PAflTTTWO MEnrotm 'MAtu tmbuxe. Mr:iFonk iukso Nykdxkkday. rKimuAuv uej Wocal and jL Personal Anions hnlldlnK pormlta grunted by Hie city roimrll lwt nltsht was one iMHiictl to ttpv. V.. M. Kins for n frame one-Ntory church eillflee, 30 li' 40 feet, (or the Nannrene. denomination, to be built at the northwest corner of Con ti) avenue anil Jackson street, at a cont of $"00. A permit was Issued f Kd Coy for the construction of n frame dwelling 31 by 2-1 feet, on West Kiev enth near KaniiHon street, nt n cost of $t!00. The permit was also issued lor the construction of the new concrete two-story bitlldinn, which James Hniv Hen & Sun will erect aft the Went side of Hnrtlett micei, at the corner of Sixth Htreet, and which will he occu pied on lease by the Medfrd Furni ture Hardware company.' ' ' llody pine per tier, fhone 551. New shipment of wire lamp shade frame.. DpiipI's Art lVpt Alra. 0. K. Gates underwent a major operation at ttie Sacred Heart hospital Mra. K. F. Haymond and sun, of l'atrlck'8 creek, who haVe been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen for some days, have returned to Med ford to visit relatives. They had been at Medford and came to Grants Pass Intending to leave for home but Lvvero ( account ot tlio heavy Fnow on Oroiron mountain. ('rants lNis Courier. Itemouiber date, Feb. Kth and ISth. Handicraft Shop. 21 Crc-s-ent orchestra. Kaale Polrtt, Feb. IS. 12 j ' The resolutions over the death of the late Colonel 11.' H. Snrsent were adopted at the Uncoln club hnmpiet at the lloiel Med for J on Monday nluht hv'a-risins vote. Good hjiftains new sto.-k hoys' and men's dress caps, hats and pants, nt the'new Racket St-w, t N. Central- 2S5 Everywhere you look ou see a Chevrotet. ' tf Mrs. Vells, who has been conduct ins the work at the county hospital near Talent for some time, is reported unite seriously ill at present. Ash land Tltlitius ' ' The freteht rate between Meilfoid tlnests at the Hotel Medford Include and Salem applying to cull apples hasjK. I). Sultan of Seattle. A. X, Towns been reduced from $i!.t'0 wr Ion to end of Kimono. K, , Callahan of St $5 per ton due to the efforts of the traffic department of the Oregon l.ouls. Mrs. I Mo O. 1 S. King and Mr. and l'.nMtroiii of Salem, A. H ANUARY HEAVIEST Crowors Cooperative ass jelntlon ' rercitson ami Irvln lb mm of Hosehurg and C. W. Kyau of Xew Voiu City. Wo havo lusoeetea tua reclaimed Tule lauds nt Klamath Falls, Wsi , recommend theeo lands ft n Invest-1 ment rage-Drtissler Co. tf The' Southorn Oregon Lumber Co. will offer food 2x4 at their mill at, end North Central at from 112 to tlu for balance of month. tf! Tuesday forenoon, and Iter condition "V , ' , ' .... ... , 1 and Is- ny number. Sjc. llundi- craft Shop. A complete early thin afternoon was reported as favorable, although the patient was enduring much suffering. Imported Jap crepe, all colors. 25c and 3"c per yard. Jap Art Store. Army, and navy underwear, shirts nnd drawers; shuts double breast and back, all wool. $1.40 a garment. ,l S Army Goods store, 32 Central Ave. So. 2$l lie ot McQuay-Xorrls ;iston rings in S and 31 thousandths oversize. Riverside Oarage. tt John I.aden and son of Trail were Medford business visitors today. . Eat where the eats are Rood. O usher Cafe. tf Spot dances 'n everything. Eagje Salem I'apital Journal. Dr. Frank Roberts, dentist Deuel Hid. Tetephone C03-R. tf Lath, limn. Medford Lumber Co, Sasanta Singh, who threw' and was thrown by Ralph Hand at Cold Hill last fall, and Richard Kauthe who was flopped by Hand a couple of ' months later, met at Cortland las! Saturday as a preliminary to the Thyo-Oardner (natch, and the Hindu threw the later in 2$ minuses, VAmMnjs! Xat.t.u-i:t:n t might. 2T'. Kat, where the eats are good. Gusher Care. - ' ' tf Ikm Xewhury is among the local men who will take up a homestead In the Uutte Kails district this spring. Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co. Y v- ' 9 Hy re piest. special' dance. Eagle Point, Feb. IS. ' ; '' ' 2S2 A new elaborately illustrated hook- i ... jm-hson county on asncu.tura. ()f ,mM.chals , w, , h).la ,u nnd tinib.'F resources and scenery has nwmiVK( yvh J111(i ...Til cuoMsu.-o. copies oi. u oem n,. Mnruhv'iS .,.. location, second floor Medford Uldg 2KI Ivory at cost Wb;ht. the Jeweler. APPEALS Balfour Arrives Home Thinks Treaty' 11 Pass IlLU UI1UJO I LI. HtH'TII II V.MI'TuN, I' 1 b' A 'iii III li',t I'll ;4 I l:;;irour. head of Mio Clltl'b ili'bsiii- the W'u iblii'.-l on it in i m I'onfi'i- I Lord l,ii. i, f K.ibliaoi, ilinl m il ot tin' it 1 1 1 1 1 1 ult , wt ic w vlcoiiii'il l t ltt tiiMui t Ih'ii tbt'X tli-liiii tu. ,l,n Hunt Ho. linii Am ii 1 1 ii ma mi ilnoi' III III ll r it ill i I In' I ' It II "'ll HIllleH. Ml'. Illllllllll I MHIKKI'll KIlHlf'. Illlllll n.iliit iii'i'iiiiiipiltiiii'iilM of tlie W'ltnln IliiMlmi i 1 1 1 1 . r 1 1 1 -. lie liml no Ooiibl I, I. tlb" ll.lllliH M, l-. IMtlllt'lt In tbN A 1 1 li in- .1. I t'liiinti v mill Imiii'il tin- nlhrr t tiunti li )llnn In t Ollftt tllt'l tvntibl lull Into lliir. HIit'IIum pint' 1 1 i.t foi' I uipi'iil Inn .In, -i mil iitluii. bin Wiinil of tin' t iff I Th. wiiiK nf the pitNt iiiimi li o i Hu ll. ti, r.nlliL'iiii win, .linn ntes the news ''' i'cosm rooms bus lu-en nf the stand front, of tint old Liberty heaviest of-tint year. etMng to the theatre hillldltttt lui-, bet n III for tlie lack of l.tbnr tt he Heeuteil ami the past few days but h;t recovered and Is ,. -iit v of the xveutbi-r. It U report- again on the job. tli'.wns, cotulitnatii'HS, blouses flml children's dresses, formerly fl.33 to $:l.-t. now S5c. Sale l'eh; 17 "and IS. Handicraft Shop. 2SI Get your cslondar free at our office. R. A, Holmes. The In. Man. If ' C. A. Lockwood. Irwin Hums nnd A. .1. l.ilbuin are a trio of Ruseburg business men here interesting local business men in the state convention receive! in Eugene. The booklet is (rotten out hy the Melftvd Chamber of C; mm e rce. Eu gen e O tin ill . Eat whei'e the eats are good. Rusher Cafe. tr EoRar Wight for low prices. tf The new jury room at the -county The . local high school basU'tball Point Sat. 2S2 team was defeated last night at The new service station on Xorth Kuaene hy Eugene high by a score of Riverside is in the process of const rue- 4S-33. liou and is expected to oien for busi- !-e Merite package goods free in- ness within another two or three structions. Deuel's Art Dept. weeks. ' ' 40c hand painted china plate 40c. '-'When' you want dry ihlll blocks just Edgar Wight, reliable jeweler. call Valley, Fuel company. Phone 76. The Modern Woodmen wilt meet to- Eat whore .the eats are good. Gusher night nt 7:30 at Rickert's hall over (he Cafe. tf -Medford Pharmacy. - William Rrayton of the Hollywood ExiM'rieneed and careful -driver leav- orchards is 111 at bis ranch home with ing Feb. 20 with a Dodge for San a severe attack of the flu. ' ' ' Diegq. Would like one, two or three Unique Valentines to-ntte at the Xat. passengers for - San ' Diego or way ' : . 27S iMttnts. Phone 8a.. , - 2S0 Try our merchants lunch. The Alta Naylor, Good win corsetlere, 20 Shasta. B. Fir street, upstairs. Phone 91S-W. Mrs.' Uiraine Hilton Cornish return- '. .'' ' 285 ed home Monday after spending the Hugh De Arntond of Medford, for- week end visitins with Mr. and Mrs: nier Klamath lumberman, is a lousiness! George T. Peake at Grants Pass. visitor here. DeArmond last year eold Mrs. Paul Hansen corsetlere for his mill on thq Swan Lake road to Nultoce. Phone 5&5-J. : tf A. E. Krttse. Klamath Fails Herald.' I Phone or call our otHce for infortna- New line of stamped 44-inch lunch-ltion KJamath Falls Tule lands. Page- eon cloths. Deuel s Art Deartmeat. I Dressier Co. tf Special dance Eagle Point, Feb. 18.1 Mr. and Mrs. William Holloway and - 2S2 little son. ot Medford. were in Ashland The outlook is for disagreeable a-few days ago visiting with Mr. Evans weather for the .next -day or tw-o with of the new Golden Rule store. . Mr. rain. A trace of rain fell early today. Holloway is employed in the Medford and tnere was a rise of temperature uolden Rule store. Ashland Tidings over night, the minimum of this morB-j All wool cavalry sweaters reduced ing standing at i degrees.- . . Ifrom J4.00 to I2.S5 at TJ. 8. Army Dressmaking at - reasonable prices, luoods Store. 32 central Ave. So. children's clothes a specialty. : Phone A. regular dance and a' real ' time, 532-J. Lee. 518 Kin. , -.. 284 1 Eagle Point. v" ' 'JS2 This office Is prepared to print 1 Xext . Friday night, Feb. 17. at 7:30 ledger sheets, bills, etc. used on thejthe P. Y. C. of the Haptist church will hookkeeplng machines. Don't. eivlttave a "kids' party at ' the church your orders to traveling mtin and bare AH young people are invited to attend them printed out of Medford. Phone and are asked to don their childhood us and we will call. tf clothes for the evening. A prize' will , Postmaster Warner has received oe given for .the best bov and girl. word from district armv headatiartersl Shakes, shingles. MedforA rn that recruiting has been resumed .by J Officers' dress shoes reduced from the regular army at the Vancouver $7.00 to $5.50. i O. D. mackinaws re barracks and the Portland recruitinglduced front $9.50 to $7.00." One sheep- office. All young men who desire to4skin lined moleskin aviator's coat r. enlist in the army 6hould communicate duced from $13.50 W $9 90. V. 3. Army with the army recruiting office in Goods Store, 32 South Central avenue. Portland, the only plaoe of recruiting ' In Oregon. Trench mirrors 10c at U. S. Army Central Point Hotel for sale, 40 Goods store, 32 Central Ave. So. rooms; would cost $30,000 to build. Cheeks will be accepted fn payment Price today $6,100. Might trade. PTice of Income and other federal taxes, an wilt be reduced $100 every day until nonnces Clyde G. Huntley, collector of sold. Gold Ray Realty- Company. Internal 'revenue, only when honored phone 728-R or 134-Y. 279 by the banks upon which they are Sale, Handicraft Shop, Feb. 17th and drawn at par, or full face value. This J8th. 281 announcement is made by Collector Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jenkins of this Huntley on .Instructions from the corn city are visitors in Portland and missjoner of internal revenue, at guests at the Benson hotel. Washington, D. C. Therefore, where Bargains in uncalled for clothes, it is known that the bank upon which Apparel- Cleaners and Hatters, corner the check is drawn will not pay the Sixth and Central. 285 same at pan the taxpayer should re- Invest your savings In the Jackson nilt by bank draft or money order. County Building and Loan association. Vulcan auto springs, 'guaranteed. --tf Billings Shop, S. Riverside. ' tf Klamath county wool growers are! When better automobiles are built. observing with growing optimism the Buick will ouild them. tf return to normalcy of Wool prices and Arthur Kleinhammer of Ruch. snent are slow to accept the offerings being Tuesday fn the city attending to btisi- maue at Klamath tails of 30 cents on ness matters and visiting friends contracts with $1 a head cash in ad- A real Valentine dance tonight at vance for the season s crop. At this tne -Natatorium, with real Valentine time last year no offers were being music. We lead, others follow. 279 made, and the top price for the season Hemstitching, was lC cents. Becanse of the present low price of hay, which was sold down to $3 and $4 a ton, and in Borne in stances 1, 30 cents is considered bet ter than the 50 cents paid during the ed that )iiiny workmen have been ift traded hvixi by mlVert Iseitieuts only to lie iIIhiiiiiiiIiiI when aiiivlntr. Tile miie:ils of the elilttnt month lire also heavy it ml i-utjHlmit, but m relief ran tie given owing to tbe lurk of funds. HittilitleiM ill no time In tin' history of the riiy has tint iteeils Of the poor lieeii so limit at tin' pres ent llltte. Tbe ni..iOl .ittoll nf rM'l v tme Is retiulreil to tuny tbe tit.v oxer this tryttix period. Mrs, Meat's had entire charge nf the n I'll.-!' work last month met cinr fined the iii th Itles iilnmst entirely to ex-servlee men. luip being given only 'to those rnrrvhtK lllsebill He pnpelS. I . . . . i.. , . .. I li"l I' "'ll I'M tm in. mi ., - - - MV I'rn i rtuop inr u i Minis oi ,, . ,, ,. , - , ,. ,. I the lolltiwlng IntrreHtlm MatHlli s. dressmakinK nnd remodeling. RoomJ Nuill,,r or ,..,, v,-,, soblU rs. 4 I. 424. Medford UltlK. 2S2 V(1 llf ,.,, (.u,, mi,it,.,-. j i. m, ,ii. C. M. Thonins s' nt yesterday In earo ulvm l 4. s-itt to liospltal. Hrnntu l'tua Mtt.l litt nlL-ttl ItttiO.t it -t f.,tt,,-M ucttt,.,, ri. let-u I '1 . couithouse will he ready for use at the - ft, ,',,- wh,n of the f b.tblng r.t.tti Ibui.-.l. li Ki.rni. nt-. Olteoing or the petit Jury term of the Knknt!, 0f Vvthlas IntUe or that cltv -M-" vWts .tffl.luvus s. t ure.l. circuit court. February 27th. The quar- .,,., ,:,.'., si,,,,, h.,n,i n.vI- .....i (.. In the relief, tiwiv weie ters atv on the second story' of the Speed typing class now nt Medford tine family - group dealt with uinl lutsiness College. The boys' team nt the local hUh' TREES PURCHASED new county vault, and was made neces sarv hv Ihe low- itiitttnc witntnn on Field blankets, hospital blankets and ,.,, ., . . Navajo Indian blankets at U. S. Army w thpv w pro,,ullv ,10 m, ltU ft Goods Store. 52 Central Ave. So ..., . .. ... . , .. e. . , , ... inmsing reception ny ine enure tugn Body pine $2., 5 per tier. Fhone 5ol. 8fhooI ,M)ll. Tn )) . header. American Legion team of Med- The basketltall teams of the Rose- frtr. va .,, .,,,., l-,i,u burg and Ashland high Schools will ... ,'.. vu Vn,vnrt' llf meet at B-KeburK tdnight. Neither ..iyosUr w UJtp ft, , Nat team has been defeated this season. Katurdav. nKnt. id.rvci ,.ts for and the game is attracting attention in SatllrJnv ,li(.,lt g vnt0;it w, KO ' all sections owing, to its probable ut CrowwmH lt y ocl,H.k ,,,,.. effect on the state Inter-sclmlastlc .,.. ,.i,. .... . . . i - . row iiioruiiis. championship. ... Some new music tonight. Natatorium I 279 Everywhere you look you see' a Chevrolet tf I'pon his return to Rosehurg. after a tour of southern Oregon. Deputy Dis trict Grand Exalted Ruler of the Elks Georgip Neuner, Jr.. said: "Medford and Ashland are itroeresslnir ami bus!-' ness seems to be normal. However,' ; they look forward, as we do, to a sub- ' " ' : -, stantial Improvement in the future."; . T" the1 13." treos reported as having AH the late music. Eagle Point, Feb. bw,V purchase ,t, the; county fair jg j - jj2 community grounds are nulled the ful- i-lme. cement Medford Lumber Co. 'o'n: Sparrow buys two and Clint C. McCurdv who has been sick W three, all of whirl, with an attackof'gripi g able to In- ar' llan"' " lt th' out again. ' " Ll"l,,rs- Xew shipment of women's silk. n Larl,!,s r ''"nlx re.piests hosiery, wide variety of shades and two tr,'es ,,e ,'lanlP,, ln lh" .nu,m'', colors. The Toggery. 284 Are you ready for the most glorious week-end nartv pvpr offered run' 424. Medford Bldg. 282 to be P,a:''ed for Mary Agnes Johns m The engineering department of the California-Oregon Power company f.. .... ,.t , I J'tmt (tell i lilt- H3''t.:..'..:. .v..'.,. ;. I'li'.i int'in. ',,iii,i., - mill i,,,,,,,,,.-. ....v guen out. u until v fniins of lnii uinl iimlxtniiee gliott. FOR FAIR GROUNDS ra&iaa of Dorothy Carles and llillic" Cur- less. ' . Mrs. J. II. Johnson asks for a tree NOW PLAYING LARRY SEMON A resident of Medfoid ' who is a great admirer of race horses sent In' have in hand plans for the warehouse V.V "wr ",r "v "eeause net to be constructed in south Medford '!he8 "ee '8" M,n,e" ro"u,1 lin'"'' near the ice house, and as soon as thc.lmlmo" I a,"t environment right .of way, details, etc., are cleared r up w ill approve them, and It is exact ed that actual construction work will start about April 1st. The warehouse will be sorely needed for sotrage pur- This makes a tttal of 145 trees pur chased during the Buy a Tree cn;n laign. The following correction is made: Mrs. (irover IVifter of Central Point Plcoting, 8c per yd. Buttons coTered. r.anotcratt Hnoo. tf John M. bitter, a sheepman of Prine- SPRAY ORDERS ISSUED BY ALLEN war. Between 400,000 and" BOO.OOOl Wile left Tuesday for .his home after pounds is sold through Klamath Fall8.lsl'nding a week in the city. Laundry work neatly done. Phone Frozen automobile, tractor and truck 456-Y. 293 cylinders welded, re-Inforced and A good time assured, Eagle Point, guaranteed. Only the finest-pre-heat- Saturday 18. 282 mg fuels and metals used. Vulcan The W. C. f. V. will meet Thursday Welding Works, 39 S. Front street. t afternoon at 2:30 at the Y. W. C. A.l The best stag shirt on the market house. The first lesson oh tlie study reduced to $S.O0; leather coatR reduced course of "Our Government," will be frm $13.50 to $9.75; leather vests re given. Come and start, the course. duced from $8.50 to $fi."3 at U. 8. Army We have cut them once more. The Goods Store, 32 So. Central Ave. greatest bargains ever offered to . the A letter has been received by f. E. people of Medford, absolutely all wool Merrick' from bis son Walter stating ralntite fabric overcoat, a $35 valuo, that he was back in Los Angeles from leduced to $12.50. U. S. Army Goods a ' mouths trip to Mexico City", Mex. Htore, 32 South Central avenue. Hr'st music, good crowds, etc., Eagle Buy your magazines and latest pa- roint. 282 pers at Bob's stand, old Liberty Edgar Wight, Oiegon ugate jeweler, theatre. ' ' 279 ' " tf Among guests at the Hotel Holland Among the new corporations listed are Thomus W. Creason of Roseburg, with the corporation commissioner at J. M. Alnutt of Klamath Falls, Edward Salem is the Medford Tire Co., Jled- poses during the construction period Purchased a tree for Crovef and Jennie v"- l'' " iniTT vr i iivt ( 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 vr t u- 1 valley, and for this reason work will be rushed on It. Everywhere you look you see a Chevrolet ' " tf When in need of shingles and roof ing call Wallace Woods, 108. 711 E. Main. Jacob Huerergarten, of Copco, Calif.. is in this city for a few days buying seed potatoes In large quantities. He intends to put out a large number or potatoes on his ranch fn the Klamath river valley. Only a few lots on paving left Get yours at once at City Hall. tf Eat where the eats are good. Gusher Cafe. tf -1;..- j, ... iv uisL-iiss iiisinci cooperation in w,-k fw vim t,v i.boiiinir ton. Ant- observance of the game laws and to person failing to spray, the work wil! consider details of the game code and be done by tit., county and a lien methods of enforcing the rolings, dls- dnr- upon tin- property to cover trict deouty game wardens of tho ittsio ,OMt- A. C. AI.I.l-.N, are irnthrrp,! In Piriliin,! f o . .. I lim l. em. .frit, ijihi. . ........ ,, l T. U-.lll) session. Patrick Dailey of Medford. Ed Walker of Roseburg and George (!. Hancroft of Grants Pass, the district deputy game wardens respectively of Jackson, Douglas and Josephine Coun ties are among those in attendance Army slickers $1.00 at U. 8. Army Goods Store; 32 Central Ava. So." ' ' All kinds of rough and drained .-. i . i . . ... .... f'ity Vr,ler1y owners are bereby ;iotiflr-dthnt' nil trees' and sbrubbery subject to liifest'ntion of San Jus S'-alr, must be v. ray i-d at nine. Ai rangenients bae lx-ni maile iy wbh u a spray innfit is now' working in the city and can ! ohtnined to do 'your Yprt. rV.'!fi, llfO; W n bU latest tomedy THE BELL HOP" The funniest fellow in the woild stops at nothing to give you tho laugh of your life in this, the first cf bis new comedies! William de Mille's The Lost Romance' One of De Mille'a Greatest Cinema Achieverocrti, with Lois Wilson, Conrad Nagel and Jack Holt. Professor Hamilton Of 0. of W. a Suicide SKATTLH, Feb. 15. Tbe body of William A. Il.uniltoii, iiHSoiiiitn pro foHHor of miitb' iiiatbs ut the I'nlvi-r-slty nf Washington, Wis foiiml In :i , ,, . I. ,,, ill inn .iii.i 1111,-iil li, -if- ini. i ,,.i j limber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. uM,.r virvumnil t.,.M, wbi.h. it.'.or.Hr.K 711 Bast Main street ' ln ollre, -Imli ,-,te that he bad com- The Ashlahd basketball team passed mitred mlile. : ! through the city this morning enroiite Friends say 1,,. Jiad been 'siiffi-rliig to Kosebiirg where they will play the front, a nervous 'affliction. U was Roseburg team tonight. Thev will re- married December 31, but he Olid bis turn trt Ashland tomorrow afternoon. For business opportunities In 8. Ore gon consult the Four-Site Sales Agency room m Medford bldg.. phone 900. tf we write burglary insurance ln the Old Hartford covering merchandise of all kinds. McCurdy Insurance Agency. tf Jirs. .Marguerite Cnrtwrlght Klamath Fulls is here to remain fur Pathe News Weekly, "Betty" at the Mighty Wurlitzer. The of Kiddle. Ore.. Robert Nye of Grass Valley, Calif., Helen Cowgill of Corvallis, and II. P. Iiurroughs and! H. H. Taylor of Zanesvllle, 0. We specialize. on reboring cylinders. P. F. Close at Riverside Garage. tf Hard times made easy, nuy ranches without money, pay with share of crop, like rent; Gold Ray Realty Company. tf lide a' few days Inter, fil-fllllg tfl flif'lirlK. TOO LATE Tt) CLASSIFY FOR Rh.NT Sleeping rooms bath. Phone !ul-J. with 2SI KpU RKNT Five r;om furnished house, garage, close fn, $20.50. I'hont 820-.I. 2X1 roni, i.iiron; u o. Jones, Ethel J Jones and 13. F. Lindas. A complete line of Pacific Package1 Goods, while they last. Feb. 17 unit in. at the low-price of 85c. Handicraft- parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Walker Shop. 281 i 'turii;d to Los Angeles where he Is several days attending to her business WANTKI) To trade 2.0 acres Improved interests in Medfoid. , " Attention, ex-Soldiers: Ranches soM under Soldiers Bonus plan or pay with share of1 crop, like rent. ' Gold Hay Realty Comfsny. tf Uody pine $2.75 per tier. Phone 551. 27 Verl Walker, who" has been visiting Please remember that classified ads. locals and small ads are cash' In ad vance. Bring in your ads and do not UBe telephone. , tf attending the Los Angeles Institute When In poed of sash and doors. call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main street. ranch near Medford for dairy ranch in or near Itogue River Valbfy. J. V. M., Mail Tribune. ,. 2S4 FOR SALK Wicker baby sulkoy, al most new. Phone 452-L, 2H1 FOR SALIC Direct Imported Jap crepe, all colors, 25c mid :15c per yd Jap Art -Store. . 2M'' SATURDAY, Star of "Way Down East, RICHARD BARTHELMESS in the Famous Sat. Evening Post tftory, "TOL'ABLE DAyiD" SCHOOL TABLET SALE As loiift as thuy lust wo will sell: All om 15c Pencil Tablet i for All our 10c Pencil Tublcu for . 8c. Two for' 30 Sheets of Theme. Paper AUCTION l nit.''' r I VANTEl Situation by slenomapher and bookkeeper, Call S71-J uftf-r-noons. 2NII FOR SALIC Itlack Minorca rooster find pullets. Phono .'12-L. 285 at Gitzen Barn FEBRUARY 18 . , i at 1 o clock - . - ." - ... i . .j iO milk cows, fresh and heavy spr jngers. Complete blacksmith outfit. Wagon scales, 5-ton capacity. Furniture, 4 horses, and wagon. ' ".' W. H. WELTY ' Auctioneer. 10o 15c i6c" PAGE TUESDAY NIGHT, FEB. 21 Mail Orders Now Millie tlii'ik or MuufJ l'ile'i pit) libit' In Pnc l lii'iiln'. tin l elf flilreil .rnitiK-l i niel iipe tu I n -tire niife i. litin. "w- ? - C' ' '. I'- ,tX ' ' - i t if tli -v 1 IVlVrvO. Ill iH-r irm Uur l .i. tu hit on it i: s i i:, mi i no iv. liii'cuich, NORTHWEST'S GREATEST OPERATIC EVENT PUBLIC AUDITORIUM I'Oll l l. M, (iltl (.(IN MARCH 22-23-24-25 CHICAGO M i ll., Tbur.. I II. uml Shi Sat utility MnllniM' GRAND OPERA COMPANY MOST STI I'UMitil S ori.M.TliN' I Till'. VVOItl.ll 311 PEOPLE, 45 ARTISTS, CHORUS, BALLET IS lll'STIt or 7 t Sl'l t'l M. TIIAIVS TO Tit AVSI.'OUT OPERAS AND CAST Wednesday, March 22-MONNA VANNA .Mary r.iinien. .'.luriimre, Hiihianurr, i niretui, stojico, noiay, Defrere; I'ulnrro, coiuluetlllK. Thursday, March 23 -LOHENGRIN (in English KwHa HulHU, Vmi tiiirdiui, JnlniKon, lliikhuiiiff, rotreull, Defrcro; C'lmliil, ciinduetliiK. Friday, March ii -ROMEO AND JULIET " Ktlilh Munm, .Mnxwf-ll. ('liieHHen, Mnrntore, JlilfruniiP, Defrcro, Cotrettil, Mi'oliiy, Cli'nl; rolaci ii, coiiiluel inn' Saturday Matinee, March 25 THAIS Mary (Jiirdeti, Diifiiuine, Mioliiyi I'livloiikii, .Muxwell, Clui'MHim; I'lilncco, voiidnctlnK. Saturday Night, March 25 AID A Kalwi, Van (lonNin, l.iuiionl, f'ot reiill, l.a..url, lllinlnl, Ollvlero; Clinlnl, noiidnclliiK. CITV .Wit OI T-OI'.T(iV. MAI I, OlthKltS I'Olt .V M'.MIIIOIl OK Si;.TH )l.Y UK SlvVT IN AT ,V TIMH I I' TO .l . ici,i ii(i tiik oi'i:u. vi:i:k. HI'IASON ()llli;its limn (ir more hi'iiIh for 1'iicli of (lie flvo porform iui(.'''(il will bo filled flint, coin inuni'lnt! I-KIUII'VH)' I. .; llU.I'' K K.l SON OltlHOIt.H (one or more Heat for three perfoniiaiirps) ' will bo filled nexl. eoinniKiiilllK I'KIHU'AUV t. SIN(.l-lri:iiroit.MAM'l': Olt,ii:itS (oim or niori! Hata for InHii than . . f thren perrorniiinc.eH ) will bo flduil, rniiiiiietielnp Mareh 1? v'1 Al l, M ill, OIIOKIW Hlionhl hit ndilnmnetl To V. T. IMN1I,K,HJH. WOltliU ATTIt ACTION COMI'ANV, Pl'lll.K! Al IHTtmil'M, 1 r)it'l'li.M. . To lit hi Inmiri! Fiifn return, Inehmii lielt-liddreHHed nnd HlumpPd envelope, Maltn all remlttaneoM payubln to W. T. 111 II Kl. PRICES ( WAIl TAX I l,l ll,l) AVI) ,AI I.Si;.TH lll.SKUVKIl) I. OU'KU I'MMIU KIi-hI, 20 iowh, $7.7U; IliHt 111 roWH, X1.H0; IHIKSS CIIK'1,1'' (riiHt llalcony) Threu tetiler onctluliM, (!.O0; Hidii necMotiN, $."."111, , II. M'ON V-r-(S(!( ftid Kulcony) Threo Herllotm, ' $4.40; Hldo Hoclion, ftrsl. four rowit, ?:i."0; Hldo Rt.ictlon, lutjt. flvo roWH, 2.l!0.