Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 08, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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t 1
Medford Mail Tribune
Oftlc Mall Tribune liulMIng, S5-27-I9
North Fir strei-t. I'liono 75.
A consolidation of the. 1 Vniocrn t te
Tlmo, the Mi'.tford Mall, the Medford
Trlhune, the Hoolhern Oreguiilmi. The
Ashland Trlhune.
ROBKUT W. JU'HI, Kdltor.
8UMrTUH 8. SMITH, Manaitrr.
O OXK can blame ex -PresiiK tit Wilson. lie refuses (v) subscribe
to Smile Week. In answer to a request from ".huttfe'' the for-
obMribLf Tafrma Sevei'ddau?;'1'1" IVosuh nt declares he will endorse no movement so hilly ami
Other notables of Washington, without exception, sijrn their O-Keli
to the risible festivities, and no one eaij blame them, for they have
soniethiiiir to smile about. Moreover, there is nothing to be pained
by offending even a eomie weekly, with re-eleetion in the offiiifj.
Nevertheless, the former president is right. Kxcpt as an advertis
ing stunt. Smile Week is rather a fatuous proposal. Particularly as
it comes dangerously near Pay-l'p week, which is not humorous at
all, ami follows an epi.lemie of weeks devoted to till sorts of things
from Itoston beans to raisin pie.
Seven tlays of smiling appears to us as one of the most depressing
spectacles imaginable. No smile should last over seven seconds.
After seven minutes the best smile in the world will become set and
senile, and only an expert embalmer could maintain any appearance
of life after half nn hour.
Just ns brevity is the soul of wit, so is it the soul of the smite. It
must flit and quit, or else suffer a living death as a ghastly and mean
ingless facial contortion.
And yet. while Mr. Wilson is quite right, technically, his public
utterance at this time is unfortunate. If he could not endorse Smile
Week ho would better have said nothing. For this happens to be a
week of mourning for all loyal Wilsonitcs. All the world is neelaim
ing the great achievement of the Harding administration, and the man
who devoted his life and gave most of it to the same end. is neglected,
suffering and apparently for most of the world, forgotten.
Therefore, this was the w orst time in creation to suggest that there
is nothing to smile about. All the world loves a good loser and this
pronouncement, published broadcast, will suggest the former presi
dent is not one.
Therefore, why did he do what he has done? Why didn't he join
the chorus and let it go at that, for public men have to do these silly
BY MAIL In Artvnnce:
Dally, with Sunday Win, year $?.S0
Dally, with Sunday Sun, month .TS
Lially, without Sunday Sun, year. .. S.50
!fttly, without Sunday Sun, month ."
Weekly Mall Tribune., one year i.00
Hundav Sun, one year 2.00
BT CA It It I Kit- In Mcdrtml, Ashland,
Jacksonville, Central 1'ulnt, l'hoviux.
Imliy, with Sunday Sun, month 75
Dally, without Sunday ton, mouth .'
, Dally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 7. Ml
Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year S.&O
All terma by carrier, cash In advance.
Official paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jackxon County.
Sworn dally average circulation for
six month ending Oct., l21. 3355
Kntered mmA clnsft matter at
Medford, Oregon, under the act of March
S. 1871.
The Associated Dress la exclusively
entitled to the UHe for republication of
ell newe dispatches credited to .It. oi
not otherwlae credited In this paper, and
also the local news published heiein.
All rlKhta of republication of specia.
dispatches herein are also reserved.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry.
FfeB. 8.
a i m with th (iwA m s vJi!
Sco-t Movement 7 If s . - v; .. . ' iW
heart and soul. It f , 1 ' n ."" , 1 I
U en or,. nidation "V,,,f f
teaching the spirit Iff f f ' - Ifllj
of service anJ honor III H )v f I It
which we must al- 11 f t " if
ways have in our 11 V' '','' t ,c iml'
titiaen.hip. I wish VV', ' J Atif ,
every boy ta our V ' V'W ' '' : '
America coulJ have VVC - TV, V z" 'I
the advantage and . V-'" v'. 'fljt' V- :-vjM
the honor of being' I tCj' Ji A- ' J'.'M '
in the Boy Scout I ttv" IN
organitation. I i!'' " je1"' J?
Wrrcn C. Hardin ,
Every Boy
a Scout
and Every
Trained for
I Eat, Sleep, Work and
Feel Better Than in
Twenty Years" I Owe
This Entirety to
( ha$ made a nmw man
out of m. ThU jrp
i tertc, rilatid by E.C.
' Baynn, contractor, of
124 South Honor St.,
Chicago, may bm your
mxptrienc aho if
you take Tanlac, the world' t
moit famout lyslem buildir,
Fctl fine, ai nature intend
you to fcvl. Ct Tanlac today.
At ull good diutfgitts.
tiny ia tfaiiiinif boys Sot food citi
zenship. TweKo years ago nn untried
blew. hero. Today a yt(,m of boy
hood orr:imjii'd for civic hcrvire,
looked ta'iy stnto and city govern
ment, to perform definite duties
of a serious character in forest
Ol'rservution. cnmtmt itiir fliiiiltitiia
aiKl ,.!,., rinir ii.' mi ..Ifi..
T"l. . . TknM la ma( tM 1 ll
chanc of it being big eaaugh fjr stove -K. i'"""ll- '
wood before 109S. The auswer also answers the entire Wilson puzzle. Why did Mr.
I Wilson ask for a democratic consress. why didn't he take a reoresen-
tholr duty to God nnd country, to
keep tlu'iusvlvt'it "physically stronir,
mentally awnkn und morally
strnij:ht," and to ho for all their
boyhood day and to tho pud,
trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friend
ly, rourtt'ou.t, kind, obedient,
chrerful. thrifty, brave, clean and
This is tho movement con
ducted " by tho Hoy Scouts of
America nn m-ett by lenders of
church and tntt, Kchool and busi
nerjt. In tho twelvo year that
have passed, over 2,000,000 boy
Thank U.a.-ii' ::- c.
safe. Wt:i au G. ::cdi
u: y t ative delegation to Paris? of humor
iv-'s.-es tj
resume his masterful i.i ti.ej""'". "-"-v "i'"uu vl "l""""'" uaiaucc,
management of the railroads, and j unfailing evidence of a proper sense of proportion.
James Aiiuuietoa oi u ijixin v. ,
would. accept the presidencf.'
I've got the flu!
I've got the flu!
I've got that aggravatin' fag
Ker-choo! Ker-choo!!
And 'mid the ruffles.
Of the snuffles,
I feel Just like
I feel Just like
A syncopated, antiquated dishrag.
For I've got the flu!
Dawggone the flu
I'm a true-blue, flu-blue American.
(Amelra Day.)
Another $1,000,000 rain is falling
gently downward over the valley, and
it should be stopped at once before its
valuation gets too high.
(Oregon City Enterprise)
. Cecil Duke, the enterprising
young banker and president of the
Sandy Community club is at pres
, ent interested in securing an anti
cold remedy as the snowy weather
is inclined to make him take cald
easily since the fuzzy moustache
which was once so prominent a
part of his "faceology" has been
scraped into the garbage can.
Every day there comes the 'report
that some campus idol forgot himself,
and took gold for playing football.
There is no news that the lungs of the
game the yell leader has betrayed
his alma mater for a mess of greenbacks.
The Joe Gagnon Jacksonville and
Pacific railway has changed hands.
The deal includes the transfer of all
equipment, except one (1) medium
hard lead pencil, slightly worn at both
ends. .
The arms conference is now walk
ing, and the work of pounding swords
into pruning implements, and trans
forming Sam Browne belts into
bretchens for plow horses has com,
(Salem Capital Journal)
Levi Fliflet and family of Salem
spent Sunday at the M. Fliflet
A gasoline addict was picked up by
the police last night and taken to a
beanery for treatment. Every night
the officials have to deal with some
unfortunate victim of carotlcs. An
electric fan was put to bed with him
to leave the impression that he was
going some place with the wlnnhield
Quill Points
There are no goose-stepping stones to greatness.
Treaty: An agreement between nations. Autonym: Borah.
A consortium, as we understand it, is a sphere of confluence.
When any nation takes China's side it usually is the inside.
After all, a hypocrite isn't guilty of anything except synthetic
Piety. ,
TIE COY Sl Ol'T movement
U twelve ycirs old! Today,
vitn governors and mayors
H rsonaily takinc the Scout Oath
nnd t-nw, Koi.iry und Kiwania,
I.ion.; ii:ul ether m n's clubs giving
h-ii i iuoj nnd dinners, itcout iscr-i
inons in churches father nnd nun
Cet-toitvthers, troop Tallies
putl.c mass meeting, and many conditions for u:e of authorities,
other stirring activities ull set in and tho dissemination of informa
motion by a niilio mtM:ii:i from' tion.
the President of the United tatei.j Twelve years ago an idea. To
the Hoy Scout of America will day a thoroughly organized, cx-
celebrate its own arrival at the ! Pertly-led procraim of outdoor nnd ! have xuhtcrihed to tho Seou
ugo of admission t Scouting asj indoor activities and Htudie.t that j Oath and I. nv. Upwards of n half
r. Tenderfoot. , aro the delight of boyhood, givingj million men havo received tha
Twelve years airo un idea; to-1 natural and wholesome exprea-j benefit that conn's to men who
day. a movement in which 8 i.OOO "ion to boy iinpul-ies and energies,! givo their services a scoutmaster
men arc vol untardy giving service,! mak'.ng him one ith Nature and in other leaden-hip capacities
und 403,1 oS l)" are earnestly) t'' touch hikes and camping, prc-l to this itnivemeni, 1m nur.icit. u to
applying themselves to a definite! I'arin,; him to fate dangers and to' boys ha:t steadily increaned througlt
program of outduor activities nnd! meet emergeneii's, to save life nnd' years, and today there aio
rtuiites as preparation for the dtl- to rare fir the injured, developing! known to bo hundreds of thou-
ties of cituct.slop. his abilities to do things for him-
Twclvc years a;:o a new idea, self and others, im reasing lib
Today an established American in- power and deiire to nerve, and
ttitution recognised by the school i making hint ambitious to occupy
au ar. invu'.u.tblc supplementary I a place of honor and use 'ulne.s
aid tu elu . ation. hy tlse churches i in lus community and in tho lut
as u most desirable ally in char-j tion as a good citizen.
ti r-'tm'lding. and by i-tatesmcri. Twelve venrs ago merely an
ami teauers iruni coast to coast i Mea. Joiluv. an lnili.-Peii.iat)ie in-
.vi'ui.i of boys who wish to be
come scouts but must wait upon
In tlieo twelve years tho liuy
Scouts ii f America have givvn to
our country many thing of
permanent and inestimable value.
As n birthday gift t the move
ment it asks tho gift of licrvica
m tha most ini'.ucr.tial factor to-lst.tutioii helping boys to know j to the nation's boyhood, by men.
The average' man's artistic sense never develops beyond an ap
preciation of silk-finished ankles.
to 1 tnrni-tl lot lite treasury i
wh-t ia it,.. !. f..,- w ii nd company nnd to uo imed for tho
s ild nt ten (Itillii-s a hliaro to pay tor ' has been s'liuo delay In K't ting tho
this !i Ilium", an. I thl i U tli" slin k ilmt material.
is available and off.'ieil f ir sa!o by j !r, ftii Mrs. (i. W. Ktaeev und son
iie,iii;n and RyUil Itmliters worn In
Mi'diofl Kaltirday.
In.ll l.liKl ki irk holder s. till the lie
ney '
pur !
Things look better in Ireland now
lizers are gone.
much unless it's pay day.
that the
what Is It for Klrls"
j I. 'When does
year? .
blaek-and-tanta- 3. What pitcher
for pitching the
lent ln'Slll
lrse of further development work. j
thii! Th" Western Oil e 1i hr.y o'H j
(valid I'Ttioii on iiho'it thren thousand
holds tho record acres of land. Should oil or us be I
fewest number of found In paying quantities this stock
1. What is the -. r for boys and 'n('"".v ni i : nea ir ioe jn.r , Tii Antlol lt Blrlrt ewin Cltlll Hint
at Mrn. bnilth's Saturday and will
noet at Mrs. f, U Krlnk's felt. 1. i
The piny Riven at H.mis Valluy '
;u-h:H)I Kriday liiiiht was a s.iccesi anj
broiiKht in $:o.
j would bo very valiiahle. It g m-s wlth- itli hur l llrown was In Medford
been 'out navins that the r.toeMiobb'r of the nrdny with II. i'.. It Mlgem. i
Well, let's hope the naval holiday will work better than America's ut for iightinic purposes? Western oil company havo rntih in Itnland naherty and hi brother
rhnliltv 5' Ar hfrC uny mu,lon Pl,",uro tills venture or they w.mM not di v. haf were out from Medford Wednesday.
Htudlos In Japan? Ihrv are now doing. The m.viagenn nt and Siinduy to tho Oil welt on Wm.
- , I , 11 lowU to telephone frm,()f , Wf stern Oil 'ompnny w 111 b.. Kmith's ranch t Antloeh. It It rs-'
An enthusiast says a new day is dawning in Russia. It won't help a V.'whaVu'Yho population of Pub- Rtfiil tho Medford Mail Tritium, ported there art Indication of ml. i
lin Ireland? ii you win pienso niaan It cirsr t r.iuei imuw iu omuiii hi .munoi'i
8. Is Cieni ral W ood a West 1'oint jour many reauers loin mo h"m k ion t hit jiriiieiiiiiiini-r, .ins.
craduate? of the) vvestcrn oil company now ljeln' Ainrmni la sick.
The difference between. hog and pork is that Nature makes the 9- What are the seven sens? offer-d for salo In not treasury st-ick' has. Houston) of the Meadowt Is
boo-QiniPfll anil nork mik-pu tho eonsnmer c,mnol I 10- what waB thu to,al doium'-0 but Is tho st ick of Individual st .ck- "t.iylug In Medford this week. I
llOg squeal and pork, makes the consumer Soueal. 'traveled by naval and marine aircraft ,,,,,,. h0 hav volunteerel to do.: 'Joo and Lawreneo Mynall havo not;
last year? . Inato'a piiribn ef their h'ddlnits In at'cndnd Hchool this week on account ;
The remarkable part of it is that golf has gained much popu-i V T. , I , L , ' 7, .V. ; or,u'r lhl thin w.-u cm b., compu ted, of sickness
balls in a bnsehall game?
' 4. How long has kerosene
larity without the benefit of an amendment forbidding it.
Fate and high-powered scandal have
wiped the grin from Fatcoe Arbuckle's
chubby face, and the next edition of
photos of Mabel No no and will be with
her mouth shut.
(Chico Enterprise)
At the Methodist church Sunday
evening at the regular hour of
worship, Senator W. K. Duncan,
Jr., will speak to the Epworth
Ijoageurs and their friends on the
Important topic of "The Immortal
ity of the Soul."
(This fisher of votes la primarily for
the greatest good, and will run for
Good washtub moonshine made in
the kitchen, suitable only for use In
castlron stomachs, can be , procured
reasonable, it is whispered...
Walt Mason
sn ra:
T'lIE law decreed in olden times that witches should be burn
ed; the courts abhorred their mystic crimes and all their
pleadings spurned. My grandsire thought they ought to ditch
all statutes of the, kind ; he thought the burning of a witch was not
a sport refined. "But while such laws are in the book," my
grandsire used to sigh, "around us daily we must look, for witches
we may fry." Was there a beldame anywhere, who owned a cat'
or snake, iny grandsire traced her to her lair, and tied her to the
stake. lie said, "The law must be obeyed while men for justice
seek, and though I hate to burn a jade, I burn one every week. I
doubt if witches really work much evil and distress, although
they're roasted by the kirk, and by the law and press. But it is
not for me to say what laws are right or wrong; I've built a roar
ing fire today, so, witches, come along." The law he doubted was
repealed long since, as fierce and vain; old women now may go
afield, with black cats in their train. And if some acrobatic dame
can on a broomstick ride, the people will applaud her game, and
point to her with pride. The law that's evil or absurd will from
the volume fade; but while it is the nation's word, let's sec that
.it's obeyed.
north of Mppon?, ' ha stoeu is selling at no on (H r
share and every dollar of the proceeds
tho next "passion Id tin go Into the treasury of tho com
archlpelatto lies
!Ans. i'ezzo.
i 2. When will
play be given? Ans. This year.
3. What docs ' Let Mlserables."
tho title of Victor Hugo's great novel,
me'an? Ans. "The Wretched Onus."
4. Who was thu first chief Justice
of the United Ktates? Ans. John
5. What does A. F. and A. M.
mean? Ans. Ancient frco and ac
cepted Masons.
i 6. Who is President Harding's
prfyslelan? Ans. Ilrlg. Oen. Charles
K. Sawyer.
7. Whero Is Howard university?
Ans. In Washington, U. C.
8. What Is the mlllenlum? Ans.
According to a widely accepted sys
tem of Christian s hatology It Is tho
period of 10U0 years preceding the
final Judgment during which tlmo
Christ and his saints will rule
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frlnk visited Mr. nn l
Mrs. J. Kdmlnton this week,
Mr. and Mrs. Htephens of Heaulo
Mr. and Mrs. I.ucus are busy clear
In land and cutting wood on their
psny to further pr.t-fcuto dsvclopm-nt "f),(I """lr r"ula t0 th0 MR,fl,,I(' 'lr"-
work. The Western Oil company will
aimreclate your kin inoKs In publishing
this explanation to your readers.
Respectfully submit ted.
Hy J. F. Mundy, PreM lent.
F. J. Newman, Sery.-Treas.
Medford, Feb. 7.
i'.!s 'I'-.yn i!Lj1
Evan lludners returned to hlB home
at Cold 1IIH Monday alter a week's
the fl,a' with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rods
i erg and family.
9. Of what material was the first
firehose made? Arm. Leather.
JO. Do foreign horn children au
tomatically become citizens when
their fathers become naturalized?
Ans. If they are under legal ago, yes.
With Med focd trade la Medford made
Edna Petersen returned to her home
at Persist after a couplo weeks visit
with friends near Trail.
Wo are plad to snv Mrs Chester
Pritchett is better at this writing.
Miss Frances Grelj and Miss uorothy
Peterson of Persist attended the dance
at Trail Saturday nlht.
Mrs. Irwin Howo nnd MIks Wanda
spent a few days last week with
friends near Central Point.
Charlie Dunliip cut wood for E. E.
A shl this weok.
There will be a Parent-Teacher edu
cational meeting at Trail Saturday.
C. It. Weston, Ram Pollard, Mr.
I.uciiM and Mr. Sotikiip have been
building up the roads tin they were
Impassable for cars.
Mr. and Mrs. Jl.'E. Moore woro out
Sunday to visit' home folks. Mr.
Mooro went tfl hi father's ranch In
, tlio Meadows.
J Mr. and Mrs. Then. Olnsg and Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Chapman wore In
Regarding Oil Stock Medford Friday and Mr. Chapman
To the Editor: Referring to an artl-' bro,,ht mit lI,olr cur " f!,r "
cle in your paper on Monday cvenlns, lalaBS'8 fts tlm roailli ftI'0 Impassable
February Gth, 11)22, reKardlni? tho ef- iollt "mitflo way.
forts of tho Westum Oil company to j Mr. and Mrs. F. XV. Sobreun enter
flnanco the further drilling of their talned Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Held and
well on the Stockes lease, we hett to family of Eaglo Point and Miss Dor-
'state that tho well Is now down to a "thy Ilaiighinnn of Moilfoi'd Saturday,
For Inland
& Invalid!
Tho "Food -Drink" for All Acc3.
Quick Lunch atHome.Office.nn l
Fountainn. Ath for tJORUCK'S.
cs rLrn'd Imitations & Substitutes
Hard Wheat
know, tho great
don't you
Tho flour Hint made us famous,
Has K"t mine scenM, and nil rontsnls,
To make our chlldii-n ((row,
At Your Groccri
"When I buy fi r servlen I would
rather know llio rirtn which mnkis
tho inrtrhinB than to llnten to wear
lioiiiii talk aWo'it siipeilor mois's
and hrltllant niiK'neerlnit skl'l.
"I di ti't know much shunt thrvn
nuiillltps of different mulsh whleh
imtKes them best f r diferetit tmr-r"tes-
nor do I know anvtlilnK of
the terhnli'iil law of nieclimilcul
miKlneer'tiK but I do know hu
man nature.
"I I'm Unit n fnin wl'h
rlbi (dm ef servleo to Its
mr ,, eonc,-n that has
mrr-ee -'.d I'ntm -o hern isrt (fi
rndift '"i tent" Rood wtih lh
peop P tt lm btiurht It,
"I'll b"t nn tha! eonren - and
t feel rntufoi M)'b wlu'ti I tmvn
hmiKht Its product. It Isn't mood
business fi r m to tradn anywhr
else. I ratinol nf font to do so."
We rt-nsldcr that cir sucrens
our litnelee'i venrs III hils'ness fttld
the 'ai-l Ibnt our business Is s
cri-wliiK Intslness has been due
I.iiro'v to ttn very fact lust quot
eil lit no lino Is a neater detrnrt
of ronf Idi'ttce nlrii'ed In tho nelirr
bv Hie ltivir than In tho nurerv
line Therefore tho nursery with
an established retuital'cn fur siod
R"ods nod a riiaro deal Is worthy
of yi ur pntrcnaK".
Fi r nineteen venr. wn hsvn
Kiown and delivered from Tcnott
Nh clean, wnl! Ilioronelily
in ii i ore I frees tc tHiiin"-' ff nr.
rtmrdi-ts in tl Slain of Washln
(cn ami throuttbiiiil th west, W'n
nrn still In tho sit inn old sne(, n
ti rams lid rt'easnnt r'-itnalloM
and i ir Kreai't untlnfirtlon indsv
In ti'"t n tlm s'tilllnit owners
ii' tirml'ietlvn. prnfli-ninklns or
elinrds lh trei.s s'and't it In whlrh
were rroiiniiuiid In our nursery,
(lir trees nr ;rr.'n r'nnrt.
new so'l of .o Vaklma Indian
Ifcscrvatlin. Hleh i 'I. nlninduni-e
f t snpsti'nn ami niciilnri' under
roniri l sr all baele fnrios. Ilni
ii rl I v neci'sarv is a eonll'itio'is
rn It Ivnt '-. in den.iyn tho root
vlnm for whlrh nor trens sro fs.
moos ami tha hard wood fibls
whleh Is nnlv mnd Ciimlhli tiv th
ri.mblrmlnn of the shove necos-
arv elements.
Vn-t can't rrot'iett Rood trens
I'h mi ,rtln d miie,i Pn'l-e-ntlv
nmoied. Wo hink we know
pew to rrow th-m. (nr rustom-e-s
r nirn of (I,
Wani"rton Nitrry Co.
TonnenUh. Wash.
H. II. KIM UMNO finlraman
Ho IISO, Medford
February 11
1 o'CIock" p. m.
Furnituri, ini'luilina: Dresser,
Chairs, Hods, Kilison l'houograith,
and Dishes, Harness, IIorscH, Milch
Cows, Wilsons, 2 .Siuhllcs, rack
Saddle, 2 Sewing Machines, 1 Or
Kitii. W. H. NELTY,
Everyone Invited. Bring your dinner depth of llfiO fii-t; the formation is and Sunday,
and enjoy yourselves
Enid Mtddlcbusner Is a Medford
visiUir this week,
Mr. Mechem of upir Trail went to
Ashland last week and was operated
on. Ho ia doing nicely.
certainly an oil formation and very
The Western Oil company is nn
Oregon corporation, having a total
capital stock of $3000 divided Into five
I thousand shares of $1.00 each, fully
Ceo. Fisher returned to Sugar rine;aid and non-assessable. Tho Western
Tuesday. till , compiiny as a corporation has
Mrs. Howard Ash and Mrs. Joemovnr sold or offered for snlo to the
Hoborling had dental
Medford Friday.
work done In
pnWIc any of Its stock. Tills stock
was all subscribed and paid for when
the company was organized. Tho stock
holders ure very anxious to see this
well rlowji to a depth of two thousand
Ilcelares u IlegKur's Day.
1IA5SBLTON'. Penn.. Feb. 7. Be-
mum; i uuilll'lUUH COW P Ull II IB HKHlllHl . , ,, , I , .
neddieis M.ivor 7i,-vv i, tuu,.,t J fet:t ""-'! "r Kas is oncoiiolcrod
order llmlllnx mendleants to one duv Bt a wor (leitll In paylnK qiiatltltlos,
a month. They win he licensed f or i an(' to that ,!l,d tho various stockhold-
the duv and will lie nrroHlerl If thi.v f'I'S who hHVO linilL'lit nnil mild fos their i
ask alms at any other tlmo. btock have donated enough stock to be 25 n' 75 Pockg9 Evfrywhero
Tho Antloeh school will start play
ing basket ball next week us thorn
Sure Relief
' .1 irn ia ia
The bigger the loaf the better the flavor. Pound and half size
now being made. Try one.