PAGE SIX MEDFORD MATE TTHTYTNE. MEDFORD, OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 2fi. 1D22 ilUlLJL.J LL. 1 IVEEDFORD LEGION NORTH AND SOUTH TOSSERS BEATEN BAPTISTS JOIN IN i BY ASHLAND ELKS! CONFERENCE UNIT Tho Medford American Legion COLUMBIA. Mm, Jan. 26. (By team wag defeated 3S-19 In a hotly ,he Associated PnK.-0 Th national cantmrttd boot, cmit-st ltt night 1Mltlf)t cone last niKht uimni Elk'a toom. Tho advantage wns Rain ed in tho first halt the local boys tnounly adopted a tvnolutlon rocom-lm-nriing that the northern and south- bclnn unablo to shoot and twins un- icrn ronvrntions appoint or elect nino familiar with tho slippery armory ,1rc,nftlVM nt ,,., ..,.,.,,.' floor. During the last half the Modford Jbodios to constitute tho "conference icommlttee" of the church. 1 live neiu ins .nmna noupiT pmr Thls , ,hc flm anUon ev(?r tnken tically even, but were unable to over-! bjp ,he two co,lV0ntioll!, lopklnK come tho lead. They received poor townrd B permanent deliberative body uppot-t as there were few local', the two divlslon8i m(nib, rooters itt the crowd. Which Was Of Thp nurmw, of thn rom. . - a fair slip. 'mittee, as set forth before tho con- imuKnnian .njuira .m ferenco wm not lw t0 attempt to bring was unable to play the entire game. a,)OUt a unlon ot thc tw(l convenUonBt Mutt" Williamson suffered a'but tJ act a a ,.hon(, of co,pern. sprained knee, but It is supposed that jj()n .. lioth of these men will have reached The plan for the conference com a full recovery by tho ttmo the next miMe(l wa prc8ent,a to tho COnfor Kamo with Ashland is staged. It is fnce througU a committee l'.eadod by expected that this will occur aorao Dr E y MuUins Louisville. Ky.. time neit month on tho Xat floor prt.jdent of tho southern convention with the local boys having little more mj chairman of lh, confor(.noo nnJ tuck shootlnir. It is expected to be a Mrs Hclen Ikirrett Monticnmcry. hummer. .Rochester, X. Y president of the uneup; . Ashland northern convention. . ( HuKhes The presidents of the two conven tions, under the action taken today. Medford . . Baughman .. 1 iveniic) w,u cx-offlcio members of tho con Williamson c Grubb forcnce committee. Thirty-four lead- Karrlgan s Yount ers of tho northern and southern con- & Sherwood g Harns vention8 attended the conference to- Substitutions Modford. rhipps forrinv Tlaughmnn. Ashland, Provost Bentley. Ashcraft for Hughes. Referee Coach Hughes of land high school. Arjfning Klrby Case, j . SALEM, Ore., Jan. 23. Tho ha beas corpus plea for Elvte Klrby, sen-' fenced to bang for his alleged part in ' the murder of Sheriff Til Taylor at j Pendleton, Is bging argued before the j supreme court here this afternoon. Tho court has announced it "will hand down a decision in tho case, within a few days. ior ..j, tn recommendation for a con jference committee la adopted by the anjtwo conventions, it will be the most I forward-looking, far-reaching action lever taken by the Hnptist church," Mrs. Montgomery said. SENATE TO PROBE FORD' i ECGEXE. Ore., Jan. IS. Wrestl ing has become increasingly popular at the University of Oregon here this year, because the mat sport has re cently been given a major standing, with a full-sized "O" as the award. A large squad of men are out nightly under C'cach Gerald Barnes. Although there is a dearth of material in the 175-pound class, several men in the other classes show promise, including Wagner and Whitcomb, 123; Strane and Waters, 135; Klrtley, 145; and Xygren, heavy. Meets thus far arranged are: February 4 Oregon Aggies at Eu- gene. ....... February 27 or 28 Washington at Euffene. . WASHINGTON', Jan. 26. Investi gation by the senate of the activities of "persons, associations, corpora tions and combinations commonly known as the fertiliser and water power trusts" alleged to be attempt ing to prevent lease by the govern ment of the Muscle Shoals project, u provided in a resolution introduced In the senate today by Senator Har ris of Georgia. .Mr. Harris said he would ask for consideration of the resolution probably before the end of the week. 3 TODAYi Fire Nearly Wipes Out White Salmon, Wash. MABEL NORMAN in 'Molly (V A picture that IS a pic ture all the way ask anyone who has seen it, "Molly O" Is a picture of Uio rarest charm. I liein is touching appeal and quaint. fine humor in its tender Mtory; there is a never-to-be foiKottcn art in tlx; work of Mabel Normand. Jt will capture the heart of every' one, , Khowlng at llegulur JVlces, SUNDAY TOM MIX in "The Big Town Round-up" M4LT0 WHITE SALMON". Wash.. Jan. 20. Five buildings were destroyed by fire here early today and firemen had to resort to dynamite to check the spread of the flames which threaten ed to wipe out the entire business sec tion. Dr. Warner had a narrow es cape from the fire when the building he occupied burned. All the build ings destroyed were owned by II. Lauterbaugh. POPE FUNERAL IMPRESSIVE (Continued from Page One) of Benedict, and purses of coins, in accordance with custom. Cardinal CagUero, archbishop of Frascatl and the first cardinal crest ed by Benedict, covered the body with a large red veil fringed with gold and placed at the feet a brass cylin der upon which was inscribed a suc clnt history of the life of the pontifi cate of the late pope. Absolution Given. Finally, absolution was given, the coffin was sealed by tho Cardinal Camerlengo and tho arch priest with I ribbons of violet silk, and the cover was screwed down. The Jjurlal act was then read and formal transfer of the body made by the sacred college to the chapter of the basilica, this being duly register ed. The coffin was thereupon sealed with the apostolic palace seal, then inose or tne DaHiucan chapter, the arch priest and camerlengo. j The cypress coffin in which the body rested was placed In a lead cas ket, the ends of which were imme diately soldered and both were de posited in a hardwood casket upon which the same- seals were affixed as on the first. This was surmounted by a wooden jcross. also by the pope's coat of arms, with tiara and the brief Latin Inscrip tion: j "Tho body of Benedict the Fif teenth, Supreme I'ontiff, who lived 67 years, occupied the throne of St. Peter seven years and died January twenty-second, nineteen twenty-two." I The casket was then transferred to the crypt In the lateral nave near the entrance to St. Peter's last absolution wus given and Benedict XV was left to his rest beneath the flagstones, which are trod by thousands by pil grims annually. , Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 6c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name and addresa clearly. You will receive iu return a trial packages containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back; rheu matism, backache, kidney and bladder1 ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tab-; lsts, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, MllouBncss, headaches, and sluggish FOUR DAYS. MORE Take advantage of these extremely low prices during January. Every article reduced from 10 per cent to 50 per cent this month. Hundreds of satisfied customers have visited our store during this sale and their big savings have paid them well. Clothing Dry Goods Fumishin m I I sf SPECIAL SHOE SALE ' Every pair reduced in price. Special bargains on tables at $1.50, $2.50, $3.50. Values up to $10.00. Tables for children's men's, ladies' Shoes. gs Buy Now and Save Money Ashland, Oregon Sale Ends Tues, January 31st A Sensational Suit Sale! All Suits at Half Price. $25.00 Suits at $12.50 $33.00 Suits at $17.50 $50.00 Suits at $25.00 Silk and Wool Dresses All Reduced 25. T All Coats One-third Off. GO Coats, Dresses, lv'aineor.ts, this sale at $4.98 50 others at :-. $9.90 Sport Jackets, regular $7.50 values, at... .$4.50 150 Silk Waists 20 off. 50 All Wool Skirts 20 off All Wool Middies, Scarfs and Sweat ere 20 off. 50 Children's Sweaters, $3.50 values, at $1.98 1 Lot Ladies' and Children's Underwear at 69c 1 lot Children's 'Vests and Pants at 3 for $1.00 . All other Ladies' and Children's Underwear 20 off. All Silk Underwear reduced 15 1 big lot Ladies' and Children's Hats at $1.00 1 big lot Ladies' and Children's Hats at $2.50 All other Millinery at Half Price. All J. C. 0. and College Girl Corsets 20 off. Piece Goods and Domestics All Silk and Woolen (idods Reduced 20. 32 inch Devonshire Ginghams at 29c 32 inch Japanese Crepe, School Day Cloth '. 29c 36 inch Outings, Percales, Shirtings, at ....19c New Zephyr Ginghams, special - 19c 38 inch Dress Goods in stripes and plaids 89c 36 inch Granite Cloth, all colors, at ... .'. 65c 81x90 heavy quality $1.50 Sheets at '. ...$1.19 72x90 Victory Sheets, special at 89c Extra Special, heavy Crash Toweling, 12 yard&. $1.00 All Woolen Blankets and Indian Robes 21) off. 48x48 Japanese Lunch Sets, this sale each. - $1.00 60x60 Jaxancse Lunch Sets this sale each $1.50 Brunswick Phonographs fl A complete line of Rrunswick machines and records. New low prices on all machines;. Some rca buys in Victrolas, Columbia and Edison Machines. Easy tenns. One Year to Pay. Men's and Boys' Clothing Overcoat Specials Youth's Coats to size 35, special at $10.00 Values to $20.00 . Men's Coats, values up to $20.00, now $14.45 Men's Coats, values up to $25.00, now ..$18.45 Men's Coats, values up to $35.00, now $26.45 Men's Coats, values up to $50.00, now $37.45 ' Standard Make like Hart, Schaffner & Marx Style Plus Oregon City Woolen Mills Big $5 Suit Sale Every suit iu the store re duced $5 for this sale. Alterations free. This means $5 off from to day's market price, saving you as much as $20.00 on a suit. " You can't afford to over look this sale. 1 lot Youth's High School Suits, to size 35, special at ...$10.00 Mallory Hats, first quality, sold as high as $7.50 this salc....$4.50 All Men's Odd Pants reduced 20 din ing this sale. $2.00 Men's Brotherhood Work Gloves, going this sale at $1.00 Heavy-weight 20c Canvas Gloves, this sale at 2 for 25c Men's All Wool Jersey Sweaters, our regular $6.00 values, $3.45 100 Men's Golf Dress Shirts', $2.50 and $3.00 values, special $1.50 100 Men's Negligee Shirts, $1.50 values, special at $1.00 All Boy's Wool wear cut another 10fo during January. 25 Oregon City , and Patrick All AVool Mackinaw Coats, sold regularly up to $20.00; January clearance $12.50 Men's $7.50 Corduroy Pants, selling at $4.50 300 pairs Men's Heavy $2,20 Blue Demin Bib Overalls at $1.25 ' ' Limited two pair to a customer. 200 Men's Caps, specially priced iiow from $1.00 to $3.00 Cooper's Underwear, union suits or shirts and drawers, reduced 10. Famous Tom Wye Sweater Coats, 2 jackets, $6.30 and 4 pockctw at $7.20 Duxbak Hunting Coats, regular $10.50 values, now at $8.00 Duxbak Water Repellent Pants, regular $6.50 values, now $5.00 MAIL ORDERS All Orders will be sent Prepaid anywhere, but cash must accompany order, or goods will be sent 0. 0. D. Your money back if not satisfactory always. Send us your orders. boweu. Adv.