Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 31, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    MEDPOftT)' MAlT) TftTBUXR METronn OftTWOV. TTTTTttV, ,TAT?TIV nt. mi
'is i i'. ! . .Liiwiani s
Huntley, collocttr nt Intoruul r
(Mine, Tho appotntemt will uasuiim
Ihnlr duties curly uevt iminlh.
Now Showing at the Page Theater
Sport Flashes
olympia mm
George Grigsby. was bound over to! OLYMriA. Wash., Jan. SI. re-
the grand jury , yesterday afternoon ""ri"S th,,t h h,ld neked in
: , , , the ilurk by two wen nml struok over
on a charge ot bootlegging on .00 tht, hosd Albort 1(.kis , laborer.
ball. The case has been pending tor nbout J9 yearn oia, working t th
scno time because of the absence ot Kobinson mill two mil. south of
. . ... ., Nlsqunlly. was found hanging by the
Le Nelson, principal prosecuting (ck from a bonm in h,g C(lbln Sun.
witness. , dy morning and today is in & locul
Nelson appeared yesterday and tea- hooplui rapidly recovering from the
titled before acting Justice Farrell effects. Hicks tola authorities he had
that he had purchased a bottle of been hanging there all Saturday
moonshine from Grlgsby on the nittht.
night ot January Hth, and had paid Two H said to have
the defendant $8 for same. discovered the transhrK man when
Night Patrolman Cave, who In- Peered through the window of
.. .. v v- t his cabin. They runhed for help and
spected the rocra where Nelson. a Bcaf nftahbor came to tno resou
ungsoy ana .-xicnois nau oeen mas- wh(J QUlckly unbUchld the harness
Ing a rrty that night testified that Ktrllp about Hlcks. ncok, Tho man
he had found a bottle answering Nel- wa8 eainced and his hands and feet
son's description and that it hadere bound with baling wire, his toes
been empty. The bottle was produc- barely touching the floor, according
ed and aeeminclv contained a few to the story told to Sheriff R. C.
droes of moonshine, the odor of Honge, who was called from Olym
which was whiffed by the prosecut- I1'"- A the tension was relieved.
In atfnrnov Hlcks collapsed, unable to apeak for
n... u4.i. . i t r . .some time,
. . w u i k , ' I I -'Pon the arrival of Sheriff Uoage
uc ..aU -nr.. - nn1 County Coroner Kenneth L.
ucipams in a orawi in wmcn urigs- ParUoW( he, had been revived. Hicks
by was stabbed by a Hawaiian must- according to the sheriff, that he
Clan name Luis Garcia. Uaa alone In his cabin Saturday night
Attorney George Roberts repre- when two men entered with flash-
rented the defense and District At- lights. They kicked and cursed him
tomey Rawlea Moore the state. Rob- struck him over the head and hung
arts rnnri:i-M iiirri crmo Mining, him to the beam, making their
tlon Of tho first witness. Nelson, and escaPe '"Knout his discovering their
of, A rw,nt .-Ilnoc. Identity.
v.j . j . . . . ' . "I Kvidencea of a new scalp wound
had testified, announced that the de-mw found on Hlcks and aM . bu,
fens, would waive further argument M hoIe , hl9 ,oft toroarm, which he
in me preliminary tearing. he received the Sunday night be-
Altnougn Justice of the Peace Tav- ore from unknown sources. Local
lor has returned. Acting Justice Far- authorities arc working on the case
rell heard the case because Grlgsby
was arraigned before him during Jus
tice Taylor's absence.
v a VM t.n I . J
tlUS(ltV Kohert Htcwurt, Hun
gow expert Ht'oreM vli'liny over New
ell V. Hanks, lietnilt, in second duy'n
play fur world checker champion
I'lllLAHKLflllA tleorso t'liiniey,
llttltlmure, knockH out Hurry I'm l.'i,
Hon ton, in th fifth round.
ltOHTON Stanislaus ZhyBjtUo le
fot Pick IitvlHi'OUit. Tex:i, In two
ytmlght fulli.
SKW VOKK- Chnrlea
rW'glac, Mich., Ioik'h niuti'lt In liu
tlotuil bllllurd title tournamenr.
NEW YOKK-)Ck Dempary to
defend title ngiUnxt hill llrvnillil, t'hl
rngo. In 13 rounds Mitrrh 17.
KAN ANTONIO KM lllniieho.
locnl, wins referee's d'i-lslon river
Hobby 11 uk he". Memphis, nftor ten
HHIlEVF.roiiT Jimmy Klncr.
New Orlenns, knoeked out In tenth
round by t'urley Hnilth. OUIiih.miu
WASHINGTON, Jan, 3 1 ",V.ilk
T. linen, former tllre) lor n'n',r"l (
th. rllsy ndmlnUtrntioit rnliml to.
dity ns u reprrsentnlUo of the pu'.illi'
by tho Inter-ctiitrt cuinnnree co'nu l
slim In Its fa'" lnvetltlii tMllUl
that In hi opinion nillritnd earning
were too lw to n!Uw general redue-
!tlnn of freight charges iind b'.icl-
ne tutlvllV would li)t t) ullmulcited
by u h it iitep If tuken.
Mr. Hlmm etlninted that "In the
public1 Interest, It probably U n '
snry for tho mlliwul to spoilt on
betterments mid fittllltles, nt least a
billion dollars a year for sumo llni
tu come."
"Looking over the Mutlstle of rail- 1
road earnings during 1911." Illnes
said, "we inn take It for grunted Oiat
general late reduction nio n'l called
. ur on the ground that eurnln tro
PAHIS-M. tloudln.
plon dvtentn Neilo Nudl. Italian flmm-i "Considering the effects of th pos-
Sixteen duels, a man holding up a N more vivid nn.l ilctureaquo tale I'lon for unofficial amateur follt mble general reduction, we must ion
broken bridge while three rldora cross ha!' cvi'r b,'tn presented on tho scrot-n championship of the world. Ulude first that It would ftnlher le
... ... thun this, arcordlnc to critics Kmm " . pb'te the ftimnotnl reserves of .ullrond
It. tho stealing of a queen's Jewels, a ,L.i;,hir.iand,lni HU. work "lOENIX-luily Alger. iWnU.U punles. which r. nlready we,k-
desperate fight with a conscieacdoss of rt anil INW..,.mJ .,,.1 .,., ,r. ,. stopped Mike O'Leary, Los Angeles, ened. unless-It stimuioted business
jsnfflelently to produce liaffl-' which
would iiiiiKo up the loss.
HALT UKR-Johnny Woodmni.-
see. Salt Ijike, wins Itocky Mountain
defeating CilHr-
woman for their recovery, the smash- velous. . 1 "l'co"a round.
ing ot one ot me greatest intrigues or Fairbanks' Interpretation of the
history these are but n few of the dnshlng and itn pulsivo IVArtitgnan
.uwvu.a iu u(,.ua von- in iii,-:.-ui uuii i. ma aiimirers in a bantainwel:hi tit
banks picture. "The Three Muake- new light, and the work of the all-star ley !vetta. rocntelln.
leers, scheduled for a four days run cast that sunnorts him will tnsorn
at the Pajre beslnnlng today.
Kitisfaction to all photoplay goer.
Tacoma Harbor a Suicide,
TACOMA. Wash.. Jan. 31. Joe
Hendricks, 33, a barber, committed
suicide early today as Patrolman W.
Hawley entered his home to arrest
him. The brother of Hendricks had
called the police, alleging his brother
was unruly and abusive to his
Woman's Faith Helps
JV. Y. Stocks
"l owo my good health to my wife
Who had faith in a newspaper ad she
aw of Mayr'a Wonderful Kemedy. I
was down- so badly with stomach ami
Ing and trying every known remedy ! baker cars are
that I had no faith .in anything. This
medicine has certainly beea a f;;d
;end' to me." It Is a simple, harmless
preparation that removes the catar
rhal mucus from the Intestinal inrt
and allays the inflammation whh-h
causes practically all stomach, liver
and intestinal ailments, including ap
pendicitis. One dose will convince or
money refunded. At all druggists.
In the Studebaker ad published in
the Sunday Sun the prices were f. o. b.
Medford quotations instead ot f. o. b.
factory as stated. This advertisement
called attention t3 the fact that the
Studebaker Corporation enjoyed the
biggest year in its history during the
1920 season. The Studebaker car sales
were 2? per cent greater than In 1920
notwithstanding the fact that the total
car "sales of all other malces, with the
exception cf Fords, were 40 per cent
less than the 1920 season.
The f.o.b. Medford prices of Stude-
XEW YORK, Jan. 31. Trading In
tha stock market today was dull and
largely professional. Representative
stocks fluctuated narrowly, (teles ap-
springs, guaranteed, proxlmated 400,000 shares.
Riverside . tf American Reel 3-1.5
American Can 30. 7
.... in.:
pfd. 6.
40 :
47 I
fipeed, Speed and Then
More Speed! I
Light-Six 5 passenger. 112 in. W.
B., 40 H. P.: Chassis 1105; touring.
$1275; roadster (3 passenger), $1275;
coupe-roadster (2-passenger),. $1615;
sedan; $1995.
Special-Six 5-passenger, 119 in. V.
B.. 50 K. P.: Chassis, $1475; touring.
$1745; roadster, (2 passenger), $1695;
roadster (4 passenger), $l4a; coupe
(4 passenger), $2495; sedan. $2695.
Big-Six 7-passenger. 126 In. W. It
CO H. P.: Chassis. $1810; touring.
$2095; coupe (4 passenger), $2895
sedan, $3095.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Walker left for
California yesterday by motor. Mr.
Walker has been interested with H. V.
Bingham in Miravista Orcbards.
Vulcan auto
Billings Shop, S
Tk rt- ni. , .1. , . . .
r l . American Car & Foundry .
and Main streets which was damaged Ami.rlcan ,llUe A uather
several aas ago is Desng repiacea American International Corp
with a new one. The plug was broken American Locomotive
as a result of a car colliding with it. American Smelting 4 Uef'g.
Charles Davis, city water cjmmlsilcn- American Kugnr
er ordered a new plug the day it was 'Amet lean Woolen
broken allhoiich It mlht hav len Anaconda Copper
possible to weld the old one. City of- f'i"?" ," " . S
. . , , Ruldwin Locomotive 5.
Aetata felt, however, that in view of 1MlUnorr & OMa 33.g
the fact that the plug was In tho heart uethb-heni Steel 6t
of the business district where depend- Canadian Pacific 113. -
ability is essential In case of a fire. Central Leather J 1.5
that a new plug and not a repaired one Chandler Motors Di.S
should be Installed. Pour workmen Chesapeake & Ohio f.'.S
are now at work on the job. ,chiago. Mil. and hi. I'aul ... J.
Dry pine. 12 inch, $3 tier. Ill N. rhlI1(, Cnunpr j,6.
Fir. Phone 551. 271 (',,'lirnii fh. i iron .v
William (Hill) Jones, owner of tho Crucible Steel to
West Side shoe shining parlors has Cuba Cane Sugar
returned from a short business trip to Kri 8.
Weed. Calif., where he is dickering for t'neral i.lectrle lll.z
the purchase of a ranch 20 miles from c ;"ril Motors 8.3
Weed Ooodrlch Co. . . 36.1
ureal, .toruicrn. piu
Illinois Central 100.
Inspiration Copper 38.3
Itlsnbkxl Stivtim-r Safe,
NEW YORK. Jan. 31. The
steamer Prlnceiw Malolku, which was
dlsAb'.ed nt sen Sunday during tho
heavy gale passed Into quarantine to
day under her own steam. t
Seek Friends In Hour of Nttd '
"In tho hour of need we quickly seek
ur best friends." writes Chas. Schrldd 1
Ward de Wet. 957 73rd Ave.. Oakland.
Cal, "our little boy nnd girl bad
severe dry, rasping cough without
phlegm, a cough that chokes and
flushes the face of the sufferer like'
unto convulsions. Foley's Honey and '
Tar was a wonderful emergency rem-;
edy." Cases like this give Foley's;
Honey and Tar its reputation as the,
best remedy for coughs and cold Ad
Huntley Names IM-puilc.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jn 31. Ro
land O. Miles of linker. W. W. All
Ingham of Coburg and (lordon R.
Watt of Aurora, wer today appoint
ed deputy collectors by Clyde ti.
Husband Helped b Homework,
Lydi E. Pinkbara'i Vegetable
Compound Made Her Strong
Foster, Oregon. "I used Lydls E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for
pains across the
small of my back.
They bothered me so
uauiy uint i could no
my work only with
the help of my hus
band. Onoday hntaw
the ad. ' in our pa
is' r tolllnir what
l.ydla K. Pttikhsm's
Vegetable Com
pound la doing for
women, so 1 began
to take It It hat
lielped me wonderfully. I tn feeling
tine, do nil my housework and washing
fur seven In tha family. 1 have leen ir
regular too. and now am all right. 1 am
telling my friends what it has dons for
mo and atn sure It will do good fur
others. You can umi this) letter as a tes
tiimmUl. 1 will stand up for l.ydla E.
Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound any
time." Mrs. Vg, Juiinkk, Foster,
Dtdng tlio houacwork for a family of
anven Is some task. If you, as a house
wife, are troubled with backache, lr
regtilnriliea, are easily tired out and
Irritable, or have other disagreeable ail
ments caused by some weakness, give
Lydia U. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
(Miuud a tHf I. Let It help you.
ww m
We will srll your bmdiie" liandlo our k-a Kecurtt
yon imrtiier, etc.
No Clmrgti tor Listings Transactions ( oof IdcoUal
Itmver llk-k
I'lMine 4
Slestfortl llUlg.
Phone 00
4-Mtsr TOW Mi
Mexican Petroleum lit. 2
Mldvale Steel 29.
Missouri l'ftclfl,- 16.1
New York Central 24.
N. V.. X. H. nnd , Hartford 16.1
Norfolk & Western 98
Northern Pacific 76.6
(Continued from Page One)
Oregon Feels Quake
EUGENE. Ore., Jan. 31. A pro
nounced shock was felt here at 5 :
this morning. Dishes rattled and
persons who were awake reported
feeling slight vibrations. Professor
E. L. Packard of the geology depart
ment ot the University of Oregon said
he believed the shock to have been
an earthquake. No damage was re
ported. Dean John Straub, who also
felt the tremors, said this was the
first of the kind experienced at Eu
gene in 25 years.
picture in our window witn latest nair jnt. Mtr. Marine pfd.
dress given at our shop. Sanitary International Paper .
Beauty Shop. 270 Kennecoit Copper . .
The large Canadian Grizzly bear. I-ouisvllle & Xashvlllo
which Edison Marshall bagged on his
last bunting ex;xdition which took
him into Alaska, Is now on exhibition
in the east show window of the Med
ford Harness company. Mr. Marshall
states that larger bear have been
taken but that this particular s;e-l- Pan American Petroleum 61.
men is a little larger than the average Pen nn; I van la 34.3
full grown Grizzly. Spring is drawing P.eudlng 71.7
near and it Is rumored that the "Grlzz- K"P- Iron t' ' eo-6
ley fever" is creeping into Mr. Mar- ?.'y' Dul,'h' N Y 2
shell's veins. When this premonition Jr ""i:;;:
begins to take place In the system of ,outhern j.arlrl g0,6
me young aumor nis aosenco from our standard on of x. J. nfd 1H.2
community for a few weeks may be ex- studebaker Corporation
pected. - Texas Co 44.
Lime, cement. Medford Lumbar Co. Tcxah & Pacific 26. G
Ladies discouraged with their looks Tobacco Products 61.7
como and be a model at the Sanitary Tranacontln ntal Oil 9.7
Beauty Shop. It's free. 270 Union Pacific 136.2
C. V. Fellz of the CalifornhvOreKm , . ' Z, ,
ItOSEBURG, Ore., Jan. 31. What
were be'ieved to have been earth
quake tremors were felt here at 3:2(
and 5:30 a. m. today. No damage
was done.
Ilia latest Paramount race
track thriller, with Agnes
Ayres and Theodore Roberts.
EUREKA, Cal.. Jan. 31. A se
vere earthquake shock lasting fully a
minute was leit Here at 5:30 a. m
today. Three other small shocks
I were felt In the next hour. No dam
age has been reported.
MARSH FIELD, Ore., Jan. 31. A
Olstinct earthquake shock was felt
here at 5:18. It lasted a minute and
a half and was followed by a second
hock. No damage of any kind was
Bird Lover Dies
DUBUQUE, la., Jan. 31. J. II
Rholnberg, for a half century a friend
of birds and animals, was found dead
today in his farm home at Specbl
Rhomberg, a pioneer settler, had
made his farm a home for birds
many varieties and dops and cats and
other domestic animals.
Head Ached and Body Ached
There are various symptoms of kid
ncy trouble rheumatic pains, back
ache, sore muscles, stiff Joints, and
"always tired" fooling Mrs. Geo.' Mor
gan, E. Fairfield, Vt. writes: "My
head ached and my whole body ached
so I could not sleep. Foley Kidney
Pills gave me relief." They heal and
strengthen weak, disordered kidneys
and bladder and help tbem in their
work of filtering the blood and casting
There will be sime one's
wife, sweetheart, child or
MANN'S The Best Qooda for the Price. No Matter What the Price MANN'S
Wednesday Specials
Don't Miss These Tomorrow
5000 yards best quality AAA Japanese
Crepe cheap at 40c, Wed. Special, yd.
Men's Flannel Shirts, in light
grey, all size. Regular price
$2.50. Wednesday $J69
25 women's ja.ts, all new
styles. Up to $12.00 values.
, Wednesday special , $2.85
special, each
See the New
Spring Suits
Mann's Department Store
See the New
Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Postage Prepaid. Agents for Pictorial Patterns.
Power company, left this morning on a
brief business trip to Vreka, Calif.,
and Klamath Falls.
Get acquainted with Cash and Carry
system. This store was built up for
the good of the hundreds of people
that bare been working hand in hand
with us, and have learned to live and
let live. We are now bringing down
the high cost of living. All Roods are
marked in plain figures 100 cents,
that is the Talue you got for every dol
lar's worth of goods yon buy Just the
best of everything for less, at the Spot
Cash Basket Grocery, at the Vinson
Barn. 22 N. Riverside Ave. tf
The sale of 72 Winchester hand
axes, which took place at the Crater
Lake Hardware company Saturday
morning and which was advertised In
Friday's Mall Tribune took place in
seven minutes, the entire 72 axe be
United States Steel 85.
Utah Copper 62.2
Westinghouse Electric 61.
Willy's Overland 6.1
Only a few lots on paving left
yours at once at City Hall.
Zat lets meat if you eel Backachy or
Lavs Bladder trouble SsiU
fine for Kidneys.
Meal forms crie nii which erc'tci
and overworks tha kidneys in their efforts
ing disposed of in that length of time. ' of mu.t 'h tha kidnevs ooeav
Painting, paper hanging and decor, eionally. You roust relieve tbem like yott
ating and furniture repaired and re
finishlng. John Draws, comer Fourth
and Ivy. Phone 1050. 270
High grade tailors for men and
women. Orres, Ashland, Ore. - tf
U. S. Steel JHvld.'nd.
NEW VOKK, Jan. 3 1 Directors
of the United States Steel corpora
tion today declared the regular quar
terly dividend on common and pre
ferred stock.
Notice '
' Weatonka Tribe No. 1, extends
a cordial invitation to all mem
bers of the Improved Order of Kcdmen
to meet nt their wigwam for smoker
and social evening, Wed., Fob. 1st.
Competition games are tho order of
the evening. Members are, uriiHil to
uU the system the impurities that attend and bring any prospective mem-
cause pain
and disease.
Prompt in
hers. Come early
and enjoy
relieve your bowels removing all the
&ei(U, waste and poison, else you fool a
dull misery in the kidney region, sharp
pains in the boclc or sick headache, diz-
uoeaA. your stomach sours, tongue is
coated and when the weather is bad you
have rheumatio twinges. The urine is
cloudy, lull of sediment the channels
often get irritated, obliging yon to get
up two or thr- .'tmes during the night.
To neutralize tbesa irritating acids
and flush off tha body's urinous waste
gt about four ounces of J ad Salts
from any pharmacy j take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before break
fast for a few days and your kidneys will
then act fins and bladder disorders dis
appear. This famous salt is mad. from
the acid of iminna .iut lomnn luica. nnu
1 ; . i. i : 1 1 j i . i '
,ubi4 wuji intuit ema uu iwcu uocu ur
generations to clean and stimulate slug
pish kidneys and stop bladder irritation.
Jad Salts Is inerpenslvei harmless and
makes a delightful effervescent lilhia
watcr drink which millions of men and
women tnke now and hen, thus avoiding
serious kidney and bladder diaeatvtj
Where Ford Work
Is Guaranteed
At the Lowest Cost to You
Overhaul motor and transmission and re babbit block . . . $29.00
Overhaul transmission only . . '. ...... $14.00
Overhaul motor and rebore block $40.00
Reline bands $3.00
Reline bands, starter type , $3.75
Reline Bands, enclosed cars $4.00
Overhaul rear axle . .'. . . . , $7.00
Grind valves, test coils, adjust carburetor . $5.00
Grind valves only . $3.50
Compare these prices with any other shop. We do it cheaper be
cause we have the only completely equipped shop in town.
C E. Gates Auto Co.