BRINGING AFTER ALL-DEAR ARR VERY HAPPY - PflOPLE. LIVE. At WC HAVE. J -WE ' Market News Uvcolork. PORTLAND. Feu. $.'allli Mtimly receipts 14. Il 2e blither; re. evlpta 71. Prima Unfit 110. 'Hit 10.60; mouth hvy !00 to S00 IW. Il.ifrff IV; othcra unchanged, rilierp steady; receipt tl, Jlutlcr. PORTLAND, Feb. I Butler firm. Extra, cubes 14c; initial-Km (I iV lie; cartons le; print . Butter Ut No. I churning rrmm 16 V ltd f. o. b.. Portland; undergradea 31e. IVrtLind Ml at. PORTLAND. Feb. I. Wheat; hard white 11.16; tmrd wlntrr; mift Hhlio, )ilta rluti, f 1.11; iiurttn-ni uprlng rfd W'nlta 1 1 0. Tudoy'g cur r'lpt Whrnt J3, flour 't; (mtw ; liar I. Kan I'miu-tnti MnrWrC BAN VKANCIHt'U, K b. I Huttrr Mtra 41 Hr. Kku, -xlra S!4jr: rura imllita lOo: undxmUrd. No. I. Hi-. ChvRs (.'alirurnlK flnt fumy 54c. MAN FIlANClHfO. Krl. 1. (Ntato IHvMun of Mrlir() lirrwj tur koya IT to 44 Itiunu f J tu 4; Kpln nth, irolo 1 4.3 S to 6. iV. Y. Stocks ' NEW YORK. Feb. 3 The stock market was active and strong today on vary broad dealings, rtpeclatiles again led tha advance but high graua rail were In steady demand. Sales approximated 860.000, shares: American He 8ur 3S American Can 37.7 American Car at Foundry 14.1.5 American Ixvcomotive 107 American Smelting & Rofg 46.3 American Roger 64.2 American Woolen 83 Anaconda Copper 18.3 Atchison 90.2 At!.. Gulf A W. Indies 27 jea 2( . . """ ,'r 11 'I " Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore ft Ohio Bethlehem 8too ' Canadian Pacific 12 4.8 vnanoier Motors o: o v n csa peine at unto an. a Chicago, Mil. A St. Paul 18. 7 C. R. I. ft P .,. 32 Cblno Copper 26.6 Crucible oteel : 61 Cuba Cane Rugar 9.K Erie 9.1 General Electrlo 142.7 General Motors 8.8 Goodrich Co 36.5 Great Northern pfd 73. S Illinois Central 108. 1 Inspiration Copper 39 Int. Mer. Marine pfd 6 8.2 International Paper 60.5 Kennecott Copper .' 2S.5 LouUvlllo A Nashville 113.5 c; 9 USED CARS One good Overland Four tour ing car, jiiNt overhauled, con) Urea. A bargain. , altltnc 9473.00. One worm drive Ford truck with large platform lnxly and cab, sl In good nieclianlcal con dition. MUCK $1175.00 One Ovei'laiid touring car with self Mtitrtor and good Urew, rpttdy to run. , rnicE 9300.00 One lain fltudobaker Four touring rar rebuilt, repainted and all In fine running order. ' PRICE fMI.IO.tM) Other uwid ear bargains on Ifudsotis, l-'ranklln, tlievrolet, Forth, Chnlmers and Over land. , . Ouri Sold On Monthly i: 'PajrraenU ' ' BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Main at Riverside UP FATHER FE.W COULD VTAND IT- Mexican Petroleum 114 Middle Htatca V'l 13 Mldval Steel 30 Nw York Ci'iilral 7 5 K Y.. N. II. and Hartford ... Norfolk k Vimtnrn Norilii-m I'utlflfl Inn Aninrirnn I'l-trolniim ... 'iiiiuylvniilit ., .. lUy CotiKolldntml t'oppi-r I(tndlli Hep, Iron Htcitl ., , Hoyiil Outth, N. V Khi-ll Trim. & Trd HltuUtr Chi. Oil Koutlinrti Puplflc Souiliern Jtullony Htandurd Oil of N. J. pfd. r!iuililjkcr Corporal Urn Ti'iiiii-iii(i Coppor Ta Co TrmjBcont liii-nlul Oil 16. 6 09.7 711 t.2 34.3 14.3 73.3 r.2.7 49.7 3 19. H K2.1 18.2 ii; 91.3 10.6 45 9.S t'nlo-i I'nclfle .....J2S.K V. 8, Food I'roducU V H. ltoti.ll 8torn C. S. hid. Alcohol t'nltod Htat' ItuUbor ...... I'll It ild Hut.' Htoil ftuh Copprr WitlilKtio'jiUt KK-rtrlC Wllly'g Ov.riand I j wr ' 4 4 54,1 KC. 63 51.7 u.5 I'nt Wrlrti returned luitt nluht from a fitw dayi bimlnuiit vIkII to 1'ortliind. DRINK MORE ITER IF Zat Itsj a eat and tale Raits tot B4ck ache or BUdder troaU BsutralixM acids. tMa tU In taral rallis Ihl IMfleys, tw tweorna owrworktdi (ret iliignUh, ' ali, and frl like lumps of lead, 'lh urine become etondyi ihebUddcr la lrr. taud, and you may be obliged to swk re- lief two or three times during th niht. When tii kidneys clog you nuut help ' them fluth oil the tody's urinous wt or you'll be a real aide person ahortly. At drat you feel a dull mlecry in tha kid- i J v , 1 aide headacha, dluine-ia, stomach frets soor, tongus coated and JM lii rbeu- matte twinges when tha weather is bad. Eat e meat, drink lots of waterj , alo get Irom any pharmacist fourounces t cf Jad Baitsi tans a vatiienpooniui In a Klaus cf water before breakfast, for a lew dsya and your kidnrvs will then art fin. Thla fanioua aalu It mads from tha aeid cl grapes and lemon Juloe, combined with llthla, and baa been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, alio to nrutraliM the aclda In urine, so it no longer Is a aouroe of irriutlion, tliui ending bladder weakness. Jad baits ia inexpensive, cannot In jure! rnukea a dellglitful eff.rveacent llthla water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidney rlean and otlv. DruarieU itre eay they aril Lis of Jail Salts to folks who belters in overcoming klduej trouble while It Is only trouble. Notice of Sale of Government Timber General Land Office, Washington, D. C Junuery 14, 19:2. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Acts of Juno 9, 1910 (39 Stat. 218). and Juno 4. 1920 (41 Stat. 768), and the Instructions 0f tho Secretory of the Interior of September 15, 1017 (4 L. D. 447). and June 22. 1920 (47 L. U. 411). tho timber on tho following Hindu will be sold March 6, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m., nt public auction at the united States Lund Office at Rosebtirg, Ore gon, to the highest bidder at not loss than the appraised vnlue as shown by this notice, si vie to be subject to the approval of the Bocrotary of the Inter. lor. The purchase price, with nn nddl LIVE AT HOME And make a good living oft your own good milk cows and poultry. Wo liavo a splendid llttlu homo place nil stocked with cowa, chlckemi, feed. Implements and tools, alo fruit and berries, all under Irrigation and close to good echuolg, town, and pavd highway. Will sell or trade for a good little modern homo In Mrdford. IIROWX & WHITE Holland Hotel Corner. Highest Prices Paid for Hides Second hand goodi, Machinery, Tool. Pipe, Sacki, Metali, cto. MEDFORD HIDE & JUNK CO. MKT)FOUD MATT, THTHUXK MEDFQTm OUKf.Qy, FRIDAY,' rKIMtTAKV X 1022 P tOMt. THING TCLL.3 ME. I'M SONNA IJE SEPARATED I'LL "YOUR tjLlPPCR'b FOR YOUJ FROM E TEA IN 10 IT if. Grandmother' Recipe keep her Locks Dark, Glossy, Beautiful. to Th old-tlm mlxturii of T nd Bulphur for dnrkMtln; irrv. Iroaltd and fndrd huir ! (rand moibar rat-lp. fulka ra ain ualng It to karp their hair good, van color, which Is null aenalblo, aa wa art llvlnr In an r wru-n a. youth ful apprarania la of lha Kraatot ad vantna. Nrwadaya, tliounh, wn don't hava tha troublaoma tank of rujhrrln ih aaaa and the niuiy nilxuia; at home. ; All drug atoraa aall tha product, improvaa cy ina aaoinon or other inrradienia. called "Wyth Oan and Bulphur Compound." Jt la vry popular banauaa nobody can dlneover it haa baen applied. Hlmply moleten your comb or a aofl bruitt with It and draw thia through your na:r. taKins ona amall atrand at a time; by rnornlne tha cray hair dlaanprara, but what da Uirhta tha adla with Wyeth'a Saga and Sulphur Compound, la that, be atda baautlfully darkrnlnK the hair after a few applications It alo pro ducca that aoft luatra and appearance of abundance which la ao attractive. Thla rmtily-to-uaa preparation la a de lightful toilet requtaite for thoee h dcalre a mora youthful nppeurant-i; I la not Intended for the cure, mttlca Hon or prevention of dlteaaa. tlonai sum of one-fifth of one percent thereof, being Mimmlnlon allowed, muat be dnitoslted at time of sale, money to bo rvturned tf sale U not approvoJ, otherwlao patent w ill Issue for tlio timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be recelvod from cltlxens of the l'nttel Slates, asclntin of such citizen and cor porations nrKunlxcd under the laws of the l olled Htates or any state, torrl- lory or dbtlrlct tlioreof only. Lpon appllcnllon of a qualified purchaser, the Umber on any It-sal aubdlvislon will Ik- offered separately before being Included In any offer of a largt-r unit. T. 35 8.. R. 1 K.. Sec. 1, SKU SW4. pine 10 M., red fir 4:!u M.. white fir 0 M, uone of the pine timber to bo sold for less than ti.'i'j -r M.. nne ... .... ... . .-. less than $1.60 per M., nono of the white fir to be sold for lesa than $1.00 per M T. 21 8.. R. 2 W Sec 27, Iot 9, fir 760 M . heml.H-k 30 M.. cedar 20 M.; xit 10, fir 1100 M., hemlock 20 M.. cedar 140 M., none of the nr timber he bom fr eM (hnn $1.50 per M Bnd nono of the hemlock and cedar timber to bo sola for loss man ii.oo per M.. I.ot 16, fir 600 M , hemlock 76 M cedar 150 M., Lot 16. fir 900 M., hemlock 50 M., cedar 125 M., none of the fir timber to be sold fur leus than $1.25 per M.. and none of tho . hemlock and codar timber to be sold for less than $1.00 per M. T. 15 8., !R. 2 W Sec. 25. NEH NV V4. yellow fir 250 M , r-d fir 800 M., cedar 30 M., NWH NWi; r'd fir 1700 M.. 8W4 NW'4. yellow fir 200 M., red fir 1450 M.,'SF:4 NVV4. yellow fir 200 a a a .. s . -at a I 41 f M, rod fir 1600 M nono of the fir and cednr timber to bo sold for less than $i:60 per M.. T. 21 S.. R. 3 . Sec. 13, NWVi SEK. fir 600 M.. none of the fir tlmlier to be sold for loss than $1.60 per M. (Signed) WILLIAM SPRY. Commissioner, General Land Office. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Factory representative lor one of the most popular cylinder automobiles will be In Medford In a few days to place agency tor this locality. The right kind of man need not have much money to take ad vantage of this opportunity but must bare good references unquestioned honesty and lots of push. Russell H. Lawson Auf Co., S64 Kast Broad- ,1 . I f . way, ruiuwiu. ore, j WANTED High grado salesman. acquainted with the trade In the various towns of southern Oregon. Box No. 8, Mall Tribune. 209 FOR REM HOUSES Pllll It MVP KSirnUhnrf hmlatv nioH ern. Phone 938-M. 271, FOR RENT 4 room modern home, $26 por month. Call 862-Y. 2G9 FOR RENT- -Houses. Brown & White. tf ATTRACTIVE EAST SIDE HOME 'Full two story nnd basement; large living room and dining room; kitchen with built Ins; large hall; three largo bedrooms; sleeping porch; Ihiro bath room, two toilets, a dandy fireplace hardwood floors in living room, dining room and hull,' wii-ed for electric cook ing nnd hat piped for gas; hotwe hits been newly painted and all walls have been tinted; good garage; on paved street; lot 00 by 120. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. 113 West Mam Street ' . . Real Estat Insurance Notary rublto i'll wait here Vty AT THE 4 ATE 1 y ifTfZK: Irr- iXI tOME MONEY- WANTKD WlMHIXAXEOCB WANTICIX To buy dairy ranth In ApplPKata. (lv particular!. Wrltp liox O, Mall Tribune. Zil WANTKD 475 lawn mowers to ahar- pen or repair. Llumy Hepalr Shop. 294 WANTKD Block or fruit ranch, with in two mile Medfuri, A. I). Clarke, 179 W. Waahlngton, Chlcaifo. 2C9 WANTED Ootxl buln, merchan dise, town or Country property in xchanK for clear ranches. Gold Kay Realty Co. Phone 728-R or 134-Y. tf WANTED lions niorrna. and re pairing. Pbono 4S8-M or 468-X. U" WANTED A small caan reitlater. What have you to offer. Address netclater. Mall Tribune. tf KOH RENT APAItTMJCXTS WANTED Bids for cutting 600 cord wood. W. L. Van Houten. 273 FOR RENT 3 room furnished apart ment, with kitchenette, sleeping i porch, bath and shower bath. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728 M or 134-Y KOH HE XT rVRXISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Kurnbihed room, furnace heat, clone In. Phono 322. 270 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms with or without board. 631 8. Riverside. Phone 61 W. , 270 FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room I with bath. 201 8. Central. 2G9 , - ' FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, hath any time, garage In connection; I dead and live storage. 124 King St FOH REX T M I SCE IXA X KO I'M 'I-XIR RENT Store building. Inquire 140 N. Grape. 271 MONEY TO LOAN BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD Money1 loaned and Rood ranches for salo by J. B. Andrews. Investment Broker, 31 N. Grape St. Phone 63-M. WE HAVE MONEY to loan on fai- proved dwelling and mercantile pro- lierty In Medford only. McCurdy Insurance Agency. . tr SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS to loan on Improved Ranch Property. O. C. Uogga. tf FARM MORTGAGES Medford Farm Loan Association. F. P. Farrell, Socy.-Treas., 220 W. Main St. . LOST lost A Crown bicycle, singlo frame. tip broken off left grip, red rubber pedala. 6eat torn and glued in place. Reward. Phone 720. 27u FOUND ; FOUND Flashlight. Owner get same ' .1 ..-.-Li.. ,. t I ..hi a a, .m by describing light and paying for notice. 261) MISCELLANEOUS CHIMNEY SWEEP John F. Buckley. Medford own. Phono 660-Y. 270 SEWINO MACHINES repaired. Fir. Phone 215-R. 10 S. 292 HUSIXEHS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Apartment building that will give you a good home and a steady Income ; well located, close In, $1 100 will handle. Owner leaving city. Phone 403-R, 270 FOR SALE Good paying business for two women. Apply Kandylund, after noons. 26.) ' ' 1 ' 1 - FOH SALEv REAL 'KSTATE FOR SALE Central Point Hotel, 4 rooms; would cost isu.nou to buiiu. Price today. $7,200. Might trade. Price will be reduced $100 every dtvy until sold. Gold Ray Realty Com pany. Phono 728-R or 134-Y. 209 FOR SALE OR TUADE-80 acres m- proved; will take small ranch or other property as part. Chan Doop, Bruce, S. Dakota. ' 272 FOR SALE Dodge touring, will bear inspection. Quince. Phone. 871 or call 28 S70 FOR BALE Younx man, if you want FOR SALE Full blooded Persian kit land, much or little, with or without j tx-ag. TcI-pLone 510. 270 wafr In anil vour nnroA and rpfllllrp-i ' ments. beautifully situated, risht on railroad and paved highway; fruit, cows, pips, poultry, alfalfa, corn. Brow what you win In Idf-a! climate. f ull information from W. O. Smith, , owner. Wolf Creek, Ore. 270 FOR SALE Alfalfa, train and stoca ranch from 15.00 per acre up; Ionic time, easy payments Gold Ray!, Realty Co. .... n ttm FOR SALE Lease oi exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE Best value lor the money; see dlaolar Ad on this Dae. Bennett Investment Co. tr FOR SALE Attention . ex-Soldlera; Ranches sold under Boldlers Bonus Plan or can he paid for with share of crop, like rent. Gold Ray Realty Company. tf FOR SALE 1S20 Dodge roadster, flr.e condition. See Patton and RoMnscn Ina ro BALE AVTOMOniLES FOR SALE 1921 Ford coupe with double Hasaker shock absorbers, ex cellent condition. Call MvJ. 2S9 FOR SALE 3 passenger touring car In good condition. No reasonable cash offer refused. Call 310 V. Jackson. ' 269 KOIt SALE nKSTOCK ;KOK BALE Best Jersey Duroc boa I shoats $10 each. A few sows $i each. R. F. D. 3. box 129. Phone 2f.-J-3. l'm FOR SALE- -Hoi stein heifer. 3, box 129. Phone 28-J-3. R. F. D. tt FOR SALE Thoroughbred Airedale pup, 3 months old, a beauty. Phone 6SIR1. 263 IFOR SALE Good 8wlss Jersey bull ford. Routa i. 26 . I FOR SALE -I first class milk cows and heifers, fresh and coming fresh; also year old bull and 3 work horses. Walh's Place, 1 mile NE of Medford oa Crater Lake road. 27s FOR SALE Registered pure bred Duroc Jersey boar pig, three years old. Price $50. Call Modoc Orchard or D. R. Wood. Medford. tf IJVESTOCK INSURANCE. WE REPRESENT the only livestock Insurance company doing business in Oregon. McCurdy Insurance : Agency. tf FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT Home in Jack sonville. 14 acres. Phone 362 or see W. H. Venable. Jacksonville. 282 FOR SALE H'juset and bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. 8. Butter field, Medford National Bank Bldg. Phone 3S9. FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE 13 White Leghorn laying bens. Phone 314-L. 274 POOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock cockerels $2. Hutching esgs $1 setting. Phone 23-X-3. W. M. Teth erow, Centra Point, Oregon. 272 FOR SALE Petaluma incubator. Electric tCBter. Central Point. P. L. Morrill. 269 FOR SALE Turkeys: one torn and throe hen turkeys, $25. J. C. Her ring, Central Point. 271 FOR SALE Day old White Leghorn chicks, Tancred strain; also Betting esss. Phone 697 R-2. G. E. Pierce. 271 FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs, lllnhee mating from pedlgeed pen 260 record. Royal muting from 1st prize show bird. 9 Phone 403-R, A. W. Wlllott. . 269 FOR SALE R. I. Red cockerels and . sotting eggs. Ernest Webb, Central Point. 2S7 Audiiitw C y Accom1)ra SVSTENERVICEIO: ' lrsurejcc livestnetssf M. P, Phone 5M SCHMITI, Mgr. Liberty Ulilu Gold Coin Quartz and Placer Association Wo buy and sell mining properties. See us. Temporary Office ZOP liberty Hldg. Medford By Georg'e YE-aUT lb THlb WHtRE MR." Jl4C LIVES? 1922 BY (nT'C Von HA LK M 1S( TAAA X EOUH TOR BALE Used sewlnt; machines from IV00 up. Your t';rms are ours. 10 8. Fir. Phone 215-R. 292 FOR SALE $5.00 d)wn $3.00 per mo, no interest, buys a 1922 Bitiger. Why worry with that oW one? ginger Bewlne Marchlne Co., 10 S. Fir. Phone 215-R. 292 o r New Buckeye blue flame cblck brooder No. 11, 500 chick Blze, price $10. Mrs. Wm. Sullengcr, Talent, Ore. 270 'FOR BALfc-ury wooa. Phone E96-H. Special sale. 2 ! FOR SALE Best of hay on highway near Phoenix. Phone C. Carey 16F-11. ' FOR SALE A No. 1 Yellow Globe Danver. Crimeon Globe and Prize taker onion seeds, Cutbert raspberry and Perfection currant plants. Light buggy and Jersey heifer. J. L. Dem mer. C09 W. Jackson St. Phone 846-J. 283 FOR SALE Sand, gravei, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 912-J. Samuel Bate man. 302 Maple St. FOR SALE A 12 horsepower steam boiler, good as new. for less than half price. Phone 203. Snider Dairy & Produce Co.. .Medford. tf FOR EXCHANGE . FOR TRADE ISO acres unimproved land In famous wheat belt of south ern Saskatchewan. Canada. No eu- curr.braniH-g, virgin soil, fine invest ment. Any or all fr property in Medford or viefhity. Call or -write J. M. Siglinger, 410 E. Fourteenth St 273 IH SIX ESS 1KKKCTORY Abstractors VAN VORIS Rooms 3 and 5, Abstracts of Title. n0. 22 tisirs. North Central Ave., up- Jack-son County ABSTRACT CO., The only complete Tl k System in Jackson County. Abstract .of Title and Title Insurance. Attorneys (PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office Liberty Building. In 0. C. BOGGS Real Estate, law and settlement ot estates a specialty. Office 30 North Central. C. M. THOMAS Lawyer, Rooms 1-2- 3. Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., Med ford. Oregon. Phone 43-J. Auctioneer W. H. WELTY Livestock and gen eral auctioneer, 10 years experience. For sale dates phone 5ol. ' GEO. L. NEALE Auctioneer, has been crying successful sales In Jack son county for 14 years. Central Point. Oregon. Phone 87. 292 Architect FRANK C. CLARK Phone 841-J. -219 W. Main St. Carpenters, lluildcnt and Contractors CARPENTERS. BUILDERS & CON TRACTORS Let us figure your job; reasonable and reliable. Built- in features a specialty. Bashore & Jones, 201 3. Riverside. Phone 437-J. Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT -BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Specialize in all kinds of cement building productB. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Piano Instructions FRK1) ALTON HAIGHT TOHCher of piano and harmony. Classical and popular courses. Studio 318 Liberty Bids.. Medford. Ore. Phone 72. 9! -ear rs. Ill PERL FUXEKAL HOME Cor. 6tli and Oakdale 1 Block West ot Postofftce. Arflbiilanco. Sepjco, Phone v I CL PAGE SF,TOT McManun tFYOL) I I YOU HAD (SETTER TAKE THObE, COVE BACK A OUICK A YOUKirS.' FlAfu'KI SfAVICt. INC BCSIXESS DIRECTORY Chiropractic Itiynlclan DRS. BRAY & HOFFMAN Straight Chiropractic, rooms 408-9-10 Mad ford Bid?. to 12 a. m.. 2 to 5 p. m. daily except Thursday. Phoa 580. DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone 5. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectir Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chlro practlr. Mechano-Tfaerapy, Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences. Chiro practic. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office. 170; Res. 170-J-2. .' . " i lira Chiropractor DR. A. BCRKJ CND Chiropractor. Special attention to Gastrc-tntee-tlnal Diseases Chronic Indiges tion, and constipation. These con ditions respond readily to the art, science and pnllospohy of chiro practic. No drngs no surgery, tiO osteopath. 8u:t 3, 4 and 6 Sparta Bldg.. office phone 285. - i Denthts DR. VICTOR R. KAUFMAN Dent ist. Teeth cleaned, ethically and thoroughly without charge. Special attention to children's teeth and pyorrhea treatment. Emergency calls answered at all times. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., evenings 7 to 8. Phones Office 285; res. 331-R. Sparta Bldg., cor. River side and Main, Medford. DR. H. E. Murphy Dentist - Lady assistant. Office over Woolwortbs Store. Phone 144. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son. O. P. A. Attention given to anything in Accounting and In come Tax requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phonl 157-R. Farm Loans ROGUE RIVER FARM LOAN ASS'N Charter covers entire territory ot Jackson County. See E. H. Hurd, - Secy-Treas., 411 Medford Bldg. Osteopath DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINE CAR LOW Osteopathic Physicians. 416-413 Liberty Bldg. Phone) 904-J-2. Residence 26 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physician. Special attention given to eye, ear, nose and throat. 303 Liberty building. Phone 496. Physicians aad Surgeons T. G. HEINE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.. Glusses scientifically fitted and properly adjusted. Office 314-315 Liberty Bldg., cor. Grape and Main SU. ; DR. J. J. EMMONS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Oculist and Auriat for S. P. R. R. Co.. Medford Bldg. Phone 567. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. II. M. SHAW Physician and Surgeon. Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. Office hours 10 a. m. to 12:30 a. m. and 1:30 to 6 p. m. Room 402 Medford Building. Phone 744-R. . tf DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 313-314-315 - Medford Bldg. Entrance 35 N Central. Special attention to spine, phone 29. - ' 1 Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., ha th best equipped printing office in Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland pricee, 2 7 N. Fir St. ltug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUtt WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-M. 706 Pino St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St. Phon 815. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed. 29 8 Grape. Phone: Offlc 644, or res. 647-R or 206, ; $ 31-33 N, Bartlett BL Phom 038 v rfi'i'W ',i,V .ny.-r.-,f Vj4tt"ArtM4.U.i-.' ..W.-..V--VX V '' V u J . 'i ' n' .' 'M li U 1 v w