Oraft. Hlttirinl t Medford Mail Tribune The Weather Maximum yesterday 42 Minimum today Snow 3 Inches Predictions , UnMttUd wsathar. Probably rain. Uklly MUtMiilh Tur. WMkly rifiy.Klral Tf. MEDFOUD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY , 1922 NO. 215 John Wanamaker Is Oil Well May Pay Will She Marry the Kaiser? Amused By Report Of Death in Florida Municipal Taxes for Long Beach, Calif. si ALLIES FOR 151 QUITS: MAY President of Irish Republic Re signs When Agreement On Treaty Appears Impossible May Appeal to People in Plebiscite With New Cabinet Sharing His Views. IHHLIN, Jun. (5,-(lly Associated I'rrn ) I'niiMUiii lM-Vnlora rlned tlin prritMi'iiry of thu Irlnh republic today, pri'SPOtlng ittito to tlin Dull Kln-min tho mhIkhhUdii of tlin cablnot, Iti thl tho lil bo would offer him- ir (r rMilKc(imi standing on Hut principle of 1916. Mr. It iiliT said hn tntint have it Cubluul which thought Hh him auil hn would demand that nit resource bo given hint to dafend tho republic. At tho opening of tlin afternoon jmh sum of tho Hull Mr. Ik-Vnlera unlit that since tho IrUli agreement was slgnoil In l-oinfon. tho etecullve authority of tho IWly hud boeii Irrevocably split. They had lllo tiled l kiwp togoth- Ejjnonn Da Valtra r nomlnajlv ml n uttlflM'rtrfirtitp, but tho tlino 'lad ioiiio for that t bo cmlnl. '- Tho urvfilclriit itiilil hn and ono hoc tlun of thu rahUiut dliHjd for-tho pru aorvntlou of llio rpnlillc and tho other a-tlon fur (pilto another pl(in, . Thnro nivrr would bn peaop, Mr. JvoValura U'r(irpd, until thn iirinrlplo wan rw'OKnl'd Hint tho ri jxNiplo wantod to llvo their own IIvih without tho ImiMmittou of oiituMo aulliorlty. Teara In-Hla tyaa' DUNLIN, Jan. 8 Illy Aaaorlatod I'rvHa ) Kamonii DaValrra .aftgr nil lioimcln toduy In tho Dull Klrondii IiIk rralKiiiitlon of tlvi.pr,"!ild,ii;)',of tho lrlnli ropubllc (Ituinrod thut h wna alrk at heart, mid that whutuver hup Jioned. ho lulended to retliv to prlvutfl llfo. Ho arniko with KWit fonlltlK 'UI toara In hl rypa Nvhnn ho proteatod ho had never been u party to uny pollllenl trickery. ' l.OnDO.N, Jan. G. (Ily Ano latod lTnaa.) Tho IkiU Klifuun. lu , Uiiblln, una deeldcd to vote toluoiTw on the rntiricmiou of.tbo. Aujflp'i(aU trcuty, au.va a (Uoitml Nowb tllBpotch from Dublin thla afternoon. Dl'ULIN,' Jan. C (Ily AaHoclatod I'roHH.) Four armed inctf riday liold : C : ? ft ' ( va.. (t,aaM. Mtl FABLE OF RABBIT ATTACKING BULL DOG COMES TRUE IN WALLA WALLA WALLA WALLA, Wash., Jan. 0. Rabbits, appui'unlty lunotiulutod by dons mid coyotes afflicted with rabies, havo boi'onm so forocl'oua,' ucrordln'g to resldonts of l'usco, u vlllngo 40 miles from hero, that' 'tliey have . luunuhod an orroimlvo attack ugalust tho collar poloa of high powor tunalon linns, These reports como from many sections of the county; Almost un bellnvnblo HtorleB of rabbits attack ing dogs and coyotes and In ninny In .stances putting thorn to flight uro told .by vesponKllilo. poraona In ' the I'HILAKKLrillA, Jun. C.- 4 John Wmmiiittkcr today luughud uway thi) report from thu south 4 tlmt hu wu dead. Hitting In hla 4 office on llm seventh floor of hla 4 loru building enguged In s con- 4 fetourn when hn km apprised of 4 tho report, thu former poslmas- 4 ler general said: 4 "I am mm well n you arn. 4 Thorn la nothing w runi with mo 4 Imt a slight mill. I received 4 4 letter today making au engage- 4 iiiont for 19i!i." 4 Mr. ununiukor, who U In hit 4 Mth year was rurtoua to know 4 where tho report cama from. 4 "If tho report of my death la 4 to bn snut from Florida, 1 will 4 atay awiiy Irom there," ho aald. 4 . 4 MIAMI, Ha., Jan. 6. Whit- 4 ney VHliy Wauainaktr, a 4 Mouth Carolina ilantnd, dld at 4 a local hotel hern yesterday end 4 thla morning tho undertaker In 4 charicn of hla body announced 4 tho death of John Wanamakiir, 4 tho merchant and former poat- 4 muster general. ' 4 OF U. S. A. British Premier Regrets That United States Won't Join Hands With Europe in World Restoration New Meeting at Genoa in March. CA.NNK3. J.ii. C (Uy tho Aaao- rlatod I'rwi.) Tho allied auprcme council. In aeanlon hera thla ufler- noon, unaniinoualy Uwlded to hold a Kuropeau eionoinU' ronferutire dur- liiK the flmt two worka of March at l.ellou. Tim t niiea Mata win ro- telvo a formal luvttatlou to partici pate nd It la exported that country win bo repreaontod by aoveral un official obaorvora. CANNKS. Jn. 6. (Ily tho Aaao rlatod I'roaa.) 1'rluio 'Mlnlater l.loyd tieorKo In lUa only brief rf' warti to the United States during his a0dria oday liefuro llm alllinl hu- uddn-nH toduy boforo tho allied au "I waa alueeroly hopeful that tho lireut n'puhllc of thn went lulxht have Ji lued builds with ua. 1 will not pre mi in o to evprenii any opinion upon the nttitudo of that country. "It nan ita own roaaoiiR," "Hut l.'uropii certainly cannot aT ford to ignoro the coudltioiia." con tinued the Hrltlah prfinlor, "and lu iiMiiurh an reitponHllitllty for Kuroiio iiiuat u wlili ilia vte.tora lu thu late v.nr we ounhl to usHuino that ronpon nihility, and U wo do not tako It boldly, and courntcoously wo nood not wait for history to coudemu ua. Wo should bo loiidoiiiiied by thn volco of our own countrymen, and that very soon." (rorirn Slill At It. YOUNGSTOWN. Ohio. Jan. 6. .Mayor tieorgo h. Oloa today offered a Jib at $100 a month with rout and Kardoo apaeo, to tho YouiikhIowu man w ho had thn InrKest family of child ren. This place la that of guard at I ho clty'a reservoir. up too eniployvH of tho inchlcoro bianch of tlio Hibernian buuli, took all tho money, totalling novo ml Utousund IKiunda sterling, uud' ouch pod In au automobile. comuniulty. A general alarm lias boon souudud and many drives agulnst tho Jack rabbits have bouu planned. At tho R. M. Johnson place Huturdny, CO fur in org 'assembled but owing to tho peculiar antics of the rabbits only 100 could bo killed. Many of those, when picked up, were found to bo frothing at the mouth, residents say. A call hna been sont out urging ev ery farmer to gather Saturday In an effort to exterminate tho pests. A precaution urged that hunters wear hip boots to keep from being bitten I by rubld livinnloH,' SEES NO HOPE Five Powers Agree to Put U-Boat Violator In Pirate Class Italy Immediately Accepts .Plan to Outlaw Poison Gas Other Nations Hesitate. WASHINGTON. Jan. 6. (Ily Asao rlMrd 1'rrns ) Consideration of sub marine questlona waa cuurluded today by tho flva powers naval committee with adoption of tho final Koot reaolu lion declarlntf aubtuarino eommandora who, with or without ordra from their government, vlolato the exlatlOK Inter uatlonat law on submarine warfaro, to bo xullty of piracy. Tho American delegation through Mr. Hoot thereupon brought forth new proiosal to prohibit tho use of poison gas In fuluro wara. It waa aald to have been received favorably but a decision went over until tomorrow's meeting. Tho piracy resolution adopted by Uie navul committee waa widened In lis aroio m Urn I Ita application would tend not only to commanders of sub marines who might violate the recog- nlied laws of war but also comman ders of naval vessela of any character. Tho resolution for thla modification of tho original Koot proposal waa not dis closed in the official announcement which carried tho resolution aa It waa adoptod. Tim subject of poison gaa developed from a report on chemical warfare,! submitted by tho American advisory oomttilttoe, recommending prohibition of poison gaa aa an inhumane agency of war. , Mr. Moot presented a resolution to tho commltleo oiubodylnj; tho princi ples of the advisory committee a reo onimendatlona. Italy Immediately announced adhe sion to the proposed American princi ples. 8Kkesmen of the other powera de sired to examine the American pro (Kisal In more detail and asked that the subject go over until tomorrow. Tho Hoot resolution to ban poison gaa follows; "Tho use In war of asphyxiating, lHlnonous, or analagoua liquids of materials or dovleva having been JtiHt ly condemned by tho general opinion of tho clvlllied world and a prohibition of such uko having been declared in treaties to which- n majority of the civilised powera arn party; "Now to the end that thla prohlbl tlon bliall ho universally accepted aa a part of international law, binding alike the consciences, and practice of nations tho signatory lowers doclaxe their as sent to such prohibitum, agree to bo bound thereby between themselves and invito all other civilized nations to ud hero thereto." BURCH FAILS IN SUICIDE ATTEMPT LOS ANCiELKS. Jan. 6. When Arthur ". llureli was taken from hla oell ut tlio county Jul! today to go to the court room, where ho is on trial elinrged with the murder of J. Helton Kennedy, he either slipped or tried to Jump throuKU tho railing uround th Jull corrida r to tho atool floor thirty feut below. A di'puty uheriff was escorting iturrli to the jail office to turn him over to J lie court room deputies. Tlio officer wild Huron hud deliberately tried to blip over the rnllliiK, but was prevented by a grip on his arm. Hurch aald ho slipped accidentally. Numer ous prlHOiiei-H who saw tho occurrence oxproHHod tho belief that Hurch hud tried to luiip over the rail, which would result lu Injury or death, jull era suld. , U. S. CITIZEN IS KILLED BY MEXICO CITY, Jan. 6. (By Assoc! ated Press.) Tho war dopartmont has ordered thu pursuit of a bund of 40 bundlta, who on Wednesday night shot to douth Timothy Costollo of Pennsyl vania, ' nn American citizen on his ranch near Texcoco, 15 miles north east of Mexico City. James Kelly, British subject and partner of Costello fled to safety through a hall of bullets. The military commander at Toxcoco hus already sent troops aftor tho ban (Ills, It Is stated. r - - f . , . -:s& hi:.?- - 'U.A " ', It i s ' ; -. , ; Jf SI 5 " " f l Li - , .1' '' " .'-.-,-';-': ' ? - ' - ' -' it ! ' I . : - . ' " : r. . ' . , . r. - . ''ft K trxiX "VPtvi "KocKowt Ileuris ttre currett in Holland tuai tho kaiser la preparing to marry again. The reports nay his bride is to be Frau von Itochow, a widow, whose husband waa a colonel In the Danzig Hussars. It la said Frau von Hocbow first met Wilhelm at military maneuvers. Iier- 1 E LOS ANGELES. Jan. 6. Plana for the wedding of John P. Cudahy, son of the lato John Cudahy, banker an meat packer of Chicago, and - Miss Louise Chcnler Francis of St, Louis, which, It Is aald, waa to have taken place hero this week, received an ap parent setback yesterday when it de veloped that neither Mr. Cudahy nor Mlsa Francis could bo located. The engagement was announced last month at Santa Monica. Cal. At that time it waa reported that tho marrlago waa to tako place during tho latter part of December. The prospective bridegroom left his apartments last week. He Is reported aa being at the homo of friends in this city. Neither could Miss Francis bo located at her Santa Monica address. It ia reported that Mr. Cudahy told friends some time ago that plans for the marriage were cancelled although thla could not bo confirmed, members and rclatles of tho families of both Mr. Cudahy and Mlsa Francis refusing to discuas tho matter. SALEM, Oro.. Jan. 6. Despondent over hor poor health during tho past few months, Mrs. Martha Williams, r8, slipped away from her home hero betweno two and three o'clock this between two and throe o'clock this clothos and drowned hersolf in a small creek near her homo. Police and neighbors searching for her found her body near a railroad trestle about two hours aftor Bho loft hor homo. Mr. Williams heard his wife leave their bod room shortly after two o'clock, but did not become alarmed ut her actions until ahe bad been gouo for several minutes. . BABE RUTH TO MEET Y AT THE BAT ST. LOUIS, Jan. C Two of tho greatest stars in baseball are to en- gnge lu a contest for batting honors at New Orleans March 18 and. 19, when Babe Kuth, home ruu king of the Now York Yankees and Roger Hornsby, of the St. Louis Nationals champion batter of tho major leagues last year moot lu a two gamo spring exhibition series between tho two tennis. . CAN Hi BRIO OR GROOM mm FRANCIS MODI DESPONDENT SALEM WOMAN It tar .u ucapcii taciu.e her aa a woman of great wealth and charm. .She ia now a guest of the ex-kalser at Doorn, Holland, and it la reported that the wedding date w aa set for January 18 but that objections of ber family to the proposed union eight delay it C.C. WASHINGTON. Jan. 5. Charges were made in the senate today by Senator Trammell, democrat, Flor ida, that Clyde B. Altchleon, a mem ber of the interstate commerce com mission, who was appointed from Oregon, "had used hla good offices to obtain a decrease of sixteen per cent on lumber from the west and central west and opposed a reduction In lumber rates to the south." Tho Florida senator made his charges while speaking on a bill he introduced today providing for geo graphical reproaentatlon on the In terstate commerce commission. He declared the action of the commis sion on lumber ratea had operated to shut the south out of the lumber markets of the eastern and northern states. Senator Cummins of Iowa, chair man or tho inter-state commerce commission and Senator McNary, re publican, Oregon, interrupted Sena tor Trammell with a defense of Com missioner Altchison, commending the tommlssloner'a fairness and justice TOKYO, Jan. 6. (By the Associat ed Press) Marquis Bhigenobu Oku- ma, Japan's octogenarian atutesman died at his homo hero today. HONOLULU. ..T. H Jan. 6. Mar quis Oku ma, former premier of Japan Is dead, according to a cable message received by th0 Nlppu JUL a Japan ese vernacular newspaper, , from Tokyo today. Tho Mikado conferred certain decorations on Okuma post humously, tho cable messag0 suld. EMMA GOLDMAN IS ON THE WAR PATH AGAIN RIGA, Jan. 5 (By Associated Press) Emma Goldman, Alexander Birkman and'Alexander Saphlro, anarchists left Russia with the iutentlon of attempt ing a "world anarchist congress in Berlin late in December, according to documents which the Riga newspapers assert the Letvian authorities found when they arrested the trio in Riga. It Is alleged that It la now their hope to roach Berlin by way of Stockholm, OREGON MEMBER INTERSTATE FACES CHARGE SUICIDES JAPAN'S GRAND OLD Mi PASSES ON 4) LONG BEACH, Cat., Jan. (. 4 A municipally owned oil well, 4 heralded aa a possible tax erad- 4 Icator, started tho flow of fin- 4 nance Into the city treasury to- 4 day when a contract waa made 4 4by Long beach with a California 4 oil company lor st: of IS, 000 4 barrela of oil, the clty'a initial 4 allotment for the production. 4 4 The contract price waa $1.21 ft 4 barrel. 4 The well la producing be- 4 tween 300 and COO barrela a 4 day, baring been drilled by a 4 private corporation on city 4 ground by agreement under 4 which the city geia 40 per cent 4 4 of the oil produced and the 4 operating company 60 per cent. 4 4 Michigan Solon Announces He iii-ii n i -i .I r-i I Will Defend HIS CleCtlOn ; I r 1 Before Senate On Monday- Harding Off. to Keep Hands WASHINGTON. Jan. 6. Definite announcement that Senator Truman H. Newberry of Michigan would ad dress the senate Monday to answer charges that he should be ousted, waa made late today, by Chairman Spencer of the elections committee. (While the senate debate was pro ceeding it was aald that President Harding, although holding; Mr. New berry in very high esteem was not tak ing any hand in the contest. The president, it was said, does not con sider that it is his function to pass upon decisions which are before con gress. WASHINGTON. Jan. 6. Final con BERRY 1L ADDRESS SENATE IN 01 DEFENSE sideration of the Newberry case was Xo Formal Alliance begun in the senate today under the ' CANNES, Jan. 6. ( By the Asso unanimous consent agreement pre- elated Press.) - Premier Lloyd viously- entered. Senator Caraway, George baa decided there can be no democrat. Arkansas, who opened the question at this time of a formal al attack on Mr. Newberry, waa ached- ltance between France and Great ulod to discuss the controversy at length. 1 64 STUDENTS 0. A. C. POI ON PROBATION - CORYALLIS, Ore., Jan. 6 One hun- ureu anu aixiy-iour stuuents at Oregon Agricultural college have been placed on prohibition until their work proves their ability to keep up the regular col- lege course and take part in student and social activities at the same time, it la announced. Unless these students nave completed the specified require- meats by mid-term their registration will be cancelled New Swimming Record. CHICAGO, Jan. 6. John Welaa muller, Illinois A. C. swimmer, estab lished a new world's record in the 320 yard tree style event in au open meet at the I. A. C. pool last night. Wolssmuller's new time of 2:19 3-5 j clipped 1-5 of a second off the former I rocord, set by Ted Cann of the Detroit A. C. The meet was won by the I., A. C. swimmers. . GOVERNOR VETOES PORTLAND FAIR . BILL, NEW FINANCE PLAN PUT UP SALEM, Ore., Jan. 6. Govornor Olcott last night vetoed house bill No. 31 providing for a special elec tion on May 19, to be held in connec tion with the regular primary elec tion for the purpose of referring to the voters of the state a resolution and an enabling act approved at the recent special session of tbo legisla ture. The resolution authorized an in creased gasoline tax with which to provide funds to finance the proposed 1925 exposition In Portland. The en abling act provided for putting the world's fair machinery in motion. PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 6. Fromn- Supreme Council's Invitation to Russia and Germany to Participate in Financial Conference Regarded as Virtual Recognition of So vietWant Harmony. CANNES, Jan. 6. (By the Asso ciated. Press.) What la regarded by the majority of tho delegates hers aa amounting to recognition of ths so viet government of Russia waa de cided upon by the allied suprems . council today when the British pro posal for an international financial and economic conference with the participation of Russia and Germany waa approved unanimously. CANNES, France, Jan. 6. (By the Associated Press.) Prims Minister dressing the opening session of the allied supreme council today warned the allied powers that they could not look to any others but themselves to t. . M1..KIIII.Hnn of Europe. He appealed to the al lies to set aside prejudices and work together to this sod. The conference waa in session only slightly more than two hours. It ad journed at 1:15' o'clock after having appointed two commissions, ono on reparation and .the other on tho economic situation. Both commis sions were called to meet at 3:30 p. m. BERLIN. Jan. 6. The German government has sent a note to.ths reparations commission taking th ground that In view of the Imminent meeting of he supreme council. It assumes no objection will be raised If it takes no further steps at present with regard to the commission's re quest for information concerning Ger many's ability to meet the repara tions Installments. Britain, it is said on good authority but has held out the prospect of a guarantee to aid France It the la again attacked, as in 1914; under cer tain conditions. These are, it Is stated, that France co-operate with England in the econ- .ml, MalAratlnn fit ITtlrrifM mnA ffula sent to modifications of the German reparation payments on the basis of a half million gold marks In cash I and a billion gold marks In kind. In- Btead of two billion marks in cash. , .o ivoutmjii. ilu-vpv George Harvey, American ambas- aador to Great Britain, who is to act as official observer for the United . States at tho conference, told the correspondent he had no program to jdace before the allies as baa been ru- mored. He was non-committal when asked If he would outline the American viewpoint of the world's economic situation it pressed to do so. lie walked to the yacht club where the council met, surrounded by a crowd of motion picture men and press pho- ! tograp hers. Turky-l kr&lnla Sign Treaty. ' CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 6, A treaty of friendship between the Turkish nationalists and I'kratnla waa signed Monday at Angora. latlon of a new plan tor financing the proposed world's fair to be held in Portland la 1925 waa under consid eration today by members of the elate wide executive committee which, yes terday voted to abandon the program which failed to get unquestioned support at the recent special suasion ot the legislature. Committeemen from various hoc tions ot the state declared sentiment In their communities was for the fair as a state enterprise. The new financing plan which will be evolved will be submitted to representative bodies in all portions of the state tor the purpose ot obtaining stats wide cc-operatlon,