MEDFOTTO MATL TRTBTOTE, 1 II - II nil im II Mil III III 1 I llMllI'MII III rEDFORTX OnKOOX, SATURDAY. JAXUXifY 14, T &B2 i jn.jiJli.ii"-!.. i n i .111 1 x. ;n.i)jujimiii.uiMiw srj'uuiia m '. iu NEW Dili S OF FARM LOAN ASS'N ELECTED FOR 1922 SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE IN THIS COUNTY JAN. 24 Tha stockholders of I ho lingua lllver National Irnrm Loan aaeorlu Itim hold It M Hnnuul meeting Tuesday fur the eleetlon of seven illroi'tor, re ceived report of otfleers nnd uitoptvd several resolution petitioning con lirme to restore thn farm limn 1 to It nrlwltiul Intuit nnd purpose nit a t-ii-nperallva oiKHnluiilriii whereby thn ntnnutiemnnl i.f tho federal Innrt bunks would be In thn control of and al of th nine illrwtnrs ho elected by thi fur mi limn timtm InUum, who own tha capital stork of wild Itnd twmks tint are nuw dmitvd any voire In thn management of their tun owned land tinnkn iMwauen of th amendment of January l. HI. . so- 'railed "war f mergi-nry," whl'h will Utand fnr twenty years unlet repeal led by fdngr'fun or derlarad Uliroiistl jtutlonal by tha rnurta. ltflulluii. "Whereas, the Faun lnan ifi tlnna In n few yearn will own nil the sloek of thn federal I mi d hanks nnd )et have no voire, nhstovrr In their luumtKment. "Ami an thn fnrm loan romrnHt slnrter of thw fnrm loan licmrd falls or refunes to rull an eleetlon to elect the 1 () permanent dlrertora fnr the federal In nd bunk of thin dllrit, and. aa pruvldid by iwctlon 4 of thn fnrm l".ui net, nnd. Whereua. the amount of ;stok nubni'i'tbvd by thn atm-kholdera ' if th Federal Land Hank of Hpcikane, ! Wash., rseeeded 1109,000 nl thn turn nry II. Ills, making the temporary I ufftear permanent ind. whereas. t Mid nmendment la held to l unan J I'tltulional i fnr M thn name ap plies m thn Lnnd Itonk of Hpekane land thn land hanks of seven other i district turd of which hud more ', than tlOO.OuO suWribed by the atm-h holders of thn farm l.en naa ' rlatlone In wrh of an Id dlirtilrts At thn lltnie of th mii. of thn said amendment of Jnnum-y 1, mil, i "WhrrritK. thn rirt Ktfp Inward ; inn t: 14 mtuntloti a niundnmun I prurrrrilng hnn brnn roiiimi-nrrd. In 5 thn namn rtf lh lltmiw nod Nuiicinal I nriu I.nan BonorUllnii In thn Hu pinino ooiin of th lunlrfi of Colum bia, to rmiiurl thn Ktrin L'Wtt Coin nilwlnnfr to tukn thn ntn, nnocwiary to rnabln Hit. unxorliitlnn to rlml dl-r.-.-tor in ih Uvrkrlvy Korm Inn Hank. "It I thrrtforr imolvnl thnl w nuthorlio thn board of dhrrlun of thl AMiK-ladon that nhould Mid null bn urrful nnd the Kitrnt Loan CottinUwliini'r fail nn4 iffu to rail an rlfftlon of thn Prm lA)n mtm iu tlc.nn of thl land bunk. H;n.kann din- I irir ior tne tirciion of thn prma f lirnt dlrr' tora a rold'd In Mrtlon 1 . vt tha fnrm loan art, tu brinn mun- flu in u cult in thn hiiprini Court of thn Jilnli lrt of ColuinUU naulnat thn I J'nrin lmn Cuminlmloiitr to rail an It'lertlon of tlin Kitrni lmn ,ih..i..u - Uon of thia land bank di.til.t to ln pfrinanrot dlrcrtuia In thn nam of thin AmKirlallntt. "W unrnrndly rmlorno thn WaUh bill (8::i) hlrh nntoroa to tha toral frm loan BMOtiatlona. thn rur.trvl of thn frdnral bind banka to I which thnir ownornhlp vntliha thnm. pituiln our hnarty auppurt and approval of thn Klntrhnr bill (HtZO) which will provldn a broad and con- atant market for farm loan bonda by all ln aurh iroixU to b utllltcd an ruUttnrul anrurlty for rndtai'uunta with thn Kr-dral llnrn'n linnkn. ac- cordlnal thnm thn unit privilege puw nJoyU by ov(ruinrnt bondn." "lit it rmolvrd further, that a ropy of lhnn rrnolutlona bn nl to oui nnnatvra and mprvnnntatlvra In rvn irrtin. to 1'realdnut llarJln. farmnra' oraunlaUoii at WiiHhlnatun. I. C and that our anrrnlary ln aulhorltcd to prrarnt a almtlnr ant of rrnolutlona for ratlflrntlun and adoption by thn nrt annual mni'tina of thn OieRcn Htatn nanorlntlon of National Farm I-oan aanwlattona. A full attnudunra of atorkholdrra wnr prranut and tha foUowlnR dl- rrtora war unuulniounly Unctrd for tna nauln yr: pbkK ..MwlHJ .K the rnaiilnR year: J. C. Wllllnmn Krnnk II, Adnma. A. K. Icnnl. A. 11 iiranncnr, A. II. Kvana. K. K. I'lmlik. K. It. Htmlinn. Thn now board or- aanlrod by unnnlmounly lwtln A 1U llnmhcar prvaldrnt; J-'rank l( Aonma, icn.picaidi'nt and K. If. llurd. nrrrctury-trmnuri'i-; J. C. Wll? una ra A JurkHon County Huuduy Hhxl aa aoclutlun will rondutt a anrlca of Hun- day a hool Iriatltutt'M In thla county thn lt wcvk In Janunry, with four oiio iluy miH tlnan aa followa; Aahlnnd, Turnduy, Junuury (-1. Mndfnrd, V-din-diiy, January 2j Miiiciilx, IhuKMlny, Jnnuury Zli. Central 1'i.lnl. I''ihly, Junuary Knur lendlnit Hunday chool field wol'kem huvo bei n necured for thenn Inntltutia, via: MUa (Icoritla I'urUrr, Blute nnrrrtary for On-icun Hundny Ni-liiwil lMoi liulon; llev. W, I.. Nujn, field rrpreaentntlvn for rnllnlou edu cation, 1'rnntiyterlnn Hundny nrhool board, Mm. Clum (I. I.iwm-ii, ni-liool aupei inienilent for tun iiini St. Mark't f plaeopal Cor. North Oukdule nnd 1'lltli UU. 8 h. ni, Holy communion. 10 a, in. Hunday school. 11 u. ra, Holy comniunlon, Wm. II. Hamilton, Vicar. Thuraday 7:30 p. m. Choir rubearaal. Krlday I p. m. John rVudorlrlt Maooti ritdr, lmprmftior aud huuiorlnt 111 Klvo tn fntcrtnlnmiTit at the church. A great evening of rare iiIao- aure. Itenow your church going habit Hun dny by accenting our Invitation to bs with MM, IVudnrlck It. Lch, puator. Catholic Church South Oahdttlo Avnu. Klrnt uinaa Hundny At I a. to. 8xn4 maaa at 10:00 a. ui. Ucntiik'tlon aftnr rxa& maaa. liev. John I'owori, rctor. Tha Salvation Army 320 Knat Main Ht. MeotinK Tuoaday, Thuradaf Huturdny 8 p. tn. Hunduy nientliu: : llollui 11 u.. tn., and llll, In ''""W'Mty nieotlnn : p. P., Yuuni ro-.ii-I.i. t'in'ai l"Kbm w:3' p. m., Balvatlon Plea of Chrtat In reon, end Itev, r.!ra,t,, P- ra- Knrollmeat of aoldlufi, C. Ilub't. Hunday a-huol iiilaalonary. Thern will bn uimlnted by local pan tor and Hunday achool workeia bn aldra atntn and county Hundny Hchool aMiH'ltlon offbern hn will ba pre- ent at nil thine meellnv. An all-day Inntltuln will bn held at each of thn abovn point, with aea aloria at 10:00 a. m I HO and 1 00 p, in. Lcadlnd featurea of lh pro Krama at each Inatltutn will bn nine terful addreaaea, practltal ennfer inrwi and tnnplitna muni", earh num ber Klven by a apeclatlut In hla Una. Conipletn proarama ara belns print ed and will I out In a fw duya. Wnti-h your local paper for full pro Vrum and further announcement of theat- meetlnan. Jackeon coVinty Ik Indeed fortunate In buvltiu th.-n.' pi lultu of Hunday choo B'-tlvlile conin to u. ICvnry paxtor, ' Hundiy a hod officer and tnoi her and all peraon Intereated In lllbln nrhool directly or Indirectly, nhould not tall to uttrnd onn or morn npeclallata. Thn four point aelectnd muka them easily bccmiiM from all part tf tha cutinty. You will find every ncnelon full of pep and Inspira tion, a Uvn pioaram put on by a live bum h of liuniln.w. Don't ml thn 10;00 a. m. aenaion. You'll aay tt'a a liood onn. A very hearty welcoma await you ut theno Inntltuten. dodlcailon of flax. CvangLuth. Zkn' Church Fourth Ht. bow OOakdala Ave, Hnv. Ir. YV. H. Mornnx-Oeaar, l'ustor DlH Wift Fjurt! fit. II Kplpliany. Hunday arhool 10 a. ni. liIvlriK rvlco 11 a. m. CAlechatlcal InatrucJon for conflr matkm erery Saturday afternoon at o'clock. IMPERSONATOR AT AP CH Adnma, vlcn-pieaidnnt and K. 1 I llurd. arrretiiry-treaaurci-; J. C. Wll llama, E. K. Plmlck and A. It. Kvnn bwn committee; ulternat inembei of loan commltten, K. It. Htrnhan, . K. Ixmnla and A. It, Chaitrnw. Tnn annual report nf thn necretaiy- wennurer, i;. n. Jtmd, nhowed a flnn bUMlnifui for 1021. a follow: rew uppllciitlon written, sn for 11.J00; 1 withdrawn for 1700; panned on l.y thn loan rommltlen and board of dlractora and nllowed lit the ifta. nmnunt of $7D,150; five for 114 jo aiaullowod by land hnnk; onn al iowea for 11,600 by bind Iwnk not n, cepted: II ullowod by bind Imnk fn .; 10 for 130,700 appinlxed and ""' r.ipoa of bind bnnk an priilwr: 1 tor 11609 rejected by land bonk beforn appinlnal. No delinquent . loann una no indoblednea. All ntock .noineni rnceivea it per cent dividend on nmtoriiiuon atonk from dntn Imue until December Jlnt, 1jo dot io w-nion icneroi land bnnk of Bpo nonn paia niviaondi to tha aaaocia. lion on it atocK. o per cent, thn law requiring 0 per cent or l-10th of thn dividend tu bn net nntdn to renorvo account, iin Damn being Invented In : farm loan bonda. ; ' ba ae- , reader. to give Frtt Mathodlat Church Cor. Tnnth and Ivy 8t. Mlna Hhoda Iiurnctt, patnr. Roa. 337 W. Teoth Ht. , I'hono 42 Hxcil Borvlcea at our church t morrow on It la quart orly meeting. Hunday chol at 10 a. m. followed by old faahloned Mfthodlat "Ive Keaf Ii-T. C. K. Olalnr, dlatrlct elder, will preach, then admlnttor th of tha Lonl a auppr. Mlaalonary meeting at 3 p. m. Preaching aenrlco at 7:30 p. ru. I'rayer mectiriR Thursday 7:30 p. ni I D SCHOOL PUPILS DESCRIBE rirat Methodlat Epiacopal Church Fourth and Iiartlett. 3. Randolph Bauett, pator. Office 39 Juckann County Dunk Wdf. Vhone 66. IllMii acbool :45. Claaaoa far aa, Frof. N. IL rranwin, aupt. Momlnf worablp 11 a. m. Hertnon, Chrtat and tho Modem Mlad." At thla aervlrn. thn panUir will aUo an- wmr tba queallon "1 'Tho Four Honiiv men of thn Apoflalypao' trua to the Ikiok of RfTdlntlona?" What la your ImpreaHlon of tho play 7 Union evenlun aorvlcu ut Cbruttiiva church. Mornlnic Anthfltn. Th Htraln Up- ralao, (Ilurk). Holoiata, Mm. Van 8o,)yoc, Mra. Florco, Mr. Meeker, Mr. MncItonouKb, Tonor aolo, Tb Iloly City (by ro- qunat, (Adama). 11 r. Meeker. Mlaa Mails Vromon, planlat; Mr, rfc'rnard RoierU, orgnnlut; Mrs, May Jordan-MncDonouKh, dlractor. THE BEST TEACHER rAonTTimr -aaii'rt. j m in iin.. A. ft m K r, a i II l K 1 X t; h H ItrPOHflNlllI DOKKEY BAND 10 PLAY L! Photnlx Church 9:45. Prayer in men'a bunRalow. 10. Sunday achool. fr. J. It. Wo ater, aupt. II. Morning woiahlp. Sermon paator. 8:45 p. m. Christian Kndearor, led by Mlaa Whitman. 7:30, HonK rvlc an1 nennon. "In the Hiualtlng Furnace," tliu aacond of thla aerie. Wednesday. Jan. IS, 2:30 p. ni. Worn i n a Mlaalonary meeting at the manae. J. W. AnRoll, pastor. Tha Ftrtl Uaptiat church ured John Frederick Maaon uiperaonator and humorlut no of bin taktnn entmtalnmonta In Mndford. Ho w ill appear rlday. nuary 10th. al thn church. Mr. Maaon romna wltn thn UIkIhuI recom- mnndiilloiia and I known to aooie of our people, who hlahly rc-' ommend lilot to tkn public. From thn many testimonial, tha following are lakon: Mr. Maaon I decidedly ftrong In both anrlnua and comic vein. In portrayliiK patho or lofty emotion bn hold bt aUdionrn aa few roadera ran; and aa to the comic portrayal, they ara certain to niak evoryouo lauRh until hla ftlrfna ache." An even ing of entertainment by Mr. Ma.ion la auro to pleane. I'rin. W. L. Arant, Utah achoot, Oreaou City, Ora. lllxh School Kntnrtatnmeut a lie) Surrw.a Wlih Johu Frederick Mi- non aa tho feature ot too entertain ment at lb! Aatorla blsh acbool laat evenlna, ona of tha bent protrnma of tha year waa ittven before, a larna crowd of aludenta and cltltcos of the city. It baa boon my pteaaura to attend the Lyceum coumna for tha pt 12 year, in that time wo nam naa era! readnr of aim oat national rep utation, but none bava furnlahed proxram that 1 aavo enjoyed an much a tha readings of Trofoasor John Mason. C.C.Jacob, Lyceum committee, McMlnnvlllo, Ore. First Christian Church Cor. Ninth and Oukdule. Dell Fly Millard, minlater. Hlblo srliool aen lrca 10 a. m Hor-l)(-rt lierrlun, aupt. 100 In attendance la our aim and an offering of $100. Kvery member of the church ahotild be ut thl lllblo nrhool ei-aitlon. 8iiecial program and a welcome to all. 11 a. m. Morning Fellow nil hi service. Lltln? the Yoke ct Htirden." Anthorn by the choir, "Hloised Are They." by Ilejaer. Sermon, "A Four 8lded View of tho Church." 6:30 p. m. Young people' aenrlce of Cbriatlan Kndeavor. Musical con cert. 7:30 p. m. Mortgage bitruluz nnd dedlralnrtal service. Everylwdy welcome. Remarkable Don Leave Tonight A dlnllnctly plwtaiiiH novelty la "Tho Htlont fall," the current feature photo- drama at the Pngo theatre. The Inter locking of thn double, plot 1h acconl plinhmt throtifth tho ngt'nc)' of Strong heart, the world's moat marvelous pollen tlog, who la the real hero of thn photonlny. It la a picture for thn entire fumlly to so It contalna, beHldos the universal ap- pial of any othor worth-while photo drumn, numnrou dlHtlnct fenturea that will endear it to the memory of its every beholder, Irrespective of age, sex or economic condition. Kvery member of every fumlly should vl4lt tho Fuse theater tonight buforo "The Silent Call" leaven. Seek Friend In Hour of Nsed "in tho hour of need we quickly aeek our bout friends," writes Chas. Sohrldd Ward de Wot, 957 7Urd Ave,, Oakland. Cul "our little boy and glr had a aevere dry, ranplng couub without ptilecm, a couuh thul chokes and flimhea thn fuce of tho aufforer like unto convulsions. . Foley's Honey and Tar Was n wonderful emeiaoncy rem edy." Cases like this give Foley's Honey and Tar Us reputation as the lieftl remedy tor oou$im ami !'. Arty. Charlie Chaplin at Page At tomorrow's matinee tho loB awnitod Chili-leu Chaplin picture, "The Idle Class." will open a four daya en aatfemeut at tho Faro theatre. Chaplin is been in a dual role, ns tho happy hobo, ever persecuted by the cops and then as a Denu Ilrummel. Whllo "The Idlo Class" In shorter than "Tho Kid,1 from hla first npixmrunce Chnplln gives tho slunnl for the laugh to start Kdtm I'ttrvlsncu and Mark Swain ar Heen In supiwrtiiiK rolea. A an nddod nttrnctlon, the theater 111 present Wanda Ilawley in a clever comedy romance of college1 rn called 'Thff Hnoh," Presbyterian ' Church Cor. Main and Holly. Rev. K. P. Ijtwrenc. minister. Illblu arboo 9:45 a.' m. Carl Prom- mer. aupt. Classes In Hible study for all axes. Morn I ok worship 11 a. m. Sermon, "Tho Flea of Evil." The first of a series on "Evil." Special music by mixed Quartet ns follows: Anthem. "I Was Ulad When Tboy Said I'nto Me," by Galbraith. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Topic Ood In Our Lives," Ool. 6:10-80. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Union with tho Christian church at their dedication service. Mid-weok aervico Wednesday even ing 7:30 p. m. Subject. "Man's Per sonal Need." Thn D. O. K. K. bond which is pre paring a aicUI number for thn Knight of Pyhltt Mlnatrel Khow, w hich l to appaar at tho Tuga thoater on Thursday and Friday evening of next wrik. 1 a permanent oritanlts tlon componed of the best band In struments in this dixtrict, all local men, but that does not mean that they are at all limited In mualt-al abil ity, and ail who hear them on this Oceanian will readily asrve to that. K. Wlbion V.'atto, the director of this band, haa been a ronaclentioua and rotiaUftant student of bund and orchestra munlc ever nines he .started atrusgllng with the local high achool band in the old daya at ihn old Wimh Ington school building, he hu had nplendld experience playing under competent musical directors In both band and ort-hemra. In local theatre and on the road with high cUuw mu- rl organluilona. uUo over two year's tn the" service of hi country during whlchc time ho did splendid work developing a hl,h clan military band. There are several member of this I. O. K. K. bund, w ho have hod many year of excellent musical train ing tn different part of the country. and huvo muds good at all time, but are now permanent resident of the Hogue lllver Valley from choice, and that insure a hieh grade permanent mualcul organization. The personnel of the band as It will appear at the I'uge on January 1 aud 20, la aa follows: Conductor K. Wlinon Walte. Clarinets Ed wards Chu. Hoot, Klutn and I'lcolo Ilobert Mcllveen. Herbert O. 1-aunnpuch, Wm. Straukc. Arthur Rowley. Cornets and Trumpeta Roll Fet ty. Iteg. Flfcr, W. O. Cormany. Wm. Campbell. during which time he did aplendid Horna Kdfc-ar Wight. T. A. Fifer. Herbert Clark. Trombones Ed. M. White. Jas. Chlsum. Harry llryant, Chet. Uaker. HarltdUt Oeorge M'endt. ttass Chester Wendt, Wm. Cas sidy. Drums, Tympant. traps and bells Knrl M. Robert. Ullnn Helnn. A recent sympostom (:r.-7tducted by J. Hanby, suprlntandent cf the Washington school regarding what thi .. : pupils of the school oonsidar make up I tho best teacher he attratsted connid- nrable attentt-jn among ' - edacators .throughout the country. The Hickory County Index published at IUrmitage, Mo., nxently printed tle fallowing article: The following are charactcrlatlc stAtemr.nts a?Kut tbe "best teacher" found by Mr. A. J. Hanby, Mndford, Oregon, in a study made of hw 2M children estimated the best t;aoiior: She had no potr. bhe was broad minded. The children felt ns it she was one of them. She always wautd me to b thoughtful. Her actions helped mo to better. Kb helped me! by Ler pure character. If you did not ' Kt your lessons, sfco was so sorry that ; It tniilo you ashamed. She ton St o Kreat deal of Intermt in us. Her man- ner seemed to glvo mo sn inspiration t3 work. She never punished tho pupil because she didn't foel Rood. Does not scold us one time, and then be good for awhile. Always meant she said. Always thought be fore she spoke. She don't feel satis fied when her pupils don't have a good lesson. I!y making things pleasant so I fell like working. She taught me to see tbe bright side of life. Shn helped by tnklng a personal Interest In me. bhe did not bave a beautiful face but a beautiful spirit. She always said, "try, try again and norer give up." She told us to face life squarely and do our I best. She helped me to get a better view of life. She helped me by saying, "A No. 1 EiMdlent." She helped me! to see what educstlon would meaa to me In after life. Her noble character and acts will always stay with me. Fifty different pupils used the expres sion, in some form: "She taught mo to bo self reliant." FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY U AKULAVD OREGON MKT) FORD I'bose 4 , -' ,.nun too MlOKFRH . Dnnioess OpportuaiUaS KaaluenB Leases Duelaaaa PartiMmililya No Charge for I.ktbig Tlesnrfs rrodscwil O ?( Tf Aft Transactions Absolately tXmfhlentist IHOI.VtliK OPI-OllTlJJUTlDi f not at If awful Dentistry a Life and Death Problem Tit oosdltlna ut roar teeth may mess a long life ei aa early : . - lodera iteaMstrx ioU'.n Uis Uchest rmak fa prsreatatlT ttieliclae. The crfjart tit a ld dentist saBst be to pmsjl tsasabto sad 'atsss BMWtli dlseaas. " Safer to Prevent Diseaaa . ' It luu Iwn proven that It Is better and m great deal cheaper to adopt niaaare for firo pceventloo thaa It Is to fight fires and . tain losses on that account. It Is safer and better also to adopt measure for the prevention of mouth disease. , ;iu01,, ,lf . Dentistry Insurance Against Diaeasa "'ZT' IMseaae lurk where bad teeth are found, and clcaallneaa rsivorid' ' be taught in the hornee and In the schools, and ht all industrial lav atltntion. Kvery mean ore should be tahea against month tf ttfrai Examination Free - FOR DENTAL DECAY SEE JOHNSON TODAY PAINLESS DENTISTS Dr. O. J. Johnson, Dentist 22S East Llaia St, oyer M. M. Dept. Start . Phone 663 Attention (k A. R. AH members of Chester A. Arthur Poet G. A. H., are requested to meet i at American Legion hall. Modford. I Ore., on Thursday, Jan. 19, 1322, at 12 j o'clock sharp for dinner and joint in-1 eUllation of officers of G. A. R. Post i and W. R. C. Ail veterans of Civil! War are invited. Ily order of j D. W. LUKE, Post Commander. 252 C. A. FARR, Adjutant. ' Notice of Annual Meeting Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of tho stockholders of Meridian Orchard company, an Oregon: corporation, has been lallad and w-ill be held at the office of said Company, at No. 7 West Eleventh street. Med- ford, Oregon, on the 14th day of Febru ary. 1922. at th hour of two o'clock p. ra.. that being the lawful time fixed therefor by the by-laws Of sail cor poration. Said meeting will he held for the purpose of electing directors, consider ing annual reports of officers and directors and the condition of the orchard property, revising by-laws, snd transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. MERIDIAN ORCIURD COMPANY. By Alan Bracktnrced, Secretary. 252 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE AND FARES Due to laws Imposing neary additional license fees upon an to' . stages and regulating the speed and operation thereof and which laws become operative January 1, 1922, it is necessary fa order to comply therewith that we make tbe following change In schedule' ' and fares, effective January 1, 1922. MEDFORD-ASHLAND STAGE Leave Medford for Asblsnd snd Ashland for Medford. dally except Sunday. Every hour on the hour from 7 a. m. to T p. m.. then 9:30 p. m. Also 8:30 and 10:30 p. m. Saturday only. Sunday Schedule Leave Medford for Ashland and Ashland for Medford every hour on the hoar from 9 a. a. to p.n., then 1:30 ' and 9:30 p. tn.. . FARES. Medford-Ashland 4S cents. 10 ride book. $$.00 Medrord-Talent or Ashland-Phoenlx 30 cents. 20 ride book $3.20 , Medford-Phoenlx or Ashlarid-Talent 20 centa. 20 ride book S3 SI Medford-Vorhtes. Ashland-Luke's Ranch. Phoenla-Talent or any " - ; short ride IS eeaU. 20 ride book $1.01 INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. . W. I LEWIS, Manager. asssmisJs r WOOD! CHAiJ. MILLER ! Anto Radiator. FrsKler. ajq klada of wood a right usgAssK USNU UU , tarsi U Mga tiering. Opposite Depot Fhooo lti rrossouj rmssi MEDFORD FUEL CO; I Mnr. Fte ad Ttrd First M. E. Church, South Cor. Main St. and Oakdnle Ave. W. J. Fenton, FaBtor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Dr. Franl Roberts, Preaching by Rev. R. T. Jacob of Portland, at 11 u. m. Mr. Jacob Is a yemng man of great promise, who waa licensed to preach Inst September. He Is also a good soloist, and will be asked to sing at the morning service. Rev. D. L. Coule of Los Angoles, will begin a series of meotings Jan. 29th. Dr. Coule is one of the general evan gelists of the Methodist church, South, and has hud great success at Corvallls, and other places In Oregon. There will be Kpworth League ser vices at 6:30 as usual, but no preach ing service at night, on account of the dedicatory service at tha Christian Church. MORTGAGE BURNING DEDICATION and HOME-COMING THE DAY LONG LOOKED AND HOPED FOR NOW SET January 15th Sunday, -i the day- ' ! ! -i!A..'.-,'HUlW J-Jl-'i First Baptist Church (Tho Friendly Church) North Central and Fifth Sts. 9: 45 a. m. Bible school; F. W. Mears, supt. Come with others Sunday. It a. m. "Christ and the Individual." Anthem, 8chnockor, "O Saviour of Mankind." Mrs. Watson, soloist. Soprano solo, Gounod, "Gentle Holy Spirit," Mrs. lach. Senior and Intermediate n. V, P. U. meet nt C: 30 p. m. Both societies are growing rapidly. Subject, "Ood in Our Lives." 7:o p, m. Union setvlcu nt Chris tian church; dedication nnd burning of mortgage, Monday 7:110 p. m, Glee club. Wednesday 7:30 p, ni. Second study in (toul winning. The Greatest Day in the History of the Medford Christian Church EMANCIPATION FROM DEBT THE DAY'S PROGRAMME 10 A. M. The greatest Bible school ever assembled in Medford. . 11A.M. Sermon "A Four-Side View of the Church" , -7:30 P. M. GRAND MUSICAL CONCERT AND DEDICATORIAL SERVICE. tfii i Public Invited Seats Free