MKUFORI) MA Hi TiUlUTNR MKDKONTV OK MOV. FN I DAY. .TAXUAtlV )X 1022 PACE BtX News of Jackson County j - i hi .i - i FLOUNCE ROjMIlS j AHUOCHMIS I thtnre nt Ch.up.vril ohixl h N'o'v Year's pvo which tit. I n it hreaSi nn till mo.t.l.ii; a .4 e-c-.-r; ouo lo:.l a ru n. tii jo.uihle timo, . Fred Cla:U and Frank K'ohir Is n are cuttan word on tlo Hd J. Yin-cut place. 'at v. f r :u Mo.U'ord, whore Mrs. keep thorn nil, sixteen, ill work r laid lc hud boon vul un le"v-ct.t ra op"r''' 'off seven or the o un I timed t work I IVU III l iV lT.;i'lnl. SlU' Wllj. v U ilAtlUl. TllO tlMUhol S-eilltl to I'.' tlltll t r way homo maV.t.K rh.:t drives, n-,thi coMpuiiy cannot mt men tu 8 t the. j lii.tltilttK here until Monday ttio:nlnit . t N-m out, how them out tf h trees! Uia who went tn tho mil ttlato n ivo it;i t unite then 7 Ml 1 1. by (. fur il o.j ili'i Mi" ! i'.;i v where sho ! Another tUlitsC that Is w,.nl,ln iiwahitt n-milncd over nUtst end tier husband ; tho rn'tpntiy U tlmt there l it lthul of en '.in hn, f i- ti te:im and n't'UH pMnnle going through, tin' country " Minima IlUJiarJion la vtalt'tm home flks. lie, lus. boon away :r gn time. Mr. ar.J Mm. Atklm of Eve-."i ranch have a big boy baliy.;r und u ar doing n'roly. Mr. and Mr. H. I'l r.ytn ' 'rn Now Tear's with Sir, and 'ts. 1.. C VeCay. titft. Manning n.l Mrs. IV tv.';. wore via ti-iR In th.'s part of ncU'.i b rhood Su:iJ:iy. The last few days h:ive be -u s sunny warn that n:o t ail of t'ie snow U goto afain. School commenced asahi Tuesday. Jan. 3, at pin. 6t, after vacatlm tor the holidays. Mr. Mid Mrs. Elmer Pa want nt!ea-.I-ed the New Year's danrc at T.ail; als avert Sunday visiting relatives at Trail. to McCay and Elmer O.iwson banled a lo.v.1 of lumher Thursday for MeCay'a new house. H-yt Smith. na!th Ptyt.-.n and Mr. Atkins wotit to Uwn Saturday. Miss Hazel Dltsworili and Mrs. Frauk Ditsw.rtU were plc-asiiut ca!!e;s at Mrs. Richardsin's Sundai". Hoyt S;nith t.tis, a caller at . Itoy ; Vaisghn's Kriday. j THE MODERN MOTHEK face .lrlleros far V.pyond those of hor.t Fhe honrt-lf irtiat li a rimh more rompot'-nt orsn, ttnt t lnlnR In one Individual. t!te duiios . hureo, cook, leather ar.d moral In "truetor. It la no wonder that many ecnrtflt ntloUH women break undi-r the fttruin. Kittl ti:itirthrs tlrati out a mlaerahio exisu-nee; always tiicj. yot' unaMe to take a day's vacation. Kuoh.' wor.ion will find the:ns lt t s l-!ifiiit'd ar.d their btirdvna matin ORslfK'liy 'the use of Ltla K. rink ham's VeifetaMe fompoan-.J. which win made far sufforins women, and does not fail to relieve them. WOOD Hrwt ktKM1 til alt kliuin Only mwl to 1 ctlf oiolrr nner 4Im hot ' ( ul ' Cnatat 111 off ear I VALLEY FUEL CO Mrs. Win. J-n ls of Metlf:)rd was out; last veok t visit her parents at Uuv i:ca;lu ivst ffiee. j Grsr.dra Unv.'tiin cf Trail, Is n Oj v:r.Jt tr. l.-.f. ,:.r.ii:iit t at Hea'e. 1. " ; rt'W. .' "iidtx-.I ti ."ii ni m o. e tha .:oa.:w l-'tMsy to !'v k a: ? .''v. tatl'e. . .r. pf.n'ry ai ! Tr il't v.rre cs' 'tr.: : t A". V. '"a-'itaa's this woek fr ;a v;.iK'e V y.nt. M-s. C'vra v.-n ant ding! tor Ella visited with Mm. R. . Moore Tuesy n?!ir rsp'.rt P-lrt. Mr. :id Mr. ITatold Sho k have r.:o ed un en tliel1- homestead. Mrs. Prower starte Frid aeeo n lianied by her three ttran 'sr.a t take them home to the father at Oakland. A da:ice was given at Mr. and Mn McK-i's Saturday t'.sht. A larga crowd was out Mrs. C. M. Conley and P. C. Cha man visited with home tolks Sunday. The Antl ieh Girl sewtas rltih Held their second nwvtiw; Satnnlay at Mr. and Mrs. Smith's. Miss Hurr as out from Medfird and the girls mado out their program for the year. Mr. ard Mrs. J. K. Glass, Mr. anti Mrs. l.ticus and Mrs. U?!ard attendeu the poultry dentoastratkm at Metlfjrd Monday.- Mosi of the a.' ta JaeKssn county tre their stiite examina tion with the exception of Aatioeh which win take theirs in May. Mr. TrcwhrMsa of Meilford, Is stay-t-.iK with Frank Klehardsoa and FreJ Clark. . Konjrers wnue at t;ie oanre at jie Kim's found their horse had broken loese froia the end Kane homo. Mrs. C M. Conley took thent home. Jo? I.a-.vro.c? Mynatt are at tending school at Actloctu Ea Inlow and Krma Olass dise"n ti.iue 1 seh'l on account of had roads. Anticch school will hive the lumber sent o.-.t next wtek. for basketball racks. C. C. Sanderson was (Mug Itu.-'iaess ia Central Point and Medford Satur day. Mr. Febrean's two daughters are now going to the Actiocn school axain as school at Table Koek ia discontin ued. A very large crowd attended the TRAIL HEMS ffVi te h few i WARNING ! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Toothache Earache Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Meuritis Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer"' package which contains proper directions. luuidy "Eayer" hoses cf )2 tallcta Alo li-t .ii s tf 21 a-.l 1 J'J PruggUU. The si:r: r!fo oa Mr. and Mrs. Joe "all Saturday night was n gre t etvi. 'A largfl rro"vd atteid d a -,-.:t t ho'g dancleg ind r-lr.y-gam All report a fu'.n i'.m" :.'r. r.a,t.da o und f;':r.i'.y were San- .'r.r p-ro.' at the Poolo honio. "jyn. A.tb .re-tt tho woek end 'th HuTitrothcr Powurd, r.nd family. K'k Crr?k. . M", C. Matthews la vlsltlns Pan 'VM or a"d far'Uv. V.- u-d 1-r . C. Pr'.t--:ieit a"d far My v! itod Satt-.rday and Pttrd:y a" tao Hall's. !rv!n Hone and Penrll Middle-:-.-.--h.-r wera Medford callers Wed- .-Lt-rd.iy. 1'erry Thornton of Per.'rt wen' it oa the tattn Saturday for a few v.tioks' visit with friends In the val ley, j There was a good attendance at church Sunday. ' Mrs. Klloa Albright tt Medford Is rl-lt'r.R her old home near Trail thli week. 1! Ach Jr . wife and daughter Pot M relnrnod to their place oa Klk Creek, which they are rui'iuiy l;u-' i-roving. Mlsr Ineu vTletrs retarned home Wedne-day nCtfr -iitteotl'tig th Ttaohor's assoclatioa at Portland. She n!t--o visited rulatlves. She re--oMd haviiiii had a good tlma while oa her visit. K.-ra Whitloy went to Medfcrd on a bitr'noss trio Saturday. Pecetaber. SI, mnrnins to his place at Persist Wedaestluy. ! Fred Sturgts wnt after caul.- Mon t"ry, Sth. returnins t'a B-jie diy to h: home. Elmer Slvey. Haiei Pattl Saiulo', "eter Swidoz ware registered for et r.minat'oiis to he held r t t'lk Creek ,-l;o' hotf-e January 12-13. Elmer Ivey and Hazel Pence were registered to tave the com"lote c'jthth grade examinations. Paul San do and Peter Sandor wi'l take ex aminations in physiology, as tbey are In the 6th and 5th grades. j George Trusty went to town Sat urday, January 1, and returned Mon-: day. Sth. He has also traded his old ''nrd for a newer model, which H a 1921 model It aeecta to run very, nicely. j , Mr V". Wilt!s of Persi't was la: this vieinitv looking for cattle Sun .(jiy. January; 8. The Miller hoys liava bought the Meepi;r cabin and have been wrec-k'n? it. and hauling the lumher tj the'r rlao for a barn they intend to build. . t Mr: 1. M. Miller returned hoxaa last eek after visltlag la Medford. , ' t'iande Morfre, wife and baby, were visiting P. E. Sandoz and family Sun day, the Sth. . i Klmerlvey spent Sunday afternoon' vklting the Sandoz boys. Whitley has built an addition! to h's house. . George Hall made a trip down F.Ik Creek road with aa empty barrel In his wagon the other clay. Pon't any body come up this way till we find out what Is In It. Ho claims it was hot air. Someone will have a hard time drinking hot air. t to Ue her the re-it of t't Mr. Coalov report ho had 1 1 It't sawiil-l b:vk ti Mr. liik iili.l W'th the d"ll amo sold ".').' (eet t ftHn'.ir. u:n;t-. That whin he buinht the mill front Mr. lU-ik h- nliui-ly I ought It to. iS'.t: o t!i Clark eroek and lu vor.y. rf t'le nsen who have boon mKim lift havo tii n on the slek lint nnl hii'l to lav .ff n thai tu-eiunt. .Hut ie live Pi h ); that when the oiithor chuigot antl the s iniihlii'' .eotiioH la-k that we will nil 1 nprove In health, In foaling, itnd that the eotk Public Is Amazed at Continued Enormous Demand for; Tanlac MINNESOTA DCKERS FOR HUGQ-BEZOEK vtater t1h, that Mr. Hawk haj moved ' will prtntrowj tl'tht aloait. j the o:l!l ctuo tho traet of ll-uher he I tWrgo W, Averld of Itouud Top, Id to hl:n and I sett fit ready 1 1 eut Untie Kalla iHtHtoft'ltH', came In Monday I la-nK-r in oarnest. tilght on hi way t i Mn if.rd and apent llev, H. U. Adarui Hiar'ed un 1 1 the i l :ht at tho Hunnyldrt. p.-v. iel irv o:i Sunday morning. Thtvdn-e Flu-ev, a bKtthor of our U prt.iih, the poaple no there hut towisa'aa, A. J. Flnov, wan a html-, w is pit ked un ntnl t-tkoit en U his dot- tie ti caller the flrtil of the week. , ! t!-,ia:ha and attor atur.:.t nt: gundny Mrs. M. K. PlchanUon, llvenitt Ah ,h l p;va h'tl t an attentive cm- b'tt and llitny llorrfo d wore it o greititiou of abuit 30 po.tplo. returning gers en the Unite Palis atase Tuesday la the ufto;noc-u In BUout the same morning on their way to thlr homes way. walking and ridrn; tr.trhod his la Put'e Kails and vicinity, nxnn In tl:no f.r mpper ant then Mr, Phlpps wh owns a farm and Punched here at 7;Uft p, th. to a fair orchard four rr,fle mllos north t-f f'-.'el etirgresatlor. H wl'l b at Vetltonl n:n l.i nga-d In the aheep l:-.ttti Kails next Sunday with Itev. V. husliipts t n limited extenl, was here . . Unlet and they exjie.'t to hold aer- t the Muskoff ranch to recover n few vlfoa there all of the fallowing week. hsd of aheep he lout tin tho road and Sunday evening Goo. l.ewla, I.onUt had tieea eared f ;r by Mr. Muskoff. Marton and Aden Ha.tolton came In for : ('has. It.-fiwne. representing Leslie, ntpi-er. Uiitlne Co., Nnv York, wai hero for J. H. Cooley. euo of the big lumber dinner Tucs lay. I dealers of Medf rd, ea-ne out mid ttKik Porn. t tho wife cf J. P. Antes, d'nnor on Ms way up t Ids ranch and foreman on the Ktlgell orchard, Jan. 11 orchard. ' a fine baby Iny. j There have tein and tiro In-lng ma le ' 1 several Important business clinngea In our littlo town. The first of note Is tho trnnsfcr tif the obi 11. Gmrer place that- has eliaMed hands several times rlnce It went out of hi hands, and now Mr. Muskopf, the List oner. i has 'IsSKisml of It to one of the Mod- j ford attorneys. Mr. Newman, and Mr. Muakopf after soiling out his farm' oetod a hnuse bet mglr.t; to a Mr. Mc-; Q told of Oakland and en preparing t . !isovo into It was no. titled '' the r.gout here, Mr. Wot. Perry, that the property I-r. 1 been s.'M t Pre I Tit irn a and that he would have ti hunt another It ime, uo his next move was to lnte view Mr. Schlelily. our scb-Kil Janitor, ." succeeded In rotit'ag his house, where he Is living, ail he Intends ti move into the house with James Jor dan, and by hating twn ell widowers live together auc.-eedud in arranging biulruss as to kwn all parties here la our town. The next move of Interest is a deal whereby Wm. Vou der IItl;en hna sold his hardware and dru? st'ire to our other hardware man, Hoy Ashoolu and Thomas P. ,'lho!s. nnd they will con s 'lldute the lo hto .ks of g:Kids and carry cn the biinlnc!s in ti e old Von t'er Hellrn building an that wert wlt't the goods and fixtures. .Vtr. Von der Pollen has n;t ghen'out for publlea-' tloc fiis plans for tha future. Last wex-k the train on the P. E. rallnad had considerable trouble try ing to hauljles over ttfe road to repulr the weakest plare .h tha road and the result was "that tfts section b-iss, Mr. Whaley. discontinued oic rations on tho road on Thursday afiernoon with tho ttnderstandiiig , that they w.MiiId resume work "'tijaln Monday, and aone of the mrn who savj homes in Medford went homo and returned Monday morning to b InformeJ that there was a Berious nhortage of tied and that they had had trouble In get ting them down from Putto Falls and that they would have to lay off until Tuesday, so Tuesday morning canto and the section bits informed them that he could not get ties enough to MlN?en.rot.?J. inn. U.-A group of nlomnl of the 1'nlVernlty of Minne sota tdiy were reprld to le eon fdtlerlti wh:if.tep junv ti taken to feeure the serMoes of Huitn lletdek, atliletk- dln-t-lor nt lYnn 8tut na head fooitmll cttnt-h at Mlmiemitn. Ho Hi Itudok and Kred Puehrtiig, uth-tell.- jtlivtler at the I'ntvopilty of Mlnnt-sotH late -etrrday ouiiiludfd eonferenois wl:h Ltitus I. Cuff man, prrNlilent of the university. They lift for their home without any do rlHlons being rent-bed. It In wild. RED PEPPER FOB GOLDS IH CHEST Eave your tight, arhins elicit. Step 1 the pain, prck i!p tht cooitcukiii. Feci ', a had cold looscu up in juh a short time. "Krd Prpper Fub" is the eo!J rem-' nJy that brings nuickcit relief. It cannot- hurt y-ni and it cenamly seems to ' end the tightness and drive the tonges"' tion and soreness right out. Nothimf has u:h "concentrated, pefi Ctrjt.iiK licat at rd pepper t, and w;-n l.rr.t penetrate riht down into tylih, roicsiion, aihini( riutlt and sore, ttifl joints relief comri at cure. The moment y-u apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. lnthre fninotri the congested spot is warmed through and through. When you are uffenng from a cold, rhctimatiim, harkache, stiff neck or sore mutcles. jnt get a jar of Kowlc Ktd Pepper Kub, made from red pepperj, at any drug store. Vou will have the quicVe- relief known. iVtiplo All Over AinoricA Want tu -Know What Is lVhinil tho lMirnnmoiml Sut'ct'ss of This Prt'pant t it.ii That Makes It tho v WnrM's (In-atcst Tonif. fy after day the nuentlon U being ukkeii all over th Culted Htntes and i .ina.iii What ts the reiimma for the phenomenal success er TanlaeT Why do w hear so muoh about tt T and. Why do Tannic sales keep increasing every yrnr, when other medli'lnes seem to haven ahort-llvsd piipulartty and ni-tt then forsottenT lh nnttwri Is lniU suouth. Ths test of lime has proven tu people all nver the American continent that Tnulae always produces luont grntlfy' lug result und that the roomi knbls relief II In hiss seem to be more per tiiiinent than ner before tvllevetl poa. tdldo. Tene nf thounnutls of persons, every where, who took tt when It was first Introtluoetl elx you m alio, report thut they me Mill eiiJo.vltiK excellent health and millions of American homes are mW unllllf TStlliu" US til" laililly Itletll vine after first trying It out thor oughly und petK'lnliii It iho World's tlreuttwt Tonle. Thousands of men and women of all awes and in all walks of Uf afrilcted with atomai h, llvrr and kidney dUr (lorn, riimt of them of long standing, well ns thoueauds of wenk, thin, nervous men and women apparently on the verge of collapse have teMtlfled publicity that they have been fully re stored to thi lr norma! health, strength and weight by Its wm. still ethers, who seemed fsrtly well, yet who suffered with Indlges tlun. hendtiehes, shortnena uf breath, Olxy siieiN,' smir gswty stomach, coat ed tonsne, foulnem of bresth. ronatl pntlon, bad completion, tons of appe tite. aleepleaeneM at night and terri bly dejeetad. lit pceJietl fiwItiiRS. stats that they have been rntlriljf relluved of thene dlntretiHliig SJ inptotns Slid rs Stored to health and happiness by Inking Tunlac. Tanlae has tyivtr been Rdvertlevd ns a eure-nll or tha It would 'perform unheard of wonders. The advertising bus been clean, elrtilgiittorwsrd und coitHcrvuilve, Actuiil fie tn and fig ures have been ntnlrd ana Misled In a true, buuliu-M like way that hus com tunuded the confidence of all In tho ronsc rvatlvu clnlms set fulth, , Tho emirmnua demand for Tsnl'trt Is due to merit alone, for no amount of advertising would continue to sell any urtlele Unit does noj pomon real merit, I'nleHs full value umltnUyH the article atPertlaitd, the advertlalng will ultimately fall of Its own Weight. "You can fool sumo of the people some of tha time, but you can't tool all Of the people all oft he time." Tsnlno tin been well advertised, It is true, toil such a large and rapidly gtw-ln demand rnuld not be brought about by advertising alone.' II Is what the people themselves aayt hat eotin.e. One He-til of Tsnla. Is sold In a tielshborhood throush advertising, but ton more are mild In thut ui.e cntnmunltv as it result of the sale of that first holllu and that 1 5 why Tan Inn lias succeeded. People lire ulw'i'.S willing t talk about .their sllmeiite. but they are tnrv tlfnit slid to nit other cf the inedlelue that helped them. P Is something they cotiltl luit keep 10 themselves If they .tried. 'f ths lntpil to sympathise with your fellow man and Want to helo him s one of tha atrungeet, as well as one f the blugeat, things tit htiiimn nature. That ia the reason why the people of every section of ths L',nlt4 Mtates and Cunndn. havs heconie to speak of Tahlnc as the World's tlreateat Took. And that la ths ruon why the dt nmntj fr this rentarkaMe madtoln has grown tn such proportions that H U almost Impnaiabls to' keep dealers supplied. v . Tii nine and Tanlae Vegetable Pills are sold by tha Wrifl Hld phamaey and by leading driigstHts ever where. , Adv., Card Index Outfits , n : - 1 . Tot All Purposes J :c it .'.Ml 1 i:t Cooking Receipts .... and Office Use . MedforH ; Book Store N. Cenlral Bt. t vX.'V roil nnr.ARF.vfiT, pinnkii. ht. Pf lt, f-I.AIN ' t..TI:il rJASlK wit'irf . rt nniNf;. v " ANV TIMKt ANY VAYt Kat Hltt-IAIK 1 i Hread la your Peet Food Bat mors Of It. You can eat alio after alios of It when Ita re.tlly gnud bread with tha tempting qtiallly that eome frnii) ail pur Ingredients. That mon NUT-BROWN BREAD Tho ail par dstf PEERLESS BAKERY Ask your dealer for NUT lnOW .' . .i .a.i UJLMI.UJ.JIJIIg EAGLE POINT EAGLETS lj LO, alowl.ts - Start the New Year Right Get up oh time. It's hard, I know, but with the assistance of cne of cur Alarm Clocks you will get ycur full amount of rest, and be on the job on time. "V Call 414 for the time. Alway3 welcome. Fay E. Diamond Jeweler. Saturday evening Mra. Joseph Gep lert of Butte Falls, came in answer to a telephone call from Medford and took sapper and went to Medford la orHer to be at the he lslde of her little grandson who was reported to be very sick at the time. Fred Thomsen also called and took j supper. j Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Conley of Potto j Falls came out on the Sunday morning EAT LESS AND Mr i ; SALTS HBt KtDNEVS 1 1 Take t g'aet of Salti before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers yon. : CHANGE OF SCHEDULE AMD FARES U Due to laws Imposing hetvy additional licence feo3 upon auto ;.-stages and regulating the speed and operation thereof ar.d which llaws become operative January J, 1522, It ia necessary In order to -comply therewith that wa make the fo'lowing change in schedule and .fares, effective January I, 1022. j ' 5 ' MEDFORD-ASHLAND STAGE Leave Medford for Af.hland and Ashland for Medford. dally ,' except Sunday. Kvery hour on tho hour from 7 a. m. to 7 p. rn.. then , 9:30 p.m. Also 8:30 and 10:30 p. m. Saturday only. Hundny Schedule Leave Medford for Ashland and Ashland for ; Medford every hour on tho hour from 9 a. ni. to 5 p. m., then 6:30 and 9:50- p. m. t I-'Alll-'S. Medford-Ashland 45 cents. Medford -Talent or Anhlnnd-Phoenlx 80 eonta. Meiltord-Phoonix or Ashlnnd-Taleat 2 0 cents. Modford-Vorhlos, Ashlnnd-Luke's Hanch, Phoenix-Talent or any short ride 13 roots. 2" rde book f 2 00 1NTERURBA.N AUTOCAR CO. W. P. PKWIS, Mntiaci'r. 20 ride book $5.00 20 ride book $3.20 20 ride hook $2.50 finI vif"M miigf gitard const. because we et too much and all our food ii rich. Our blood ia filled with nris acid which the kidneys strive to filter cut, they weaken from orerwork, become sluggish; tho climinatire tissues clog sad the result is kidney trouble, bladder , weaVrcss and a general decline In health. : Vhea your kidneys feel like lumps of had; your back hurts or ths Urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you ars obliged to ecflk relM two or three times . during tha nifrht; ii you suJIor with sick , lioaiWbo or diiay, tierrous spells, acid stomach, or you rheumatism when ths weather is bad, g"t from your phar macist atout four ounces of Jsd fcalts; ! Uke a tablespoonful in a glass of I sater before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act flni.J This famous salts is made from ths acid ' of grapes and lemon Juice, combined srith : Utbia, aud has been' used for generations . to flush sad stunulsts cloT(jed kidneys; to neutralize the acids In the urlns so it , no longer is a souroo n( irritation, thus ' endina bladder disorders. I Jul halls is lDC.Tp(!nf.lyej cannot In- iitre, uiui n aengiurui euorvneeiit : itlila-water beverage, snd Iseloegs in , overy borne, because nobody can mako s mistnks by haviiig g good kidney flush-! iug anj titus, j LICENSES' Wc will furnish free your 1922 licenses on used cars pur-i ; chased from us during January Our cars are in fine condition, ready to run anywhere anytime, and are priced light. Large assortment Fords Overlands Chevrolets - ; Maxwell Oakland - ' Trades Carefully Considered Studebiaker Chalmers Time Payments s i ne Jtsusy corner Motor (Jo Main and Riverside Streets Medford, Oregon eWieiilueeii'ui''WujeiM ieBaeaej4BeKdkMMMMBvieeM