PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL' TRTnUNR MEDFORD,' OREGON"; FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1022 Jocat and 1 'fJ Personal i The case of the state asalnst George Grlgaby who is accused ot bootlegging hag been continued from day to day, in other w6rda until tbe prosecuting witnesses can be summoned to appear at the hearing. Grlgsby was brought home Tuesday morning from Portland where be was takea into custody and held until Obuhty Sheriff Terrtll could make the trip and bring him back, 4 Attention Elks! Annuo) Hard Tifli. party will be held on Tuesday, Febru ary Tlh.1 B anre -l v Xeep this 4ate open.- ;- f H i ' ;;. ..: ! ryorrhea- treatment specialty; Dr. V. It. Katifmnn, dentist.?' Phone office 2S5; Tie. 331-It. Sparta Bldg. 67 Put Welch of tbe Rogue Klver Canal company left last etching' 6d a short business trip lo Portland,. . I This' office 13 prejiared i to f print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the fookkeeplng machines, tkm'l give our orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medfard. Thone lis-and we will ealf. . . . ". If AVm, O, Talt left last evening .for Portland where he will attend a meet ing cf the executive board of the State Ifcmfcers association. . ... . Lots ot encores Eagle Point Sat my" 4r:-'-Xvr .'? -i64 Real dance! Ileal music! Nat Satur day Bite.- - . : - Ui This aiBiqoe picture is Bearing the close of IU own, so go , TONIGHT and THE CHILD THOU . GAVEST ME A foituiMS ;'nU tb?d Way! TOMORROW Aa entertaining fare Comedy - Kith ' Gareth the boy who let . his ninety-horse power hn&g illation run wild in a one horse 'town'" ' "'' ' . : i f Of Truth" from Frwnwn Tilden'a : story la rictoral Kcvlew. - ' : , . -- f ft Justice of the Peace Glenn Q. Taylor returned to this city this morning after iX weeks visit with his parents In Lodt, Calif., 'and la other California cities. During his absence he hat suf fered the loss of his digAlfied appear ance having shaved bis mustache. W hat Wiipeeted th reclaimed Tule lands at Klamath Falls. We recommend these lands a aa Invest memv Page-Drereler Co." tt For Sale Central, Pemt Hotel, rooms, wonM tost I.TO.eOO ts buna. Price today $7900. Might Tradp. Price will I'edueid' $100 every daf ifntil sold.-, (Jold Hay .: Realty-- Company. Phone tSS-R 6f I3i-T." " 263 Pat Swayne ot the upper Applegate wa a visitor 1 the city Wednesday, ret unexpectedly accepted the offer of William' CTHara to buy Sim' a "new cap, and the woll khown eteckmaa and alfalfa raiser now sports new head gear. - ' ' - Lowest rat. of Insurance carried by any car is placed Opbd the Hupmoblle Why? SB3 Special stunts nrd being worked up for Jthe Elks Hard Time party: Febru ary 7th: ' Prises t be given ttf heat cssfumes. !C4 Georffe Mansfield baa returned from a speaking tour1 through fhe Willam ette valley In the interest of the farrn bnreail. ' Hemstitching, Plcotlng; ' : Sc per yd. , 4 -Buttona toVered. Kandlcrarf Kho. ? ' ,, " ! tt? Miss Lydla Dean while In California spent several weeks at a Dennlson. school t crep papr aad was work.l Mls ran"ia preVating to open a de- j parttteht of theSo tibpulaf tads at' the Mdfoni Hrxvk Hlnr . lt'.chard Knthet "who; met :Rlalph nana .t goij inn last Dtecember," and appeared with . a . carnival company hero last summer, waa defeated by ueorge Lambert at Salem Wednesday night in two straight falls, and defeat ed B. AndersoA of Salem on Thursday Shakes, shingles. Medford Lbr. Co. ' A new and complete Hock of ma chine needles. Deuel's Art Dent. it 18 how eipected that the appoint ment ot a postmaster at Jacksonville w 111 - be made- about February 1st iuere are three candidates for the lob, F. J. Flck, Reese Chapln, and John W. Miller. J Please- remember that classified ads. local and small ads are cash la ad vance. Bring Id your ads and do not use telephone; ' ' 1 - tf ' k hew and ebmpTete Ilifc ot Package: Goods. 'Rofal SoCietv Of Le Uerite. Free ta'stxuc(l6na. peuerii Art Dept. .Next Thursday is Ground Hog day. Whether this mythical animal see his shadow when he comes out of his hole. Is snpposed' to have an important ef fect on the weather for six weeks. Irnperlal orchestra, ton other com pare. Nat Sat. filte: 10L - 284 Fof bnsiaess opportunftJei W S. Ore gon consult the Four-Site Sales Agency room 421 Medford bldg., phone $00. tf ! Roy Williams of brants Pass spent Thursday in the city attending to busi ness matters. Refreshing and good. Red Ribbon coffee. ' ' " ' ' " 164 A nice flrew raincoat fbi $7.50 at V S. Army Goods Store", 32 Sd Cehtrar Ave. ' ; - ; ; ; 'The work of Yetnodellng the" hall over the Toggery as headquarters' for the American Legion is progressing. and the post will move into their new quarters next SUDday.' As strong men show their metCe dnder adrefse cdhditlbhl likewis-e does the Hnntnobllte.- ' r -r-tt& Shappt trots; Bagii Point Sat night. r ; . v..; ,264 F. 8. Bramwell of Grants Tass, was a business visitor in the city Thursday afternoon. . v; as Everywhere you look . you see , a Chevrolet. - . . tldt Coffee and light lunches, ta males and chill con carne at DeVoe's. A. fi. Cornell of Granls Pasa," trans acted buslne and visited friend in .uedtord Thursday. Toti can't bent tho Imperial, Nat Saturday nlte. IC4 All kit, -la of roush and ' dressttd lumber. 'allace 11 East Main street, t-ryani namuion or mica spciu. iftn( information oould b obtained, all Thursday In tho city visiting friends belt on B0CUrlns th ,owniito tcmion ftnd atlendlng to business matters. on ,k,, raiiroft.j. Or.nbaoks went uu J.L (L-J-J-J-i- ,U Today is the last day of the 'high school term and all examinations were held this morning, Thta aftonumu uml tomorrow are being devoted to the compiling ot the term records which will be distributed at the hluh school building Monday morning. Superin tendent Bmlth and Principal Campbell Years Ago column ot the Vreka JourHtato that all WKlntrntl.ut for the next nnl U of local Interest:-"Tho Effect- term must be made before Saturday The reported kcatkn ot the railroad nlKht, Jan. Hit, ami rumHt that "H through our valley .caused .great ex- parent send their beginners to moIidii) citement on Kutte CrtHk, says the Monday morning. I'eerlons orchvatrt, Riverside iminltv rliit). un Kotruu river. Sill- masse, and besieged every pine whofe iinjBV 2tH Floyd Cook of this city, has returned from a visit with friends and relatives at Hornbrook, Calif. Whea In need of shingles and roof ing call Wallace Woods, 103. 711 K. Main, ... , . " '. Lath, lime. Medford Lumber Co. The following Item from the 60 . citement on nunc t;reeK, sajs tun njonuuy nigh and !, dressed j Jacksonville RetittnM; of H WK '! Ifoiir Woods. phml 10S. H, inhabitant rushed lo town ' ' oommui Kverywher yott look you see Chevrolet : ' Out of the ordinary, Red Ribbon Coffee. ' 264 Donald Ashiole, the soa of Roy Ash pole, ?f Eagle. Point, who Is ill with pneumonia at the hame of his grand parents, Mf. and Mm, John Ashpole of 10(5 Tripp Street, la progressing rapid ly towards recovery. When tn need ot sash and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 11 E. Main street. When better automobiles are built, Dulck will build them. tf Arthur Earhart of Rogue River, spent Thursday In the city attending it business matters and visiting friends. Orderly crowds, Eagle Point Sat night. ; 264 Be sure and see the latest model Hupmoblle. Clark Motor Co. 263 L. A. Neslor has returned from a short business trip to Grants Pass and other Josephine county points. - 56 brass extension curtain rods, special 9c. "at the Medford Exchange. . ' ' . 264 Madrona Dairy Jersey milk and cream. Its purity aad quality speak for Itself. Phone 201-J tor sample. 264 George Older of Montague. Calif.. has returned to his home after a week's visit fa the City. " ; New and reclaimed O. D. breeches and shirts at V. S. Army Goods Store, 38 8outa Central Ave. ' ' ' " . 1 'Mrs. Frank Parker, dressmaking, W moted to 520 N. Grape: Tel. 44 IX tS Mf. and Mrs. H. R. Prentice and their family of three young sons de parted this mornlnif' for' Bedford. where they' wfll make their future home as Mr. Prentice has been put tn charge of that territory for tbe Tru- Blu Biscuit Co. ,Mr. Prentice has had charge ot this territory fof the same house tor' the past year and the family has made many friends' Id Marsfafleld. Coos Bay Times. Exceptional opportunity, best of labd, tracts all sixes, Improved Or un Improved, with or without Irrigation, fight hn S. P. Railway and pared high way, St $1S to $115 per acre. Full-Information on request W. G. Smith, owner. Wolf Creel Oregon. 264 Invest your savings la the Jackson County Building and Loan association. Th fifth anaual minstrel "Show of gentlemen took immediate steps to secure a location for a flour mill, which will probably bo built next sum mer." 20c canvas gloves only So at the Medford Exchange. 24 Why? Take chance ruining your auto radiator by freeslng when It can be avoided by using "Aqua Zero" which Is safe at 20 below tero, and absolutely harmless In every way, is not as Injurious to metal as water. For sale ot Valley Garage, $1.00 per gallon. 205 Gueat at the Hotel Medford Include Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lehman of Clncln natl, Ohio, W. C. Champion of 8eMt!e. M. It. Hanllne and Irving 8. Giins of Baltimore. Md.. Edwin R. Durno of Eugene. D. M. Robers of Ogdcn, l ull, and H. T. Hubbard ot Spokane. Let's go Eagle Point Sat. nUht. 26 1 Moonlight daace? You bet! -Eagle Point set The Trl-L club ot business and pro fesHlonal girls has secured Professor Irving Vinlng of Ashland tor aa ad dress at Its banquet Tuesday evening. Feb. 7th, at the Presbyterian church. All business and professional girls should arrange to attend this meeting as a speech by Mr. Vinlng is an oppor tunity which no one should overlook. Syncopated pep; Riverside Commu nity club! Peerlees orchestra, Satur day. . 264 Milton Hanllne ot iuUlmore. Md., has bMn In this' city for the past two days transacting business and visiting his old friend, Wm. F. Isaacs. Get acquainted wta Cash and Carry system. This store was built ap for the good of the hundreds of people that have been working hand In hand with us, and have learned to live and let live. W are how bringing down the high coat of living. All goods are marked fa plain figures 100 Cents, that Is the value you get tor every do! lar's worth of good yon buy just the best of everything for less, at the 8pot Cash Basket drocery, at the Vinson Barn, 226 N. Riverside Ave. tf Froxea automobllo, tractor and truck cylinders welded, re inforced and j guaranteed. Only the finest p re-heat-1 ing fuels and metals used. Vulcsn Welding' Works, 3 S: Front street tf Mrs. V.. E. Merrick returned this morning: from a two weeks stay : in Portland and Oregon City. Mrs. Mer- CiJt our prices on coal and wood by the cord. Medford Fuul Co. Phone 243. Court Hall Is spending a few days In Portland uttcmUng to business mut ters. Stylecrnft Shop , for all kinds of dressmaking and remodeling. Room 424, Medfard Uldg. m ii,!ii inmnii." m.i ' in. 'i i u... W. A, Crnno of this city is spending a few days in Portland, Get our prices on eon I mid wood bV tbe cord. Medford Fuel Co. Phone 212. Wo have another lot of those Ml wool rnlntlts overcoat for I IN. 00 at t'. 8, Army Goods Store, S3 Central Ave., South. tf Mix, Ed Drown will arrive home to morrow from Centralis, Mo., whore Hint Ima bvn durlnK I lie lllitos and death of her ntoiher,' Mr, Jnllu Nort'mip, who was burled Thursday, Euifitr Wight for low price. tf . Attention; ex SMdlers: llanrho sold ifnder Bo Id ton Bonus plnn or pay with ahare ot crop, like rent Gold Buy lloiilly Company, tf Robert 1'eloiwe, former Medford boy who now renlde In I'ortlund ta con nected with the flothweller Pump com pany of SeiiltTe as Oregon district Manager. Edgar Wight reliable Jeweler. tf Safe (or INFANTS For!nfants,Tavandtsaiarow!ngChndrtn Rfchmrfk.mald grain estrsctln Powdr Taa Original Food-Drink For AUAgislNtt CocUo Notiri.hlng - Ditit! r M m 'ur ill jiui w Itlllir. i smJf ti r 1 T hs INVALIDS ASK FOR Ilorlick's tU Original Avoid Imitation! "Substitutes a, r. V A. M. Hpenlal remmtinlcation Mod-' ford Lodge 103, Friday even ing, Jan. I7J T:30 p, m. Work In K. A. liegree. L, K. WU.I.IAMH. . 2fll Lime, cement, Medford Lumber Co, m -rrr -a Playitlg Cards with 11 and 12 Spot! for , .! - ' new Market Medford Book Store IT Central St. me Mearora lodge or Elks wm e aeid rick spent several days visiting, ber joruary i,ta ana ana win oe . daughter In the latter city. QUIT TOB ACCO 8o easy td drop Cigarette, . " Cigar or Chewing Habit VNc-to-Bac" has helped thousands to break the eostly, nerve-shattering tobacco habit. Whenever you have a I longing for a cigarette, cigar, -pipe, -or for a chew just place a harmless Ke-To-Bae tablet in your mouth Instead, to help relieve that awful , flesire. Shortly the habit may be completely broken, and i'ois are. better- elf men tally, physically, financially. It's o eaar; ftos-Biiaple,: Get a box 'of No-To-Bac, and it It doesn't releaao yen from all -craving; tor tobaCce. .In any fot-rh, your druggist will refunil roar money without question. Adv. blggef and better than en?r, with the scenic effect! by Thomas' Swem, de picting local points of Interest. The show has been requested to appear In Ashland, Grants Pass, t reka. Cat.,' and Klamath Falls, hut it is hot likely that an these dates will be filled. Fine floor and music; Eagle Point. 284 200 brass curiam fods,- special 9c each with attachments, at the Medford Exchange. t 264 Ted Thye has been matched to wrestle Pinkey tiardlher at Portland, February 1st, and will meet Mike Tokei later In the month. All of these three mat men are after the champion ship title now held1 by Walter Miller of Los Angeles. . t Everywhere yod 'ioot you' see a Chevrolet , tf Lots of waltzes, Eagle Point Sat 264 8. kamuoto, a Japanese, sustained a had bump on the head Wednesday night While tiding down West Math street on a bicycle with a crowbar on his shoulder. Kamuoto got tbe front wheel of his bieyele In the street car track and In the resultant mlxiip the crowbar, fell on his head with consider able force. 'John Kaylor helped hlrii to the sidewalk, where ho recovered and walked the rest Of the way to his home.1, '; ' . i 1 : Vulcan1 auld springs, guaranteed. Billings Shop, S. Riverside. . tf Only a few lots on paving left Get yours at once at City Hall., . . . tf We specialize on reborlng cylinders. P. F. Close at Riverside Garage. tf Fat goat meat from Webster Ranch, Dooth 4. Public Market, Saturday. 22 Joe Gagnon returned this morning from a brief business trip to Portland. The Southern O'aegon Lumber Co. will offer good 2t4's at their mill at end North Central at from $12 to $15 for balance ot month: tt! An kinds of mill blocks'. Valley Fuel Co. tf Rev. Wrri. Ti. Hamilton returned this morning from Portland where he has been for (he pant four days attending a church convention. 8tep lively! to Riverside Cemmunlty club Saturday. Peerless orchestra.ICi t)r. Frank Roberts, dentist Deuel Bldg. Telephone Coilt , tf Mrs. T. W. Johnston returned to this city yesterday after a two weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. George Beers St the latter'i home In Rogue River. , . Try our merchants lunch. The Shasta. Pure Eastern Buckwheat Flour .': ' ' '' We liave tlie pu ; Old-fashioned Buckjwlieat cakes Put up in nine-pound sacks ... . TOO UTt TO CLASSIFY INVESTMENT OPPORTUN1 T I K 8 40.K8 acres 6 miles from Central Point. 21 acres paid up water right & room bungalow and good barn. 3! acres bottom land. 200 bearing poar trees. 1'rice $5800. Terms. Will eonsldBf home In Medford for part. Stock and equipment go with place. Nice 20 acre home In the Apple-! gate Valley. Free water right 4 acres In alfalfa. - Good buildings. i-nce sjuuu. want ii&oo cash and a home In Medford worth the balance. Phone 617-L or 106 for Pierce. 268" FOR TRADE 7 room house and 8 lots In Tacoma, Wash., for home here. 457 acre wheat ranch in Wal lowa county, Oregon, for stock or uairy rancri here. Will bay cash dif ference if necessary. C. C. Pierce, Medford. . .-.. - 268 FuR SALE OR RENT Small house at Perrydale. Inquire at 417 Woodstock hi. 2M lXST 33x4 tire and rim bBtween Meufora and Brownsboro.. Finder call or leave at Nash Hotel. Phone 96. 263 FOR 8ALI5 Champion Moatef 10 good condition. 63 n. Orange or phone 447-R. . . -. , ., .. , ; ;. ., .265 FOR RALE Small cook stove $8; Hot roini eiectne, grill f 9.9b; onk exten sion dining table $15; A oak dining cnairs, encu, 3.95; 4 drcSscrs from $8 to $25; brass bed, steel crll springs and silk floss mattress 125 roll top desk $30 j Colts automatic THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER HADE Last week oiir bread sales averaged 977 loaves daily; For this week our sales are 1041 loaves daily. Not a loaf was delivered not a loaf was sold at wholesale. Every loaf went over the counter to a customer who was willing to carry it home because it's the best bread. Last Saturday we baked 1500 loaves and ran out at 5:30. Tomorrow we will bake 2000 loaves hoping that "we '' won-1 have to dis appoint Saturday night customers. However it will pay you to come early Gates & Lydiard THE LAST DAY Tomorrow, Saturday January 28tK The last opportunity for women of Medford and Southern Oregon to (my our , Milliiiefy, Blouses, Underweitr Iii fact any Article in Our Stock: AT LESS THAN COST Remember, Prices Go Up'After Saturday The Vanity Shop Miss Loumbury Cor. Bartlett and Main Personal Attention V Prompt Service revolver 115, at the Medford Ex cnange. 211 V. Main. . , 264 FOR SALE Kiddle Kooh in good con dition. C26 W. Tenth St. 204 Vtt'.. FOR RENT 1 room furnished bunf?n- Phone 252 GROCER Phone 232 low, $20. Phone 593-L. , 264 FOR RENT HnuHekeeplbg room with one or, two bedrooms, close in. Phono 1S5-M, fir,