PAflfi SIX MKDFORh MAIL TRll.rNT.. MKHKOUD. OlilHiOW vYKDXKsDAY. ITiUUTARY 8. I!-'J CREAM CLEARS A STUFFED-UP HEAD tnitantly Open Every Air Passage Clears Throat Too. CONFERENCE TO If your notrtl are clogged and your head is MulTcd became of nasty catarrh or cold, apply a little pure, antiscjnu cream into your nostrils. It pctictniK th rough every air pa stage, oothin r.-. i healing swollen, inflamed wv.V" ts c and you pet instant relief Try this. Gut a small IxhiU- IV Cream Halm at tny tin s jtor 1 clogucd nostrils open riht u , -.. head is clear; no more hawkini; ... .snuffling. Count fifty. All tlie stuih BE HELD AGAIN 8 YEARS HENCE ! WASHINGTON. Feb. 7- P-y Assv ! dated Press) AU.-vug.-. the Washing '; ten eon'erenee had itself gone out of .existence today with several ef' to ! delegations. Including the British, al ready on their homeward Journeys, many of its doeislms. particularly re- iiaung to tne t; AQUA-PLANING KING OF MIAMI SPORTS 111 new, dryness, struggling for breaUi i , 0 he applied M(l tfven gone aouu-dhac ' t .sra and commission an W O O D ! All kinds of wood at right pi-Ices; ill mill blocks. Onler Promptly Filial MEDFORD FUEL CO. Cor. Mr and Third Phone 242 Day or Night WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors FISHING RODS "twwrappod, repaired and Kevar- nUhed. Hk'i tied to , pattern order. R. V. GOCLn BIT S. Newtown St. East, sti'l remained effect by authorised for the, purpose. Iu addition, the conference, so far as its naval decisions are. concerned, provide virtually for its re-birth eight years hrnce when representatives of the live powers which Join In the naval agreement w ill meet again to discuss naval armament, and it also authorlx- ed specifically a five-oower is-1 sion to revise the rule.; tf warfare. The only directly continuing func tion cf the conference remaining after its windup was the secretariat-general's office. This has been charged merely with the final duty of compil ing and printing corrected minutes of the plenary and commissions and als.v' will act as a clearing house through; which the various governments will J inform each other fully as t their ev1 or.istinn commitments affect ins China.: (it is expected L conclude both of i these in the very near future and then! M tHlfopi4 1 close its doors. J,, & u . . v v - v m , . t : J J I I , f ' ". V is. . , t -Sr-1 ' K- - - - T ... j PAIQinAD ml!! UMLLnUnu PROPOSED WOULD E 13NE0NTHS 2 mi ii oni t.itw is i:hh AMII.M II I, AM I II l' l.l,Mt9 BUSINES3 MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE - V will ii'll your liimiiuna Iminlte uur Iiiiim Ki'Mn you n piittner, eu No t'liiiiitv for l-l-ttiitTrniii.mUiH timriilriilliil WE LOCATE BUYERO FOUR SITE SALES AGENCY. Asm. am nTlT.nnN mi.iudkii Itenver Itlmk I'litiite 4 MetUiird Itldj. I'litiiiii 0U While winter grips the noit i .a. u uuu women on vac.vtl m nt southrrn resorts enjoy themselves with the thrilli.i; s;ort of anuapluniuK. This view shows ono of the seasleds speedin.4 aloj: Itiscnyne Hay, Miami, with a n&rty of five. Condensed Summary of What Arms Parley Accomplished W O OB Under cover, $3.00 per tier and np Prompt Delivery. 112l X. CENTRAL WOOD CO. I'hone ft4. J. M. CAELTON. f LODGE OFFERS BILL TO SAVE AUSTRIA CHAS. MILLER Auto Radiator, Fender. Itunning lioard and Hody Repairing. Sol derin?. Oppowite Pepot Phono I4J WASiUXC.TOX. Feb. 7. A resolu- WASHINOTON. Feb. 8. tlly Ass ciated Press). Six completed treaties, two ethers agreed to in substance, fourteen resolutions and ten separate, or joint declarations of national policy, comprise the formal and tangible con tribution to the arms conference ne tiations tu history, lly tho mnjtir agreemoats of the conference, tlx Kieat powers put a limit on their naval strength in capital ships, abjure WASIUNU TON, rob. 8.-.V null nil ctmvetill n of biis-,:nH, ptvuiMHl null I and aelvntlflo men t ) discuss thoi t:uestlon of citUndar' reform with i vlow to vn Vor!uent of ti btil nowi pen lln In r.inn.vss to estitbliatt a now i-nlondar t'.lvl llnit Hut yur tnl thlM teen months cf days ;n:h, convened. Inn todny nt liie notiutul immeunj I ainl.lorlmii under the misptces of thoj I.lbi ty CoJindiir Assoflutlon of Amer ica. "Th Liberty calendar bllV wlili-hi has been Introduced lit tfif li.uso by i i llnpresfiutatlvo Hchell, of Mtunen 'tti, i 'which meets the etulors.mier.t of the association would put tMo new ilnie' schedule Into effocl In V.i'.'S, to isivo the I other nations an opportunity to fallow, Tlut bill Is a Ivoi ated by th nssix la lion ns affording tt standard time sche lule for every year which would I definitely fix for all time the .i:it"n of every day of the work by the utilfbrm I'S day month division and thus dis pense with tho ttreil of yearly mien darn and end tho Im-tmvenl. nci of hnv intc lo refer I.) Iheso to cHtHldUU tho coincidence t l "dn and dates," In I3t day years, th odd day r mnl'iint; would be d'spoued of n "new year's day" and rotainol tu a lel 4-MlsT SH MIlihI HN t)lllx;)N marine warfare acainst rommerco sin usa of poison gas. give China new bill ! Aiithoriitatlon for a consultation b of rihts based on territorial Inteitrtty I lwp,'n '""'Iko diplomals and Chlueao tion designed to "save Austria from an j ti;e 0'ien d;wr and set tin a new ! Hlfi'':'iB "t IVkintc with a view t w th- economic collapse-" y extension for .,B.ll(ln:ll nrmr.l nm.rvn v.-e diawal of foreisn tr.Mps f :s years of the payment of Austria a . . , n-.,. o-i 1 1 Resolutions llrlofly. tho f eiird-en resolutloiis holiday :Kiveu c nforenro 8::irvat embody thu l:i "I'Mip yt-ar" the additional one-day jf. Ilow-ittK decislcns. .Iu; would bo 1I.hmimo. of by creailtiK j Afireement for withdrawal of foreign u leaj )ear day between .tho months I'OHtofflees froiu fbina on January 1. o. Juno and July ns a b'Kal holi.iay. i i 192.1, prmliUd China maiut.iius an ef- The extra month of tho rniendnr would Jficlent postal sertleo and continues bo ealb-d "Vein," to inelude'tho vernal the present director Krneral. I'fiulnox and bessltt sprinit. ' Kstalilishaient f an Intcinatl -nal Tho pni"ed ca'endar would benln : commissi n t t-ivesit)tat the J tho week with Mi tiduy Instead of flun- j s;. stent wild a vl'w Ij n'oolitioa cf day. e.tra-territorlal rights. j ... SPRAYING TREKS SHRCBBERT Large or small Orchard Jobs. .Modern Equipment. Phone lOfl for Contrart 111 m. a.tirc- t fSA I'nitc.l t-t-...B irP.ln poration. was Introduced In ihe sen- tain her intention t. restore ate today by Chairman Lode of the ei-llel Wei to China and Japan isenate foreign relations committee. ; hands back Shantunx and prontlscs t3 The resolution carries the provis-; withdraw from Siberia as soon as con ion, however, that the extension may ditions there are stabilized. . INCOME TAX COME IX NOW is the appeal tee , make to our clients. You will thus avoid the rush of the final days of the period when our time is taken np day and night to GET RETURNS IX ON TIME. Our Efficient Service coves money for others and it will do so for you. , WILSON AUDITING CO. Liberty Building. Medforri not be granted, unless other nations. to which Austria is similarly indebted grants extensions. GENTRAUA TO BUILD 6 Treaties Listed Thesa are the six treaties which during the twelve weeks cf negotia tions here have been brought to finnl completion: 1 Naval limitation treaty, by which the United States, Great Britain. Japan, France and Italy agree to scrap 6S capital ships and so limit future construction that, after a ten year lim itation or building holiday, their firvt line strength will remain at 023,000 SEATTLE, Feb. S.-Resldcnfs of 625- ton' 3I5-000 ica Centralis. Wash., have agreed to beari lon anJ 175000 ,on8 respectively, tue entira cost of future maintenance The respective tonnage cf airplane of the memorial bulldinn to be erected : carriers is limited to 130,00(1 fns each mm China. lielimiulshment to t'l.lna of una'tth- SALESMAN E orl;e foreign radio stations rn Chf ' A r.ese soil with the stipulation that all plants nro to bo used for official me-t-i saees only escept la enwrKom-y. j A.creemcat to exchuuKo fu'l informa-l tion anion? the natkns. regardinit alt OAKLAND, fa!.. K.b. 7.W. K. international commiuti'.'nts. that arfct I (hi home. u. miiemnan w.m detained China. liy tne (mllee here tmlny (or Invent P Creation of a hoard of reference to tuttion after be hd l.rouirbi to a ho- consider, casts arising under the open door and railway provis! ins of tho gen eral Far Eastern tr-ity. Convening of a special coimr.i .tl n of the five (vow ts to meet in the near future and con- men killed durin; an Armistice dap parade In Cenfalia in 1919, Frank C. Jackson, state director of the memor ial campaign, was advised today. Cen tralia will also provide a site for the memorial, the advices stated. Marries 2nd Cousin Cheap Fuel v have no upeciai prices or cut Pauline Frederick rtUNy out we nave tne tci ana cheapest fuel in the city, and all under our large sheds. Pine $3.00 per tier. Hardwood $3.73; other fuel in proportion. Dry as a bone. JtiHt our regular prices. VALLEY FUEL CO. PHONE 76 GIM CHUNG China Herb Store there in honor of four former service , ,or the Vnlted States d Great Ilrl- tain, i,uuu tons lor Japan and GO.QO'J tons each for France and Italy. Indi vidual capital ships are to be no larger than 35,000 tons and carry no Runs In excess of 16 inches.. Aircraft carriers are limited similarly to 17,000 tons and auxiliary craft to 10,000 tins, and neither can carry a Kun larser than' eight inches. A fortifications "status quo" is set up in the Pacific tinder which the United States agrees not ti ! further fortify the Philippines and Guam and Japan agrees to observe the same restriction in Formosa, the ; Benin and the Pescadores. ! Olal the body of Mlsn Maty NeWelt. '.'7. u tufe enti rtoliu f. The pellee sold 1 l'-rit!mrn told , thrm he did not knov the woman and fnuixl hi-r boily on the .trTt. H . Knr it frloml liou-t.vf-1. r-iturt .t aider ru'.es to g vern the us of new , navw informed the p.,lb i. . ttmt I agencies of warfare. lleathnrne had told him Miss Nwp11 t Ty a second resolution on tho same had fallen from an automobile. j subject, it is declared that the com- Th only murk on the ymmir worn, j mission' ""shall not review or repart Ik"'- uerordinK toMhe poll, e re upon" the s'lbinarim. an.l K.ison Ras ,ort- v--lH a ' ", "l th" '.''.!' rules laid down in the treaty on thut,,,rut"- - j subject. . t ' j Kecommemlr.tion that "better pro- f . ft f i I tectioa" bo given the Chinese Eastern niJK'm v-uiumyuj railway. Another resolution attached, but not subscribed to by China, de. clarea that the Chlneso government must be held responsible for Its obliga tion regarding the road. Pledge Pope Devotion Herb cure tor earacne. Headache, cai rrh. diptherla, sore throat. lun troubi-: kidney trouble, itomaco trouble. nar trouble, chills and fevi-r. cramp", cough poor circulation. carhunc-a. tumoni cracked breant curea all kinds of goiter NO t PE RATIONS Medford. Oregon. Jan II, liU.' This is to certify that . tn undr Ivned, had very severe itoinacb (roul and had been bothered for arveral year j and last Aua-uat was not expected to live, and hearing of Glm thung (whocv Herb store, is at 214 bntn trout utreel Medford), I decided o (ret herbs for rcj rtomach trouble, and I started to feellof . better as soon as I used Inrm and today am a well man and can heartily lecom mend anyone afflicted as I was to a Oltn Chung and try his Herbs , (Hla-ned) . W. H. JOHNSON Witnesses Wm. Lewis, KaKle Point W. L. Chlldreth. Eaule Point M A. Anderson. Medfori B. B Holmes. Kamle Point C. K, Moore. Eaele Point. J J. V Helntyre, KaRle Point . . Oeo Von der Hllen Kxiri- Kftn SANTA AXA, Cal., Feb. 7. Paulino Frederick, motion picture actress, for merly well known on the stage, was married here Saturday evening to C. A. Rutherford of Seattle, who she said was her second cousin and known to her all cf her life. Mis Fredericks returned auletly to Los Aneeles and I said she expected to resume work in a studio there today. League to Follow Up Conference Program PARIS, Feb. 8. (P.y the Associat ed Press.) Following adjournment of the Washington conference the dis armament commission of the League of Nations has decided to meet In Paris February 20, for the purpose of discussing further means of bringing about reduction in the im plements of war throughout the world. NEW YORK, Feb. 8. A pledgo of repression of hope that the Chinese! devotion from the SOO.OOrt members railways mav Le develooed toward a;' n rn'Sriu l voiumuus in unified system under Chinese control. I United States, Canada Ite-iuest on tha part of the otlieri""" .i.... i i iu.ui the new dodo. Pfux XI liiui i.uiiia ivuutv our liotiim ; . .... forces 1 representative or me organization. Supplementary agreement to the! Edward L. llearn of this city an naval limitatl-n treaty. delnrln tho ! nounctd today he wvild Fall Saturday the Newfound- wilt be dellvorml to by a special nations "in honor bound" not to dis- Hated for for Italy, where ho is to direct tho proposed Knights ot Columbus wo' faro work program. Itofora taking up these duties ho will.vtslt the vuti- 2 Thfl submarine nnd nMurn rra treatv. to which .h aam fiv- -,r. K0 r Bhl9 Wc, Br" are signatories. By Its terms tho pow-:"c;app!,ng bc("re tbe treaty 1b ""'"l4 . . . .. t Suniilomeatarv aererment t th ers agree as among tnemscives. not (0 . .. ..... can and nrosent tho Pledge. It was an use submarines as '"commerce destroy. "ur'. " ' " " lrealy . . l"V ... i n o t m i n ti i t u . r ' inoi nan ntniiiianti i - - ers. in all cases to obasrve the rules" "- of visit and search and to regard as a jfr V?e l' P)'1"1"" pirate any submarine officer who vi' ,f tbe , faratlnns made by the late, the law. Outlaw the use of ploa iV'rtou,B lM''ik,M A n l U,rm" gas altogether spread on the records or the confer- Ar.glo-jap Treaty Ends enco, chM "t'-U"8l la 3-The four power Pacific treaty by ;aU?c.IBd -V V n which the United States. Great Britain ,and..lhe . ty one demands. Re Franc and o-rDO, . ... biberia, Japun disavowed any . xpnu f5 vv i icv i uuq SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT To . HOME OWNERS AND BUILDERS We are now in a position ' to offer The Mueller Converter The. most successful pipeless furnace made On Very Liberal Term If you are figuring on a fur nace for next fall; let ua in stall it now and have it paid for by then. Many local references.- tThe Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. 4m 7F$m ' ' iCHds VoT, rtormy Jicr, exposure, V ir gr.ifiljf, ar.'! the heavy cold is on. Dr. Kinj's cw iJi-ii (,vi;ry breaks it up (in:, and'.y. Head cleaned u; coi.j;!i rdii -. nj an 1 you k-cl Lttter. At your drUb'-ts, Ox. Dr. Kings New Discovery For Colds and Coughs Bowels Begins for Help? Or. Kinps Pi'Ij will bring -ycu the happiness of roiilar, normal bowels and liver functioning. Mild but al 'way reliabh. At all druftrfits, 25c. " PROMPT! WON'T GRIPE Dr. Kins Pills another's rights In relation to their Insular possessions In the Pacific and to meet in consultation whenever those rights are threatened. The Anglo-Japanese alliance is automtitio ally abrogated when the new treaty finally is ratified. 4 The general Far Eastern treaty, between the United States, Great Bri tain, Japan, France, Italy, China, Bel- territorial designs, en Ituusia and e'.cdged herH(;lf t j wlthuraw her troops iiom Siberia us soon as Ktabln condi tions warrant while the United States i reasserted its hope that the withdraw al would not be long delayed. Japs Abandon No. 5 The famous "group five' of the twenty-one demands waj abandoned ' by Japan, along with other concessions glum, Portugal and Tho Netherlands relating to economic ond political con binding each of them to respect dltlons in Manchuria and Mongolia China's integrity, the open door policy China filed a protest against tho re is to be applied In detail and every ', nialnlng portions of the ""demands", opportunity is to be given the Chinese 'and the United States" reiterated Its to develop a stable government. It H intention not to recognize any of them agreed that no new treaty infringing ' which might abridge American rights. these principles is to be included, that j Thn British declaration of readlnoss no contracts violating1 them are to bfc,tr withdraw from the leased territory upheld, that discriminatory practices 'of- el-Hal-Wei was not' elaborated In tho Chinese'tailways aro to end and : n,t wi" ,,c taken un In diplomatic ex that China's rights as a neutral are to changes between London, and Peking, be respected In future wars. As" a supplement 110 tllu f'aB Eastern The Chinese tariff, adhered to by ; treaty, China declared, her Intention the same nine nationn, providing Inter- "ot to alienate ouy additional portions national machinery for an immediate'0' her 'territory, "and as a supplement revision of Chinese cimtom duties on a! to the tariff treaty slif! agreed b re- basis of five per cent, effective and ! tain the preannt maritime customs sy- perlcdlcal revisions thereafter, togetli-Item cr with change which will permit im position ot surtaxes. 0 The Shantung treaty botween As to mipiilcnients ta the radio reso lutions, China declared sue recognized no right lo Install foreign radio plants China and Japan by which Shantung Is j without her express consent, and the restored to Cblneoe control. By one ' I" other than China declared that of the uncompleted treaties agreed to!1" f't'ire wireless disputes, the open In substance during the conference, jdoor policy must be applied. Japan gives the I'nlted States the long! sought cable and wireless privileges ' lMlllu Ilutke'fs Mother Iles. on the Island of Yap, and by tha other! HASTINGS,. ,. y,t Feb. 7. Mrs. five principal powers and The Nether- J!1"n1'! Klrko died toduy at the lands allocates 'the former German- '!"y "f ''nT' Vl VTSZ owned cables In the Pacific so that one ZSTOrU feUe iuuib i-imuuoiaies.onoij jupan ,n!llln hf.r nomo ncr0 for ,h0 ust 15 and ono to The Netherlands. years. ,, .' , , " ' Passenger Rates to Coast Are Reduced CHICAGO, Feb. 7. A reduction of approximately 20 per -cent In pus songer rates from ChlcnBrr" to tho. Pa cific coast was announced today by the Chicago, Burlington and Qulney, tho Great Northern and tho Northern Pacific rullroad:t for the summer months. The redurtlt n whs eald to place the rates on the same level us prior to tho 1 12 0 Increase. t. - . - . Back Weak and j Lame for Years I Rub soreness, pain, ttirfrss right out with a smrll tri!, bottle of Old St. J.icoii j C il 95 Hlt I'LNTAL M.C.W SJ i; JOHNSON' TOHAV I'AINLI.H liLNTISTS Tin ne r.1 -US ifri mk The Oldest Man TkY- in the World ' ft 'im . . Sft." . .' l Pieced tiiisrtbcr Ihrv inadr what t On. e( the mit trr- jl Biy'Wv plriiij invurric in the study of human history. IU il'ilf, 0V O'-. OIW WII.O' VI nl " J I I llll TT, f &l StiiintinH brlirv that ihry wcrl Ihry call him Fl C. ! I'll ''IC "l-,l,v, M ''," ind ailt uf the tciotd rudwddnl Cf; 1 4 V$M- ti IL ',H' thr hnve ircuiKlrixivd the Condi- j&4&fs39tin l u "ow illlea nt f4 sad ViS '' .v'l 1,l,e ',y ""a ''"" ,,,c benri; Iiikv he nim- 4t i t i l'-,,vrt' clublwd lii. way up lo mattery uvtt gafv'.'-ir4l III It i frinaiiiit(, it ippititt lay, but XJjP il i only nue uf I llmus.iud (luiici thai Hit yuuc bl"i'd in lltia i;iratot lMik id nnxiirM 111111', H. G. WELLS' "Outline of History" .Vt Offtrtdyou at One-Third the Orijinol Trie A hilt' that ftet kt-fc ItWOOM urt-thut lrMi )rn' rwd bfflft Viixifl SiM.uh i4ra H4ht tvllvwi Mm tla) ttufuif) lh 1 tM ( N4HHhftte44r. Ik ktl t Ciwfr. th l Ht, aiit ', tt AiM'flfs ft lud?. 11 th (trMl Wr AlisJ ) lbs lyl M tumu rx CM (! ft Fm NfM. M C.iALC Mtlwyat UW.Hi', c fmly th Kuiurf ( h tt-ttL K ! t,rir tf lK- mt IK r.WtMm S trsj (ttrm ef tt-- iH t; the m- - "l irw li t-' t, -rt (m ( fi. in UluOii iMlVrt t t it .t 1. wvM M'" 4 HhOMI ia, ' Owl Aa4 Th Btvitw of Reviews Too y ul" ' Z Wt' Hsit. llh Hi. d.n U llm. f.rfi. in.. -rw iwrtt: K- jV r..l ... w IJ l- ( iit. .n i.-n i... I . i.....;iva .it.!... k. tr , '" " -.' "'lei - I. Milan. SM...IM f-u limn ! !'... A.."kr . , 10 ,'', ",,, ",' ii.ii.i . lw '; k4S.ii; el i ',,11, ,, tl-l."i. ' ".' ' ' "W Krl.'w ,r.l U.MM kit; l...t.i, , h',.c 11.111 V 1"' ' - l, . .1,. ,C il.ll W II I ;ll, I1 II;. Irt H t.l Well IH. fl.'I'w ef 1.1m OS i, .' V'i .'...' ' 1 "i '".V M-. ... It. I. II- I. I I -f I' I-! I'.. ' . ' .III I...I )-a t. , .1 Hl.. nmll ,..,1'i It.. Il.l.rt II.. ' "' IM.i'i- .,I4 UKtar. II II Sill.. Il, ,1 !!,.. U. I.I b. I" ) i .1 itf.iii. ii u -i ik.oi nt. at;, i. rf.r f-n n t..linl.l JIM M 7MI t f ,. 1 M ul-4 111 t Ui J ' i..... finl N . Money - Mm.Ii- .i-i. .hil ti. .....p... I.-I . i4Jrn , ,, T...U ...j-. .1 H.i m l ... k,ii I ,. a..1rllrl 9frt It I A- 1 . m f ' mt P .... !.!. ttmAhtf ib h i'.a , . , , , , , RwWo al a.ihwi Ca, X bk ft. S full wh wth txrdtf, tnJ siWr I . ef lite ptiplK" (iv-th In the public mIumiN of America are UMiriMy In a ronili' wblrli U a iHllhe nuiuiie lo I lie lieiihli and mental aethl. lies of tbee i bllilii-n. Hi pnrl from ellnlea and exiimlnntlims liimle In liumlrett of arhooU slimv Ibut the unnie eniidltloiie elt in every pubtie Mluad. WHAT AltK VOC 1HHVO l"oit Ol'U Cll ILIU'.KN'H MOt'TIIH? Ai-o )iii, ns pan-nli, rivitnllnj the ltnl linMirtiUii'e of prewrv. Ing itr i lillilii-n'it n--ih and preventliiit tll-ne In ihelr miMtlha. I )"U renlUr tlmi meleet ef your rlillil' mouth now ritay menu eye trouble, bad tun-iN, ndenuld. niule Itiillitexlliiii and wrleu ktuniiii'h linitble In the iii-.ii- fui n it? IH.I hlTIVi: TLI.III A l'HV.ICL IHiHiCT With ndtiUs as with ihlldren. bml nnd tlH"ws Iix-Ui are n ms. hive ih-irlin.-iit. . Priu I nnd ilm n lii n rve pnelui Ina miIiiiu pit wbi li f I tiiIi i soy in Ibe IiIimmI hik uiii, raiiinK limly nfirtlun and a derbled deflrleiii y In muiuh nrOon. Give )imr iiuhiiIi lienllh ! no nuttier how man) thine art' prenoiiifc;. lTi 1 nt Main St., over M M Mor St. Jari.b-i Oil sLops any p. io, .u whin your back is sore and l.-.nie, er liunb.igo, hciaiica or lia-- joii stiffeiud up, tlon'l iiilTir! fill a in i'll trial Ixitlle of old, linni-st St. Jacubj Oil at any drug store, pour a little in your, hand, and rub it rjglit on your aching bark ; and bv the time you count fifty thi sorci'iCM and lameness in gone. Don't slay crip pled. This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the pain right out and ends the misery. It u niafiical, yet ab'o- lutcly harmless, and doesn't burn the skirt, Nothing else stop lumbago, sciatica, j nackacne or rlieumatiam so promplly. 1 It never dinappuiaul W 1 K J Ul 1 " J' V JfJ II. JS. Prrce Reduction For Willard" Wood Insulated and All Rubber Batteries' Starting, Lishting and Ignition Work. Re paira cn r.ll makes of batteries. Ford mag netca charged. Electric 5hop Cth and Eartlctt Phone 22-J Two Year Guarantee on all Rubber Batteries 1 CHANGE IN SCHEDULE j-:M'i:(TrivK run. i, mirj ; MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGES I hilly Kxrcpt Sunday , i LV. MKDKOIU) 10 A. M. LV. UOHlHit'llO 1.00 P. Mi fi HANTS PAHS.MF.DFOUI) HTAOICS . linlly mid .Suiidiiy Lenvn Medford lO.tK) A. M. ' .I.OO V. M. I.ito P. M. I'avn Oranls Pass 10.00 A. M. 1.0( P. M. 4.15 P. M. Fail's! .Medford-fiiiiiilM Puss, Oinnfs PiiMH-ltosehurn, l.i.O(li Medfnid-ltoHcburK $1.1.1.