Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 23, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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The c4 upll ) .over; nnd today
was very springlike with the gun nhln
tn brlKhtly at times. Thin morning'
Col.Ust temnoraturfl was 32. and Skin
cay's highest temperature was 39. I'd
to Briy this jvlternoon the predicted
rain for today had been ,carciy more
than a promise with now and then a
tow drops faHIng: Rain is the predic
tion for Tuesday, ; - ; - -
Kcgar Wight for low prices.
Wo save, another lot of, those all
Otiesta at the" Hotel Medford Include
.Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Xlinwu and -Mr. and
Mrs. IX W. Rrown of SeatUe, K. J.
Hall of Saltan. Mr. and Mm. C. MUlcr
of Vancouver, 11. C. O. V. Harrington
of Portland, P. Donnelly of Olympta,
Wn and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Jlollahete
of Rwheley, Ca!(f.
'Hard times tnada easy, buy ranches
without money, pay Jrtth aba of crop,
lilt rent; Gold Kay Realty Company.
; - U
Trope Hy blended, Bed Ribbon coffee.
The Alpha Delta tlttfca of -the Chrta-
tf tian church mill meet at the home of
Air, comm. m MWA'-iuuya;Ta.uraqa.y
w4atjOvercut far tit oo at (l wt Keener. Ftnw
V. 8, Army floods Htore, 82 Central !. . ... mr,,
Aw. South. W , . i t ; . k U !". 7' V" " ' T . . i
Gates had Don Sheldon
Mayor C. P. lUs, evening-, far Portland, bath
tmyicg been suiniponed by : Julius
Meyer, chairman of the state 1923
expw!Uon committee to attend the
mW tlruj (Of that ominlttee, pi which
tlie mayor la a member, tomorrow.' It
! nod knows why Mr. Sheldon's pre'
nee 1a lcslre4 at this meeting, but It
is prasumed that he la wanted aa the
president of the local' chamber of com
merce. Mayor Gates will also take .In
the big Portland auto expltion. j
Attention, ex-SoldlersfRanches sold j
Hnder .Soldiers Bonua pliin or pay with
share of crop,' like rsnt. ' OoKl Kay
Realty Company., , . , . te
"Routed by experts Red Ribbon
'An invitation has been extended to
the the varfoua chambers
of commerce of southern Oreerm w
nttend the banquet .to be, . by, the
Anhlnnd chamber of commerce Tues
day night. It is expected -that each
town in Jackon county trill be repre
sented and that .the Tarioua county of
ficials, will be present. The prinrfpail
Rpeaacr b( the evehine will be V. L.
Cajnpbalt, jjifwident of the L'niveiwity
of Oregon. The banquet wUl be aerred
by the domestic science teacher and
ptudonta of .the high school. It is not
lircltod to members' of the chamber cf
commerce, nay citizen defilrtag to do
so may atteiui. ' ' '
Will care for one br two agnail chil
dren at my' home. Addrea Sir, at
Joaaelyn. Ashland, Ore. ' 2&3
We, hare the famous Herman .army
shoe, regulation marching, garrison
tan and officers'" drew Bhoe. V. 8.
Army Goods Store, 32 Central Ave. So.
' . tr
Mr. and Mrs. V. AI C. Ahlef spent
last Saturday In Grants Pass looking
after legal matters. '
Sash and doors. Med ford Lumber Co.
Get .your calendar at our offleo.
A. Holme. The Ina. Man. '
Trench ahoea with or without hob
nails at Arait Goods Store, S2 Sooth
Central Are, v ? v .
iKdgar Wight, reliable ieweler. tf
The Rtge River Valley Oame Pro
tertlve aaaooiatlan has submitted
copy of Its constitution and by-laws to
similar organisations throughout the
state with the request that they be
adopted by such bodies and the state
association.' The Klamath Palla asao-'
elation la especially requested to fall
in line. v . ' '
Xdth, litne. Medford Lnmhe.r Co.
' if the younjt lady who wllided with
the Ford coupe Saturday afternoon
wishes to pay for damage done phone
iU JackaonvlUe. 353
The service stations of Medford and
Ashland report that for the' time of the
year and the recent eMd weather there
have bH trtriitn1j large number
of auto tourists paaalng through h
Rogue River valley, both i Bona . and
south., v v - - r v v..
v Bj Kex Rods tUk tlack and oclors.
Free tnatracUoca. Deaer Art DbL
Army, aliciers 11.00. 4 TJ..8. Army
Goods Store, 1U 8a OaxruJ Ave. '
: The Gold Kill Bank building is" being
entirely reflntshed lnald. ( New wall
paper. iain( and plaster wfcere neofted.
The flocr, which along one well had'be
Sua la lnk, 4a being rafeed and Iv
eled. ! Edgar Wight." Oregon agate Jeweler.
,vnv'..r 5, .... tt
ilktadrona' Dairy Jersey 'milk ad
cream, Its purity and QaaBty apeaka
foV luolf. Phone 201-J for sample. 264
M. C. .Pae-who baa Jxad -charge of
the forest serrlce autlon at Alameda
ha resigned from the eenrtce-aad K
been succeeded In that position by J.
P. DeWitt who has been In the foreetrf
office at Grants Pass.
' High top rubber boots at U. S.
Army Goods Store, S3 So. Central Ave.
. -
China lUy bulbs. Jap Art Store.'
The California atate railroad com
mtlon has approved of tho $1,000,000
of 10-year six per cent gold bonds tor
the extension of the conipany'a powr
line to Kuavne to connect with the
Mountain States PowVr company
vice, and tor the Improvement ot the
Co poo and Prospect pwer plants of
the California-Oregon company.
A. new aul complete line of Package
Gooda. Royal Society of I.e Merlte.
Free laatroctiiina. Dvtnel'a Art Dept.
We are still sailing .Velvet tobaotx
2 for 25o at V, 8. Army Oooda Store,
Si So, OutnU.
An auiliisnccwhich Uuol the aouting
capacity of the inrst MitholUt KplsH-
pal chnrth "heard 5n Scotell In "The
S0eU I. ft no doubt 'in th nvlnd nt City hfthwaV.Oninta PftM Courier.
in comi"tltion with ton Mddom,
lnh Hhodw of MoJford, hiw hwn
awunhvl th contract oovurlnR tho con
struction of three mllea of cvn
necting thn Carina highway ut the Kd
Llnd place down Sucker ereek U the
Robtiun place. The fUrr 'ft the bid
waa npproxlaiatoly f20,0o0, H la
unlertool that work en the road will
be bvgun Uumediulely. All thone bla
ding on the work figured closely on
the. contract, there being but -about
I20O0 difference in tho flRurta aubtnlt-
ttvt Hh'Hlea underbid Vhite, Ilrown
P. )..' (imyheil, prasiilcnt l the
t'nlvtity of Oregon, wss tl rhlrt
mx'akor thin noon at the Orantn Pass
; i hnilHr of roimiieroe iun. '
. lYoreu autiimotile, trator and truclt
cylinder ehled, re-inhiroed and
guamnteeil. Ouly the. finest pre-hont
tug fuel.i and metals uaL Vulcoa
WahUuit Woih, 3l H. Fivnt Btreot. tf
Pr. rVank Roberta. dontUt. IVuel
nidg. Telephone 601R. tf
Jnck llt'instiret, formerly a wtli
Unowu member of tho local pollo
1 14,5 J
and Leahy .but Ml, tho lot com-J.'T rocpntly been doputl.VHl by
IH'tltor, The bulldlug of Ihla atrutch
will connect the Cyea highway Juat
completed by White. Brown & Leahy,
with tha graded rood to the Creaceut
This fvature is .Quite jonusuat and baa the bight
tuinltig wlne , ki '-. - -
: Tbe east tndudns Richard Ueadirk, the wonder chCd Of
; the acreen; .Rarbara CawtLrtott, hewitt Stone al William
" lfiosul. . , , . . ; . fit 1 the strange story of
aecret mot Iter, yet a faithful' wife.
all present that be la an artUt of ex
ceptional ability. Thoee who had the
privilege' of seeinjt Sir Honry Irving
aaw him acai.1 In Ma Ulwited nephew,
tn the morning Mr. Scorell delivered a
powerful appeal for practice ot those
principles of lite which alone will
guarantee pe.ioe, Hla aubjoct waa
,The Ood Of reace." -We
hare Inspected the reclaimed
Tula lands at Klamath Fall. We
recommend these lands aa an tnvestr
meat. Pae-Drfialer Co. tf
The regular communication of
Reamea chapter No. 6d, R, K. a. will
be held Wednesday evening.- Jan. 25.
initiation. to
Among gteat at the Hotel Holland
are W. 1L Auer of Seattle. II. K. Drown
of Puma, Or.. Kkyd Patterson of
Cashmere. Wean., Charles Thompson
of Chicago, O. O. Hulin of Eujene, J.
L. IX Morrison of Loa Angelea and
O. A. Johnson of Sacramento.
c per yd.
Bottoms ceverad.
' Uandiuralt She. IT
a new atM complete atnek of ma-
cbi&e nvedlta. Deuel's Art Dept.
C Abbott, fornwly storekeeper at
the cement plant. U now employed at
McMlnavllla. Mrs. Abbott, who U la
poor health la staying here with her
father. Gold HU1 News.
For business opportunities la & Ore
gon consult the Four-Site Balaa Agency
room 421 Medford bldg. phone 800. tf
A nice dreaay raincoat for 17. W at
V S. Army Goods Store, 13 Sa Central
Ave, '
' H. 8. Pond, representative of the
Remington Typewriter company ltft
this morning for Klamath Falls. Mr.
Pond baa been displaying the new
Remington Portable in Medford and
rtcinlty and has left the agency in the
hands of the Medford Rook Store.
i Special attention to children's teeth.
Dr. V. R. Kaufman, dentiat. Sparta
Bids. : Phone office 25. Bee. MI R.
Everywhere you look you see a
Chevrolet. tf
' Ashland people have, been enjoying a
rare' treat In the form of ice akatlng.
During the. recent cold weather the
ponda In Llthia. park frose to a depth
cf several inches and - many young
people who were fortunate enough to
i own Ice skates of to be able to borrow
them populated the' smooth" surfaces
every afternoon and evening.
.Aa strong men. show their mettle
nnder adverse conditions likewise does
the HupmobCe. - '. 23
AH kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Wallace Woods, phono 108
III East Mala street.
Next Wednesday night the Amer
ican Legion will put on their annual
Dad s Night' entertainment' for the
Lots tit enooree Kagle Point Rat.
nita 04
Five droaen producing pullet for
sale. 117 South Front. 119
Invest your aavlng in the Jackaon
County Uulldlng and Loan aaaoclullon.
Hen Sheldon leaves this evening for
Portland to represent the county and
chamber ot commerce on the final ar
rftjuremenu for work on the Crater
Lalui highway botween the govern
mvnt, sute and county.
Pine floor and music, Kagle Point. 304
Kverywhere joa look you See a
Chevrolet. -it9
Try a Super-tread tiro the tire -tth
a wider and thicker trwad they wear
longer. Riverside Garagd. tf
All Medford women and bus!nei
and professional girla interested in
gymnaaium claaa work and baaket ball
are urged to be out Tuealay at 7:30
at the Natatorluro. The book review
class will review Selroa lAger Loh ut
the library at T:M Tuesday evening.
Lots of waiuea. Eagle Qotnt Sat. fii
Lowest rate of Insurance carried by
any cur U htoed upon the HoiaobUe.
WhyT 203
"Whyf Talte chance running your
aoto radiator by freeiing whea It can
be avoided by axing "Aqua Zero"
which la safe at 20 belew xero, and
absolutely harmleas In every way, la
not aa Injurious to metal as water. For
sale at Valley Oaragn, 11,00 per gallon.
. ' 885
J. II. Terrllt of Phoenix, who waa nr.
rested January 17th by State Traffic
Officer J. J. MeMahott for failure to
dim hla light entered a plea of guilty
In Acting Justice Farretl's court Satur
day and was fined the sum of HQ.
Moonlight dance? You bet! EarIo
Point. 261
Freeh milk delivered mornings.
Phone 28J-3. 260
Only a few lots on paving left. Get
yours at Once at City Hall. ' tf
When In need of shingles and roof-
Ina; call Wallace Woods. 108. 711 K.
Pat Welch of the Rnguo River Val
ley Canal Co.. who has be-n la Sua
FranctMco on bunlnesa for tho past lew
days returned this morning.
Let's go Eagle Point SaL night. 201
The Southern Oregon - Lumber Co.
will offer, good Sxt's at thair mill at
end North Central at from 113 to tW
for balance of month. ' . ' tf !
All kinds of mill blocks. Valley Ft'l
Co. ' tf
The Mardl Graa festivities of the
Salem Elks lodge proceeded last Sat
urday night minus all Games of chance
and gambling devices, which were
very much In evidence on the first two
nights of the entertainment. AH frame
of chance, punch boards, roulette
wheels and wheels of fortune, aa well
aa all other rambling devices were re-
tho county court a county constable
and la vlod with the same authority
ait any other peace oftirer for all ut
Jackson county north ot I'hoonU.
Get acquainted with Ch and Carry
system. This store wua built np tur
the gootl ut the hundreds ot people
that hava been working band lu hand
with ua, and have learned to live nud
1st lire. Wa are tow bringta down
the high cost ot living. All guuda or
marked In plain flguroa 100 cents,
that la the value you get for every dol
lar's worth of good you buy Jusit the
best ot everything (or less, at tha Spot
Caah Baaket Grocery, at the Vinton
Ham. aid N. JUverald Ave. U
HlKh grtwin tnllorn r ' men and
women. Orrea, Aahlond, Orw. ttv
IVsrtland'a thirteenth annual auto
itvM ahow ahloh .began this al'txr-n-xin
In the state metropolis, wtll cUm
tiext liaturfla)1 niht. t
j ,Fred Alton lUicht, teacher of piano
,aod bamwBy. CUinnlcal and popular
. tnursea. Studio 018 Liberty llldg..
aledfurd. Ore. Phoae 70. t(
Phf-ne or rail our office for loforroa
tion Klaatath Pulls Tule laud, pan
Dnsaler Co, . ... ' . tf
"The city council has a wheduled
eperUI meeting for tonight for the
consideration ot various mtittera. This
aejwlnn will not be a public one. Mayor
Gates will not be Able to attend as ba
leavee early ihla evening for Portland.
StylecTttJrt Shop for alt klnda of
I dressmaking and rvmodallng. Rtom
424. Medford llldg. ;8j
Tho Dead Indian country tn Jarkoon
county was without doubt tho coldi-ut
place la Jackaon county durtnir thu re
cent cold spall Just ended. Prom th
H. L. Moore ranch tn that aectlon, lo
cated 18 miles out cf Aahlarul. a tle-
phone massage reelvd Saturday at
Ashland said that It was 18 degrees
below lat Thursday morning, 10 bo
low taut Friday, had below Snttirdrty.
Mrs. Prank Parker, dressmaking,
removy.1 to 520 North Grape St Tel.
44 IX. ;m
Mies Anita Hyety nnd Greta Til!lcy
of Ashland, vtn!td with friends In
Talent Sunday.
H ' JwnXgsVIMtMli t MMbbIbV
r S' 1 rr iA w tl
liJfCrv'U-VJ'v',! M
5V,C, rii fcTtrvV.; '?lj fi
v i. n " "fi4 a ti urf i ri i &
id l'3
i in
Auctioning Fruit for 2G Years
Hrr :;o ri.!,R,t ,r lir;.i. .l a astt al tion t,i hiM.lfiil
..f Uiet tn a little W into mt u , iiur i.lrat
una nor jdrjU eie .
! llie c.ilv dv out iti.;.t a-uWiU fir lhf w-ller Imnl
and a (.-iiic:,.iu-!y m ve oMi.ilr .oiild like In l.e uilrd
lor and alitint a hint u a.ii.u tlral.'
'1 lir.,u,ilni.UII llir w w .ir- I Ik i li. t Iwn imrliun(i in our lilfala.
Aa a te.nli, he -re ri;urlled Ik liut'd our un ImiILUhk villi
tlitt-e i an- til t r.kwu tn-HMy sdivplt tl txr am liun jl.,
Jttit ImtMlng U iJio l.'inrt m.d n.t ip-u"lnte luiihlins In ih
lu the rrr -tt i.f the tiil f .in.l.le , sliUii U llie
i-igra.lii I triilrr t liittftiorl iiifIiiiiuiuu i),.,ii I, .-ounif
a ii; ult. u of 8 iiou.dco lutiulii.uit..
lie lnitr l li'Mt lVuiwnv, lli.ii.Ij t'iirua I .!infi-, rt
1'iuit lA.lwiir. M,-..m 1 mil t im'tM, l iauk 11. llluk
kimMo, 'I'himlon 1 mil OontjHiiiT, autuna llir lumilri'i busat
fmit ii.Wic !, miv f.Mim uf ihu . t tuiw.h ixir BUtllmi.
ll )utt rr at :UIiii-d with ll.r iur lu me rct't-ivii'fur olth
tli v-nii-n yvu p I. tiu nui l am miiiciIiii.,1 uf iuinitl if u
mUl Kiiia u l lull aiti-uljra a bunt alliug nt au tiuu.
Tin: Fitrrr auction company
bi .M I HNLl.N ST. XKW TUIlk CltY -a-
WA a WaJvT!
CVeter ImVo (Kapler 3 It. A. L
Special communtcalloa
Tunaday, January 24th,
7:30 p.m. M. M. eVP. M.
Rofreahracntd. Visitors
A. V. NOTH. H.VCV. 2
i n: i .'. )' lu '. 11111 i ' 1 . ;t ."'i
changn in the preparation of rVil
eral Income returns, which we will
be gUid to dlwuitu with our clients.
YOU HHOCLU HAVE every rredlt
and allown the law gives you in
the preparation of your roturus.
EVFUTKXT si:i;vin:
has saved our cllouis hundreds of
IJ'MYty rVtill.llna. MiNlfi.rd
HOO cords dry, eawMnnix! wood, suuatt
be wild. ltuMte oHera at oar fur
prompt laUvery Ut Xu, UiM. C O. t.
Ifl Inrh pine, Ue... !.t1.73
12'ini li pina, tlor rl.lM
Iff Inch uk and Uurnl, tler... ISA
18 Inrh tmk and laurel, tier. . Il.7a
4 ft. pine, cord .414
4 ft. hentuntwHl. cord U.IUi
.- .jJ'i
i a. I .U. ,1.
fathers and brother of service men;lmoT1 Saturday on orders of Cfclof g
members of the O. A R., Spanish War
Veterana, tha mayor and city council
and. other officers, and tbe National
Guard. Commaader Elmer Wilson has
delegated the task of securing talent
for the entertainment to a committee
headed by Warren Butler, who says
the smoker will be equally as good aa
laat year with features Including
music, drama, education and eats. The
affair wni be staged la the. Legion Twill
at 8 p. m.
When In need of eash and doors,
call Wallace' Woods, 108 or come to
fit E. Main street. ' . " .
' Lime, cement Medford Lumber Co.
Please remember that classified adfl.
locala and small. ads are caah la ad
vance,' Bring in your ads and do not
use telephone. tf
The large mill pond at.the Drownlee
mill north of the city has boon froaen
over for some days past and many
skaters were observed yesterday en
joying the .novelty of ice akatlng in
southern Oregon.
1 Snappy trots. Eagle Point Sat. nlUt.
" . .. 24
Hot coffee and' light Jnachea, tav
males and chill coa earn at DeYoe's.
fibakeil. shinglea. Medford Lbr. Co.
8. Derby and family of West Thir
teenth street, returned yesterday from
a' three weeks auto trip to Ban Pran
claoo and other .California cities. They
report the roada in good condition. ' .
Chimney sweep, John Buckley,
phone SS-I, between 8 A. m.' and (
V: ml i " ;' i; 7 ,204
Everywhere " you look you ' see a
Chevrolet. . . tf.
When better1 automobiles are' built.
Bujck will baUd thetu. tf
Mrs. F. ;E. Deuel, and dapgbter
Catherlrie leave tomorrow for a sev
eral weeks visit .In San Francisco and
'Orderly crowds, Eagle Point. Sat.
night. , -, ; - 284
Be sure and ee the latest model
Hupmobile. Clark Motor Co. ' ! 28
New and reclaimed O. D. breeches
and shirts at IT, S. Army Gooda Store,
S2 EoUth Central Ave.
Police Moffltt,
Beat music Eagle Point Sat!
Tit cur
Shasta. '
Mrs. Paul Hansen
NuBone. Phone M5-J
. : ; " ' , 84'
merchants lunch. .' The
WANTED Work by the hour pr day.
..ITione 462-R. ' .289
room : house.
WANTED At once, partly furnfshe.1
.or unnuTilsaed hmwekeeplns; rooms;
.. reliable party. Phona let-X. 261
Even a sick hild loves tbe "fruity"
taato of "California Fin Siyrup." If the
little tongue ia touted, or ii your tliiUl is
Uitlesa, erons, fevcruh, full of toll, or haa
ulic, give a Uaipoouful to ileano the
liver and bowels. Ina few hours you can
ar fur youtaulf how thvraulily it works
all the constipation puison, aour bile and
Watai out uf tlv iww-j, and you bars a
Wall, playful ahild again. ,
Millions of mother kf p "California
ia Svrup" lianjy. know, a ca-
spoonful today auva'. a alik child to
morrow. Aak your dnurgi't for genuine
"Cal Jnmia Pig grrup" which haa direc
tion tor babies and children of all ages
printed on bottle. Motbtrl Vou must
aayColiftirnla" or yrm iasy got aa imi
t0B ayrnp. . , .
. . i '
Tha best ' ribbon ',for ' th
money .we can find,' to fit
any typewriter made.
Book Store
' N, Central St. ''
,i;uesaay, jan
I at 8 p. m. at the
Humor Pathos Shakespeare
ri If you are afraid of'bustin'" your
ribs with laughter, don't come
m o t e
-it . .) i . -....' - ; . .
(Nephew of Sir Henry Irving)
Dramatic Reader
i '
A Great Treat Don't Miss It
Come One! Come All!
a , '
Admission 50c Students 35c Children 25c