery bUHlneas . before. . Tho
(llortunlty th.Ho men found la
here in Medford for you If you
net. So prcvloUH bnklng ex
perience nueded; wo supply all
c'lUiiimcnt und information. A
cuhIi bUHlnoHH; no cIihikch; no
diliveiliH; your proflta, in the 1
till every, night, flood for 36li
(luys a year. "KxcIiihIvd terri
tory. Thidi. are still many good
towna In iregon open, but ter
ritory Is belnK taken raddly
(ind prompt action In nneeaaai-y.
If you want to get into a real
paying IiuhImchh. , i
Write or Wire Ug Today
for full particulars. Act now
for excliiHlve rlghlH In Medford.
Electrick-Maid Bake Shops
H2I Cedar Htrtt Hi. Pnnl. Minn,
,t . .
mreet nun luuimwny.
...,. .in, I.H..I ,tt ii.h .....
I,.,,,,,,.,, lln, (lll ,,, Ml,,.l1lniI ...
IiIIiih niid I'll liaaalifMt flrl I tat a,' tilt
step off the aldewnlka nnd walk the
atreeta In every illrv.-il.iii wlihuut once
looklnw to see If they are In the way
i"1 vehicular truffle.
There la no ortlliinuce rrituiuuug
I'"'"" r.vvn a. ...q mur.
uuniiri III r'l . IV'IIW I V in-ifim,
...... .,.,
1 v.n iiiw n,,v..,n in, iiiniUH .ii.-.r
u u-lit. tl..t m,,i.. I.H..H Hit
.,,,. i,miiua
trucks anj horae
cnba. ' '
j There are no tin flic policemen In
the Teuton metropotla. hut It baa
lieCn decided to establish auch a force.
In the iiieantlmv tho "aecurlly police"
ura doing' thla duty
Tho l.lcycl.) habit la very popular
nun nu classes, ami particularly Willi
tho police, ,who lidei In aiiuiid forma
tion. It Is lint uncommon to sen n
man riitKeil out In top hut and even
1MB clot In a rldlUK his "bike" to the
I The cmlier.,
i VVnalittmtou nnd oreuon Toiilitht
ami Tliuin.lay rain west, rain or snow
cast piutloii, warmer east portion, to
'lfi I leaders
lt iihl the
Cun Nioarr
i:lli lii-e.
This Mr.lford . Iiu.-n t. nf il PoiK
ait. , '
Tolil of Ull k li-llef of llililolllitd
The fails are now confirmed..
t.-stliiinnv Is complete the
i iiilcluslK e. .
It fol ios eoni Iminic proof of -merit. !
Mia. W. y. I.oiikwHI. 5"1 N, tiiape;
Ht - ' Medford. a-aie the fo:iowinit t
statement March 17. ISMS: "Some
lime K" I lave a alalement tellinit of
the Ko.'d Putin's Kidney Tills had
done In our family. Hln.e I hit time.
I have had to use them my
self and they helped me, I had kid
ney Ytciikiu-s nnd n dull rheumatic
misery In the small of mv Imck ihat
was most ill-pi cnsIiik- J iimn's soon
removed till' trouble."
in M.iich :i. In:'"). Mis. l.nKwI l'
anld: "Ifcuiii'a Kidney I'llls are a
Mote ml lil ri.tni'il' i,,,tl I iim (I...,., 1
Kliiiiiilly to keep my killings In u ,,t
Price 0c at all dialers. lon'i
simply nsk for n kidney remedy a-t
Iionns Kidney fills the same that
Mrs. IiiikwIII hud. Foster-.Mllhurn
'ii.. Mfrs.. Iluffiilo. N. V.
ro.MK IN' NOW la the appaal we
make tn our clients. You will
thus avoid the rush o the final
days of the period when our time
In taken up duy and nlKht to
tir Kfficlent Service.
saves money for others and it will
do so for you.
Liberty ItulMlnaT. Mc.lfnrd
I.argn or small t)rrhard Jobs.
Motlcrn Kqulpmcnt.
Phone I (HI for Contract Ilnte.
The Association Unit pays divi
dends and haa tto defaulted loans.
Covers entire territory of Juckson
county. i
I You can make loans to pay off
1 mortgages or for agricultural pur
poses. j
i I'opoaus received drawing 4 per
; cent, convorllhlo into 5 per cent farm
. loan .bou (Is. , i
j , . K. M. liritn, Hecy-Treas.
' -.411 Medford Illdg
We' are now, in, a position
, ,t to offer
The Mueller Convector
The most successful pipelese
furnace made
On Very Liberal Termt
If you are figuring on a fur
nace for next fall; let us in
stall it now and have it paid
for by then. Many local
The Modern Plumbing
& Heating Co.,
Portland Woman Had Rheu
matism So Bad She Could
Not Close Her Hand3 Over
Her Knife and Fork.
Fell Off to Mere Shadow of
Former Self and Went for
Weeks With Hardly a
Wink of Sleep. Friend3
Hardly Know Her Since
"Tin. i-himae TniiliiP has made In
lue In Dimply nmnttnii, for It has not
only completely relieved mo rif rheu
matism, lot has liutlt me up fifteen
pounds In weight. I feel slluply fine,
now." anld Mrs. M. K. Illslop. 443
airatogit hi., Portland. Ore.
"Fur a loon lime I had rheumatism.
a Imd In my shoulders, arma , and
ankles that I went for weeks without
liaidly net i In a wink of sleep. I
eouliln't rle my hand to comb my
hair utid the Joints of my tinners
.'welled no i.n.l became ao painful .hat
,i,u,,rt close my hand and my hua.
Iiaiiil had to cut up my food furfine,
I li I off In wclKhl until I "a" a mrro
"I'm Just like n dlffciint person
now hiuI my frleiifta who haven't seen
me for some time Jiunlty know me.
After what has ilmie for mo I
cau l pilllse it i noush." i
Tanlat and Tmuw VKntatila I'UU
ra sold iy th Vat Klda PharmacT.
nd by lewdln drusalsta avsrywh.ra.
The Judgment of
Those Who Know
The following rniuurks from
sunlit of our cuatt :per and dn'lv
crvineH are Uul rumples of many
aiiii'lur letter file at nur ( ttc i.
They Indicate the Judlfincnt of
I hone who know by uctual rtpur
li'ii. c i lie iiiallty of, Wttuhlngtc n
Nuianry tree.
H "Wo have seventy acres tf
fruit land. I l.outhl all tny trees
from you Have ii fine an or
chard tin there In In thla country "
Ct'MTtlMKlt IN Alll.OV
H.I YM: "Vour lr-ni gave very
m id rutlMfuctiou and every one In
th'a aectioii in '.Iced the i-laia o(
an -k.l put out aud many favor
able comment mm p;iaed Uiun
the treiMI."
I'lttl.M Cl.llthStN. VY.IhIIIM..
TUX: . "The trees I raceved c
you lual fall with very fine, nice
thrifty f.-lli-as and auch fine roota.
I want more i f them."'
I-'HOM MAV I tilth rtnnrw Utt
t iiowlng: ' I lie plums Juat re
ceived In good condition, plump
and iinbii ken. You are to be com
mended fi r our method of pack
Ing." A C.I I.I PI MIX 1. 1 CI HT1I Ml
IVHITIS: "The shipment of ap
ple tree received trolll you a few
duva alum. Upcucd up ill fine ten
dltltn and was mighty nice stock."
"All our eutilomers cxpreMi tho ut
ni out saliafnctlon 'tilth the stock
and consider It flrat class In every
WH." ' - ,
.IIKItK'H .1 ilOIIU I ItO.M P.ll
l.ox, XKY.IIt.l: wish to com
pliment you on tho ei ndltli :i and
(liiallly of the Ireoa. I havn order
ed from luilr dlfferuut.nurrerlea In
the lilai three years uiul ' I rsn
truthfully any the trees from Top
pcnlKli are superior.-to all, und. I
unsure ( -.1 that ou can rely on me
to say a good word for you here."
T.VNAi VUecelved llm rMes all
O. K. They, were Juat fduv Hnw
si :no of, my neighbors (that got
stock from you nnd I hey worn till
well pleased."
stri-k you shipped In here Just
fall hus sure Hindu you friends."
Tldtlt lCl:, llltlTIHII (,.M.
Ill.l: "The trees were In fine con
dition when received and deliver
ed. It Is a pleasure to advlso that
each t f tho consignees were very
much ploiiMml with their shlp-
Fltfl.M LflH .Nii;i,rH. C.IMF.!
"Tree received . In fine , Ibape.
r.vei jrooiiy Willi It'ttHtill.
Ihn nature of our cleun rich
soil, combined wlth otir Intnnslvfl
methods of cultivation, enables us
to produce on trees grown In our
nuraery an exceptional system of
roots.- A good root system Is tho
foundutlivi of a tree. A large
muss ot hnaifliy, fibrous roots will
enkbld a treo to estulUlsh Itself, In
vour soil und muke a thrifty vigor
ous growth from tho, start. Our
trees have given antlsfncllon
throughout the West. "IT'S THK
itiK.n .
Washington Nursery
, Toppenish, Washington
Your tree men since' 11)03.
11. H. SPERLING, Salesman
- IWix flat). Medford.
Cor. fir nnd Third I'hnne 2tZ
' ' ' . ... ..