Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 14, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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IS 10
1 .t3:JI2Cfi3f 4l.lWJ
k 7.
AT Tin:
r.u;;: T' i;
MA'i'::v!-i: and m;mt
Wednesday. iJecriiiber 2l'-t
in tun ln'a:iil-ni '.v i:,.''.ti;ihs, i t -1
Hint eminent oivii t.s
NiKiii. :
Tak ur.y,,
over I- n-. . .
ri.vl S Un-.v:
l.artt " Row.'i,vr 1 lot'i-.
1 (I I '
.... i S.lill
. . . . $2.0(1
uid SI. 00
lit Tax
Mail Orders Nov to
lit;;e Tlieetiv, Mi iliirtl. ( liv.
Tickets mailed mily in slni.iped
scll'-addrt isi-d envelopes.
i!:ci;M!i:' i: l'i'i u
1 l-JiViJ liLUl -ust. -i. this 1,:, l, i . o't a uuin
I'o.itmar.ter W, .1. Warner in a m:i
; sirtled moment in his do.-iro to give
, the poof.'h'c Io'.hy a holiday nppar-
ln;:i'r a larp i.::irh of mi.-detoe
C'i; oah-K v. hi, h i.;
C'lil a
to follow adj.
I ci :uc:e::cc in V
i:.! ar- I
iai co;:fv
Iii ii.-: ouittii co';:nii;s iVc hews
IK'fr says:
"This rivo;; vfll sh:-y" lo tin"
i.!:: .f iI'.m.j; fiti- Kui-ope what tTio
V a -'iinrrt.i;:i cfjnfevL'ni'o has titriie for
I'cc-Iaiii! that it is not s.ijvestLMl
lliat th(. Cpitpil Suites s)all b
to take the initiative, it iuU!s:
"Thoie is notliin to prevent Croat
f.i v ni .voni.'ii patrtKis tins w k a had
fright wlicn ihoy raw i-':m' fair- an:l
aiM'c it tli" mistletoe. .Mn-i o;' i'rn
:i :i m: I t ." 1I v f M ii V f f ) , ,1. 1
i hcinj;! vV ti, Ui;t.,, i.i.i.aiiM'r's r,MH-,al a--i-Toi-'
. ivi'i liirt'.-'Jy in :ail".
hi', y.itl a vi r,-t' .:.;tvo cn ' ho'-li'v.:
Daily I
in.';-, i-'raria;; liiat som.i
i ft may c la:-.-'1 when sinMenW
'.1'iuv'i! u ilh t li , miseiti ami
;" i ' ei;hi'r A'sit:int Vo-UPa
C'.ifi' Ih i Ut'it or of Mnu-y Or-Ier I'lrrl;
'loland IjtM:'h, when they a.e "filt n1;
ii" at tl:e..( windoA, Mr. W'arar
nay ft: ire ihe hili'-r to wt-ar nia. li-;.
I.ovv.T the cost of In'iiiK ' tv.v-fha.-.inj;
si'iK'erie.-i at the sal" at
Tru;!1 Stoic hof-'innini? I riday. ''v
Cal! at the F. K. Ur'iiol & t'o. dresa-
1 ? Vl 5
Ilialto. I
' The Fox.' Harry Orgy's first bir
sr:T fr.i:nro an-i wli'rli is fi::;t
snpt r-wo-t-'-n pit tnre ev.-r m rr-ent'.I.
f;-.!1: tn;!av at ti:o lih-.U:) thv;itve for
a f ov.r :a run.
!!:,.: Car.-y him: ' 'f w:o,- -The
I ox . "
;!- i-:' th- t.:o.-y ' .t i"i I :m 1 c m
th.' Molav. 'U-u-H. i.. ar Hx,A:.
'.'..r? a iiifM'-'i a a.r.iv ' wi.' haMt
Vu" by l''ii-, i.--;il to M'i: u r tin hi:; o.,;
:VI" !".t iM'i'i' i'ii i v ti maintain rro ivtion.
A very i-ecent pv.i-chase of
Leatner F arses
slicil maliliig tKirlors fur tr'.ialiln wc
j Tt) intrtulure tho Service :;nl lix-
lii'iluln Pti. 1'iai'co fr,m honefitinir chiinjie llmtau wo! lutvo a sale i-f
from A.i.pvi.-an o:inm!n to call a ! la'tioal ftul dainty isifts
KLtropeaa confoiviu't1 ia v. iiilt Aincr-.
lea, if s!,c c;t: r(l not to io mofo, '
u-oulil (!(ut!t!os.;; lie willing to pai'tiei-1
pat? in a vat:".in:r or advisory capac-it;-."
Xca'.liy w.-s (-aca'aiv il (; and i.
'I rooiis o.' tl.p Hi.'v:u!i ri-.itivl tUat''!
ravttlry, i.-:a'.ly !et.iHC'l to tho i to
ilm tMin by Mai. Cm.
lUat'luc'i ci: i : ' n 'Miliars ro
inn iaio ai'tio'i Willi 'la'-ry (Y.n'yV
own flr'iirt s-aadroii i'f tMv;iuiii-:i
tiilin,: oa t!;.' flaali.t, In-'ata spali-h-
vs n: an r';pI(H'a t'nit f'a'.iru
ctl aji t!ia I'itti'.i f:'i' an a"vo. a U'tuh'i
I'pc. 1J. Cii'(? lis a cull atliJ of
our work oral inc:iio(t. .vai-sanviUo.
Ore., oral of car lit'.c. 27
Ha:n coat. sn.d watorproof paats a'
Arnty Cioods P.tcro. tf"
(looriio Collins ami l';ina 1'anvU
rotnniMl Yist p.iKii! frotn a slMrt Ims;-
ICiamatll l a'lu. 'I ii
1 I
;,llf slsPfl'fhfniy lllb rxinb l-x
J&Skdk ELjH US I a ? POfM V n BSrr?' :Ir.oK. rrrivlni: hero '.)-i mil!-,
Li 'j',J IL !I,M T.W,!,y. Th,-.,!
f t I 3 Mv'.fftiij Vi I I roads vrrv had hut of the two the:
in; love story and some o: the most lnag-
!iil'ie!it sceni-ry i'vor c;!;i'n -'d hy tn .1
(ameia adds to the anneal oi (lie
riarry t'arev was nij'-jiorted hV Het
ty lti.-s l"'a;''; in l a l n. fcmhiiin'
roh and hy sarh popuh'tr sciO"n fa
vorittM as Alan Hale, (it-ore Nirlio!:;,
John liarron. tlortrude (.'lair.1, (;i'or;:
Cmvcr, breezy Knon, Jr., t'liarh's i.e
Moyne, I'npt. C. K. A.uh'nam, Hail - y
lha:r.:,e..s and o'l.ev.-.
of Coniiii'
t'rrc-.-i Si, rln - rouia :- ' far the 1
You will find a full line of now anl
rcK'laitncd army gooiSs iit II- S. C'ontral SiMliiifcs at I'iiv.'.
One of I ho mom lavish sitHr.Ri c;
shown in the t;oroiMt may l:o s ion
th- l'a..o tinatro. th s v.
t-oroy Scott's latest (Iratnit of tho
ttndorworiil. "The Ni;ht Ito-o." i
now hi'ltiK Khovn. Tho sfnii i.t tla1 ;
(.'round for a Ktirrin;; H'mrx of:
this r.'. '.v tiicluro, in which sin !i well
known iihiors iis I.on C'haui'y, la;;
at a special price from ths m?.mif cefcuvers, enables us to show a
nice assortment at very alh-antive vrdues.
We quctn a few:
$1.75 purse, res.i either, at $1.12
$2.50 puree, real !e?.tlier, at $1.13
$4.25 pu-se, rc.?l leaiksr, at $2.72
$4.50 purse, real leather, at $2.82
$5.C0 piiwe, real leather, at $2.S3
Just request that your pacltase he rapped in Kelly paper and
tied with Chrktuias colors for m-vd cr express.
Special Prices ;Efw
.', .John tio'.vt'is,
ity Sv-hado pla
'"r.r.t'ii l.andis
' tho leading
"'lit- "ham
w!:h h was held at tin Iloti-l Midfuril
this niton a tut whicli was an opi-ii
;,rum v:ui vory enihnsias: i--. Part if . An lineI1 jniti;l haraikerehiofs, whil;? Kvrry scpiin shows that brains and
thf cathnsiasm may have been duo ' thev last 25e. at Doners Art Dort. euro hp. vet been cxeiviso to make it
ti' 1 trice lo
) A mw shijiiiHMit .f pMiiof for baud-1 : '-d i
i r.t'njiiii.'is at wt.'ur: s .".n I't-pi. Ti
to th'.- pf client nn-!l ffi vcd by l'ro-j
pi-H-tfir ::. mam n'au-ai
jof' h wa? ln'cf rroni tho cur-
load of pii.a; rattle that won tin1
i;rand swoiM):ta:;es at tho Portland
lawstork I-Ixpo.siticn.
jr A. .Manst'irlil was the prin-
and tin- main ilR'iii1 of
is t'o-opi i ati"il of all
i la.-s-He spoke in favor of iho
Jack. -on nintiiy fair m'-aaiir.' bciiu;
vod'd on today and also in. favor ot
i the armory.
Secretary Frohbai-h spoho on tb-j
i.'hiunli'r of Cinuinorcir a-'tivitics
i-iwrv its "-Mi.L.'ani'iti :.on a year ao
hist spriav: and tdd of tin- t-x'-tlb-nt
woii; ot tiv; ir.inin-rs c 1 1 i no m-m
lnr:-bi loninuiii'O who are
for tin- honor
oiut'i- of t!u "
pirinf,' members P.ave scuirrd twenty
iii-v. mciolif-ifi for tlie chambLT sin'-e
thoir a mini ion waH arou.sed rci'cntly
by tho prosH'ft of btini; allowed o
Mow the little tin horns before the
foiiim aM.H'mbly.
r Tcrfeet as moi.ion picture lecli
niqno is capable of mak'iiR it. Thorp
are no .s'ip rnod sott'nKs and no eare
' Io.ts a'jtintr. it seems a ph-tnre
! without a r,tar, but in which all th"
: aetorM and the nctnvxi's play as v.-
nr. any f-tar is built on a prinripk; that
J Hh-;uld ? followed in t very pietnro.
V." A.
too r:
Cot (iin .'mh) I ..'.tti:'at.
;in.;Tt.x. iv... t:'.
i,i Hiis year will iuoonnt to
,eu: piaiiuls, v hi' ti Is eipnva
Ta! Ii-ivcr Slnxd
Si--J "-fW V" 'her, ,ai, by polic ,.,
Si&&4ii'- X j I-av.- '" a loariao on th- V. 8. K.
'o-iattci.ivr',' il - I ('mi lie, I i i -u t , stationed in the harbor
--. -J 'h'-i-i'. w;o: tdmt and hilled here today
I pTt (''' 'b-hat l, a tardea!) driver.
1 W"" .Mi.-nj'.l loltl tho polhe that
S.l-MTATIO V ' Sweas'l. and a eniiipanioti had at-
(i:i-.i-:i(FriA':-:ss;i,'n,i,tJ ,i l"
Frees rlaslied on Ki'Oreriea Kr'dav
at Trnux Stores. i'2S
J. V. Ilcrr'an of the Hutto Fall:;
Fi.di Hatchery was in th's city this
morning en route to (.rant:! I 'ass
where he will remodel tho old Anient
ch'.in fioniet'me this week in order to
cnalde the fish in Iiri;tie river Id paaj
See ; dd- for tnrkey thoi't r.t Asli
land next Sunday. 'J 2 7
We lmvo recently jnr.tallcd .1 n;w
-. 1, r . ci an h'lH to S.Ii 1 0, "0 ) hales of T-mi pounds I
' , ' j ki-o:i, the denart meat of arhnltni
tee results. No clmrgo for testin.;. ..I:1UllillM.lI Ul(( ,1V in i:s (.sti:;;;tll
Kivoiside (Jarne. ti .
lii shipment of new Christmas
r I, candles from Mrs. Jtontomery at Tho!
ink i c ....
Initiation Into tho ".'
! 'i'hi- 'w- i.oaiiior ocaia una vests at rtsnt
prino. II. S. Army C. jods F.toro. tf I
The condition of .f.). K. (i. Iliddoll I Thft .mml:;i nicclin;; of lint Frttit
who has been eritical'y ill for tcvpra! pmK,vy i,P;,Rpu will I.e hold Hata:
daysat the Hotel .iodford of pnoumo-j ,j.,v . :. 0-.u,..k th(, icH!ord I'ub
nia, and for whom not much how is , I!t iii,r:,,y. a'.I orohitrcHjfs ar: tirwtl
ho'd out for recovery, wu leportcd ! (, at.'ond.
an aliKhtly improved this forenoon. I . .. ... . : ;
She Ims been mtcotwious ai:d very V00 UU ID CLASS! f""
weak for (wo days past. t , ,
I rrl, r.y n. t ., . : i I-'l 1 I.' S' 1 .. 'V 1 1 1 - n . ; .
i i rnax siOi'oi m 1 uir;u av s oarer. i nnu, i-.-i o-.u.:i. a. v. ui:;n
riMIOiSlS AllfNllON!
1 1. 7ir-i-
nee ftsi't ":t the'roatl to hfalth.j
lion imv v.e quote yon prices on ;
e illlt)ll)iitg li(ui'S jail ic-iltre'.'
-XoiniMa -outlay
Senate i.'niinatlo;l
WASllI.N'ITt.i.V. Dec. 12.
tinns ant lo the senate
l'resiilcii! ?!ai'diir-r, imludo.:
lOniery IMwin l-"lcloin;r, of Korsylhc,
?iloiit., refe'ist' r f f the land office ;tt
. T fi : i.niiiinH.
liealirig' 0. I tieoiKC C. Davenport of llozcltian.
'.Mont., regist'-r if land office at
nartu Ulillt. i i'.onn o-o r,o7i'!ea'i.
M'ante.d Clean rags (it Moiilurd
I'tlnlltiK Co.
Order your Xunig tree
sizes, riione 787.
VIodsrn Plumbing ancj
liny 5'our l)'atil:ets at the Army I
G irds Store and save money. tf j
Children cared for hy hour or day.
Mrs. W. N". Campbell. 104 Nuwtnwn.227 , KOI
Try our niurclianfa lunch. The I 3
Edsar Wight, reliahln Jeweler.
WAXTK1) Work by ex-:,ervice man
I witlifamily. Have had carpenter.
All j Etcre, clerking, inventtiry aitd husi
"'II! ness exnerience. hat .'tei wIIMiil'. to
accept anylhins that :o houo.-:t. Ail-
uress i,. I,, at., care i rilutne, i
etKiuire at .", 1 1 V. 2nd f;t. i'2
: K WA-'. Lady',
1 So. Central.
Ril"r. (!
YORK, Ilee. 1 1. Korels-.i bar;
Me, Mexican dollars -IM-'1.', e.
A'AXTJOD Woman for general
housework on r.'inf.h. Wneii J.'iti
per inf-nt'n. Anplv No. 1 tnj S. Or-atii-'e
St.. Medford. Mra. Ceo. A
MniWield. :'27'
& J I T 11 tf7 Qtr'-' if
I rieatii s iJio oio&'c tf ;
i VI.. C T .... Iii '
, r r
m m Ulakfi it a i i
;H ! fe'lttHT' was vV Iw I
im m Iii MWi ds of other :. ' . . 1
m m vire just Dougnt.'
s3 itT iiiiiim mil , ftiiitiiiiiiwiwiiiiiiwiiwiiiiiL M I
1 ' SaMmmm I !
im . t:::. ..":::t:7" - e
i: :! S M,l . Cl3 TuraevCitv.U.S. A. Sheffield, Kim. Paris, Franca Toronto.Can. W-Mtf? VCrM
I Ait WjS9 .... VXlte'J'' It-I, I
if, ts- Safes Rerorteves in atf C'ounfnes By-Y
Lei HI 'Ml
"1 etlll CI C5 w
EVERY hecuilins article of per
scnal adcrnment is suggested in
some icvely phase in thio assort
ment of jrhirnraerms, gleandng Silks.
Frcni party frecks to corsage sachet
for Ci:rif t-ias giving, the correct and
beaut Ifid fabric is here.
Crepes Canten, Crepe de Chine,
Taffetas, Saline, Georgettes, m end
less variety, each with its special in
ducement cf a Christmas sale price.
Seme cf the bargains:
S3.00 heavy white Fen gee $2.65
Skinner's Satins in all colors . . $2.63
Fiber Silk Shirtings $1.25
Natural All-Silk Pcngee
Heavy Silk Shirting,
f crmerly $2.75, f cr
A pattern cf silk for one
cf yoiir gifts
rid ay Saturday
yy- ram
m:M$ .
A LL Sif ks greatly reduced to in
' v. . , i -s:
ss ...
We Have Opened a Dressmaking Department in Charge cf an Experienced Designer and Seamstress
crease the value of your Christ
mas clollar.
For example:
Crepe de Chine in all colors
7ormeily $2.25 yd. Will sell $1.95
Formerly $2.90 yd. Will sell $2.55
Formerly $LGS yd. Will sell $1.35
Canton Crepes, regularly priced at
$5.25, reduced to $4.25
Crepe Back Charmeuse, $5.00 qual
ity. On sale at $4.25
Creps Jersey for delicate lingerie,
$3.75 quality will sell for $3.25
Two-Toned and Plain
Taffetas, $2.50 value,
fcr $2.15
Black Taffeta and Mes-
salins, only $1.95
The best quality heavy
Georgette Crepe $1.79
Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed
H - '