MEDFORD MATTi TIUBtTNT!, MFDFOIID. OKEfiOX, THUKftDAY, '.TAXlTApY 12, W22 pige mm BASKETBAL L AM EOF SEASON ATNATTON IGHI Tbn first i:m of thn local nigh school's ban an I tail I tnauun wl'l o plnynd tonight on thn Nut floor. Tht contest will bo o double lmidr, nn ii I u m iU glrla' huakotbult team IiuvttitC boon trfftintx(l to play thn girls' team if tlm high school. Tho JstrU' ftamo will tin culled at 7:30 a liar p. Tli hoy' ct nlmii In t'tpupioj to tin a llvn olio an many old Hum huh will Ion for Ihn Alumni ami It U mild that the hlfth school tm hu aev eral honpatir of no meun lM''rlenrn and ability. tViaoh Huntington hu about twelve men avallabln to tan and all of enough practice thin season to b able to drop thn ball through tbn one In a while, Thn alumni squad total about nlna who have, at ono limn or an other during tbn paat tn yearn nr no, been star In numerou content whnrn filling thn aperturn In thn tibial doughnut wa the main consid eration. They have hail onn night' practice; Monday night. Th alumni am all reported, being In flood con dition ,for diiplfli'' . ntiiin, having consumed muy rlgarntin and ha v. lug ktpt aa lain hour a poantbln during thn paat two week In lieu of ttaltilog It la understood tbat tlx majority of thn high school o,ud ha aflao fdlli wed thn abovo lrlngnt training ruin dlllgnntly ever slnet the Wgltmtiis; of thn training sea- An 2 Vpok, considering tbn above furl It Womoa apparent that tonlght'a will be ono of thn hnal of tho season. It l hopnd that It will not end In a 0 to 0 tin aa thla year's Al umni v. High school football game did. ANNUA MEETING L OF LOCAL Y. W. C. A. 1.17 TO BE HELD JAIN Tuesday evening, Jnnunry 17th, In stead of Monday evening, i first on uomimd, thn flrat annual mvetlng of thn Medford Y. W. C. A. Will be hold, with banquet arvrd by thn ladle of tlm C'hrlnllun church In thn church basement, at 0 o'clock. Thn honor guest fur thn evening will bo Mian ICather Iiiyinan, national girls' work secretary, whom thn M'dford nasocln lion wna forfuniite enough to wcurn for thn banquet, whin alia wa phssIiik through on hi'r way front Bun Fran- fill tilaroa on thn fiaoo to Hoattlo. t mem (Uivn nua t,rlnn- inn hnnmini J. DEWIPSEY'S BOSS PUIS QUIETUS ON FIGHT WITHWILLS Htore Nye, who rrudunted from O. A C. lant qunrter in 0"Tnnm-fUl engl-niH-rlnir, left thla roorninK for Corrallla hrn (In mm a Tan Ifcta, lo4 fratur nlty of whlfrh ho 1 a DM-mber, la to be iimuiind n a chaptnr ot Itolta t'iIIn, a national fruti-rnlty. Several local lxy arn membflra or plddgea of Gamma Tau Hru. rlu Upallon baa only thrno chapter wtut of Knniat and forty-nlno chapters in the Unltwl HtHt-. A lnrgf) nutnlx-r of "IX V.'a" SMASH PH0?E POLE IN AUTO CRASH locaiBrleis Thn Wotnan'a Homo Mlwilon aorl-ty of lh r'lrnt M. K. etiurch, will nwt totiiorrow at tho homo of lira. T. (J, llulno, 01 W. Totitb ulrout. at 2:30 p. m. Mra. John U. Carkln will load the !atudy hour. Spoclnl munlc will b rnn- dorud. Thi-ro will b nn intoreatlng di'bato on tho ubjct; "Haolvnd that tho 3 IVr Cent Haalt of I.lmltlnn 1m- mlCTatlon Mmtt the Apj.rovaJ of tb jCnllfonila and the L'nlToraltjr of Waeh- roturncd to till city, struck. It with hi a 108 ANC.El.K8. Jon, ,12. Jack Inipa(iy, lioavywnlght clmmplon, will not tnwt Jack Johnaon, farmer nogro cluimplon, In a mutrh at Mlco C'Uy or anywhorn clan, Juck Kottrna, Inmp aoy'a nuiiingcr auld Imro thla morn' log, whim lnfornid ut rwporta, from Nogalna, Ar., thut Mi'ilian prwno- j tTi worn trying to nrraimo a bout bl'tWffll tho two pugillHti) to uo Mug id In Muxlio Cliy. Koarna aald McxPou promoter hod Al'pi'oiichod hi in In Ouklund, Cu.1., rwonily with trrw for tuch a inntch. ((((jt bU j.g .jn t0 J(), xy. A telephone polo at thn corner of North Jtlrnraldo and Llbnrty waa bro- will attend the Inatallmion c;rmony 'kn cleanly off at the haao tblt rnorn- nnd will com from the Inlveralty of 'Ing when John farkor, who rernnUy new Maxwell tourinf car. It la under- Woumn Horn Mlation Hoclety." Af-jlngton to do ao. ! lirniatlTo, Mn. 11. A. Uinaday unl To cloae out w off?r yon a genuine j atood that Parker't car had been Mm. Ono. Kunitnan; nogntlvn, Wra. all wool ralntltn fabric orerooat. ror atajicllng outdoor all night and that Jua. Campboll and Mm. Cah Wood, liar price 117.60. aule prion $18.00. Anny the wicdahleld waa coated hnarllr TRY OUR 25c Meals at tht . - ' - . White Front Chop House 43 So. Front St. , Brown & Collin ; Props ' , Clooda Htore. 32 touth C-ntnU Ae. ''with fnmt which hindered 1.1 a tight; (Soorgn A. WaOBfifld. orealdnnt of iin turning around he atruck thn noln. the dUte farm biirnau. attended the all Tho front of the car waa badly dnm- Iroihy New- . i limit nui ...iw.i. "... . j group f grade achoul, high achool 1 and biialtu'a and profeaafcmal club girl will rrvutn (nlhunlttam by their jrlub aoug. Koltowlng tho bnni'ii-t an lutcrenllng program of mimic and reading will le lutnrtpcrand letween th refrt of tho yar work and tho nlectlou of new tnnmber for thn lizard of dlrnrtor and dnlegale to repreaent our aaaixdadon at thn nalWrnnl conran thrn of th Y. W. C. A ; w b Iw Id in Hot "prloga. Arkanaaa. April 20 to 27. Thn f ollowing aprctal oumuera will be glre.n on tho program: WhlnOIng duet, 1 MIb Onylord and Mr llorbert Clark; reading. "Homo liar In thn Koy of 0 Mia Ham Van Meter, violin and plnno duet, Kugenla Hoffiuan and Alma Law retim; reading, Mia Katbryn Uuo; rocal aolo, Mia Margaret Yager, and reading, "fnawarna," Mr. V. J. Jon.. Mia I'aymnn, aa a reprraenta lln of tho great nnllonal orgnnliatlon of thn Y. W. C. A., and a aimclal work er tor younger girt through all thn rneinc roaat atntea. will apeak, a tho laat number on thn program. Tlcknta for the banquet, at DO cent OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 12. Jack Kearna, Interviewed hero laat week on the autijoct of u lH-mpaey-IIarry Mlla mutch, declared that "IXmprey will never boa a colored man ,whllo lie 1 champion." "Thn Johnaon-Jeffrlo fight killed (ho gamn for a time and Dempaoy will unvnr b party to auclt another luultb," he declared. Till lit a vlUU aubjnet and every worn an lntereatod In tho groat laauea of tlJe day ahould attend thin nn-etlnc lat goat moat from llin W Abater day mtlnK Tuesday of thn farm 'ag?d, tho radiator l-lng buckled and ninth at pflbllc market, Uooth H.jbureau at Newborn, preparatory to donud beyond repair, the frame and Haturday. 201 1 launching a drive in Yaaihlll co jnty to front axle b lng aprung and the clutch Nearly CO day laborer have been.catabllan a farm bureau there with a .housing on the rear end of the crack .obtained In Grant I'aa within the : county agent in charge. (caw- boinJC cracked by the imoact of White corn for nomruy at Monarch the thick and tho distortion of the Seed Co. Phone 290. frame member. No lajurloa were tua- The Koor-Slte Balea Aponcy. wltli Ulned by the occupant of tho car. office in Medford. AahJand, Klamath; Another accident of lent conae Kallt and Grant Pan, la a ne-w com-jquence occurred thit morning when pany In touthern Oregon. They make Ed Henaelman wa driring west on a tpeclalty of bualnen opportunltica.jMaln atreet and ttrucs, J. W. Wake handle real eatato, nulmoblla, etc.jfleld'a Iwdgo tourina; car In the rear Their Mdford office is room 421 Med-jnd Jut aa it waa backing out from ford building, in charge of Arthur 'the curb in front cf the Palm block. DR. R1CKERT contractor, who aent out a gang of H but t It tat h did 'lot coiiiddcr them anyimng uui i. i-m. o U( tho Caynn hu.hway M ffiorng. that lx.inpy' ixut M.ut waa a mat- Tho min w bn t,miivy fl,r ab.)Ut 10 tor of thn future, no Brrungnuienla Lj j elearlng away numeroii alide. a... ..(.m A aalU anil rwmil kl att ' ""'," with the eicptlon of ttatlon lubon-r. for a match for the champloiuihlp. I .,, ,r ,.,, t,v ,un .nkm.iw. Uira, all lalKr on tho Cave highway 1 being done by men obtained in the city. irnnta Paa Courier. Eyes Scientifically Tested uxd Glasses Properly tftWd so drops an V ' ' Rrokat Uvuna Aorvratel DapUutOg as. Bull and overcoats of dependable ! Ingledow. tyllah wwden tailored right. Price J2 to lii. Klein tho TaUur. UpFtalra. 250 r One of the rear fenders waa bent on Spylendld opportunity to have tpring j Wakefield't car and tan front of the rowing don now. Call Deuel t Co. . Chevrolet delivery car driven by Hen- dreHmaklng parlor. 254 FULLER BRUSH CO. Lvtn R. Rusele, Coonty Beprwttfi MI-MI A L APTOIXTMKNTS KOil VOVR OO.WEJnKXOB rbowe 1008 W. Mat 0jU A Frn Bnuh to Every Horn NKW TOJtK, Jn. if Total e. prndlturr far bulljln throiithout thn country for the year 1(11 waa tl.tJO. JCI.1S", a uln of 14.1 prr rent over thn ri-ord year of 1S0, llradatrret'a annnumrd today. Heporta from HO rlite ahd that I lS0.t.J had len rapnijd for building In I;eiit-t-r a Ruin of 112.1 per crnt over I rembef, 111. , ( Chai llnmatrnet, wnll known marine man of Portland, who had b.ivn, vi lli Ing hl nnphnw. Jack Homtre.-t, her for tho, paat two month, lefl for llomo Mly. I ,. t .'. S r- .. '.I. '.! aeiman wa damaged. ' III : ... ... if HI:Y PINS GIVEN ' Afc . . u i .. . ..... t The nifty emblem of tho H1Y club It bidng dlapluynd on coat lapel by member of thla club thl wm-k. Thn club pin I a red triangle, symbolizing the "muscle, mind and moral" alma of the orgauliatlon. Tho letter Hl-Y" ira dlanlaved in the horizontal eldo a plate, may be obtained until Monday iof ,ha j,,,,. lht , wnltu crw, 0f Chrlat and tha church Uud in tho center. j A abort addre on the hlatory of the i morning, at thn Y. W. C. A. from the tlfknt committee, Mr. Mlnard. Mr. W. K. Tumy, Mr Loralnn Cornlah and j Mr. Klla Wortman. All member of. tho Y. V. C. A. and the Olrl Iteaervn and Trl 1. club and all gtrla and woninn lotereatext In thn Medford Y. W. C. A. are urged to hn out next Tueaday oven The Investor and the Income Tax , , A 04 pag 'bonk' ' cluitti t tu Inoemn Tna trobln anfrvatlny k In. tHIot or trndar I aUKika ail toocda Thla Hneh la rom-l-wriiirn . In almeln, uuiU-rnian.litht lan(uii.--tnlaina acll'mn uf Ihn I(rni4n Avl of ll?!- r-Riilnllnim and rullnita of Ihn Trnury ti-.ariminl flml lnK nf the I iHlrrt Htalra Mo pr..ftm I'uurl. rari-folly r .r-l y firm nf r.rufi-l uht Areiun(nia (M. V t all IwarliiK nn mi.h'H and hond Irannni-iiiii'a. It la written In fi, iim ami anawor fiirm. II lUhlralfit wllh toany aiHH'Ifln raamplrn. It will he Inu4 In a runvftilent pm-kri aim ant will alao lueluiin n'V-rnl of forma f,vr Haling yiur atnk trutanctlnna Tt la th book Invaatara ham want tot fr aa w will ha dim4 to aaud Invaator of ttadar copy without ooat, McCall, Hiley & Co. Mntbr Canaolldat'il Kt"ra Ka'tiaoxa-v( timw J'nrti 10 nron.1 Nt. nw )ork P0NEERW0W1ANO F VALLEY IS DEAD it Y. M. C. A. and a rvvlow of tho pur l)tie of the club waa umdo by Caah Wood, county aecretary. on the ceH-1 a li a of tbo prr inuitlon'of the pins' laat Thursday night. Mr. Huaaor.g, cub leader, emphaalzed the nation wldo cliaracler of the 111 Y club and, apk;n feelingly of tho wceasity f jr . uptioldlng the Idea! of the otovenient.t I'rladna) Campbell't word were spec lally apt lie aald, "Thla pin la not an ornament. It ctanda rather for a great and good movement of which wo are. a part " , '',: ' i J-Ynrv memlier oreaent received hla In. Lflwretco Wade, who i in th oapital reeoveiing fem a fall from Jann KlUabeth Plymalo died at her hla horae. the following day rwdved lioiuw 301 Homh Central avenue, Jan- hi plu and an offering of flower from uary 13, front luflrmllle don to old tho club, a apodal committee pri-aont-age. Aged 77 ynar 10 daya. She Jug them. wa a natlvn of Morcer county. Ml- Ono of tho unique feature in ocn tKiurl, born Jan. 20, 1M.'., She rainetiectlon with tho pins I that tbo club with her parent by ox team aero a an organization retain the owner tlio plain In IKaS. aettllng near Ku- ship. Member In good standing am gnnn, Ore. She had been a reatdnni j privileged to w ear them. The alternn- of Medford 32 year and of thn state CD years. Khe leave two daughter, Mr. Horace Nicholson, Medford, Ow Mra. O. W. Ft x. Koaoburg, Ore., and onn ton. J. S. Plytualn, Medford. Ore.; a! no three brothers. Thomas and John Nichols of Kaglo Point. Ore., aud Oorgo Nlchola, Medfdrd. Ore., and one sister, Mrs. Moda Carlton. Ashland. Orn and three grandchild ren. Tho funeral services will bo held at thn rewldnncn Saturday at 2 : JO p. m. Intermnnt will tn In Medford. I'I'U L. I - .'U -.' 11. J..I-. -1-1 - live l, of course, obvious. i ... . i '. TOO LAU TO CLASSIFY sale. DRY WOOD Special 696-H. Phon" 273 WANTKIvOIrl for , general hotisn work. in fajnlly of two; murt bo rood cook. Phono CS7 U 252 HJR RKNT 6toro bul'd'.ng. February I 1st. Kor further Information tni Mr. Nordwlck, 106 S. Ivy St.. city, or, phone 225 j AFTER INVENTORY SALE Friday, Saturday and All Next Week SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL WOMEN'S WEAR Every Skirt Reduced Dress Reduced Coat Reduced Suit Reduced Every Every Every A GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF SPECIAL LINES IN THE WOMEN'S SHOE DEPARTMENT. Women's Walk-Over Kid Shoes, brown and black, all regular sizes, cut to . ". : . . ..... '.$7.85 Women's Walk-Over Russia Calfskin Shoes. All regular sizes, cut to .... . .$8.85 Women's Selby Shoes, special lot, regular sizes, cut to $3.50 BIG RE-ORGANIZATION SALE!! MILLINERY Everyhing at LESS than cost. Best values in Velvet Pattern Hats ever offered in Medford. , 10 to 25 Less Than Cost HaU formerly $10.00 to $25.00, now going for ; . $2.50 to $8.50 ; Another lot of trimmed and tailored hats $1.45, $2.45, $3.45 A few advance Silk Models at Wonderful Prices Untrimmed frames and Children's Hats 50c, $1, $3.50 BLOUSES Crepe Back Satin Taffeta, Crepe de Chine and Georgette, in over blouse and tuck-in styles, from $3.95 to $10.95 Formerly $12.50 to $21.50 WASH BLOUSES Hand made and beautifully ma chine tailored Voiles and Ba tistes. Prices $1.45, $2.45, $345 and $4.95 PURSES AND VANITY CASES In all the newest leathers at cost. NECKWEAR Real Lace and colors, at cost NOVELTIES Beads Handkerchiefs Candles Bouteniers ? Other Novelties THE VAN ITT SHOP Corner E. Main and Bartlett SILK UNDERWEAR Best quality Crepe de Chine, Wash Satin and Pongee Night Gowns. $6.50, now .$4.00 $7.50, now ... ......... .$5.00 $12.50, now ... . . ..,.,,$7.50 Combinations, Wash Satin and Crepe de Chine. $5.00 now ... . . . ... ..... .$3,00 $8.00, now ...... .... $5.00 Bloomers, Crepe de Chine, Jer sey, Pongee and Wash Satin. $5.75, now ............ .$3.00 Petticoat Satin Bloomers in lovely colors. u $11.50, now . . ... . . $8.00 $10.50, now . . .$7.00 SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 AT 9 O'CLOCK