rxws two MPJVFOTir MATL TRTBTTNE. MRDFOTCD. OliKfJONT, VltlDAY. .TAMITATIV C. 1022 Focal and Personal L a change has been made in the noon luncboon arrangements during the Jackson Cpunty Parmer Week. The ladles of the Presbyterian church will nerve a dinner between 12 noon and-1 p. m. dally In the church at GO cents. The Farmers Week session will bo held In the public library halls. , Men's garters loc pair. Army Goods Btore, S2 8. Central, , ; tf ' Bed,' Spring and mattress special ' New massive whito enamel bed..f 19J5 New all s'.eel bed spring 1.": - lfts New 80 lb. silk floss mattress...... 1S.25 Regular price cdmplcte....; ...$19.95 Our special price, comulott.j;...il5.00 ' bed, spring; and new mattress, 119.50 Sanitary steel cot and new mattress, 16.75. ;The Mwjford Exchange, 211 'West Main. Phone 931. 246 ' Miss Iterfha Haumgartner, Instruc tor of English in the high school, is now able to resume teaching duties, following her recent appendicitis oper ation. " Keep him good natured Ribbon coffee. : Dancing! Nat:; Sat nite, 244 The next big event for tiie Elks lodge Wlll.be the annual roll call and nomination of candidates for the new lodge offices, to be followed immedi ately by a big smoker. Mrs,' Paul Hansen corsetlera for NuBone. Thone 5S5-J. Kabinet. Karnlval, Karakturlstiks, Kabinet Koncert, Kitchen Kabinet First M. E. church Fpworth I-eague, corner Fourth and Bartlett, Friday, January 6, at 8:00 sharp. All leaguers 'and friends most cordially invited. The Cabinet are going to show you a good Urn. Considerable difficulty . was exper ienced this morning by expressmen in loading and discharging truckloads of express at, the trains. Pystandra at the depot were pressed Into service to assist in pushing the heavy trucks through the snow. Redmen and Pocahontas will have' a Joint installation of officers Saturday evening, January 7. All arc invited. ....', , 246 Dancing! Nat! Sat. nite. 214 H. J. Eberly, deputy gtate forester, and former well known resident of VAr....T -..rr j . . .u right arm above the elbow when his 'automobile, in which he was proceed ing to Seattle yesterday, turned turtle, according to information received at , Salem this morning. Mrs. Eberly. also In the car, escaped Injury. Information received by State Forester fHliott is to the effect that the fracture is serious, ' , the break having been set three times without 8 access, and will keep Eberly in a hospital for a week or more. The Eberlye were on their way "to visit Eberly's mother in Seattle. We have inspected the - reclaimed Tule lands at Klamath Falls. We recommend these lands as an Invest ment rage-Dressier Co; tfjGarage. . , Aut-Account Bcwks, Dc, pocket sire, j Several hundred farmers from all ' enables you to keep complete, accurate j parts of the state wi!l gather at AI- da:ly expense account of your auto forjbany Saturday for the annual meeting ' the year with little effort For sale th$ state farm bureau. President by the Medford Exchange, 211 West! George A. Mansfield will deliver the t Guest at the Hotel Medford Include U. L. McKinley of Portland, W. E. Dickover of Kugcno. IS. T. Oliver of Astoria, n. Uase of Oakland, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. F. n. Van Horn of Pasa dena, and W. W. Walker of Wyandotte, Mich. Thone or en.ll our office for informa tion Klamnth Falls Tule lands. rage Dressier Co. w if Send In your reports of weddings. cnurcn nna society meetings, your visitors, etc., to this office early Satur day morning for the society columns of the Sun. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Ford of Denver, Colo., who are touring the ciast on their way to Seattle, stopped to visit Mr, and Mrs. C. B Arnold Mr. F;rd la a brother of Mrs. Arnold. They are Very favorably impressed with the Rogue River valley, especlallv the fruit. Forsythe Dyers A Cleaners, phone 3141. Shop at lltl Mistletoe. Prompt service and prices lowest consistent with first class work. Work called for and delivered. US A Seci:il disvl.iy of rcsMwrod St. Andrensbnrg Roller canaries at Smith- with Red enl Oregon Hardware Co.. Saturday, jjg.ljan. 7th. Come in and hear these birds sws. 245 Hilton Smith and Kverett Brown were recently found guilty of having venison In their possession and were assessed $C0 each. The trial was held in the justice court, trie complaint having been entered by Game War- It j dens Pat Dully and Ceonre Bancroft. who round the meat .after Bearch warrant nad bwn Issued. The two men were arreste.1 in New Hope. Grants Pass Courier. lluara Campbell, local agent of Oregon Journal. Thone 3T1L. . 249 Dancing! Nat! Sat nlto. , 244 A Ford automobile minus license plates and covered with enow this foreuoon. showing that it had been standing all night and had probably been abandoned, was conspicuous at the corner of North Central avenue and Sixth street early .thla forenoon Chief of Police Timothy took the car in charge and Vll Investigate in an effort to find the owner. . Children cared for. Mrs. W. N. Camp bell. 104 Newtcwn. Phone 371-L. 250 Wanted ciau or boy not going to Shingles, shakes. Medford Lbr. Co. A,E. Reames was a business visitor in the Josephine county courthouse at Grants Pass yesterday afternoon. - New hand laundry, 23 South Grape 3t Come give us a trial. .215 Suits to order at pre-war prices from 138 to 55. Klein the Tailor. Upstairs. 250 A basket ball game between the Rogue River and Butte Falls teams will be played at Rogue River, January 13th, and a dance will follow immedi ately after the contest. Ida E. Wood and Florence Graves, piano teachers. Stndlo 4M South Ivy. Phone T78-W. Terms reasonable. 250 Liberty cars are ia a clasa by them selves. See thorn at the Riverside Main. Phone 931. 251 opening address. Election of officers. Porter J. Neff returned this morning revision of the constitution and award- from a brief business trip to Portland, ing of prizes won by stock judging Scharaus Stewart the Bee-Man will Bee at the Public Market,' the marrow, with, a wee but comb honey in bulk, .and other forms.. You miht bring a pail and have it filled. -What? 245 Watch, his expression when he tastes Red Ribbon coffee. 246 .The Misses Carlton and Eddie Carl ton left yesterday afternoon for an indefinite stay in San Fracclsio and Los Angeles, , Dancing. Nat! Sat' nite. 244 Does your Ford start hard these cold mornings? We guarantee to make .it start right or no charge.; Riverside Caraga ..-.'.'.' teams at the Pacific International ex position last fall are on the schedule. All kinds of mill blocks. Valley Fuel Co. , tf Dancing: Nat! Sat nite. 244 Among guests at the Hotel Holland are J. S. Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs. George II. Smith and J. M. Eruhn of PorUaad, II. Q. Smith and J. C. Weath erwax of San Francisco, and Mrs. Annie Kegg of Montague. ... ; ; school to sell Portland Telegrams and ten live outside papers. I give you papers at cost and you can make good money. See Ogden, rear 6t 213 South Central avenue. . ; : . 215 Washington dispatches of Friday state that Senator McNary culled up and secured imssago of a bill to pay the claim of Clarence U Reames for extra expenses Incurred by Reames while assistant to the attorney general tn the prosecution of alien enemy tr.ses during tho w ar. Please remember that classified ads. locals and small od are cash tn ad vance. Bring In your ads and do not use telephone, . tf It drives' and controls 8;i easy. It's tho car the Indies love t drive. The Liberty, at tho Riverside 0 arose. I. A. IV w and family, former rest dents of Medford, are. now living at BS 11 street tn Ashland: .' , . .- Benf, pirk, mutton and chicken at way down price.. - Booth It,, Public .Market. Saturday... , v 245 When In need of shingles and roof ing call Wallace WVods, 10S, 711 E. Main. .. . . , .., A now dispatch, , . from , Klamath Falls says: "Karly .resumption ,of work on the Strahnm railroad nnrlh and east ru Klamath FaiU. tapping one of the finest pine timber belts tn the west it seen lu the report received here Wednesday from Portland that Robert K. Strahoro hal won h)s suit against the Oregon. California Eastern for recovery of $472,000 In capital stock, and an amendment to the transports lion act whl- cleara certain technical ities heretofore standing In the way of approval by the Interstate commerce commission to floating a $55,000 band issue. It has been known hero .for some that Strahorn had succeeded In marketing the bonds and It ia under stood the suit was initiated to remove obstacles.". . .. For January ouiy, tailor-made suits and overcoats reduced $10. Come and look them over. Klein the Tailor. Up stairs. 250 Invest your savings In the Jackson County Building and Loan assocla tlon. tt' Vic. McCray, civil engineer, who has been In southern California for some time past la tn the city visiting hi family. Mr. McCray surveyed the Medford city water system. Get your lot to build on at the City Hall be fore they are all gone. tf Fred Alton Hatght. teacher of piano, will resume lessons Tuos.. Jan. 3d. Studio SIS Liberty Uldg. Phone 72 245 George T. Collins left last night for Portland to attend the special meeting of representatives of the State Elks association. Tho only Medford lodge dolegates at the meeting will be Mr. Collins and Msyor C. E. Gates, who is spending the week in Portland. Fred Alton Halght. teacher of piano rod harmony. Classical and popular courses. Studio 31 S Liberty Bid?.. Medford. Ore. Phone 72. tf Don't forget Knighta of Pythias dance Saturday night Jan. 7. All knights and ladles Invited. 245 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tupir of Albany .tarted for homo early this week after Saving spent tho holidays with Mr. iud Mrs.' J. Vincent of North Jackson ville. They drove from Albany to Med ford in IS hours In their Chevrolet car. On New Year's day Mrs. Vincent en tertained some friends at dinner in honor of the Tuppers. A feature of this dinner was a large ripe and per fect muskmelon that had been laid away for New Year's day use. Suits and overcoats of dependable stylish woolens tailored right Prices $28 to $55. Klein the Tailor. Upstairs. 250 A gigantic sale of groceries, flour and feed, fresh and salted meats at the Spot Cash. Basket Grocery, cash and carry system, the Vinson Barn. 226 N. Riverside Are. 256 ,Ted Thye, Portland wrestler, and Carl Nelson will meet at Walla Walla, Wash., next Tuesday night In a Police Gazette rules match. Everyone should carefully Inspect the Hupmoblle before purchasing a new car. Clark Motor Co. 21 in tho iVcomher Issue of "News Mticrdotii," Bert Moses of "Sap ami Salt' hua an article entitle "The Mus ings of Mokcs," on tho publishing and advertising problems of newspaper publishers, Illustrated by a cut of himself, Any member of the Knights of Pythias wanting' work plume f'JO-Y, six o'elwk evcniUKH, or see J. T. Pony, chancellor commander, . , Kdgar Wight for low prices. tf M:s. Arthur lUsuli'lgg has returned to Portland after a short vblt with friends and relatives In this rtty. To closa out we offer you ft genuine nil wool ralutlte fabric overcoat, regu lar price $3".00, sale price $18.00. Army Goods Btore, 32 South Central Ave, Pat Swayno of the upier Applegnte was a business visitor In the city tho middle of the week. KnlRhta of Pytblaa-dnnco at Catl hall, Jan. T, Everybody come. . 24f Ben Rueben of Chicago who waa de feated by Ted Thye at Portland Wed nesduy. ts being approached for a match with Ralph Hand at Uld Hill In the nesr Mure. Plana lenwous given. Good terms. Special attention to beginner. Mrs. T. C. Selneke. 403 N. Holly. Phone 537-M. 247 Elmer (julgley of Walker. I ultf.. a former stockman of trie , AprlKnte transacted business In this city and Talent the first of the wuuk Boiu tn Mi', aud Mrs. Myil Gtiinett on Monday,1 J;ui.' 2, u in and mm umirtur pound girl. Hot coffee and light lunches, ta males and chill con cnino at DeVoe's. MoleHliln breeches and pants, Army Goods Store, 32 8. Central. tf Miss .Uphlii tliisli'k, ono of the ( ii'li ers of the Lincoln school, Im timOned to tno fouse with a" bad Cold which wiitt contracted oh a visit during the holtilnya In Klamath county, with sev erul other Medford teachers,' All kinds of rough and dressed lumbar, .Wallace Woods, phone 1 0 it. 711 E. Main St. When In need ot ssh and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or com to 711 E. Main St. One of the fentiues of tho Burred foneei-t to bo given by the Jacksonville Presbyterian choir Sunday evening will be n baritone thorn "lt by fleorgn Wendt. Mr. Wefidt la a mem lr of tho Dookte band and Is classed as one ot the. best players in southern Oregon. Another Interesting number Is the Christmas anthem "Holy Night" which la repeated from the Chrlstiuus program ty special retjuest. Try a Super-tread tiro the tire with a wider and thicker tread they wear longer. . Riverside Garage. tf Tim Cloth Ink school being conduc ted tbls week by Ml Fkreuoo Pool and J Miss Esther Cooli-y, the O. A. C. cloth CHINESE TARIFF ' S AGREED UPON prugruiit for Imreunlng C'IiIiim's rev en iH'S and tho t'ltllM'Hii ili'leriitliln no cepteil the report, wiilunll ted by Hi'h uti'r L'tiderwiiiul, vlmlrmiiu u( tliu Miili-coiiimlltmi, WASIIINUTUS. .Ian. 6. The agreement for an Increase of Chinese tariff rate to an effective five per cent was adopted today by the nine conference powers sitting as a com mittee on Far Eastern questions. Tho Far Eastern committee also adopted resolution providing for eventual withdrawal ft foreign troops from China, t'poii the request of Chliuit the resolution provide, he minister at Peking of the eight pow ers will meet with a rommlttee of three Chinese to discus the troop withdrawal question. Ml of the imwoi approved the Si 1 ' 1 " ' " "' 1 1 1 ' 245 fihrlns Installs Officers llllluli Temple meets In Masonlo Hall, Axli laud, Friday evening. Jail, t). Hinted session and Installation of of ficers. A full atten dance Is requestnd, V. J. NEWMAN, lvtontato. W. II. DAY, Recorder. In K. 245 A. f. 4k A. M.' HprnMal C'niiiiuiilcnll(iii Med ford IMKt 101, Fililny even lug. Jan. tith, 7:30' p; m.VTurk A. degr4 , L. I5. WII.I.UNH. Beey. i m i ' i ii. .! i White corn for noonuy at Monarch lnK iectnluit, will come to a close to- Sed IX Phone 260. morrow ufternoon. The sctniol hna The JVi tland Telegram of January-. 'e attended, with an average of 3rd, lists Senator C. M. Thomas of tills ;,r' '"' present dally from various city, as one of tho "wilful 14" who vot- ""' ' the county. One woman came ed against tho gasoline fair tax in the fr"' Wlnior, 32 miles distant to at-j legislature, and publishes a series of The Applegate district Is well represented. When better automobiles ar built ssssswBsasisaw fir . .4 r V jl -DAYS BEGINNING MONDAY, JAN. 9th z TWICE DAILY NIGHTS 8:15 of the By VICENTE fBLASCO : IBANEZ! ALL ' SEATS RESERVED Floor 85c Balcony 55c Box Scats $1.10 Including war . tax SEATS ON SALE Box Office 12 o'clock the day of each performance. telegrams from prominent cltiiens in cluding Mayor C, K. Gates, who tehv graphically condemn the legUlature fob "deprivlns the people of the right to rote on the question ot holding a world fair in 1923. Try our merchant lunch. The Shasta. G. K. Whipple of Yreka, Calif., la spendlug a few days In tho city and valley attending to business matters. Lath and plaster, Medford, Lbr. Co. , , Edgar Wight, reliable Jeweler. Attorney J. T. Chlnnock of Grants Pass, attended to legal business In the city Thursday. Weyeuborg shoes. Expert shoe re pairing. Herbert Tllley, 7 N. Fir 8L 1 White corn for botulny at Monarch Seed Co. Phone 260. Hen Williams of Trail Is spending a few days In the city attending to busi ness and visiting friends. Only a few lots on paving left. Cet yours at once at City Hall. tf Marlnello Shop. 409 Liberty build ing. Oraduate expert work. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Marcelles , $1.00, shampoo "Sc. round curt 50c, ru&nl cures 50c. - 245 Prank Amy will leave the lat of the week for Vnicn creek and begin tlie; work of clearing land for the hotel. garage, and store to be erected at that place by himself and Jim Grieve of! Prospect. A concession was granted recently to them by the forest service.' They expect to have the business In' oieration early In tho summer. Ac- Lcordlng to a telephone message Thurs day there was no snow at Prospect then. High grade tailors for men and women. Orres, Ashland. Ore. , tf Fresh lime ana plaster. Medford Lumber Co. Miss Ruby Durke, chief telephone operator at the Puget Bound navy yard at Bremerton, Wash., lias returned t- her work after a visit with friends und relatives In this city. Lime st Medtord Lumber Co. tf lr. Frank Koberts, dentist. Deuel Dldg. Telephone C03-R, . U Chris Ulrlch of Jacksonville, attend ed to business and visited friends In the city Thursday. Pr. H. E. Murphy, dentist, over Woolworth store. Hemstitching, Picotlng, to per yd. ' Buttons covered. Handlcrait Shop. tf According to an announcement from Salem, Adjutant General White will recommend to Governor Olcott that Kay R. llriggs of thla city, and Jamos V. Van Winkle of Ashland, members of National Guard companies be ap pointed from thla state to West Tolnt. Recommendation la equivalent to ap pointment At an examlntalon held recently In tlw state capitol, Ilriggs and Van Winkle stood third and fourth In a heavy list, and a recent ruling of tho war department that Oregon is en titled to two more students at West Point makes the appointment pouslblo. Another Medford high school graduate, Ooorge Leonard, Is now a student at West Point. . The famous Herman army shoes and officers dress shoes, Army Goods Store 32 8. Central. tf Hoyal G. Hroyfn Of Eagle Point was a business and social visitor In the city Thursday. , . . ' ' Army underwear and onion suits ebnaper than elsewhere. Army Goods Store, 32 8. Central, . tf It. I. Btowart, builder, contracts for all buildings. - Residence 217 Apple street. Phone 643. . , tf i Axel Lundgren of' tho Blue Ledge dlHtrlct la spending a fjw days in tho city attending to business matters. Amy cots 13.23 at Army Goods Store, 32 8. Central Ave. tf The next meeting of the American Trench shoes, hob-nails, Army uoods Store, 32 8. Central. tf. nulck will build them. tf There was born to Mr. and Mr. Dick Straus of Gold Hill, in the Dow Association hospital, January 2, 132.' a nine pound n. They aro doing nicely. Insurance Plus Service. R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man. tt The Catholic ladies In conjunction with tho Knights of Columbus will hold a card party and dance on Mon day evening, Jan. 9th, at American U glon hall In the M. V. &. 11. bldg. Refreshments will he served. All friends are Invited. China Hly bulbs. Jp Art Store. j ALL EYES are on the big Clearance Sale at the M M. DEPT. STORE ens Tomorrow h . . - . . " .... . The Home of Bread Like Mother Made Inventory shows a slight adjustment of stock necessary in some lines and to start the New Year right wc are marking prices down for a Saturday special that you cah't afford to miss. Come early as the stocks of some articles are limited. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOK RENT Housekeeping apart mcnts; adults only. 323 8. River- aide. 217 WA.NTttD A housekeeper .for two business people. Modern home, good wages to tho right party. K, Mail - Tribune, . j Golden West Coffee, 5-lb cans . . T Diamond W Coffee, 3 lb. pkg. Diamond W Coffee, 1 lb , Ecoteria Coffee (guaranteed coffee) 1 lb. , Ecoteria Coffee (guaranteed coffee) 2 lbs Golden Marshmallow No. 10 can Tea Garden Preserves (all kinds, priced from 35c Brown Beauty Beans, per dozen Libby's vegetable Soup, per dozen : Van Camp's Tomato Soup, per dozen Blue Jacket Sardines in oil, per dozen ...... .. Apricots No. 21 cans . . . Phy pure fruit jams, 3 for 40c. Dozen $1.57. Case of 24 . Small Green Lima Beans, No. 2 cans, each . . . ... ..... Apple Butter, tall glass jars ,. Strawberry Jam; 1 lb. glasses . . Diamond W Jelly powder, 3 for . '. Ripe Olives, per gallon can Corned Beef Hash, 1 lb. cans, 2 for Corned Beef, No. 2 cans Roast Beef, 1 lb. cans1. . ; ..........,., Olive Oil, Imported Virgin,, gallon Holland Inferring, 10 lb. "kegs Govt. Bacon, 12 lb. cans, guaranteed Sea Foam Washing Powder, large package White Borax Naptha Soap, 25 bars Pearl White Soap, 25 bars $1.78 .. 93c 7?3c .34c . 83c . 93c to 44c . 97c $1.00 $1.09 . 89c ., 19c $3.10 . 25c 25c 25c ., 25c $1.09 . 25c j 30c , 18c $3.49 $1.48 $2.10 . .19c $1.00 $1.00