f PAGE FOUR 11 1 rrrr Hkdford Mail Tribune !M"EDFO"RD MAIL" TRTBUSTK, tEDFORI, CREOON, AVKDNKSDAV, FEBTUTAHY T. 1922 '- . ... 1 LJ I L-.l,.., Ill I II M-Um...JJll--II- J..t,! 1L.1....ISI.': .IX. I -ll.l.ill . I..I IHII IIIIIIIHIHII wm AN INOKPENHENT NEWSPAPKR PUBUHHKit F.VRKT AKTKHNOOX K.XKCPT Kl'NIiAT BV Tilt: MKDKOHD fKlNTlNCJ CO. Th Mitdford HunJay Sun la furnished aubncrlbvrs desiring a va day Uallj lMWapi(ir. Office" Mall Tribune Bulldlna;, S5-l?-S North Fir street, l'hona 75. A onsolldtlon of the Democratic Ttms, ths Medford Mall, th Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregonlun. The Aahiand Tribune. . , HOPKHT W. RT'HIj, Fdltor. ' 811PT;R B. SMITH, Manager. vaccBxraov tskmii BY MAIt, In Advance: pally, with Sunday Sun, year.l".B0 Pally, with Sunday Sun, month .75 jally, without Sunday Sun, year. So Illy, without Sunday Sun. month .85 Weekly Mall Tribune, on year. J. 00 Sunday Sun, one year J.00 Bf CARRIKR-In Medford. Ahland, JarkaonvlUn, Central 1'olnt, Phoenix, Talent: Italiy, with Sunday Sun, month ... .75 itelly. without Sunday Sun, month .6 pally, without Sunday Sun, year.. 7.6u Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year S.SO AU terms by carrier, cash In advance. Official paper bf the City of Medford Official paper of Jackaon County. Entered immfi class matter ai Medford, Oregon, under the act of March I. ?. . MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also the local news published hervln. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. A MEMORABLE DAY. H i Ye Smudge Pot f By Arthur Perry. WtuuThas "become of the chemists who endeavored to make gasoline and moonshine mix at the steering wheel of an automobile? . ' ',. Messrs. Tumulty, Cox and Bryan are ftolog to hold a conference on the future of the Democratic party. The only thing this noble trio has in com mon is the ancient custom ot wearing panU. UGIIES wins. The accent nne of the naval limitation treaty to day is a signal triumph for the American Secretary of State, for his country and for n war weary worUl. For the first time in 2000 years, the lending world powers have translated peace talk into peace action, have abandoned platitudes for practical achievement, have actually set out upon the business of beating spears into pruning hooks. Warships worth millions of dollars arc to be scrapped. At least ten billions of dollars in the next ten years will be saved. And the original Hughes proposals form the basis of the new agreement. The submarine as an offensive weapon has been outlawed, poison gas has been placed under the ban, and the insoluablo Shantung prob lem, if not permanently solved, has rft least been placed upou the road to solution. , It was no easy task. Only those ou the inside realize what a strug gle it was. Japan, of course, was the main obstruction. And it can be definitely stated that while Japan was willing to agree to a naval limitation, and her opposition was for trading purposes only, she had no intention of making the concessions she has made to China. The most skillful manipulation combiued with an honest and cour ageous statesmanship, alone rendered the successful outcome possible. And here is an interesting feature. Japan, tho in a sense defeat ed, is not disgruntled. For her one great fear, the far of a pious Uncle Sam with a prayer book in one hand and a sword in the otlior, has been removed. Japan knows today that the United States has no hostility toward her as long as she behaves herself. The naval limitation agreement is virtually admission on the part of this country that no offensive war against Japan is contemplated. For under the present arrange ment no offensive war could successfully be waged., So the ideal and rarely attained goal has been reached, where both parties to a bargain are satisfied. February 1, 1922, is therefore a memorable date in the history of the world. It truly marks the dawn of a new and better era in international and human relationships. P.-T ft- 4 Dy r T--"' arS'iN.Mi, Aim- 0vfev riain fotd is healthier than it is popular. : .The severest test of friendship is a long Visit. lMng pals after marriago is the only solution for divorce. ' Just as big battles are fought with words as with guns. Too much law is worse for everybody than too little. Hez Heck Say a: "The chief purpose o' conven tions is to leave your wife at home when you, go.'.' . i6 There will be no fight between Mlatah Harry Wills, black, and Mr. Jack Dempsey, white. The public will not stand for it. Neither will Mr. Dempsey's manager, who fears he will be knocked loose from his bam and eggs. "LET TS SAVE TOUR FORD- (A(f Marshfield Sun). Evangelistic work among the Lizzies. The "Life Long Republican" who wrote letters to the Portland Journal, stating he was going to vote for Wil son, because Hughes would get him Into war, is now penning epistles cuss ing Senator T. Newberry. ' J i mi Urn. jf -,-.- THEY'RE OFF! THEY'RE OFFl (Oregon City Enterprise) Major Charman is out agin after his long Illness. 8 " ' ' " Tfce weekly gymnastic exercises for the Jawbone were held today at high noon. '5 . Hex comes Quill Points HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? No, Arethusa, it is not II. G. Wells' "Outlyin' History. "George Ilarvey in Cannes." Xo, thanks, well take salmon. Advice for motorists: "If they oil not neither do they spin.' "1921 Will Retard Fighters" would have been more nearly correct .That sculptor who says American girls are knock-kneed carries his marble with him. , When a man is undone he's done usually. The Euglish language is a wonderful invention. Heck, the rural philosopher over from the Ssd and Salt dept. to tell the public: The ground hawg will come out of his hole tomor rer. but ef he sees that bowlegged lady in a short skirt, he will scoot right back In agin, dswggone his hide. Milady's kniekerbockers will differ from Migentleman's, anyhow ......... . - - i , .......... shell keep hers pressed. i ' As far as linotypers are concerned, if Popocatapetl never does erupt again that will be soon enough. Ours is no infant republic, but weaning it from the bottle is never theless a tedious and costly process. . . ' 1 What is the best wood to use In makin a log cabin? 2 What does "Klwanis" mean? 3 What can be put In paste to keep mice from knavring thu asbestos cover ing on furnace pipes? 4 Who was the flnit Knglishman to go around tho world? 5 Are raw oysters easier digested than cooked oysters? 6 What is the diameter of the smal lest drop of rain? 7 How wideIs the river Jorden? 8 How many ,men signed the Declaration of Independence? 9 What is the longest natural bridge in the world? 10 Are government railways in Alaska operated the year around? Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1 How many Jyncbings were pre vented by officers last year? Ans. Seventy-two. ' '., 2 How many American , Legion posts are there? Ans. More than 10,000. 3 To what soldiers in the World war was the term Aniac applied? Ans. To British colonial troops. 4 How many hospitals in this coun try? News Summary or Last Night WASHINGTON BolUlers1 bonus amendment to alllvd debt hill laid on tnbl by srnnte. CHICAGO Mrwsnirrs sent to all unions arrillnti-d with Amalgamated Meat Cuttrrs nnd Hutrher Workfticn rrcommendliiK strike be called off lm-mediately. HOME Cabinet blamed bemuse Italy was not admitted to four-power I'aclflc pact of arms conference. SAN FRANCISCO Grand Jury In' ventilation of rertnJn phases of Ar burklo caso Indicated. Taklnrt of testimony closes. Sport Flashes PHILADELPHIA Mickey Walker. Newark, outpoints MoMlor Hurt field In eight rounds. NEW YORK Proposed Dompsey Drennnn match will not bo tolerated in New York, William Muldoon, chairman of state athletic commls- Ans. The 1921 Medical Directory slon. tells Rlrkard. Following limitation of election expenditures by legislative enact ment, candidates will likely be of two sorts: Those who obey the law, and those who get elected. The score or so of Illinois and Notre Dame football stars, who performed the unusual trick of grabbing off some easy money, "besmirched the honor of their alms, maters." (Raw! Raw! Men Can't Be Sober In Drv Florida City 0ne councmai refused to Mil ury i '""r,ing that he "didn't know JACKSONVILLE, Fl a. Prohibition has renlered obsolete the word seriously but upon insistance the term was eliminated by a vote of 12 to7. vote, stat whether a man could be Irunk or sober under the new order of things." Raw!!), and, will be an object lessen , "sober," according to the city council to tnose who corns after them, not to get caught at it The New Jersey young man who skinned out with the banker's wife, his auto, his daughter, his hired girl, and his bankroll, will come back after the bank Friday. ' , A 2nd loot in his well shined puttees was caught Wed. eating the fodder of the "enlisted personnel" beans. IIN AGENT The Talley was visited again last eve by a fall of fresh snow. This is about the last time the snow will get fresh this year. The early robin in Dock Pickel's yard, was unable to sing thi am. owing to a worm in his throat. i' THE CHICKEN "The years roll on with the socks rouea down," , And my skirts are higher as you can I . . see, j And I'll lead my calves about the town, I For things are not what they used . to be. . I'll puff my pill when I dogone please, I'll be blase but not passee; I'll pluck my brows and rouge my , knoes . , . . y J!ho!,1.1 worrJ' wnat fossils say. 111 bare my breast where the winds may Whs, ; . ' . But a Choker of skunk on my neck I'll wear; . ? : An Inch or so from my skirt you'll miss .'v-.- I'll defy old Time with my henna r. aair. ' I'll dance the jazziest Jag they spring I'll shine with the light of the moon- shine still; "Try anything once" is the song I sing I should worry who pays the bill. We modern women, wen paint the town; We're through with babes and the , kitchen sink; . Our peek-a-boo socks we'll roll 'em down And we should worry what the , world may think. . , , ; MISS A. FOSSIL. here, and the term has been relegated to the scrap heap officially by that august body. The council recently in considering an automobile ordinance which provided that certain persons must be "siber and of good moral cnaracter, was surprisea wnen cno, WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. Appolnt- member objected strenuously to me ment ot uiwi Georgia Hop'.ey of inclusion of "sober." Eacyrus, Ohio, as the first woman "It is a reflection on the government general prohibition agent to be at- and the constitution" the member said, tached to the mobile enforcement "It recognizes a violation of the law, forces of the headquarters unit, was and since we have prohibition it has announced today ,by Commissioner become obsolete." "nes' Mto" Hopley " a, former .... , ' Ohio newspaper woman and was ac- The objection at first was not taken tlVB ln the Harding campaign in Ohio. lists 8236. ' ' " How much money is spent for HAN ANTONIO 8lxty-U golfers cigarettes ln this conntry each year? ready for Texas open championship Ans. The estimated amount is S00,--contests February 2, 3. 4. 000,000. 6 When does the skull of a human ! REAL MONT Franklo Montell, being cease growing? Ans. After the - oun . New Orleans, In second round. twentieth year. i 7- What Is the next year that will XEW TORK - New Americas begin and end on Saturday? Ans. 1927. Tfe0Ti of m , cUm a amllleur 8 W hat are the ten largest cities hi i,, iln) billiards mads by Edgar United States? Ans. New York City, Appley. New York. Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Cleve land, St. Louis, Boston, Baltimore, Pittsburg and Lcs Angeles. 9 What state was the first to take legislative action on the adoption of a state flower? Ans. Oklahoma. , 10 What is required of a voter ln Liberia? Ans. He must be of Negro blood and own property. RippHngRhumos f y t i a. ni w .sou mm mi t i . Vett Mason TAX MONEY. I'VE WRITTEN miles of deathless song, to earn the coin in yonder sacks, and I must hand it ere long to pay my yearly income tax. I greatly wonder where they'll go, when Uncle Sam collects those bucks; I greatly fear that he will throw my hard earned rubles to the ducks. If Uncle Sam could only aee the poet in his garret bare, composing epics wild and free, that he may have a bill of fare ! I buy my harps from Henry Ford in quanti ties, to get them cheap; yet when I've paid for bed and board tho roll that's left would make you weep. I walk the floor by night and day, to find new rhymes for rhymeless words, and Uncle Sam will take my pay, and then he'll throw it at the birds. He'll buy himself a sword and gun, and build himself a aubmariLi, well knowing how I need the mon to pay John V. for gasoline. Hell hand out money left and right to pay for past and future wars; I have to pay for every fight, yet war's a thing my soul abhors. He'll run his government in grooves that makes nne voters stand aghast; he never alters or improves the cumbrous methods of the past. Nine men will do what one might do, red tape will govern every step, and high priced statesmen still will.chewtheir rags of cotton and of rep. I earn my dough in bitter toil, I twang my lyre the livelong day,' and coin I need forgasand oil must go to Sam to throw away. Make Nevada Caves A National 'Monument WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. President Harding by proclamation has' estab lished the Lehman cave national monu ment ln Nevada, tho .eleventh national monument located within a national forest. The caves Included in the S33 acres lie six miles west of . Baker, Nevada, and are within the Nevada national forest. CtjCj St Invalids Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION NO COOKINQ Tbs "Food-Drink for All Aces. Quick Lunch BtHome,OfTice,oDt Fountains. A$k for HORUCICS, Avoid Imitations L Substitute Day or Night WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Director i. 6 Bellans y Hot water ELL-ANS 25 and 75 Packages Everywhere Cherro Hard Wheat Flour Guaranteed At Your Grovers INCOME TAX OUR MANY CLIENTS are earnestly solicited to not delay in the closing of their accounts and ln HAVING FEDERAL RETURNS PRE PARED. Tho rush of the final days of the period should be avoided and to GET RETURNS IN ON TIME we ask you to see us now, WILSON AUDITING CO. Liberty Uuildlnjf, ' Modford With our assortment of domestic and import ed Woolens, the making a choice is merely a matter of personal fancy. That done, you may leave the making of your Suit- fer'ftvercoat to us, with the assurance of a sat isfactory garment in every re spect. :. ' . , We pride ourselves on the thoroughness with , which we hand-Tailor our garments to the individual requirements of our customers. With prices in range that includes the one you want to buy. GUS The Tailor ' ..... 410 Modford Bldg. Ridiculous Sale Saturday at Ridiculous Prices Something Unusual . ; See Our Windows Heath's Drug' Store The San-Tox Shop 109 East Main Street GET IT AT Phone 122 R , DEVOE'S WMaln 0. A. Do Voe, Prop. Groceries and Confectionery 'ICS CREAM. CANDIES, SOFT DRINKS, j0 H ; CIGARS, TOBACCOS, MAGAZINES, ( , t SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND STATIONERY, , ! , jNUTS, FRUITS, SHELLED WALNUTS, Hll'i MILkVCREAM, BUTTER AND BUTTERMILK, t BAKERY GOODS, HOT COFFEE AND LUNCIIES, TRU BLU CRACKERS AND COOKIES We Sell Anita Stewart Coffee YOU CAN GET IT AT DE VOE'S Open Evenings and Sunday vm j i, vr The Oldest Man inthe World Jan pan ol skull. lvo m1r teeth st-.d tliih ton Pisrtd ti'tfeihrr tkry rotde-wbai f One o h ni'l pr- plriihi ftiyticrir ju thfl itutly of bu'nln huMory W ftf tbrtc llir rfmiiiii of tit tpc-likr tntn Wh JivtJ 5'W.OuO jrt ico? SothUiH Iwhrvs that iltfy wsie; they call hira i h "Pawn Stan," slid out of tli ircuiii embeddfd in llic rwkt lliry have rrcuntlrurtrj lh tondJ- lillUS ef hit lllc. How ll killril hi (ntui n.l turt the taw flesh Imin the hui; how bt mar tied and luuuht ami dirdl How Imlr by lint ha elard and rlubbcil bia ay up to mantiy over the beaiia. It ii faKinaiiiig, giipping limy, but it it only one ef iiuujnj ignc thai atit your nioou ui inn grratett tioutt ot mioetn timca. . H. G. WELLS' "Outline of History' ft Offrti)ou at Ont-TMrd tht Ordinal frlct NIHm Itll IW At IM MM IKiit-lkil Him sm'! Ml Hlh . tlM.IMM ,t 4tt Ullvw (,1m lkrll IM M t ! J SiSw B MIM rl tUMIlHUIr. IIh ll.It 1 ClWfOf. )tw Iwlw. J ... (1 JIX .! .1 l-d y. (M WW IM MM ! ., - ! UIMlltt(lsWMl IkUlltMALkliltlarfMMOlM? IMIkWHIi', , CtTJjJ" VM mlf tht M.l.tT tl 11m miil k.t tht ohm IM mtiS: Um MMv, . 4 Ire lltonim u J; tht in,n U uxt p-M, sp-wi vuntfM tmtn wir .. tr u m I'.M'it mm mii H mattn li.i. ' f m. .iu 6i. . And Th RlTUW of Riritws Too ,.! "Jllff'-J" . WH iMfim with itM fj.wn iltw: Mvrm lhr - tw JC T-t ' tt J it. frf Ut wt WMilea. In tnti Sp(iUflr.M tifkt h tP Ala fftr t&f Iv4t Mimi 1M IflUN. DVUIsT ffisT luss tjtrtit if..sf an Ilia iu...a utm frtrU rt irvt CttfAstMl kn: rittnlnsi -A AhLa m Mr bx Ht 4uU ttwwvoi. Kf f,ngtnA 14tm im n" eii'iei rissr. 4 Knifsf) ittrffa t ' f int'pri lh hUttfy mt th w-flil intfir. fl 14 lhl ! ttvM W r- fef ftiMtitwti ,uri iwh Hrmrt t m fV la ift4 v" Itnd No Monty V Vf'f M mail in M1fMf tMlw. At A44tm . ! Us stslVIBW sM hktiaif V (HIM iwl It i MsMh iKcmfttff fMT MMMha 1 a1 ii Minis tUm .' It. it m7 if iMwtM litfrft. mh4 ktKl lh afttWI. T elf. m-mI- Viul 'I mm T"W mr tt hft fnoihr cfivn WrW tf lantovt U- W Ink ft (MM Ftt tmtl rtttt lift srW, ttnj mni HM Dentistry a Life and Death Problem Thn condition of your trth msy mnM long Ufe or an rrly grave. - Modorn (ion list ry holds Ui hlghrt rank In prowoUUve mfMllcinn. Tim of inet ot m ffood donllat tnast ba to pravNit trouble and itop mouth dJjMia, Safer to Prevent Disease ' It baa )Mfn prviti that It In bHteir and a groat deal rlirMir to adopt mo axon's for tiro prcvmtlon than It Is to flKlit fire and aus tain lossoa on tliat account. It Is ssfer and better also to adopt ropasnrra for ths prfrrmtloa of mouth dlsansew, ' Dentistry Insurance Against Disease Disease) lurks where bad troth are found, and clranllneaa should . be taught In the homoa and In the schools, and ln all Industrial In Ututlona. Kvery moasuro should he taken attalnst mouth Infection. Examination Free . , V..-' FOR DENTAL DECAY SEE JQHNSON TODAY PAINLESS DENTISTS Dr. O. .J. Johnson, Dentist 228 East Main St., over M, M. Dept. Store Phone 669 SPRAYING THEKS KHKimnKRY ' Largo or small Orchard Job. t Modern, Equipment. ; rbone JjPO for Coalraot Rotei. FISHING RODS Itowrnpped, , Hpmlrod and Itovar iiislied. Vllca Uml to pattern or . ' : v.' order, . E. V. OOVLD 917 S. N'pwtown St, '" Mdlqr4