V BRINGING T LIFE for ME- KAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 28. Part of Hie $125,000 missing last week from tho specie tanks of tho liner So liuma on her nrivul In port bore, a cache, of 127,800 in English sovereigns was found today in a piece of old fire hoso hidden in a ventilator of the forward hold. . Only, one member of the crew had access to this spot, according to of ficials of the Hteiainishlp company, lie was taken lute, bustody and Questioned Immediate) Carl Knutsen. first as sistant HKineer, discovered the gold whllo, testing oil pipes. Market News Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 2S. Cat tle receipts 3S1; slow. Choice Btcers ?6.25i.50; medium to Rood $ n . 7 T 0.25; rnlr to medium $5.255.75; common to fair $4.253.25: choice fenders ."i.00 5.5.0; fair to good Sl.SOttf 5.00; choice cows ami heif ers, $4.755.00; medium to kooiI $4.504.75; fair to medium $4.00 4.50; common cows $3,2554.00; cannors $2.00ff 3.25; bulls $ .T . 0 0 (?? 4.00; chalco dairy calves $8.50 9.00; prime light $S.0OSf 8.50; me dium light $6.00S.OO; heavies $5.O-06.00. Hogs, receipts 1SI; HOc higher. iJPrimo light $9.5010.00; smopth heavy 230 to 300 lbs $S.00(&S.50; 300 lbs and 'til) $7.0((g;S.0O; rough heavy S6.00?i!S.OO; fat "pigs $9. 00ft'' 9.6.1; reeder pigs $S.,50B'9.00; stags subject to doekuge $5.00f7.00. Sheep receipts 157: strong. East of mountain lambs $7.00ifr7.75; best valley lambs $6.500 7.00; fair to good $5.500.00; cull lambs ?3.00ffi 5.00; eastern Oregon feeders $5.0047 C.50; light yearlings ' $5. 00??5. 50; heavy yearlings $1.00(S5.00; light wethers $4.00(H5.00; heavy wethers $3.0004.00; owes $1.004.00. Itiittnr PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 2 8. But ter unsettled; extra cubes II Viff 12c; undergrades 40c; cartons 4Sc; prints 47c; half box lots half cent more: less than hull box lots 1 cent more; No. 1 churning cream 45(3 1Sc f. o. b. Port land; undorgrndes 43c. Eggs, weak, unsettled. Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 2S. Wheat: Hard whlto $1.10; soft white club $1.09: hard winter and northern spring $1.08; red Wala $1.03. ; ' , Receipts Wlieat, 39 cars. We Own and Have for Sale One tract if Ucur Ci'L't'lv ljoltnm In ml containing 5G (teres 12 nercs in twelve yenr old pours mid ap ples, about one-half each; balance in alfalfa ami yardi-n tract. "Will sell whole tract or divide to suit purchaser. One tract of five acres. Just south .of Medford, only a few rods from Pacific Highway and the walks on S. Holly within a few rods. "Will rent. House and lot on South Ivy, at a reasonable price and easy terms. A i:ood house on fine large lot. A beautiful home. English & Treichler ; Sec Geo. L. Treichler. '.fc-v ' : ' UP FATHER I Wl3H HE. WUZ. Ors Hlb eovr. now- DID OF- Sun FrnncKco Markets SAX FRANCISCO, Nov. 2S. nut ter, extra 40; prime firsts, 4 5Vfec. Eggs, extras 67c: extra firsts G7c; extra pullts 5 1Vjc; extra pullets, firsts, 50 lie; undersized pullets. No. 1, 40e.' Cheese, California flat fancy, 25c; flat fancy firsts, 23c; California young America, fancy 3l'c. liens 23'ff30i'; roo3ters, young, 20in20c: old, IOTiISc; ducks, 22Jf25c; turkeys, nominal.- Arti chokes, case $15.00T( IS. 00; squash, lug, $1.00(i 1.50; potatoes. $2.0I 3.75'; onions, brown, $4.00(i 1.50; crystal wax $3.00: tomatoes, crate, $1. 25il.75; cucumbers, box 500 $1.0.0; poppers, lug, 65(?(75c; beans, string and wax, 55111c; Lima 10 12 Vic; carrots, sack $1.0001.25; egg plant pound 4fi5c; mushrooms, small box 50cff$1.00; lettuce, crate $1.75(5 2.00; colery. crate, $1.50Z 2.30; pumpkins, sack 750 $1.00; peas, pound, 9312c; sprouts, pound, 6 9c. Liberty Bonds. XKW YORK, Nov. 2 S. Liberty bonds closed: 3(,i's 96.00; first 4's 90.00; sec ond I's 95. SS; first 4 '4 's 97.00; sec ond 4.4's 90.14; third Ill's 90.46; Victory 3 's 99.98; Victory 4 's 99. 9S. N. Y. Stocks NEW YORK, Nov. 28. Railroad and equipment Issues led the active list to highest levels today, but pres Huro against specialties and occa sional profit taking caused moderate reversals. Sales approximated S50, 00.0 shares. Allis-Chalmors 30.5 American lioet Sugar 29.5 American Can 32.5 Amer. Car & 1'ouiidry 143.3 Amer. Hide & Leather pfd 58.5 Amer. International Corp 39 American Locomotive 95.5 Amer. Smelting & Refg 41.3 I Aiiipririin Kiit;i. ".It I American Sumatra Tobacco 32 ' American T. & T 11 O.S American Woolen 82. 1 Anaconda Copper 16 Atchison S9.7 AIL, (Jul & W. Indies 31.6 I laid win Locomotive 97.7 Laltimoro & Ohio, 3S.1 Bothlohem Steel "11" 56.25 Canadian Pacific 120.0.. Central Leather 31.7 Chandler .Motors 16.7 Chesapeake & Ohio 59. S Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul 23.6 C. R. I. & p 3 Cbino Copper Si'.O Colorado Fuel and Iron 21.7 Corn Products S9 Crucible Steel 05 Cuba Cane Sugar 8 Erie 11.7 spoexsooocsooooooooooooooooo USED CARS One Chevrolet . touring cur with unusually f;ii"l motor and tires. Price $200.00 One large Overland louring ear at a hni'gain, as is. Price $110.00 One lafite frame Sludelmki-r Four touring car. Would make h good truck nt- bug. Price ..$150.00 One exceptionally gooil Chal mers Light Hiv touring car. ltuii about O.OIIO miles. Good Rubber. Price $790.00 Curs Sold On Easy Payments. Main at Riverside Busy Corner Motor Co. Main nnd Riverside 0 1 "MKDFOli'T) MAIL TINfiUXK, YOO HEAR-. MR. THE, OCEAN? General Electric 1.10 General Motors 1 1 Goodrich Co 30.7 Great Northern, pfd 70.0 Great Northern Ore Cfts 32.2 5 Illinois Central 99.7 Inspiration Copper 3S.25 Int. Mer. -Marina pfd 50.0 International Paper 55.5 Kennecott Copper 2 4.3 Louisville & Nashvlllo 11 1 Mexican Potroloum 115.25 Miami Copper 25.6 Middle State3 Oil 15.3 M'dvale Steel 25 Missouri Pacific 19.5 New Yovk Central 74.0 N. Y., N. II. and Hartford 12.3 Norfolk & Western 99.25 Northern Pacific SI. 5 Oklahoma Prod. & Refg 3.25 Pan Anierlcnn Petroleum 52.7 Pennsylvania 34. S People'3 Gas 7 Pittsburg and W. Va 25.6 Ray Consolidated Copper 14.0 Reading 73.23 Rep. Iron & Steel 50.3 Rpyal Dutch, X. Y 95.7 Shell Trans. & Trad 35 Sinclair Con. Oil '. 23 Southern Pacific S2.25 Southern Railway 20.1 Standard Oil of IN. .1. pfd 1 1 1.7 Studebaker Corporation 75 Tennessee Copper 10.25 Texas Co 15 Texas & Pacific 2 5 Tobacco Products 59.7 Transcontinental Oil 10 I'nion Pacific 131 U. S. Foot Products 1 1.7 I. S. Retuil Stores 52.1 U. S. Ind. Alcohol 39.0 United States Rubber 49.5 I'nited States Steel S I. 3 Ptah Copper '. 3S.7 Westfnghouse Electric 4 8 Willy's Overland 5.25 Amer. Zinc, Lead and Sm 11.5 lititlo and Superior 17.23 Cain. Petroleum 4 3.7 Montana Power 56.6 Phattuck, Ariz 7.23 Pure Oil '30 Invincible Oil 12 General Asphalt 65 HELP WANTED cEM.YLF. WANTED Woman for second wort; in private family. Telephono Mrs. Voorhies 639-J. . HELP WANTED MAI.B WANTED Factor representative for one of the most popular 6 cylinder automobiles will be in Medford In a few days to place agency for this locality. The right kind ol man need not have much money to take ad vantage of this opportunity but must have good references unquestioned honesty and lots of push. Russell H. Lawson Auto Co., 354 East Uroad way, Portland. Ore. 272 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Experienced Japanese boy wants house cleaning or janitor work or cooking in private" family. Wife could wait on tables. Phone 572-R-l. 217 WANTED Sewing; silk shirts a spec ialty. Prices reasonable. 106 Lin coln St. 217 WANTED Ily young man attending high school, place to work evenings, mornings and Saturdays, so 1 can finish the school year. Address 11. W., Mall Tribune. 213 WANTED Dressmaking at 227 East Ninth ami Jiartlctt. Mrs. " Dnrnell Flsher. 213 WANTED Gardening work all kinds. Phone 707-X. 113 WANTED House moving and re- pairing. Phone 4S8-M or 488-X. tf MOXFA TO LOAX TO LOAN J. B. Andrews loans money on real estate and buys mortgages and Liberty bonds. Phone D3-M. 31 North Grape St. f. P. FARRELL Lawyer. Secretary Treasurer Medford National Farm Uian Association. 220 W. Main St. lriTR A xS ' WHAT HAVE YOU To offer in exchange for a ICO-acre wood and timber tract, lo cated about 3 miles from Gold Hill; estimated to have bet ter than a million feet of saw timber and three thousand cords of black oulc wood. BENNETT INVESTMENT CO. Real F.Mato Insurance Nolnry Public MKDFOlfT). Olfl-HiOX. MONDAY. NVVI:m I i .1 f LN, TOUR. DER. vvF"e HA KSVtTFO Hll OVER TO YOUR HO0tE. TO OINE TOMORROW AtSD XOU WILL HAVE J"" PLEASURE OF SEAv-blCK lltTE.NlrV TO IT- ' WAXTK11 MlhCKIXAXKOVS WANTED 600 men to bring safety razor blades to sharpen. We fix any old thing, umbrellas too. Liberty Repair Shop. 220 WANTED Wood cut on shares. Will furnish buzz outfit. Chan. Duggan, Central Point, R. 2. 215 WANTED Seoond-hand grain bags. Central Point Mills. 21-1 WANTED 200 feet 1-Inch used pipe Ilox M, .Mail Tribune. tf WANTED Horses and mules for chicken feed. Rogue River Poultry Farm. Jacksonville Roau. Phone 201-W. 221 WANTED To loan money on city pro perty. Improved districts. McCurdy Insurance Agency. 235 WANTED This week, ten Ford cars, threo more Overlnmls. to guarautoe against punctures anil blowouts, by installing Universal Tire Filler. 120 N. Riverside Phone 138 X1. tr WANTED To give you our special price on recovering car tops. Med ford Tent & Awning Works. 128 N. Grape. Medford. MIBCF.IjkAJi EOtlS. RAW FURS Higliest prices paid for raw furs. Write for prico list. Ship yout furs to Northwest Coast Fur Exchange, Inc., 75 Yesler Way, Seattle. Wash. 225 FOR KKXT .U'ARTMKXTS FOR RENT Furnished 3 room apart ment one block from public library; no children. No. 124 King St. ' FOR RENT llnchelor apartments. 219 Talent Court. Phono 955-H. 216 FOR RENT HOCflKKEEPINCJ IlOOJiS FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room for adults only. 325 South Riverside. 215 FOR RUNT Housekeeping rooms. Jap Art Store. FOR KENT Fl'ItXISllKD ROOMS F01i""rENT Coin rortable fin nished sleeping room, with hath privileges. 325 S. Riverside. .215 FOR RENT I furnished rooms, mod ern, close in. Oil Pine near River side. -'I.i FOR RENT Rooms, hot and cold water. Imperial, 30 N. Front, Med ford. 217 FOR RENT Nice sleeping rooms, bath; gentlemen. 215 N. Grape. 213 F0K KENT Furnished rooms, close in, hath. 201 S. Central. 21 I FOR UBXT HOUSES "OR RENT Modern five room bun galow on Heatty St. Vacant Dec. 1. Phono 1U-J-1. 205 FOR RENT One-half furnished bouse 210 Realty St. 208 FOR itK.v; -fTilOlS FOR RENT 200 aero ranch for only $150 a year. Half In udvanco. In quire 127 S. Grape St. 110 FOR RENT 200 acre bearing pear and apple orchard; also grain laud. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 72S-R or 134-Y. It" FOR RENT Hearing pear and applo orchards, rich river bottom land from u acres up, suitable for lKita toes, cabbage and gardening, on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 729-R or 134-Y. LOtT LOST Hank book on Farmers & Fruitgrowers Hank. Contains de posit slip and $20 in cash. Name on book H. F. -Mcrsbon. Return to Mall Tribune and receive liberal reward. 213 LOST Oval shaped breast pin with large amethyst set. $2.50 reward if returned to this office. 213 HEARlNC, HIM WMN- ltl'SIXKM OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Small restaurant on Main St. A bargain. It takes two to run it. All clear, no lnctimbrnn"es. Inquire 102 W. Main St., Medford. 211 FOR SALE A I YOMOllII.F.S FOR SALE 0 cylinder ear, good tires, best buy In town, or will consider trade for lighter car. Phono 291. 21 1 I FOR SALE Ford ill good running order. Price ?12;- cash. McCurdy Insurance Agency. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Ford I ruck for Ford car or stock. L. C. McCay. Central Point. 211' FOR SALE 1920 Oakland touring car, fine condition. Phone .".'!, Jackson ville, Ore. 219 FOR SALE Hupniobllo coupe, till new tires, recently overhauled, good condition. Tel. 403 X-2. 213 FOR SALE Automobile. Will trade good Ford truck completely over hauled and in good condition, with Smith Form A Truck body and two ton capacity, for a g;od touring car. lliisv Corner Motor Co., Main nt Riverside. tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Good work horse and buggy cheap; and 8(1 Whlto Leghorn yearling liens. 11. Schaar. corner Ross Lane and Jacksonville road. 213 FOR SALE Six extrn good Jersey milk cows; also work horses. Walsh's place, one mile northeast of Medford on Crater Lake road. 222 FOR SALE Good ranches. See lis before having. J. 11. Andrews, 31 N. Grape St. Phono 55-M. tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Cheap. 3 acres adjoining Rogue River, well Improved with good house, fruit, berries, shade trees. Own irrigation system. Price $2100. Will trade for small acreage near Medford. A. P. Allen, llox 123, Rogue River, Ore. 213 FOR SALlWlood lot on Ross Court. Fine locntlon, paved street, with all assessments paid iu full. Iiw price by owner. P. O. Hox 1135, Medford. 213 FOR SALE Lcaso fir exchange real estate. Gold Ray Realty Company. FOR SALE Alfalfa, grain nnd stoCK ranches from $5.00 por aero up; long kimo, easy payments, ijold Itay Realty Co. tf' FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE I room house and almost V. acre of fine land; 8 fruit trees and berries; sewer in: some furni ture. Price $625. $300 cash. See Layman. 22 S. Fir St. 213 FOR SALE Furnished bungalow; can have K)ssesslon right away. Address Lock Hox 899. 213 FOR SALE House nnd bungalows, ."urnisbed or unfurnished ; also acre age. C. 8. Hul.lerliold. Phone 310. FOR BA L1C MIHCICLLAXEOUS FOR SALE Good 16 In. oak mill iiiiin. znuita wood at $5.00 per tier. Phone orders to 102, Jacksonville. 210 FOR SALE R. I. Red and O. A. C. Rock pullets. Phono 951-L. 215 FOR SALE Old used brick. Holly. H N. 213 FOR SALE Good dry cord wood. W. L. Van lloiiten, Gold Hill. 210 FOR SALE Good tono piano for $150. Palmer Piano House, 231 E. -Main. 214 FOR SALE 50 gallon gasoline tank, Velie hack, seed wheat; will take wood for part payment. Phone 201-Y. tf FOR SALE Stock carrots. JackVon-ville-Central Point road. Call 4U-J-2. noon hour or evening. II. C. Maury. 220 Auditing O Accourvtinj SYSTEM SERVICE ' Itxsuraacc lrwestme.rs f M. I'. Si ll. VI ITT. -Mgr. Phono SSI MlMTly Hbtg. Gold Coin Quartz and Placer Association We buy and sell mliiln pl-ojiertlcft. S-c Temporary Office 20V Llborlr llltlic. Medford V.Y2 By George HE Klri EAT BOT OT OLLY- I'LL ,ktEE THW 1921 by Int'L Feature FOR SAL!" MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE llav and corn. Phone 19-F-21. 210 FOR SALE Avery tractor $150; cream separator $20; Ford car $200. W. .1. Ilnrl.ell, 408-J-l. 21S FOR SALE Fox terrier dog pups $10 each. Female, year old, $5. Fornian, Jacksonville. 215 FOR SALE A nosing .nit sale of nil horses, cattle and farm implements, some good Guernsey heifers and one registered bull, an auction sale of Implements, machinery and tools will he held Saturday 10 a. m., 26th, at SIS S. Oakdale. S. T. Howard. 213 FOR SALE New and second hand goods bought anil sold. Rest cash price paid for old stoves, fiirnlturo or am thing of value nt 30 S. drape St. Phono 1032. 219 FOR SALE Canary birds. Phono SI7-Y. tf FOR SALIC Sand, gravel, sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 912.1, Samuel Unto man, 302 .Maple St. FOR SALE Apples and pears from 50c per box and up, in Medford; at orchard 25c and up. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R or 134-Y. tf FOR SALE Applo cider, Tokay grapb Juice and new oak or fir kegs nt Soda Works. 100 Hnrtlett. Ill'SIXESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY HROS. & VAN VOR1S Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 22 North Central Ave., up stairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete, Ti tle System In Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Instiranco Attorneys PORTER J, XEFF-r-Attonioy-nt-law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Rank Uullding. A. E. REAM ICS Lawyer, office in Liberty Huildlng. O. C. HOGGS Real Entato, law and settlement of estates a spo-jlalty. Office 30 North Contral. WINFIELD It. GAYLORD Lawyer. Room 7 Palm block, 107 East Main St., Medford. 0. M. THOMAS Lawyer. Rooms 1-2- S Jackson Co. Hunk llldg. Medford, Oregon. Phono 4 3-J. Uullding .Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS specialize In all kinds of cement building products Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Chiropractor DR. A. HURKLUND -Chiropractor Special attention to Castro-Intes tinal Diseases Chronic Indigos-. tlon, nnd constipation. These, condl tlons respond readily to the art, sci ouoo and philosophy of chiropractic No drugs, no surgery, no OBteop nthy. Suit 3, 4 and 5 Spurta Bldg. office phone 255. Chiropractic Physician JOUICTT P. BRAY Straight Chiro practic, rooms 425-420 Medford llldg. U to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m., daily except Thursday. Phono 080 DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chlro practlc and Electro-Therapy. 427- 2S Medford Bldg. Phone 963. tf UR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Meclia:io-Therapy, Spon dylotherupy, Food Sciences. Chlro-' practice. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main St. Phones: Office 170, res. 170-.I-2. Dentists DR. VICTOR R. KAUFMAN Dentist. Teeth cleaned, el bleu lly and thor oughly without charge. Special at tention to children's teeth and pyorrhea treatment. Emergency cnlls answered at all times. Office hours 9 u. m. to 5 p. m., evenings 7 to 8. Phones Offico 285 res. 331-R.' Sparta llldg., cor. Riverside and .Main, Medford. i 1 JJ ' ' !f" DR. 11. E. MURPHY Dentist. Lady assistant. Office over WoOlworth'5 . 6ore. V boufl IU, PA0T5 FT 71 McManus HERE. HE DON'T Service. Inc. Ill'SIXESS DIRECTORY Architect FRANK C. CLARK Phono S41-J. -219 W. -Main St. CarMMitcrs nnd lUiIlders ALTERATIONS AND REPAI RING promptly nttended to; built in fea tures a specialty. Furniture built and repaired. Call an Bee Glenn & -Martin. S20 W. 12th St. Tel. 71. Contractor CONTRACTORS No Job too lnrgo or too small. Repair work promptly done. Dullt-ln features a specialty. Call and seo. lla'shcro & Jones, 201 S. Riverside. Phone 457-J. F-xpcrt Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son. C. P. A. Attention given to anything iu Accounting and income Tax requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Lib erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Farm Loans and Bonds FINANCE THE AMERICAN FARMER Applications received for purchase of farm loan bonds and loans to Im prove agricultural conditions. E. H. Hurd, Secy.-Treas., 411 M. F. & H. Bldg., Medford, Oregon. Mosnn Art Rugs MOSAN ART RUG CO. We weave rugs from old enrpots and rugs and cloan all rugs. "Rugs we clean an clean when wo cloan them." 11! W 10th, phono 180. Free delivery. Optometrist K. D. ELWOOD Exclusive: Eyes tested, glasses furnished, lenses dmiMentnrt. HOI W. Mnln Ostcropnttis DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINE CARLOW Osteopathic rhyslclans. 416-417' Domett-Corey Bldg. Phono 901-L. Residence 2( S. Laurel St DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic Physiclun.. Special attention given to oyo, oar, nose and throat. 303 Liberty building. Phono 496. ' Physician and SurBCons T. G. HEINE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose nnd Throat. Glasses scientifically fitted nnd properly adjusted. Office 314-315 Liberty Bldg., cor. Grape nnd Mnln Sts. DR. J. .1. EMMONS Physician and .Surguon. Practice limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Eyes sclen tlfirully tested and glasses sup- I plied. Oculist and AuriBt for S. P. R. R. Co., Medford Bldg, phone 587. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices M. F. & H. Bldg. Phono 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 165-J-2. DR. II. M. SHAW Physician and Sur geon. Eye, ear, noso and throat specialist. Eyes tested, glasses fit ted. OITIce hours 10 a. m. to 12:30 a. in. and 1:30 to 6 p. m. , Room 402 Medford Building. Phono 744-R. tf Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINT UN a CO. has the bost oqulppod printing offico In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, olc. Portland prices, 2 7 N. Fir St. Hoofers GRAHAM & WILSON Practical roofers. Phone 269. 103 E. Elev enth, Medford, Ore. Rut; Weaving .MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-M. 706 Pine St. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 4 2 North Front St. Phone 313. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved day or night. Service guaranteed. 29 S. Uranv Phdno: Office 644 or res. 647-11 or 206. tf Undertakers PERL FUNERAL HOME Cor. Sixth and Oakdalu, Ambulance servtcs, Ptioue 47, , . . . . .