Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 11, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    vacik rotm
Meoford Mail Tribune
! ,ICX;kT,8tJKtA lr THIS
I'M Madford Sunday tun I furtiiftuan'
Saacrlb.m iteatrtua day dallv
"tmo fi ti TribHn Duncm, --
North I if nrwl. I'hoo II
naotldattwi of tht IMtnovrallr
tue MOfun MRU. tha Mt r.
trisuna, Taa kuwg Orvaoslaa. ' 1h
aahjauS Trltiuna
., hobr.nt W.' Rt'HU Editor.
avMrtibR b. utu.
t MAIL In Advance:
t (!. with auuday Sun. f a .l t
(felly, Him Sun my fcu.i, i(ri. H
1(. iitr uhnot iuiidey Hn yr ... '
DiUiy, '.i),out riumlay Sua. UtucUt ,i
! Mall t'r'.buu. oue rear. Vu
tuuda Sun. O'.i fr. fc.i ' S.ot
ml r ..CAR K ICR ft. M A. .
Swtknon villa, Cratrai Point, PooatOx,
.lout: -' '.
iUIt with Bundav 9n, mutth. .?
OalU, without Buiutaj Sua. uwota i
Dally, without tiunday duo. aar T.lU
Dally, fi lth Sunday Suit, una )iir t.JK
Ail taruut t oamwr. iwSii Iti aavauc
OfflolaJ oapar ot th Clt of Madford
Offlclaj papar of jaokroa Caunty.
' vara dally avcraaa otifulattoo for
eta months andin OcU ta.-ain
Stntaixa tk a iiii. iu rnaltar At
Medfnrd, Orsaoa, uodar Ua act, of Marat,
a, 4S7B. -
Tha Aaoaolattd l-raa la eioluejvely
aatltlad to tha uaa for republication of
ail ul diaoatohee creOited to It. or doi
Mkarwiaa eradttd tu tola pabtr. aad alao
tata loauu nawa BubltKhed beroln.
All ribta ot rapublcaUon af a facial
mwatoliaa aataia ara alao aaara.
Ye Smudge Pot
!. " By Arthur Parry. , .
in a ..' .iim i jui.i-iiii ai . naiui i n iiMwwaw waviir ' a ' nmi.
, , YOU .KNOW?.
1 How iv.iiny mi'.r.i i f !ur i; Uaa
the VniiA ' ' l '., .
: - vl...t Vm H'.iumnl of 'tililii'-
the .I'nlU'l i'uuoi t'-a m-j".' (
a- V ri J t atai li-s 111 ) U' ,l? Uil) '
of mrt- r wr? . . . . ;
4--Htv it nay l..'.i i. s In U U i-o..ntry
UK mrcting; of the jC.ouuoil pf thc.Lmgiuv of.Nalions nt Qoneva
, ..totlay, calls .Attculiou to the fact thnt the League iu Enropc is
still alivo, .,r., t, ,s , ,. , ... .., .......
TuVstlnj ' vi) its seoouj rirtlulay. la this tim4 tW lenguu lm. wu irom a lUfinufrsinip in to i maifs, tiio imivcsi cuneptLOJi tu
'alt' ever brought .together. ,,, r . . ..
Whil tli J JmpoiiautMii8iufS8 of world readjustment i tokin.'
lUov at Cnraes, 'on vue hand, ud at "Washington ou the other, the
r.... ..1....1.1 r......A.... 4,tt ti.& inartlitnaMu t intdnt
j. ivK,., ... """"'v ( v 4 hyioi?wc:i;at ant (rte!
.t V. ...... 1. a .K..K..J I ...l. ' . . - i
wim ocriHtu cvucrcie huiim iimr uwu vvviHijauvu, iuu mat iwi . now d'iwi " t
hg h&ekA iiotitit is burkd. i j . ; I ! Twh.t ) V('!'l-tLn .if Kin
The firat potential eonfli-t titled waa that b.tweeu SwmIru nml(,uUoW ,oug ,
iiulana over tne Aainiut isianu.s, wnen Uie aovereiguty oi nte uihikis gjytrr.ment. uiim f .r V luuillns r
M-ns given l-'inlu ml with neutralisation for teu year. v
St-eoud was the upper Silesia dispute tvheu the league wan iufhieii
lii.1 in preventing hostilities threatened hr Zolinnki's eijivire of
Yilcfl. and offered a aattlemeut which is still heiuji ueirotiated.
Third was the Upper Siletda dispute between Ureat Britain and
France and temporarily adjudieated. by the league, and fourth the
Jujro-Slav invasion of AlVr.nia, whieh was halted by u thnat of an
economic blockade which. Uoyd George made through the leagie.
The league as at present constituted may uot live, but thU much
i certain its essential spirit, the substitution of negotiation for war, isjllsbt
rlive today and will not die. Whether the Vuited States eventually
joins the league or whether the. league U eventually absorbed by a
more loosely constituted concert, headed by the United States the
fact remains that the soul of the league, like Johu Hrown's body, u
destined to go marehini? on.
T-Wllal y:t it lt'. heaU U Ilia
put? , ,
8 Wbtt is tb ri ajuiU:ta yUt
o c;rtu'.einl ,
9 5U oU lui'sl au lira:)- jfll.TV l
bekre tie can lie retlved? '
10 '.Vher la the of our na forests lowteit? '
AnsAr to Ys3tJrt)ay' O'"5ntion
1 What Id the fcu'.i'Ht (K-nslble ih.J
of tho nclvevae? Ana. The aiireJ of
A U J3
Quill Points
The nations of Ktirop wtU ttotd an
eaoDrxnta con fare nee at Oaoa 11a
March, at which Maw It wUl b dorin
itelr atUc6 what the United Btatei
thall do to aire them. '
- Sam Richardson, Jr, and lhib Thier
olf absconded from home Tues pm.
They arc amart feUowa, and iaeiinct-
iTiy Anew toicy wuuiu ruici a m mu
receptloa up-aa their return.
Tha Cow puncher in Aooiosisa at
the Paw i a good pitched . Hat cos
tard pie la hurled, nor a rflhiLn hot
with barrel cure. '
Speaking of pronunciation, the-il in Villa is silent.
"The south is in the saddle.' now refers only to Ireland and China
Government usually becomes ossified about the time it becomes
lossif ied. . - . ,
i Piplomais have put far too much of the "pirat" in national aspirations.-
- ; ' ; "
A poet declares that landseopeg can teach tin much. M preeui
tliey teach us much cbncerniug liver pills and smoking tobacco.
. Eventually the English-speaking peoples will agree concerning
everything except the English they speak.
Fishermen complain that the fish
vim tin Ttn'i r Anulr T, a thm n -
era! opinion of the public ..that tho; that It has customers won for lifet
; A business usually keeps right on growiug until it gets the notion
tegialatur put stop to inch non
' (lank Bates has had t! interior
paJated. He stuck up VFresh Paint"
eiffns but only 2 custiniers believed in
them. . , -
') (Pendleton Tribune)
'. Because she was not flattered
by the proposal to form a cerae-
- try association after her speech
on "Health." at Boardnsn recently.
County Nurse Miss Bunge"' re
signed and returned to her mother
in an eastern state, according to '
ieport3 coming from Boafdman
, yesterday.
. ' , . -.: -fi
It is nice of the gorernmtnt to warn
the public to be on the lookout for
bum $10 bills, even though, they' have
to iTeply on their memory while mak
ing comparisons. " v
Cnirlitefatnre rjecdsniodernizing. " Instead of quivering like an
aspen leaf, the heroine should Quiver like a Jitney. ' .
Detectives are never idle. When their desks are clean, they go
out and arrest somebody for the Wall street explosion. , . ;
They say our ..Wild Ljest "movies astonish Europe. Well, well, if
the old Wild. Westerners could sec them, they would be astonished too,
WTO tags
" There seems to be some th lug wrons
with the railroads, as there is no sigra
of a. strike. However, all citizens run'
nine for office deire to fix the freight
rates. - i
The Rotaeo whose Juliet strolled
away with his bankroll wis in poranit
of her, with tha 'remaining cash on
hand. If the lady is efficient she will
get it, too. . f
,tI (Oregon City Enterprise)
, .The get-tDgether session of im
r. ber of the , Clackamas i County
.Buaiopss Men's usociatioa, sched
;' ulcd for Friday night at e Cote-
tnercial ciub rooms, was called pit
througli lack of attendance.
' Toe US Chamber of Commerce
waau to revive the national oratory,
via the "four minute speakers'' of war
times, who generally talked for three
hours. .. -j
. All the Ids are undar covers.
.'.' - ; .
X09T PHeven-goats strayed' away
from my place lust week. Notify me
of, same. , Phone .33 F15. Mr...E. M.
McKay. (Albany Democrat). Dear
Madam: Your goats have g'jne.
sweep of the "Rirth of a Nation" In its
revelation (if climaxes; it is as pic
turesque in atmosphere and color as
"Kismet," and Its h amorous note is
as finely balanced as ia "Way Down
Uast." Iu dramatic moments are su
preme. It exudes charm and gener
ates life. It stands as a monument to
the industry. A long list of players
render perfect interpretation.
2 What wood nuikei the best bowl-
inir bails? Ans. I.inmii-vitatv
3 What is the u;rvr division of the
human brala calleJ? An.. Cerebrum.
4 Whirh la the .'xT the upper or
lower divitiicn of yio brain? Ans.
5 Chtffly of 'what descent av the
inhabitants or Ur.!l? Ans. fPortu
guene. 6 -lu IntrjdiieUis a Uian to a woman
which nanie Is mentkine.l first? Ans.
The woman's. .
7 What is the difference between
blotting paper snd . ordinary pttlp
paper? Ans. HUn'.lna paper does n"t
cava so much bln or siting in it and
has not been rollej j much.
S Who do the adjectives ursine and
rttli'lns mean? Ans. Ursine means
like a bear and vulpine means llkn a
9 What is tho fourth latgr'st elty in
tha United .States? Ana. Detroit.
Midi. : ' . , '
10 Where did Anirora goats Wue
from? Are. From Aneora in Asia
Rub Pain right out with small
. trial bottle of old
"St Jacobs Oil."
What's Rheumatism? ' Pain enly.
Stop drojtgmg! Not one ease in
fifty reqatraa ititernal treatment. Rub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil"
directly upon tht "leader spot" aai
relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil"
is a harmless rhtumatium and scistica
liniment, which sever disappoints and
cannot burn the ikin.
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get
a srasll trial battU from your droff-
?ist, and in just a moment yosll be
ree from rheawatic and sciaiio rain,
soreness, stiff ns and swe'Jine. Dca't
lafTerl Rsllrf awsits you. Old, hontst
"St. Jacobs Oil" has cured millions of
rheuuiitisro ssferers in the last half
century, and is just as good for sci
atica, nearaigia, Umbaga, backache,
aprains and swellings.
.."For Sale Modern 6 room . bouse.
Cash. Part down. - Inquire Jones. 'Elite
Cafe," (Want ad Eugene pegister).
Tbero is too danger of the rest turn
Ming.! , r ., . .
The lid will not be clamped down on
acllniuent applications for the 1922
automobile license plates before Jaa
nary 20. A letter forwarded by Secre
tary of State Kozer to police officials
throughout tha state today Indicates
thst this date will be the earliest on
which the automobile registration de
partment will be able t j dig Iteelf out
from under the deluge, of applications
Cor license. plates' which flooded the
department on the closing days of the
old year.
Even with 'this 20 days of grace
which Is bslns allowed the tardy appli
cants before the law governing the
use of license plates is enforced, hun
dreds of motorists will be caught with
out the ellow and black plates of the:
1022 season when the tme limit now
set has expired.
Although several thousand applies-1
tions have been received since the
first of the year, to be added to the
approximately 0,000 which were in on
the appointed time there are still sev
eral thousand of tho 1J0.0OO automo
bile owners in Oregon who have as yet
made no move toward securing their
plates for the new, year. It will be to
these that the traffic squad of the
secretary of state's department of the
police officials throughout the state
will direct their attention when the
final day of grace has expired and
orders go forth to round up the delin
quents on or about January 30.
Unusually interesting Is the story
of "The Silent Call," which comes to
the Pajje theatre for a four day engage
ment, commencing tomorrow. It Is a
story of the high Sierras with much
of the act lag honors failing to a mar
velous dog named Stremsheait
Emma Coldaisa, the female hell
raiser' Is coming back, and the author
ities are baffled to knowwhat to do
with her. Why hot house her in tho
cell vacated by Mr. Debs.'
vA wrestling match will be, held at
Gold Hill Jany Mth. and at all rural
points with a hall, net Sat. nigM.
CONSUMER." (Ad Portland Tele
grami, Eliminating the faucet.' and
the product's well known affinity fjr
"Ths Oath," at Rialte
' "The Oath," the photoplay which
opens today at the Rlslto theatre, 1s a
revelation in tho art of the motion pic
ture. In it R. A. Walsh has obtalne-l
two intensely' dramatic effects- whirh
have been marked by critics ss botng
Important advances In the ait of
(-motion picture direction.
The first is giving the audience a
Oisunet eliect of having witnessed a
trag;edy w ithouf ever, showlne; vth
actual eyent itself, ,The second scene
which is regarded as notable is the
entire lack of confusion in putting orer
the most dramatic incident ever shown
In a motion pietnre. Rather than at
tempt to show the effect Of the action
on the crowd that witnesses it. Mr.
Walsh has chosen close views of the
emotions of the various characters
most vitally affected by the result that
of the climax of the court room scene
la "The-Oath."
MSriaju Cooper heads the cast and In
the auppoit are Conway Tearle, Henry
Cllve and. Aona Q. Niiason.
Gjruinat.tic exercises for the lung
audliimy wore held as usual this
noon by.' the 4um. It was 'the 1st
snfllvoieary of singing a song la tuue.
Calives ma getting vo"-thy walk
Into' Harry Walther's rnr at4 light
hpus wUa their Uats on,'
... f'1 ""
li. t. P. Loader Wes.
ST.. PAt'U Minn., Jan. 11.
ransements were to be completed to
day -for the funeral of - Clarence "B,
Miller, secretary of " the national re
publican committee who died here
late yesterday.
A! l-JJ I JL.. '1 . "J Fl
Last Time "Ths Four Horsemen
"The Four Horsemen." which, closes
at the Pa&e tonight at 8:15, cannot 'be
culled a war picture. It It more a
study in racial traits with adventure
romance and the effects of, war used
to give it color. The symbols of the
lour riders in the. sky, rraaelng on
their steeds is awe-tnspirins a mar
vel of coiuera work. These scenes are
intois'ienitd with the action and
brighten It. They alo.leml a spiritual
significance. Ingram does not touch
iiion the actual conflict but on the
eftocts of war such ss what to expect
fiom an invasion and when passions
firs goltled by hats.
sT-N '.'' ."vVy m
Instantly Open Eviry Air
' PMasfls Clears Thrsst Too, "
U.STKX lanirsi:
Jant buy a wirk, I'll (hu-e yun to,
To find any f awa, there's not one m
It's really some flour, anil eipresulo
of mind.
Which means that it Is all tha tlnai
Cherro Flour
A Special Hard Wheat Blend
$2.2S a 43 lb. sack at yonr grocer
(Tn tw enitiaaiet. '
Bath Room Fixtures
at a hla (liirouur, ths following Im'.li
nnn trlmtiUngs left over front
Chiintmas: ' ; j
I Mlill' Knamel Medicine Cnhhwit
with gist s klietves and beveled niir
SS Ik'autiful beveled glaas, . framed
" .y -. i . . V ' ..'ii
3 ReaoUful beveled glass, nufram
el Mirrors. ,
1 Reautiful gjss shelf aritti
brass rail and trail brackets.
Heavy X. P.
Hi uh Huiders.
Drass - Comb and
i Heavy X.'lVBrasa Kfioase Holder
A 'few Towel liwrs ami Bath Room
Hooks, etc.
Kee tliene at our store (a the Sparta
i'.iag., Ms Is) aiwl .KrvemKIe.
The Modern Plumbing
& Heating Co. oK
If your nostrils are clogged and yuur
head is BtufTei iiecanse or nsty caurrli
or a cuid, 'apply a .little ptire, antisrtk
cream Into your mtril. It xiKtrnr',,
tl.rouh every air parage, swihiog aii't
heslinS .swollen, ,-illamc-l marAirdixi
ami yoit (fet irf;raut relief.
Try this. Get a small bottle of YJ
Cream lialm at any drujj ktore. Your
clouted nostrils open right tmj ymir
licacf iu clear; no Jiiore hawking nt
tnuilting. Count fifty. AU the studi-
naas, dryness, ttnigalliia laf siealh
Tha Fvuf Iio-eni?p" oafrlss the gyae. 9U (eel fms,
China Herb Stora
Harh ears Mr eart:e.' tisaTacha. cat
arrh, dlptloria, aore throat, land iruuhla
tttdiiAy troullA, (inminu irouoie, naart
trouble, chllla r. tornr. erauirtt. ooinLa.
poor clrvultlori. earbuniifa.-' Inmufa
eracSfd brt. eiiraa ail kiiwls of suiters,
Mis A T f -
atmiforS. Orson, Jan. "tS. - ill?."
Thla la to CKttlfv that I. tna umlar
tend, had very wvarn moinai-ti trounl
and had bn Imtherait fni. sver! leaf
ami it AnruMt , ii r,t to
mi Timrlhf of rli Tnniig (hoa
Hnrh atom la l :tt hsth Pinnt tra
;'lfjr ! , J i,t,, get hla fur rn
avwriar-h' trouble, rtd J aikrreit to fi-illn
oetinr it aoun aa I umil tann a'ld today
i in a wrII mun and can limirtily
'iir,d anyoi arr lliited as 1 was to a
iiru Chung an4 trv -bin Harha
(SlKiu-d W. M. JoliNWIN.
VVm, l.ewle, Phra-tu Point.
W. L, Ohndrath, Ilnifla Point.
M. A. Anrteraon, MmtfoH.
S. B. Holmes, Ksgl Point,
C. K. Moor, Ei(ta PotnC
V. Malntrre. -ffagla I'ulat.
Yoa lr U4its, Italia Point.
Ttfl. kV NlCU'Ha. Call fotpt
XJSTJk V, ta
9? I'M
:" f.
W h?aV
.w F7r
Take Yeast Vfitamon
Tablets To Get
-Winning "Pep
3 .'
Z a
2 C5
I I1IIIW '"'
, Eaay and Economical Kesu!t Quick.
"Hi 1 11, Villi ilnwn li'U who find that Imi.ho l lt nsd'J netit l
nCAraw l.m:lil try K Vyf. two ol Maatia't UiiV at I I AMON Tai wljU
tiwir uhmU fur n liort Uma and matli how tlctr pliyliul slid IlimirU rai.,!(-
tln.l I Ilnllllivr.
' Ms tiu V ITAMuS Tablets u(.ply la Ulnlily e.hmin.u J
lotm turtle yw.irl viifimiiiM emiiliiilml with tlio ollur huullh-slviua
lt uiiTiie- wlui'h siiluiiM niy iu mut have to l tnnia,1
wi'tt n'ltl Hilly (Uivlopd. II you ara ak, IWn, pale. tjnrnly
riin-ili'on, or fi'd Im-kkna la braiu jiowar ami auiblilun, and
iinl thai 11 nn llinh "H' ", i
i....i. ,1. ...........
FIl'HI K in" l.l.'l.l'J.
you kiitvly nerd MHiia ut
IIhmh mvluii vilamilies
in Vuiir r(fiu 11 1 onra,'. VI 1 A, VI ON
niU'X ailh J otir food.
It W ilitfit and
mii'l' imt wVmt youi
Uxty tiaeUa to liwd ami
aoiiruh tha akriialiau ti
au, Ilia worn-out nrrrtu,
tha lliin Wood and tUa
irvil hi aln, I'iioiiln,
U.ili and tin artipiiiina
swm to vtriUh hda mail
Mtiilar thu hraltlihil In-(1i-b''.
MaiUu't VI I A
MDN laUeta will not
rivu sal and they lirhi to
euuevii'vit'Vpatioa. Thy
ara amy and ernnomlval
to I Ins Ha aura to ta.
aienilier tka iiama Maa
tia iVi-lA-MUN. Youaa
Why not la a
atrong, well-built
fallow-with plen
ty ef "Pap,' sn.
ray and a clear
eUn glowing with
ruddy health anal
vigor? Juat tab
Maalln's Yeatt
lats far short
time and watch
the truly areas
log mulct.
aTr.. .1 .v .U J"
TMl rit sai 71
1 gat Uua'a YITAMON Tablets at ail good dmf lUtt,
Art PoaJtleeJy CtaAraJstoa J
to Put Oa Farta FIk,
CUar U Skiss al Icras
En. VYhtaa Taka Witk
EvanrUsal u M-aacy Back
vjs-ir t
HI'M .N : h M
t) I' V tl It TIMTUiS
sm.tM OREQON ,m:hmiiu
llrmer Dhu W Mtlfn-it llUn k
; ' 1 Phoaa' 4 rio to
ItiialueM (iMirtiiulllva
Itiislitaoa l4raaeai
ItnatiMNA rrtnraUli
Xu ClMtrge for l.ltln lU-amhS ITodarnl Ur No
All Tmitnartlona Alulrly Cfittldoutlal
Ill'SI't HHS
OP y (I ft T I' N IT IKH
Dentistry a Life and
Death Problem
The runitHion f your trrtli may niran a hang life or aq early
Mtwlem ilentlMt-y lii-M tlx htgheat rank la prsventatlre
" The hfirrt of Kotl tlenlNt mu-t be to irevent Irunblo al atup
inoalh dlsraae.
Safer to Prevent Disease
It tui Is en proven thst It U better and a great deal rheafier to
aikit iui'iuureH fur fire pivtentUnt tlmn It la to flglil flrew and o
tain luaM-a nit Ihul aeniuri.
It la safer and Iwtler nu to ailopt tnenaiiiTa fr lite ireeHtln
of mouth dlMMaeo.
Dentistry Insurance Against Disease
Hit lark "aline bml teeth are found, and rlranllneaa alinald
le tuUfihl, In the Immr nd In the nrhimle, maiI la all IrtdtiHtrtal In
klttuliona. Kveiy iiu-n litre shoiild la' titken sgaloat month lufrrllon.
Examination Free
Dr. O. J. sTohnson, Dentist
Phone 669
223 Tait Main St., over M, M. Dept. Store
ai...u jiius
this Winter
where the sun is "on the job
Four Trains a Day
Provide a service that contributes to tho
traveler's comfort and convenience
' Reduced Fares
'" ' ' - io
Siiiita Uni'lfara Loh' Angelfs Han Diego
, Tlcksts good tut til April' SO -Stopovers allowed
No War Tax on .Railroad Tickets " . ,
HI me 4ft70 Ifie Hmitliet'ii l'mlfli ias been tlonajy
.identlfietl with llio iltvel)iiuent of Westel'ii Oregoni'
.', ' 1 1
Southern Pacific Lines
(Saiievai Passftagsr Agent V