MEDFORD MAIL TUIWTKK. MKDFOtH). UIMXiOX, WKDN'KSDAY, FKIMMIAIiY B. 1022 TMCF SFAT.N" BRINGING UP FATHER By Georg'e McManuo fiN and a-ok Lt rrrrf g UKCOfi ( w, ' Market News .vtoik PORTLAND, Vt-f., Feb. . ateady; receipt M, Hog tedy; receipt id, Slux-p nominal; no receipts. Cattlii liutur PORTLAND. Ore, Feb. 8. But ter firm, advanre likely. Extra eubee J4e; undergrade 29 to 32r, HolS 3 Vc ; print Jr. Ilutterfst, No. t rlitiriilnn cream 35 to Sc f. o u. Portland; undergrade 35. Portland Wheal PORTLAND. Oro., Feb. I-Whrat: Hard whim 1 1.1 J, hunt winter II II. oft white, whim Hub l. U: nurthnrn print 11.15; n j Walla 11.11. Today's car receipts Wheat 63; flour I; hay 13. Ham Krnm Mai kcu BAN KItANf I H i., Krb. -rullcr rlna 47c. lvl, intra Hi; rlf lullo( lie. N. Y. Stocks Alll'hiilinir 45 Amcrlun Itwi Sugar 3tl 2 Amoirlcan Can 37.1 American Car ft Foundry H7 2 American lit lo ft IathT prl 64 7 Aroaiican International Corp. ...... 42 American Ijucomotlvo Jo4i 7 Aiuorlcaa HmaltinK ft Itof r 45.1 American HuKar . Ci American Sumatra Tobacco .,.... 27 5 AmorlcaJl T. ft T 1IS.1 American Woolen fc2 d Anaconda Coppor .. 47 7 Alrhlaon .... 97 ! All.. Uulf ft W. lndlea 26.5 Hldwln Locomotlvtt 101 Haltltnor ft Ohl.i 35.5 )lelhlehui 8101 "II" . 03 Canadian Pacific . I2S.I Central Leather 32 2 Chandler Motor 64.2 Cheaapeaaft ft Ohio , 57.5 Chicago. Mil. and 8t. Paul 19.7 Chicago. K, I. ft Pac 33 1 t'hlno Copper 50. 1 Coknulo Fuel ft Iron .... 26 2 Corn Product 102 J Cruclblir 8leel 615 Cup, Cone SuKar 1 10 Krto . 10.8 (lencml Klectrlo 145 5 Oooeral Motor 8 1 0wlrch Co .... 30.7 Great Northern, pfd. 74.2 C.reat Northern Oro Ctfa 35 Illlool Central 101.7 Inspiration Copper ., 38 InU Mer. Marine pfd.... 60.8 International Paper 48.5 Kennecott Coppnr 27.6 tUlvlllo ft NhhIivIIIo .111 Mexican Petroleum 114 H Miami Copper ... 26.7 Middle Bute Oil ; :. 12 1 t- i--. 1 .. .'. m BARGAINS USED CARS One Kooil Overland Four tour. Ing car, Just overhauled, cord tires. A bargain. PltK'IJ 9179.00. Ono worm drive Ford truck with largo platform body and rb. all in good mechanical con dJUoo. PRICK $375.00 Ono OverUnd touring car with aolf starter and good tires, ready to run. pr.u i: $aoo.oo One lalo Studehaker Pour touring car rebuilt, repainted and til In fine running order, MUCH IHI00.OO Other used rnr bargains, on Hudson) Franklin, Chevrolet, Fords, Chalmers and Over lands. Cart Sold On Monthly Payments BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. llain at Bivenlds MldvsU. Steel 298 Missouri Parlft 1H 8 New Vork Central 7V7 N. Y.. N. II. mid Hartford 17.8 Norfolk Western ..100 NrlhlT0 I'HClflC Oklahoma Pmd. i Ref T8.5 2 6. Pan American I'ulrolmini 82 2 Pennsylvania . 31.7 People'a Oa .. 71.6 Pittsburg und West Vii. 21.2 flay Consolidated Copper 11 Heading 73.2 Hey, Iron ft Steal ., 61.6 Royal Dutch. N. V 60 Shell Trana. ft Tind 37 6 Sinclair Cr. OH 1 rVuiilwrn l"-lflr 821 Hoiithin IUIIMy 19 Fundart) Oil of N. i. jifd.... 115 Htudi'lmkitr 'oriMirotlin .. 95.1 Tun!Hiie Copper .. , Texn Co , TeXM ft Pacific ., .'. Tolmrro Product Trannrontlwntul Oil I'nlon Pacific V. H. Food Proilurt I?, fl. Il-tall Store ... 1'. 8. Ind. Alcohol Cnlte(l.8tnte Huljl-r fnlted 8tnte Bleel I'tah Copper , Veail(igtimin Elwtrle . Willy Overland '. Ante: Iran Zinc, Id and 8m... Untie find Huperlor ... 10.5 .... 44.7 .... 30.7 .... 63.6 .... 10 ..12fl.6 3 2 54.6 .... 43 2 .... 62.5 .... 86.5 61.7 . 62.2 E.b 13.1 ..i. 25 I .... 47.6 .... 68 Cain. Petroleum Montana P.iwi-r Shatturk ArUona 8.2 Pure Oil 34.21 Invlnrllilo Oil 14.7 licnorul Aphalt CO. 2 Court News (Furnlhd by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) tln ult Court. American Hod Fountnin Co.. V. M id fur J llrocrry Co. Fur money. Medford Nntloiinl Hmik vs. A. Conro Flrro, t al, Motion, Judrment, com bill. Jackson Co. Pnnk vs. J. V Reddy. rt al. .Hummons. tism 11. linker vs. it. J. llnwen. et al. Mullen. W. C. Foster vs Edward J. Schnsl dvr, et al. Huiumons. 1-rulMte tVmrt. Margnrrt Kaiidull, estate. Admitted to probuto. Ellm Taylor, estiite. 5lh report. Order. Mary K. rtnrdi'ii, estate. Pinal ac count, Ordr. Kilutht-th J. llrlHlow, eMale. Inven tory und upprulmniitfiit. Heal ltute Truiufcrs. City of Medford to James J. Phillips, deed to lot 12, blu. k 4. Fruttdule Add. to Mini Curd 560 City of Msdford lo Robert II. HoliniH, di'id to tot 6, lUk 1. Frultdnle Add. to Medford . . 600 City of Medford to Edna Ii.- nni'd, dd to lot 1, Mock 1, Summit Add. to Medford ... 600 M. V. Wright toHora K. WiiKlit, Q. C. I), to land In sec. 21, twp US. 8, It 1 West 10 harles II, Uaitt to M. C. Heed, et ux, W. D. to lot on Woolen street, Anhlund 10 Ity of Medford to l.yle B. Thurnmn. et ux. 'deed to lot A. block 1. Frultdnle Add. to Medford 500 R. Rlcktimit et ux to Frank Vet- ter. lots 7 and 8. blk. "(!," It. It. .Add, to Ashlnnd I 10 Frnuk Vetter to R. Klckmun et ux. pt. () L. C. 40, tp. 3!). 8. II. 1 East 10 Pearl Cave et vlr to J. L. Detii- mor, NE of 8V of sec. 1!), tp. 38. 8. U. 1 West 1 Richard Schiller et ux lo J. L. Deninier, 2-3 int. In NE of SV sue. 19, tp. 38,8. H. I Wost 1 EugniiD A, Carls et ux to Rolllo s Cniis, D. L. C. 40, In tp. 37, 8. R. W West 1 F. 0. Allnrd et ux to W. D. Ilus- boo, pt. D, L. C. 40, tp. 39, 8 R. 1 Kiist 10 C. II. Carlton et ux to Frank Veils, land In tec. 31. tl. 37, 8. R. 1 Wost : 10 City of Medford to Wm. II. Mo- Highest Prices Paid for Hides Second hand goodi, Machinery, Tools, Pipe, Backi, Metali, eta MEDFORD HIDE & JUNK CO. 31-33 N. Bartleit St . f hone Wl. Inlyrx, M 1, filk. 7. Medford 11-lKhU Add 600 J. J. Diophy vt ux to U ( lill diT tit ux. I und la h'-c. 25, tp. 33. 8. K. 1 K 7000 City of Mt-dford to J. A. IMIng- field t ux. lot 13. blk. 4. Fruit- diilo Add. UJ Medford C.r.O Netlc of Sal of Government Timber ' (ieneral 1and (,Ufl), Washington, I). V... January 14, 1922. Notice 1 hereby Riven that subject to the eondi Ions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 1916 (39 Hint. 218). and June 4, 1920 (41 Ktat. 7:.H. and (he Instruction of the Hecretary of the Interior of Kepternber 15. 1917 (46 I.. I). 447). and Juno 22. 1920 (47 L. D. 411), the timber on the following land will be old March 6, 1922. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction at the l olled States ljind Office at RoaeburK. Ore gon, to the hlKheat bidder at not l ss than the appralaed value a shown by this Notice, Mile U be ubtect to the approval of the Secretary of the Inter kr. The purchase price, with an addi tional iiim of one fifth of ono percent thereof, Vln commission allowed, must bo leioslted at time of tale, money to be returned If sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the tlrnler which must be removod within ten year. Bid will be received from citizen' of the l"nlt'd States, association of urh citizen and cor porations organized under the laws of the I'nlled Btatea or any state, terri tory or district thereof only. l'in apidlcatlon of qualified purchaser, the timber on any h-rul aubdlvlalon. will he offered separately before being Included In any offer of a lawr unit. T. 35 8., K. 1 E., Sec. 1, 8EH SWVi. pine 10 M.. red fir 430 M.. white fir' 20 M. none of the pine Umber to be sold for less than 12 25 per M.. none of the red fir tttulx-r to be sold for lesa than $1.50 per M . none of the white fir U te sold for less than $1.00 I per M , T. 21 8.. It. 2 W., Sec. 27, !-ot 9. fir 760 M , hemlwk 30 V.. cedar 20 M.; Ix.t 10, fir 1100 M.. hemhxk 20 M.. cedar H0 M.. none of the fir timber 'to be sold fr less than II f0 per M and none of the hemlock rnd cedar timber to be aold for lest than $1.00 per M.. 1-ot 15, fir 600 M hemlock 75 M, codsr 150 M Ixt 16. fir 900 M, hemlock 50 M . cedar 125 M.. none of the fir timber to be sold for less than 11.25 ner M . and none of tlio 'hemlock and cedar timber to be aold .for less than $1.00 per M. T. 15 S.. III. 5 W, Sec. 25. NEt, SW'hi. yellow fir 260 M., red fir 800 M., cedar 30 M.. NW4 NWH, red fir 1700 M.. SW4 NW4. yellow fir 200 M., red fir 1450 M.. 8E4 MV!4, yellow fir 200 M . red fir 1600 M., none of the fir and cedar timber to be sold for less than $1.50 per M.. T. 21 8., H 3 W., 8oc. 13. N W H SEW. fir 500 M , none of the fir timber to be aold for less than $1.60 pur M. (Signed) WILLIAM GPuY, Commissioner, General Ijtnd Office. W. XTEO 1 1 fc LP FKM A Mi WANTED Woman or girl for general housework. Phone 171. 275 II ELI WANTED Male and Fcuutlo WANTED Man and wife for bunk house;, man to work on ranch, wife to do ooklug. Phone 19-X-2, Eagle Point Ore. 274 WAXTKII KITFATIOXS WANTED Young woman, neat ap pearance, capable, wants position. Prefer office work or clerking but will consider other work. Addretm N. K. T.. 726 Welch 8t. 273 WANTED MISCELLATTEOUS WANTED 15 or 20 cords of dry body- fir wood. Call 129 J 2. 275 WANTED A 300-chlck brooder; price must be reasonable. C nil S16-X. 273 WANTED 475 lawn mowers to shar pen or repair. Liberty Ropatr Shop. 294 ..u H l t-l-uwu uiinuicjnB, uirrciimiv rilan town or eoiintr nronerlv In exchnne-a for cloar ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co. Thone 728-R or. 134-Y. tf WANTED House mormg and re pairing. ' Plione 4S8-M or 488X tf WANTED A email cash register. What have you to offer. Address Register. Mall Tribune. tf t- ...... L .. - . ATTRACTIVE EAST SIDE HOME lull two story and basement; largo living room mid dining room) kitchen with biilltlns; large hall: three largo bedrooms; sleeping porch; largo bnth room, two toilets, a dandy f I replace 5 hardwood floors In living room, dining room and hull; wired for electric cook. Ing and hent; piped for gas; hoiwe bitn lnen newly painted and all walls have been tinted; good garage; on paved street! lot 0 by 120. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. 113 West Main Street iUsal Batata Iunraaoa DON'T 'UU- IT rOU UIJST HOrsKKKKKlXO KOOMH KOIt KKNT Four clean platred fur nlshiid houstkfi-i,-n room. 641 Pine, clone In, by Lincoln achool. 271 FOR RENT LlKht houatkeeplna riKimi, 611 8. Central Ave. 275 FOR RENT Furnished hoiiHekeepinij room. 325 E. Jacknon.. Phone 211. 275 FOR RENT Two furnished house koepInK room. Upstairs. 345 N. Hartlett. tf (XIII ItEXT APARTMENTS FOR RENT At onc furnished apart ment In Mall Tribune building, with hot and cold water, steam beat, electricity for IlKhtlnic. and Ka stove furnished. Apply at this office, tf FOR RENT Newly furnished two room apartment. Call at 245 8. Cen tral. 273 WANTED bid for cutting 600 cord wood. W. JU Van Houten. 273 FOK KF.XT FIRX1SHKI) KOOMS FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath time, garage In connection; any dead rd live storage. 124 King St. FOK RENT HOISES FOR RENT Close In 5 room fur nished house, garage. Phone S26-J. FOR RENT 6 room house, 125 per month. Call 2-Y before 1 p. m. 275 , FOR RENT 6 room furnished house Inquire Mr. Taylor. Valley Fuel Co. tX)R RENT 10 "room modem house. 906 E. Main. 274 FOK RENT Houses, brvwn St White. tf IXST LOST Black purse, between Baptist church and Nutatorlum. Return to Mall Tribune. 274 MOXEY TO I-OAX BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD Money loaned and good ranches for sale by J. H. Andrews, Investment Broker. 31 N. Orape St Phone 63-M. WE HAVE MONEY to loan on Im proved dwelling and mercantile pro perty In Medford only. McCsrdy Insurance Agency. tf FARM MORTGAGES Medford Farm Loan Association. F. P. Farrell, Secy.-Treas.. 220 W. Main St MISlT-l-LAXEOl'S LEARN TO DANCE The waltx. fox trot and one-step in eight lessons. Campbell Dancing School, Tuesday and Friday nlghta. Hall over Mod ford Pharmacy. , 274 CHIMNEY SWEEP John F. Buckley, '"l Medford' t own. Phone 600-Y. 270 SEWING MACHINES repaired. Fir. Phone 215-R 10 S. I92 IICSIXEKS OPPOHTVXITIKS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY for young man and wife, will clear from $150 to $200 per month. Small invest ment required. Addrss A, this office. 2"6 VOll SALE REAL ESTATE IFOR SALE Ahaifa, gra.n and stoct ranches from $5.00 per acre up; long time, easy payment. Gold Ray Realty Co. tf" FOR SALE Lease ot exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. LIVE AT HOME And make a good living off your own i aood milk cows and poultry. We . , ., , ,,. , , , have a splendid little home place all stocked with cows, chickens, feed, implements and tools, also fruit and berries, all uuder irrigation and close to good schools, town, and paved highway. Will sell or trade for a good little modern home In Medford. BROW X & WHITE Holland Hotel Comer. Notary P-ubUfi MltlQ "TELLING WAS ISlKOiCicrrs XOUR DAUGHTER -jJ -7 WHAT'Sj THAT? )l922 v J'iT't Feature Scrvicc. Inc. FOK HALVr-ItK.iL KHTATK FOK BALK Ileat alue for the money; see display Ad on this page. Iiennett investment Co. tf fX)H 8AI.E Central Point Hotel. 40 rooms; would cost $30,000 to build. Price today, I6.K00. Might trade. Price will be reduced $100 every day until sold. Gold Ray Realty Com pany. Phone 72M-U or 134-Y. 27o FOR 8 ALE Attention es-Soldlera: Kanchea aold under Soldiera' llonna:FOR SALE $5.00 down $3.00 per mo. Plan or can he paid for with share i of crop, like rent Gold Ray Realty Company. tf FOR SALE AVTOMOIHLKH FOR SALE 1(20 Dodge roadster, fine condition. Bee Patton and Robinson Inc. FOR SALE One good Ford touring car with considerable extra equip ment, tires all gx;d. A bargain. Price only $195. Call and see it. Tiusy Corner Motor Co., Main and Riverside Ave. tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOK SALE Thoroughbred fox terricf male pup. A live wire. W. H. Arnold, 2 miles SE of Jacksonville. 27 1 FOR SALE One span young mares about 1200 lbs. each, 6 Hampshire! shoats, one Hampshire boar abnit two years old and weight abaut 30 lbs. Warner Hutte Orchard. 275 FOR SALE Fresh milk cow. gtvin? f ur gallons per day. Price $03. J. Wallenberg, Fugle Point. 277 FOR SALE Thorouahbretl Persian terrier pup. 3 months old, a regular beauty. Puo-e 091 R 1. 27U FOR SALE J first class milk cows and heifer, fresh and coming fresh; also year old bull and 3 work horses. Walsh's Place. 1 mile NE of Medford oa Crater Lake road. 27j FOR SALE Registered pure bred Dii roc Jersey boar pig, three years old. Price $j0. Call Modoc Orchard m,-Rr ; 'r,pfq vTZnZTZT or D. R. Wood. Medford. tf,M"R.A,BR.S- JiAN VPRIT" j. r Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5. UVISTOC-K IXSVIUXCE. WE REPRESENT the only livestock Insurance company doing business ' la Oregon. McCurdy Insurance Agency. tf VOn SALE HOMES FOR SALE A real snap: 4 room fur nished house. Toilet bath, paring paid in full. Terms. C. S. Butter field. 273 FOR SALE OR RENT Home In Jack sonvllle, 14 acres. Phone 362 or Bee W. H. Venable, Jacksonville. 282 FOR SALE Hiuse and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C S. Butter field. Medford National Bank Bldg. Phone 3S9. VOn SALE FOl LTRY AXI V.GOH FOR SALE Booking orders for R. i. lieu and w nue r.eguorn oatiy chicks from Uoganlzud stock. Thone 865-Y. 27S FOR SALE Booking orders for Whlto Leghorn and Rhode Island Red eggs and baby chicks. Dressier Square Deal Hatchery. Phone 951-L. 276 FOR SALE Commercial hatching Now booking orders for commercial hatching. No order too small or too large for us to handle. Charges based on percentage of hatch deliv ered. Standard Incubutor Mfg. Co. Tel. 568-R. FOR SALE Minorca hens. Phone 275 432 W. Mrs. C. M. Parker. FOR SALE 4i V hlte Leghorn laying hens. Phone 314-L. 274 FOR SATXRrir"Reacockerel8 and setting eggs. Ernest Webb, Central Point . 287 lOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE House to be moved or wrecked. Corner of Hartlett nnd Sixth. Phone 8-J-3. 277 TOR SALE Cabin for bachelor, fur nished. Mrs. Loar, 44S S. Front. 274 FOR SALE Kitchen range fifteen dollars. Box 26, Mail Tribune. 273 Auditing Aeeourvttrva feYSTOl, RV1CE10; ' llSUrSkTCf I 1 IrwcstinieitfslJljgf M. P, Phone SHI SCUMITT, Mgr. Liberty Bldg Gold Coin Quartz and Placer Association We buy and sell mining properties. See u. Temporary Officii 200 Idborty lildg. Medford sssasSBassi in j nj ii!i!i.psjssjsssssii Ill WHAT tVAE&rsI THAT ON MY DAUGHTER! ir - VOK RALE H.SfKLL.XI-X)V!4 ifOR 8ALI- Cheap, dandy horse, har- neas. biiKiry and hack. Walsh's place. 1 mile NE of Medford on Crater Lake road. 2'j6 FOR SALE Canary bird at DeVoeV FOR SALE Csed sewing machines from $5.00 up. Your term are our, 10 S. Fir. Phone 215-R. 292 no Interest, buy a 1922 Singer. Why worry in mai om one; 6inKr 8ewinif Marchine Co., 10 8. Fir. Phima 51S.R . "ao .iFOR SALE Dry wood. Special sale. Phone 5-H. FOR SALE Best of hay on highway near Phoenix. Phone C. Carey, 16F-11. . FOR SALE A No. 1 Yellow Globe Danver, Crimson Globe and PrUe taker onion seeds, Cutbert raspberry and Perfection currant plants. Light buggy and Jersey heifer. J. L. Dem mer, 609 W. Jackson St. Phone 846-J. 283 FOR SALE Sand, gravel, sediment and dirt Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 912 J, Samuel Bate man, 302 Maple St FOR SALE A 13 Horsepower steam boiler, good as new, for less than hair price. Phone 203. Snider Dairy A Froduce Co., Medford. tf FOR UXni.VXGE FOR TRADE 180 acres nnimnroved land in famous wheat belt of south ern Saskatchewan, Canada. No en cumbrances, virgin soli, fine Invest nient. Any or all far property in .Medford or vicinity. Caii or write J. M. Siglingcr, 410 E. Fourteenth St. 273 n LSI X ESS P! RECTORY Abstractors i .o. ii .or;a ventrai Ave., up I Etalrs. Jackson County A15STRACT CO., The only complete Ti tle System In Jackson bounty. " Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specialises in Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. C. M. THOMAS Lawyer. Rooms 1-2-S. Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., Med ford. Oregon. Phone 43-J Auctioneer W. H. WELTY Livestock and gen eral auctioneer, 10 years experience. ror sale dates phone 551. GEO. L. NEALE Auctioneer, has been cry ing successful soles In Jack son county for 14 years. Central Ioint, Oregon. Phone 87. 292 Arcliiteet FRANK C. CLARK Phone 841-J. -219 W. Main St. Carpenters, Builders and Contractors CARPENTERS, BUILDERS & CON TRACTORS Let us figure your Job: reasonable and reliable. Built in features a specialty. Bashore & Jones, 201 S. Riverside. Phone 457-J. Hullding Material MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Piano Instructions FRED ALTON 11A1UHT Teacher of piano and harmony. Classical and impular courses. Studio 31S Liberty HldK., Medford. Oro. Phone 73. r' aM..'J-K. PEItL FlXElttl, HOME Cor. th and Oakdale 1 Block West ot Postoffice. Ampulaneo Servico I'hone ? DO TOU CKS r . ...... IltSIXESS WRFXTORY Chiropractic Ittysldan DRS. BRAY ft HOFFMAN Straight Chiropractic, rooms 408-9-10 Med ford lildg. 9 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 5 p. m. dally except Thursday. Phone 580. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 985. tf DR, A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physician. DR. LOl'18B E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chlro practlr. Mechano-Therapy, fipen dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chiro practic. Office: Stewart Sldg.. 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office, 170; Re. 170-J-2. Chiropractor DR. A. BL'RKIL'ND Chiropractor. Special attention to Gastro-Intee-tinal Diseases Chronic Indiges tion, and constipation. These con ditions respond readily to the art, science and phllospohy of chiro practic. No drags no surgery, no osteopath. Su:t 3. 4 and 6 Sparta Bldg.. office phone 285. DcntfeU DR. VICTOR R. KAUFMAN Dent ist. Teeth cleaned, ethically and thoroughly without charge. Special attention to children'! teeth and pyorrhea treatment. Emergency . calls answered at all timet. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., evening 7 to 8. Phones Office 285; res 331-R. Sparta Bldg. cor. River side and Main, Medford. DR. H. E. Murphy Dentist. Ldy assistant. Office over Woolworth't Store. Phone 144. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, O. P. A. Attention given to anything in Accountins and In come Tax requirements. Look tnta our simplified accounting -method. Liberty Bids., Medford. Pnont 157-R. Farm Loans ROGUE RIVER FARM LOAN ASSK Charter covers entire territory ot Jackson County. See E. H. Hurd. Becy-Treas., 411 Medford Bldg. Osteopaths DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINE CARLOW Osteopathic Physicians, 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-2. Residence 26 & Laurel St DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopaaio Physician. Special attention given to eye.' ear, nose and throat 303 Liberty building. Phone 496. Physicians aad Surgeons T. O. HEINE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses scientifically fitted and properly adjusted. Office 314-315 Liberty Bldg., cor. Grape and Main Sts. DR. J. J. EMMONS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited ta eye, ear, nose and throat Eye scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Aurist tor S. P. R. R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 567. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. H. M. SHAW Physician and Surgeon. Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. Office hours 10 a. m. to 12:30 a. m. and 1:30 tc 5 p. m. Room 402 Medford Building. Phone 744-R. tf DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon. 312 to 311 Medford Bldg. Entrance 35 N. Central. Special attention to spine, . Phone 29. Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St. Hug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Fboua 610-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices rlKlit. Servlco guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything mo-ed day or ntght Service guaranteed. 19 S Grape. Phone: Orflco 614, or Its, 047-11 or W. ...