PAGE FOUR jrEDFORD MAIK TRIRT7NE. . " . - 1 '. ' .-I ILL . J-l'-.Af'-J I V1 medfoih? oreciox. Friday. . .t.vnuativ m. m: Wedford Mail Tribune AN INDFI'ENDKNT NKWSI'ArKlt X'VUUKMKI) MVKKV AKTKIIMWX KNKCPT HITNUAY HY TlIK i 1 MKDFOKK l'KINTl.NU 'U. THE CUP AND THE LIP AGAIN. i VPF.RFICIALLY.Mlio lefe;it of Uriuml may he rev':u1eil ns a de- ' foil of French imperialism. For at the Washington conference Tho M-.ifor.i f"1"!: Urintiil niiule ;m iiniuisMoned plea for the retention of France's lmce uonn'rii ut'slrlnK u ni'iou un uunj . i 1 timmiMT. ' jFtamiiiifj iiriny, and under his direction, the so-called I'-Hont threat office Mn.ll Trlbime IluMillne. Sti-iT-L'S ot VWlmiti i,,n.l. North Fir street. l'liono I... ....v. .....v.,, A conoll(lntlnn of the I vmooralioj Tribune, Hie Southern DreKoulun, Awliltinil Tillnint). ' KOHK.HT W", llinil, lM'tor. Kf.MlTKK S. SMlTlt, ManiiK.r. Knt such is not the case. lirinml is, comparatively spenkincr. a pa- Tiino,. the Mertforo o "a;VJ',;;,.J';-Jflr1 c!fi and liberal minded statesman. IVincnre is the fire eater, and his accession to power, means more trouble in Europe rather than less. Of course, the battle is not over. Jriand was not hcnten, ho unit. There is reason to believe that luu'i he insisted, upon -.a vote of eonl'i ilenee, he would have secured it. . ' .' ' ' .,''" Hut exieri need politician that, ho is he saw the hand writing on the wall. II realized the only hope of ultimately defeating the impo under the leadership of INjiucuire, has been hot on his trail these many months, was to put them in power. France is temperamental. Actions and reactions follow with eon- 1 PBSCXIFTIOK TESUt! . HY M.Ut, In Ailmlie.-: i PMIv, with Knmlay Sun, ynr 7." ' Vullv, Willi jiuMav Sun. rionth ..T JiMlv, without Sumlny Sim. var ... .? I'nUv, willimit Smuiny Sun, inmiili ,r, Wm-kly Mall Trllmiio. n .v ar. .... ?.'' tiiln.lqv Vt,l ft,,., ..',r i ItO rtv c -a iui ik it- in M, I ..tnrkH'iiivlUe, IVntMl IVInt, l'tini'iiix, j sit loll, W'h" , . nu ll i . Hull v. with Milium? Sun, innntlv . .,5 , llly, without Siimlny Sun, inor.lii Illy. without Suinl.iy Sim. y, r ? f' 1.llv Kllk StMi.lnv Sun. ,. Vtsil &.S0 ah uriiw i.y ciirrier, c..!i in mix j fnsing regularity. The host liopc for liand. aud the best hopo for official paper of the my r i i ranee lies in n reaction n.cmmt IV.tieniro Sworn 1ily nvernire circulation for Blx month rmltnir Oct., lstl. 3115 Kntereil as ec n,1 class mutter Ht . Medforil, Oregon, under tin; act of Marcii . 1T!. SIEMIIKUS OKTHK ASSiVlATKO PHKSS. The ARXoclate.l Tn-ss ! exclusively entitle,! in the iife for retmhheailon of nil newn (lltipalvlie crilltel t 11, er not otherwise enillie,l In this'r. an. I fclno the Irtoal n. un puii.mtieii lit t. -in. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? Aimwcr til Momtit)' tjtii'titli'iixi I ! Wlii'rn illit tli iilil-fiMliliuinit i . i .. i i ...... .it ill er ' niiiiiirmi' otmimue ; aiii. in rrnnev, 1, Wlial In the. uSionit telHtoti lit the neck 'f nnln.:ils enllej? I, Ave there mote penile In Oh I cnire th.iit iti the intlie tuito ot W'ia convlii? 3. Where wits the f li ft wifvtv r.nnr mmle? 4. Wlun wiis i ih nanw gnuollne eoineiK t. W'hnt me "the nix ile ot ilonnt' S... Aiv luissiiorta lisucil ti) (lfr mnny now? , i. Dlil xhti KniiuuiH Invent., their 5. 1! Iouk li.n It lieen inwslMe to t ills Irem New York to Sun r'run-clsen? 9. Wteit It the leimth of n Mmul- iilleil the veitiw? Wlmt In the xeeoint InrweMt rlvr In North Atlierleit? Aim. 'Hi" Mm" keiulu, !. Whnt In (.'OiieKlotfy! Ant, H In n jietllniee or llt of itin extoin or a Bliulv of fanilly hlHinry, 3, What line KemliirmeH menu? (im. The wuril oieiiiiM men nl -tu imi. i. How nuitiy r,eiieriiiliii i' there to n eontur) ? Aim. A KeiK't"-! tli.n li flsiuieil nt iU yeiirs, mere jielntS three to n century. C. What Mini of liulr cm Is I he ensiext? Am. I'lnt half t'tit'ln vai.ler than I'otiml hnlr, ' C. Who wa the li"'lll''iittiil eamlHlAto nf the. uhl Whin 1'iiity? Aiii, tlernnil iM-mt. , T, W'l.eie In halt the woihl'i Mtip .ply "f llt'lil leeiireil ? Ann. Half the WiiiIiI n mipjily of r.ohl It Heetireil In Afiieii. S, What unit of a. iyt.itiil li Ann. The t,iMiiot Tho Rl(jnntloo Fvr, M ANIt. i Jan, ll.-TIm Neniiln or tlio riillli'i'lnet inlopiivt rcHiilnilriiin f" il;iy roilli'tlttlK MiilHH l L)lli-tiilt to ftlth ilntw M.H rmlKiintton a:t irelilem or tlml body tvtiteh ho toti.lerml ht it Tuet ilny,' It l.'t hiiIiI Hint yuoi ui mity clile ht leiiiiilu In orri.-e ihnliiK t'n tuvHcnt hi':iIoii, whti'li will clotio tievl IllOtlltl, tint stet I tail? Id. which mate In tho union nro dueea tho most li;.1i'T I'lirt. 9. What In tho firework eaiUit? clini.e of l;iiiklni; Ann. t l olaohuy. With Meilfoiil Unite lx Meiirntil nmrtr CHERKO CHIMES t isti x i.Aiurs! I riMilly rim't toll nil it tilHiiit, Hilt If Willi y uho It, you won't tut lllllionl. Wo tun Miiily )ou, won't rout nitjr ntou, x Jut tinier It liroimlit, ilglit tip ! jniir tlntir, Chcrro Flour A Special Hard Wheat Blond $2.25 a 49 lb. Buck nt your grocer (Til tiff eoiillnned I ; . Such an outcome, however, is doubtful. France todav is tho strongest, power in Europe In addition to her well-cipiipped and! well-trained army, she has a military alliance with l'uland, dugo-Sla-via, and probably other states near her borders. Franco has the power to pot what she wants. And just now she wants the control of Kurope. flint such lender- sliltl i-on,l lilt iiiintt.k- iv. .l-i,, l.V.,1,,.., ..,,.1 ......... ....... All Helim of r..m,l,lic:iu.m .,f M-.x-ial ' " ' " k uicm ii.vm i. iUpmeiie herein ere h!o r.s. rvi. international pood will, seems lilain to distant observer, but. roin- catro and his followers can t see far enough ahead for that. The situation is serious. What seemed a great victory for Llovd George only three daysago, is now eloquent proof of tho high accident percentage between the cup and the lip. - . Unless a miracle happens, chaos and confusion' in Kurope must continue for some time to come. ' . , ) Ye Smudge Pot . Bf Arthur Perry. ;Th House in fijjtiHnt? on iavestigat- "1ng the Salvation Army activities in i Frtince. Tbe sons ot Runs pave the j soldiers doughnuts with holes in tliem, ' and set a bad precedent for a morej ramiered organization by gcttins as far up in front as anybody. The Sal vation Army is guilty of nothing ex cept accomplishing something. Quill Points The quickest way to rcdiiee the overhead is to gel a good case of dandruff. ' A full moon rose majestically over Roxy Ann last eve, and was approxi mately 11 ft. across the face. Had a nimble heifer been cn the summit, be could have leaped over It. In a four-power concert, Undo Sam can furnish a skilled staff for the wind instruments. Even- time the German marks jro down, the easy marks who' oougtit era Lave a sinking spell. Another bank cashier has disappear ed, as bank cashiers sometimes do, and $100,000 odd dollars went with, hint. The Institution is in Kansas City 1 HUH lUU UUitlU VI UJirnuiB a The only loud-mouthed individual who isn't in danger of making an ass of himself is the mule. ! I ! ;, j;: :: . - ' ; ... Vork h.ird and save vour moiiev nnl then mni. ii: vote ofhans fr leaving tte Interior tuced and talk al)0ut Uie 80rdidneS!, cf money make rs can be cul- ' Autoists have discDvcrei . a new 11 "e impossi.,,0 to maiio gold out of base metals, but some port White looking backwards, they men. know the. art of making moner out of base ingratitude fool the Espee, by leaving a doubt . . .,, ... , ,. , ... . j ,,,, r whether they are going to hit the; ' . i . engine or the gallant crossing watch-' mere are girls who can fool everybody, iand t!ien tiiere are girls man. The only risk 5n tho game i4 the who have small brolhcrv ('. . - .. .. , probability of being inartlstlcally ex-, ; " ' ' '' blbited on the roof of tho exhibit building. - i i f i AGE BRINGS WISDOM. w 11F.N I was young I plied my tongue with thoughtless, wild itbandon: I worked bv steam, there was no theme I wouldn't take a stand on. I lectured loud to every crowd, I thun dered and orated; I sprinkled words until the birds were scared and emigrated. I'd criticise the learned and wise, and ronst the useful voter; I yipped ttnd yelled as though propelled by twin six V-type motor. I knew it all, with splendid gall the public I instructed; I thought this land would soon be canned, iiulcst by rue conducted. The people groaned, the people honed to end me and my chatter, and, seeing red, they wislu-ii my load wen' serv ed upon a platter. And in my walks, quite often, rooks would spoil my Sunday beaver; and maddened .skates would leave, their gates and chase me with a cleaver. And wearied hicks defaced with bricks the map that nature gave me, and in it sweat the village vet with liniments would lave inc. Ymilh disappears, and passing years bring wisdom to a critter; I bear the boys kick up their noise, and I send forth to twitter. In poi I sit and gently knit, my time worn thumbs I twiddle, and they who praneo and yell and dance must pay the guys who fiddle. j .n . -wtiw .a.j.. v . t" j .AZ." .-vi- Quality m Hi r i p . r-V 1 i' that's the Reason for the ever Rrowlnfc popularity of Albers Flapjack Flour. Makes light, tasty hot cakes. Order a Package Your Grocer Recommends Albers quality Albert Flapjack Flour Curtail if ltd rriosntj ttf limit imuta vtulf (OKIiaa. IT LOOKS LIKE THE " LADY WA HUNGRY . . . . (Eugene Register) . .. "Dear Miss Page: When a youag lady one of only passing acquain tance looks at you with softened eyes, or a sort of busted, puppy dog look, what Is the signification? Is this glance natural In some, or 1 It 'artificial?' Is it a new fad? A Young Man Dyin' to Know." The Portland Journal commands the jr. sen from Ore. to resign, which will be the . first "thing he does tomorrow morning before breakfast, even if it throws 38 cousins out of jobs. . .... . ., -v writer suggests that -we ridicule war,out of existence.- Huh. ju doesit affect a mail uho is hot on the trail of profit. A feminine -writer complains that modern, servants feel superior to their environment. This is .especially true of public servants. Driving a bargain is much like driving a car. You simply look out for your own interests, ;ind and let tlw other fellow take care of himself. " The resignation of Premier Brlanrt of 'Franco surprised the world, also Mr.Uriand. The soldier hanging' charges so far have proved nothing excent that a spanking machine for upstart officers was needed. There were any. number of gold strliied mental weaklings, who used the Great War solely as an ex cuse f be JUnimdont to their civil lift superiors, "- without ' getting knocked down. : . r ' Paul Koch was up at Urightwood last Friday peddling out beef. (Ore gon City Enterprise.) Probably bull. WHAT'S THE IDEA . .' -(Corvallii Gazette-Times) FOR TRADE 6-cylinder car with , New paint for cattle. Lester R. Smith, phono SF11. - u i ' v.i-.. ; : I J. Kort HaU is wearing a hat built I on the same lines as the one worn by ' the male vamp in the equestrian quar ; tetter' " " '" " ' t Senator Truman Newberry retains his seat. His friends spent money like they were enforcing the Prohibition law, Note to Lonesome Nell For Heav en's sake reveal your Identity, and stop a tidal wave of poetry, aimed at your corr. . A WEAK LUNGED 4D ; 11 , (Albany Democrat) The ladles' aid society mot at Mrs. Horner's place Tuesday, and organized. They are busy and have eight quilts ahead of them. A Tortland man came home unex poctedly on purpose Tues. eve and j found his wife serving dinner to anoth i er gent. The affinity escaped with a i meal, and the wife shot herself j when upbraided lor wasting food. rt?l sr-iv ? X &. .: - dial ITOGrjt BY 7 7 Provided you get one bad egg from us we will, on your returning it, give you two for it. (Ad KlumatU Herald). Business la business. i pwc who curr scars fcive the bst advce "f" fn o good-Jookiri niiVjj woWti tkcre are tv ' cxkis i-ootc. the. longer - J i ii. z tKej xria ntilK-TOfcri. ( i j. i. ii i . j 'I i " f yowr cars ar-e -make yout- conyersih shor-t . iorv i , ... . . . cc3 own. aotomobi I5 nd una IL- X4- - - y ' I f) hhemvelves invited fco. n'ie. l-;wi nw wKo Jos jvs work j "to dc boss j, O'-M V K' X V-- v verytfiiri Js 6ood tn. modzrtiort' it is ike cveraa$t that plays the devil, ..X At I nai-ryin' 15 easier tha-n. - " 1 1 , . .. V V t 't fVfen's Suits Styieplus and Society Brand Suits $25.00 $21.85 $30.00 $26.50 $35.00 $30.65 $40.00 .1 . .... .... . $35.00 $45.00 ............ $39.85 $50.00 ....... ... .. $43.75 Overcoats Just a Few Left 15 Per Cent Discount On AH of Them $19.50 Coats .$15.00 $25.00 Coats $19.50 $27.50 Coats $23.35 $30.00 Coats ..... . .$25.00 $35.00 Coats 29.00 $60.00 Coats .$40.00 Boys' Suits Johnny Tupants Suits for Boys. The Suit With the Extra Pair of Pants Special lot, $13.50 values at $9.85 $12.50 Suits $11.25 $17.50 Suits .....,..$15.00 $18.00 Suits $13.50 $18.00 Suits $16.20 $22.50 Suits . ...$19.50 Flannel Shirts $3.00 value $1.98 Blue or Grey Work Shirts 69c Men's Mackinaw's $7.95 Men's Canvas Gloves . lOc Part Wool Union Suits $2.48 Boy's Flannel Shirts $1.48 Outing Flannel Night Shirts $1.23 Mixed Wool Socks 25c Boy's Mackinaws $5.95 Cotton Ribbed Union Suits $1.39 Men's Dress Shirts 98c Men's Duck Coats $4.95 Men's Jersey Gloves 20c Men's Sweater Coats $2.50 Men's Handkerchiefs 9c Boy's Wool Sweater Coats $2.65 Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY ENTRANCES ON E.' MAIN AND, N. CENTRAL MEDFORD, OREGON - Wool Shirts or Drawers . $1.98 Cotton Shirts or Drawers ' 75c Moleskin Coats With Collar $7.95 . Boy's 5 Overalls 98c Boy's Flannel Blouses $1.19 4 t Leather Vests - $12.50