Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 24, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    wjifn i.i ii.i). wti'.'ii r I. 'nniiiinui,muuiiiii
jimji.u ii u,a a
mmmn; iirMVonnmrxicKrrrr&mY, jaxttarv 20922
wm. hurt 'mju !' wawjfj
"Huy a tree' for tlu county fnlr Tin- Aiimm l tr Legion team which
ground wan u movement alurtod lit played tho iilnh whiml the flrct game
the meeting of tli" rlcciili: preaorvii- cf tho season and defeated them, will I
tlnn awiy-lullon, which wn hold ut ungag" In u hot hoop contest with thn
I'luionU hurt evening. Tim treo plant- Ashland KIU'h team nt Ashlund to-1
Ing committee of thH fill r association ' morrow, Wednesday, night.
I being linked to formubiln a plan Tito gnma will bn played on tho
whereby rltlmen of Jackson county largo floor ul th Ashland urmory
Most housewives pro
cliitrt that t!ic bakiiiR
powder (juestion was
solved for them the
moment they used the
lirst spoonful of Calumrt. After
t hat jio doubt remained -no hop
in no scarehini; lor a perfect
l'avencrno wondering if bsik
would "turn out nil riaht."
nnuiNC powder
IiiU solved tiie question k'fause
ia all thcje thirty years it haH
never failed to tmxhice whole-
1 . .!..: .1 . ... - ..
t ome ana api'iiznm uxkis m n
economical enrt. It in as pure
vnd sure as any baking powder
ever made.
tbl timet ia more economical
than other brands selling for
)rv U-eamio ih quality in the
l.ig!.it no lo- (roiii vooiied bokmgt.
Use Calumet once- that's
t-niui;ti to prove to you tint it's
"best by lest."
an niutUt In u systematic tree plant- and will be n fust content floor
inif program to beautify th imwly hu recently undergone treatment
which whim will give thu men a
uontl ffMfOna.
upon tho varlitln of trm thut are Tl ABhllinj KKr, glltl(,n M e.
to planted, after which they will ,.,.,.,.,) wllh H fllt Bn(1 h
H..cur thn uuiiiittty pile. Thn next , ,,,. , th .,.,,fora wm he
i4i-oulrl HrotimU. I
Thn coiiimltten Wilt ut onr tKrcn 1
Tomorrow mutlfuie "M(jy O." Ui
(Muck 8mmtl proilii'iioii (nriln Mu
' U-l Koriuniiif, will tlm uttwllon a'
thin tlu'iitru for four iy. ".Vllck'-y,
lil flrht (Iriumttlo nt'rj, wn fcnjoyi'd
ly morn' tli'iitrcK ttiiiii any otlifr m-
tUm plrtiiro pr(luctliin -vtr ruad".
Mr. Hcnnult rouijiiMirJ Bani'-
xrKonnl which uldii'l Mm In innkltiK
"Mickey" for'thn prodnrtlon of "Molly
O." MaUcl Normnii'l, thn Ktar of
"MUkny," In thn tr of "Molly O,"
Th plctnw hnu l.wrj a:!voitl''t
"tho crnaDr of 'Mickey' onl tho Htr
or 'MicKpy in a wry Krentiti 'than
'Mickey,'" mid critic wtir Iihv Keen
lhi priMluctlon rt'H-lnrn timt tho udver-
tlttlDK U coi)Hrvutlve.
lc l Will lie II citlllimlun to ct fit'
tcrniil order, thn different 'local -
ulven u run for ii.' ii money.
Tim Mndford l.-iini U compoiied
cieuen unu imiiviouAiH or inn runiyld M,.ful.,j hlKl, H. h.,.,1 Ntum. moot
to purrlnuin ritner on or mom oi
them to he
phinted itccordltiK to n
well aeiineti puin won ii in yer " nnn un,
.onin will add much yt thn lienuty .,,,,m j
rihii imniciivcnciiii oi ineo ri'imnu-
nlty trroundn.
A repoM wit miidn renrillnK the
destruction of thn renl' Iwntltlen of
lite 1'ii'lfln hlithwny on the Hlnklyotl
mountain. A coininunlcitiloD
the Bnvernor relmlvn to iuni . wn
rend and John It. Yn and H. A.
Plinth of the Ori-Ron HtnO Highway'
coninilMlon nent letter upon th ule
Jci-t. An ownernhlp map of land
nlon thu hluhwny I now ldn pre
lnred and nn apel by thn governor
will lie mud" to thn owner IQ pre
ir thn Irer Initiivdlatily udjaceiit
th hluhwny.
Th appointment of a committee
nn authorUcd to draft a meuur for
llm consideration of lhi leulHlature.
Thn cU1hHiiii eotiKht I iilmllar to
Ihat of an eaaterii ntutn where tree
wlihln u certain rndlu from the
roadway cannot tw de(royiMl without
the convent of thn uiilhorltlc. Tree
litonK th hluhwny, vn thoiiuh they
may t on prlvnio jiruperty, when de
xti'iiVed. are an Injury t thn trtati.
and tch devtructluii khoutd t pre
vented by law. .
New Baptist Church
Plans to Be Studied
By N. York Architect
A (wand rn(Cilumrl run' At full
ftt Sui Wtni( ir mi
1 3 . rn titAlvniTt'I I 1 ' . II
i. mi noil art m liti vnuwittl It
v :
StlWWt'IM ... I. .,1 ..,.r
III l. l'ltTlli-i ll.H'ni v. .w ....
win- vi-tt- I iu' nvi'J ......inr I hum rmiev .-aiinnai nana ui
tlianlt" In thn preparation of Ked-''l""'l. puh"he the f..ll..wlnic i
,.i ineomn nturn which w will "" of the l.ovlnem and financial
. pn Rlvd to dlvruvv with our client iHuntl.m In vmithern tireuon. by J
YOi: SIIOl'U) IUV: every rrodUM', "y. caviller of th rlrvl Natl
and allowance, the law Klve you lit
thn preparation of your return
minor kkkvih:
h navfd our client hundred of
Ubcrty Huil.llng.
of whom ore American Ieklon m'-n.
Wllllumitoii, "liub" and lan Watacn,
ItuhM Hherwood, . Irwltiht
i-ovn IlfiiiKhman and 'len
NuriiKan are mi'itihi'. of thn M.'U'td
und Ikiw. bi.en holding. r-t prac
tice ever vliiee tlm iih whnvl alumni
ICHino on Junu.iry 12. They huvo
been nroflcknt in droonlna thn ball
from UhrouKh thn hoop and urn a'l -t for
thn name with thu Avhltnl aulntet.
They any that they may n it win, hut
If thn Axhlnndcr beat them, th y will
havn to don their red vok v.lth the
white Ntrlpe and Nhow vomn upved.
Thn hlKh 'hool vlud-nt body mid
member of thn hliih v.hool team
eem to have the er'on"iui and
warped l(1;i that thn hlah vchool lni
kei.eiv can wallop thn lcRlon u In
tel. Thl fallnclou belli f i UHt i n I
ha taken a vtrontr hold dexpit't the
23 1) defeat whli h thn Ll-i-i e' hiol
Niiffered nt the hand of thu leulon
on January 12. V'-ir thl rcivo-i r. lv
deemed wive by the aluinnl to I n pre
pared to piny another game and the
wnt practice above mentlnned hiv
really Impmveit the lulluii of the
team which wuh too Kod for the hlh
hool. even bef.irn ciiy iiracdc !i:d
been Indoixeil in.
"Irlvh" Coleman I couch of the
team and urruiiKe date. H in piob
tle thai when thn hliih .'Iiui4 Mini
li m ke n ' northern tilp that the
dgton team will play Kamm In the
Nat. on rurh week-end dutc oh are
left vucant by thn l.vene.! i.t th.i Huh
a -h.x.l tehiu. The prlncltuil opyo
nnt of the local b") In Un-vo ttamev
will I thn Axhlnnd K.Ik' team. Thl
arruiiKeinent will provldo a (imt tor.
every week-end till im-iivoh.
Phenomenal "Itchie," Paj
Thn moKf phnnnmeiial child In m
tlon pIcturc-H, Illchard lleadrlrk, I m
of the central ritctmn jn ' Tho Child
Thou Ouvmt Me," which will Ij
crev-ned at the) I'liKe tlieatrc for f-nir
day, boKlunlnK todny.
"Hchl," un th llt'lo ohnp ntyle
hlmimlf. I.i only three nni a half yara
old, ami yet h 1 ft champi in swim
mer, uii nrconipUHhed violinist, and nn
Hon SflornH, friend of mankind
will oppoar nt tlm IMkH Hihool audi-'
torlum tonlxht. He hu a utrlnn of
honor that clutter up hi nomom la
tum, but nomehow thovo vrhn mm;t
Mm and feci hi vlxoroua handshake,
Kj away cuIIInu hlrn "li?u" -Ju'
lu-n, ami that' fho real arttat In him.
w"JirMVr h ba gon arrund the
wldo world, whether with Henr7 Ir
vlnif, WiUon Iiarrett, with hla own
company, or nlonn with tho douKh
boy lu Rome duxout, hfl has acored
hlKh. Ho tutu been acclaim an ar
ii.. i it... t.iuv.. i... i .i
link in in. KiRii-mi ui ii-ii i' in.) i.ia-l- i
lug Journala of America, Krrzlund and i
thn continent.
The Koaltle Time ay: I
"I'en Hcovell scored a hit
Mr. fionrsn B. Merrill, nf New York
City, head of the departmimt of archi
tecture! of the Haptlst Moron Mission
unclety, will apend Thursday in Med
ford, at which time h will with RoV.
V. H. h, mako a aperial atudy of
the. plan for thn new Ilaptlat church
bulldlnK. ond In the. ererilnn will
i ia nn
met the bulliling uud aolkltlnl Cutu tees la a Mnirtnrn, when it U
entpoctad that action will bn taken oa
.ome definite plana, Tho commlt
havn Mm plana, which havw met
with th highest commendation on
thn part of all who have aeon them,
and with modification and a pec la I
changes for local netida, will If adopt
cd, R'vn to Mudfnrd an unusually at-
tra'tlvo and modern church edlflcn.
Mrs. V. W. WUIJU ot Persist la in
this city upending; two week, Vlaltlng
with frlendrt and relatlveii. .
1 j i . 1 . '. i-. i
For Constipated Bowels Bilious Liver
Thn nlcoivt cathartlc-laMtlve to
physio your bowels when you hv
Midsw:h ' rilllounneM
Colds . Indlgentlon
j Mzz!ni fViur momach
befora eandv-ltkn racarit. Onn or two
an audioncfi taxing the anating capae
Ity tf Ilborty hall und overflowlnR
Into tbn atriv-t. Jin thrillud every
body with hi dramatic readings
taken from "Thn Merchant of Ven
ice," "The, Sign of th Cross,"
"Henry VIII" and "Macbeth."
The San Francisco Call say of
"Ten thousand people parked Into
r'vlc auditorium last night. Ben
Scoveli was ao realistic that tears and
liturhter alternated In rapid sur-eea-sion."
While the London. Times comments
as follows:
"Mr. Itenjamln Scoveli waa at Ms
bent as Richmond In 'Richard Hi."
ill big personality . and splendid
training In his chosen field fonnd
ampin outlet."
His appearance In Medford mark
an oroch !n the calendar of the artis
tic and ntrtalnment season.
!U.t uoml of all Vlnds. Only wood
lu city unbw cover. Aia Ivrwt I'tah
t'oal at $17 off car.
2ml ami Yir Sts. 1 Twine 7B
j tonight will empty your bowels com
'pletety by morning and you will feel
Jrmlendld. "They work whtl ytwi
it!eep." Caacarct nvr atlr you op
ior gripe like Salt,. PI 11a, Calomel, or
'.Oil and they cost only ten eent a bo.
Children love Conewrnt. too. Adv."
-1 ... i . .-U...
We will aril your bnalneaa hondle yoor Icaao -Kccuyo
yon a partner, etc. . ,
'o CharKO ' (or U "tl n ftrT raonartl one Confidential
MecUord Bldg.
ffaone SOO
Beaver Biurk
I'bono 4
koitiu-;rm oiu-xxwi
Speed Without Worry
Carry two of our tire as "spare"
and you can speed along without any
tire worries. Manufactured from a
superior ' grade of rubber according
to superior proceaa by expert work
men, our tires demonstrate from day
to day that their merit cannot b
surpassed by any other tire, no mat
ter what the difference in price.
Haywood Tire Surgeons
W. T. flash IBN; Orwr.
by J. V.
Hank of Avliliind:
"Vt In-llrvp that hl section ha
hern pecullurly favored by not having
the ncrliiii Ketbuikv labor trouMea
and failure en account of reduced
prlcea that have prevailed In many
other section. We had very large
hay and grain crop and the apple
Mctlfort! .i rop was thn largent In thn hletory of
Ithe valley. Thn hi rrlen, peaclnn und
her small fruit produced most ex
Hi nt price and tituvt of th penr
vrc atilil at guod price. v e iHUievr
h.i rciiill ititabllvhments are doing
bout th name amount of liuvlnevs a
nt' year und tho general tone 1
other optlmimie for the coming year
Th catlln r.n have suffered very
unverely by reaaou of tho decllnn In
l.rlecv, but with the aid of the local
ank. moat of them will bo able to
pull through and w.t nope win nave
imethlng left over after settling with
heir creditor. Of course, In some
caves thn lroce nt Itiiuldatlon will
probatdy take several year, but for
tunnlely other demand on the ban Ki
rn comparatively aghl and we can
sen no renvoi! v. hy prcvviirn Mum HI
be brought to bear on stock men for
thn lloiildation of their paper in thlv
dlHtrict. Wo regret that thn lumber
Industry Is prnciicully ut a snind-stlll
here, but we are Informed that the
prospects for tho coming year are bet
ter than for some yenrv. past, buin
with reference to operations und
! Will Fill Your Basket
: . with Eggs.
Buy a Sack Today.
There's no better Egg Mash
made, and it costs you less
i Money.
Monarch Seed Co
''TUo Formors' grhrlro Stat km"
317 K. Mala Tbona 2(10
A verv l.retlv we.l.llni.
took tdtice nt the home of Mr. and
Hm, M. II. Wnlker of thl city at I
o'clock p. m., January 17 when Miss
Stella M. Lord became tho brldo of
Mr. Jinvld I,. Ituk. Tho ceremony
wn .erfurmed by Itev, J. I. Uray.
AflnP ,' t?.-fi I lil I I. .i.i. u-.veu r...,l..
all repaired to thu dining room, where
refrevhment wcro served, mid at a
llttA ImiiV flin ViimiI. 1.iIm rln.1 u-luhlni.
pir. nu im. iiccm, niany year oi
nappines un4 prosperity. The newly
weda will iiinki) their homo In this
..iSJM !.!.-.
HajTolsa to flaab. Xidseyt and nratrml
lag imuuny acid Bplondla
for ryittm.
Kidney and Bladder woAknM tesuH
from urid add, aaj- a noted authority,
The kidney filter thl acid from tun-
blood and pas it on to the bladilrr, when
it often remain to irrltat and inluune,
causing a burning, scalding sensation, or
sotting tin an irritation at the neck of
the bladder, obliging you to scale relief
two or three time during the night.
The sufferer is in constant dread, the
water pusso sometime with a (ooldlng
sensation and is very tiroiuse; aguin,
tlier ia difficulty in avoiding it,
lilodder weakness, most folks call it,
Iwcauas thny can't control urination.
W'hll it is extremely annorinir and aome-
tlme very painful, this 1 luully one of
the most lmnlo ailment to overonmo.
tM about four ounce of Jsd Salt
from your charmaolst and take a table
spoon hil in a class of water before
breakfast, continue this for two or throe
day. Thl will neutrallzo the acids in
the urine o it no longer I a source of
irritation to the bladdor and urinary or
can which tlicn act nomuillv again.
Jad Sail is iuqxpcnsivo, barntlca
and is made from the acid of grapes and
Union juice, combined with ilOiia, and
is used by thousands of folks who are
subject to urinary disorders caused by
urio aula irritation. Jad Malta is spion
did for kidneys and cause no bad
elfect whatever.
lloro you have a plooaanl. effervescent
lithla-wuter drluk, wUicb, quickly relievos
bladder trouble,
Dick- Vteadrick m
)he Child 3hoaGacst'
apt pupil at rea lin and writlnB. Emi
nent vrlentlHtv. ftlthoiith Tiiiirled by
hii remarkable talcrts. declare hlw ,
! to be' a peifei-tly normal child In all
When only a yenr and a half old he
ix-sau to swim. Neither his fat nor nor
his mother ouUl wi;n. No- be can
do a half-mile easily. j
As a violinist. "Itchie" pr.imicsj
wonders. He tool; up music only twi
months sRi. but his teachers state that
he ha already advanced farther than
pupils of three times his nge who have
been studying for a yen.
In "The Child Thou Gavest Me" the
littlo fellow Rives a performance that
I truly marvelous.
IlROMMER Mrs. Emnlia Pauline
llrommer. aged passed away at 13 g
Angele. Calif.. Saturday, January 21,
at 4 : && p. m. Ik-ceased will be buriod
at 1,08 Angeles. Mrs. llrommer, blessed
mother of Mrs. F. Skopeo, .Muskegnn.
Mich., Mrs. C. Anderson, Montrose,
Colo.. C. 0. llrommer. Chicago, 111., aud
Carl J. llronimer. Medford, Ore.
COOHWYN Thomaa J. Goodwyn
who passed away yesterday, was born
n Fairfield, England, February i.
His early Ufa was spent in Eng
land. He was a graduate cf Oxford
eollegn and held a leutenant's com
mission In the, English army. Later
he spent several year lu Australia
and New Zealand and thpn carao to
Oregon, first settling in the Willam
ette, valley, hn then moved to Klom
ath county where ho waa one of the"
pioneers cf that section, engaging in
the sheep business and after tho Mo
doc war, ran a general merchandise
store at Ronanza. Deceased had neon
a resident of tho Rogue river valley
tho past 22 years, is survived by four
children, Mrs, Genevieve Sankey of
Ashland, Mrs. Barbara O'Urlen and
Paul and John Ooodwyn of Medford.
Mr. ttoodwyn was a member of St
Mark's Episcopal church of Medford.
In recent years he has made his home
with his daughter, Mrs. Sankey of
Mr. Ooodwyn had been in failing
health tho past year, but was not
confined to his bed until the last
few days. JIo was almost 81 year of
ago. Interment in Mountain vlow
cemetery from Stock's undertaking
parlors, at 2 o'cleok Wednesday af
ternoon. "
Pimples Keep
Young Men
They Mak Women. Too, a Paxxla!
How S. S. S. Stop Skin
Eruptions Positively.
Ptmples and akclti eruptions have a
prloe, you pay for every pustule,
black-head and pimple on your Uce.
PlmplM produce prejudice and prevent
prosperity. Your heart may be (uld,
g. . 8, Win Bid Tea y-vy
f tha Craihlna Flaw !
M - t . SB1 t: rm
m tsa. -vav eAJamiaV
Cut Thl Out Tt I Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and
mall it to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, m., writing your name
and address clearly. You will receive
In return a trial packages containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
coughs, cold nnd croup;. Foley Kidney
Pill for pain. in sides and buck; rheu
mutism, backache, kidney and bladder
ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tab
lets, a wholesotno and thoroughly
olonnHins cathartic for constipation,
biliousness, headaches, and sluggish
bowels. Adv.
bui who wants to kiss eruptions?
limply men don't look like th owners
of vnvthli.r. Pimply women, too, are
pussies, with no prospect and rib
power. Youur men and women, here s
the positive wny out l'hysics and
purgatives will fail. What you need
la a scientific blooU -cleanser. 8. 8. 8.
Is one of the movt powerfffl destroyers
of blood Impurities. You can prove this
In a short time, S. S. S. has been
pssseU on by a iury of million of peo
ple Just like yourself. It is consiiiured
one of the most powerful vcseublv
blood-purifiers and flesh-builders in
exleteiice. Tliat's why you hear of so
muny underweight people putting on
lost flesh In a hurry, why you boar of so
many rhenmntu-a being freed from tills
aoourito, with N. S. f. Start today with
P. i). 8. and see your fac clear oni
your skin Ret rmlillor, your flosli
firmer. It will give you a boost In your
career, 8. S. 8. Is aolrl at all drug
, stores, In two sizes. The larger se
t the mure economical.
New Ford ' Prices
Effective Here
Including Starter and Demountable Wheels
Factory Price Freight War Tax Total
Chassis ... . . $380.00 $110.30 $12.71 $503.01
Runabout ..... 414.00 1 110.30 22.59 546.89
Touring ...... 443.00 . 110.30 23.79 577.09
Coupe , . . ... . . 580.00 110.30 29.44 719.74
Sedan .... 645.00 11030 32.12 787.42
Truck . . .... . . 430.00 110.30 13.95 554.25
Tractor ........ 625.00 97.85 722.85
Cars for immediate delivery at present.
C. E.. Gates Auto Co.
lis e recelst
el tdlrua
Nlastaaalla, Mlaa.
is guaranteed by 30 yean
seivlc to millions of
Americana. KonJoa'i
woiks wonders for your
cold, (nesting, cough.
chronic catarrh, head
ache, (or nose, etc
I 3U
rear asm v,w- -.
VrT - i mm
. : - . :. ...... , , .
One Good Preliminary
Admission Ringside, $2.50; reserved seats, $1.50; general ad?
mission $1, all plus war tax. On sale at Brown & Brown's, Med
ford; Ross & Ross Central Point; Irwin's Cigar Store, Ashland.
I'-,' ' 1' ' ' '"' ' ' ' ,'