Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 05, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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The annual memorial exercise of
the local Elks lodge held Sunday jifter
noon were well attended by members
and the public. The program consist
ed of an address )y Porter J. Neff.
orchestra selections, ritualistic exer
cises, vocal solo by Miss Ruth Warner,
selection by a vocal quartet consisting
of Don Newbury. Fletcher Fish
George Gates and AVm. Vawtor. and
violin solo by W. Carleton Janes. .Mrs
(leorse Andrews and II. G. I.aunsnach
were the accompanlests. The temple
waj beautifully decorated with flowers
and greens. Thirty-nine members ot
the ludgo have iassed away since its
Signature cuts for ads and eltter-
lteads designed. 11. Grey. Phone 75.
Dennlson's und other lines of Xmas
package wrappings. Medfonl Hook
Store. 219
The ladles' Aid society of the First
Methodist church pledged fifteen hun
dred dollars at their last home coming
for the new church fund.
ltox stationery is particularly snap
py and beautiful this year. Styles for
men and women. Medford nook Store.
Doors, windows. Medford Co.
Hoys come In and see new steel disc
wheels coaster wagons. Hubbard
lirps. 2U3
At a recent meeting of the county
court an order was Issued limiting the
loads of vehicles Kissing over all dirt
and macadam roads to two-ton loads.
Over the Pacific, highway, which is
pavod, the loads wero limited to five
tous. lletwoen Ashland and Gold Hill
nnd on all olher paved roads the loads
were limited to three tons. The order
is made to protect the roails during
the winter months, and will he chang
ed as soon as it is safe for heavier
loads to pass over the roads without
much damage.
Try our merchants lunch. The
Forsythe Dyers It Cleaners, phono
341; shop nt 110 Mistletoe. Prompt
Borvlce and prices lowest conslsteat
with first class work. A portion of
your patrondge appreciated. 219
Have real estate contract paying
me $25 per month; 8 per cent interest
contract 2-3 paid out, will exchange
same and some cash for good light car.
Address G. 11., care Tribune. 219
Among guests at the Hotel Holland
are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kodgers of
Seattle, Mrs. A. Cook of Grants Pnss,
and V. D. McLaughlin, A. McKoon.
D. F. Hlnck, J. K. Illnck, J. Mc.N'ulty
and W. A. Weir of Wenatchee, Wn.
The newest shades In silk mixed
and Shetland yarns. Handicraft Shop.
Hear ye! Hear ye! Klein the Tailor
makes reliable suits and o'conts, $00
values at ft 3. 128 E. Main. Upstairs.
Let Ixittlo Howard help you select a
liat for her Xmas. 104 N. Central. 219
An nuto tourlHt was arrested Sunday
by Deputy State Motor Traffic orricer
McMahon for an auto law violation,
who put up flG bull for his nppeuruncc
In court today which money was for
feited by non-appearance.
Lime at Medford Lumber Co. tf
Wo do stamping for your noodle
work Deuel's Art Department.
I havo a Fonl delivery car to trade
for city lot, piano, grnplmphone, furni
ture or what have you? ltox 97, Mall
"With two carloads of culls to be
shipped to canneries in the Willamette
valley early next week, the Oregon
Growers Cooperation lias completed
Its shipments of apples for the sea
son," says the Grants Pass Courier of
Saturday. "Iocnl employes employed
by the association In Its packing
house here wero dismissed Wednes
day. Noel Davis, manngor, reports BO
carloads of fruit shipped tills season,
of which :fl carloads wore apples and
2fi wero pears. There nro also on
hand a few Hen Davis apples."
Mrs. Uosell Watt, Splrellu corsetlere
P. O. ltox 82, Phoenix, Ore. 223
Wautod Cloan rags at Medford
Printing Co.
The Hotel Medford has n new clerk
on its staff in the person of C. A.
Larry who for several months liast
had been thq night clerk at the Whit)'
Pelican hotel nt Klamath Falls. He
went on duty Sunday night.
See our button card for now Ideas in
covered buttons. Handicraft Shop.
The Service and Kxchango ilurenti
solicits your patronngo for Xmas dress
making, sewing or fancy work of any
kind. Anross from depot, SK cor
Jacksonville. 219
So fur as can ho learned the rail
roaus will not have reduced rales for
the holiday season.
High grudo tailors for men and
women. Ones, Aohland, Ore. tf
Dr. II. K. Murphy, dentist, over
Woolworth store.
M. C. Chnney, K. Hurt nnd S. W.
Dutart wero among the Medfonl vial
tors In Grants Pass last Saturday. .
Popcorn that will imp big. Warner.
Wormian & Gore. 221
Dressmaking done; men's shirts a
specialty. Mrs. Carl D. Uowman, 121
Newtown. 23.1
The next Lady F.Iks mooting of the
Medford lodgo will be Tuesday nfte
moo December 13th,
-designed at rensonablo charge. H
Grey. Mall Tribune. 22:
frighten up your ads and business
stationery, with a new signature cut
Joh:i Gore ha commenced slaugh
tering Ms fat hugs and hauling them
to Ash'nnd to market. Mr. Gore has
turned his farm Into n pork producing
farm and Judging from the many fat
porkers to be seen In his alfalfa fields
It must be a paying business. Ash
land Tidings.
A full line of Xmas gifts. Handicraft
R, I. Stewart, builder, contracts for
lill bulb lings. Kesldence 217 Apple
Irtl'uut. J'ltoue 613. tl
The). A. C. debaters will meet thei
I'niversity of Oregon and Heed college J
this week in a triangular mauh, the.
third time that the three have met in a
series and the fifth time that O. A. O.
debaters have met Oregon. O. A. C
has been victorious in every match
with the I', of O. and has broken even
with Heed college.
Have client moving to Medford who
wants to exchange his Eugene resi
dence for a home in Medford. What
have you to offer? Give full particu
lars and location. Address. D. J.
Koupal, Realtor, Eugene, Oreg. 220
Chiropody room 206 Phipps block.
The following road districts in Jack
son county have voted levies to co
operate with the county on road work
in their respective districts: District
No. 2, between Ashland and Medford.
two mills; district No. 7, surroundlni
Itntte Falls, to improve the Derby
Itutte Falls road, five mills; district
No. 9, near Prospect, to improve local
doas, five mills; district No. 10, In the
Applegate valley, to improve Little
Applegato-Thompson Creek nnd HIg
Applegate roads, five mills.
Dr. Frank Hoberts, dentist. Deuel
nidg. Telephono .r,03-K. tf
Sc per yd.
Hitttons covered.
Handicraft Shop. tf
Mrs. Tracy Hayes of Trail is enter
taining her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Palmer of Ashland for a few-
An automobile radiator and hood
cover makes an Ideal Xmas present.
Medford Auto Top Co., 30 N. Grape.
Phono 104. tf
Invest your savings In the Jackson
County Building and Loan associa
tion, tf
Fruit shipments from Ashland to
eastern markets during the past ten
months are valued at $120,000, ac
cording to a recently Issued refHirt
made by the Ashland Fruit and Pro
duce association. An advance reiiort
shows that the following amounts ot
fruit and produce have been handled
this year: Cherries, 65,775 pounds;
berries, 4140 cases; peaches, 12,353
boxes; pears, 8390 bushels; plums, 821
boxes; tomatoes, 3955 boxes; apples
34,100 bushels; grapes, 8C9 crates;
43,027 dozen. This, together with
additional Bniall shipments, would
bring the total amount of fruit ex
ported from Ashland this yenr, up to
110 cars or more. Asulund Tidings.
Signature cuts for ads and letter
heads designed. H. Grey. Phone 75.
Hoy Scouts Christmas present, snare
drums $G each, at Palmer Piano House
Guests at the Hotel Medford include
L. J. Phebus, Dr. N. Marcy, Edith
Marry and Marguerite Huges of Seat
tle, C. W. Ahrens of Oakland, Calif.,
K. H. Shea of Suit Lnko City, F. 11
Cumber of Seattle, nnd Mr. und Mrs.
J. V. Tyrol of Glendale, Ore.
Cut chrysanthemums. Jup Art store
All kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108.
711 E. Main St.
Christmas mall to reach Paris, Lon
don or Liverpool must be mailed lu
Medford not later than December S.
Packages mailed December 9th will
reach Honolulu In time for the holi
days, but the last vessel to rench Aus
tralia or the Philippine islands before
Christmas has already sailed. It Is
also too late to reach Athens or llom
before "1)0001111161' 25.
China lily bulbs. Jap Art Store.
Another shtpmnnt of ribbon novel
ties. Handicraft Shop.
f. (1. Itradley. of the California-
Oregon Power Co., arrived In this city
this morning from Copco, enrotito to
Edgar Wight for Xmns gifts. tf
Mrs. Win. D. Hanley of Hums, Ore.,
Is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. J. Cam
oron, at 112 Geneva avenue.
'ovlln Debley, who has boon in Los
Angeles for Borne tlnto past arrived 1n
this city last night for an indefinite
atay. On his way north from Los An
gelea he stopped in llerkeley for n
brief visit with Karl Campbell and
Sharon Mcrrlmnn. Medford boys who
tiro attending, tho University of Cali
fornia. When better automobiles aro built.
Rulck will build them. tf
Insurance Plus Service. It. A.
Holmes, The Insurance Man. tf
Lenvo your order for fancy noedlo
work at Deuel's Art Department.
A gray American eagle, measuring
7 feel 7 Inches from tip to tip and tl
pfng tho scales at 12 pounds, was
killed by II. II. Harris, n fanner living
six miles west of Salem, Saturday
morning. The eagle was perched In
a tree on tho Harris farm and was
mistaken for a hawk.
Whether your motor 1b new or old,
whether It be a Ford or a Packard,
Do Luxe pistons will Increase your
power and decrease your vibration, oil
and gas consumption. We guarantee
tho above results. Rlversldo Garage.
Toys and Xmas gifts at Truax's.217
Kdgnr Wight for low prices. tf
('. W. McDonald Is a visitor in Port
land mid n guest at tho Cornelius
When In need ot sash and doors,
call Wallace Woods, I OS or como to
711 E. Main St.
Sachets, lingerie sets, back powder.
hand decorated shoo trees, pin cush
ions, and powder jars. Handicraft
HIg closing out sale on Indies' and
children's hats, room 2. Sparta Hide,
ncross from Pnge theatre. Mrs. A. 11.
Koehler. 221
Horace Pelton was one of the visi
tors in tho city today from Gold Hill.
Edgar Wight, reliable Jeweler.
The Portland Telegram has appoint-1
ed George Jackson ageut In Medford
Ills phono Is 423-H. 222
$00 suits to order only $15 for one
ok only. Klein the Tailor, 12S E.
-Main. I pslau a. 219'
George A. Mansfield, president of,
the state farm bui'-au, airlved homel
today fr.jjn a several wc-Ks ab.icneei
at Atlanta, Ca., Portland and other
northern state oiuts. He was sched
uled to begin a speaking tour of a
week in Morrow county today, but can
celled the engagement as he thought
he hail been away long enough. He
was met at the depot by Mrs, .Mans
field and they departed for their ranch
home at Prospect this forenoon.
Fine handkerchief linens white
and colors 25 cents a square at
Deuel's Art Department.
Dr. A. C. Halstead. magnetic mas
sage, electrotherapy. Room 207 PhipP
block, phone CSO-.M. 222
Drr-sBmaker with experienced help
will give special attention to holiday
work. Orders received on short notice
will be given prompt attention. Call
355-Y or 905 West Tenth St. tf
Roads between Roseburg and Med
ford are In excellent condition
winter travel, according to Division
Engineer K. E. Hodgman, who spent j year ns for battle and strife and ail
yestefilay In Roseburg. Nearly all ofl'nanly things.
the distance is paved, and those s-c-l The will of Janet McWhorter is
tions which are not paved are well1 very ably played by Kathleen O'Con
macadamized, so that the road will j n;,r. a charming actress.
bear heavy travel all winter. No new
construction will be done during the , Diggest Thrill of Screen
winter and there will be little change I A rushing roaring sweep of resi-t-mafle
In the highway until spring I h'-s v ii'e-. s released from bond;.-,'. a
weather Next vir the Mmminsi ,n I mighty fnrtnt of lil.iber cr.lsbin'-S.
expects to complete the paving of the
highway. Roseburg News Review.
Huttons covered at Deuel's Art De
partment. - Any color of handkerchief squares
25c. Handicraft Shop.
Get your Xmas cards and candles at
A. C. Allen arrived home Sunday
from having attended, as a member of
tho state horticultural board, the state
horticultural meeting at Forest Grove,
and business visits at Portland , and
When In need of shingles and roof
ing call Wallace Woods, 108, 711 K.
Main. . s
Lath and plaster, Medford Lbr.
For one week only, $60 suits and
overcoats at Klein the Tailor,
128 K Main. Upstairs. 219
M. W. Wagner, the former well
known Medford meat market man who
for the past four years has been en
gaged In the same line of business at
Hilt, Cullf., was a business visitor in
Medford today.
Shingles, shakes. Medford Lbr. Co.
A few suggestions for Xmas. Pot
tery, hand-painted glnsswaro and
fancy candlesticks. Handicraft Shop.
In order to accommodate the old
patrons of the Square Deal Laundry,
tho Medford Domestic Laundry has
added a Wet-Wash service charging 5c
per lb. for wet-wash with a minimum
of 75c bundles nnd 8c ier lb. if flat
work is ironed. Phone IOC und we'll
call. 219
J. C. Leonard, who was arrested by
Officers Leggett and Cave last-Sunday
night for intoxication and was released
early this morning on $15 bail, failed
to uproar in pollco court for trial and
thus forfeited the ball.
Mrs. Paul Hansen corsotiero for
NuLone. Phono sr.-.J. tf
Xmns cards, 5 to 20 cents. Handi
craft Shop.
Miss Cinra Van Zant, who recently
rosigned her position as librarian of
the Medford public library has been
appointed as assistant to Corntiin
Marvin, state librarian. She will have
charge of ' tho Institutional library
work of the state library and will pre
pare the reading list for the elemen
tary schools. The appointment was
made lust Saturday by the state
library board.
Hot coffee and light lunches, tn
males nnd chili con carne at DeVoe's.
Signature cuts for ads and letter
heads designed. 11. Grey. Phono 75.
Person taking pigskin purse contain
Ing $35 from desk of First Nati Ilanli
niny mall to Mull Tribune offleo con
tents minus 20 percent as roward. 217
L. M. Fisher and Mrs. Fisher of (laid
Hill are business visitors in the city
In order to nccommodate the old
patrons of the Sipuire Deal Latnidry
the Medford Domestic Laundry has
added a Wet-Wash service charging Dc
per lb. for wet-wash with a minimum
of 75c bundles and Sc per lb. If flat
work Is Ironed. Phono llitl and we'll
call. .219
Keep up tho Xmas Rpliit. Send
greeting curds. Handicraft Shop.
Tho Ceo. L. Trelchn r Motor Co.
today received notico of reduction on
I'nited States and Goodyear tiros and
tubes ami will bo glad to tiuoto the
new prices to their customers.
J. F. Wisner of Klamath Falls who
was a resident of Medford 30 years
ago, Is visiting in Medford for a few
days, lie marvels at the changes that
have taken place, as when he left here
the Nash hotel and several blocks west
as well as the greater Mirtlon of the
present city was In chapparel.
Plain sewing, iindermusllns and
children's wear a specialty. 900 W
Fourth street. Telephone 83S-Y. 219
Home made Christmas candy in ap
propriate boxes or In bulk, and made
after your own recipes If desired
Leave orders at Kandylatid or phone
9S2. 219
One of the leading barber shops of
Ashland, beginning with today, re
duces prices of haircuts to 35 cents
and shaves to 20 cents.
Hurgaius in uncalled for suits. Ap
parel Cleaners. M.1 . Central. 2-i
Lost Saturday night near
ofiice or on West Main, n purse con
taining ". cents and two small keys.
Owner is very desirous of recovering
ki4s. Finder please leave at Tribune
office today. Thnnks. 219
LOST On Smith Holly slrtvt or in
down town district, a new gold jwn
. oil. Whs valued Rift und will aipnv
. cialo return. Call iS. 220
Mix's Greatest Play
"Prairie Trails" is the tmi.-ht. mo-u
exciting picture that Tom Mix. the
daring cowboy star, has done. Yester
day's audience at the Hialto theatre,
v here this new production was shrnvn
for the first, lime, received it most
"Prairie Trails" is a breezy, racy,
story of the great west. To-n Mix f:t.
Into the stoi-y so perfectly that i1
might have been written for him. it
is the story of the inward conflict that
takes place when Tex iienton, l-ve: f
the manly ljfe and d.-spber o: woman
ish manners and cusio::is. falls in I v.
While one side of his nature crp-s :i:t
for the companionship and love o.'
Jane .Mc Porter, the other
grinding all before it logs bumpim.-,
splintering in the snarling waters
sweeping all before its relentless path..
Such is one of ihe big thrills in
The most gripping, soul-searing mo
ment ever filmed. Terrific in its in
tensity, the mighty log jam, the blow
ing up of the dam, and Ilia swashing
torrent of felled forest is the mightiest
spectacle of the camera's art.
In all Its splendor, in all Its ruthless
glory, "Conflict," Priscllla Dean's
wonderful new photoplay Is coming to
the Page theatre tomorrow.
By A. C. Kowlatt
Mr. J. r. Gain
rentftrl the hou.t
(Ai;utf Jack) has
iN-kmuintf to Mrs.
McNiroll and . is prc-p.u in;; lo fix up
a shop to Ki'tnd out urates. -H 1'.h
th inoHt of the nt-rr.Hiy ..( uip men t
for tlu husrint'SH and i planning to
cut and polish ;t law quantity ready
for tho fair in Portland in r.2fi. lit
is recognized ' tin; Ak-'iU1 hunters,
who havo boon here :it tin- Sunnyside
hoott'l, where he has been boarding
the most of the time for the past
throe or four e;nn as one of the most
complete experts in that line of any
one arotiml here. Ho has now already
on hand some two or more hundred
pounds of HloiHs, that he lias gather
ed, all ready to saw up and polish.
Ho does nut expert to wdl them now,
but is preparing to take them up to
Portland and dispof-:' of tin-in to the'
tourists, who come from all over tlu
civilized world to visit the fair and!
see the wonders of our great state of!
.Mrs. Mattio rtrown, the wife of j
one of our leading merchants, .Mr. "W. '
II. Ilrown of the .firm of George 1
Ih-own and sons, tlie only lady mem-j
her of the town council, the street'
commissioner and the most active and
persistent member of the town coun
cil, called on youi: correspondent
Tuesday afternoon in her rounds.
visiting and consulting witii the tax
payers of the town with regard to the
best plan to adopt with regard to
lighting the streets of our town, for
Mrs. Itrown. being one of the leading
members of the Indies' Improvement
club of Kaglo Point as well as a very
active member of the town council
1ms, with the assistance of other
members (tf the elub. worked up a
scheme to have our town lighted by
electricity, and Airs. Urown was con
sulting the citizens as to what they
thought was the host plan to adopt
of two or three plans, and fdio in
tends to submit tho plmi to the mem-
The Poultry Producers' Associa
tion of Medfonl shipped L'0.-i:7
pounds or dressed turkeys for the
ThanksKlvini; market, this being the
largest shipment ever made from this
valley. Tho (inality of these birds
were so fine, that on their arrival at
San Kranclseo, the government took
13, OUD pounds of this lot. Adv.
Another Mix Master
piece of Dare Devil
try and Thrills.
Mr. and Mrs.
in tha comedy
, 1.,-ls .f 1 ll- t .l;
1 nit .-ling. Thfi-.-!
ity of uinio:i a
I li;iviiig th-
l Kite .--,--rn-d to d
. i.alii
! el
is ii.-.t
., !!.-light-.!
i Ian with the l.-aM n in."
:-:::!- til.H- l.e IlK1 lnnM si'l-la tory
r: n l Pen.-fi.-ial to t)'.'- t.rWIl
far! .larks.. n of Mutte Fall ' l'-.-l
I,, (..-nil- aftei :..nn late and . .Ii"i
f, r .-, pin li, ui-boiigli i' was 'O"11'
ii.,ie Iwfnr" supp.-r time, he said that
li.. bad Wn UP to the fish trap, a
i- i.- ,.r s.i above town end that he
I ,-.! about ir,..,00a fish -KK and was
. : ivav t., tii- fish hat.-h.-ry at
I i if Falls, mill thai it would r.ol do
: Ii-t them stnu.i in th- .-,r,s. so he
v.: iiu-d to j'.i-l ...t .i lun.-h ai.d b- on
. ;;- v.;iy. and of -u:-- ho v.t-i.l away
Y.-.:r.esn:.v :;;'t'-i "Ai-'ute Ja-- k '
in and or.hre.l n.e to
: out
i littl- book as lo- had sol
: til.- EaKb-ts. The read
cnooiKtitml that I have I ii ..n the
i-.unt" lor the Ian w-el; o. more.
: nd have been confined to the home,
net very si'-k. but unable to make my
jr.-cular rounds. And he informed me
that it was. an aetual fait that the
Pa.-ifie and Eastern railroad was in
I o.. -ration again, that a train had
some up consisting of a locomotive,
three flat ears and a box ear loaded
I with material for construction work,
J -. I suppose that some of the citizens
of llutte Fulls who have been waiting
': .s patiently as possible are beginning
I m see a prospect for a bright
1 Mrs. Fey of Tn
il, wTio bad just re -
and, came in on th"
! rtii'iH-il from Portl;
i M.-dford-Kngle Point stage Wdnes-
!. evening and spent the night :it
j the Sunnyside.
Mi-, and Mrs. P. Dodfro of New
port, Oregon, came in also on the
M dfoi d-Kaglo Point stage and spent
Wednesday night. They are as Mrs.
Dodge expressed it, both agtite fiends,
as they are each professional experts
in that line of business, being en
gaged in the agat e'utting business in
their home town. They are old friends
of "A gale Jaek" and have arranged
with him to move into his bouse, and
will work with him in the business of
cutting and polishing agates, and by
way of reereatiiin will spend some if
their time hunting agates in the sur
rounding country.
W. It. Uoth. who is engaged In sell
ing Wat kins' Hemedios also came in
Wednesday evening and spent tho
night and returned for dinner Thurs
day and reported that he had been
quifte successful in our little town.
He is one of our soldier boys who
lost an a I'm in the late war, fight
ing for tho cause of universal free
dom. iJeeemhor came in mild and pleas
ant and bid fair to be one of the
lovely days of our winter and in tho
early part of the day was lovely in
deer, but soon the dark clouds began
to roll up and then show ers of rain
rt nd by noon the weather had com
pletely changed ami one of the
tkPuj?a cc r e Atggoocrgr
m Kerr CtrroRD & Co, Inc.?!
Last Month's Kerr's Cereal and Flour Demonstration in Med
ford Convinced Scores of Medford Housewives.
Purchase a Sack and Be Satisfied
Kerr Gifford & Co. Inc.
Portland, Oregon
Get Wise
Our Entire Stock of
Shoes, Army Goods, Rain Coats,
Men's and Women's House Slippers,
Player Keds, Gloves, Sweaters, etc.
They Won't Last Long at the Price Wte Ask
Medford Shoe Hospital
119 E. 6th St.
'.errifi.- wir.d and rain storms ever ex-
,., . d in this section of the coun
1 i, v visit.-d us. putung the electric lines
,,ei of commission, leaving us in total
so that we had to resort
M., , old oil lamps and the
i r- hts did not come on until after
i.. i,.,.l- ., m. The wind also
I .1.1,.' ,l;irr,ai-e to the elec
tric Ii in le h s and telephone system.
1 have heard of but one building
being blown down and that was .Mr.
I.. L. Conger's barn and I have not
been able to learn what damage was
done, whether there was any stock
in the barn or not, as I have not been
able to go out and rustle items as
usual, but hope to in the course of a
few days.
V. 11. Phif-rsfn. referred to In i f..r-nu-r
l. 't.-r as the gen.-ral s:ie-i i-::-dent
.,f the v.-.iic of miming the -. - I:
crusher on the Win. Yon dor ll.-hi i
cntia.-t tor !.. kins the ''at.-r Lake
.;,. HiBhwav and .Mrs. Ryuniligi'. the wit.
. . ... . , ..r
Ot the Ctllel enene. r oil .lie
the construct; iii work on the t'rat.-r
Lake liiehwny. have been takin'; their
dinner, noon meal, at the! Sllllliyside
regularly for the post few days.
Wall SI. Iliisiliessi"
NEW YoltIC, Dec. Speculative
issues again .v.-ro favored by profes
sional traders .n today's stock market
hat many su'. tnntial gains were can
celled in tl- final dealings. Sales
approximated 7r0,iia0 shares.
Special Convocation
Taes-Iay, IV-e. Oris,
i jfjSptV r.i. Royal Arch.. Uesrc
j T,f J Ji.-freshments served.
Companions welcome.
M A. I XOTH. Secy.
is a gift to thje whole family.
Dud especially needs one iuhI
will like it i: lot belter than the
usual gift-; of vkirt hungers,
candle slicks, hath room rtts
or fancy slippers that cannot he
Book Store
District Agents
34 North Central
Best Patent Flour
i .
"The Flour With a Pleasing
(You get mere loaves per sack)
to This Christmas
Don J. Perryr 370 Quince St., wen.
known Halt Lake City, Utah, business
man. is reporting remarkable Kain,
in weight, both by himself and his
wife, says: wife gained twenty-eieht
unds in a few weeks by taking
i no .ilium, in .iiu. j-erry hi
n.ore r.-nui i kahlu, as she inni
ine do.-, n hill steadily for f,Mlc
.-."lis. She got no nourish,
om h. r food and I don't be.
av. ra::e.-l three hours
Ii.- t'vciity-four.
! my . oudilion was not as so.
: i! tl
1.. !.
rbois as hois, I had been Under tile
... ether for some time, had no npj,,..
tip.- and was bothered a good deal u-
proved all and more than is claimed
for it with us."
Tanlac and TaAIno Vegetable Pills
are sold by the West Side Pharmacy
and by leading druggists everywhere!
?m &YouKrGirL, 'h.K
I r-r $
As a y,H't, flowora aro
acceptable upon every oc
casion. Has some one
been visiting you? Ar
range that they should
take hack with them n
basket of flowers.
Is some one coining to
visit you? Iiress up for
the occasion with flowers.
Why not phone us?
Flower Shop at (Yowson's
l'lione 117-1,
3 V
cTout?r Oioo
Vhetc iou find ihe 'T&uwrs " j
dint 'f b