Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 15, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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rEDFonn matt, trtp.fxe. MF.nFonn. otmy.ox. Tnrin.w. TtEfKMnr.r,
Focal and
Among guests ai the Hotel Holland
arc- A. C. Stepp of Portland, C. 1).
Itanielsou of St. Louis, Mo., John L.
Mason of l.iy Annexes, Mr. and Mrs.
C. K. liryant of Montague, Calif..
A. Stewart of Ro;:eburg and .Mr. and
Mrs. Ileridriekson and Joe Herziii of
Order your dressed geese for Chris
'. K. Harris and family of Ashiand I
e removed to a :arm near Regie
vr, on which th..-y will n.'.a tie.-ir
Thi spirit of the age wan reflected
lit today's session of the association
of county judges and commissioners
when l'rcsiitent Smirh tlincel a ' - ' I
who had m-ver broken tho spoed Iowb n'M nov" 1 none J"'t"- -", i SO ronlr, to !.G3. DcmoI's Art Dejit.
to utand up. No on arose except This office Is prepared to wrap yo:irj A reeuhr iiieetins of the Crato:
JiuiKO Whit.? of Culuiitfjiu county. rinfptnsfis puc(:a;;es t' sendby mail; Lake rhapier of tlio Dauchtors of
It developed that Judi? White does or express. tf the American devolution will be htld
net own a car. Portland -lotirnai
Interclacs basketball games starred
the ffrot of this week and so far have' 1:;
been interesting and fast contest?, j I'.
The bophomorea played the '-niorj 1;. n:e. .evening and were deieated by a I lU.'n cci end waterpr xif p-iiu.-; at
.score of 1 .S to 7. iArruy Go-mis t-Uore. U
I fencing taught at Nat, latest stepF.t Yoy will find a Ms! li::e of now and
i'or appointment phone 3J1-Y. t i regain. ed army go-.. -Is at U S. Centra!
Iloudior caps, all colors, priced from
rival J
t :,irv t,
; whica
I ii-:. f.t',1
j l'i.r,u:
t're :o:i:ati ai
fit iato
r.?-: iited in
id Georu' Hmvv..
us! North Kari.vl
i warm argument
a po-;!s-yo-pIt--'
caused li'
i of assault
i'ayltjf'r. c..
llowih v hi b
..'si a: if-il o.;
id battery. I'1
tnday aft'-v
nr W. fa i tzr'!, a sopiiomt ro
culture at . A. , Mpet tlh.
Hchcdule w!iic!i had he-"n ar
ior the arrival of to!l"L'e i; lu
ll is only fair to George A, Gardner
county judge of Jackson county who
is attending the above mentioned con
vention to state he is sometimes hard
of hearing.
Lime at Mod ford Lumber Co. tf
Let us make your Ford Mart easy
these cold mornings. No cure, no pay.
Hiverside Garage. tf
Army Goods Store at 32 S. Central
avenue. tf
A gigantic sale groceries, froh
and salted meat, flour and feed. TH'
N. Hiverside. Vl',
The regular monthly meeting of
the Lincoln I'a rent-Teachers circle
will be held Friday afternoon at the
school building. Refreshments will
be served.
8c per yd.
Huttous covered.
Handicraft Shop. tf,
Get your Xuias cards and candies at
Kdgar Wight for Chrif.tmas gifts.
A letter writt'Mi in French was re
ceived from Marshal Ferdinand Fo;:h
of France this forenoon by Mayor
('. K. Gai:. addressed "The Mayor
of Medford." The missive it Is pre
sumed refers to the general's" recent
visit hero and the demonstration that
was accorded him, but inasmuch as
tho mayor, and editorial and business
aLlache.) of the Mail Tribune were
eee:smdy busy today no time could
he uparod to read the letter. It will
be published in tomorrow's issue pro
vided Joe Gagnon or some other for
mer Frenchman wanders into this
Wanted Clean rags at Medford
Printing Co.
Order your Xmas tree r.'.:w
sizes. IMionn 7S7.
Ituy your blankets at the
Goods Store and save money.
liev. Wesley K. Smith, formerly a
reprmentutivo of the American Suu
ciay School 1'iiion and a reddent of
Medford it; now pawlor of First Uap
t i tit church of Cle Klum, Wa:di!ngon.
An automobile radiator and hood
. All
Rpepiiil, $:'..".0, wliile tlley last,
men's nc.v dre'jH hats, all Kitaranf ed,
at Apnarnl Cl'aners and llalteiii,
1 X. Central. :':!:',
AH members of the (lolden I.ini:
Hilile il:.:; and their faniili.-i ar
H reed to i.i- j r ..sent at the ChriHlma.;
irnirer ;iven at the chureh. jmd ;n e
al:ed to lirin at least a pound p.-irt'-at:e
of some ki.ifl of eatab! 's. to he
i;:ed fur el;arltahle purjjoses at holi
day tine'.
Why hither with wrapping Christ
mas packages. are pippnred to
wrap them so they will he safe for
sendinc; !y mail or express. tf
All hinds of rousn and dressed
lumber. Wallace Woods, phone l'JS.
V 1 1 E. Main St.
(JiiPBtn at tho Hotel Medford In.
e'ude Tom A. liierlni; of 1. 03 Anodes
Mr. and Mrs. II. t'. Jones of Santa
Itosa. Calif., It. I., .flill of Itoseljiirc,
Mr. and .Mrs. Hurl S. foe of White
Salmon. Wn., J. V. Short of l.erkeley,
talit., T. I". Rauiulers of Kresno,
Call;'., and I. T. Sparks of Eugene.
Army r.nd navy underwear tit Army
tioods Ktoi e. tf
I.ath and plaster, Medford
One of the bluest affairs staged
ny the loeal Knights of I'ythias was
hold Tuesday night, when nearly tin
members of the organization gathered
for the homecoming and reunion.
It was after 10 o'clock before the feed
waft spread, nud the show started in
earnest. Following the baniti"l.
Senator C. M. Thomas of Medford,
spoke and some excellent music by
tin! IJ. U. I. K. orchestra of Medford
enjoyed. Medford was represented
by a strong delegation. Siveral new
mnmbers were talt n in by both Ther
mopyle lodge, No. lis, and by the I).
O. K. K. organization. (Irants Pass
When better automobiles are built,
riulck will build them. tf
Invest your savings In tho Jackson
County llitlldiug and Loan associa
tion, tf
Mrs. V. Clifford Sinner of Santa
ISnrbara is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. It. (i. Itrown of Ktigle Point.
! tin- of Mr.i, C. W. McU
st Main street, Saturda;.
p. in.
r.d work shoes at
'1 li-
tins :.'!
ry s;.l.
no-.incement of
at tin; Tre.a.
in ayr:
d'"its in tiiis city
fro:n Corv.iills ti.
Kiurtetils r l:a:iy 1;
;o- at !f ing haul;
.own atti r ii:ree menths a'jticc.
A new :.!i:pni-i,t uf ;ifeigee for Lanrl
!. :. iiii : s at Ij.jael's Art lii-pt.
' the Epeeialty acts in dancing
a n. I j,:g;;li!::' at the Jackson Kiollc
l-'riday night. 1'1'S
The honorable ilis. -barge papers 1,'.
Julius IHibro.tky from the infantry
service of tile I'jiited States r.rmy,
signed by Colonel W. P. liuriihnm
at Tort McDowell. Calif., were foimd
en the street Wednesday and turned
i,M home 1
at tiic !
! 7, at i
At my shot s
iJoods Store.
Wat'h for
the bin Km;
.Stores. 'I'lH"1
tii re is a po.'nrer for t!ie Medford ;
lodge of Kli;r, to act. on m-M Wciu";:- j
day when Sou.-a's band play:-; h-'i-:;: j
John Phillip Souse, the great band
mazier, according to Portland news-,
papers, has donated t Km to the Port j
land lodge of Ki;:' Christmas tree.
Dig reduction In groceries at ;
Trua: Stores money raising .-ale l"r--,
da-. 2'JS
Wanted '() men to get shaved at 1
Whitens Parher Shop. Ladles' and'
children's haircutting a specialty by i
export barbers. L'2S !
The record for large geese held !
by M. S. Hideti, who brought in a ,
honker Thursday weighing ! .
pounds when dresMed, was broker. !
by Harry Thraihcr on Sunday, when:
he returned from a day spent hunt-'
it;g in the Klamath Straits, with a'
bird that weighed 1 2 pound j
dressci The P.iden fowl was killed
in the Straits also, and from till in-!
dications this section bids fair to:
become ii rival of Malin, which
heretofore ha:; claimed most of the,
hunters on week end trips out from!
K amath l'alb. Klamath Kails Her
ald. , Vanity Shop.
Insurance Plus Service. R. A.) ,l(!,r tho jazz orchestra at the
liolmes. The Insurance Man. tf j Christmas Frolic, Jackson schol,
1 ! I' day night.
Iteginald Daddysman,
1 ri'-h a'-r'i. ed the ether of sttirting tit
t't:l;t rt (ii-'intere-Jtefl witnes of tit"
ait'. rc.iti;.'U put the ! 0:1 Press
.n:in. Heu'e Howe was fouu.l not
When in r."ed of sash and doors,
call V.'a'isce Woods, 1US or come to
Til K. Main St.
See St. t;.'.-:g'i slay the dragnn at
C'hristnia- Frolic, Jackson schno,
Friday night. 22 1
Motorcycle visitors to this city
from distant points on the -North
American continent are frequent.
Among those who arrived during the
early pyrt of this month are Leo
White and his aunt from Oshkosh.
Win., who arrived here 0:1 Dee. 1st
riding a iiarley-Davidson and sid"
car. They started from Oshkosh in
the early part of -November and trav
eler to Frank P. Farrell, commander j eled all sons of roads rendered rough
' the Medford post of the American b" winter weather. They came by
Legion from whom the owner can ! w" of Denver and Los Angeles. It.
obtain them. I S. Edwards of Monitor, Alberta, was
All linen initial handkerchiefs, while
they last 2"c, at Deuel's Art Dept.
( ail at the K. K. Deuel i Co. dress
mrklrg parlors for reliabth w;,ik in
dre: smaking. 2 11
Iteturning college students wT
tint be forced to provide hcir o-v:i
entet i.iir.ment this season with a
joint I'. of O.-O. A. C. dance ;,s- tb"
did la-: 5'ear as the alumni associa
tion of the Medford high school Ins
plantnd a Christmas ball in their
honor and all college students, high
si hool students and M. !!. S. alumni
are Invited.
P.ig shipment of new Christmas
candles from .Mrs. Montgomery at The
another visitor this month, and was
e.r.-s.ute to Calexico.
Lower the cost of living by pur
chasing grorerles r.t the big sale at
Truax Store beginning Friday. 22 S -
P.i itisli liye-Electiou
LONDON, Dec. 1.".. The govern
ment suffered a' defeat yesterday in
lie- parliamentary bye-elcction in the
fotithear.t division of Soutliwark. Tho
mas Naylor, laborite, being returned
over Owen Jacobson. coalition 1 lib
eral. Naylor received tL'.Ol votes;
Jackson 2ii:!i, and Horace Hoot, in
oependent conservative 2;i07.
cover makes nn Ideal Xnina present. I e-ew and reclaimed O. D. shirts and
Medford Auto Top Co., SO N. Crape.' breeches nt Army ti.iods Store. tf
Phono 1UI. , nfl !rs. Paul Hansen corstetlere for
Order your Xmas tree now.
sizes. Phono 787.
Pork, veal, dressed chickens
peat 'meat at public market Saturday.
Iloolh U. V.'anled -10 heavy chickens,
live. Call at nubile market Saturday,
liooth II.- - H2H"
Th 11 Elks lodge meeting for tonight
will lie of the routine variety with
the exception that iirrangenientH will
Nu Hone.
To day' 1
Phone r.Srj-J.
weather, following
.lmrain or last night was rather balmy
and Kprlngllke. , During the night .0.'.
I r.l tin' inch of rain fell. The predic
tion is for fair weather tomorrow.
Edgar Wight for low prices. tf
We are giving uway to each pur
chaser of 11 $:).(0 tier of wood or of
also that amount in coal from now
be completed for the annual Christ-""til Christmas, a fine silver steel
mas tree event of the lodgo which ' stove poker or child's pirn cap. We
Consider the iliipmnhilo now Jl 100
f. o. b. Medford. Clark Motor Co.,
dealers. 22S
Miss Mildred Pratt has left Med
foid for her home In Salem to spend
Christmas and New Year, alter which
riie will leave for Los Angeles where
rhe has accepted a position. .Miss
Pratt will be greatly missed in musi- '-eatln
cal circles and by her many friends : nice.' I'
former O.
A. C. (Undent who is finishing his
course in civil engineering this year
at Cornell will spend his Christmas
vacation with his brother Frederick
is studying art in Brooklyn.
Turkey Dinner.
There will be plenty of turkey at
tho Presbyterian Ladies' dir.ncr Fri
day, Dec. 10th, from 1:S0 to 7:.H.
coats and vests at
R. Army Ooods Store.
l-'ree Musical.
From 5:30 to 0:00 at Presbyter
ian church Friday, Dec. 10. 22S'S
will be held next Thursday night.
Try our merchants lunch. The
Edgar Wight, reliable Jeweler.
The Tiiiax store Is putting on a
big sale of groceries commencing to
Tuorrow, Friday, to raise money and
reduce stock. See a few of their spe
cial prices In an ad In this paper.
This Is a genuine sale, coming at an
opportune time.
At midnight 011 Dec, ill members
of the Eugene Motorcycle club will
leave on an endurance run to Med
ford and return. They will lay over
In this city for about threo hours
and then start the return trip to
I'uKene. The speed limit on this run
will be 2,1 mile.! per hour, anil check
ing stations all along the roatl un
known to Hie riders will time them
to make sure that this limit Is not
ec.-eded. .The complete round trip
approximates IU0 miles and the run
is being made an endurance run and
not a road race. From twenty to
thirty riders will compete.
When In need of shingles and roof
ing call Wallace Woods, 10S, 711 K.
Turkey dinner at the Presbyterian
chinch, Friday, Dec. 10th, 73 cents
Latest song hits. Root Music Co..
Kl.'i W. Main, Medford. 21! 1
' lied Croi--. needs clothing for out-of-town
family of three boys, II, 111
and 12 years id' age. They can not
attend school till clothed.
Dr. I rank ltoberts, dentist. Douol
Hide Telephone ao:i-lt. tf
Til.kcy shoot Sunday. Dec. IS. Tine,.
. iinarters mile north of Hiieli. 2.:"
Shingles, shakes. Medford Lbr. Co.
The eleventh annual convention of
the Oregon Irrigalion congress con
etied :it Pendleton today lor a three
(lays session.
Hot coffee and light lunches, ta
mules and chill con earne at DeVoe's '
Partner small going business, est
have the only (dock nf strictly dry
wood in Medford under our large
sheds. A trial order will convince you
that we have the best and cheapest
Tuel In the city. Valley Fuel Co.
Phone Til.
(I. F. C : ill i ti 11 of Medford was slop
ped on Sixth street in tlrantr, Pass
this week by Deputy State Motor
Traffic Officer .V.cMnhon who wished
t,n ascertain why he was driving a
(ar of one make witli the license
plate of another, (llllian explained
that he had traded a horse for the
car. and that the license plates were
on (he car at that time.
Ilandilyeil Ilnlik kimonos in lilts
sian, Persian. Chinese anil Japanese
patterns, made by (iladys Cortper, R'lbl
by Jup Art Store. 2;'."
Come to the Surprise Sutidaj
school class miscellaneous sale at the
public market next Saturday morn
ing. 22LI
The Heed college chorus of .".2
voices which has 1 1 rehearsing
hard since the beginning of the
school year, under the direct Ion of
Miks Elizabeth Core of Medford. will
give a Chrlsinias concert In Portland
next Thursday night.
China lily bulbs. .ap Art Store.
The best sift Is (he useful one. A
"Pacific" cedar chest Is an Ideal girt
useful, ornamental and moth proof.
ill last a life lime. We have several
designs at different prices on baud. I
Order now ror Christmas. Trowbridge I
Cabinet Works. 2:10 j
"If Pop' (lutes, mayor of Medford
derides to be a candidate for gover-i
r.or in the republican primaries lie
will have the solid backing of Jack-'
son county," predicts Iten Sheldon. 1
11 presi -illume of that conntv. Mr.
Sheldon is in1 town r.eiturr inform:!- j
tiou on several subjects. For in
Dance at Riverside Community
club, Saturday nlte, Dec. 17th. Al
ways a good time. 2"0
Hupniobiles now $1100 f. o. b. Med
ford. Clark Motor Co., denlers. 22S
Ceorge Hilton, Jr.,, appraiser for
the. federal land bank, arrived home
today to spend the holidays, after a
month spent on official duty In Coos
Christmas Frolic. Jackson school,
Friday night. Cake, coffee, candy,
confetti. 22S
Violins Fine tone. full size.
Root .Music Co., 100 W. .Main, Mcdfm'dJ
County Judge fl. A. Gardner-.h'ttsj
been appointed a member of the legis
lation committee of the stato associa
tion of county Judges and commis;
sioners which held its annual'conveli
t lim 111 Portland this -week,
1 have a Ford delivery car to trad,p
for city lot, piano, graphaphone, fnruf
ture or what have you? Ilox D7, irall
Low prices on toys and other pres
ents at Truax Stores. 22.S
Look for cut prices on ,
Truax storra in Thursday'
s paper.
:itj V
j Flection
A. 1". .V A. M.
Keg 11 la r communication
Medford Lodge, 103, Friday
evening, Dec, 10, 7:30 p.m.
of officers.
t .v. 7S
i , 1 ;,,Mi.ife;!
FOR S W.E -Corn at $20 a ton. C.
A. Murphy, 3 miles west of Med
ford. Phone I -F-! 3. , 3:4
T 7, ff-f-f " ,
r-Ci Li
j j.r 64'''
V -. m iuy as a raj 7 ui&Jf. ' i'CM VI
1 1 n cl 2 i
m r-
.. 1 . U i .ri 7
i V,VI.V.SW 6.'"V-. M, ' r"
pr m r t t v " A rr ,
I V r Y i
I 4,1ki(iiifcflit-
, 1
" tc OrM-rJflc'C.S.,Lm
WANTED Quartz and placor miner,
(lold Ray Realty Co. Phone 72S-R
or 13 1-V.
See our window for numerous articles for Christmas
prices .h?.t ore reasonable.
Gifts at
FOR SALE -Ford truck, or i would
exchange for touring car or' lrdrsos
and cows
2S-R or 1
Southern Oregon Hardware Co.
Phone 300. Spoi ling goods. Liberty Bldfr.
tame. In is lo
highwa roliliuis
nil the Crater I.i
been consulting
meet Willi the state
'Ion relative t. work
lie highway: he has
With liLeiull.M-S of
1 wo years, .t..i.i Cltsn, Keleren.-es the special committee appointed t.x
given and required. Apply Mall Ti I Cev. ruor Olcoit to suggest regit!. i
oune. 110.x .". i.ive pmiue. w Hw lor the state highways, and he
( liristmas caudles rale each to $1 'e has been sounding .sentiment relativ
a pair, at I he unity Shop. tf to the isj". exposition and I
Air. ami .Mrs. .1. M. hmnrk. pro- Ions plans for (inam-lng that nud
prielors or the hotel and !ell"i'a! t...nK. r.y t he end of the wee';, M
rtore at Holland, .loi-cphine county. le blon ejie.-!'; to h,(ve enough
no are we:i Known to many .Med.'nisi lonr.ntien under his to ennM
andJacksou county people left this him to meet the special .session with
veek for VitniH, Arizona, to spend a brave heart, i'oithmd Oregoniaii.
the winter on their cotton and alfaiti. Don't foiget that the man who
ranch. "peaks slichtiucly of our policy, or
Dr. II. E. Murphy, dentist, over the company issuing n, is seeking
AVoolworth store. lU i .ii'i. at our epeir.e. .1. li.
ingn graue tailors ior men anc r.ran. mgr. We. tern 1 r. ien Life
women. Ones, Ashliind. Ore. tf -s
i-lirs Claudia Klum has returned
home from A'bland whert! she spent
the week end as the guest of Miss
.'.larjorii' Flileld.
it. 1. Stewart, Pullder, contracts for
nil buildings. Residenco .17 Apple
b!i'ee(. ymn C 13, (f
ecetilly insialled a lew
apparatus tor recharging Foul magne
tos, which we ,1,, f,- fi.ou am guaian
tee results. No charge lor testing.
Riverside iiarage. tt
Prices slashed eu gro, cries I-Vidav
at Tiiiax Stores.
Next Time You Order
Flour, Purchase
Kci.-r Oifiord & Co, Inc.
Best Patent Flcur
A superior blended flour for
Perfect Bread Making
"At Your Grocer"
(You get more leaves per sack)
Hibbard' s Grocery, the Truax Store
West Side Groceteria, Bungalow Store, Oakdale Grocery, Econ
omy Groceteria.
Kerr G if ford & Co., Inc.
Portland, Oregon
f ft ' J
1 -jA.ilLziA:Mj
1 icy-V-CJ''
it .7
A thousand horsemen ride
like m?.i across the scorch
ing' sa'.tds o'i the greai
Kcjave desert.
The terrific, ttindir.g' sand
storm a- thrill you'll
nccr forget. ,
Tli a great battle against
h'-iiidrcds cf outlaws on 2
'of the greai'edt seticl'cs
ever scrcoHcd.
The rsckle. tUath-defy-
ir-s rid? of the. famott.s 9
A fnoujid r r.d cne thrills
r.tver f.'hncd before.
'it)M .MOORI-;
ami liis Irish smile in
'from Tin: (;rii ni
: at Tin-:
5 r.(.i: Tiii-:vn:n
j v. i';:rc and niciit
;S AVcdue.-'la.v, He; eiii!,cr 2 1st
lo i:i two hi-;nil-!u-v iirogratns,
i' ni!ie eminent soloi-ts
iH I'ltllTS
P Ni-.-'i. I., v.-.-,- I-" 1 . . , i- $J.r.O
! l'::-'...V. F'le-t S R..WS
!S P :! --. I., -I . I; .US -!.
'h : '''' -. !......; i'l "i-
P-'l-ay ?!.:.'j and S 1.0"
ig I'ltw I" I'.r Cent Tax
jg Mull !-.!ers Now (i
,0 Page Theatre. M'-dlord. iv.
! ' i- :;;:.: : eiilv in sMml" d
-::-:,. 1 .re;.-,l ,-:-.-.- 1 .
; m:at sm i: oitxs mdndav.
:i( pi .ci:'.i::i u mi ll
"y?s Scientifically Tested
ami Gi.isses Properly Fitted
NO liltoPs't Sfc.1)
P.roken Ijen.e"! Accurntely Vwpllcited
' 'X V. M.'tln, litnlrj