L MEDFOTtT) MATL TTHBUNE, MEDFOHP. OI.W'.OV. SATrRDAY, T-KT'.RrAUV 1, 1022' "" PAOH THREE ' SHRINERS DONATE $25 FOR THE BUY A TREE CAMPAIGN (Qhrdki Tho Nliiliii'iit urn llii Hint (m of llm fnvlrtiiiil lUKiinixiilliiiiN to pur i bunn trm In llm "liny Trco" cum )'illlii lu hunutlfy (ho I'uiinly fnlr niiiv liiiinlly Ki'iiiiiiiln, lllllitli Toinplo volt-d hint rvt'iilnu lo suhiarrll i :i fur 'l' tr.M- ii h t hoi r ciintrliiiilltiii tuwurd thin liruHrrwIvn It u v n v it t . Tho Mln lti.Tit huvo nut o worthy t' nniplii fur ulln-r frutnrnltlKS lo follow. li yt-nr to rcmiM when tint lii1" Imvn itltnliii'il u stir.o Unit will fiirnlrill hIiiiiI" fur tlin picnic Ki-ntinds tho iiieinbi-rs of thi'Hn uiKiuiluitloiiii will bo proud to tho trci-s liilii'li'd UN httvliiK roing from lliflr fitituliuil oifcnnlrji tluri. Tim flint one (if thn Imltvlduiil roil tiilHilliiiii) for (rit'n coiiii'h fro in T. II. Hlriiimiin of A nil In ml. Hi) Iiiim r inu'Mt.'d thiit two trim b planted In thn iiitmo if Thulium Hlintmun mid Nt llln (I. Hliniimin. A numht-r of Modford ritilili'ntit Imvn i irt'Bi-il tln-lr li'lrn to pur i Iium Homo linos Mini plant tin' in In ttm nulnn of tlmlr children, but no r orl (if R.ttiin will do in ml" until t hill mi nun tirn on thn dulled lino, acrnm lunli'd with a chuck fur tlm numticr of tries they mibinrlbu for. Aimuriiiu--s me slvcii by tlm I'ulr hKHorlulluii that pruprr euro will ho tnkmti In tint pluming of tint trrc ami that provision huvn hrcii mndn to wntrr tin-in iliuiiiH' tho summer. No rrport Imvn lirn received a to renlt In the "Huy , Tree" imni'iilitn In thn out IvtrttC illntrhta of tlm enmity, no there wan an unavoidable delay In Hi'ttlhK tli" blank form to the ihtilr limn of the vmioim tllajtrlrt. Cor K ii 10 II. tn. 11 li. til. St. Mark's Episcopal North Oiikitiiln iiml Fifth Ht. tu. liuly ciiiiiiiiiniloii. Hiillduy school. Holy coiiiitiuiiloii. ' Win. II, Hamilton, vicar. Csntral Point Christian Church lllhlo chool lit 10 . m. Mm. Victor llnmult. mint. l'roJK'llllIK sorvlual lit H p. in. by 1). K. Mllliinl of Mmlfonl Hiwclnl tuuslo and a wnlcoiiui to all. Catholic Church South Osikdaln Avcuui). Kir t tiiiiiiii Hun luy hi 8 n. m. Hocond mn.s ut 10: HO a. in, llonmllcllnti after seoond inais. Hoy, John J'oworn, rontor. prtwh, nri't Itov. Atln-t t Cunningham w Minx. Tlm uviinitiilliitlc nmvloes urn y.iowliiK In iiltciiiliincu mill Intur- iit, Hi-veritl Imvn riic'irirmc.rutcd thnlr liven, und Momo hnvit inn do u atari who novfr wcin cnnvortiMl hefurn. 'I he I'litirfl. it.nl ..r.ulf.i ii rtt vttfU tilll'h pli'liHi'il Willi cuniCHl worK'Tii, urtrm llilnKi liro cxpoi tdd dniitiK tlm nnxl few iliox of llm iiiwillnK. (iimil iiiiihm iiiccIIhk f ir inert nnd Ijojh only, 3 o'clock Hiinday uftnrnooti. Ileiir tho htiirlllnn tlitmdnrH of t'-rrlhln trutliH In Kvutu:cl it I'oiilo h "Chlcld-nn Comii Homo to Itouiit." Hundiiy iiiurnliiK t)u KVunK'illiit will proncli on tlm Bulijoot, "Tlm Ixmt Clii-lut" Huiulny nlKht tlm l-vunKcllHt will Hpo'ik on "Iiiicm tlio IiIIiId Tciuti a llurnliiK II ell?" All tlm No llollltcx (HpccUlly Invltnd. TmilKht, Suturduy, "Tlm fjcncrul JuilKI'lt'llt." Seventh Day Adventlat JriiirliltiK lit thn church on North nivcrMld". Hundny nvnnln, t"ii. 6, S o'rlock p. ni. Thcmn will ho. 'Thrl-t ('mini la One Iay." Hpoakcr, L. K. Wuiln. VINING TO SPEAK AT TRI-L CLUB Salvation Army 2:0 KiimI Mnln Ht. Mm-tliix Tunmluy, Thuradny nnl tiuttinlay K p. m. Hundny tnwllnKH II a. m.; company mcctliiK 2 p. m.; Younic 1'eiplo'a Klun C:30 p. 111.; OhJ ilinn aalvatlon incctlnK 8 p. hi. Everybody wclcottm. Evang.-Luth. Zlon'a Church Fourth Ht. bolow Onkdnln Avo. Itiv. Or. W. It. Morn0(.iiiir. I'aiitnr. Ida. 61 S V. Fourth Kt. V. Kplpliany, Hundny arhiKil 10 a. tn. Olvlno aiirvlro 11 a in. Cntnchctli ul lntriicton fur conflr iiiHtlini every Buturdny afternoon. The InlMtu'O uml prof rpuilulml nnni'iii' i luh him n rrnl trmit In (or fi.r lhu who nttnnil thn rcuulur nionllily Hub niippor to be held Tue ilay. Ki-hrunry 7 lit U p. III., at the rrel' in Ium c-lnucii lc thitt thy Imvn mi-und 1'rof." IrvtnK Vlnlnu to, nueak ut thiil tline. Tlm ladla of th rr-hvi. i 1:111 church ai colnB to irrvn mm of llii'ir ilelichif ul aupprr. I'rof. VlnlnK In well known to the liniipln i.f Mrilf.inl ami thow who ln'urd him Inn! rr nt thn V. V. f, A. tiatitii-t nir Kind of llm oppoMinilty in hinr him niinln, und Hume who bv ii-'r hi'iirtt bin nhuulil imt iiiim 1I1U oppui -tunlty. Fr Methodiit Church for. Tenth and Ivy Hi. Mint Khodn llurnett. puntur. Il. 337 W. Tftilli Hi. I'lumn :!. Hrvlc' ai our church an fullown: Hundny ichool 10 a. m. I'ruachloK arvlo 11 a. 111. and 7:30 p. 111. I'lua timet tni; 12 niMin. i'rajrr hmHIna; llinradoy 7:30 p All are Invltnd to tlicat services. 111 Carl J Sermon, Mr. For E Pretbytarlan Church , Corner Muln and Holly. lUiv. K. I'. l-annc. mlnlniei 2 i H. OranKo. 9:45 a. m. lllhln achool. r.r.ituiiier, kiiperintendent. 11 n. m. Mornlntc wonihlp. 'The Cinm-toiineii of Hlu." lent Fdmenileii will KinK a tenor "do entitled There U a Orcn Field Fur Away." C.30 p. in. Christum Kndeavor. topic, "('liriittiun Kndeiivor Around the Woild." 7:30 p. in. Kvcnlnn service. Hcrnion subject, "Flahvra of Mmii." First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth nii'l Ilurtlett. J. Ititndolph ui'.nelt, puslor. Office US J:n '! n Co. Hunk lililu, I'll mi 'jflK. Iillil" school 'j-.Vj, ClftBses for nil OKe. I'rof. N, II. Frunklln, u;it. The mcn'a UIhcushI'id cIuhs Invltea ynu to Join tn tlm consideration of uppll'xl Christianity. MornlnK worshlii 11 a. in. Soruion, "Tlie (ieiilus of WrotiK." Kinvorth l.onK'iB 6:30. Kvenlntt service 7:30. Hcrnion "Morn Thrills." A continuation of last Sunday evenlnif's thesis. Tho follow liiK questions will bo discussed at this service: (t) What Is tho relative strvnnih of tho Frotestant and Caiho- lle IieDomlii.ttlops In tho Unltod Htates? (21 In vlow of the differences In niarrlaKo and dlvorcn laws In tho several slates, "Wwhen Is a man mar rb (I ?" Iteijulnr monthly nim-OnR of tho of 1 flclal board, Tuesday evenlnB'7:30 In tlio lenRiio room. Kvcry meiuber irein iii'ii deslrvd. On account of tlio revival at tho M K. church, Hotith, there will bo no mid week devotional nicotinic. .Mi rnliiKAnlheni, lllessed Aro the I'nwple. (Ashfurd). Duet. Tho Lord's Anointed, (Ashford). Mr. Mat:I-nouKh, Mr. Canaday. Kvenlns Anlhem, G:d Is hove, (Shelley 1. soloist, Mr. Canaday. Duel. U'Ud Mo. O Lord. (Fejils). Mrs. Anderson. Mr. MacI:nouKh. Mis Matle Vniman. pianist; Mr. I'ernard Hoberts. orKnlst; Mrs. May Ji.rdmi-Marlxn jukIi, illrect r. A tlino of buslnem depression lias ono beneflclul vlfect f great taluo and that Is tl knock out of folks heads tho lda tlint they run b ,inieMinieiH" nnd need pay no attention to tho oilier fellow. People ho thoiiKht they wore "In-dep-ndenily wealthy" have found that w hen general buslnoss drepn'snlon enmes, dividends stop. Interest Isn't paid, vulues drop and nftnr all. their "fortunes" which wero to mnko them "Independent'' don't succeed In pulling them away from contact with tho rest of thn world. They find that tho Rood fortuno or th" 111 fortunn of tho rost of folks has a direct effect on them. This Is particularly true In ft com munity llko otns. There ran bo no real prosperity that iloosn't help everybody und no 111 fortuno falls lo touch all classes. Fay Cp Week. Feb. 13 to IS. 1s a community cifort to start better times by tho hidp of everybody. If you don't help, you'll lose. If you (In help, you'll Kuln. Finn not only in your own individual net Ion In this ciitnpulKn but nsn your efforts to Kct everybody else into lino. If you atari rash rolllnu, you start bettor times, bettor Jobs, mutts prosperity for everybody First Church of Christ, Sclsntist Authoriied branch of The Mother Church, Tho First Church f Christ. Scientist. In lkstoii. Muss. Horvlces are held every Hunday at 11 o'clock. Hubject for Feb. 5: Spirit. . Hunday school at 9:46. All under tho aKO of twenty aro welcome. Wednesday evi-nliiK meotlnK. which Imiudo testimonies of Christian Hc enre benllnKs, at 7:45, church edifice, 21 North Oiikdaln. The H end Inn Uootn. w hich Is In tho Medford ItldK., Is op'n dally from 1 t J 0. except Sundays ami holidays. All ftiilliortxod Christian Science literature may be road, borrowed or purcliasod. Tho public Is cordially Invllod to at tend tlio seriicca and visit tho Kead Ing room. Market News Livestock PORTLAND, Oro., Kub. -I. Cattle atondy; receipts 15. Hors nteiidy; ro celptH IB. Hors steady; rocclpts ono. Eht'cp stoady; no receipts. First Church Church "Tho Friendly Church". North Central and Fifth Sis. Hlblu school. F. W. Mears. supt. Classes for all ni;(s with excellent teachers. 11 a. m. "Who Will Ho Lost?" Anthem, Novin, "O Uird With Me." 6:30 p. m. Senior II. V. P. V. Thol ma Kent, lender. Kvery member urged to bo present ; speclul nieettnK. Intormodlalo It. Y. I". V, Holun Leach, leader. 7:30 p. m. "Not Far From tho Klni; dom." Anthem. Splcker, "For TIuih Snllh tho Irfird." Contralto solo, John son, onnll I Do ForRotten?" Miss bteiner. Wednesdiiy 7:30 p. 111. lecture- by Kllznbeth Scltoffen, Thursduy 7:30 p. m. Choir rohoanml. Froilorlck H. Leach, pastor. Movie Mule, Page Maud makes her appearance as a star In the movies at the Paxo theatre beKluulnR today. DoukIuss MacLean Is billed as tho slur of Maud's picture, "I'nsNinK Throu," but I-ius frvely ad mits that Muul cu ries away first honors. Llko the stsr that she Is. Maud, who Is a pure while, lop-eared hybrid mule, displayed unuilstakiiblo evlslonces of teiiipera!iwnt-IiirlnR tho fllnilns of "I'assliiR Thru." Maud caused no end of worry to William A. Seller, who di rected tho feature. os well as the entire company. She was cnKnRcd undor tlio supposi tion that she was a trick mule. The trick was to Ret her to work. Careful experimentation, however, revealed that Maud possessed little human weaknesses mid through taking ad vantage of these nbo was made to per form In trim stellar style. "Behind Masks," Tomorrow K. Phillip Oppcnhclm's novel. "Jennno of the Marshes." is tho Para mount picture In which Dorothy Dul tmi will bo seen nt the iU.ilto theatre tomorrow tinder tho screen title of Uehlml Masks." This is a different typo of story from Miss Dulton'a re cent releases Hud is replete with tho big dramatic punches which ono 11 1 ways associates with Mr. Oppenluini's work as novelist. Butter PORTLAND, Ore., Fob. 4. nutter firm; extrn cubes 34c;riindorgrii(los 29 0t "2c; cartons 3!)c; prints 38c. Hultet tut. No. 1 churnlnK cream 3543Sc f.o.b. I'ortlund; undcrRrndes 32c, Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 4. Whout: Hind white $1.16; hard winter $1.15; Boft white, while club $1.13; northern Bpiinif $1.12; red Wulla $1.09. Today's cur receipts Whent 47; flour 10; oats 3; hay 8. San Francisco Marketa HAN FRANCISCO, Feb, 4. Ittitter, extra 42o: prime flint 35 1,4c. Kggs extras 33c; extra pullets 2SM,c. Cheese California flat fancy 25 Vic HA, FRANCISCO, Feb. 4. (Ktiite division of ninrkuts). Poultry lin- chiinRod. lloll ppppers 1 0 1 1 5o. Liberty Bonds N1CW YORK, Fob. 4. Liberty bonds Hosed: SVi's 05.36; first 4'h 116.30 HHContl 4's 00.30 bid; flint 4Vi'H 06.31) second 1V4' 00.10; third 4Vi' 07.10; fourth 4's 0(1.30: Victory 3Vs l-410.fi 1; Victory ' .100,21, First Christian Church , Cor. Ninth nnd Oakdale. Dell Ely Millard, Minister. Uos. mil W. Movent h St. Phono 133. Iilblo school 9:45 a. tn., Herbert Her- rtan, supt. Preaching service, 11 n. 111. Subject, Ilurnlng Candles," Illustrated. Tho special music will be a solo by Harry Soougal. Everybody welcome. 0:30 p. m. Young people's service of Chtistlun Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. Our evening evunnellstlc sorvlco. Sermon subject: "A Woman Who Daneod a Man's Head Off." Spec Inl music. by our mule quartet. Every body invltod. Wednesday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. lluzol nt 116 8. Lnutid street tho Women's Missionary and Aid socl olios will have .a Joint meeting. Every member nnd woman of the chinch Is Incited to ho present. Main St. M. E. Church, South W. .1, Fenton, Pastor. Hundny Kchool nt 0:30, Dr. Roberts supt. Dr. Conlo who Is conducting evan gelistic services, will apeak to tho Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. At ihe U , in, Horvloo Dc, (,'onlo will Wallace Raid Going That ever popular star. Wnllaco Reid, Is closing nt the Rialto theatre tonight. In "Too Much Speed," h lat est auto race comedy In which ho has tho role of a speed demon, full of pep and as nervy us they niako them. MM W W Adopt the Direct Treatment for the Cold Troubles of all the FatnH' VICKS STANDING OFFER Viclcs doesn't relieve every case. No remedy can possibly do th 1 1, But it is successful in such a large percentage of cold troubl that we have had for years this standing; offer: Buy either tile 35c, 75c or $1.50 size from your druggist If you are not deiighti 1 with the results, mail us the top of the carton, and we w 1 cheerfully refund the purchase price. Or. if you wish to tiy Vicki before you buy, mall the coupon below for a free samp! f- 11 11 Wm t i jftn,: wmnv 't,-ii -)? .? w. , 'OMpyi Cut This Out It la Worth Money Cut out this Blip, oncloso with 5c and mall it to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial packngo rontalnlng Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for palna In sides nnd back; rheumatism, backache, kidney nnd bladder ailments; nnd Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome nnd thoroughly cleansing cathartic for conHlipntlon DUlousness, hondaches. and sluKKinh bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv INCOME TAX COME IN NOW Is the appeal we niRKe to our clients. You will thus nvoid tho rush of tho final days of tho period when our time is taken up clay nnd night to GET 11ETURXS IN ON TIME. Our Kfflclont Servieo caves money for ethers and it will do so for you. WILSON AUDITING CO. Liberty ItulUllnti. 1 Moil ford SPRAYING TIIKKS SH K Villi F.UY Largo or smnll Orchard Jobs. Modern Equipment. Plinno 100 (oi' Conlrnct Knles, Rub It On for Deep Chest Colds ABSORBED, like a liniment, and, at the same time, INHALED, as a vapor, Vicks gets immediately into congested, inflamed air passages. WHEN a cold goes down deep - threatens to turn into bron chitis or pneumonia with soreness, tight breathing and a heavy hollow cough, apply hot wet cloths over throat and chest to open pores of skin. Then rub Vicks in well until the skin is red. Spread on thickly and cover with hot flannel cloths, and ..range the bedding loosely so that the healing vapors will be inhaled all night. The penetrative and stimulative effect of Vicks thru the skin helps to relieve tightness and congestion. At the same t ime,thevapors,inhaled with each breath, carry the medication direct to the lungs and air passages. Ideal Treatment for Children Mothers like to use Vicks for children. It voids dosing and upsetting their stomachs. When the kiddies come in v.et and "snlHIing" Vicks is applied to prevent colda. It'keeps off spasmodic croup. Also, Its cooling, sooth ing qualities make it useful every day lor cuts, burns, bruises, stings and itching akin. A "Tar Heel" Diicovery Twenty-five yean aco. Druggist Lunsford Richardson, of Greensboro, North Carolina, the "Tar Heel" State, seeking a better way to treat colds, hit upon a wonderful formula. Heombined Camphor, Menthol and certain volatile oils in the form of a sslve, so that when applied to throat and chest, it not only penetrated and stimulated Uke a liniment, but the ingredients were re leased as vapors by the body heat and inhaled directly into the affected air passages. This remedy. Vicks VapoRub. won instant local favor and its fame has spread, county by county, state by state, untd now Vicks is a family standby from coast to coast. Best of Nature's Remedies Vicks contains valuable ingredients brought from distant countries Camphor from For mosa, land of head-hunting savages; Menthol from picturesque Japan; Oil of Eucalyptus from far Australia; Oil of Juniper Tar from Btdouin haunts of Northern Africa; Oil of fc m a. i rz A Over 17 Million Jars Used Yearly Thyme from smiling Southern France and Oil of Turpentine from Dixie. How Vicks Should Be Used Far Spasmodic Croup, Children' Colds Rub Vicks over the throat and chest until tha dulicult breathing is relieved, then spread on thickly and cover with a hot flannel cloth. One application at bed tune usually prevents a night attack of croup. For Bead Colds. Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever Vicks should be melted in a spoon and the vapors inhaled, or a little can ba applied up the nostrils and snufled up the head. For Deep Chest Cold. Sore Throat, Ton sil! lis, Bronchitis, Coughs Vicks should be applied over the throat and chest if neces sary, first using hot, wet cloths to open the pores of the skin then rubbed in well until the skin is red; spread on thickly and covered with one or two thicknesses of hot flannel cloths. If the cough is annoying, swallow small pieces the size of a pea. Fsed as a Liniment, Poultice or Plaster On account of its penetrative and rubefacient effect, Vicks tias been foimd excellent for Bites. Boils, Braises. Frost bite. Muscular Soreness. Poison Ivy, Suntturn. Headache, Neuralgia and Sore Calloused Feet. TRIAL TIN FREE Send this coupon to the Vick Chemical Coib pany, Greensboro, N. C A Vi-oz. trial tin f Vicks will be mailed you promptly, sufficient to test the efficacy of its vapors by melting in tt spoon, as shown in the illustration to the left. Th Vlxrk Spoon Tc$t Same . Address . tt) The Oldest Man in the World Just part of a -kull, two molar teeth and a tliih bonf ! ricccd together ihey made what? One of tho most per- plrii)K myteric in the tudy ot human history. Were these the remains of an ape-iike mail vrhu lived 500,003 years aj;o ? . Scicntiti believe that they were; they ca!l him the "Dawn Man," and out of the record embedded in the rocks ihcv have reconstructed the condi tions of his lite. How he killed his food and tore the raw flesh from the bonej: how he mar ried and lousht and died! How little by little he clawed and clubbed bis way up to mastery" over the beasts. It is a fa.-cinatiiiK. gripping story, but it is only one of a thousand stories that stir your blood in this greatest book ot' modern limes. H. G. WELLS "Outline of History ' Sfcto OfftrtiVott of One-Third the Original frice A Milonr tMt son bark IK) (KVi.OOO year tti,t Vvt man't rod brl rttwft MM.uuti yanrt ae th,t toilvwi tent dowa thn.i,ah Iflt aft to tht X Rnm Oaal,a l Nrtmh.Mlnclnr. Iha (oval ol Cln-mlra. tna rtanca 01 Naoliaa. IniniCt. ti Amarlra tl Ictlay. thrum. Ilia (Irrat War anil on al lha lutura SaiafPui Uallfa'tiUlaa ol tba Worla Mat laiALl hlltoo ataaa atari laWtlla'. i,. l,.c..r Tim ant; Uia Mtrj pf tha amrlj. but Ow. irlrrtfo M th' -riJ: tba twIrtaM- S it lr lllrrilur o( the ,rM; lha Hnl,-,o I 1 Cia r!J t pno.-Kul4 ' aii,.JijMwH aaroiltil brlora raut nil Iba D.o.l cnhie otJ pal. i-r ( BiJrrn Hi". f' i"iil l i In ii i And Tht REVIEW of REVIEWS Too aLilnla. IKa I, ...... hm,,,,:. .t .,. .i ' . . I t It....,.!. - .V I BtT1l?W OI Kt: Mitft on ht irrwn ; ' d SVix: and rharlcn.sine. nrrnl N.,h-.!ii.; p? llva1 ailA.I r.ralar-l khjfl' f.H-lllna aiK.I tthir' I!. 111. nd Marco IN-ta, ISrfrr a tiull momrnt. INctct a parun.ii A wia ttlar. U ! ftiHPf that thra two nhi.-il.t ba Ul" 0nk' jrvbi tngsMhtr. IW rkirf fhtn w art til to pffrr T"U an rthwit!hl ruur iu.h at yu ct at no irinal In Ua Un.l. f ymm9 Stnd No Nonay Mtr-ljr rlin -irw. mall the twiton b)ir. , A4irm ......... Tnr 'ty pf Well will (to forward lm- anrdtitrljr. 1 aprwfal. .tut do It otr tou nay twer hare anther cbancat A Occwtim , tttavfow l Ret C, M Imng ft. V Fr full ca$h with ordwr, nnd ony J. 6 t r wit? full y.ar. at it i ular Dr rr 1 1. I w.H elihrr -tw1 yru 5r tn S dnvi tni II a iTt-inth thr:M-r f-'f T ffx.ntH. nr I will rttutn trt rlW GET IT AT Phone 122 K DEVOE'S C. A. De Voe, Prop. 436 W. Main Groceries and Confectionery ICE CREAM, CANDIES, SOFT DRINKS, CIGARS, TOBACCOS, MAGAZINES, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND STATIONERY, NUTS, FRUITS, SHELLED WALNUTS, MILK, CREAM, BUTTER AND BUTTERMILK, BAKERY GOCDS, HOT COFFEE AND LUNCHES, TRU-BLU CRACKERS AND COOKIES We' Sell Anita Stewart Coffee YOU CAN GET IT AT DE VOE'S Open Evenings and Sundays Satisfaction in Dentistry You do not have your teotli fixed every day, but when you do yott want lasting satisfaction. The mil quality dentistry -s the mot.t dopcnduble nnd economical nnd it is the policy of this office. You Can Have Nice Teeth Ion't envy that person who has a good set of teeth. Fini? even teeth means extra gaod care and the advice and services of n good dentift. lon't expect your mouth to it-main in good shape without extra, care on jour part, and an effort of a good dentist. Dental Delay Increases Cost. Prompt Action Saves Much Money Dr. O. J. Johnson, Dentist Phone 669 228 East Main St., over M. M. Dept. Stora CHANGE IN SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE FEB. 1, 1022 MEDFORD ROSEBURG STAGES Dally Except Sunday I.V. MElFOKll 10 A. M. IV. ROSEBURG 1.00 P. M. GRANTS I'ASS-MEDFORD STAGES Daily and Suuday Leave Medford 10.00 A. M. 1.00 T. M. 4.30 V. M. Leave Grants Past 10.00 A. M. 1.00 P. M. 4.45 P. M. Faros: ledloid-Grnnl Pass, $1.13; Cirants Puss-Koseburgi 3.00; Modford-Rosetiurg S1.13. T