Medford Ma n nn The Weather Maximum yenturdiiy 1 Minimum today :il Precipitation .10 Bnow . ?' i Inches IBUNE Predictions Rain or snow. ((lit v MUl'i'tiHi Viae. Weekly l'in-llii. V, MKDFOIM), OliKdO.V, Till IfSDAV, KKIMfLWKY U, V.Y11 NO. R ilLt ri FINDMABEL'S leiiers mi Mysterious Missives Located in Taylor's Boat Gear On Second Floor of Murder House Dist. Atty. Wool wine Abandons Obenchain Case to Take Up Mystery. 1.1 w angki.ks. ivi d - n- the Num. i.ilrd I'lens I . The t itinera if tho illntiirl aiim iioy'n nflho win turned toward Hollywood Id iluy In ilipliul ul Hi" In for if ii t It n that run bil I btiiloed from liolml liiileno, pro ducer, itlri'i liiii unit i liter III ul' li-r Id (IiiiI solution uf Hi" mystery drama of the death a week uko nlKhl of Wllllntu Dimmond Taylor, imlfij director, h'.'iihtI)' known ai W llhiiin l 'iiiiiiIiikIiiiih Denim Tinnier, wliu wm killed by ii iilol bulb-l In li It liuinn DlMrli t Alii in..y Thulium Wli.dW lllc, WllH llllllllllllied, tilt lied 1 rim if Mm Muditlyitno (Mien chain, it trlu! ft r iniiril.'c. out In hi chief it. pin v, mil) ii-hii ul ti'lilliin In th" ninth i picture ruling murder Complex tingli' of Mi ls tlml Mabel Normand (lined hlme bit murder which In- Vealinulors any give airi ng liullcu tit ia if rim mi I inn with the murder tsi'lf were placed under kerutltiy. They It'iiuiie reci very uf a park"! of letters, liKiudliiK sotii i. rltlmi by M iihel Normand, aitrens, nnd Inst persi ii known to the polit e. to have been with Taylor Just prior to hi ili.nlli 't ill, u i,u r.,nn.l Into M'sienlny Ht tho murder bouse In a In n l closet on the fcr iibova i,i., . in which the murder was com- milted. H has been Hougln KU days. According to Miihel Noniliind. Taylor kept llieHi' lellins In n drawer of Ills desk Ml the lower floor. It was lililloilliced at the illstl'lct Httornev's I f lire thai Id letter. v( uld nit be made public at Ibis time. The centralUotl Invesligallcil will bo curried on as follows: Questioning i f soverul weallby nnd Influential producers, one of whom had lieen nuesHoiied bciote In the en so. Uiiesiloiiiug of it number of film il'iectors, two of whom have been ex amined hv tho pollen. QueMilonliiK of lit least four nioiloii Iilrturu ui'lrusses In an effi it tf de viilnp further Inluniiitilon coiicernlng llntory of n wouiiiii being the mollvo for tho Kluyliig. iMesilotiing of (wo men not con- ( Continued nn page six.) SEC Y DENBY ORDERS WASHINGTON. Kelt. !).- I'OrileiH have been Issued by Becpuliiry Dun by for the aiispeiiHlon of nil ordnance work designed for the vessels affect ed by tlm naval limitation treaty signed at tho Washington iiiiiih con feronce. Tho effect of the orders, It was said nl Iho (li'paii iiiriit, would bo to lay off temporarily those employes who have boon engaged on such work, , Tho yards coveriul by the order wore th oho i. New York, Philadel phia, Norfolk, Vn.t Htmth'Cluirloslon. W, Vii., Miiro Ishtml, Cn.i and inmslr lily lbiHlon, LOVER'S Jill ' - T. ' ' WORK STOPPED AS RESULT CONFERENC Godson of Jefferson Davis Purchaser of M. Theresa's Pearls 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I'MtlH, Feb, It Illy Associated Press I Tin' ri-li'lii m i'il 'iirl liciiiluio which nriri! belonged to .Mil rlii Theresa, ipieon of Hun gary, uii'l which Iiiih lii'i'ii on ills liluy lii'in Iihm hi'i'it bought by Jef ferson 1 in v Ik Culm of England fur IMM.OUII MIIII1iIh StClilllg. Former Emperor ("buries uf AtiHirlu I (iniMitrr pawned ill" lt-tr-Iim in In Htt llzi rliiiul preparatory tu leaving tin rouuliy by iilr iiiiiii In lil ii hint iitliiiiil to re Kitln It 1 m throne. Ji'IIitkiiii Dtivls i'iiIiii In h god fim uf ili Jefferson ImvU w h wuh president uf llin ('nifctlernin Sliitc of Aluctii II, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 JAPS RESTS ON No Friendly Relations With Japan Possible Unless Im migration Is Stopped House Committee Told V S. McClatchey. By V.SHIiiTii. I"i l. Ii. If fil. u.l Iv i i, null Juiiuti nr.' to l'i' imilnl.ilin'il tli t' HI ii ! kiimiiI iim iiI "mil"! Ifi'iiun Ii' Hli'ii llir -Hutu it l ii . I mi i . ii i f Jiiuiict nnl tliu ni'lil lin r-: uf Jriuiiiu-Mi' impulii Hun." V. H. Mii'luKhy, pnliHuhi-r ( III!' HnuMIIIllll. I'ol.. itfrlllll'll I I Ii xliil'lliflil liiilny iM'toiu tlm lnU' llllllllkl rtllllll I OlllUllltl.-tf. . . .. ... I'lKlnU ri'ili'lut nrllolt I'H I'll llllra B.i i. i ll liy lli I 'nllf "I lilu li li Inl.iluii' III im ini'iiiuiiiil I" rmiKti'tii iiiHl yriir. Mr. .M.l'liil'liy ilirliirnl Ihi "n nl !'tm ii iiki i i nn-ill'' l t'' Dim iiniiiirv iiml Jiii.ttn "clii'UUI tic i iiiii rlli il ii fiitllnii in i in i y I'Ul lh" I ii i i.n'H fur whli Ii It n umiti', niul lhl niiiniiv hIiuuIiI, !' tr'iily ul .i, li-Klil'illi'ii. ii'i'iiiillxli Hi" lu ll lit of lluit iim 1'iMni ut um i li'inly ml mil t.y 1'ni.l.liiit Kuiwi'i ill. iiiul'-r ', W Imlll II UN HHItll'." .lllllltllllll lllllltllil.lll.'ll l, "l '-. ii.i i. i i ....... i t ..ii,.. iiuiii rl"n l'i ' ii duu i'ly curia t(j 'under the iiiiihIkiiiIIuii Hit. Mr, Mi" 'I'lul'iiv mild, iiiii lUlimtli-ly lil lid ' J.iuiuiOie lne lei'ti lierniiltiil to """" ""' Htut.-a under III" HKI I'l'llll'lll Hinee lOlll eKl"Uimuil mtiee Weill llll'i i ffert. I vi urliin ItrlilfH ( Hiin-. While the tin diIki-ii t lort of .liipntiiMe "il' lull' IhIiIi'h" bus been Htuppi'il, ill deference I" pllblll' plotelll, h" mild, iheie ihiw are I'oiuliii; tu llilfi i-nuntry "lii eilll greater numbers" vbut he ibm-iilied Tliene, Ii iih "cui'urHlim tu lib s, ileiiiii i d, m e "n I ; --ii In "'"' 1""" i ,h'' '"" l-' "';""""V IKlilbllslleil Oil IIiIm colli llll'llt . M. M,.(.,:lt,.,,v ,,.,,, . , ,, ,.mill.v ,.,. .. mining hen- a government within a gun-i iinienl iiiul dimgei-uiiH to Aineii- can IiihIIIiiI Ii.iih." The lillennlilp uf tbose lu.i -I bere I biitiK "ullizeil largely for liiiniimr of .Inpun," lie declared, adding Unit uf till. mill cliilmliig liglils- uf Aiiieiiean liil.i iiM by i eglMlratluii up to hut year only 7;i bail npplleil for ixpn'rliitloii Iiuiii .1 it it 1 1 and only CI linl been graiiled II. lap ( i'Iimim Slioi t. Mr. Mi ('!iilcby ileiiiu-eil tb" last ellKIIK I' II 11 II 1 1' I'll t H tl of Jllplll.ese III I 'altloi'nlu was niatiy tlioiiHatuli hIioiI even uf the acknowledged liu niiplelo reliilliK Heeiired by the 'Japanese under order uf the Jiiiancvo govern ment. " "i'hey ate liu l'easlng by reprodui" tbui," be said, "ten times iih fast as the whiles." AHuci'tlng It was made eleiir beyond (Contlnueil on Pago glx.t U. S. ORDINANCE E CH AfH. STON', W. Vii,, Feb. 9, ordnance plant nt South was under ordors today Tho naval Churleston from Si'cretury ill' im it nion t to Denhy i.f tho nuvy lose ul once, and to lay off without, pay until .liiue till all employes exeojit those necessary for maintenance niul protection of (he plant. WASHINGTON, Fob. 9. Approx imately 1 5 all of the 7000 employes of the Washington navy yard were haudi'il lemprary furloughs without piy when thoy presontod Ihoniselves today tor work. .Most of the men I'urbuiBlieil were mtichlnbHts, HEM) SH P W TH 1 X FEAR Gil WAR AGAIN IN HAND Additional Kidnapings Report ed in County Fermanagh Ulster Frontier a Line of Steel Irish Republicans; i Blame Orangemen for Situ ation High Tension. HKI.KA3T, !b. ft. IHy AnfiutHU I'li'KH ) Aililltlomil klitniililltitN nr-iiirrc-d t'lilay In County KcrmunaKli. tun' of the 'cmntli-ii In wblcb yidttur itiiy'n raliU w-r i-mrli'd out. Kour rlimii "H" bixtIiiI ronHtatilfH were kid iuiH'd In th Hulfa illHtrict. TIV fr lakt-n ta tlm direction of Hally liny win-re It U hullfvi-rl other prtKon vr ri lnlni? ktit. . CORK. Kli. . Th irlklnK roll miymi'ii at a iihuii iiiii-tlnic IhkI nlxlil li'i'liltril In i )tx'lin until KrWny tli-lr imnuiinreil ilnn of tiikliiK ever tin mil way Uni t anil 0xralinK thviu tlu-m holVPN. ... Orangmn Blamed in ill.l.V, Fell, 9 (liy Anorliiloi I'rfHB.l ()im O Duffy, chlpf of atuff uf tin- Irliih r-iiilillcHn army hiin IkhiumI iIiIh fituti'tnnnt : 'riuit tln-re hliould be B)iiiitnni'uH niul ili'tiTiuliifil action In Outer la not atirprlHinK. Tho jiiitlrnco of our tw.ijde thi'in hwi lxn mroly tried lately by cuuilnued ralda. ArreHU unit torturs InflU-tud uihii tlu-m by iiKentH of the noitlu-rn uoverniiient. "The lunjorlty of those in (irln In llelfaxt and DtTry ore Hiifferlnit be CHima thiy Curried out my order ft lillu I..Wiut JUjiin or deer, to protect tho liven Btiil property of Cnthollc civil Ian from th ravanea of Orange iiioIik when tho who are entrusted with law iiml order refuse to ulvc protec tloll" The attttement concludea: "Let the northern govurnment Imniedliitely re letie our ii'ii)iiner. We have uhown by our aetlmia our iloslre to have peiiee; let the north allow by Himllar ,111'tl'iiirt that they desire to have peace, tininted thU, nono will believe there . 11..1....I. .. i.. lll.. ...... nwtlK! Oil Ulllli;ilivj III IlillllUK a mill- iiioii ground." Frontier Lint of Steel 1IKI.KA8T, Feb. 9. Hy Associated Press.! I'lster'a frontier was virtually a lino of steel today, following the raids yesterday In which ninny union ists -were kidnaped. From Portadown, county Armagh, to Relleek. on thv Fermiinugli Donegal border, forces of "Hiietials" Were on guard, as well as heavy contingents of the regular con- stsbulnry. It wns eillmated that five thousand .men were engaged In policing the line, j The forces began to niovp toward the Imrder yesterday. The roads leading Isonthward from Helfast today iiresent- ed scenes of activity, niolor trucks and armored cars bearing the Ho called "A" and "II" specials. Ac.roiiipaiiying them were other trucks with stores and urn m'imiUou. High tension prevails at all points Strangers traveling through the six counties are subject tu the closest scrutiny anil In some rimes are halted and Interrogated. No communication was possible with Kunisklllen today lit consequence of the wires fmln this city being out. Colonel Wyckhani, commanding the I'lster specials, has received a com munication from Dublin custle stating that th provisional government Is sending special officers to investigate the kidnaping. , Communications Broken Telephone and telegraph communi cation still was uncertain but a county Inspector of police who returned today from a tout' uf the lines said no repri- sals hud been attempted .overnight by tho unionists. A Utitlsh regiment, transferred from Free Stale territory Is due to reach Knnlskillon within a few days. , i A pollcoi oflicei' who tutule a 'tour of tho hording dining the' nlaht snl(l i ou ay: "Tho police iirra,ngcmcnts are- now us complete as they can bo made to Insure Immunity from invnsion, It is unlikely thut rebel forces will ever again attempt to raid the border. U they do happen to penetrate to this side they certainly will not find It easy to get buck." HIOI.FAST, Fob. 9. (Hy Associated Pross.) Mtljor Miles of South Donegal onti of tho prisoners taken by tho Mid ers of northnrn Irish counties yester day returned to his home today, Oth ers front the same uvea tiro reported to have been released. r ' (Continued on Page six,) Winner of Edison Quiz Wins Daughter-in-Law V I. ( .-r. Tlm only man wh unt-wfit-il all the AA by the Wizard hlniM-lf wan Samuel at the Kilimm liidiiHtriiK. He bIhj won i ILJ- :: ", , ' ; h 1 7 r L i ' - , ? . . j , . j .X ',, . i HawkliiH, lKler of Mm. ('burled A. Kdjgon. weddinK will take plare Ht Oiane, N. J. I weddinK will take place at (Mamie, N. J. - RUSSIAN IID acre bonus ! in CBiMlt lllPV ; NARROWED DOWN iu uuniiu juiii i ! IN HUBER GASE William Miller, who claims to be a Husaiati and who was arrested sev eral days ago tn the suspicion that hi was one cf the men who robbed the Huber tailor shop in January U0, as bound over to the grand jury this n ornlng on 2.tnio ball. Tho neur it. g took place at 10 o'clock this i.'ornlng in Justice Taylor's court. The state witnesses numbered four, three of whom were In the vicinity of the taller she p at the time t the tobhery. Jean Watklns. Cnlon Oil employ te, was the first to testify. He dtscrlbed tho man supposed to have been the burglar who made bis es cape 1y breaking the glass in tho front of tho shop and outlined the cir cumstances of the getaway. F. J. lluher, proprietor of the shop testi fied to the nature and value of the goods stolen. Mis. Horace Uromley, who was sitting In her car In front of the shop at the time of the robbery testified that the defendant gave tho general appearance of the man who made his exit tun ugh. the glass. O. I.. Davidson, win was at the comer of Fir and Main : t'the time of the rubbery, testified hat he heard the clash of the gins- and testified also to the similarity in general appear ance and carriage between the robber and the defendun'. Special State Attorney George Cod ding, represented tiie state and attor ney D. F. Lindas '-.'Presented the de fense. Tho defendant offered no tes timony. Alaska Celebrates Completion of R. R. N EN AN A, Alaska. Feb. Comple tion of the Riley Creek steel viaduct at Mile 317 wade possible the first through train Iron. Seward to Nomina on tho government railroad lino Satur day which inaugtiii ted twice a week service without transfer between tho coast nnd the inlet ior. A typical Alaska celebration was staged here upon tho arrival of the train. Although through freight traf fic has not yet. been inaugurated, com pletion of the railroad Is said to have caused material reduction In prices of commodities generally ' and to have revolutionized business methods to tho benefit of Interior iiolnts. Traffic be tween the coast and tho Interior is said to be increasing rapidly. KLAMATH KALI s MAN 1 KILLKD HV AITOMODILK KLAMATH FALLS, ..Fob. D. Struck by an automobile'' us ho at tempted to cross Main street at ti o'clock Tuesday night, S. W-. Tumor, 62,; proprietor of the. Turner apart ments' horeiiolied ia a .hospital two hours Inter, . ' t"-. of Wizard! if- ?. : 'i qnestlcnn correctly and was rated A. Halwy who is how maklns Rood the heart of Miss Charlotte W. Wizard's son. The wife of the WASHINGTON. Feb. 9 The field of iiossible soldiers bonus taxation was narrowed today to eight sources by the sitb-coniniittee of republicans of the house ways and means committee deal ing with the tax problem. These sources were stated as fol lows: A gasoline consumption tax of pos sibly one cent a gallon; a license tax ; EIGHT SOURCES' n automobiles of about L'o cents peri While neither Captain William Lusti horseiiower; a stamp tax on bank who was In command, nor any member checks at about one cent for each 'of the crew would make a formal check; a ta on real estate transfers statement concerning the fire, some of at the rate of about five cents on each the latter declared they suspected foul fin Involved, and increased taxes on play. Helief was expressed among the admissions where the sum paid ex- survivors that the fire was the result ?eeds( 25 cents; cigarettes, tobacco and 'of some activity on board the, vessel woumentary stamps. Representative Ijngworth of Ohio., acting chairman of the sub-committee, ' n the absence of Representative Ford-j ney sam mere was little sentiment for. any increase either in the first class or second class postage rates, but added there had been some discussion of nn advance In the parcel post rates. LI LIVINGSTON, Mont.. Feb. 9. A dug that tunneled through a snow slide eight feet deep yesterday, saved the lives of the'' three children of F. 1.. Lyons, u Mill Creek rancher The children and the dos' were playing in a ditch in the path of the slide, which covered them. Xohie, aged eight, was rescued by throwing her arms about the dog as it dug Its way' through the snow- to the surface. She aumu.oiied other mem bers of the family, who rescued Jim my, aged seven, and Austin, aged five. BY GRATEFUL DOG CHICAGO. Feb. 9. Three weeks ago Peter Rlhik, unemployed, was wandering tho streets when he struck uii a friendship with a Great Dane. Uibik, weak from tho lack of food, fell in a busy street yesterday and the dog, halting trafHc, stood guusd over the man, protecting him from passing strucks and wagons,.. . The dog .also kept podestriuns at bay until a patrol man coaxed him from his post with a piece of niet, RlblH was revived, DOG DIGS IN SNOW SAVES 3 CHILDREN MAN'S LIFE SAVED Farm Bloc Wins a Sweeping Victory On Marketing Bill 444444444444! . V'ASIIIf;TO.V, Ki ll. 9.-- l t'asa(t) by t h s-niit of tho houBB co-oT.itH" markdtlr.K bill by b voln i.f ."iK to 1, wag vidwed by many today an tho moat aweplnu vbtory yet. at tained by tip. farm bloc. Ilefort juiHHinis, late yester day the honie measure which relieve the farmers' co-operative asaoclationa from the appli cation tf law prohibit Ins fruits or unfair lusineHn practlr and places a ithi rity to determine when au'h acta have been com mitted with the secretary of ag riculture, the senate rejected by a vote of , to 6 the bill re 1 . i ported by Itn own Judiciary 4! committer which would have ; held th-; associations amenable 4j to pret-ent laws. 4 j The measure now goes to con- j ference. for adjtintment cf dif- 4 ferences with the house. LOST; FOUL PLAY IS SUSPECTED Burning of 'Northern Pacific' Believed Not Accidental 1 Secrecy Sworn Upon Crew; By Captain Survivors Ar- rive Hampton Roads. WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. An In vettlgatlon of the origia and cir cumstances accompanying the fire which yesterday destroyed the former army, transport Northern Pacific off the New Jersey coast was said today to have been insti tuted by the government. NEWPORT NEWS. Va.. Feb. 0. (By Associated Press.) Survivors of the transport Northern Pacific which I was burned at sea yesterday with a loss of four lives, are not convinced that the burning of the ship was whol- ly accidental. before she left her berth at Brooklyn. , Captain Lusti is said to have warned i his men that the shipping board orders . prohibit their telling anything of the. accident When Captain. Lusti was asked to day concerning reorts that the ship might have been "fixed" by someone before she left her berth, he quickly demanded to know the origin of the reiiort. On being told that it could not be traced to its source, he declared he must decline to. answer any and all questions. Captain Lusti said he was not aware the shipping board had ruled that the ship was regarded as the property of the charterers or operators. The. ship was insured to the account of the char terers but was not to be finally deliv ered, it was understood here, until re conditioning was completed. Captain Lusti's confidential reiiort on the ship, wns in the course of pre paration today. The statement is a lengthy one and goes info details. A confluence between Captain Lusti, shipping officials of this district, offi cers of the Harbour Steamship com pany and officials of the Admiral line will oo held here today. An attorney for the Sun Shipbuild- (Continued on l'asje six.) SAN" DIEGO, Cal., Fob. 9. Helief that a man known both as William Koegel and James Martin, and win; committed suicide last' Saturday night or Sunday is Edward F. Sands, sought in connection with the mur der of William Desmond Taylor, was expressed today , hv Coroner S. C, Kelly. . According to Kelly the description of .Martin or Koegel fits perfectly that of Sands as sent out by the Los Angeles police, Martin Is believed 4 ON TRANSPORT THINK MAN WHO GOMIVliTTED SUICIDE IN SAN DIEGO MAY HAVE BEEN SANDS HOOVERWILL T I RED RELIEF Secy, of Commerce to Lay Bare Russian Plot to Ad vance Soviet Propoganda Under Guise of Famine Re lief Dept. of Justice Gets Busy To Name Imposters. WASHINGTON". Feb. 3. Secretary ' Hoover was understood today to have ! submitted to President Harding a re port on the activities of certain Rus sia famine relief organizations in this country and their supposed connec tion with the Russian soviet Rovern r.:ent. The report was understood to bo the result of an extensive investiga tion by Mr. Hoover Into the opera tion of a number of Itusslan relief societies operating Independent tif the American relief administration and its allied organiiationi. It was' said to detail for the president's. In formation, the names of certain or ganisations which were not regarded as being directly interested In famine relief In Russia so much as in aiding the soviet authorities by their func tions. President Harding is. expected to make public the report In order to inform the country as to. the relia bility of various organizations solic iting funds for famma relief ljf Ru fia. ''..'. ? WASH INCiTON, Feb. S.-r-Actlvl- ties of bolshevik agents in, the l"nHect States ia the collection- of faltds o3- ' ' tTSibly for famine rel'ef In .3'ivUt Kussla. were nnaerstOQl i":v in n under observation by the 'JnsitftV ai--" partment. .V .1, BEATEN BY COP NK W YORK, Feb. 9. Hob McAl lister, the New York policeman, to day holds the Metropolitan A. A. C. 100 yards championship by virtue of his victory over Kernle Weferi, Jr., at last night's Samatiar A. A. game. McAllister made the ,100 yards in 10 seconds flat, one-fifth of a secon I slower than the world's indoor record. OUT HOTEL WASTERS KANSAS CITY. Feb. 9. Diners at one of the large downtown hotels wail ed impatiently and loudly demanded service last night while the" manage- crew of missing waiters. The search ended at police head quarters. Thirty-five of them, negroes had been arrested in a crap game in a nearby house. A call to police head quarters brought the waiters, raclni; back through the downtow n section on foot. In Dummy Note Deal WASHINGTON. Feb. fl. Asset-' tion that William Doyco Tii'mipsou, of the national ropubliinu ormtul.M timi had borrowed J,ti)il.t.'uO from the New York federal reservu bank vu a, "dummy, note" wa.i made, by Senator Hefliu, democi-ar, AhUmnm., in the senuto during nti attack on the (ederal reH'M've board. to liae come, to San Diego la, it Salut day from Los Angeles. Jin registered at a local hotel that night under tlx; name of Martin and on Monday after noon was found dead In bis room, with a bullet wound iu bis heart. Pa pers found among his affects showed that he had un account with tho l.ellnnfii bank in Los Angeles under the name of - Koegot. Coroner ' Kelly" ' conultntilcutod his belief to tho JfJ lictj that tho niaif was Hands'. ' An In- ' vfistigatlon is being made, Pfl BERNIE VEFERS. JR