I. PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRITHTNE. MEDFORD. OliKOOX. VK1)NKK1A V. FKHRUARY S. mi Jocal and Personal The lertur 'by Prof. Irving K. Vln-i Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ling of Yivfcn. Miss Flora Thonipmm who nun boon inland musical entertainment by the are Medford visitors. Mr. Ling Is a confined to her homo at JiokinvtUo quartet which was to have been given former resident of thl city. jwlth a sevens cold ha returned to her at the Presbyterian church Friday, When In need of shinnies and roof- duties In this city. Kronen automobile, tractor nod truck cylinders welded, reinforced and KUiiranteed. Only the finest pre-hoat-InH fuels mid nietala used. Vulcan jeevninK, Keb. 10, hng been indefinitely ; ng; call Wallace Woods, 10S. 711 K ... . ... . posiponea on account or tno wwo- Main Mis., nuth MonUomenr. a specialist 1nosS , c anJ lck In exceptional children, is here mak- .,,. ,hn -.., Thou, who r'"K,e ' OIIU 7" in1"- -' inr o, invMimti.... in tha nubile 1 U'8 nmw?R ..." Ip' . n08.wh,. The realty dealers of Grants Pass : nave nuivnnsea ucKeis nisy nave ineir ' reoreanled h i:nini l's Iteiltv arhnola for Snnorintendent Smth. She i ' . . . ... rwrKni.u tne i. rants lass luauj schools for Superintendent Smith. She ia an assistant of Prof. U. V. DoHiisk, money back by returning the tickets Hoard yesterday. All the real estate .In th. diia nf u-hnni thuv luirrhiiaed .1 .. .... ... . ..... hn child BMPPlnllst ,f he ri.Mwirtment t r .7 . . . ". : 'ic.u vi uii nijr Wfi i i" - - - - t ini.ni nrinov liinv noiti inem nnm ine. ( now ilrilt mr tha nnt,.rf uinniitni la spl.l .i... . . i , .... .. - - " Bon. she arrived Tuesday from Eugone .,,', J. i,.J ,,v i, in thr rmr ' .. . , ..s . ' " exceptionally active the last winter. of education of the University of Ore- Welding Work, 39 S. Front street. tt Shakes. shlnKlea. Medford Lbr. Co. According to ranchers In the Trail district the timber wolves have been them or they may hold them until the onpR were lwspnt tnt, m,HtlliK. new uate tor toe entertainment ia set.! and will spend the entire week in the;' " " ' " i. T. . . . .. I . .. "" Uo,lo uf ,H,n ,1,,r hl,t .. 11IH .iipitiiini ItlllW.. Wllilllll, 11, . III II 1. I( 1 . .( .... .1 - ... M ... . nave lauen prey 10 ouiim can im lounii sn".'i Ill vitv ui'iiutnitto ins at the Nat Mnluht Mglford schools. Take advantage now. oty, the Medford Hide, without Identlflca ', Get the habit, pretviire to pay up on tlon marks, kindly remove t'lms. IV Urophy, years old. son of t V. lliMphy of the Korl Kliumith dlsjrlcl, and brother of Hen Hwphy of KokIo INilut, died last Saturday at Klamath Kails followtuK an lllnexs of a year with cliinnlo heart nlliueut. I'u to about a year uko he was nluht untchmnn ut tha Klamath Indian agency. Hoard at i!U South Centrul. II sd home cooklnu. . ' -T5 , . .. V IM1U l"WV T ti,.r 'nv , ,vnri i.-vr lilt'.' " ll UlipSU mil 11 ti imi. ir utit r iik i'i 1 111? hi mi tit miii null1! hlein tno Ta lor, 18 K. Main. 7 t , m. thi u.t- - , on fr A complete line of McQnay-Norrla ; ' - tt. Officer.- dreaa sh8 reduced from Kv MHton ru.in.ln 5 and Jl thouaandtui . . , n " .. IT.OO to $5.60. O. D. macklnaw. re- Chev Th. in ... ,, ..iford. pf the Cal!forniHlresvm Power Presbyterian church timiRht company left this morning by a.'to on account of tUo absence of the pastor. I M V Ka- ,Ca ' , All the members are urged to attend ! 8lcial.ie on boring cylinder the meeting nt the South Methodist ! p-f- C1?86 at Garage. tf church ! 8 wet''i on'y n0 Medford Hard times made easy, buy ranches Pharmacy. Main and Central, are of without money, pay with share of crop, j ft,ri"s wlth eve'y hot o"J V like rent; Gold Ray Realty Company. cnae aa fV. " for,anlckel- 2,b tf, Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Domergue and Riverside Community C4ub dance. ! Sherwood returned Monday Feb. U. Celebrated Peerless orchestra, i n'Knt aflpr h" k "sit s?n N.iff said ' 275 ' "ancis(X)- 1 he trip was made by Harry K. Tomllnson and Thomas H. ian'" . . . J ,x Simpson were Ashland representa-1 Frank Roberta, dentist DeueJ lives In this city Monday night helping ' Bl: , Telephone 603-R. tf to complete final arrangements for "eT- , M., the Lincoln day banquet, which will00" the f Mar1k 8 ,Gui'd 1 ive be held here next Monday night. a r lge and five hundred card party Get ready to pass along the dollars . at ,r8- C,nro'; Mtor Heights, next week, which ia National Pav Vp C?t( and cake :" with Week --6 Pla'lbS fifty cents. . :T3 Invest your savings In the Jackson I Rane o th Siskiyou National County Building and Loan association. ' forest wil ln grants Pass tomor- . -. tf B. M. Littcll who has been visiting .row. Saturday and Sunday will bo spent In Roseburg. where the men en- .. A l .. i - ; . l . : . . i with hU brother. G. S. Littell. wiUt."-vu l"B " -pqa uu leave for his home in Clinton, Okla., Cter "ts will convene, on Frldav. I Cen"al Point Hotel for sale, 40 rooms; wouia cosi .iu,uuu lo ouua. Price today $6,800. Might trade. Price ' This office ia prepared ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't Cive your orders to traveling men and hare them printed out of Medford. Phone us and we will call. ti Edgar Wight. Oregon agate Jeweler. tf The city council failed to meet last night because of the rack of a quorum. Mayor Gates and Councilmen Keene and Dressier and City Superintendent iavis, however, met in the council chamber to discuss city affairs and other matters informally. The council will hold a special meeting within a few days to take care of a mass of business which has accumulated since the last meeting was held. I have what you're looking for. Stylish, dependable clothes from $35 to $50. Klein the Tailor. 12S E. Main. 277 Army slickers $1.00 at XJ. S. Army Goods Store. 32 Central Ave So. E. W. Gould left yesterday afternoon for San Francisco where he will re main for a brief period on business. Mrs. R. C. Burgess and .daughter Dorothy will leave this evening for their home in Chicago, after having spent several weeks visiting friends and relatives in this city. You pay me and 1 11 pay someone else Pay Up Week, Feb. 13 to 18. 276 Who treat3 you good? It'a the River side Community Club, so come to the dance, Saturday nite. Feb. 11. 275 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Smith of Gold Hill, Ore., are at the Perkins. or 10 or 12 years Mr. Smith was a stockholder and cashier in the Gold Hill bank, succeeding aa cashier Jo seph Hammersly, now a deputy dis- trlct attorney in Multnomah county. Recently Mr. Smith sold his home and announced that he was going to leave tne town. Portland Oregonian. For business opportunities ln S. Ore gon consult the Four-Site Sales Agency room 421 Medford bldg.. phone 900. tf When in nc?d ot sash and doors. call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 71 1 E. Main street. John S. Orth and C. J. Iterrian are two nienioers of the Medford National bank staff ill at home with the flu. Army shoes, made to fit your feet, regulation marching shoes and officers dress shoes at V. S. Army Goods Store 32 Central Ave. So. A new and complete line of Package Goods. Royal Society of Le Merite. Free Instructions. Deuel's Art Dept " Klizabeth Horn returned to Medford yesterday following a visit at Grants Pass. Great reductions of iailor-made suits and overcoats. Any style in any wool ens jrou want. $35 to $50. Klein the Tailor, 128 E. Main. 277 We hare Inspected tha reclaimed Tule lands at Klamath Falls. We recommend these lands aa an Invest ment. Page-Dressier Co. tf Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mecham of Trail are in Ashland for several weeks while Mr. Mecham is recuperating from a surgical operation performed last week.. .. , All kinds of rough and dressed lumber. ' Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 East Main street Ad mis- ee, 273 crywhero you look you tee a rolet. tf duced from $9.50 to $7.00. One sheep- Hentou roolo or the Appiogate sent skin lined moleskin aviator's coat re-i Tuesday In tho city attending to busl- duced from $13.D0 to $9.90. V. S. Army Goods Store, 32 South Central avenue. At a high school assembly yesterday afternoon. Prof. Irving Ytnint? gave three traditions or legends of southern Oregon. They were: "The lxst Cabin Mine Legend," the "Story of Indian Jim." and a "Legend of Crater I.ake." This legend of Crater Lake, Mr. Vlnlng ness matters.. IVn't mis the nickel rubber sale at the Medford Pharmacy this week. Two hot water bottles for the price of one plus a nickel. 276 Only a few lots on paving left. Get yours at once at City Hall. tf The owners of the Ktrtlnnd farm, through their blooded stock salesman, J. W. Johnston, have sold the per- had direct from Joaquin Miller. The cneron stallion, Ketati. to rrod IVtU address delivered In Prof. Vlnings' B'ew and son of Eagle Point. It ts powerful and interesting style proved i fortunate for those rltliens of Jackson one of the very best he has given here, .county who aro Interested In the breed Crescent orchestra at Eagle Point. 'nS f good livestock that this valuable 2761 Trench mirrors 10c nt V. S. Army Goods store, 32 Central Ave. So. The local real estate and insurance firm known as Gould & Stockman, composed of Otis G. Gould, Harry G. Stockman and Miss M. J. McDonald, has dissolved partnership as of Janu ary 2S. 1922. Mr. Stockman has taken over the business possessions of the local firm and will do a regular real estate and insurance business in the same office, making every effort to improve his sales organization and in-. horse Is to remain here. Alford's Trio! Noue so good! Nut! To-nite. 2734 Miss Jean Kellett of Seattle, a grad uate of the llelllngham normal, has arrived to take charge 'of the new room to be opened soon In the Lincoln school, Attention, ex-Soldiers: Ranches sold under Soldiers Hon us plan or pay with share ot crop, like rent Gold Ray Realty Company. tf Rev. K. P, Lawrence and E. H. Hurd of Medford, and Rev. C. C. Hulet of BAD BACK TODAY? ttucknche is usually kidney-ache ond makes you dulll nervous and tired. Use Donn's Kidney I'llls for Weak kidneys the remedy ' recom mended by your friends and neigh bors. Ask your neighbor I Mrs. II. A. Smith, 103 E.'Jackson Breet, Medford, Hays: "I know the value of Doan's Kidney Pills and am glad to recommend thorn. My kid neys were weak and disordered and I had severe backaches. The pulns through my kidneys made It hard for ' ine to do nny stooping or lifting, but Doan's Kidney I'llls Irom the Med ford Pharmacy soon removed the backache and other signs of kidney , dlsurder." Price 60c at nil dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get , Doan's Kidney I'ills the same that Mrs, Smith bad. FoBtor-Mllburn Adv, will be reduced $100 every day until sold. Gold Ray Realty Company. Phone 72S-R or 134-Y. 273 But for a real dance Eagle Point. 276 M iss Tillie Anderson of Rogue River returned home Tuesday from a week's visit with friends in Ashland. Please remember that classified ads, locals and small ads are cash Jn ad vance. Bring ln your ads and do not uae telephone. tf Get your calendar free at our office. tt. A. Holmes. The Ins. Man. tf A number of changes In the interiors of business houses are planned by merchants this spring, owing to need of more room, ' among : them being Heath's drug store and the Medford National bank. The Medford Book Store have ar ranged a table in their store to show pretty effects for Valentine dinners with Denoison Crepe. Phone or call our office for informa tion Klamath Falls Tula lands. Page Dressier Co. ' tf According' to Joe Gagnon the closing of the-deal for the turning over of the Jacksonville road will be transacted Thursday, the Portland capitalists in terested in the negotiations arriving this afternoon. Leaving town, wish to sell my Oak land Six and Overland roadsters. Don't miss this. Terms. Cars can be seen at Valley Garage. 274 Mrs. Paul Hansen corsetlere for NuBone. Phone 685-J. tf A. R. Hansen of this city, was a bus iness visitor at Grants Pass yesterday. Edgar Wight reliable Jeweler. tf Mike F. Hanley haa returned from his ranch on Butte Creek and reports the stock in that section In good shape. Guests at the Hotel Medford include E. O. Woodruff of Los Angeles. R. S. Beeler of Seattle, G. H. Campbell of Eugene. G. T. Berry of Emeryville, Calif.. E. J. Callahan of St Louis. W. H. Turick of Roseburg and N. E. Win- ton of Portland. But 'for a real dance Eagle Point. 276 Upholstering and furniture repair ing. Mattresses made to order. 30 N. Grape, Phone 104. 274 StudenU at the O. A. C. took up their studies Monday in a thoroughly sanitary, disinfected college. During the week-end all woodwork In recita tkm rooms and laboratories was wash ed with disinfectant, the result of an effort by the college to curb an epi demic of colds and grip. Field blankets, hospital blankets and Navajo Indian blankets at U. S. Army uoods Store, 32 Central Ave. So. Hut for a real dance Eagle Point. 276 Evangelist W. It Cole, who is con ducting a series of successful meetings at the Main Street M. E. church, South spoke to the high school students this afternoon at 2:30. Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co. Best of all Dance at Eagle Point 276 John J. Huchter, who has been ill for several days with the flu, although not jfit completely recovered, haa re turned to his work at the local Copro office. Horace Bromley is still under the weather but is expeted to be up and around again within a few days. China at cost, Wight the Joweler. We have cut them once more. The greatest bargains ever offered to the perfpie of Medford, absolutely all wool raintite fabric overcoat, a $35 value, reduced to $12.50. U. 8. Army Goods Store, 32 South Central avenue. The annual get-together meeting and banquet of the Christian church that was to have been held Friday evening, Feb. 10th, haa been postponed to some date t'j be announced later. This is done owing to so much sickness among the members. Lime, cement Medford' Lumber Co. Are you ready for the most glorious week-end party ever offered you? 424. Medford Bldg. 282 Everywhere you look you see a unevroiet. tf crease the volume of desirable busl-i Ashland will attend the big banquet ness for Livingston. Livingston. Cal., Chronicle. Mr. Stockman is a former resident of this city. The best stag shirt on the market and formal oneninic of the large social community hall which has recently been erected by the Presbyterian church of Rogue River. Rev. Walter reduced to $S.00; leather coats reduced! Van Nuy of Portland, will also be National bank, who has been ill at his formal opening and banquet will be home with la grippe is improving. ne,a tnis evening at i:ju. Fresh milk delivered mornings from urn.snea apartment In Mall Trl- Jersey cows. Phone 28-J-3. 273 DUn funding tor rent at once, has hot Vulcan auto springs, guaranteed., n Co'd water, steam heat and gas Billings Shon. S. Riverside. tf,tove- Better act quickly. tf The definite date of the fifth annual I The Knights of Pythias and the minstrel show of the Medford lodKe of Pythian sisters gave a party and Elks has been set for March 13 and cnartvaree last night in honor of Mr 15 at the Page theater. ' and Mrs. Ed Webber. A procession Have your car washed and nolished down thB street In a variety of at the Auto Laundry. 127 N. Riverside veniciea was a feature of the festiv avenue. Phone 26. V6 call for your l,,es 'hlch were held in honor tf the car and deliver It 276 hrldal couple, the city treasurer and Fishing rods repaired, bought and her husband. sold. Eaton. 320 North Holly. 273 1 T our merchants lunch. The Richard Hooper of Dorris, Calif., ig.bDMta. , a business visitor In the city and Jack- A dance wlir be hrld a week from sonvUle for a few days. , tomorrow night in Ashland for toe em- Jvoryatcost Wight the Jeweler. Owyes of toe local branches of the When you want dry mill blocks just Standard Oil company of Medford, call Valley Fuel company. Phone 76. .Ashland and (.rants Pass. John A. Westerlund writes that he is' Among guests at the Hotel Holland enjoying life and recovering from the are c- Mclntyre of Seattle, R. Ernest asthma in Honolulu, and that he haa of Wolf Polnt- Mont, W. It Sharp and reserved passage for home on a ship R- ' Sharp of gaa IHego, Mr. and that sails March Sth, arriving ln Med-iMr8- E(l Everett' of 8tockton, Calif., ford about March loth. . Mr- anJ Mr- C. H. Ling of Yreka and Knichtu nt Pvlhiaa att.ntLrm' Prl.l"- E. Powell of Eugene. day evening, Feb. 10th at 8 O'clock In' Fre admission! Everybody wel Castle hall. Elizabeth Schossen will cone. 273 from $13.50 to 19.75: leather vests re duced from $8.50 to $6.75 at U. 8. Army Goods Store, 32 So. Central Ave. Lath, lime. Medford Lumber Co. John S. Orth, cashier of the Medford present to have a part In the exercises of the evening. There will be many guests from Grants Pass as well as the local Rogue River folks who have contributed to tho building fund. The OBITUARY PICK Kir Hetty Nadlno Pl. kol born February 4th, 1918, passed away February 6th. 1928, after a short III- uess ot pneumonia. She was the sun shine of her homo and her bright sunny ways won tha love of all who knew her. She leaves her parents. Mr. and Mr. 1.. II. Picket, and broth er Gordon, A lily's broken from Its stem, Tho waxen flower has faded; A home has lost a precious tfcm, lt'a sunlit portals shaded. Aching hearts with grief ar bound, And aching hearts are weary; A solemn stillness steals around: The rooms are hushed and dreary. We misa the song of prattling glee, The laughing eyes so sweet; No more doth hither come aud and flee The putter ot little feet Sweet little Hetty! Thou are gone, Yet steals on us ln silent flight Which kindles treasured thoughts at dawn And soothes the phsntom dreams of night. Our solace Is a memory dear Of her ifA wU. sunny fare. And lingering troll will give us cheer Ot her Innocence and grace. And aa onward through tha years you tread These your bleeding hearts will heal; The saddening shadows will have fled And consolation o'er you steal. Her brief young life was not In vain, Her mission was fulfilled, And though tho parting caused you pain. It waa as God had willed. So mo day you'll understand the why When you pass beneath the rod. When you see outstretched beyond the sky, Betty's and (he hands of God. Written by A. II. WILLIAMS i '. i it 'ermfm I where ho him hem. Migugeil In this i business for some llino." Charley Tal ent tuiH been w ith tin. Walker Auto Co, for aoveral years and U a well known popular young lmnln man. . They huve secured the iuirvlrN of an j ex pert baker und will inukit quality and service their imillo, Charley Talent and nephew, A. P.! ' Talent, have purchauMl the Me.irord ,,lf((,r() of m(((d (( bakery and restaurant, corner of Main ,!lllUjd MaU in uaei tu l.wU and Crape streets, are remodeling and uwcIIImuh. re armnirlnf the sui.ie and expect to, . . open with an up-to-date bakery. The Cnlted Htat.V baa 0,14 news- I restaurant and confectionery Saturday umra. February 11th. I - - A. P. Talent comes from Portland,' The Dutch orlatnutfd wolf. Ze Pyrol is a wonderful protection against flu and colds of all kinds $1 bottles and 50c bottles The best time to use it is now Heath's Drug' Store The San-Tox Shop 109 Eut Main Street MEDFORD HOSPITAL, Inc. 704 North Central Avenue At tho regulsr monthly meeting of the Hoard of Director of tha Dow Association Hospital, Inc., held Monday evening. February 6th. by vole tha name of the Hospital was changed to the Medford Hospital, Inc. This action was taken to further empbasUe the fart that this hospital Is a public Institu tion, open to all licensed physicians, and condtictnd for the benefit of the public In general. The hospital will continue to employ ouly graduate nurses. The following members of the Hoard of Directors attended Mils meet ing: Dr. Mi Morris M. Dow, Kv. Win. It. Hamilton. H. K. Lindas, M. O. Mordnff. Hev Ithods H. Hurnett, Hev. l, 8. Mlllsrd. of Medford: Itev. J. K. Howard, of Je-ksonvlllu: Hev. Carlton D. Joi.ra, of Central Point, Mrs. Maud II. Pendleton, A. W. lleebe, ot Central Point; Hev, N. W. Pbelpa, of Talent, and Fletcher T. Fish, of Plioenlx. An Important announcement will be made In a short time In connection with the vructlon of the new building tor Oil noiiHMirtarlsn Institution. (Hlltne.l) MKDFlMtD IIOMl'ITAI.. tC. Ity II. F. I.IMHH, hrcy. Notice to Elks Hrother George Neuner. Jr., District De p ujy ; Grand Exalted Ruler. Oregon South, will pay) Medford Uxlge No. 11H, , II. P. O. Elks an official visit Thursday night. February 9th, 1922. All members of Medford Ixxlgo are urged to be pres ent, by order of the Exalted Ruler. I t . LEU L. JACOP.3, Secy, i speaK to us on a matter of national Importance. Come and bring your ladies. (Signed) Committee. 274 For this week only at Medford Phar macy, Main and Central, two hot water bottles tor the price of one plug 5c. 276 Last Saturday night at Silrerton, Ted Tbye defeated Richard Kanthe ln two straight falls, the first in 23, and the second in IS minutes. Kanthe met Hand at Gold Hill last winter. Pinky Gardner and Ted Tbye will meet at Portland Friday in a return match, which gives promise of being a hum mer. Gardner recently lost a match to Thye, by having the wind knocked out of him ln the second fall, and Is com ing back after revenge, Gardner Is the first wrestler Thye has not been able to slap his famous ' wriatlock on with success. j The Southern Oregon Lumber Co. will offer good 2rt a at their mill at end North Central at from $12 to $15 for balance -of month. ' tf ! Mrs. Frank Parker, dressmaking, re moved to 520 N. Grape. Tel. 441-X. 275 lien H. Lampman, former editor of the Gold Hill News, now on the Port land Oregonian will sail about Febru ary 20th, with Julius Meier on a four months trip around the world In the interest of the 1925 fair. When better automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. tf Hemstitching, Picoting, 8c per yd. Buttons covered. Handicraft Shoo. tf Klamath Falls, Grants Pass, Mon tague, Hombrook and Yreka, are or ganizing ball teams for the spring and summer campaigns, and the American lA-gion is figuring on putting on a team in this city. Several years ago Modford waa a good baseball town, but when the automobile became common, the attendance decreased and the na tional game died. Several efforts to revive interest have failed, and It is hoped the promoters will have better luck this year. , Eogar Wight for low prices. . tf Stylecraft Shop for all kinds of dressmaking and remodeling'. Room 424, Medford Illdg. 282 Dan Sullivan of Weed, Calif., epent Tuesday ln the city attending to busi ness matters. All wool cavalry sweaters reduced from $4.00 to $2.85 at U. S. Army Goods Store, 32 Central Ave, Bo. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Messncr. formerly of this city arrived this mor ning for a brief visit with friends and relatives. They have been In Los An geles visiting their daughter, Mrs. ireve Lumsden and are enroute to their home near Eugene. A new and complete stock ot ma chine needles. Deuel'a Art Dept Misa Marie Ekher Is conflnod to her home with as attack of the flu. Syltex Rope silk black and colors. Free instructions. Deuel's Art Dept J. H. RIckard and Miss Lou McCon nell, the chef and head waitress re spectively of the. Hotel Hollund cafe are among the latest flu victims. A good time is assured at the Nat tonight Ine admission. Music the best. . 273 Mrs. Nell Frunklln, stenographer of County Agent Cube's office ia ill at home with the flu. Army and navy underwear, shirts and drawers; shirts double breast and back, all wool, $1.40 a garmeot V. B Army Goods store. 32 Central Ave. So. Alta Naylor, Goodwin corsetlere, 20 B. ir street, upstair. Phone 818-W 285 S. S. UulliH returned, yesterday from a ten days business trip to San Fran Cisco and Los Angeles. Laundry work neatly done. Phone 155-Y. 293 John Hammersley, former banker. editor, postmaster and big game hunter of Gold Hill, has returned from a big game hunt in the Rookies and arrived hero this week expecting to bag a few panther. Cold mil News. We write burglary insurance in the Old Hartford covering merchandise of all kinds. McCurdy Insurance Agency, tf TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY run Kr, .NT Furnished anurtment close In. Apply 323 N. Front St. 275 OR SALEA C ft.x9 ft. fluff rug( $7.95; new nig ru. $2.25: good bl cycle, $8; sewing cabinet, $4.25; oak , extension table, $l5r Home Comfort range, $22.00; white enamel tea table, $;(.ii5; sanitary couch and new mattress, $i;; nr dresser, $8.00; oak nresser, $10; Perfection oil heater $.iu; electric parlor lamp, $4.95; electric grill, $;,60; Headlite heater, 1'Uji); Y fHtlnimouBe electric range two burners and oven, $50; Victor phonograph, $15; good selection of records, 25c and 35c, Medford Ex change, 211 West Main. Phone 931. ?78. Notice Miss Elizabeth Schoffen will addresa the ladles of the Kebekah Ixdge at the I. O. O. F. hall, Thursday afternoon. Feb. 9th, at 2:30. The same evening she will address the Odd Fellows. 273 With Medford trade Is Medford made DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Cut; . Thickens, Beautifies. NOW! 35 rents buys a bottle of "Dandvr Ine" at any drug store. After one. ap plication you run not find a particle of dandruff or a falling huir. ' lie '.Ides, every hair shows now life, vigor, brightness, mora color und abun dance. Adv. Zane Grey's "To the Last Man" Just Out and a good one. All popular reprint fiction reduced from $1.00 to 75c, Medford Book Store 34 N. Central St. ZANE 7 1 HJ'UMIL. U 1 ' 1 j grmtcwl story "THE U. P. TRAIL" It's the Mory of "lU'suty" tlio ilanr luitl qwea fplayed by K ATIU.VN WILLI IMS in tho pUneT Uyof In Ion Pacific con. strurtlon gangs building His roml to On-gon. O.MINJ et milDAY HILL JIAItT with thrw famous chlUl actors, "Mr hie" Hemtrtck, 1tmU Htone, 'Will Jim II a lion, in "Tim Whtl." Em r js-i - - ' - "' -' ' " .'- - J ...,). ... '. '.. j ij' Improved Service ond Important Changes HI Passenger Train Service Sunday, February 12 MAINLINE "The ShiiHta" huIiuiIuIch ahortiiicd ono hour. , "Sun Frnncisco KxpresN," No. iirrive San Frnncwco 8:10 ML ' ' (Note: Mtore convenient arrival tlmo at San Francisco.) IMPORTANT CHANGES AT MEDFORD: , , Notililiotiiidl No. 14 for Portland Lv, Medford 8:05 am. No. 12 for Portland Lv. Medford K: 4 1 am. No. 16 for Portland Lv. Mudford 7:33 pin. Hoiithhounil No. 11 for Ban Francisco loaves Medford 3 : t0 pm No. 13 tor flan Francisco loaves Medford 9:17 am. No Important chango In schoduloH ot trains not mentioned. For further particulars oak Agouts, or secure copy of time tables covering all changes. Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. BCOTT, (lonotal U'aasenger Agent. . Ar. Porthind R: 15 pm Ar. Portland H:30 pm Ar. Portland 9: ID am Co,, Mfrs, Dul'fcqo, X, V,