Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 31, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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. i r;
Vocal and
Mm. Olisrles Tull who Ub been ill
with a severe attack of pneumonia ha
completely recovered.
A $35.00 overcont ml need to $11.00.
Absolutely alt fool anl KUArnnteed
- J-
. uu . i. i . u i i mi . .it.
lli ..JLl.Xl.1
1 . I .
Among guests at the Hold Holland There orft tw holMayn in the month ! Hub tlalllvnn, the. Otnttilum 'mMIi'
are0. Nonnrr and S. S. Mntttnm 'of of l-Yhruarv which starts Wednesday ! h:m been dtschm'RiM fmui S.'iered
HH'iln ' (i"lllt'.;
T It .'IV
iui i .: ii, i I 1 J"'
i;rjio t ottri'll' iiud Jim' Ihlikni el Tln ,lir.Vi l hluli hcImuI himlo'llmll
Hemtln returned to (heir limuo Mtui-jteum will play 'I'tiluiit at tlin Sal in-xt
day nllor nlnit Htay In the city, and Friday nluht. 'I'I'o vM u over KiiKnt
lll atari at unco alter momliei of the nine t!m l-a flv ertimldoinlilo cmri
cat tribe, Mr. PtulicnH win la an ex-'dern'O. Much of tlin credit In Ivi'il t
Chlco, Calif., II. M. IHtrant of I'ortlaml, tho Mrthdav of Abraham Lincoln,! Heart hospital, and 1
A. 11. Hanks of, Corvallia, K. tl. Hensel-' February 12th, and llwrw Washlni;-; papers on tho street.
matt of HUntarck, N." 1)., (Vwrno Hit- ton's hlrthday, February Tho for-! For bualncws oiKrtuuitl'a In tf. Ore-
niau of Kurt Worth. Texas, Mr. nnd'aiono la a W:al holiday In this state, iWB consult tho IMur-site, Sates Awncv
Mrs. 0. K. T'eteraon ot 'Chicago, and .Thursday. February 2 W V'.iXMind Ib 'room ill Modford hids . ukuua !H10. f!l',d a hnaa oonalanim'nt of fuia t St. talked to the utilities like. t'tl Kluut
Ucwkq Hull of Memphis. Tenn. day., whether the tl. H. s'pos hla h lluio. Medford I.uuilior Co. ''""la. In Iho Hat belmt four wildcat' twed to t;lH to liltu, mid Iho result wm
Army and navy underwear, shirts shadow or not havmir nn r-rtoct on tnos ..,.,.,. n r u.,,,1, Hi.J.-k, all eu-eptl.umiiy Hiiro, mree n auplay or iiiuk and umiuuion mai
lu'l len.'ed woodsman and tiapper ahlii- .Mint Wltllnmnim, who bi'twenu halves
and drawers: ahlrtR douhlo liron.nt aa.l weather far "K weeks, according to
back, all fool. IU0 a saruunt. U. S. tradition.
Monday In tho city attending t tuial-
i nesa matters, nmklnK the (rip In the
U-hot cats, and two mlnkn, with half aii;m not I acen In a local tram far
i anion fckimlt Uidea. The two mrtt will
if' u.tx I ... .. after timber wulvos, uihh which
..-..ov- .....u.w - . iiiiiciT ;ij nn u t'l'nu vi nn:ri'f t , , ....
lornU and small ada are cash In nd- ,,n.i ., Wnson .lUlr ,! ,M'vy "'"""- wllU I' l,r"
e n,Uil.'ker (han. uauul thla winter lu thu
,r i I'mp.'iiia IMvldo hl'.lii.
Phone or call our office far tnforuia'
jtloq KVn;at) Kalis Tulo lands. rae (vauco. UrUm in "our ttd uud do not, Kverywherc tou look ytm
lOreaalorCo. .: , ... tt.iiMO tclerhono. . ., t ... tf 'rhevroli.t
rr ! , .
Aruuy Uof, made fa fit your feet.! Hot coffco nd llt'nt lunohea. ti NVln In cd f ah and
..ww , jArniv U(KHls store 32 contral Ave. So.
Coods 8toro, 82 Central Ave. So.
' Central" Point llotet'for" aale, 40
rooma; -would cost 30.00O la bulld-l Mc. and Mra: -lick-Itrndlev who have
,.n.c 'y'-. -MiWrt . 'DMrtt-mUtWifn-CaHrdttH far' rtfI.irHlBUon niarcnlna ahva and offlvvn nialea and cMll con cam. at lVVo-a. !l,'l Wnllaca Wooda, V0 or com
,lTlce wm be reucdiU fvry aay.t Btfe ur ?IX ' weka and . IJ drcw ,hws t r. 8 Army UoodjJ 8ure. Ted Thve will meet I'lnley Cavdln-r K. Main atitet. '
In a WivatllttK tatttch at Portland. Itoth Mra. Trank 1'arker, droaamaklnK. rfr
j. .um, lu.iiipuHi lauvj Moivi.himm.vMar.who accompanied them w,l Ujnd auJ 1(,,11!n. Keuben W still bamt- and the Uoeo City fac.a pwdlct on of Aabury ltonll of the Central l'olnt
the wldat pocket. bUliarda wlU Rive . return about the middle rf nest month. fre l)U, t,. CtMlX Hlll commlaslon ' the ni.steat matches la the hlston' of district, wn a bualnena vialtor In the
an txnlbittoa of hi art at tb tlubi t ynu wish yourvJT to he wmplotc, . r'. iim noiHiiitnn stun. iii m.n in ih.n nv etn- m,Iuv
mn emia h Mv ijoui me nappy tnrons at Trail satur- ,;Pufcj.a waots and t make 15 All kind of routth and dreaaod
alao 20 or no count . champion, and ; iay jeb. 4. , , . STO ,,.mjs riupsldo. ami offers to waxer' lumber.- Wallace Woods, phona iy.
; leaturea !00 fancy ahota H la alo AU kinda 0r mUl Mcks. Valley Fu 50 tha, he Mn win uatlcr lhow con. ui Mala street. '
bill lards. ' Paul Rynics. highway engineer in, .i n,.,.,).,!
-r - ...... uuu v.jiu iiima nun ua a uiniiko . v 11c iivv.
until aold
Phone 7
... .v.Uv, t ; wi (Uincm r reti ana u i drCsS ghocs Bt I S A
d. Gold Kay Realty Company. ; maa tbo py ui0 rPtUmel to this 3., (vn(r.aAT0 s '
WJ-T; , ! :h :CSt!ftty 'Sunday Sight. Mr. and Mra. E. W.; r;,u,n piatW
see a
rjgnr WlS'it for lw price. tf
Another in'pnlar danoe nl Trail Sat
urday, Feb. V ' ' 2TU
It. A. Kopppt, city editor of tho Mall
?' W gar WUtht, reliable Jewelor. tf
t V wrlto burslary insurance in the
Old Hartford covering merchnadl of city recently and will be a charge ofj
au usas. ai ecu ray insurance AKency. ; t market hljili ay. ,
tfj New jiashanj house dreaiaa at the
W. A. Ward who was movins to i C0oiitat $3.00.
Med ford wlUx Bis father-ln-Uw, W. 11. j particular people use Bed Ribbon
lUwley, has aold his Interest In Med-1 coffee. if 26C
ford and'will not move tWre. Cottage j Fred Plielps, of the Califarnia-Ore-'Urove
Sentinel. jgoU power, company arriTed iu this
Havrd Uroea mads easy, buy raacbes J city yeateiMay from San Francisco,
without money, pay with share of crop.! glnt a few hours herp an! returned
like rant; Qoid Kay Realty Company. to that city 'jist night.
W Invest your javios3 In the Jackaou
The Naxonic pastern Star dancing j County Building and Loaa association,
club will give another party Wediiee-' tf
" day, Feb, 1st. Peerlesa orchestra. dSar Wight. Orecon acate Jeweler.
tf iTrlhun.'. whtt baa been confined to hli
the Trail-Prospect road, who has becniRoo.i, Rovat goci.,tT c i. Merite. I Tho. .Vlcbola. Jr.. of Faule Point, homo with u aever cold 1s able lo be
Uvln at F-agle point, moved to this Freo ingtructloua, tVuel a Art Dent spent Mondsy afternoon in the city on
A new and completo stock ot nia
Froten automobile, tractor and (ruck
fell ' cylinders welded, re-lnforeed and
out again.
When better autothobllna are built,
milck will build them. tl
Kvery where you look you see a
chine nendlca. Deuel's Art Dept.
lfa. the Japanese Janttar n
through a skyliKht Into tho A. H. Mil- guaranteed. Only the fiuesl pre heat-tCnovrolet. tf
lor book store Saturday, striking on lug fuel and metals ud. Vulcan j The report carda far the mouth f'r
hia heal Is on the road to recovery. Welding WorKs. 39 8. Front atnet. tf - the ura lo achoola of tho city were
Shakes, shingle. Medford Lhr. Co. The Southern Oregon Lnuiher Co. Wnued to ihe pupils Monday.
When In need ot shingles and roof-'will offer food 2it at their mill ut ; Stylecraft Shop for all kinds of
ins call Wallace Woods, 10S. Til E. end North Central at from $12 to i dressmaking and rvmodvllnc. llom
Main. ' far balance of month. tf r:. Medford Pldtf. Vi
Btarta promptly ht S:30. For club
members only. - - 266
Donald Ashpole, son of Roy Aabpole
tvf Eagle Poiat whs haa beea aick at
the home of hla grandparents, Mr. snd
'Mns. Jobjs A ah pole, ts improving rap-;
idly. ' '
' BaaB and doora, Medford Lumber Co.
:- Girls Interested In beauty culture
work, call 8anitary Beauty Shop. 26S
' J. B. Corey spent llonday in Grants
Pass attending to business matters
and TlaltlBK friends.
Trench mirrors 10c at IV 8. Army
Goods store, 32 Central Ave. So.
' Elisabeth Schtossem will lecture to
the ladies of the Eastern Star and
their friends Wednesday afternoon at
2:30. ' . '
' The California-Oregon Power com
pany has started its annual inventory
'which includes the Inspection of all
poles, lines, etc
- Will do yard troil of any kind.
Phone 657-W. ?66
' A dance! Wednesday night! Special
'feature. ' ' ' " " fc 2C6
Paul Leonard who recently under
went an operation for appendicitis at
the Dow hospital is out and ' about
; Alta Najlor, Goodwin coraetlere. 20
Fir street, upstairs. Phone 918-W.
!" ' ' 285
' For Sale: 1921 Ford touring body,
top and windshield. Like new. $50.00.
Bedford Auto Company. 26T
' W. H. Osborne and Frederick Ham
ilton returned from Medford Saturday
"after, spending short time at that
ilace tranaactins business. Roseburg
This office Is prepared to print!
ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the;
bookkeeping machines. Don't gi?ei
your orders ta traveling men and have
them printed out of Medford, Phone
'us and we will call. tf
A dance! Wednesday night! Special
"feature. , 266
The Royal Neighbors of America,
Camp 4713, will meet at Althea hall.
Feb. 1st at 2 o'clock. AU Royal Nelgh
liors are invited.
. Victor S5, cent records reduced to
T5c. Victor . $1.35 records to $1.25.
Palmer Piano House. . 270
The) JJodera Woodmen of America
will hold' their regular meeting at
Althea. haU Wednesday, February 1st,
fct & p. ta. : Visiting neighbors cordially
tntlted. . ......... 266
, IL a. Heiater of Wallowa and
Ckarles Fanke of Medford were week-
end ylsitors In thl city as guesta at
tha Albany hotel. Albany Democrat,
A complete line of McQuay-Norrls
piston rings in five and thirty-one
thousandths OVersle, RiTersiae Gar
age. 'v '. . .; '. tr
A dance! Wednesday night!, Special
feature. ' 26fi
C. C. Barr of thlg city is spending a
few days In Portland attending to busi
ness matters.
, ' ' t wool cavalry sweaters reduced
from $1.00 to $2.85 at U. S, Army
Gooda Store. 33 Central Ave.. So.
- New skirts at the Colonial. $5.50.
$7.60, $10.60. 267
Tbirty section houses, manufactured
by the Loud corporation of Springfield,
will be shipped to Medford from where
they will be taken to Crater lake to be
erected for summer cottages. Eugene
Start the day smiling, Red RJbbon
eorree. , 206
Fred Alton Haight, teacher of piano
and harmony. Classical and popular
courses, studio 318 Liberty Bldg.,
Medford. Ore. .. Phone T2. ... tf
"Jim Grieve, proprietor of the hotel
at Prospect, midway between Medford
and Crater Lake,, is spending a few,
days in Portland, eating at expensive
places so as to, gat his courage up to
charge more tor meals at his hostelry"
says the Portland Journal. "From his
alse it is evident that the meals at
Prospect save not been all eaten by
his guests. He la a good advertise
ment of his own hotel."
Byltex Rope silkblack and colors.
Free Instructions. Deuel's Art Dept.
New Taffeta dresses at the Colonial
$25, $31.50, $34.50. 267
Btanley G. Clark of the Grants Pass
California-Oregon Power company of
fice left this morning on a short busl-
bmss trip to Prospect.
; Try- our merchants lunch. The
.Miss Sybil Furry, of Phoenix, left
yesterday for Ilenecia, Califs where
aha will VUU with her brother. Mllo
Furry at his home in that city. Mia
Furry es poets ta be gone about a
month. :' ,
Did you get the jolt this morning
Geo. L. Treichler says it was the price
of Dodge Brothers cars striking hot
torn and he can tell you about it to
morrow. C
Army slickers $1.00 at U. S. Army
Goods Store. 32 Centrrl Ave. So.
Miss Florence Rrenueman, who has
been employed for some months in
Fay Diamond's Jewelry store, left yes
terday afternoon for . her home in
Drumwright, Oklahoma. Her brother-
in-law and Bister. Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Prultt, left for that city some time ago
and experienced a train wreck a few
miles before reaching their destina
tion. Ws hare inspected the reclaimed
Tula lands at Klamath Falls. We
recommend these lands as an Invest
ment Paae-Dresaler Cou tf
Miss Helen Bullis leaves tomorrow
for a month's stay at the home of her
brother, Gardner Bullis in Los An
geles. New Jeney -suits at the Colonial.
$19.50. . 67,.
Dr. , Frank Roberta, dentist Deuel
Wilg. Telephone 503-BL tf
....-I L ia
s.miu l Hue.
Are you ready far Iho niont kIoiIuuh
week-end parly ever ottered you?
Such will Iw Him fun lent at Trail
Saturday ulKld. !I70
Wit stiecinluo on robot lug ryiindnr.
IV F. Cloao at Klwrsldn ilanuta. tf
Auotber h hooting match will 1 held
at tho l''l l.atunort place near 1IiomIx
nett tfamln. At thla matcn i-raiix
Selllwer will Ktve an rxhlhltlon of
plat d nho nliiK at 10 a. in.
(tot your calendar free at our office.
R, A Holmes. Tim Ins. Man. If
Attention, ex Holdlers: Ranches sold
under tiolittei PottuN plan or iay with
hare of crp. like rent. Uold Ituy
Realty Couipany. tf
(lueata at the lintel Medford Inchulo
II. C, ldxmdy of San Francisco. K. K.
lloraiauiKli of KuKeiin, DoorKO H.
tlravra of Halam, A. W. I'nraou u"
Portland. William Culp of Seattle. W
K. Woodwnra of laia AttKeles uivl P
W, Pronaer of llnnton, Mh.
Mra. Paul llatisnn corai'llsre for
Null.iuo. I'lmuo fs5 J. U
Field tilunketa, hoidl4l blailHeta and
Navajo Indian blnnketa at V. B. Army
Hood Utore. 32 Central Ave. So.
Tim Miasm Fdna and Kvn Watkln"
retinnoii yenturday nfteriuxtn from
vlnll of a month's duiatloii In l.lnd and
otlur towna In WaMlilnittou. l.lnd la
e former home of the young ladles
and whllo thme they enjoyed vlHUliK
with many fileiida ami relatives.
Pyorrhea treatment a ,iiulty. I"'
V. It. Kaufman, ifanlliit. Plmna offleo
2t, Una. 33111, Hpiultt IMA. 37"
Ho per yd.
IHittons covered.
"amtlerati Hhoo. If
I7F.ATIIFR ciKure and Tur0
WTf wurk laing pal .s uikJ avhra In
5 inuikUa and )4nt. Hava a
Ixjtile cl Slo.m's l.intim'iit h.indv and
lylrcely, rnulntUHflhaulr itini;
ou will find at nine a coinfuriuiif
ill l lollowmi
aoicncw ami
by a rslUI front tlio
alinncas of aching loliits.
Alio rclU via rli.-unntlini, atiitka,;ia,spl.i!tiiniidnruln. ,
For Kir iv years mIu's enemy. Ask
vour nriwhlKir.
rtl ail uruggwt 03C, I,S".
quit tobacco;
So eay to drop Cigarette!
Cigar, or Chewing Habit )
"No-te-Bac" has helped thousands
to break the costly, nerve-shattering
tobacco habit. - 'Whenever you have a
longing for a cigarette, cigar; pipe, or
for a chew, Juat place a harmless No-
To-Bac tablet in your mouth instead.
to help relieve that awful desire.
Shortly the habit may be completely
broken, and you are better off men
tally,' physically, financially. It's so
easy, so simple. ' Get a box of No-To-Bac.
and if it doesn't release you
from all rraTins for tobacco, in any
form, your druggiat will refund your
money without question. Adv.
roo lati ro CLASSIFY
FOR RENT Store Building.
140 N. Grape.
LOST A pink cameo brooch between
Y. W. C. A. and end ot S. Peach
Return to Mall Tribune office. 2C7
FOR SALE I room house, furnisher!
toilet and bath; paving paid in full,
$1300. Terms. A real snap.
$250 cash will give you possession
of 4 room modern house, balance
like rent.
Medford Natl Bank Bldg. 267
FOR SALE New 1 room house 12x15
leet. Ml). I'Oone Fierce at 105 or
617-L. . 2C8
FOR RENT Furnished house; no
children. Phone 6 or see Iieebe,
Nash UoteL 268
LOST 33x4 tire on rim. Return to
Nash Hotel. Phone 9G. Reward. 269
FOR SALE Petaluma incubator and
Invalid's wheel chair. 219 Talent
Court. Phone 955-R. . 268
FOR SALE Ford touring car, good
; shape, $150. License paid. 1133 V.
Ninth St. . 2CS
WANTED To rent or buy reed baby
buggy. Phone 408. , , . 2Gb
FOR RENT Two housekeeping room
140 (3. Holly.. I ,, 266
FOR 8 ALE Turkeys: one torn and
three hen turkeys, $25. J. C. Her
, ring. Ontral Point. , , 271
Eyes Scientifically Tested
and Glasses Properly Fitted
Tno Dual's used
Broken Lentics Accurately Duplicated
8W Ii. Main, Vpsfclra
Story and Star Supreme
as the Noble d'Artagnan of Dumas' Famoii3 Novel
66 r
.11. ...i. AJ
t: '
All for One One for All!"
3 (Si
i , ai mfifi jL n as
i . a i , 3
' -7:15, 9:15.
MacLEAN in
The Picture of Ten
Thousand Details!
MonlliH of roKenrnJi a fortnno for coh-(inucii-
unt'qtuiliMl pliolography. Aiul th
result is n picturo Hint is n Nplcmlid t-dn-cntion
iih well us tho fint'Ht cntortaiuniont
ever offered.
You'll Never See
It's Equal!
IncI ndos War Tux.