PAGE EIGHT " - MEninOKD LVn; TRmiTNE. MEDFORD. ! OREGON'. THURSDAY," .TANTATJY 12. lf)22 GOODATTENDANCE AMD INTEREST AT ARM IKS Interest' in the Farmer Weelt eoa Rlotsa oontinuMi unabated at Ui public library ball, and there was full boon attendance all day yesterday. " Ken Interest "was shown ta tb.etre m ct Irrlffatkm 'principle by Vrat. Powers of tha O.' A. C. Profitable irrlKatlon depends upon many factors, the speaker showed, and the Impor tance of crop rotations, stable manure and commercial ferUlliera was dis played on charts showing effects and results of many experiments. Plans were made for holding a three days IrrticaUon school, Feb. 2, 3, and 4 In Medford, at which time ell phaaes of irrigation will he thoroughly dis cussed. , , Prof. A. E. Brandt of the O. A. C. pleased and Interested a large aud ience in his discussion on homo build Ins;, as it applies to rural conditions. Friday is marketing day and should break all records tor. Attendance, as K will not avail fanners very much to produce unlets there is some equitable marketing worlied ,out for all commod ities, V i -ij- . mmm vALUABLEBOOKS LIBRARY SHASTA TONIGHT LEFT TO COL SARGENT Another exhibition ot the lore which the late Colonel H. H. Sargent hold during h!a Ufo tor Medford and Jackson county Is shewn by thu fact that In his will he left a valuable col lection of books and a large photo graph of himself taken In uniform during his War College serTlre at Washington, to the public library of Medford. . These books and tho photograph are now arranged In the southwest alcore of the library where they will no doubt attract much attention from the many friends and admirers of the late colonel. The library board of ficially accepted the collection on January 3rd, and much appreciates the gift.. The 167 volumes In the Sargent collection comprise essays, letters, books ot travel and biography by well known Author, and high class fic tion. Included in the collection are 13 rolumca of "Modern Eloquence," by Thos. D. Reed, 10 Toques of John. Lord's "Dcacoa Lights ot History," and the complete works ot Ambrose Plorce. . .- - ., , . Colonel Sargent who was aa au thority and author of world tame on military strategy and other military subjects, left his military works, comprising 400 volumes t Black bum University at CarlinrlUe, III , from which Institution he was grad uated as a young man. r FRENCH CABINET RESIGNS (Continued from Page One) The seventh and cixhth aamce In the T. M. C. ' A. basket tall league 1 will be. played , tonight In h hall Amotion, seeking a way out of the dlf over the Shasta. The Baptists and Acuity. South Methodists will meet In the The entire French cabinet went out first game at 7 p. m.. and the Chris- 0f office with Premier Urlano. liana snd North Methodists In the - The resignation ot Premier Briand second at 1:15. Naturally thorn far- was accepted by President Mlllerand. ther down in the percentage column i . will have " an opportunity to recoup; PARIS. Jan. 12. (By the Assoclat thetr losses and increase their per- i press Premier Ilrlond. who ar entage of wins. By -taking a game rived here thta mornina- to consult the from the JMsctpIea tfte North Jeale- cblnet. wlU weak In the chamber yana can 'tit) the forrntr' In the: per- of deputies this afternoon regarding "' .... ur.T- i.-. nraii) tne Lwnnes negottauons wnn tne iuu ait-chanceof their doin bo. ' I support of hU cabinet behind him. It I P?T BPIsts,thoiigh ,(ihorI !wln-1 was stated after his meeting with the nlngs'tOidato, ere ra larktnrf in pep cabinet this forenoon. The premier, aWd enthusiasm ehd jai;,maJk a-den- Jt was lndlrated. had explained the perate effort to humble the South situation with the result of removing Methodists, who are roclfot the walk1 such doubts as his . colleagues . may t present.' ; 1 'r'-1' . . ; haw had over. the situation.. .. ... ., A small admlselon fee to the double) M. BeUnd, upon his awrtsal. went header each Thursday night helps the! directly to the foreign office and aifcl, has agreed to participate." "IX) you wleh nee not to be rep resented there?" ho asked. "If so, say so. I. for my part, wloh France to take part." Premier llrland said the rep.irv tlvna commlKslon had agreed to grant a morutorlum for Germany on her rriratlens payments. STATE FAILS TO ' PROVE CASE SAY BURGH S LAWYERS HOOD TtrVErt, Ore.. Jan. 1. John Weiss, In Jail hero on a charge pt bootliuirlng, has a bullut hole through his leg as the result of n .brush Tuoeday night with posve of deputy sheriffs. Wclse. who is un Vnderwood. Wash., man. was arrest ed aboard the LJinrood-Ho4 River ferry, operateC by Fran. Ix Larson of Underwood. , ... . . Tho latter la In lait charged with aiding an alleged bootlegger. lie la also aeeuard of violating a federal law requiring lights on launches. Weiss la sllered to have opened fire and attacked the officers with buttles when they attempted to board the launch. 1 X. II- I... 1,03 ANOELES. Jan. H. Argu ments were resumed hero today ot the trial ot Arthur C. rturca. charged with the murder of J. Helton Kennedy, Aug. 8, last. John J. Sullivan of Seattle resumed his argumynt for the defense, begun late yesterday. Ho turned his atten tion to the evidence of nr. Flnley. who told the Jury that he had removed thorn from Nurch'a knee Just after he wu brought to the county Jail here, a day or, so after the tragody. F.rforta were made by the state to show that this thorn resembled those found on bushes at a point where the person who shot Kennedy had stood la wait. Mr. Sullivan Impugned the evidence of Ir. Finley. and called attention to the fact that the defendant was a pris oner at the time of the accident. -J. 'JT JBUS.? M 1! J ,' ! W .' 1 .' 1 " Paul Schertck, chief oourmol (or the defense, followed Mr. Sullivan. "'Hell hsth no fury like a woman scorned. Is tho state's text In this cjm," Bald Mr. "rlohenck, "but the state has departed from Its text and has failed to mnke Its case themm." ll't argued that the state hud felled to show that Mrs. Madalynno Oben chain, who was Indicted with Hurch, had boon rejooted by J. Helton Ken aody. .That rejection was assigned by the stata as t'.m cauan tot tho shooting, richonck. held that tho evidence showed, rsther that Mrs. Obcnchuln and Kennedy extcted to marry. He said there was nothing to show that Purch was la Iteverly Ulonn, where the shooting ocrurnl, at the time It happened, and took up the ev1-de-nco adduced by the state, lu an effort t show that tho prosecution had failed to establish a motive or to link Iiurch with the death ot Kcnnody In say other way. W API II N(l TON," Jan. 1 1.- Argu ment on the quc-stUti of modlfloatlon of tho big five meat packers conoent decree to enable them to resume handllnsj their unrelated grocery lines begu today before the epeolul Invnr tluuUng commute repreeentlng the departments of Justice, commerce and agriculture. JMlgll'T! T: 1-l.U-l.JI t LU 9 rtere and Krron Unto Olvsn Motiving Orootor Tfiiat S , NOW r LAYING ? .VV r,istiMSsi-T.Mv.I J Tbe l'rtuua ot ,Unjr Truths, Many Oiulm, and a Woman's VotulTful Ida. OOMINO SUNDAY BERT LYTELL in "A TRIP TO PARADISE" RIALTO; WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. bbys to' dtfray the expenses. DELAY EXPECTED IN mmm L SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 18. Exam ination of . prospective jurors In the thence to the Eljrses- palace, where he had a long conference with President Milterand.- .,. ..... - According to rome .of th morning I papers, rresldsoc . Mlllerand shared the untas.ness dlnplayed by the par liamentary commltee rt-gurdlngthe course of the negotiation at Cannes and te)errapbd personally to. Pre mier Briand to that effect. . - The premier first presented the question of the British pact. "You have been complaining fir three years." he said, "of not being called upon to ehure in shanlng 1 C-vhmW 1 1 . . i trtal ot Roacoo C. (Fatty) Arbuckle for I'," V . k. . . , . . , . I what you have been demanding for manslaughter was Relayed today by thrM yrat and lt 'J the: tardiness ot two temporary Jurors M, whether you want it or not." aafl representatives of the district at- "As far -as I am concerned." he con tcrnef who were reprimanded on their ' tlnued, "I am merely making these arrival by Superior Judge Uarold Loo- i explanations ta you and do not ask derb&ck. ' 8eten temporary Jurors, J your approval or refusal. , Here Is three of Uem worn en. were la the boa France s eecurfty, take or lev ft." Id. Bdand in ta cwunss of ats sjreeeh,' CkM .the United Sates bad agree to parkfpwt la ..the Oeooa conference. M. Briand 'roe vlneM the cabinet. Jit was learned, thafthe Anglo-French wheo opart opened. ., , , , ' Ta Ckarges arise fn?m taa 49Ui of Miss Virginia Rappe, following a gay party in bis suite ct the St. Francis botel hers last Labor da v. . ;pniaioa was pspressea mat tbjaet'waa the best thing obtainable lo Tenire m siaiy . cauea wr. u case, tne way or establishing French aecur. would be. exnaustea, before-the final' ny and it was added hat the entire cabinet, unanlmoufly behind the pact, would go lato the chamber of depu ties to stand or tail with the treaty. The so-called Irreconcl tables came around to Brland's viewpoint prompt ly afetr hearing the premier's expla nations. "I told them what I did at Cannes, not what I am reported to have done," M. Briand told tho correspon dent after the meeting. "It was not all golf playing there." - . ' The contest in the cabinet meeting centered upon the advisability of the premier going before the chamber. Th nramUr'a aitnnni4. . . m a. .GENEVA,' Jam 12.-(By Associated " "T, m ,"1';?. " I'rees.j . ine ojspuia oetween roiana fhe jffiBUttve body while he was en- an4 IJthuanla over Vilna came before raged in negotiations with foreign tha" council of the League of Nations premiers. - . . , today. - The situations in Albania and "We will give you a vote of eonfl ' Donztg also were on the program, but .dence by both houses, before your do ' tM Vllna problem held chief place. H.Tarture for Cannes." said M.s Oulst- 1'b one of the most difficult questions !hau m'",sfM' of "arlne. "That should Impanelment cf a Jury. . Many prospec tive; Jurors were excused yesterday for bavins "tlxed- pinions." . DISPU0VERV!LNA ; : UP TO L. OF N. facing the council. .' .The Leagtie of Nations had already erolved a.aolution, ,but this was.roject- ed by both oountries and the council be sufficient. It seems to me uncon stitutional to bring the premier be fore the chamber today.". . : Premier Briand. himself. . however' favored the plan to have him appear la Bnv vtna(r!nr1nir the nniat1n In thp v. .w. i , y llghji 'of the election held In Vllna last j . The premier next turned to the sub- Sunday,' the results of which are not yt known,.' Meanwhile, tho. council plans to decide upon the most effective method ot dealing with the minorities Jhere.,. . ... . , - WTNATCHEE, , Wash, Jan. 12. A verdict of not, guilty was returned this morning by the Jury in the case of the state of Washington versus Carl Okey Gerggren, Peter Anderson and John Warrfenfelti, charged under the state criminal ' syndicalism act with being ' members of an outlaw- organization. The Jury deliberated ten hours . and fifteen minutes. Attorney Vanderveer, who defended the I V. Cen- . trolls, 'represented ' the defendants, taking most of yesterday afternoon and three hours last evening to make the closing argument. Vanderveer touched on history, literature, philoso phy and psychology, leaving no doubt la the minds of his fteurera that he Is A ftoinliwj gcnolw. ' . Jects of. the Genoa conference, is tnadmlsMibu," h said, "that France should be absent from this conference, which lB purely financial .and economic especially when such a ,power of the financial and economic state as the fnlted BtaUs. without whose co-operation work Is Impos- "0 a 0 ) CAJAIUUULJELIJ is guaranteed by 30 yens ssrvtes to millions of Araerlcaaa Kondon't works wonders far your cold, sneezing, cough. coranlc catarrb, baad- nrr rlyjk aco aore.noie, etc . SDTnaianal tia ea recttat si KOKDON KlasMriis,Mlaa. This In Itself doss not mean much to you but the fact that In supplying our many . stores with all the merchandise they neod. we have had tho bono fit derived from the quantity-buying, which, as you ' know, makes , it possible for us to quoto qnantity prices to you on your purchases here. North CentralThe Busy Street PLENTY OF NEW GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY We are not offering odds and ends nor otherwise undesirable merchandise, but spic and span new goods fresh from reliable looms and deft hands, which we are assembling daily to complete our attractive early Spring displays. Here are some typical values: COMPARE THESE PRICES WITH ALL SALE PRICES, THEN COME HERE AND SAVE the klden Rule Storea sdopUrd policy of selling for cash 'only -and never holding a tale. This po'ley remains unchanged A price once made unfail ingly applies alike to on and all throughout the year. Thua you always enjoy the same tar ings as your neighbor. Felling (or cah, your money expanded In any of our store receive the. discount in lower prices which cash transaction always command. There are no unrnllectabl bills to be inadn up by higher price. fWvlce a expressed by cour tesy, sttentlveness, efficiency and equality, Is constantly In evidence In ail pur seventy-five store. Your continued patronage will be appreciated and merited. DRY GOODS Kow featuring "new Spring MerehandiV, Lowest every day prices make "Special Sales inrieee.?Kiry in-every OoMen Rule Store. New merchandise is on hand to herald the coming of each i:ew season. ' v f';'"' ;:!'"" ' ;' ' " ; " tJ '"' ' -f."-:-J yt- ;r , New Scottish Zephyr Ginghams 27c . . The new Spring patterns' com'e?in' thft'irtder 32 inch instead of 27 inch width, greater et-oonniy rrc attractive patterns, cheeks, plaids and solid colors, yard 27 36 inch Hope Muslin, yard.,... - I5 36 inch Peppercll, 11. Brown, yard...... - - 15? 36 inch Sateen in black and all new shades, yard- 35? 36 inch E. and W. Costume Silk, in all colors, yard 75? Wool Goods r5o inch S rg9, y&ri i- 91S5 42 inch Fanfy Stripe Skirtings, jiHL'',:.: 4 i 91 jl5 42 inch Fancy Stripe, Plaid and Cheek Skirting, yard $2.45 52 inch Broadcloth, all new colors, yard.-. : 1.:....$3.40 06 inch Scotch Tweeds, Heather Mixtures, yArd $2.25.! 32 inch Oregon Flannel, Gray and Khaki only, yard ... ..05? Buster Hose ... Brown Silk $1.00 Buster Brown Silk Hose, outsizes, black and brown. Price $1.55 SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN STYLE, FIT, WEAR AT LOW PRICES It is easy for others to quote oiir jntesr but hard to match our values. Every -advantage'' gained by our tremendous shoe pur chasing pvev is passHli-Unyr to our customer. Every price quoted here rings true and a trial of oitr shoes will prove to you tho merit of ourclaiiu. ,t . , ' ',' ' " l' ' ' '. . - , . ' " .' i " ; , t.,., . OXFORDS FOR WOMEN In all the new st vies, in Brown Calf 'skii, in both JJlackand Tan, French Kid ? leathers, .Military heels. $1.75," !5.25, $.50, 67.50, $8.00 " WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES In Blaek and Brown French Kid leather., with Militarv heels and Cuban heels ....$3.0.5 $5.50, $0.25, $8.50, $10.00 MEN'S WORK SHOES Wc earn' the best in Men's Work Slioes that it is possible for us to buy 13-00, $1.25, $5.25, $5.75 I' ' ; MEN'S DRESS SHOES l 4 I ..... . 1 "' ' Qualities that appeal to men Durability, Comfort, Stvle. In nil the new lasts $1.75, $0.25, $0.45, $7.50, $0.25 SHpES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS :4- Sturdy Shoes for boys and girls for dress occasions and knock about, wear. Built strongest where mostly ucwled." They stand for the Golden liule idea of real wear. Our quantity buying plus our store efficiency insures them to be Rightly Priced. Ladies, See Our Line of Strap Pumps Palmolive Soap : See These Work Men's Cotton Lisle Hose, Men's Handkerchiefs 8c bar Gloves for 29c - 5 pair for $1.00 for 5c each Hops Muslin, 36 inches Unbleached Pepperell R. Dress Snaps, J & P Coats lat 15c yard Muslin, 36 in. at 15c yd. 3 dozen for 10c Sewing Thread at 5c READY-TO-WEAR - MEN'S SUITS ... ' ' . .. . ' ' ' ' ' : i ; . i i j i . i , . a . i . .i j . i i i . i -i in ... . i ii.Mi. . i in hi iii'ii.iiu.111 ii . u ana II U31K VOU KVJOY I aWi?SVk MANV VUAJ1H I la eeh coratnunlu, the aama . '. I (food merchaadlM, the aamo ' J new etyle tha aaifta tuperlor ; Q jl I valuta and tbe aama low prlCM nil I are being enjoyed, as tbes hero I lor your enjoyment A few bargains left in ladies' dresses One lot, each '...i'Vi : . ...... $10.00 One lot, each . .............. .$18.00 One lot, each . . .... . . . . . . . . $25.00 Suits, a good range of sizes in navy blue, priced ... . .,..'... . .... .$18.00, $33.00 One lot of Crepe de Chine and Georgette J. & P. Coats Mercerized Crochet Cotton, ball . .10c Waists, priced at ...,.,..$3.50 American ' Lady Corsets Scotts Ideal Urassirc 50 to $1.25 Start your saving plan for 1922 by doing your Shopping at the Golden Rule Store, where prices are always the lowest on the best qualities of merchandise, made possible by our Cash System, plus our 75 Store Buying Power. ' at Reasonable Prices. v l i ,' ; . i;, .....,';!- :; - V i;'"'.'' : 1 ' v ';:: ': ''',';,r!7 Men's Suits in all wool materials for.,....$25.00 Other Suits in ' all wool, materials, in Faney St Hpcp,' Plaids and Checks in hard and soft 'finish goods. Priced at $20.00, $29.40, $30.00, $31.50, $33.00, $10.00 and $47.50 Young Men's Suits in all wqoI materials in the ',, iiew "styles and, patterns. ; Priced ; at $19.00, $20.00, $22.50; $30.00, $31.50, $35.00 and $50.00 natti i